START LEADING OTHERS. START ABOVE THE REST. START ACCOMPLISHING MORE. START DEFINING YOURSELF. START MAKING A DIFFERENCE. START FEELING INSPIRED. START STRONG. There's strong. Then there's Army Strong. Enroll in Army ROTC at Texas Tech University to complement your education with the training, experience and skills needed to make you a leader. Army ROTC also offers full-tuition scholarships and a monthly stipend to help pay for your education. And when you graduate, you will have an edge in life as an Army Officer and a leader. All it takes is enrolling in MSL10L. To get started, visit
For more information about the Texas Tech University Army ROTC program, call the Recruiting Operations Officer at 806.834.5018. ©2015. Paid for by the United States Army. All rights reserved. / 2017-2018
2017 - 2018 Volume 42
The Texas Tech Students Guide
Sports & Schedules
Football Schedule................................................22
Student Government Association
Lady Raider Basketball Schedule.......................25
SGA Cabinet.......................................................51
Men’s Basketball Schedule.................................24
SGA Officers.......................................................51
Volleyball Schedule............................................23
SGA Senators................................................ 52-53
Women’s Soccer Schedule.................................26
Word’s Worth.......................................................3
From one who’s been there, done that!.................5
Things To Do
In trouble? Don’t go it alone...............................14
Bucket List in Lubbock................................. 46-47
Renting & Housing
Legal Drugs: Are you hooked yet?.......................4
Involving family in your college life..................13
Let’s talk about empowerment............................28
Keep the Faith.....................................................38
Propaganda - What’s Real?.................................28
Learn the Fight Song & The Matador Song........26
5 Things-EMPOWERMENT: Things to think about to give you perspective........47 10 Commandments of Parking............................45 A Balanced Life..................................................27 Are We Really that Stupid?..................................8 Dress How You Want to be Addressed..............48 Empowerment: Evaluations................................28
Red Raider Student Employment Center............16 Refuse to Hate.....................................................38 Social Media and the Enter-net...........................10 The Snowflake Generation..................................49 What I Wish I’d Known........................................5 What do I do now?..............................................49
Money & Finances Banking.................................................................4 Money: student loans, tuition, fees & spending..........................................12 Things money can’t buy......................................28 Ways to Waste Money........................................12
Academics Academic Calendar, 2017-2019..........................19 Final Exam Schedule, Fall 2017.........................18 The Library...........................................................8 Will I ever actually graduate?.............................21
Be a Wise Renter................................................32 I don’t care for your girlfriend............................32
Dining Guide Dining Guide................................................. 44-45
Get Help 742-RIDE, 742-NITE.........................................34 Campus Safety......................................................9
Why choose University Studies..........................13
Crisis & Help Numbers.......................................11
Raider Safe....................................................16, 34
Are your parents coming to town?......................20
Coupons SGA Raider Bucks - Coupons! 39-43
About the Cover Empowerment! Yes, we would all like to be empowered, but in nearly all cases this sort of thing comes only with a lot of hard work. It is our hope you’ll be encouraged to ‘take the first step’ – and with due diligence – make the changes necessary to become educated and informed about the issues that confront you. If you’re concerned about student fees, the high cost of an education, and your future – then make your voice heard – and become EMPOWERED!
Navigating the Tech Website..............................17 S-Bus...................................................................34 Stress: How vulnerable are you? Take the stress test........................................6
Campus Compass Maps, Diagrams, & Bus Routes Bus Routes: Times & Schedules.........................34 Campus Map & Citibus Routes.................... 36-37 Dan Law Field Seating Diagram.........................26 Jones AT&T Stadium Seating............................23 United Supermarkets Arena Seating...................26
THE WORD is published by Word Publications in cooperation with THE STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION as a service to the students of Texas Tech University. Opinions expressed by publishers and writers are not to be considered an official expression by Texas Tech University or the publisher. The appearance of advertising, including supplements and inserts, in the publication does not constitute an endorsement by Texas Tech University of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication must be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to the race, creed, color, national origin or sex of the purchaser, user, or patron. A violation or rejection of this policy of equal opportunity by an advertiser will result in the REFUSAL to print future advertising from that source. All rights reserved. No part of the design, cover, format, editorial and/or written contents may be copied, imitated or reproduced in any form, or incorporated into any form of retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, without the prior written consent of the registered copyright owner. © 2017 Word Publications
2 / 2017-2018
Word’s Worth From the SGA External Vice President Texas Tech University is an incredible place of
opportunity. It is easy to become overwhelmed with the uncertainty of where to start or which direction to take. Beginning this new chapter of your life presents many questions you will find yourself asking. What type of reputation do I want to carry? What type of impact do I want to leave on my Avery Martinez campus? Who do I want External Vice President to become? My name is Avery Martinez and just a few short years ago, those questions, too, once raced through my head. However, there was one aspiration that continued to ring louder than the rest – and that was my desire to leave my mark. Attending a college with 36,000 students presents many challenges. It is common to become discouraged and intimidated by the sheer fact that you are just one person. But remember, YOU are vital to the success of Texas Tech University, and therefore you are vital to the course this institution takes. Do not be afraid to fully immerse yourself in what it means to be a Red Raider. We are bold. We are passionate. We are driven, but most importantly, we are Texas Tech. During your first few months as a student, I encourage you to reflect on the issues you are passionate about. Texas Tech provides students with countless resources, services, and platforms in which your ideas can become a reality. Seize those opportunities and become the person you were meant to be, and as always, remember to strive for honor in everything you do. It’s all about empowerment – take the first step! Wreck ‘em Avery Martinez External Vice President Student Government Association Texas Tech University
Welcome to the SUB! Established as the campus community center in 1953, the Student Union Building remains the home and hub for the Texas Tech community to come together for entertainment, engagement and involvement.
Student Union offers:
Banking and ATM Machines • CopyMail Free Activities for Students • Meeting and Study Rooms Military, Veterans and Family Lounge Places to Eat • TVs • University Bookstore Wireless Internet
Student Activities offers:
Arbor Day • Homecoming Week • Late Night Movies RaiderGate: A Student Tailgate Tradition Raider Welcome events • Tech-or-Treat Tech Can Share Food Drive • and much more!
Guest Services & Reservations 806.742.3636
Student Activities & Student Activities Board 806.742.4708
@TexasTechSAB / 2017-2018
So, you walk into your doctor’s office and say, “Hey doc, I can’t seem to concentrate like I used to.” He says, “No problem, my friend. I’ve got just the thing you need.” And a-w-a-y we go… Can it be true? Are some college students actually buying into the story that the pharmaceutical drug companies are selling? You better believe it, ‘my friend.’ Now, perhaps the doctors shouldn’t be handing out drugs like Adderall as though they were Halloween candy - but indeed – some of them are. And if a college student can get his hands on enough of these physician-distributed drugs, why – hell, he can even make a profit selling these mind benders to some of his easily-swayed buddies at final exam time. That is if he can get his hands on enough of them. Now come on – admit it. Surely you know someone on campus who is either taking these drugs or selling them – or both. Right? This is no secret. But how did we get here? I suppose we could blame the physicians. But that would be too easy. Yes, they are partly to blame for the problem (“drug whores” – as pharmaceutical drug salesmen often refer to them – a topic for another story). And it would obviously be nice if the physicians said, “Well kid, I could write you a script for Adderall, but you’d probably be better off exercising, eating properly and getting plenty of rest.” But this is often not the case. And the truth is, most physicians don’t know that much about the role proper nutrition plays in the human body anyway. It’s not necessarily their fault – and they’ll be the first to tell you that nutrition courses played only a small role in their overall education. They’ve been trained in the arena of pharmaceutical drugs. Of course, the pharmaceutical lobbyists in our nation’s capitol love it – because it represents billions of dollars in profits. And as my old granddaddy used to say, “Son, if you want to know what motivates someone to do something – follow the money.” I hate to admit it, but ‘my old granddaddy’ was probably correct. And it begs the question: “Would the pharmaceutical drug companies be motivated by profits?” No – never. The word “profit” never even enters their little minds. But, I digress. Ultimately drug use is up to the person taking the drugs. Yes, the doctors play a role – and obviously the pharmaceutical drug lobby plays a role, too (have you noticed all the 4 / 2017-2018
drug ads on TV and the internet?), but no one is sticking a gun to your head and forcing you to take these drugs. Besides, if you’re so easily convinced that these drug companies are after what’s in your best interest, you might need to see a shrink. Now, having said this, there are certainly people out there who probably need to take a pill before taking an exam. It seems absolutely insane, but I suppose it’s true. And in many cases, these students have been taking these drugs since their childhood – and at this point you can’t ask them to stop taking these drugs - cold turkey. They’re “hooked,” for the lack of a better term. Their parents wanted what was best for their child, and if taking a pill increases their chances of winning a Nobel Prize, then take the damn pill! Again, it seems sort of insane – but some of these babyboomer parents will do whatever it takes to see that their child has a chance at “success.” God forbid little Buffy appear to be stupid to the rest of the children. But again, I digress. The bottom line is that people either take the bull by the horns or they don’t. If you are one of these people hooked on some sort of pharmaceutical drug – be it an ADHD drug, an opiate, or an anti-depressant, be careful. These drugs can have side effects that are dangerous as hell. Instead, empower yourself – or at least try! Don’t let some profit-at-all-cost corporate asshole run your life. Granted, legal drugs often save lives – and I am not for one moment suggesting they don’t. I’m just saying to weigh the pros and cons before taking them – and to use good judgment.
