Volume 27, Number 6
June 2015
24 Pages
Lubbock, Texas 79401
D-Day Commemoration at Silent Wings Museum C-47 Southern Cross flies in weather permitting Salvation Army will provide donuts & coffee U.S. 1st Infantry Division Living History Group available Vintage military vehicles courtesy of Ricky’s Auto Repair Self-Guided Tours Educational Children’s Activities (available all day) 10:30 a.m. Showing of Documentary, D-Day Re- “Larry Wilmot: Japan – Ancient to Modern.” Local photographer, Larry Wilmot, will The Silent Wings Museum membered (replays every share a selection of images from his brief sojourn to Japan in 2014, highlighting the contrast between traditional practices and contemporary society. This exhibiin Lubbock, will commemo- hour) tion goes from the Ancient Temples and Shrines to the most modern elements of rate the 71st anniversary of June 7 the country. “Larry Wilmot: Japan – Ancient to Modern” will be on display in the D-Day on June 6 and 7 with Open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Foyer Gallery of the Buddy Holly Center, 1801 Crickets Ave., from June 5 to July 5. a free two-day event honor10 a.m. Museum opens to the ing the sacrifices made by the public Salvation Army will provide Allied forces on the shores of donuts & coffee Normandy, France, during a U.S. 1st Infantry Division critical moment in the War in Bring blankets, lawn chairs, and picFlag Day - June 14 Living History Group available Europe. nics to Wagner Park, and listen to the Vintage military vehicles Father’s Day - June 21 There will be opportunities courtesy of Ricky’s Auto Repair Westwind Brass Band every Sunday to view the documentary DHurricane Season Begins Self-Guided Tours evening at 8 p.m. beginning June 7. Day Remembered, Greatest First day of Summer - June 21 Educational Children’s Additional concerts will be held at Generation’s C-47, Southern Activities (available all day) 8 p.m. on June 14, 21, and 28, and on Cross, Commemorative Air 10:30 a.m. Showing of July 5, 12 and 19. Force’s C-60, Good Time Gal, Documentary, D-Day ReEnjoy these free concerts and experiand military vehicles. membered (replays every ence music under the West Texas sky in Post Art Show, June 12, 13 ....... 2 June 6 hour) this neighborhood park. Summer Stampede, June 20 ..... 3 Open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 3 p.m. C-47 Southern The Westwind Brass Band is comBring back Sunday dinner ....... 10 10 a.m. Museum opens to Cross departs mitted to bringing music to the people the public Johnnie Hall − a Hero ............. 12 4 p.m. C-60 Good Time of Lubbock every summer. th C-60 Good Time Gal flies Gal departs Wagner Park is located at 26 Street Summer Showcase .................. 19 in weather permitting and Flint Avenue.
Sunday Concerts at Wagner Park
In June
Page 2 • June 2015 • Golden Gazette
Area foster children need your help The South Plains region has one of the highest per capita rates of child abuse
and neglect at double the state the foster care system they average. often move from placement to Once these children enter placement with nothing more than a trash bag to carry their belongings. South Plains Electric Cooperative and CASA of the South Plains have partnered to provide Summer Survival Kit travel bags to children in foster care. CASA needs community volunteers to help stuff the travel bags with toiletries, books, toys, and other items. CASA will host this volunteer event at its office, #24 Briercroft Office Park, from 10 to 11 a.m. Saturday, June 13. This is a tremendous opportunity for volunteers to help make a positive difference in the lives of foster children in the South Plains and learn more about what it means to be a Court Appointed Special Advocate, or CASA. To sign up, RSVP to Amanda Norfleet by Friday, June 12 at 806-763-2272 or via email to amandan@lubbockcasa.org. “Moving from placement to placement greatly increases the level of stress that foster children are already enduring,” said Jennie Hill, executive director for CASA of the South Plains. “Having a personal travel bag provides a sense of ownership and dignity that all children deserve,” Refreshments will be provided. All attendees will be entered to win a special door prize that includes a $20 gift certificate to Rosa’s Café.
Post Art Show set for June The Post Art Guild will be hosting its 51st Arts on Main Street show in June. Exhibit hours are from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. June 12, and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 13. The show will close June 13 with an awards presentation at 4 p.m. Entries can be delivered to the Post Community Center at 129 W. Main St. from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. June 10, or from 9 a.m. to noon June 11. All entries must be ready for hanging or display. Entry fees are $7 per entry, $5 for members; $5 for students 18 and younger; and $3 for miniatures, 5x7 or less. No class work, kits, wet paint, or works deemed in poor taste will be accepted. The entries will remain on exhibit until sold or until the
show closes. Post Art Guild receives 25 percent on all art sales. Ribbons and cash prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in various categories. Categories will include Framed Art in all Media, Framed Photography, Clay, Sculpture, Graphics, Jewelry, Metal Art, Quilting and Other Media. The Best of Show award winner will receive $250. Judging will take place at 1 p.m. June 11. Local artists of all ages and experience levels are encouraged to enter their work to the art show. More information is available at www.postartguild.org or by contacting Sheri Overstreet at 495-3493 or Linda Puckett at 495-2207.
Golden Gazette • June 2015 • Page 3
National Ranching Heritage Center to host Summer Stampede, June 20
More than 30 western artists will attend the Summer Stampede on June 20 at the National Ranching Heritage Center, 3121 Fourth St. A western art and gear show will be followed by an evening of dining and western swing dancing. Participants can meet the artists as well as view and purchase artwork and western gear beginning at 5 p.m. June 20 in the museum galleries. Dinner will be served at 7 p.m., and Jake Hooker and the Outsiders will provide music for dancing on the patio.
Limited tickets are available and must be purchased in advance from the Ranching Heritage Association website. The cost is $75 for the general public and $65 Western artists and gear makers featured at the event will include Russell Yates, Baru Spiller, Edgar Sotelo, Peter Robbins, T.K. Riddle, Laddan Ledbetter, Matt Humphreys, David Griffin, Tyler Crow, Bob Moline, Doug Clark, Wilson Capron, Mike Capron, Teal Blake, Buckeye Blake, Mary Baxter, Billy Klapper, Bruce Greene, Janeil Anderson, Brian Asher, Wayne Baize, Early Settlers Mary Ross Buchholz, Kim Luncheon moves Mackey, Jan Mapes, Mejo Jason Scull, Garland to Mackenzie Park Okon, Weeks, Randy Butters, MiLubbock’s 4th of July events chael Tittor, Stewart Williamwill be in Mackenzie Park this son and Mark Kohler. year. The Early Settlers Luncheon will be inside the American Wind Power Center. Luncheon tickets will also serve as a pass to view the museum. The featured speaker at this year’s Early Settlers Luncheon is Rosa Latimer, author of “Harvey Houses of Texas: Historic Hospitality from the Gulf Coast to the Panhandle.” Rosa will discuss the fascinating story the Harvey Houses played in the opening of the west on the eve of the turn of the 20th century. For ticket information, call 775-8760. Why are a “wise man” and a “wise guy” opposites? Why do “overlook” and “oversee” mean opposite things?
These are not trick questions. They are straight questions with straight answers. 1. Name the one sport in which neither the spectators nor the participants know the score or the leader until the contest ends. 2. What famous North American landmark is constantly moving backward? 3. Of all vegetables, only two can live to produce on their own for several growing seasons. All other vegetables must be replanted every year. What are the only two perennial vegetables? 4. What fruit has its seeds on the outside? 5. In many liquor stores, you can buy pear brandy, with a real pear inside the bottle. The pear is whole and ripe, and the bottle is genuine; it hasn’t been cut in any way.
How did the pear get inside the bottle? 6. Only three words in standard English begin with the letters ‘ dw,’ and they are all common words. Name two. 7. There are 14 punctuation marks in English grammar. Can you name at least half of them? 8. Name the only vegetable or fruit that is never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any other form except fresh. 9. Name 6 or more things that you can wear on your feet beginning with the letter ‘S.’ Answers: 1. Boxing. 2. Niagara Falls. The rim is worn down about two and a half feet each year because of the millions of gallons of water that rush over it every minute.
3. Asparagus and rhubarb. 4. Strawberry. 5. It grew inside the bottle. The bottles are placed over pear buds when they are small, and are wired in place on the tree. The bottle is left in place for the entire growing season. When the pears are ripe, they are snipped off at the stems. 6. dw: dwarf, dwell and dwindle. 7. Fourteen punctuation marks in English grammar: period, comma, colon, semicolon, dash, hyphen, apostrophe, question mark, exclamation point, quotation mark, brackets, parenthesis, braces, and ellipses. 8. Lettuce. 9. Shoes, socks, sandals, sneakers, slippers, skis, skates, snowshoes, stockings, stilts.
Page 4 • June 2015 • Golden Gazette
The sale of self-help books has soared since the year 2006 when sales reached $9 billion. In 2013, sales were expected to exceed $13 billion. Market researchers expect the market to grow at least 8% per year in the foreseeable future. The endless pages offering advice on “how to improve one’s life,” however, do not seem to be making a dent in solving man’s most basic problem: a sinful nature. David offered an alternative to “self-help.” He wisely encouraged us to turn to “God-help.” “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this. He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noon day sun!” Confident living, for the Christian, really has a very simple formula: first commit and then trust. Commit, on one hand, means that we are “to completely and unreservedly rely
Seeds of Hope tive?” Is the “meek” person one who has no expectations or goals in life? Have you ever seen an ad in the classified section of a newspaper where an insurance company is searching for sale people that says, “Only the meek should apply?” David said, “The meek will inherit the land.” And Jesus said, “Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth.” Who are these “meek” people anyway? Is there any way we can recognize them? Yes, there is, according to Scripture. The “meek” are the ones who are the opposites of the “know-it-all” or possess The meek a “false-pride.” The know-italls are the proud and believe shall inherit Who are the “meek” who that worldly might and power are an end in themselves. will “inherit the earth?” They present themselves Are they the ones we would classify as weak? as the ultimate resource of all Would they fall into a special knowledge, wisdom, insight category labeled “non-asser- and understanding. They in and on Him.” He is not only our Savior but the Lord of our lives. Trust, on the other hand, means that we have a live and vibrant expectation that He alone is capable of leading, guiding, guarding and directing each step in our lives. We look in His Word to find His way. Committing and trusting in Him alone allows us to move from self-help to God-help. And the result will be obvious to us and others. We will radiate the righteousness of God by living a life that reflects His beauty and holiness. There is also the “integrity” element in our lives.
