Four-week daily devotional for children in grades 3-4
A division of Word of Life Fellowship, Inc.
Dr. Don Lough Jr. – President & CEO
Jack Wyrtzen & Harry Bollback – Founders
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Writers and Contributors: Amy Bush, Michelle Collins, Tatianne O’Bradovic
Editor: Tatianne O’Bradovic
Curriculum Manager: Don Reichard
Cover Design and Layout: Ottoman Creative Group, Sally Robison
Copyright © 2024 All rights reserved. Published by Word of Life Local Church Ministries. A division of Word of Life Fellowship, Inc. Word of Life creates faith-defining experiences that give students and families the opportunity to encounter God and grow in their relationship with Christ. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America
Introducing your Quiet Time
a special time that you set aside each day to read God’s Word, to get to know Him better, and to learn how He wants you to live. During this time, God speaks to you through His Holy Word, the Bible, and you speak to God through prayer. What an adventure! As a Christian, spending this time in God’s Word every day is very important for you to grow closer to Him.
Your Quiet Time is divided into two sections:
Personal Prayer Diary
A place for you to write your prayer requests and answers to your prayers.
Quiet Time Activity Pages
Each day has a Scripture passage for you to read with an activity to help you understand the truth from God’s Word. It also includes a personal challenge or application.
Hey, Parents! This Quiet Time is a great opportunity for you to have fun together with your child. Here are some tips to help your child get the most out of their time in God’s Word.
• Sit down with your child around the same time each day.
• Gather supplies needed for activities.
• Use the Bible to look up references together.
• Talk through the activity and personal application.
• Encourage your child to use the prayer suggestions in the Pray section and pray with them.
• Complete the week by documenting how many days were completed and writing an encouraging note.
All Word of Life Quiet Times use the same general Scripture passages to help families share what they have learned with each other.
Your Daily Quiet Time
Get a sneak peek into what you will learn about each week.
Each day, read the verses shown from your Bible.
Complete the activity for that day.
Let the prayer statement guide you as you pray each day. You can also write down prayer requests in the front of this Quiet Time. The important thing is to remember to spend time talking to God in prayer.
Israel is the only country in the world that has more trees today than it had 50 years ago.
Jesus talked to Nicodemus about being born again into God’s family.
If you have never been “born again” into God’s family, ask your parents or Olympians leader about what that means and how to do it.
If you already have a spiritual birth, thank God for saving you.
Answer the questions.
Whom does God love?
Whom did God send?
Who won’t be judged?
Who will be judged?
Draw the number of candles that you will need on each cake for each of your birthdays. Remember: GOD LOVES YOU Write
Thank God for loving you.
Things I need for my Quiet Time:
What kind of water did the Samaritan woman need?
Color the marked sections blue to find the answer.
Jesus is the only One who could give her this water.
Jews and Samaritans didn’t get along because they thought they were different from each other. Do something kind for someone even if they seem different from you.
My Personal Prayer Diary
Spend time with God through prayer.
Keeping a Personal Prayer Diary is a great way to remind yourself to pray for specific people and things. It also reminds you to thank God and to tell others when He answers your prayers.
Ask God to help you to be more obedient and get along with others, so you can become the person He wants you to be. Your prayer time could include praying for friends and family, especially those who don’t know Jesus as their Savior.
As you learn about missionaries who serve the Lord around the world, you can pray for them, too.
Some of your prayer time should be used to thank and praise God.
Thank Him for sending Jesus to die on the cross for your sins. You can thank Him for things like your family, home, friends, and church, and for creating the beautiful world we live in.
Just like your best friend, God wants to hear what you’re thinking and feeling. You can talk to Him about anything that’s on your heart. God created you. He knows you better than anyone else. Prayer is the chance you have to talk to the person who loves you the most.
Prayer Requests
I am thankful to God for...
I praise God for...
Prayer Requests
I am thankful to God for...
I praise God for...
Israel is the only country in the world that has more trees today than it had 50 years ago.
JOHN 3:13-21
Answer the questions.
Whom does God love?
Whom did God send?
Who won’t be judged?