Banking Wells Fargo Bank Open a 360 Checking® Account No Fees, No Minimums, Earns Interest. We have a bank or ATM location near you. Tech Branch: 1215 University 806-765-6281 Main Branch: 1500 Broadway 806-765-8861 Reaching your financial goals can start here.
From one who’s ‘been there, done that!’ By Dr. Elva Edwards Texas Tech Class of 1972 College! What a wonderful time of life. Believe it or not, when you are older you will refer to your college days as the best days of your life. Hopefully, you will talk about how this person or that person influenced you to see things a different way. Open your mind and sift through all the information you learn to decide how you want to live your life. When I went to college in 1968, I didn’t know anything about drugs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
What I wish I’d known:
Prescription drugs often cause memory problems. Prescription drugs always have side effects.
Feel anxious? Buy Rescue Remedy and use it. It works! Talk about emotions instead of avoiding them so they don’t cause problems later. Learn to take care of your body. Learn to love yourself. Say no to people you don’t want to be with. Learn about setting good boundaries. Childhood trauma often causes problems later in life. You don’t need to do anything to prove yourself. Health is created by good food and good thoughts. Understand that illness isn’t from a lack of medication. Most of how one is programmed starts at age 6. Putting chemicals into the body will not serve you well. Alcohol is a drug. Avoid addiction. Listen to wiser, older people. If you want to have a good time & a good life, eat well & avoid drugs if possible. Drugs make us need more drugs.
Most college students today, however have a basic understanding of drugs. I’m not talking about marijuana. I’m talking about the legal kind of drugs that you get from a doctor. At least someone gets them from a doctor. In grade school, middle school, high school and college, I only knew one person who took medication. That person had asthma. That was it! There were no guidelines when going to camp for the parents to give instructions to the nurses about the child’s medication schedule. I’m not sure a nurse was at our camp. No children took Adderall. No children were on anti-depressants. No children were on year-round allergy medication. My world must sound like a fairy tale to you today, almost unbelievable. We didn’t take a lot of drugs because we didn’t have all of the problems that seem to plague people today. Yes, maybe a few went undiagnosed, but not many. My friends often play this game where we ask, what would you as an older person say to your younger self if you had the opportunity? Obviously, we would tell ourselves things we wish we had known and the lessons we have learned along life’s way. Check out the list to the left of this article for things I wish I’d known. And remember, what you do have is choices. / 2017-2018
Get Help!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ____ 14. I am in good health (includes eyesight, hearing, teeth). ____ 15. I am able to speak openly about my feelings when angry 1 2 3 4 5 Almost Always Never or worried. ____ 16. I have regular conversations with the people I live with about domestic problems (e.g. chores, money, daily living issues). ____ 17. I do something fun at least once a week. ____ 1. I eat at least one hot, balanced meal a day. ____ 18. I am able to organize my time effectively. ____ 2. I get 7-8 hours of sleep at least 4 nights/week. ____ 19. I drink fewer than three cups of coffee (or tea or cola) a day. ____ 3. I give and receive affection regularly. ____ 20. I take quiet time for myself during the day. ____ 4. I have at least one relative within 50 miles on whom I can rely. ____ 5. I exercise to the point of perspiration at least twice/week. ____ Subtotal – 20 = TOTAL ________ ____ 6. I smoke less than half a pack of cigarettes a day. To get your score: ____ 7. I take fewer than five alcoholic drinks a week. Add up the numbers. ____ 8. I am the appropriate weight for my height. Then, subtract 20. ____ 9. I have an income adequate to meet my basic expenses. Any number over 5 indicates a vulnerability to stress. ____ 10. I get strength from my religious beliefs. You are seriously vulnerable if your score is between 25 and 55, ____ 11. I regularly attend club or social activities. and extremely vulnerable if your score is over 55. ____ 12. I have a network of friends and acquaintances. - Quiz courtesy of the Student Counseling Center ____ 13. I have one or more friends to confide in about personal matters.
Helping make your years at TTU healthy & productive
Professional, on-campus medical care! Student Wellness Center Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. To schedule an appointment
Health Insurance
6 / 2017-2018
Pharmacy - 806-743-2636
The AUDIT Test for Alcohol Addiction (Alcoholism)
To correctly answer some of these questions you need to know the definition of a drink. For this test one drink is: One can of beer (12 oz or approx 330 ml of 5% alcohol), or One glass of wine (5 oz or approx 140 ml of 12% alcohol), or One shot of liquor (1.5 oz or approx 40 ml of 40% alcohol). 1. How often do you have a drink containing alcohol? Never (score 0) Monthly or Less (score 1) 2-4 times a month (score 2) 2-3 times a week (score 3) 4 or more times a week (score 4) 2. How many alcoholic drinks do you have on a typical day when you are drinking? 1 or 2 (0) 3 or 4 (1) 5 or 6 (2) 7-9 (3) 10 or more (4) 3. How often do you have 6 or more drinks on one occasion? Never (0) Less than monthly (1) Monthly (2) Weekly (3) Daily or almost daily (4) 4. How often during the past year have you found that you drank more or for a longer time than you intended? Never (0) Less than monthly (1) Monthly (2) Weekly (3) Daily or almost daily (4) 5. How often during the past year have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your drinking? Never (0) Less than monthly (1) Monthly (2) Weekly (3) Daily or almost daily (4) 6. How often during the past year have you had a drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session? Never (0) Less than monthly (1) Monthly (2) Weekly (3) Daily or almost daily (4) 7. How often during the past year have you felt guilty or remorseful after drinking? Never (0) Less than monthly (1) Monthly (2) Weekly (3) Daily or almost daily (4) 8. How often during the past year have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because of your drinking?
Never (0) Less than monthly (1) Monthly (2) Weekly (3) Daily or almost daily (4) 9. Have you or anyone else been injured as a result of your drinking? No (0) Yes, but not in the past year (2) Yes, during the past year (4) 10. Has a relative, friend, doctor, or health care worker been concerned about your drinking, or suggested that you cut down? No (0) Yes, but not in the past year (2) Yes, during the past year (4) Your score: If you scored 8-10 or more, you are probably addicted to alcohol.
Drug Addiction Self-Assessment: 1. Do most or all of your social activities include smoking marijuana or using drugs? 2. Have you had regrets about your behavior after using drugs? 3. Do you use drugs more than you used to, to get the same effect? 4. Can you get through the week without using drugs? 5. Have you ever forgotten all or part of an evening after using drugs? 6. Have you ever missed homework, a class or done poorly on a test because of using drugs? 7. Have you ever had personal, legal or financial problems related to using drugs but didn’t alter you use patterns? 8. Do you have any family members with an alcohol or other drug problem? 9. Have you ever tried to stop or cut down but weren’t always successful? 10. Have you ever experienced withdrawal symptoms (felt sick) when you stop taking drugs? If you answered yes to two or more questions, you may be developing unhealthy substance use habits. It may be helpful for you to talk to a peer or professional counselor. If you have answered yes to 5 or more you mostly likely are addicted to drugs and need to see professional help immediately.