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GUIDO EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION consider themselves to be worldly-wise. It is those who think they are the “light of the world” - not Jesus. In God’s Word, however a truly “meek” person is one whose goal is to know Christ and make Him known. We become meek when we are willing to have God alter every detail of our lives by surrendering to the teachings of God’s Word and desiring to honor Him alone. When it comes to weakness, our “meekness” will allow us to become “weak” in the hands of God. Then He can shape us into becoming who He would have us to be.
First steps
Watching a child take his or her first steps is a marvelous sight to behold. Pictures are taken, memories created and lives changed. Recently a mother and father brought their infant son to the Garden for his first steps. After finding the “perfect” location for this historic event, the father gently placed his hands under the child’s arms. As the child looked down at his tiny feet and with
uncertainty began to toddle forward, the father relaxed his grip. Slowly, as the child began to walk on his own, he removed his hands completely. After a few staggering and uncertain steps the little fellow began to carry his weight on his own two feet. The parents were thrilled! Suddenly, the child lost his balance and fell to the ground. Rushing to pick him up the father smiled, hugged him and encouraged him to try again. There was no scolding nor rejection for falling down. Rather, the father lifted him, dried his tears and helped him to begin again. How like our Heavenly Father. If the Lord is delighted in the way we walk - even though we fall - He will come to our rescue, lift us up and “make our steps firm.” As long as we do our part to walk in His ways, He will do His part to give us the stability to “move on.” When we fall, He does not consider us a failure He lovingly lifts us up, tenderly dries our tears, and then carefully watches over us as we struggle to walk in His ways. He will never leave us nor forsake us if we fall.
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Three boys were in the school yard bragging about their fathers. The first boy says, ‘My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a poem, and they give him $50.’ The second boy says, ‘That’s nothing. My Dad scribbles a few words on piece of paper, he calls it a song, and they give him $100.’ The third boy says, ‘I got you both beat. My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a sermon, and it takes eight people to collect all the money! A police recruit was asked during the exam, ‘What would you do if you had to arrest your own mother?’ He answered, ‘Call for backup.’
Golden Gazette • June 2015 • Page 5
Great food for a mini-reunion weekend – German sausage
This column is a bit different from the others because it promotes a new food item now available in Lubbock. I recently read about this item in the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal and decided to make it the center of attention for a mini-family reunion held in April. I’m talking about Klemke’s German Sausage now sold at Drug Emporium on 82nd St. & Slide Rd. It’s absolutely delicious! My family wanted to try it for Easter instead of ham and decided it would be perfect to serve when our out-of-state family members arrived in town. It was a gigantic hit. Most everyone has heard of St. Joseph’s Sausage Festival held in the fall every year in our neighboring city of Slaton. This sausage has become so popular that a bakery in Slaton is distributing the product in Lubbock. So far Drug Emporium is the first location for availability; however, more are in the planning stages. The sausage is packed in A little girl, dressed in her Sunday best, was running as fast as she could, trying not to be late for Bible class. As she ran she prayed, ‘Dear Lord, please don’t let me be late! Dear Lord, please don’t let me be late!’ While she was running and praying, she tripped on a curb and fell, getting her clothes dirty and tearing her dress. She got up, brushed herself off, and started running again! As she ran she once again began to pray, ‘Dear Lord, please don’t let me be late. But please don’t shove me either!’
1 lb. packages with five links per package. There are two flavors – jalapeno or regular and sold for $4.99 a package. I chose the regular. Now folks, I’m going to share with you my favorite recipe for preparing this sausage. First, a great accomplishment, of course, is sauerkraut. I always purchase Clausen’s brand found in the refrigerated area of the grocery stores. It has the best fresh taste I’ve found. I drain and rinse the brine from the kraut. I then add apple cider, cooked chopped apples, and dill seed. The dill seed used is what is harvested from the dill grown in my garden every year. It’s not only used for my seasoning, but also used to plant the next season’s crop. To feed the crowd of 10, I used 3 jars of kraut, four large apples - peeled, chopped and cooked in the “nuker” - approximately 4 cups of cider and 30 links (six packages) of sausage.
I grilled all the links outside on my grill, then sliced them in 1” pieces. In one of those turkeysized throw-away roaster pans, I dumped everything – sausage, kraut, apples, cider, a generous sprinkling of dill seed, then stirred all ingredients until well-coated with the cider; making sure the sausage was combined and evenly distributed. At serving time it was reheated in the oven at 325 degrees until good and hot. Yes, we had plenty of YUMMY leftovers – even better the next day. The rest of the dinner consisted of my Italian potato salad (my Grandma J’s recipe), BBQ green beans – “plagiarized” from Miller’s BBQ recipe in San Antonio – and strawberry cake topped with glazed fresh strawberries for dessert. Our out-of-state family members who visited included our daughter and husband from Arizona, my husband’s two brothers, one from Ohio, the other from the D.C. area.
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This was the first time in more than 25 years all three brothers were in the same place and time together. The night before departure, brother treated everyone including two friends and our oldest grandson, wife, and our two precious great grandchildren to a fabulous dinner at the Italian Garden on 13th St. I’ve already written about that great place. It was a fantastic week-
end, and more importantly it proves that any family time is to be treasured. Time passes quickly and waits for no one. Happy Father’s Day to all the dads and grandads. Granny P.S. Our oldest daughter, whom I accompanied last year to San Antonio, said, “Mom, you nailed it,” concerning the BBQ green beans. Recipe at a later date.
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Page 6 • June 2015 • Golden Gazette
5 questions to ask before you buy mom a furry friend to love
Ongoing research seeks to pinpoint the therapeutic benefits of pet ownership (such as reduced blood pressure), but we don’t really need science to tell us about the many ways pets can enhance our lives. They offer a furry shoulder to cry on and unconditional love. They offer amusement and loyal companionship. More than 66 million American and 7.5 million Canadian households own a pet. Pet ownership can hold real benefits for seniors, too. Sandra shared in the online Remember for Alzheimer’s Facebook community. “My husband is in advanced Alzheimer’s. We have a cocker spaniel, 6 years old, who we have had since she was eight weeks old. “My hubby loves this dog
to no end. Sadly, he cannot remember her name now, but he is still her best friend. They sit in the same recliner all day long.” Pets may also provide comfort to caregivers, as Mona described. “My mom has Alzheimer’s, end stages. She stays at home and my dad, myself and a couple of others take care of her. “My dad got a dog in November, and loves him so much. He treats him like his son. “His dog Archie loves my dad. Helps my dad not to be lonely, when I’m not there.” Of course, pet ownership may not be appropriate for every senior. Here are five questions to consider before bringing a pet into your loved one’s life.
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1. Is anyone allergic? It’s hard to enjoy a pet if it makes you sneeze, break out in a skin rash or suffer an asthma attack. That’s why it’s important to rule out any medical reasons for not getting a pet. First make sure your loved one has no allergies to pet dander. Next, poll everyone who provides care for your loved one to see if they have pet allergy issues. If anyone is allergic, then you should probably avoid getting a pet. Despite the popular term “hypoallergenic pet,” you need to realize that technically there is no such thing as an allergy-free animal. 2. Who will care for Fido? Caring for a pet can provide a senior loved one with a real sense of purpose. No longer is your family member only a care-receiver; now he or she can be a caregiver, too. But not all seniors may be able to take care of a pet on a daily basis. Be sure to take into account their ability to meet its needs—now and in the future. Will your loved one remember to feed and water the animal? Will he or she be able to walk the dog twice a day? If physical or cognitive decline renders your senior family member unable to care for the pet, who will step in to help? If you think you eventually may need to remove the pet from the home, realize it can be an emotionally wrenching experience for both your family member and the animal.
3. What breed makes the best couch potato? Companionship represents one of the greatest benefits of pets for seniors. Simply having a warm body to hug, stroke and love can keep a senior calm and congenial. For this reason, you probably want to avoid getting a high-strung or high-energy dog or cat. Instead, opt for animals that exhibit an easygoing temperament. Some dog breeds, such as golden retrievers, are known for their laid-back nature. And sedate, elderly cats can be hard for shelters to adopt out, creating a win for both your loved one and the kitty. Consider choosing an animal that will be happy to sit quietly and snuggle with your loved one for hours on end. 4. Are you a cuddler? Golden retrievers may be couch potatoes, but they’re not lap dogs. If your senior family member wants a pet that can be held and cuddled, be sure to get one of an appropriate size. And if bathing and groomAt Sunday School they were teaching how God created everything, including human beings. Little Johnny seemed especially intent when they told him how Eve was created out of one of Adam’s ribs. Later in the week his mother noticed him lying down as though he were ill, and she said, ‘Johnny, what is the matter?’ Little Johnny responded, ‘I have pain in my side. I think I’m going to have a wife.’
ing the pet won’t be an issue for you or your loved one, you might consider choosing a breed with longer, silkier hair. These animals can be a delight to touch and hug. 5. Who will choose the new pet? It can be hard to cope with the loss of physical function or the cognitive decline that often accompany aging. Seniors often report feeling depressed when they become dependent on others for their care. Having a pet to take care of can help a senior feel needed again. To start that journey to restored purpose, let your family member choose the pet instead of surprising them with a dog or cat as a gift. Allowing your loved one to pick out the new pet confers a sense of control and decisionmaking power they may be lacking in other areas of their life. Take a trip to the shelter together and let your senior relative meet a selection of animals to see how they interact. If you’re concerned about your loved one’s decisionmaking ability, call the shelter ahead of time and tell them what types of pets you’re looking for. That way, your family member will interact with a pre-screened group that meets your criteria. A furry family member can be a valuable part of your caregiving team. They offer boundless, unconditional love, lend a non-judgmental ear when you need to vent, and can provide an amusing distraction with their antics. -- CaregiverStress.com
Golden Gazette • June 2015 • Page 7
5 creative ways to gain cooperation from a person with dementia Nearly all people experience some form of cognitive decline later in life. Cognitive decline can cause memory impairment and loss of the ability to reason, according to the University of California’s Berkeley Wellness newsletter. This may explain why elderly parents or other loved ones can become increasingly stubborn as they age. Of course, older people can become stubborn for a variety of other reasons as well -- like simply being set in their ways. That stubbornness can do more than cause caregiver frustration, however. In certain situations, it can even lead to non-compliance with doctor’s orders. A study conducted for the Prevent Senior Hospitalizations program by Home Instead, Inc., cited unwillingness to change as a top cause for not following doctors’ orders. So how can you overcome your loved one’s constant refrain of “no”? Try these practical tips to gain cooperation and reduce your feelings of caregiver stress.