Who will be judged?
JOHN 3:1-7
Jesus talked to Nicodemus about being born again into God’s family.
Draw the number of candles that you will need on each cake for each of your birthdays.
If you have never been “born again” into God’s family, ask your parents or Olympians leader about what that means and how to do it.
If you already have a spiritual birth, thank God for saving you.
JOHN 4:1-15
What kind of water did the Samaritan woman need?
Color the marked sections blue to find the answer.
Jesus is the only One who could give her this water.
Remember: GOD LOVES YOU Write GOD LOVES ME on a piece of paper and place it somewhere you can see it daily, so you won’t forget this truth.
Thank God for loving you.
Jews and Samaritans didn’t get along because they thought they were different from each other. Do something kind for someone even if they seem different from you.
A Scary
Sea Story
JOHN 6:15-21
JOHN 6:35 Unscramble
Who got in the boat (vv. 16-17)?
What was the weather like (v. 18)?
What made the disciples afraid (v. 19)?
Jesus called Himself the
What are you afraid of? God is bigger than anything you could be afraid of. ___________________
Ask God to help you with that.
What hunger and thirst is Jesus talking about?
Do you know Jesus personally? If not, talk to your parents or an Olympians leader about it.
JOHN 7:37-39
To find out who Jesus said they would receive, color the marked sections.
To Whom should they go if they are thirsty?
Jesus had to leave so that the Holy Spirit could come. The Spirit is here to empower all believers while they’re on earth.
Thank God for the Holy Spirit.
JOHN 8:1-11
Cross out the wrong answers.
1. The religious leaders were more interested in a. the woman’s sin. b. tricking Jesus.
2. Jesus a. wrote on the ground. b. told them a story.
3. The first ones to leave were a. the older ones. b. the younger ones.
4. Jesus a. told the woman to leave and not sin. b. judged the woman.
God must punish sin, but Jesus showed this woman mercy. How can you show mercy to someone today?
Melchizedek was also mentioned in the Book of Psalms. The last five letters from the word Jerusalem spell out the name of Melchizedek’s town, Salem.
JOHN 9:13-23
JOHN 9:1-12
How long had the man been blind?
Answer the following questions.
1. What day of the week did Jesus heal the man? ____________________________
2. What did Jesus put on the blind man’s eyes?
3. The Pharisees called Jesus a sinner. The blind man called him a _______________.
4. The Pharisees didn’t believe the man so they asked his _____________________.
Try getting dressed, eating a meal, or writing your name while wearing a blindfold or keeping your eyes closed. Thank God for your eyes.
Whose sin did the disciples say had caused this man to be blind (v. 2)?
Circle your answer(s).
his parents’ his own the Jews’
The real reason for this man’s blindness was to show the ______________ of
God can do AMAZING things. What is something amazing you’ve seen recently that reminded you of God? Thank Him for that.
DAY 10
Finish the verses below.
I am the
JOHN 10:9-11
I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd
Jesus said that a good shepherd gives his life for his sheep. Then, He called Himself the Good Shepherd. Thank Jesus for dying for you.
DAY 11
DAY 11
JOHN 10:14-16
JOHN 10:14-16
To find out who are Jesus’ sheep, put the outlined letters in the same shaped spaces.
Write T (true) or F (false):
Jesus doesn’t know His sheep.
Jesus’ sheep hears His voice.
Jesus’ sheep follows Him.
Jesus’ sheep will perish.
No one can snatch Jesus’ sheep out of His hand or His father’s hand.
Jesus and God are one.
Is Jesus your shepherd? If not, today is a good day to ask Him to become your shepherd. Talk to a parent/guardian or Olympians leader about that. If Jesus is your shepherd, thank Him for it.
DAY 13
JOHN 11:1-13
If you are one of Jesus’ sheep, the Bible says that you have eternal life with Him. This is AWESOME! Praise Jesus for being your shepherd.
Jesus called Himself the: (v. 25) resurrection and the death resurrection and the life birth and the death Whoever believes in Him: (v. 26) will never die will be lost will not live GET STARTED
JOHN 11:25-27
Martha believed that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God. Do you believe that? Yes No Thank God for His son, Jesus Christ.