4913 South Loop 289 #100 Lubbock, TX 79424
806-412-4721 / 2017-2018
The Library Books, resources, computers, media rentals, and more
As a pastime I enjoy watching people do stupid things. Really. You should give it a try. It’s fun. Like seeing a group of in-debt-up-totheir-eyeballs college kids lined up to get an over-priced margarita at a bar. That’s funny to me. Or watching an overweight family of four waddling into an all-you-can-eat chicken fried steak joint. Another one that turns me on is listening to people who have a fear of a voting booth complain about their “elected officials.” But I do have to admit that on this one it’s hard not to laugh out loud – you know, because of the Electoral College. I’m sure Hillary wouldn’t find this too funny. But still… I also enjoy looking at really bad tattoos on people that can’t afford to pay their rent. You know - tattoos that were placed there by an “artist.” That’s some funny stuff man. Another one that cracks me up is seeing a homeless man standing on a street corner with a Smartphone in his hand. I wonder where the cell phone company sends his monthly bill? I also think it’s funny that Big 12 College football coaches have multi-million dollar contracts while the average Big 12 8 / 2017-2018
college students are sinking like stones from the debt that’s wrapped around their necks. This one must be particularly funny to the chancellor or president of these major universities. I can see them now – sitting in their ivory towers talking to one another on the phone about the national student loan crisis. Can you see them, too? You know, stretched out in their high-back leather chairs with their feet propped up on their desks talking about who has the better quarterback this year. That’s gut-grabbing hilarity – on a major scale! But, I guess priorities are priorities. One of the more funny things to watch – at least on TV and the internet – is how Washington D.C. is controlled by big lobbyists like pharmaceutical companies, the NRA, and big oil. These groups say “jump” and the congressman (probably from your district) says, “How high?” After all, as a congressman who represents constituents, you don’t want to upset a powerful lobbyist! Correct? I mean, for God’s sake – you might not get re-elected. This circus is fun to watch – and I never miss an opportunity to laugh at the obvious. Honestly though – as the old saying goes – ‘I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.’
The University Library provides access 24 hours a day, five days a week to the largest information commons area on campus -- 250 public computers -- which include a wide variety of software from Microsoft Office Suite to Adobe Creative Suite to AutoCAD. The Library now offers two charging stations, located on the ground floor, for cell phones and tablets. Also located on the ground floor is GroupWorks, the high-tech, interactive group meeting area that allows users to “plug in and share.” Another feature is the state-of-the-art Crossroads Recording Studio. The studio is open to all majors and is located in the basement. Your Library also features 16 “personal librarians” to assist students in every major in navigating numerous services and resources. And with access to 400 databases, 58,000 e-journals, 100,000 e-books and more than 1 million digital images, success awaits with these resources and more. The Library has all the tools to get you there. The main number to the Library is 806742-2265. The Library offers an online catalog at Students can rent many things besides books. The Digital Media Studio offers cameras, Mac’s, projectors, lighting kits, movies and audiobooks. Visit
Some people live an entire lifetime and wonder if they have ever made a difference in the world. A veteran doesn’t have that problem. - Ronald Reagan
If you are intoxicated, you cannot give consent.
Lubbock Rape Crisis Center Report Rape / Sex Trafficking
418 Cases in 2016
Volunteer Opportunities Available For more information call
Campus Safety -- Better Safe than Sorry
Campus crime goes beyond stolen bicycles and grafitti. Intruders and assaults happen on college campuses. To prevent crimes from happening, keep these tips in mind. • Never walk alone at night. Try to always go out with at least one friend if you are going to be spending all night in the library. Walk along well-lit paths, and avoid dark areas such as parking lots. • Blue Light Phones on campus call Tech police when the receiver is picked up. • If you are studying alone late at night, Safe Ride is available to come pick you up and give
you a ride home. Safe Ride is a taxi service that runs from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. and is free to all Tech students. Showing your Tech ID is the only requirement. Call 742-NITE. • The S-Bus provides students off campus a way to safely get home from the Depot District and Broadway. Call 742-RIDE. • Get your keys out of your purse before you begin walking to your car or apartment. That way, you won’t be distracted by digging through your purse. • When going to your car, check underneath it and the back seats before getting in for possible
uninvited guests. Always lock your vehicle, and do not leave valuables in the open. • Lock your door whenever you are asleep or leave for any amount of time. • It may be beneficial to invest in Mace. Keychain size Mace is available at several locations around town. • Be aware of your surroundings. • Avoid putting your address on personal items, such as your wallet. Putting a telephone number is safer. • Report any suspicious activity to the Texas Tech Police Department at 743-2000 or 9-911.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid
To fill out your FAFSA
OPENS OCTOBER 1 for 2018-2019
TTU Code: 003644 / 2017-2018
I guess the world grows stranger with each passing day. It seems we are bombarded with “information.” Some of this information is a complete waste of time – and much of it comes via social media. But when you think about it, there’s nothing “social” about it. Hell, it’s far from being engaged with another human being. There’s no eye contact, you can’t hear the inflections in their voices, and you most certainly can’t determine how someone really feels about – well, almost anything. Instead, what you most often get is a posed picture of a group of people pretending to have fun. They’re usually holding a wine glass in their hand with some phony smile while standing on a balcony of a hotel somewhere with a perfect sunset scene in the background. Or, they’re standing around yet another bar taking selfies of themselves while pretending to enjoy some band. It’s predictable. It’s pathetic. And it’s boring. Besides, it’s got way too much ME in it. Me, me, me - and then more friggin’ ME! Enough already! And how did we arrive at this place in history? Yes, we could blame Mark Zuckerberg, a socially inept shy little guy with the social skills of a kid who’s been bullied his entire life, or we could instead take a close look at ourselves in the mirror. But don’t look too long because that’s sort of what got us into this mess in the first place. Is it time we shook ourselves of such nonsense? I mean, if you’ve become famous because of a scientific discovery or because of a novel you’ve written or because you swam the English Channel while towing a boatload of monkeys, then I can understand why you’ve “made it” on the internet. But otherwise, don’t waste our time. You’re NOT famous. Not yet, anyway. And please - don’t show us what you ate for dinner last night! I’m often astonished when I hear that someone actually off’d themselves because of something that was posted about them on social media. These people are fragile. Let’s face it - the inter10 / 2017-2018
net is full of hateful things. So if you’re already a little on the unstable side, then best stay away. It could be dangerous to your health. I know it has been mine. It’s depressing – and I’ve got enough to handle as it is without watching some poor soul get his head handed to him by a man with a hood over his head. So what is the solution? It’s easy. Stop. Not forever, but now and again. Give yourself a break from the crazy world on the internet – and instead, focus your attention on real people who are standing in front of you. You know, “those” people, the ones who actually love you. Surely you have someone in your life who enjoys your company. Maybe you should get together and have a device-free evening. Bring musical instruments – if you’ve got one. If not, stay off the internet and social media and learn how to play one. I’ll bet you could find someone to teach you. You know - some human being that actually takes your fingers and shows you what it feels like to make musical notes with your hands. Forgive me, I’m obviously being facetious. But really – there’s so much living to be done – and I just hate to see you missing out on it – not that I’m God’s gift to a happy life. I’m not. But I’m not so stupid that I don’t recognize a serious “social” problem when I see one. Now I’m not suggesting you give up your phone or your internet forever. Not by any means. There’s a lot of good stuff out there – and some impressive knowledge to be found
about everything from the vast universe to micro organisms that are frolicking to ‘n fro in just about everything from your pancakes to your underwear and everywhere in between. And research? LOTS of research! I love it. I really do. There’s nothing better than to be able to quickly pick up a device and learn what Lawrence Krauss recently discovered about a distant galaxy. He’s a smart guy. You should Google him. I can almost hear you now, saying “Who does this guy think he is?” Well, I’m really not anybody important - certainly not important enough that my views have been published in a research journal of any kind. But I do like to think I’ve got some common sense – and this common sense was not provided via the internet or social media. It came from my parents and my grandparents and friends I’ve been lucky enough to spend time with over the years. I’m grateful for their time – which of late seems harder to come by. They – like so many others – are spending an inordinate amount of their precious days looking at a screen. It’s weird, man. It’s George Orwell weird. It’s like almost running over someone who’s got his head so far up his ass that they don’t see the traffic around them - because they’re staring at the phone! I almost feel sorry for them – but not quite. I’m not that compassionate of a person. I see most people today as being rather stupid. Well, c’est la vie. By the way, if a 22-year-old man lives to be 72, he has roughly 18,000 total days on the earth. What are you doing with your time?
CRISIS & Help NUMBERS Emergencies In Lubbock................911 Emergencies On Campus........... 9911 Lubbock Lighthouse..............744-3419 Nite Ride . .............................. 742-NITE Parkridge . ..............................794-8555 Rape Crisis Center.............763-RAPE ..................................................... (7273) Safe Ride................................ 742-RIDE Stages of Recovery................412-4721 Student Counseling Center...742-3674 Student Financial Center.......742-3681 Student Health Services........743-2848 West Texas ER.......................368-5837 .................................................368-8606
Dr. John Turner
LITTLE TO NO WAIT West Texas ER is Lubbock's first Freestanding Emergency Room. We value the fact that we are a homegrown business with strong ties to our local community. We see each patient as our honored guest and this allows us to consistently provide the fastest emergency care in Lubbock. If a patient needs to be transferred to a local hospital, we have standing relationships to facilitate admission in an easy manner. Assistance may be given by facilitating follow up appointments and referrals to a local specialist as needed. We are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We have full laboratory and radiology services such as X-ray, Computerized Tomography (CT scan), & ultrasound on site.