5 Creative Ways to Turn a No into a Yes 1. Be willing to compromise. If your loved one won’t shower, will he or she at least agree to a sponge bath? What about washing the hair? What about simply washing the hands before eating? Sometimes compromise leads directly to a “yes.” 2. Don’t be afraid to use bribery. Sometimes adult caregivers can view their elderly parents’ uncooperativeness as a type of temper tantrum. Realize this is not the case. Small children possess the ability to reason, which is why you don’t want to reward a tantrum. However, cognitive decline can lead to an inability to reason effectively. That’s why reward systems are A-OK when trying to elicit cooperation from an older adult. When you make a request you expect will be met with resistance, try adding a reward to it. You may be surprised to discover how eager your loved one is to please you when they think they’re getting something out of it. 3. Use the ‘three tries’ rule.
Your glass is half full Dr. Norman Vincent Peale was famous for his focus on positive thinking as a path to success in life. Researchers at the University of Illinois say it is heart healthy, as well, according to the Association of Mature American Citizens. Professor Rosalba Hernandez said individuals with the highest levels of optimism have twice the odds of being in ideal cardiovascular health compared to their more pessimistic counterparts. The answer: smile more as we go about our daily chores and surround ourselves with friends and family who have a sunny attitude.
The Home Instead Senior Care network trains its professional caregivers to try three times in three different ways to turn a no into a yes. Ask your loved one to do something: “Mom, let’s work on a jigsaw puzzle.” If she declines, wait a while, then ask again with additional information from her life story: “Mom, can you help me with this jigsaw puzzle? I’m stuck, and you’ve always been good at this.” If she declines again, use physical touch, and offer a reward for complying: Take her hand and look her in the eye. Say, “Mom, can you help me with this jigsaw puzzle? You’ve always been so good at this. If we can get just three pieces into place, let’s reward ourselves with some ice cream.” 4. Don’t take the no personally. Understand that a ‘no’ is not a rejection of you. In people experiencing cognitive decline, ‘no’ may represent a loss of memory and the ability to use good judgment. Asking your parent to take a shower may seem like a perfectly reasonable request to you, but your loved one may be thinking, “I just took a shower earlier this morning. Why on earth would I want to take one again? No!” 5. Make it easy to cooperate by offering choices. It’s easy to say ‘no’ to requests that seem unilateral: “Eat your lunch right now. I went to a lot of work to prepare this delicious food.” It’s easier to say ‘yes’ when you’re given a choice: “Would you like to eat lunch at 11:30 or at noon? Would
you prefer tuna sandwiches or egg salad?” Unilateral: “Take this pill right now. It’s time.” Choice: “The doctor said to take this pill with your lunch. Do you prefer to take it before you eat or after?” Remember: A lack of cooperation is not the end of the world. It’s easy to get so invested in the power struggle that you lose sight of the overall goal If you’re aiming for 100 percent cooperation and com-
pliance from a stubborn parent or spouse, maybe you need to revise your expectations. The world will not end if someone refuses to shower today (or even for two or three days). By setting reasonable expectations and using tricks to foster cooperation, you can reduce the stress you feel as a caregiver each time you hear the word ‘no.’ -- www.caregiverstress. com
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Page 8 • June 2015 • Golden Gazette
Why do we sing “Take me out to the ball game” when we are already there?
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May your ‘What ifs’ bring you peace, comfort and precious memories By Margaret Merrell For most of my adult life, I have used my birthday as the beginning of my New Year, rather than the first day of the January. It was a time of close scrutiny of my life over the past year. I addressed the decisions I had made and the results of those decisions along with the “what ifs.” What if I had done this or that or said something differently. My “what ifs” were aids for me to see and even understand more clearly myself and my actions, and hopefully learn from the past for the future. Evaluating the overall worthiness of my actions the past year and setting goals for my oncoming new year are valuable tools for keeping my life happy and in balance. I nestled amid the soft cushions of my old recliner/ rocker that waited for me, like an old friend, near the opened door to the patio. The welcome rain dripped from the roof onto the cement. A distinct rhythm formed
as the falling raindrops fell, some making spattering sounds while the larger ones rushed down with loud “swooshes.” It came quite naturally to time my rocking to the cadence of the little drum corps just a few feet away and let my mind slip into a half asleep state. One of my most precious memories gently made its way from my past to my present. My first outdoor adventure with my dear husband found us seeking shelter from the rain high in the Rocky Mountains. The rain was pelting our new blue tent, yet to me, it was playing little rat-at-tat tunes that I hummed along with in harmony. The cold mountain air was intensified by the rain, causing us to snuggle into our king size sleeping bag only to discover Twinkle Toes, our Bassett Hound, had already claimed her warm spot ahead of us. I am sure our laughter
March was when our son celebrated his 17th birthday, and we got him an iPhone. He just loved it. I celebrated my birthday in July, and my wife made me very happy when she bought me an iPad. Our daughter’s birthday was in August, so we got her an iPod Touch. My wife celebrated her birthday in September, so I got her an iRon. It was around then that the fight started. What my wife failed to recognize is that the iRon can be integrated into the home network with the iWash, iCook and iClean. This inevitably activates the iNag reminder service. I should be out of the hospital next week. iHurt.
reached beyond the walls of the tent! Those happy and precious moments I would hold forever in my heart. The sudden explosive crack of thunder rudely yanked me back to the present. The strong wind was in control of the falling rain. The little drummers were washed away, and the pastoral tranquility was shattered. Quickly retreating deeper into my friendly chair, I realized my time of inner reflection and evaluation was totally blown away by the sudden storm. That special moment was gone. All of the “what ifs” would be returned to their proper files to wait for another time. May your “what ifs” bring you peace and comfort and precious memories.
1310 Ave. Q • Lubbock,TX 79401 806-744-2220 • 806-744-2225 Fax GOLDEN GAZETTE is published monthly by Word Publications, 1310 Ave. Q, Lubbock, TX 79401. News items, letters to the editor, photographs, and other items may be submitted for publication. All letters must include the writer’s name, address and telephone number. Letters may be edited. Advertising rates are available upon request. For a subscription, send a check to Golden Gazette for $24 for one-year, or $48 for two-years. Staff: Jo Anne Corbet, Bené Cornett, Don Cotten, George Dawson, Mary Ann Edwards, Mike Lankford, Gary McDonald, Cathy Mottet, Cary Swinney, Carole Taff Contributing writers: Dr. Elva Edwards, Joan Blackmon, Margaret Merrell, Doris Akers, W.E. Reinka, James K. White Contributing jokester: Calva Ledbetter View the Gazette online at: www.wordpub.com
Golden Gazette • June 2015 • Page 9
Vision loss can be traumatic health problem Losing your vision can feel a little like the world is closing in on you. For many seniors with vision loss, this feeling is often actualized with a diminished ability to engage in daily activities, such as preparing a meal or using the telephone that most of us take for granted. Vision loss is a major contributor to disability, the loss of independence, and reduced quality of life, and more than 2.9 million Americans ages 65 and older suffer from vision impairment. While the chance of vision loss increases with age, and there is the misconception that it should be taken as a normal part of aging, it is
not any less traumatic for the older individual than it would be for a younger person. It may, in fact, be the most traumatic health problem many seniors face. The psychosocial effects of vision loss in seniors can have detrimental consequences. Numerous studies have shown that seniors with vision loss experience greater difficulty with daily activities than those who suffer from other chronic conditions. Senior adults with vision loss also report a greater number of chronic conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke than those who do not have vision difficulties. This can be attributed to
Pasta had not been invented. It was macaroni or spaghetti. A take-away was a mathematical problem. Pizza? Sounds like a leaning tower somewhere. Bananas and oranges only appeared at Christmas time. All chips were plain. A Big Mac was what we wore when it was raining. Brown bread was something only poor people ate. Oil was for lubricating, fat was for cooking. Tea was made in a teapot using tea leaves and never green. Cubed sugar was regarded as posh. Chickens didn’t have fingers in those days. None of us had ever heard of yogurt. Healthy food consisted of anything edible. Cooking outside was called camping. Seaweed was not a recognized food. ‘Kebab’ was not even a word, never mind a food. Prunes were medicinal. Surprisingly muesli was readily available. It was called cattle feed. Pineapples came in chunks in a tin; we had only ever seen a picture of a real one. Water came out of the tap. If someone had suggested bottling it and charging more than gasoline for it, they would have become a laughing stock.
a poorer diet as low-vision seniors are four times more likely to have difficulty preparing meals than their normal-vision counterparts. This may also be directly linked to the fact that low-vision seniors are less likely to be physically active. 59.6% of low-vision seniors report activity compared to 70.2% of normal-vision seniors. This is not surprising when you consider that compared to normal-vision seniors, lowvision seniors are more than three times more likely to find it difficult to get outside and are three times as likely to have difficulties walking. As a result, visually impaired seniors have noticeably higher levels of depression and anxiety than seniors with other chronic conditions. Because of their visual impairment, they may tend to isolate more and stop engaging in activities that they once enjoyed. Researchers have discovered that it is actually these higher levels of depression and anxiety that contribute to the seniors’ difficulty performing everyday tasks more
so than their visual disability. As visually impaired seniors become more depressed because of their vision loss, they begin to have more medical problems, creating a vicious cycle where the depression creates a worsening physical state, and the worsening physical state increases depression. The good news is that with support and therapy designed to help visually impaired seniors regain their independence, this cycle can be broken. Doctors can prescribe rehabilitation that will allow seniors to learn to cope with
and manage their vision loss so that they can remain active. Family, friends, and caregivers can also help these seniors with many activities, such as meal preparation and transportation to events, appointments, and gatherings, so that their isolation is limited, and they can carry on with their daily lives. By staying active and social, low-vision seniors can reduce their chances of suffering from depression, which then decreases their overall risks of developing additional chronic conditions. - www.comfortkeepers.com
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Page 10 • June 2015 • Golden Gazette
Where Have All the Wheelchairs Gone? By Megan Ketterer The number of commercials featuring people with disabilities increased throughout the years but still does not represent the disabled population, according to research done in Texas Tech University’s College of Media & Communication. Olan Farnall, an assistant advertising professor, published research titled “Where Have All the Wheelchairs Gone? A Content Analysis of Ability Integrated Advertising on TV” in Disability Studies Quarterly. Farnall conducted a content analysis examining how many times characters with physical disabilities were presented in primetime local and national advertisements in 2009. The results revealed a
200 percent increase from a familiar study in 1999 of disabled characters featured in primetime commercials on networks and some cable channels between 7 and 10 p.m. While primetime numbers increased, Farnall said 2.5 to 3 percent of all aired commercials feature disabled characters. “It’s still saying we are a much more modern society, and we are a much more open society,” Farnall said, “but for some reason we still don’t want to put images of disabilities in our advertising.” Personal Connection He said the 2.5 to 3 percent figure does not accurately reflect 20 percent of the country’s population lives with a disability. “One could question if
there’s no images shown in the media, do disabled characters become the invisible minority?” Farnall asked. “Do they lose value in society?” The topic is not often researched, he said, but is something he finds a personal connection with. “I was aware of disabilities because I had seen it with my nieces,” Farnall said. “What crystallized the idea was when I started noticing characters with disabilities appearing in general advertisements.” Prior studies conducted Currently Farnall is exsimilar research, but Farnall panding on this research by said none focus on quantita- using the College of Media tive data as his does. and Communications eye
tracking technology to measure if a person’s eye comes to rest anywhere around the image of disability.
