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Ruidoso Map

The Texas Alcohol Beverage Commission (TABC) maintains a map of wet/dry areas. Over time, Texas has been getting “wetter.” In 1986, there were 62 completely dry counties. That number dropped to 35 completely dry counties in 2003. As of August 2021, there were just 5 completely dry counties, 60 completely wet counties in Texas, and 189 partially wet counties. Counties are “partially wet” when there are one or more parts of the jurisdiction in which a particular type of beverage sale is legal, but there are other parts in that jurisdiction where that type of sale is not legal.

Lubbock Fire Rescue burn building completion

The new burn building for Lubbock Fire Rescue is complete.

The 4-story multi-function training prop was made possible under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). ARPA funds were disbursed across the country to provide government entities strategic investments in long-term assets.

The new addition to the Lubbock Fire Rescue Training Field will allow a new and enhanced training experience for current and new firefighters.

The burn building features

• 4-story fire training tower, a 2-story residential/industrial unit and a 1-story annex. Approximately 5,000 sq.ft. total

• Two-story interior stair, four-story interior stair, five-story exterior intermediate stair

• Gable roof, 5/12 and 9/12 un-equal pitch on half of roof with perimeter welded guardrail

• Four-story galvanized standpipe with FDC and two-head sprinkler run

• 6 burn rooms protected with Padgenite Super HD burn liner system

• 2 forcible entry doors, 2 forcible entry windows

• Breachable floor/ceiling and breachable wall attic burn area system

• Temperature monitoring system

• Rappelling anchors on the roof

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