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OPEN 24/7 Common reasons to visit West Texas ER: • fever • abdominal pain • flu • allergic reaction • foreign body removal • back pain • headache/migraine • blood clot • high blood pressure • breathing difficulty • infection • broken bone • insect/animal bite • burns • pneumonia • chest pain/heart attack • rash • concussion • seizure • cuts and lacerations • stroke • dehydration • vomiting/diarrhea • eye injury
10205 Quaker Ave Lubbock, TX 79424 806-368-8606 / 2017-2018
MONEY: student loans, tuition, fees, & spending Student loan debt has increased to $1.31 trillion, second only to mortgage debt. That number was reached in the fourth quarter 2016 according to the New York Federal Reserve. Whether you are the first in your family to attend college or if you come from a long line of college graduates, you were probably told that a college education is essential to a better and financially sound future. But is a college degree really worth the investment? More and more students are putting themselves
12 / 2017-2018
thousands of dollars in debt, to receive a degree that isn’t providing a great return on investment. An education is absolutely a worthy pursuit, just maybe not an economically sound one. Is that fine arts degree worth $35,000 of debt? Seventy percent of bachelor’s degree recipients graduate with debt, according to College is expensive – tuition, fees, books, and living expenses. Many students have jobs to supplement those expenses. Yes, college is expensive, but what about discretionary spending - that money you spend eating out, going to bars, and shopping for stuff. The expenses you put on that nearly maxed-out credit card. While much of the college student’s spending does go to fund the educational pursuits, 40% goes for other stuff – some you can sure live without. Students ages 18-24 spend $5 billion each year on clothes and shoes, and $5.5 billion on alcohol. They spent another $2.4 billion on entertainment, which includes things such as music, DVD and on-demand movie rentals, and video games, according to a study done by So – there’s a problem. College is too expensive, and students are spending too much money on junk. Though many states have frozen tuition rates, colleges continue to increase the cost through fees. It seems like there is a fee for everything. A cultural activity fee, I’m guessing to pay for the cultural activities I never know about, and wouldn’t have time to attend even if I did. A student services fee, which I can understand, but why is there then a separate advising & retention fee? Is the mandatory advising not considered a student service? According to a study by Robert Kelchen, assistant professor at Seton Hall University, mandatory fees have risen 30 percent more than tuition has since 1999. Kelchen attributes much of this increase in fees to increase in spending, particularly on new buildings or improvements that aren’t necessary. “Student fees have been used to fund activities that are not directly related to core instructional operations, but are considered important to the overall college experience… Fees for these items have gained greater scrutiny in recent years as many institutions have constructed new facilities in order to compete with peer institutions or to become more prestigious,” Kelchen said. While these improvements do attract some students, Kelchen said they tend to be lower-
achieving, higher-income students willing to pay the increased price for the amenities. Where does that leave the students who go to school for the academics and are now being priced out of public universities because they need a new lazy river or new training facilities for their football team? Hope you’re enjoying your Leisure Pool – the largest of any such pool on a college campus in the United States. Though many institutions allow students to vote on whether or not fees should increase or new ones be added, students will often vote in their favor, not caring or considering if it affects their parent’s budget or the debt they will incur as a result. They just see the ‘free’ football games. It may seem like the damage is done and college will always be expensive, but only if you choose to resign yourself to that fact. You have the choice to raise your voice, to talk to your student government senator, your dean, your president, and your chancellor. Tell them that you are tired of paying for services you don’t use and for facilities that aren’t needed. And while you’re complaining about student fees, get control of your own spending habits. The choice is yours.
Ways to waste money Ever run short of money? Of course we do – we’re college students. Here are a few items to avoid so you can end up keeping more of your hardearned cash. ► Credit card interest
► ‘Deals’ - You buy a gadget, use it once, then forget about it.
► Wasted food
► Overnight shipping – is this really essential this time?
► ATM fees
► Gambling – ‘Bet’ you didn’t think about that one.
► Alcohol ► Tobacco ► Lottery tickets ► Speeding tickets ► Premium cable packages ► Expensive coffee
in your college life By Christine Self Parent & Family Relations
So, your parents and family members want to be involved in your Texas Tech experience? Great! Below are several ways your family can be involved in your college education while supporting you in your growing independence: Get your family connected with the Parent & Family Relations office. It’s easy. Just go to: You may also call our office: 806-742-3630. Encourage your family to visit during Family Weekend in the fall. This is a wonderful time for you to show off your residence hall room or newly-decorated apartment, your friends, and your campus. Encourage your family to join the Texas Tech Parents Association at Here are some tips to help you help your family be supportive of you in your college journey: Be open with your family about your academic progress, whether it’s good or not-so-good. Don’t be afraid to let your family know if you need help. At the same time, don’t let your parents take care of everything. When your parents give you guidance, act on it yourself. Keep the lines of communication about finances open. Talk with your family about your budget. It’s natural to vent to your family when things aren’t going great -but remember to send that follow-up text when you have taken care of a problem. Parents and family members want the same thing for you that Texas Tech does -- for you to be successful.
● ● ● ● ● ●
Why choose University Studies? You can design your degree plan at Texas Tech. University Studies offers customizable degree programs. There’s no one-size-fits-all. University Studies students have unique careers in mind and need a program of study that allows them flexibility in choosing three distinct areas of study from any of Texas Tech’s academic colleges. Check out the website Drane Hall Room 164, 806-742-7100.
Do the right thing -- even when no one is looking. It’s called integrity. Dreams save us. Dreams lift us up and transform us. And on my soul, I swear until my dream of a world where dignity, honor and justice becomes the reality we all share, I’ll never stop fighting. Ever. - Superman / 2017-2018
If you are ever facing an allegation of misconduct on campus, get legal help immediately. You may be guilty or you may be innocent – but you deserve legal representation. Universities are especially aggressive in pursuing sexual misconduct investigations. Sexual assault is unacceptable no matter what. Since a directive to colleges and universities in 2011, a dramatic swing has taken place - specifically on the handling of accusations of sexual assault and sexual harassment. On the positive side, victims of campus sexual offenses are being heard more, and if an offense has been committed, it is less likely to be swept under the rug. But in the fervor to right the alleged wrongs, the rights of the accused have been put at risk. While victims must seek justice, the accused must be granted an equal chance to prove innocence. Lives are being unnecessarily and unfairly ruined – on both sides. Being found responsible concerning a student conduct violation, even if charges aren’t filed or have 14 / 2017-2018
been dismissed can result in suspension (for up to several years) or expulsion, both of which can prevent a student from moving forward with life. Any student facing a student conduct violation should consult with a licensed criminal defense attorney before discussing it with campus officials to reduce the risk of suspension or expulsion, leaving the future dangling by a thread. A Lubbock attorney, Stephen Hamilton, is experienced in such cases. “If a Texas Tech investigator contacts you to discuss a situation and tells you a complaint has been filed against you,” Hamilton said, “don’t attempt to make ANY explanation, either in person or on the phone, no matter how much they encourage you to tell your side of the story and downplay the seriousness of your conversation - not until you consult with a licensed criminal defense attorney who is experienced in Title IX cases.” Have the attorney accompany you whenever you meet with the investigator, and let the attorney do the talking. Don’t try to ‘go it alone.’
Title IX
Title IX is a law passed in 1972 that requires gender equity for boys and girls in every educational program that receives federal funding. Title IX applies to access to higher education, athletics, career education, education for pregnant and parenting students, employment, learning environment, math and science, sexual harassment, standardized testing, and technology. Most people think Title IX applies only to sports, but athletics is only one of 10 key areas addressed by the law.
The Jeanne Clery Act
The Clery Act is a law that aims to provide transparency around campus crime policy and statistics, and aims to actively foster campus safety. The Clery Act requires colleges and universities to disclose campus safety information, and imposes certain basic requirements for handling incidents of sexual violence and emergency situations. The Clery Act is named in memory of Jeanne Clery who was raped and murdered in her residence hall room by a fellow student she did not know on April 5, 1986.
In Trouble With
The LAW?
A Criminal Arrest May Follow You Through School and After Graduation The law gives Texas residents many rights. DO NOT jeopardize your future simply because you don’t know them.