Families encouraged to bring back the Sunday dinner New effort benefits seniors and Meals on Wheels
Tracy Baugh is on a mission to see more families share sit-down Sunday dinners with their senior loved ones. The reason? New research shows that 50 percent of surveyed families living near senior relatives feel they do not share enough meals with older loved ones, losing an important family connection. “For seniors, it’s not what’s on their plate that matters most at mealtime – it’s who is at the table with them,” said Baugh, owner of the Lubbock Home Instead Senior Care. “When seniors share meals with a companion, they have a better mealtime experience – both nutritionally and emotionally.” Almost 75 percent of the people surveyed said they only sit down for a family
meal with senior loved ones for special occasions, events or holidays. A big part of the problem is time. To encourage families to make time for these meals, the Home Instead Senior Care Foundation will donate $1 to Meals on Wheels America (up to $20,000 total through July 31) for each person who commits to regularly scheduling family dinners at SundayDinnerPledge.com. Pledging to have a sitdown dinner with loved ones will help ensure other seniors will have a quality meal, friendly visit, and safety check through Meals on Wheels programs across the country. “We hope families will make the pledge to either revive or begin new mealtime traditions with their senior loved ones,” Baugh said.
“This small commitment can have a big impact on a senior’s well-being.” To help families across the country host their own Sunday dinner, Home Instead Senior Care has partnered with celebrity chef and mother of four Melissa d’Arabian to develop easy, nutritious recipes. Additional resources include tips for how to involve seniors in meal planning and preparation, pre- and postdinner activities and meal plans for healthy, inexpensive meals that all generations can enjoy. For these free resources and more information on how to bring back the Sunday dinner and reconnect with senior loved ones, visit www.SundayDinnerPledge.com or call Home Instead Senior Care at 806-281-4663 or 866-8859977.
Golden Gazette • June 2015 • Page 11
COPD and the benefits of exercise on the heart & lungs
“Trail Dust” © 1940, 1967 by Douglas Meador
Problems of Wealth
The most money I have ever possessed was the big silver dollar my mother gave me at the end of a hot, dry summer, after the crop had received its final plowing. I had expected only 25cents. The occasion was a circus in town to which my brother and I had looked forward to for weeks. The sudden wealth offered a considerable problem for a time. You do not want as many things if you have money. We even considered hoarding the entire fortune. However, the spending became more simplified after we had our dollars changed. I remember distinctly that I was able to keep two dimes for the following Saturday, which is by far the most thrift I have ever experienced in my life.
Home is Sweeter
Perchance age has made some changes while I have been absorbed in the nonetoo-gentle art of fencing with that extremely agile wolf in the immediate vicinity of my doorstep, but I am a little afraid of the discovery that pleasure no longer has its source from the old springs. The spell of a strange city at night with its lights and Christmas - What other time of the year do you sit in front of a dead tree and eat candy out of your socks?
clamorous pulsations of a cold, mechanical heart, no longer stroke the smudge-pot of my ambition, nor can I longer shake off the yoke of reality with gay shows and music. Nothing seems quite so pleasant as home with its restful tranquility vested in the simpler things of life such as friendships, work, problems, books and meditation. No lights are half so friendly or enchanting as the lights of my own home town.
Silence is Power
Some measure of greatness must belong to one, who can, by precise lowering of an eyelash, leave thoughts that linger longer than another who talks for an hour. Action, not words, is the dominating power of the world. Silence is the religion of the mighty.
It might be difficult for seniors with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to consider exercising when it feels as though the weight of the world is sitting on their chests, but doing so could help them breathe easier and stay healthier. While this may seem contrary, it actually makes sense when you consider how physical activity affects the body. Inactivity is tough on the system, weakening muscles, including the heart and lungs. As muscles weaken, it becomes more difficult to move. This is true also with the heart and lungs – the less they are used, the weaker they get, leaving the person feeling tired and short of breath and even less motivated to exercise. Inactivity can therefore increase the number of exacerbations, or COPD flare ups, making the person even sicker.
Physical activity, though, strengthens the heart and lungs, making it easier to breathe, and it can reduce the symptoms of COPD. Studies have shown that patients with COPD who have higher activity levels are 46% less likely to be admitted or readmitted to the hospital for a COPD flare up. This is significant when you consider that being admitted to the hospital for COPD may mark the beginning of the terminal phase of the disease. Exercise can have side benefits, allowing the older adult to relax more and sleep better as well as reducing blood pressure and stabilizing blood sugar. It can also reduce depres-
sion, minimize the side effects of medicines, and reduce the risk of heart disease. All of these benefits can allow the senior to remain independent and mobile, which increases the overall quality of life. While physical activity can offer a multitude of benefits and increase the quality of life, it is important for older adults with COPD to first consult a medical professional before increasing their activity levels or starting a new exercise program. With some guidance from medical professionals, even those seniors who are on oxygen therapy can begin exercise programs that can help them feel better and breathe easier.
Two boys were walking home from Sunday school after hearing a strong sermon on the devil. One said to the other, ‘What do you think about all this Satan stuff?’ The other boy replied, ‘Well, you know how Santa Claus turned out. It’s probably just your Dad.’
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Page 12 • June 2015 • Golden Gazette
Johnnie Hall is an inspiration & a hero
Coffee for a Cause
Liz Morren and Johnnie Hall
Actions speak louder than words, and for Johnnie Hall, his actions are his words, along with his quick wit and engaging smile. Hall cannot speak. In 2000, his voice box and thyroid were removed after a bout with cancer. Hall has lived at the Homestead Apartments for nine years. Although he lives alone, he is rarely alone. He helps others every chance he gets. He is usually the first to arrive at the Homestead Senior Center where he makes coffee and works at keeping the place organized and clean. The 84-year-old helps anyone who needs something. He helps out at his church, Living Word, and cleans the church weekly. When South Plains Fair time comes along each year, he works at
Learn more about the Community Health Center of Lubbock, CHCL, and the Building a Healthier West Texas Capital Campaign. A coffee is held at 1318 Broadway on the second Thursday of the month at 8:30 a.m. in the Sister Mary Kathleen Room. Complimentary breakfast goodies and refreshments are provided.
the church’s booth – every day of the fair. Hall is a veteran, having served in the Korean War for four years. So when Liz Morren attended a seminar where the topic of heroes came up, she knew who her hero was – Johnnie Hall, a person she described as an inspiration to her and many others. At the seminar, she was given a pin. The instructions were to present the pin to someone she considered a hero. Morren, director of Homestead Senior Center, presented the “HERO” pin to Hall. “We can never have too many heroes or role models,” Morren said. “He is just a good man.” The Homestead Senior Center is one of the centers operated by the City of Lubbock.
Pools open June 2 in Lubbock
Lubbock’s municipal 1 to 6 p.m. Tuesdays through pools open at 1 p.m. June Sundays. Entrance fees are $2 for 2. Hours of operation are youth (17 and under) and $2.50 for adults. Group rates are available for groups of 35 or more and must be scheduled through Katherine at 775-2670. Pool rentals are available for parties Thursday-Sunday from 7 to 9 p.m. by calling 775-2673. Clapp Pool, 46th & Avenue U, 767-2736: Amenities include a 90’ water slide, concession stand, lifeguards, “Compassionate Service from our Heart to Yours” showers, diving boards, and Now serving Lubbock and surrounding communities shade umbrellas. Mae Simmons Pool, 24th 1928 34th Street & MLK, 767-2732: Amenities include a 90’ water slide, concession stand, lifeguards, www.chapelofgracefh.com showers, diving board, and Rudy Calsoncin shade umbrellas. Come by and discover the benefits of pre-planning OWNER & Maxey Pool, 4007 30th St., or receive a free, no obligation evaluation of your current plan. FUNERAL DIRECTOR 767-3739: Amenities include
mpassionate service from our Heart to Yours”
a concession stand, lifeguards, showers, diving boards, shade umbrellas, and shade trees. Montelongo Pool, 3200 Bates St., 767-2734: Amenities include a 90’ water slide, concession stand, lifeguards, showers, diving boards, shade umbrellas, a separate wading pool, and zero-depth entry into main pool. Summer Splash Passes are available at the Parks and Recreation Office at 1611 10th St., Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Summer passes available are: Family Splash Pass - good all summer, $150 for a family of four; Individual Splash Pass - good all summer, $65 for children and $90 for adults; 30-Day Splash Pass - $45 for children; $60 for adults; 7-Day Splash Pass - $10 for children; $14 for adults.
Golden Gazette • June 2015 • Page 13
New report on the reality of person-centered care Oakland, California -- Justice in Aging released a new report that analyzes how well states are implementing a 2014 rule that creates the right to person-centered care planning for Medicaid consumers of long-term services and supports. When consumers are given the opportunity to choose where, how, and by whom they receive their care; and make their own decisions about mealtime, bedtime, which activities they engage in, and generally direct their own lives to the greatest extent possible, they have better health outcomes, more independence, and lead more fulfilling lives. Too often, decisions they can and would like to make themselves are made by others. This is because, at times, person-centered care plans can be cursory and driven by the needs of the health plans, government agencies, or managed care plans, rather than
by the needs and desires of the consumer. The CMS rule has prompted a renewed focus on person-centered care planning among health care professionals and advocates. This report, created with support from the John A. Hartford Foundation, is a tool for health care providers, plan administrators, and advocates to help them understand the scope of the rules and be able to identify when they sometimes fall short. “We are very pleased to be supporting Justice in Aging in this work, said Marcus Escobedo, senior program officer at the John A. Hartford Foundation. “This topic is not academic. Understanding these rules is crucial if we are to deliver on the promise of true personcentered care that will allow consumers receiving longterm services and supports to achieve greater independence and lead a better quality of life.”