Israel’s Dead Sea is the lowest place on earth and is 8.6 times saltier than the ocean.
JOHN 11:38-44
Unscramble the letters to answer the questions.
Where was Lazarus buried? EVAC
What was lying at the entrance where Lazarus was buried?
Lazarus had been dead days. OURF
Jesus said, “Lazarus, forth (out)!” MOCE
DAY 15
JOHN 11:30-37
Circle the sentence that describes what Jesus did after He spoke to Mary.
What did the Jews say after seeing Jesus weeping (crying)? (v. 36)
Christians will be able to see their loved ones again in Heaven. Who are you looking forward to seeing when you get to Heaven? _______
Thank God for Heaven.
DAY 17
JOHN 12:24-26
Color the picture of nature that Jesus used to teach the people how they must live.
Do you get upset or scared when you think about death or dying? If so, talk to your parents or pastor. Ask God to help you in this area.
Jesus said that God will honor those that serve Him. Will you serve Jesus today? Yes No How? .
JOHN 12:44-47
Write the colored letters on their matching colored lines.
Jesus came to the world as light, so whoever believes in Him should not live in darkness. If you know Jesus personally, you are no longer in darkness. Praise Him for that.
DAY 20
JOHN 14:16-17
Have you ever gotten lost before? YES NO
Was it scary? YES NO
Did you like being all alone? YES NO
Who did Jesus promise to send to us and will be with us forever? Who will be sent (v. 16)?
Where will He live (dwell) (v. 17)?
DAY 19
Jesus never wanted His followers to have that all alone feeling when He went back to Heaven. So in the passage today He made a promise to send us the Holy Spirit. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you in times you feel afraid.
JOHN 14:5-6
Write the letter that comes before the one listed.
Underline John 14:6 in your Bible and memorize it. Thank Jesus for being the way, the truth and the life.
DAY 21
Draw two pictures.
JOHN 15:5-6
One picture should show what happens to the branch that abides (remains) in Christ (v. 5). The other picture should show what happens to the branch that doesn’t abide (remain) in Christ (v. 6).
Branch That Abides (Remains)
Branch That Doesn’t Abide (Remain)
What kind of branch are you? Are you abiding (remaining) in Jesus? What kinds of fruits do you have?
It was common for the host to provide water so his guests could wash their own feet, or he would have his slave do it. The host would never wash the feet of his guests.
What did Jesus call the Holy Spirit in verse 7? Comforter Helper Advocate
Who did Jesus promise to send after He left? Holy Spirit Your best friend Your grandmother
What did Jesus say the Holy Spirit would do? Convict the world Prove the world Reprove the world
Answer the questions based on the passage.
Write four things that the soldiers did to Jesus (vv. 1-3).
What name does Jesus call the Holy Spirit?
How do you need help or comfort?
Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help comfort you.
Did Pilate really think that Jesus was guilty?
NO Who wanted Jesus crucified?
JOHN 20:1-10
Peter and John (the other disciple) ran to the tomb. Help them find the right path.
Who got to the tomb first? ______________
After Jesus died, His friends missed Him and didn’t know about His resurrection. Thank God for raising Jesus from the dead.
JOHN 20:11-18 Find the words in the word search.
DAY 27
JOHN 20:19-23
Mary of Magdalene saw the risen Jesus and didn’t keep that to herself; she went and told the rest of the disciples! Can you also share with someone about your risen Savior (Jesus)? Yes No Who are you going to share with?
DAY 28
JOHN 21:15-19
1. How many times did Jesus ask Peter, “Do you love me?” 1 2 3 5
2. In verse 18 Jesus told Peter: where to live how to be a shepherd how he would die
3. In verse 19 Jesus told Peter: “Follow John.” “Follow me.” “Follow your heart.”
The Gospels were written so people could believe that Jesus was the Messiah and through believing, they may have life in His name. Do you believe? Thank Jesus for giving you life.
Peter was asked three times if he loved Jesus. How about you – do you love Jesus? If you do, tell Him right now how much you love Him.