Stephen L. Hamilton is the attorney who wrote the book. Request your free copy of What Every Texas Tech Student Should Know if They Get in Trouble with the Law at: Stephen L. Hamilton Attorney at Law
For a free consultation, call
806-444-4444 Lubbock, TX
Download Texas Tech’s free mobile safety app – Raider Safe on your phone. One feature allows one-touch calling to Texas Tech Police and 911. You will be able to anonymously submit crime tips to campus police. Designated contacts can receive alerts from you. Also, you can set a safety timer and provide a safety profile. Decide what information to share, should you be in an emergency situation. Have allergies? A medical condition? An aggressive dog? You can include these facts and more in your personalized profile. This profile is only accessible by emergency responders.
16 / 2017-2018
The Red Raider Student Employment Center assists students in finding jobs on- and off-campus. Positions that require Work Study Funding and parttime employment positions on and off campus are posted. Students work between classes, and all earnings are theirs to use as needed. None of the earnings pay toward their billing accounts. The only requirements to use the website is that students be registered for at least six credit hours during the semester. Each position has duties and requirements that define the individual position. Students must follow the instructions completely to contact the employers to apply:
Navigating the Tech website Texas Tech University: ................................................................... Admissions: Alumni: ...................................................................... Athletics: ............................................................................. Donors and Friends: Faculty and Staff: ...................................................... Media: ....................................................................... Online and Regional Sites: .................................... Parents & Family: ........................................ Visitors Center: ...................................................................... Academic Calendars................. Academic Testing Advising Business Career Services.................................................. Catalog & Course Descriptions............... Computer Training........................................... Counseling Disability Financial First Year Raider Freshman Seminar – RaiderReady.............. Graduate Health
Honors Hospitality Services............................................. Housing on campus........................................................... IT Services for students............................................... Learning Legal Services.................................................................. Office of International Affairs.......................... Police Department (TexasTech) Raidergate............................................................ Registrar................................................................. Responsible Community Living.......................................................................... ................................................ Senates.......................................................... Student Government Student Union & Study Testing The Daily Toreador........................................................ The WORD Magazine................................................... Transportation & Writing Center......................................................................... / 2017-2018
For future final exam schedules, go to:
Fall 2017 - Mark this page —you’re going to need it!
Monday Classes
Class time 8 a.m. 9 a.m 10 a.m. 11 a.m. noon 1 p.m. 2 p.m. 3 p.m. 4, 4:30, 5 p.m. 6, 6:30 p.m. Monday night only
Final Exam Date Friday, Dec. 8 Wednesday, Dec. 13 Monday, Dec. 11 Saturday, Dec. 9 Tuesday, Dec. 12 Wednesday, Dec. 13 Tuesday, Dec. 12 Friday, Dec. 8 Saturday, Dec. 9 Monday, Dec. 11 Tuesday, Dec. 12
Final Exam Time 7:30 to 10 a.m. 7:30 to 10 a.m. 1:30 to 4 p.m. 7:30 to 10 a.m. 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 1:30 to 4 p.m. 4:30 to 7 p.m. 7:30 to 10 p.m. 1:30 to 4 p.m. 7:30 to 10 p.m. 7:30 to 10 p.m.
Tuesday Classes
Class time 8 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 2 p.m. 3:30, 4, 4:30 p.m. 5, 5:30 p.m. 6, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday night only
Final Exam Date Monday, Dec. 11 Tuesday, Dec. 12 Friday, Dec. 8 Saturday, Dec. 9 Wednesday, Dec. 13 Saturday, Dec. 9 Saturday, Dec. 9 Wednesday, Dec. 13 Wednesday, Dec.13
Final Exam Time 7:30 to 10 a.m. 7:30 to 10 a.m. 1:30 to 4 p.m 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 4:30 to 7 p.m. 4:30 to 7 p.m. 7:30 to 10 p.m. 7:30 to 10 p.m. 7:30 to 10 p.m.
Wednesday Classes
Class time 8 a.m. 9 a.m. 10 a.m. 11 a.m. noon 1 p.m. 2 p.m. 3 p.m.
Final Exam Date Friday, Dec. 8 Wednesday, Dec. 13 Monday, Dec. 11 Saturday, Dec. 9 Tuesday, Dec. 12 Wednesday, Dec. 13 Tuesday, Dec. 12 Friday, Dec. 8
Final Exam Time 7:30 to 10 a.m. 7:30 to 10 a.m. 1:30 to 4 p.m. 7:30 to 10 a.m. 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 1:30 to 4 p.m. 4:30 to 7 p.m. 7:30 to 10 p.m.
4, 4:30, 5 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 9 6, 6:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 11 Wednesday night only Friday, Dec. 8
Thursday Classes
Class time 8 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 2 p.m. 3:30, 4, 4:30 p.m. 5:00, 5:30 p.m. 6:00, 6:30 p.m. Thursday night only
Final Exam Date Monday, Dec. 11 Tuesday, Dec. 12 Friday, Dec. 8 Saturday, Dec. 9 Wednesday, Dec. 13 Saturday, Dec. 9 Saturday, Dec. 9 Wednesday, Dec. 13 Monday, Dec.11
Friday Classes
Class time 8 a.m. 9 a.m. 10 a.m. 11 a.m. 12 p.m. 1 p.m. 2 p.m. 3 p.m. 4, 4:30, 5 p.m. 6, 6:30 p.m. Friday night only, graduating seniors
Final Exam Date Friday, Dec. 8 Wednesday, Dec. 13 Monday, Dec. 11 Saturday, Dec. 9 Tuesday, Dec. 12 Wednesday, Dec. 13 Tuesday, Dec. 12 Friday, Dec. 8 Saturday, Dec. 9 Monday, Dec. 11 Saturday, Dec. 9
Saturday Classes Class time All
Final Exam Date Monday, Dec. 11
design YOUR DEGREE design YOUR LIFE Why choose UNIVERSITY STUDIES? Customizable degree No one-size-fits-all Unique careers Flexibility Explore and integrate Drane Hall Room 164 806-742-7100
18 / 2017-2018
1:30 to 4 p.m. 7:30 to 10 p.m. 7:30 to 10 p.m.
Final Exam Time 7:30 to 10 a.m. 7:30 to 10 a.m. 1:30 to 4 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 4:30 to 7 p.m. 4:30 to 7 p.m. 7:30 to 10 p.m. 7:30 to 10 p.m. 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Final Exam Time 7:30 to 10 a.m. 7:30 to 10 a.m. 1:30 to 4 p.m. 7:30 to 10 a.m. 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 1:30 to 4 p.m. 4:30 to 7 p.m. 7:30 to 10 p.m. 1:30 to 4 p.m. 7:30 to 10 p.m. 7:30 to 10 p.m.
Final Exam Time 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.
2017-2019 Academic Calendar Fall 2017 Faculty on duty: Aug. 23 First class day: Aug. 28 Holidays: Sept. 4, Nov. 22-26 Last class day: Dec. 6 Final exams: Dec. 8-13** Commencement: Dec. 15-16 Winter Intersession: Dec. 14-22, Jan. 2-11 Spring 2018 Faculty on duty: Jan. 16 First class day: Jan. 18 Spring break: March 10-18 No classes: April 2* Last class day: May 8 Final exams: May 10-15** Commencement: May 18-19
First class day: June 5 Holiday: July 4 Last class day: July 5 Final exams: July 6-7 Second Summer Term 2018 Faculty on duty: July 9 First class day: July 10 Last class day: Aug. 8 Final exams: Aug. 9-10 Commencement: Aug. 11 Fall Intersession: Aug. 13-26
May Intersession: May 16-May 31
Fall 2018 Faculty on duty: Aug. 22 First class day: Aug. 27 Holidays: Sept. 3, Nov. 21-23 Last class day: Dec. 5 Final exams: Dec. 7-12** Commencement: Dec. 14-15
First Summer Term 2018 Faculty on duty: June 4
Winter Intersession: Dec. 13-21, Jan. 2-11
Spring 2019 Faculty on duty: Jan. 14 First class day: Jan. 16 Holidays: Jan. 21 Spring break: March 9-16 No classes: April 22 Last class day: May 7 Final exams: May 9-14** Commencement: May 17-18 First Summer Term 2019 Faculty on duty: June 3 First class day: June 4 Last class day: July 3 Holiday: July 4 Final exams: July 5-6 Second Summer Term 2019 Faculty on duty: July 8 First class day: July 9 Last class day: Aug. 7 Final exams: Aug. 8-9 Commencement: Aug. 10 * Student holiday only ** No exams on Sunday / 2017-2018
Last year my parents came to town for the Tech/UT football game. Unfortunately, they had to stay in Brownfield. The reason this happened is because neither my parents nor myself booked the hotel room far enough in advance. Needless to say, my parents were pissed! It’s astonishing how many people visit Lubbock in a single year. According to the Lubbock Economic Development Association, there were about 5.71 million visitors to the Hub City in 2014 alone – and that number has steadily grown. You might have heard it said that there’s “nothing to do in Lubbock”. Oh yeah? Tell that to a local hotel in this area and you’ll get laughed out of the lobby! They’ll be quick to point out that room availability during certain times of the year can be rather dicey. The Garth Brooks concerts alone prove that point. Then add times like May graduations, and rooms can become rather scarce in a hurry. By the time you combine local high schools with local universities like Texas Tech, Lubbock Christian, Wayland Baptist and South Plains College, you’ve got a lot of human beings scurrying around looking for a place to sleep. So unless you want your parents bunking with you and your girl/boyfriend in an already over-crowded empty-beerbottle filled apartment, you might want to BOOK YOUR HOTEL EARLY!! Seriously, it’ll make that time spent with your parents much more enjoyable.