Person-centered care planning rules issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in 2014 provide a strong legal framework to ensure that person-centered care planning is a right conferred on Medicaid recipients receiving long term services and supports through managed care under some Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waivers. However, there are areas where more guidance is needed and where gaps exist that prevent true person-centered care planning from being a reality for most consumers. The new report, A Right to Person-Centered Care Planning, provides legal analysis of the rule, and identifies gaps where additional federal guidance is needed, or where better state rules or tighter managed care plan contract terms would make person-centered care planning real. It also gives examples of best practices in certain states that can be adopted by other
states, managed care plans, and government agencies to ensure that seniors and persons with disabilities can lead independent and fulfilling lives.
The Elements of True Person-Centered Care Planning: • The consumer must lead the process, including when and where planning meetings are held and who is present. • The consumer is empowered to make informed choices based on meaningful and easily understood information, and be given actual choices. • There must be a written service plan that reflects the consumer’s needs and preferences. • The written service plan
must be finalized and agreed to by the consumer through informed consent. • The plan must be reviewable and subject to change as the consumer’s needs change. This report is just a beginning exploration of the dynamic world of personcentered care planning and is an invitation to consumers, advocates, CMS, state agencies, health plans, and providers to work together to create better rules, better language, and better understanding of what is necessary to ensure a right to person-centered care.
Justice in Aging is a national non-profit legal advocacy organization that fights senior poverty through law. Formerly the National Senior Citizens Law Center. For more information, www.justiceinaging.org.
Attending a wedding for the first time, a little girl whispered to her mother, ‘Why is the bride dressed in white?’’ The mother replied, ‘Because white is the color of happiness, and today is the happiest day of her life.’ The child thought about this for a moment then said, ‘So why is the groom wearing black?’
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Page 14 • June 2015 • Golden Gazette
Golden Gazette • June 2015 • Page 15
Texas Tech professor chosen among top environmental leaders A media company recognized the Texas Tech Climate Science Center director for her effort in bridging the gap in communicating climate change effects to the general public. Katharine Hayhoe’s reputation as one of the world’s leading experts on climate change continues to grow. Hayhoe, an associate professor in the Department of Political Science and director of the Climate Science Center, was named to the top 10 list of environmental leaders by Huffington Post. “I appreciate this recognition on behalf of the work that I and so many others do to reach out to people and communities who aren’t typically engaged on environmental issues,” Hayhoe said. “Framing climate change as an ‘environmental issue’ is really part of the challenge that lets so many of us dismiss it as yet another green, liberal issue.
“Climate change affects our environment and our planet,” Hayhoe said, “but it also affects so many things we already care about for human society – our health, our water, our energy, the economy, and even the fundamental security of the world we live in.” The Huffington Post top 10 list is part of a celebration of the organization’s 10th anniversary. Post editors sought to recognize leaders who are reshaping the environmental movement now and into the future. Hayhoe was chosen for her work in bridging the gaps in communication of climate change to the general public. “Her work is helping make people not only better understand climate change, but inspiring them to action in their own lives,” said Kate Sheppard, senior reporter and the energy and environment editor for the Huffington
Post. “In short, climate science needs more Katharine Hayhoes.” An evangelical Christian, Hayhoe’s research focuses on the impacts of climate change on human life on a local and regional scale and communicating the realities of climate change. Hayhoe, who holds bachelor’s degrees in physics and astronomy from the University of Toronto and master’s and doctoral degrees in atmospheric science from the University of Illinois, also is a principal investigator for the U.S. Department of the Interior’s South-Central Climate Science Center. She has produced more than 100 peer-reviewed papers, abstracts, publications, and reports for organizations such as the U.S. Global Change Research Program’s Second and Third National Climate Assessment and the U.S. National Academy of Science.
She also has served as a scientific adviser to Citizen’s Climate Lobby, the EcoAmerica MomentUS project, the Energy and Enterprise Initiative, the Evangelical Environmental Network and the International Women’s Earth and Climate Initiative. She’s also served on the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Climate Predictions and Projections team and the NOAA Climate.gov advisory team. In 2014, she was named to the TIME 100, an annual list of the most influential people in the world, and to Foreign Policy magazine’s publication of the 100 Leading Global Thinkers. Her focus on educating the public about how climate change affects the everyday lives of all humans has made her influential. “We don’t have to become what many of us picture environmentalists to be to care about climate change,” Hayhoe said. “Are we a parent who would do anything we could to secure our child’s safe and happy future? Are we a business person who
wants a stable and thriving economy? “Are we a farmer, a rancher or a producer who wants to ensure we have enough water to grow our crops? Do we live in one of the world’s largest cities, two-thirds of which lies within just a few feet of sea level, putting our home at risk? “Are we Christian people who are called to be responsible for God’s creation and to love and care for others as Christ loved us? “I believe that nearly everyone on this planet has all the values they need to care about climate change. We just have to connect the dots.”
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Page 16 • June 2015 • Golden Gazette
Paying for home care: 4 common myths busted Figuring out how to pay for eldercare can be a challenge. The majority of seniors prefer to live at home as long as possible, but they may not have considered how to cover the cost of home care. Here are four common myths about financing home eldercare, along with four funding sources that can help your loved one age in place.
Medicaid does not cover non-medical in-home caregiving. However, eligible seniors may be able to obtain services from local Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) programs. Generally, seniors must meet need-based requirements to qualify for these programs.
Myth #3: Private health insurance covers home care. Myth #1: Medicare covers Truth: Most private health home care for seniors. insurance specifically exTruth: Medicare pays only cludes non-medical home for medical care. care from coverage. However, If a senior needs wound long-term care insurance may care or physical therapy at include benefits for in-home home, Medicare may pay care. for all or a portion of those Myth #4: The VA pays services. for home care. However, Medicare does Truth: The Veterans Adnot pay for any type of non- ministration does not directly medical caregiving, such as pay for in-home care of vetcompanionship care, assis- erans or their spouses. Howtance with bathing or medica- ever, the VA does offer cash tion reminders. benefits to qualifying veterans and/or their spouses. These Myth #2: Medicaid cash benefits can be used to covers home care. Truth: Strictly speaking, pay for home care.
4 ways to fund home care services
1. Long-term care insurance These increasingly popular plans usually include benefits for home-based care, as well as for nursing homes and assisted living facilities. You should get a long-term care insurance policy before you need benefits. If you’re interested in this funding source, your best bet is to get the help of a financial advisor in choosing the best policy for your needs. 2. Reverse mortgage For seniors who have paid off their house, a reverse mortgage allows them to access the equity without selling the property. You should carefully evaluate reverse mortgage plans before choosing one. Some plans take a large percentage of the equity as a fee for their services. If you’re unsure how to choose a reverse mortgage or determine if it’s the right option for you, consult a fi-
nancial advisor. The Federal Trade Commission offers a wealth of information about reverse mortgages at ftc.gov. 3. Life settlements This option allows a senior to possibly convert a life insurance policy into cash. Many factors can influence a person’s ability to do this, including the type of life insurance policy, the person’s health status and other factors. Again, you may want to seek financial counsel before choosing this option. You can read more about life settlements at lifecarefunding.com.
4. Veteran’s Administration “Pension with Aid and Attendance” This is the program many veterans and their surviving spouses tap when they need funds for home care or other medical expenses. Veterans who served at least 90 consecutive days during a wartime period and who meet income and asset guidelines can obtain up to $25,000 per year. For more information, consult your local Veterans Administration office or visit caregiver. va.gov. -- http://www.caregiverstress.com
National Merit Announces $2,500 Scholarship Winners Three Lubbock High School seniors, Kelly Jiang, Alma Martin and Kexin Yang, are among the 2,500 nationwide winners of a $2,500 National Merit Scholarship. The 2,500 Merit Scholarship winners are selected from a group of more than 15,000 outstanding National Merit Finalists in the 2015 National Merit Scholarship Program. The National Merit $2,500 Scholarship winners are the finalists in each state judged to have the strongest combination of accomplishments, skills and potential for success in rigorous college studies. They are selected by a committee of college admissions officers and high school counselors. These scholars may use their awards at any regionally accredited U.S. college or university. Jiang will attend Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, where he will pursue a degree in computer science. Martin will enroll at the University of Pittsburgh where she intends to major in English. Yang will go to the University of Texas at Austin where she plans to major in business. Kay Moore is the Lubbock High School Magnet Specialist and International Baccalaureate Coordinator. “We are extremely proud of these Lubbock High School seniors for earning this prestigious honor. They will use the money wisely. We are excited about what the future holds for these three.”
Golden Gazette • June 2015 • Page 17
How very nice – on praise & gratitude Unfortunately, most people find more to complain about than they find to praise and be grateful for. This is going to be one of those praise and gratitude days. Whether by accident or intention, I have noticed several things over the past couple of weeks that makes me smile. Not only smile, but fill with love and gratitude for the goodness so many have brought into my life. The wonderful thing about all this is that they had no idea what a real blessing they were --- to me and any others they encountered. A short time ago I was in a grocery store that was pretty busy, and I willingly volunteered to carry out my own groceries. I had picked up a milk box to use at home and asked the clerk to put my few groceries in it, and I could carry it out myself. Under protest by the clerk to do it for me, I truthfully said I could and would be glad to carry them out.
By Rollin A Long After I was outside the store, a young Hispanic woman had parked a short distance from where I was walking and hurried over to see if she could help me. (I must really look old!) I gratefully and honestly told her I truly was doing just fine and thanked her just the same. Just think what a blessing that was. One Sunday morning there was a young family sitting a couple of pews in front of where I was sitting. The oldest little boy is about 7 or maybe 8 and was sitting by his daddy. At one point, the dad put his arm around the shoulders of his son, and shortly after, the boy reached up to put his arm around his dad. He kept his little arm around his dad as long as he could stretch that far. That
The first president to have his own dedicated aircraft was Franklin Roosevelt, says the Association of Mature American Citizens. He used it only twice, and it was not called Air Force One. It had the nickname, Sacred Cow. Harry Truman called his plane Independence after his hometown of Independence, Missouri. President Eisenhower continued using Independence but added a pair of Lockheed Super Constellations to the presidential fleet. He called them Columbine One and Two. It wasn’t until 1962 that the official designation, Air Force One, was established for the aircraft whose principal passengers are U.S. presidents. But, the first American president to take to the skies was Theodore Roosevelt on Oct. 11, 1910. Granted, Teddy was out of office at the time. It happened 18 months after he left office. He was at an airstrip in Kinloch, Missouri.
could almost choke a person up, and again I thought, “How very nice.” It’s easy to remember some others who went out of their way to be extraordinarily kind and helpful. One was a woman who was at the Wyoming Tourist Information Center. Her helpfulness and gracious manner is something we still talk about Another person was a Park Ranger who helped our group, and then followed up to find us and see what else we might need. Who has ever heard of such a thing? Or another way to look at it is, “Who REMEMBERS the kind things done for them?” Some of you may respond, “Yeah, they were just doing their job.” Yes, they were doing their job, but how many have you encountered who were not the least bit interested in doing anything but the minimum of what it took to do their job? All of us can make this world better if we will notice how very nice so many folks are, no matter their age. Then we can imitate those same folks without even thinking.
98th Street improvements begin between U.S. 87 and University The first of two construction projects along 98th Street between Avenue P and U.S. 87 (Tahoka Highway) began in late May. The City of Lubbock, with Utility Contractors of America, Inc., will continue the construction of a large diameter sanitary sewer main along 98th Street. The project has been progressing westward from MLK Boulevard toward U.S. 87, with construction recently reaching the intersection at U.S. 87. The contractor will begin working on the west side of U.S. 87 and continue excavation toward Avenue P. Through traffic will be detoured off 98th Street between U.S. 87 and Avenue P. Local traffic will be provided access to reach adjacent businesses and homes. Installation of the sanitary sewer between U.S. 87 and Avenue P is expected to take approximately 60 days. In late July 2015, after the sanitary sewer line has been installed, the City of Lubbock will begin constructing the second project. The roadway improvement project will widen 98th Street
between U.S. 87 and University Avenue from two-lanes to seven-lanes, providing 3 lanes in each direction and a center two-way left-turn lane. Sidewalks and roadway lighting will also be included in the improvements. The first phase of the roadway widening will occur between U.S. 87 and Avenue P. This phase of the project will also restrict access to through traffic on 98th Street, with the exception of adjacent businesses and local property owners who will be provided with access. Roadway widening in this section is expected to be completed within six months. The second phase of the roadway widening will take place between Avenue P and University Avenue. During the second phase, two lanes of traffic will remain open to provide access to adjacent homes and businesses. The second phase should be completed within approximately six months after it begins. Drivers are encouraged to avoid these construction areas if possible and to use extreme caution while driving through the construction.
For independent seniors • One-bedroom floor plan • Rent based on income • Community room with kitchenette • Library • Central AC/Heating • Secure access to building National Church Residences does not discriminate in any manner based upon race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, marital status or familial status, legal source of income, age, sexual • Small pets welcome preference, or any other class protected by state or federal law. National Church Residences does not discriminate based upon age for any reason, excluding HUD program/project requirements. • Emergency call system 910 N. Martin Luther King Blvd. • 24-hour on-call maintenance LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79403 • Must be at least 62 years old Please contact us:
806-368-9330 0463@nationalchurchresidences.org
Page 18 • June 2015 • Golden Gazette
Each Tuesday: TOPS, Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Life Run Center, 8240 Boston Ave., weigh-in 4 to 5:25, meeting 5:30, 787-1045. Each Wednesday: Wednesdays at the Arboretum, help plant, clean, maintain Lubbock Memorial Arboretum gardens, 4111 University, 797-4520 for details. Laughter Yoga, Covenant Lifestyle Center, 6th Floor, East Parking Garage, 3615 19th St., 5:30 p.m., 725-0708, www.laughteryoga. com Each Friday: Make A Joyful Noise Ministries, Asbury House Of Prayer Brown Room, 2005 Ave T, 544-7310 Bible Study Men and Women, 6 to 7 p.m., Talk Time (women only), 7 to 8 p.m., Irene McGaha 544-7310, irene.mcgaha@earthlink.net
Residents asked to close dumpster lids The City of Lubbock Solid Waste department is asking residents to keep dumpster lids closed so the rainwater does not collect inside the dumpsters. The excess water from the dumpsters has increased the amount of rainwater at the landfill and has hampered landfill operations. Muddy conditions of dirt alleys and occasional landfill closures will affect trash collection. During heavy rain times, the waste department may not be able to service dumpsters in some unpaved alleys. Service in unpaved alleys will resume as soon as those alleys are accessible and the solid waste truck can enter and exit without getting stuck.
Monday, June 1 -Flip a Coin Day Tuesday, June 2 -National Rocky Road Day Wednesday, June 3 -- Repeat Day (I said “Repeat Day”) Thursday, June 4 -Hug Your Cat Day Summer Showcase Concert Series – Colin Gilmore – Roots Rock at the Buddy Holly Center, 1801 Crickets, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Meadows Courtyard, original and unique Texas-made music; free; cash bar, food, and beverages available for purchase. No outside beverages allowed. Friday, June 5 -National Doughnut Day and World Environment Day First Friday Art Trail, 6 – 9 p.m., All Ages, free. Enjoy fine art, entertainment, and refreshments at the center for free. Buddy Holly Center, 1801 Crickets Ave, 806775-3562. Saturday, June 6 National Yo-Yo Day D-Day Commemoration -- at Silent Wings Museum, 6202 Interstate 27, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. flying demos, vintage military vehicles, tours, documentaries, educational activities. Old Folks BOOGIE, Too! Party on the Playground, 5-10 p.m. Cagle Steaks & BBQ, 8732 4th St., Benefiting The Inside Out Foundation $30 ticket includes barbecue plate, live music & dancing with The TriTones & ELEMENT, and Silent Auction. For more info, call 806-677-3582 or www.theinsideoutfoundation.org Sunday, June 7 Chocolate Ice Cream Day D-Day Commemoration -- at Silent Wings Museum, 6202 Interstate 27, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. vintage military vehicles, tours, documentaries, educational activities. Sunday Concert at Wagner Park – 26th & Flint, 8 p.m. Free music by Westwind Brass Band. Bring blankets, lawn chairs, and picnics. Monday, June 8 Name Your Poison Day
See the online calendar at www.LubbockSeniorSource.com. Click on “Enriching Lives Calendar” Better Breathers Club is a support group for people with chronic lung disease such as COPD, asthma, pulmonary fibrosis and lung cancer. Joining is free. Learn to manage your lung disease and live better. Meets the second Monday of every month from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the UMC Activities Center at 5217 82nd Street, 82nd & Slide in Rockridge Plaza. For info, call Lori Stroud, 775-8950. Tuesday, June 9 Donald Duck Day Quilters – The Chaparral Quilters Guild, 7 p.m. Garden & Arts Center, 4215 University. For more info, 788-0856. Meets the 2nd Tuesday each month. Wednesday, June 10 Iced Tea Day Thursday, June 11 National Corn on the Cob Day Summer Showcase Concert Series – Wendy Colonna – Folk Rock at the Buddy Holly Center, 1801 Crickets, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Meadows Courtyard, original and unique Texas-made music; free; cash bar, food, and beverages available for purchase. No outside beverages allowed. Memory Care Support Group, Isle at Raider Ranch, 6806 43rd St., 5:30 p.m., 806-368-6565. Friday, June 12 -- Red Rose Day Post Art Guild hosting its 51st Arts on Main Street show, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in Post, Texas. Saturday, June 13 Sewing Machine Day Post Art Guild hosting its 51st Arts on Main Street show, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Post, Texas; awards presentation at 4 p.m. Panache on the Prairie – Benefitting the American Wind Power Center, 1701 Canyon Lake Drive, 6 p.m. $50. Call 747-8734 for more info. The Roundtable Luncheon – Lubbock County Sheriff Kelly Rowe to speak, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Hillcrest Country Club Main Dining Room, 4011 N. Boston Ave. $15 per person, limited menu includes
beverage and dessert. CASA of the South Plains needs community volunteers to help stuff the travel bags with toiletries, books, toys, and other items for foster children, #24 Briercroft Office Park, from 10 to 11 a.m. For more info, call 763-2272. Sunday, June 14 -- Flag Day Sunday Concert at Wagner Park – 26th & Flint, 8 p.m. Free music by Westwind Brass Band. Bring blankets, lawn chairs, and picnics. Monday, June 15 Smile Power Day Tuesday, June 16 Fresh Veggies Day TBD Nursing Assistants Day - First day of National Nursing Assistants Week Wednesday, June 17 Eat Your Vegetables Day Thursday, June 18 Go Fishing Day Summer Showcase Concert Series – Jenni Dale Lord - Americana at the Buddy Holly Center, 1801 Crickets, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Meadows Courtyard, original and unique Texas-made music; free; cash bar, food, and beverages available for purchase. No outside beverages allowed. Friday, June 19 World Sauntering Day Saturday, June 20 Ice Cream Soda Day Summer Stampede -- More than 30 western artists will attend the Summer Stampede at the National Ranching Heritage Center, 3121 Fourth St. Western art and gear show followed by an evening of dining and western swing dancing. Meet the artists beginning at 5 p.m. in the museum galleries. Dinner served at 7 p.m., and Jake Hooker and the Outsiders will provide music for dancing on the patio. Tickets are $75 for the general public and $65 for association members. Sunday, June 21 Father’s Day Sunday Concert at Wagner Park – 26th & Flint, 8 p.m. Free music
by Westwind Brass Band. Bring blankets, lawn chairs, and picnics. Monday, June 22 National Chocolate Eclair Day Tuesday, June 23 National Columnists Day Wednesday, June 24 Swim a Lap Day Thursday, June 25 Log Cabin Day Summer Showcase Concert Series – Touch of Soul – R&B and Soul at the Buddy Holly Center, 1801 Crickets, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Meadows Courtyard; original and unique Texas-made music; free; cash bar, food, and beverages available for purchase. No outside beverages allowed. Friday, June 26 Beautician’s Day Saturday, June 27 Sun Glasses Day The Roundtable Luncheon - David Weaver, executive director of the South Plains Food Bank, to speak, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Hillcrest Country Club Main Dining Room, 4011 N. Boston Ave. $15 per person, limited menu includes beverage and dessert. Sunday, June 28 Paul Bunyan Day Sunday Concert at Wagner Park – 26th & Flint, 8 p.m. Free music by Westwind Brass Band. Bring blankets, lawn chairs, and picnics. Monday, June 29 Waffle Iron Day Tuesday, June 30 -- Meteor Day Thursday, July 2 Summer Showcase Concert Series – Shane Rogers Band – Alternative Country at the Buddy Holly Center, 1801 Crickets, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Meadows Courtyard, original and unique Texas-made music; free; cash bar, food, and beverages available for purchase. Note: To add an event, delete an
event, or make changes, e-mail maedwards@wordpub.com or call 744-2220 by the 20th of the month for the following month’s publication.