Near TTU Campus Walking Distance to Jones AT&T Stadium Complimentary Airport Transfer Complimentary Internet Fine Dining Restaurant & Lounge
2322 Mac Davis Lane, Lubbock Reservations: 806.776.7000 or online at 20 / 2017-2018
Will I ever actually graduate? Nearly every day that old grinding thought occurs to me as I’m brushing my teeth, or walking across campus, or getting ready for bed – “Will I ever actually graduate?” Well, for some of us, the answer is “No.” But hopefully for most, yes, you will indeed one day be strolling across a stage with a $35,000 piece of rolled-up paper in your hand. You’ll greet someone you’ve never met before in your life and he’ll say, “Congratulations, you did it.” You might say to yourself, “Did what? It flew by
so fast that I’m not sure what just happened!” Then you’ll make your way down the stairs – stage right – and start contemplating your next move. Good luck. You’re going to need it. But hey, look at the bright side – at least you’re not going off to war. Graduation is a big deal. Especially when you consider the fact that most of your high school teachers never thought you’d make it through that old Home Economics class. But before you actually graduate you might consider a few things:
What is your graduation date? When should I order invitations? Where do I purchase a cap and gown? Should I order a class ring? Where’s the party, dude? Oh yeah ...
5706 I-27 (I-27 South Exit 1B) 749-1090 • 1-877-424-6423 Free Happy Hour 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Mon.-Thurs. Free Hot Deluxe Breakfast Free High-Speed Internet & Free WiFi Indoor Heated Pool & Business Center Free HBO & Cinemax • Free Local & Long Distance Calls / 2017-2018
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Must be at least 16 years old, or 13 with parent/guardian. You must be 18 or older for the Black Card Membership. Incentives offered for enrolling in other memberships. ©United PF JLM, LLC
2017 Texas Tech Football Schedule 2017- 2018 Volume 42 The Texas Tech SGA Students Guide
The 42nd edition of The WORD was produced through the efforts of many people. Each summer Texas Tech students from the College of Media & Communication at Texas Tech intern for The WORD and gain valuable knowledge in their chosen career fields.
1310 Ave. Q Lubbock, Texas 79401 806-744-2220 22 / 2017-2018
Sep. 2 Sept. 16 Sept. 23 Sept. 30 Oct. 7 Oct. 14 Oct. 21 Oct. 28 Nov. 4 Nov. 11 Nov. 18 Nov. 24
Eastern Washington Arizona State at Houston Oklahoma State ●* at Kansas ● at West Virginia ● Iowa State ● ●● at Oklahoma ● Kansas State ● vs. Baylor ● TCU ● at Texas●
● BIG 12 Conference Games
Lubbock Lubbock Houston, TX Lubbock Lawrence, Kan. Morgantown, WV Lubbock Norman, OK Lubbock Arlington, TX Lubbock Austin, TX
●● Homecoming
* Family Weekend
Athletics Ticket Office: In Lubbock: 742-TECH; All Select-A-Seat Locations • 888-462-4412 •
Aug. 25 Northern Kentucky, Houston, TX 1:30 p.m. Aug. 25 Houston Baptist, Houston, TX 7 p.m. Aug. 26 Texas Southern, Houston, TX 10 a.m. Aug. 26 South Alabama, Houston, TX 4:30 p.m. Aug. 30 UTEP, El Paso, TX 7 p.m. Sep. 1 Eastern Washington, Berkeley, CA 6:30 p.m. Sep. 1 Dartmouth, Berkeley, CA 2:30 p.m. Sep. 2 California, Berkeley, CA 9:30 p.m. Sep. 4 Abilene Christian, Lubbock 6 p.m. Sep. 8 Lamar, Lubbock Noon Sep. 8 UC Riverside, Lubbock 6 p.m. Sep. 9 UTRGV, Lubbock 1 p.m. Sep. 13 Georgia, Athens, GA 6 p.m. Sep. 15 Clemson, Clemson, SC 6 p.m. Sep. 16 South Carolina, Clemson, SC 9 a.m. Sep. 16 Georgia Southern, Clemson, SC 3 p.m. Sep. 20 Baylor*, Waco, Tx. 7 p.m. Sep. 27 West Virginia*, Lubbock 6 p.m. Sep. 29 Iowa State*, Lubbock 6 p.m. Oct. 4 Oklahoma*, Norman, OK TBD Oct. 7 Kansas State*, Manhattan, KS 1 p.m. Oct. 14 TCU*, Lubbock 1 p.m. Oct. 18 Texas*, Lubbock 6 p.m. Oct. 21 Kansas*, Lawrence, KS TBD Oct. 25 Baylor*, Lubbock 6 p.m. Oct. 28 Kansas State*, Lubbock 1 p.m. Nov. 4 Texas*, Austin, TX TBD Nov. 8 Oklahoma*, Lubbock 6 p.m. Nov. 11 West Virginia*, Morgantown, WV Noon Nov. 15 TCU*, Fort Worth, TX TBD Nov. 17 Kansas*, Lubbock 6 p.m. Nov. 25 Iowa State*, Ames, IA TBD Bold face = home games * = conference games
Jones AT&T Stadium
Volleyball Schedule
Sportsmanship is when a guy walks off the court and you really can’t tell whether he won or lost, when he carries himself with pride either way. – Jim Courier
Sportmanship – The score of any athletic event is generally forgotten over time, but the actions of the players, coaches, and spectators are remembered. The next time you attend a high school game, think of how history will remember you. Good sports show us how to play the game. - A message from the University Interscholastic League and Forney ISD
HUGE selection of liquor and beer! Very close to Texas Tech and Overton at 9th & Q
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United Supermarkets
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3501 Olton Rd. 2403 N. Columbia Ave.
Dollar Western Wear
2302 Lubbock Hwy.
5011 Slide Rd.
Levelland 511 College Ave.
Brownfield 1401 Tahoka Rd., Rt. 1
Hwy 84 & Division St. Part-time Jobs Available
2017-2018 Men’s Basketball Schedule NON-CONFERENCE GAMES
Nov. 3
Angelo State #
Nov. 10
South Alabama*
Nov. 14
Nov. 18
Boston College**
Uncasville, CT
11 a.m.
Nov. 19
Uncasville, CT
Nov. 22
Nov. 25
Savannah State
Dec. 5
Dec. 13 Kennesaw State
Dec. 16 Rice
SWC Throwback Game Lubbock Municipal Coliseum Dec. 19 Florida Atlantic
Dec. 22 Abilene Christian
Game times subject to change. # Exhibition Event * 2017 Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame Tipoff Tournament Regional Round ** Naismith Memorial Hall of Fame Tipoff Tournament 24 / 2017-2018
Dec. 29 Jan. 2 Jan. 6 Jan. 9 Jan. 13 Jan. 17 Jan. 20 Jan. 23 Jan. 27 Jan. 31 Feb. 3 Feb. 7 Feb. 10 Feb. 13 Feb. 17 Feb. 21 Feb. 24 Feb. 26 Mar. 3
Baylor Lubbock Kansas Lawrence, KS Kansas State Lubbock Oklahoma Norman, OK West Virginia Lubbock Texas Austin, TX Iowa State Ames, IA Oklahoma State Lubbock South Carolina*** Columbia, SC Texas Lubbock TCU Fort Worth, TX Iowa State Lubbock Kansas State Manhattan, KS Oklahoma Lubbock Baylor Waco, TX Oklahoma State Stillwater, OK Kansas Lubbock West Virginia Morgantown, WV TCU Lubbock
Mar. 7-10 Big 12 Tournament
Kansas City, Mo.