Golden Gazette • June 2015 • Page 19
Phil Anthony Hall dedicated The band hall at Coronado High School, 4910 29th Drive, was dedicated as the Phil Anthony Hall on May 19, following an end-of-the-year concert in the auditorium. Anthony, who served as the director of the Coronado band programs from 1970 until 1997, conducted the final performance of the concert. Following the concert, the official dedication ceremonies took place in the band hall where a plaque was presented to Anthony. Although officially retired from band directing since 2001, Anthony still serves as the conductor of the West
Winds Band, an adult community band founded by Dean Killion. He still plays euphonium in the Lubbock Concert Band and remains active as a clinician and competition judge. Anthony was elected to the board of directors of the Texas Bandmasters Association and served as president in 1994. He was inducted into the Bandmasters Hall of Fame in 2006. The end-of-the-year concert featured the Coronado High School Varsity Wind Ensemble and the Coronado Ellington Jazz Band.
Watercolor works by Jo Beth Gilliam to be featured June 5 The Lubbock Municipal Garden and Arts Center, 4215 University, will host a reception from 6 to 9 p.m. June 5 for the opening of Watercolor Works by Jo Beth Gilliam. This open exhibition features the watercolor stylings of award-winning artist Jo Beth Gilliam. A Lubbock native, her works have been exhibited in venues across Texas and the South Plains area. Jo Beth has been painting for over four decades, developing a loose, colorful style. The exhibit will be free and open to the public.
UMC awards Nurse of the Year UMC’s top award for nursing went to a longtime nurse who relishes the opportunity to serve patients. Melanie Brooks, BSN, RN, CNOR, was named the 2015 Nurse of the Year at the Excellence in Nursing Recognition Ceremony at the McInturff Conference Center. Brooks has worked in the
post-anesthesia care unit since 2011 and the operating room prior to that. She spent 10 years at UMC in the 1990s before returning here in 2009. “It’s totally humbling, Melanie Brooks
it’s awesome, to be given this award,” Brooks said. “I think of all the great nurses who work here. It was really such a surprise.” “I’m still having fun being a nurse,” she said. “I’m one of those who still doesn’t know what I want to do when I grow up.” Brook’s department director, Margaret Rosson, said Brooks was nominated by her peers in PACU because she is an experienced nurse who is always willing to help. “She’ll work nights, evenings, her days off – whatever is needed to help the patient,” Rosson said. The Excellence in Nursing Ceremony highlights American Nurses Association National Nurses Week at UMC. “UMC has about 3,500 employees, and a third are nurses,” said David Allison, president and CEO of UMC. “The rest of us are really here to help nurses do the frontline work at the patient’s bedside.”
Summer Showcase concerts continue
The Summer Showcase Concert Series continues at the Buddy Holly Center. Performances are every Thursday evening from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Meadows Courtyard. Patrons can enjoy original and unique Texas-made music. The showcase is free to the public. There will be a cash bar, food, and beverages available for purchase. No outside beverages are allowed.
The schedule is as follows:
June 4 - Colin Gilmore – Roots Rock June 11 - Wendy Colonna – Folk Rock June 18 - Jenni Dale Lord – Americana June 25 - Touch of Soul – R&B and Soul July 2 - Shane Rogers Band – Alternative Country July 9 - Outlier – Blues, Metal, Country and Latin July 16 - The Hat Trick – Rock & Roll July 23 - The Prairie Scholars – Blues, Metal, Country and Latin July 30 - Mariachi Amistad – Mariachi Aug. 6 - Buggaboo – Americana Rock Aug. 13 - Reverend Al and The Pythons – West Texas Rock & Roll Aug. 20 - Patricia Vonne – Latin Roots Rock
Free lectures that can change your life! Alzheimer’s
The leading cause of dementia for people over 65:
“Facts & Preventive Measures” ■ June 11 (Thursday) at 5:15 p.m.
Macular Degeneration:
The leading cause of blindness for people over 65:
“Facts & Preventive Measures” ■ June 25 (Thursday) at 5:15 p.m.
The Family Vision Center 2704 82nd St., Lubbock Dr. Michael J. Dunn, O.D., speaker
Call 806-745-2222 for reservations
Page 20 • June 2015 • Golden Gazette
Therapeutic massage can help the joints & muscles relax and stretch Have you ever wondered what people did before we had the bionic man and woman? So many people have replacement parts, whether it is a knee or a shoulder. It is fabulous that people have the option of replacing a knee or shoulder, but it is painful and costly. And the rehabilitation isn’t a piece of cake either. I have a friend who had a knee replacement at 81. She said one day the physical therapist
“We need to talk… about Synergy HomeCare’s Arthritis Care Program.” Scheduling, transportation & companionship for shopping & errands Watchful care during recovery from routine treatments Changing linens, laundry & ironing Assistance with gardening & light exercise Housekeeping, meal preparation and nutrition Help with bathing, dressing & personal care Call for a free consultation
www.DrElvaEdwards.com worked so hard on her knee that she went home and threw up from the pain. Like I said, it is tough work to rehab from replacement surgery. And yet we are fortunate to have the option of a new hip or a new shoulder. I suppose people of days gone by simply hurt or used a wheelchair instead of walking, which is not a great way to go if you have a better option. Walking itself provides so many benefits. Most people in wheelchairs end up with bowel issues because the abdomen and intestines don’t get the workout provided by walking. Do you know why people need a new knee or a new hip or a new shoulder? The obvious answer is they might have had some kind of accident, perhaps a fall or car accident that set them up for further problems and now those problems are surfacing. But I’m sure you know some people who haven’t had accidents or falls. They have no idea why they need a new part.
Agape United Methodist Church Join us for Sunday worship at 10 a.m. † Classic Worship † Quality Teaching † Biblical Preaching 1215 Slide Road
Let’s set aside the shoulder and talk about the knee and hip. It is clear that both legs should be the same length and, for most people, they are. However, there are some who have leg length discrepancies that will cause one side to have more pressure put on it when you are walking. That pressure over time creates additional stress. The weight of the body isn’t being shared equally so some part is doing more than its fair share of holding the weight. This can affect both the knees and the hips. Sometimes people were born with equal length of legs, but they broke a leg, and it didn’t grow exactly the same. No matter what the cause, if there is a leg length discrepancy, the sharing of the weight is not equal and, over time, this will show up with alteration in the joint. It is simple physics. The main reason there is discrepancy in the leg length is muscle tightness and imbalance. Obviously there are other problems that can increase the likelihood of joint problems in the lower extremities such as being overweight or having problems with your feet. Being overweight simply causes the joints to endure more weight on them than they were made to handle. As
one man said to me, “I don’t have the frame to weigh so much.” Well, who does? No one really, and the fact that obesity is a national problem tells me that the joint replacement business isn’t going out of business. The feet are the support for the whole body, and they need proper care whether it is with well-fitted shoes, proper socks that add comfort and support or perhaps a pedicure. The feet need attention! And, if you have lost your arch, you might need orthotics. And who doesn’t need a good foot massage? With the knees, hips and shoulder, you might ask, how well have you taken care of them? Do you stretch your muscles? Do you get massages? It is important to keep the muscles from being so tight that they pull on the joints. The ligaments hold joints, while the muscles move joints. The muscles need to be relaxed and stretched. This is very important, and if you
can find a good massage therapist, you have found the person who can help you through thick and thin with your body. Just when you think, well, my shoulder will never be the same, try some massages. Just one isn’t enough. Most people are so tight that it will take numerous massages to work out a problem. And when you don’t or won’t or when you wait too long, you will be headed for rotator cuff surgery, or any number of other surgeries. People say they are willing to do anything to get out of pain or avoid surgery. So do it. Get a massage. Get one a week for six weeks, and it is likely you will never go more than a month without a massage again. I’m not talking about a spa massage. They can feel good, but I am talking about a therapeutic massage. It might hurt some because you have waited a long time to get the help, but then again, remember what I said about the pain from rehab. It isn’t a picnic either.
Most seniors never get enough exercise. In His wisdom God decreed that seniors become forgetful so they would have to search for their glasses, keys and other things thus doing more walking. And God looked down and saw that it was good. Then God saw there was another need. In His wisdom He made seniors lose coordination so they would drop things requiring them to bend, reach & stretch. And God looked down and saw that it was good. Then God considered the function of bladders and decided seniors would have additional calls of nature requiring more trips to the bathroom, thus providing more exercise. God looked down and saw that it was good. So if you find as you age, you are getting up and down more, remember its God’s will. It is all in your best interest even though you mutter under your breath.
Golden Gazette • June 2015 • Page 21
Covenant Health • Want Ads • Want Ads • Want Ads • names top employee award winners ‘Maverick’ DvDs
25 DVDs of TV show “Maverick” $25. Call 806-872-7257. 6/15
Covenant Health named eight employees for distinction in its four core value categories of service, dignity, excellence and justice. The hospital system also recognized 357 other employees who were nominated for the awards. Local winners are chosen from Lubbock hospitals specifically. Regional recipients are from other ministries and communities. Recipients of the awards include: Dignity Tiffany Copeland, BSN, RN, CCRN; staff nurse in Pediatric ICU, Covenant Women’s and Children’s; Amy Land, RN, CEN; charge nurse; ER; Covenant Hospital Levelland. Excellence John C. Hart, lieutenant, security, Covenant Medical Center; Liz Brown, manager, Covenant Health Clinic, Covenant Health Plainview. Justice Zane Ellis, BSN, RN; nurse manager, Endoscopy Lab, Covenant Medical Center; Charley Wasson, executive director, Hospice of Lubbock. Service Martina Mendoza, MSN, RN, CWOCN; nurse special-
ist; Wound & Stoma Care, Covenant Medical Center; Edie Blackburn, manager, Human Resources, Covenant Medical Center. “Our Values in Action award winners epitomize the caring Christ-like concern and empathy that our coworkers have for others and those who work at Covenant,” said Richard Parks, president and CEO of Covenant Health. “We so much appreciate what they do, but more importantly, who they are and what they mean to their ministries.” The eight recipients will travel to Orange, Calif. in June to attend the St. Joseph Health system-wide recognition. Why does ‘slow down’ and ‘slow up’ mean the same thing? Why does ‘fat chance’ and ‘slim chance’ mean the same thing? Why do ‘tug’ boats push their barges? Why are they called ‘stands’ when they are made for sitting? Why is it called ‘after dark’ when it really is ‘after light?’
Men’s health awareness fair
anything of value
Will haul off anything of value (left over from garage sales, etc). Call Jim 806-300-9103. 6/15
Books for sale
Complete set (100) Louis L’Amour used paperback books. $100. Call 806-745-4638.
cleaning services
Let Welcome Home Professional Cleaning provide you with quality housekeeping service with trained, insured staff who have passed background and drug screening. Call 773-0446 or visit www.welcomehomepc.com.
ceMetery Plot for sale
Resthaven plot in AA Section for $2,200 or best offer. Make me an offer I can’t refuse. Call or text Glenn at 806-239-8942. 11/14
house & Pet sitting
Home Sweet Home, house & pet sitting. Reasonable rates for exceptional service, References available. Call for rates 325-232-2775. 11/14
rainBow Delivery service 745-6406
We will do your grocery shopping, pharmacy pickup, carry your beloved pet to your vet or groomer. Give us a call before all time slots are taken. 2/15
senior care @ covenant
resthaven Plot
Join SeniorCare at Covenant. Benefits include medical, educational, and social. Call 8062/14 725-4218.
senior vision care
“Cowboy Up!” CD. Eleven original “cattle drive” songs. Lyrics easily understood. Professionally recorded at Levelland,. Send $12.99 to John Castleman, P.O. Box 16708, Lubbock, TX 79490. Free postage. 6/15
One Resthaven plot for sale. Section O, Lot 219, Space 1, $2,500 includes transfer fees. 8/14 Call 806-762-3600. Dr. Michael J. Dunn has provided Lubbock with 36 years of quality vision care. Call 745-2222.
Fitness for Adults Community Health Center of Lubbock is offering free exercise classes, the first Monday of every month, from 7 to 8 p.m., at the Arnett Benson Medical & Dental Clinic, 3301 Clovis Road. The program focuses on prevention and healthy living. For more information and registration, contact Yvonne at 765-2611, ext. 1009.
Caring for women
Expanded Primary Health To recognize Men’s Health month, Community Health Cen- Care is a grant to help uninter of Lubbock is providing free health screenings and valuable sured females access Family Planning Services. information for men 40 years of age and older. Quality primary and preThe event will be at the Parkway Community Clinic, 406 ventative health care services MLK Blvd. from 9 a.m. to noon, June 13. can be provided to women. Screenings are provided on a walk-in basis. Call Yvonne Gutierrez at 806-765-2611 ext. 1009 for more Call 806-765-2611 to find out more about this program. information.
cowBoy uP!
senior sitters
Seniors: if you need help bathing, dressing, meal preparation, or transportation, call me. Experienced and references available. Call 535-5644 or 239-8942. 11/14
luBBock ceMetery Plot
Lubbock cemetery plot - section 2 B, Lot 34, Space 3 for $600. Please call 786-2346. rtu
golDen gazette
The Golden Gazette can come to you. Subscribe for one year for $24; two years for $48. Mail your address and check to: Golden Gazette, 1310 Avenue Q, Lubbock, TX 79401. rtn
straight forwarD & honest
Straight forward and Honest: “Stay on Your Feet” (autobiography) Very readable. Send $14.99 to John Castleman, P.O. Box 16708, Lubbock, Texas 79490. Free postage. 6/15
soMeone neeDs a Meal
Our volunteers deliver a lot more than a meal. One hour a day, a week, or a month can make a difference. Lubbock Meals on Wheels. Call 806-792-7971.
Buying fishing gear
Buying fishing gear - old new any kind. Wanting to buy fishing items -- lures, reels; Iso fishing gear -- lures, reels, tackle. Cash in hand, Danny, 806-392-8502 3/15
get riD of stuff?
Place your ad HERE! $7 for most ads. Call 806-744-2220.
Free Ads
Local Personal ad, Maximum of 10 words, merchandise priced $100 or less, will be run FREE OF CHARGE.
7 for up to 30 words 10¢ per word above 30. $
Ads must be received by the 20th of the month for the following month’s issue. Email: jstone@wordpub.com
Fax to: 806-744-2225
Mail to: Word Publications 1310 Avenue Q Lubbock, Texas 79401
Page 22 • June 2015 • Golden Gazette
By Joan Blackmon, Coordinator Lead With Experience
Volunteer Opportunities and Information
Lubbock Meals on Wheels is looking for volunteer drivers to deliver meals. Each route contains approximately 10-12 meals. Orientation and background checks are required for all delivery volunteers. Call 792-7971. American Wind Power Center is in need of volunteers. The center encompasses 28 acres and is always in need of volunteers who are willing to learn how to ride a tractor, ride a lawnmower, or operate a weed-eater. Volunteers are also needed to assist in the museum, learn about windmills, and be available to answer questions from visitors. Contact the center at 7478734 or www.windmill.com Stockings for Servicemen – in 2014, Lubbock RSVP and its volunteers assisted in providing more than 4,000 stockings for servicemen serving overseas. For additional information, contact the Lubbock RSVP office at 743-7787.
Gentiva Hospice has opportunities for volunteers in the Lubbock community. Some needs are patient-focused or administrative. Hospice volunteers provide socialization, veteran-to-veteran visits, music outreach, pet therapy, and respite care relief. Training provided. Contact Katherine McLamore at 831-1664 to discuss options. StarCare Specialty System is looking for volunteers to visit with individuals in nursing facilities who have intellectual disability, developmental disability, or related conditions. Call Kristin Tovar at 806-215-2942. ‘Volunteers on Call’ is looking for you. Often, there are groups who need assistance with mail-outs, registrations, or other special projects. To be added to the list, call the RSVP, 743-7787. ‘No one is more cherished in this world than someone who lightens the burden of To commemorate this 70th anniversary of the Allied nations’ Victory in Europe (V-E) Day another.’
Alzheimer’s Screening:
Alzheimer’s disease is the leading cause of dementia for people over 65. Through the month of June, Dr. Dunn will do a free screening and counseling for this condition with the purchase of an eye exam. Your findings cannot be accessed by insurance companies or Medicare at Dr. Dunn’s office without your ok.
Call 806-745-2222 for an appointment.
and Victory Over Japan (V-J) Day, the Census Bureau presents a wide range of statistics related to those who served in World War II. The topics covered include the number of living veterans at the time of each decennial census, a breakdown of those serving by whether they were volunteers or inducted draftees, number of wounded or killed, average duration of service, the units women served in, and how active duty military strength during this era compared to levels in subsequent wars.
Ballot box demographics The 2016 Presidential Election campaign cycle started early this time, and perhaps those most interested in keeping tabs on candidates are the nation’s older folk, reports the Association of Mature American Citizens. Seniors have always been keen on their voting rights, accounting for the lion’s share of voter participation, particularly in recent federal elections.
Those over 65 have accounted for nearly two thirds of the vote in some elections in recent years. There are a number of reasons that as people grow older the more focused they are on their political leadership, not the least of which is the desire to protect the government programs they paid for in their younger days.
Golden Gazette • June 2015 • Page 23
Health & Fitness Day celebrated at senior center
Ron Presley and Alysa Androes
The Lubbock Senior Center hosted its annual National Senior Health and Fitness Day on May 27. More than 25 local agencies and businesses provided tips and information on topics including nutrition, Tai Chi, fitness, healthy habits, medications, exercise, scams, caregivers, and coping with chronic illnesses such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The 22nd Annual National Senior Health and Fitness Day is the nation’s largest annual health promotional event for older adults with activities in all 50 states typically on the last Wednesday in May and falls during Older Americans Month. The common goal for this day is to help keep older Americans healthy and fit. Lubbock Senior Center is located at 2001 19th St. Hours of operation are Mondays and Wednesdays-Fridays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesdays from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information, call Lubbock Senior Center at 806-767-2710.
Estella Deleon & Julie Dominguez
Becky Gilbert & Virginia Vitsche
Dwight Newsome, Joan Blackman and Tom White
Dr. Michael Dunn and Bonnie Fleming
Al Mole
Mavis Whitten and Carmen Soto
Page 24 • June 2015 • Golden Gazette
M.A.D. summer camps at Buddy Holly Center
The Waters Elementary team.
Talkington School for Young Women Leaders team.
Destination Imagination teams perform well at Global Finals More than 1,400 teams from 17 countries gathered in Knoxville, Tennessee, in late May for the Destination Imagination Global Finals. Lubbock ISD was represented by two teams, one from Waters Elementary and one from the Talkington School for Young Women Leaders.
The Waters team, called the Ejumptians, competed in the Project Outreach category finishing sixth out of 83. The team members were Bailey Broadway, Loren Fritsch, Ryan Gage, Addison Garcia, Eleni Pruitt, Avori Rivera, and Nova Willingham. The head team manager was Teri Holmes and the
W. 82nd & Homestead Ave. 34th & Memphis Ave.
Lorenzo Nazareth Post Shallowater Slaton
Protect yourself & those you love, Get Your Immunizations
Flu shot yearly and other immunizations as recommended by your physician. For assistance with locating a clinic that provides immunizations, contact the City of Lubbock Health Department at 806-775-3090
Children ages 8 to 12 may attend the M.A.D. (Music, Art and Drama) Summer Camp at the Buddy Holly Center. The first session will be held June 15 to 19. The second session will be held June 22 to 26. Times are 8 a.m. to noon each day. The camp is for young artists, musicians and actors. Campers will explore their creative side by taking time each day to discover different aspects of the creative arts. Drama fundamentals, a variety of visual art mediums, and foundational skills necessary to achieve musical success will be taught. M.A.D. campers will develop a special closing program to display their talents at the end of the week. The $50 registration fee is due June 5 at 5 p.m. for the 1st week, or June 12 at 5 p.m. for the 2nd week. For more information, call 806-775-3562.
gineering, design or performance. While the destination is creativity, the students make the journey itself memorable. The Talkington team, called the Mad Hatters competed in the senior level Structural catetory, Lose to Win, finishing 12th out of 62. Team members were Kara Diabetes and Copeland, Hannah Flournoy, Nutrition Classes Kadie Graves, Nellie Ramirez Community Health Center and Allyson Vinson. The team coordinator was of Lubbock hosts free Diabetes Self-Management and Donna Barbee and the team managers were Bryan Ellyson Nutrition classes. Each course is provided in and Mitzi Flournoy. a group setting. Each class meets once weekly for 8 weeks. Participants are presented with information and instruction for diabetes management. The classes are free and • Tired of sitting at the doctor’s office? open to the public. Upcoming classes: • Do you find it difficult to find a ride to your appointments? -- June 9, at the Arnett • Are you ready to have your healthcare on your own terms? Benson Medical & Dental • Take advantage of this covered MEDICARE service Clinic from 6 to 8 p.m. and let our physicians and nurse practitioners -- June 10, at The Bridge provide your primary medical care in your HOME. of Lubbock from 10 a.m. to noon. Brought to you by Contact Josh Moreno at L ubbock and F amily 806-765-2611 ext. 1007 for Medicine and schedule a housecall today. registration. team co-managers were Kelly Webster and Kelly Espinoza. The Waters team brought home the Renaissance Award, which recognizes competitors who demonstrate extraordinary amounts of effort and preparation in their solutions or outstanding skill in en-