*** SEC/Big 12 Challenge
TBA 8 p.m. TBA 6 p.m. 1 p.m. TBA 1 p.m. 6 p.m. TBA 8 p.m. 1 p.m. 8 p.m. 7 p.m. 8 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6 p.m. 1 p.m. 8 p.m. 3 p.m. TBA
NON-CONFERENCE GAMES Nov. 5 Nov. 12 Nov. 15 Nov. 19 Nov. 22 Nov. 26 Nov. 30 Dec. 3 Dec. 7 Dec. 13 Dec. 17 Dec. 21
St. Edward’s Texas State Florida A&M Arkansas-Pine Bluff UMASS Lowell Texas A&M LSU Houston New Mexixco Prairie View A&M UT-Rio Grande Valley Incarnate Word
Lubbock 2 p.m. Lubbock 2 p.m. Lubbock 11 a.m. Lubbock 2 p.m. Lubbock TBA Lubbock 2 p.m. Lubbock 6:30 p.m. Houston, TX TBA Albuquerque, NM TBA Lubbock 5:30 p.m. Lubbock 2 p.m. Lubbock 2 p.m.
Sportsmanship: empowerment. Be wild, crazy, loud and intense – make Tech a tough place for opponents to win. Make “home field/court advantage” mean something. Loyal fans are immense with teams and can have a huge impact on the game. A tradition of excellence at Texas Tech is a standard in the classroom as well as in the competitive arena. Be the best fan you can be - show sportsmanship, decency and respect. You don’t need to question someone’s heritage or throw out words you wouldn’t use in front of your grandmother! Athletes, coaches, staff, officials, and opponents deserve positive accolades. A team can be penalized for unsportsmanlike fan behavior. So how do you want to be remembered?
2017-2018 Lady Raider Basketball Schedule CONFERENCE GAMES Dec. 28 Oklahoma State
Dec. 31 Baylor
Waco, TX
Jan. 3
Jan. 7
Ft. Worth, TX
Jan. 10 Oklahoma
Jan. 13
Iowa State
Jan. 17 Kansas
Lawrence, KS
Jan. 20 Texas
Jan. 24 West Virginia
Morgantown, WV
Jan 27
Oklahoma State
Stillwater, OK
Feb. 3
Feb. 7
Kansas State
Manhattan, KS
Feb. 10 West Virginia
Feb. 14 Texas
Austin, TX
Feb. 17 Iowa State
Ames, IA
Feb. 21 TCU
Feb. 24 Oklahoma
Norman, OK
Feb. 26 Kansas State
“I always felt that no matter what I was doing, what I was going through, good day, bad day, on the court – that was my place.” - Sheryl Swoops / 2017-2018
United Supermarkets Arena
Student Sections for men’s games, add sections 111, 113, 115 (lower levels)
Fight Song
Women’s Soccer Schedule
The Matador Song
Fight, Raiders, Fight! Fight, Raiders, Fight! Fight for the school we love so dearly.
Texas Tech University School Song
You’ll hit ’em high, you’ll hit ’em low. You’ll push the ball across the goal,
Fight, Matadors, for Tech!
Tech, Fight! Fight! We’ll praise your name,
Songs of love we’ll sing to thee.
Boost you to fame.
Bear our banners far and wide,
Fight for the scarlet and black.
Ever to be our pride.
You will hit ’em, you will wreck ’em
Fearless champions ever be,
Hit ’em, wreck ’em Texas Tech!
Stand on heights of victory.
And the victory bells will ring out.
Strive for honor evermore.
ON / 2017-2018
Rip Griffin Park
Dan Law Field at
Bold face = home games * = conference games
G C3
Live long the Matador!
Aug. 18 Grand Canyon University, Albuquerque, NM 5 p.m. Aug. 20 University of San Francisco, Albuquerque, NM 2 p.m. Aug. 25 Pepperdine, Malibu, CA 5 p.m. Aug. 27 University of San Diego, San Diego, CA 6 p.m. Sep. 3 Appalachian State, Lubbock 7 p.m. Sep. 8 Arizona, Tucson, AZ 5 p.m. Sep. 10 Arizona State, Tucson, AZ 2 p.m. Sep. 15 San Diego State, Lubbock 7 p.m. Sep. 17 California State, Northridge, Lubbock 1 p.m. Sep. 22 Kansas State*, Lubbock 7 p.m. Sep. 24 Kansas*, Lubbock 1 p.m. Sep. 29 Texas*, Austin, TX 7 p.m. Oct. 1 TCU*, Lubbock 1 p.m. Oct. 6 Baylor*, Waco, TX 7 p.m. Oct. 13 Oklahoma State*, Lubbock 7 p.m. Oct. 19 West Virginia*, Morgantown, WV 7 p.m. Oct. 22 Iowa State*, Ames, IA 1 p.m. Oct. 27 Oklahoma*, Lubbock 7 p.m. Nov. 1 - 5 Big 12 Championship, Kansas City, MO
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By Samantha Brookes Starting college life is an exciting, yet your satisfaction with each stressful thing, and as time goes on it only area. Look at each area on the gets more stressful. There is a running joke among college students that college life is wheel – social, physical, like a triangle. On each corner is a prior- emotional, spiritual, intelity: good grades, enough sleep, and a social lectual and occupational. Emotional Spiritual On a scale from one to life. You can only choose two. Though this may feel like it is true, it doesn’t have to be; 10, determine your satisfaction level with that area in fact, it shouldn’t be. Living in a perpetual state of stress, and of your life. Remember, this sleep deprivation isn’t healthy, and the hab- is based on your satisfaction. its people build throughout college often Everyone is different. What may be a satisfying amount of follow them into post college life. To have a healthy and balanced life, time with your family may not be think of it as a wheel, one that is continu- for someone else. Don’t let outside pressures influence your answers. ally moving forward. Each spoke on the wheel is an important area of life Enough Now that you have a visual represenFor a smoother ride in life, balance your wheel. Sleep tation of your life, the next step is to that needs nourishment and attenmight be giving them more attention than take action. tion. If one spoke becomes weak, Look at the areas where you they need. it can break, leaving all the othRegularly going back to the wheel and aren’t satisfied and brainstorm er spokes vulnerable to more Social Good ways to give them more at- checking in is a great way to examine your damage. Life Grades tention. Also, look at life and maintain balance. Building these To achieve balance in areas where you are habits now can help you live a happy and your life, you must satisfied because you stress-free life. audit it, and determine
You can only choose 2!
SAVE NOW for a
RING later Welcome to the Red Raider family! You have arrived at Texas Tech, just one of the many steps in your journey to “bear our banners far and wide.” It’s never too early to set your sights on another important milestone…earning the right to wear the Official Texas Tech Ring.
The Texas Tech Alumni Association has made it easy to save for your ring through the Ring Savings Program. Each semester you can set aside a refundable $75, which may then be applied toward the purchase of your Official Texas Tech Class Ring, upon eligibility.
To enroll and begin saving today, simply go to your Raiderlink account and click on the MyTech tab. Then sign up in the Official Class Ring section under Optional Services.
Questions? Contact us at (806) 742-3641 or visit / 2017-2018
manners If you’re like me, you find it harder and harder to know what to believe anymore. That feeling of questioning what you’re being told goes all the way back to my youth-filled days in church. Some preacher would go off on his estimation of some Bible passage – usually at a funeral – and I’d think, “Hmm, that’s not the way I see it.” And of course as I grow older, more and more I question what I am being told. Information has always been up to interpretation. The internet can be like a new-age propaganda machine – where any ‘ole halfwit can put a show up on YouTube. Right-wing, left-wing, nowings at all – it doesn’t matter. Put a mic in front of some people and watch the spectacle. And of course the same thing goes for certain websites and blogs. In some cases it’s like propaganda on steroids. So here are a few things to consider when staring like a drone into your phone or PC: Determine authorship. What are their credentials? Are they qualified? Are they biased? What is the purpose of this information? Is this information objective - or is it just someone’s opinion? Is this information accurate? And who is responsible for this socalled accuracy? Does this site provide links to their sources? And who are these sources? Conclusion: Be very critical of any information you find on the web – or from anywhere else, for that matter.
morals respect character common sense trust patience class integrity love
Let’s talk
about empowerment There is nothing worse than trying to have a conversation with someone who is stuck in a box in which they cannot exit. This inability to break through to the other side of an argument is short-sighted – not to mention tiresome. I’ve heard it said that one should never discuss religion or politics. I disagree. These two subjects are at the center of who we are as people. Policy – whether it’s coming from the pulpit or the houses of Congress – is something we should all be more than willing to question. Otherwise we end up in a place where herd mentality rules. And this never has a good outcome. I don’t like most Republicans. The same goes for Democrats. They’ve become too obtuse – and they’re dividing this country. So, you might ask, what is the solution? Do you really want to know? Ok, I’ll tell you what it is. It’s called: the empowerment of women. It works every time.
28 / 2017-2018
Empowerment: evaluations
You get a chance each semester to evaluate the classes you are in. Use that opportunity. Don’t just complain about the attendance or grading policies. You know you are supposed to attend class and do the work. Administrators do look at those evals. So tell how the class can be made better. You know if the class has been beneficial. You know if you’ve learned anything. In the comments section, give suggestions for how the class can be more effective. You do have the power to affect change.
University Ave
⋅ Great locations to campus ⋅ Fully furnished apartments & townhomes
3rd St
Sky e
4th St
Boston Ave
Detroit Ave
Indiana Ave
4th St
Mac Davis Ln
Avenue W
Avenue X
Main St Broadway Avenue V
Marsha Sharp Freeway
Glenna Goodacre St University Ave
⋅ Amenities for a fit & healthy lifestyle ⋅ Academically-oriented environments ⋅ Individual liability leases ⋅ Roommate matching available
Amenities & utilities included are subject to change. / 2017-2018
3710 Erskine St. | Lubbock, TX 79415 806.744.3425 | Amenities subject to change. See office for details.
30 / 2017-2018
2202 Mac Davis Ln. | Lubbock, TX 79401 806.747.2340 | Amenities subject to change. See office for details. / 2017-2018
Unless your parents are paying for you to live alone in a 3,000 square foot home – you know, as a “real estate investment” – you probably have a roommate. Maybe this roommate comes and goes at all hours of night and you keep asking yourself, “I wonder what the cat drug in the house this time?” Yes sir, some people will crawl in the rack with about anything that breathes. Some lack integrity, but integrity is like talent – they don’t stock it on the shelves. So what do you do with a roommate that acts more like a pirate than a human being? “Arrr, Matey – who’s the gal you invited into our apartment last night that’s standing in the kitchen this morning drinking the orange juice straight out of the bottle?” Well, for starters, you need to set some guidelines. And I hate to use this word: rules. Yes, some rules to live by might solve a lot of problems as you move further in this “roommate relationship”.
Be a wise renter Step 1: Shop online for places you’d like to live – always keeping in mind what you can honestly afford. Step 2: Meet with a property manager or
realtor to look over your top choices.
Step 3: If you like what you see, apply for the apartment or house. Step 4: Sign the lease. Step 5: Be a good renter. In other words – My sophomore year in college I was living with a guy that used to prop his armpit up on the corner of the couch after coming in from a workout at the Rec Center. He smelled like a sour carton of milk and there he was with
treat the place the way you’d want it to be treated if you owned it.
his sweaty armpit stinking up the cloth furniture like a man that was born in the proverbial barn. That smell would work its way into the nostrils of all that sat down to watch a football game on Sunday afternoon. Whew! Talk about rough! Talk about classless bull#%&+! Ok, back to “the rules”. Before you get on the phone and call your mommy about your roommate, put your foot down. Hell, stick it in their mouth if you have to, but don’t just wait for your roommate to miraculously change into a more empathetic person. That’s not likely to happen. I mean, let’s face it, some people need parameters – and if they don’t have them, they’ll walk all over you. Rule #1: Don’t trash the place. Rule #2: NEVER loan money to one another. Rule #3: Don’t borrow things without asking. Rule #4: Practice decent personal hygiene (decent is good enough). Rule #5: Treat a closed bedroom or bathroom door like a LOCKED door (It was closed for a reason!). Rule #6: Have each other’s back. Rule #7: Stick to the rules. And remember, not everyone likes your dog as much as you do.
32 / 2017-2018
“I cannot stress often enough that what science is all about is not proving things to be true – but proving them to be false.” – Lawrence Krauss “No.” – Rosa Parks “God has no religion.” – Mahatma Gandhi “Trust me, you can dance.” – Vodka “In school I encountered authority of a different kind than I had ever encountered before, and I did not like it. And they really almost got me. They came close to really beating any curiosity out of me.” – Steve Jobs “A puppet is free…as long as he loves his strings.” – Sam Harris “This is a man (Donald Trump) who can be factchecked into obscurity by any second grader with an internet connection.” – Dan Rather
Fi n d Yo u r Pe r fe c t S p a ce To d ay A p a r t m e n t s | D u p l e xe s | To w n h o m e s | Re n t a l H o u s i n g / 2017-2018
7:25 AM
7:31 AM
5:35 PM
7:37 AM
6:11 PM
7:43 AM
5:47 PM
8:19 AM
3:53 PM
Last bus runs at 6:29 pm L
6:59 PM
Run from 7:25 am - 7:17 pm Every 6 min
7:25 AM
5:59 PM
7:31 AM
6:05 PM
7:37 AM
7:43 AM
8:19 AM
43 MR1 MR2 MR3
Run from 7:25 am - 6:59 pm Every 6 min
5:41 PM
Last bus runs at 6:47 pm L
7:17 PM 3:53 PM
Last bus departs campus at 7:01 pm
7:24 AM 7:30 AM 7:36 AM 7:42 AM
6:13 PM 5:31 PM 7:13 PM 1:48 PM
Run from 7:18 am - 7:23 pm Every 10 min
7:18 AM 7:25 AM 7:32 AM 1:48 PM
Last bus departs campus at 7:08 pm
6:08PM 6:53 PM 6:38 PM 7:23 PM
Run from 7:00 am - 8:11 pm Every 12 min 6:35 PM
7:12 AM 7:24 AM
6:11 PM
Last bus departs campus at 7:48 pm F
8:11 PM
5:29 PM
Last bus runs at 6:46 pm M
7:21 PM
7:46 AM
5:43 PM
7:53 AM
6:25 PM / 2017-2018
7:19 AM
Last bus departs campus at 7:08 pm F
7:12 PM 5:52 PM
TN3 7:25 AM
6:32 PM
Run from 7:25 am - 6:38 pm Every 6 min
7:25 AM
7:31 AM
7:37 AM
Last bus departs campus at 6:24 pm B
6:38 PM 5:50 PM 3:32 PM
West 4th Express
Service from 7:17 am to 7:23 pm Every 17 min
7:17 AM
Last bus departs campus at 7:03 pm F 7:21 PM
7:34 AM
6:30 PM
51 On Call Run from 7:00 pm - 12:45 am Last Call Nite Owl 1
7:00 PM
1:15 AM
Nite Owl 2
7:00 PM
11:15 PM
7:19 PM
Nite Sat
7:00 PM
1:15 AM
6:24 PM
Nite Sat
7:00 PM
11:15 PM
Nite Sun
7:00 PM
1:15 AM
Run from 7:08 am - 7:08 pm Every 11 min 7:08 AM
Last bus departs campus at 6:55 pm F
TN2 7:15 AM
NW1 7:00 AM
Run from 7:05 am - 7:12 pm Every 10 min
TN1 7:05 AM
7:19 PM
6:32 PM
7:32 AM 7:39 AM
Run from 7:25 am - 7:21 pm Every 6 min 7:25 AM
NTOP1 7:18 AM
Run from 7:18 am - 7:19 pm Every 6 min
Fold-Out for Campus Map and
A program to match your goals. From here, it’s possible.
101 Master’s Degrees 56 Doctoral Degrees / 2017-2018
Campus Stops A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
S.U.B. (Student Union Building) Library / Wall Gates Education Media Communication Student Wellness B.A. (Business Administration) Commuter North C1 Holden Hall Memorial Circle Chitwood Law School Commuter West Commuter Satellite S1 West Village I.C.C. (International Cultural Center)
Double T Route
Service every 6 minutes from 7:25 AM to 6:59 PM
Commuter West Law Chitwood - Weymouth Library / Wall Gates S.U.B. (Student Union Building) Holden Hall Commuter North B.A. (Business Administration) Student Wellness Media Communications
Red Raider
Commuter Satellite S1 M
Citibus Map - Use file MapR-1.pdf 42
Service every 6 minutes from 7:25 AM to 7:17 PM
Commuter West Law Chitwood - Weymouth Media Communications Student Wellness B.A. (Business Administration) Commuter North Memorial Circle S.U.B. (Student Union Building) Library / Wall Gates
Masked Rider
Service every 6 minutes from 7:25 AM to 7:26 PM
Commuter Satellite S1 West Village Chitwood - Weymouth Media Communication Student Wellness B.A. (Business Administration) Commuter North Memorial Circle S.U.B. (Student Union Building) Education
41 42
42 41
41 42
41 4 42 41
versi Safe 36 / 2017-2018
41 43 41 50
G 42 43 41
Citibus Map - Use file MapR-1.pdf
I 43
45 44
41 47
Q 43
D 43
42 43 41 42
43 42 41
C 43
B 42 49 41
Safety on campus is paramount to the success of Texas Tech University. Blue Light Phones may be utilized by any patron on campus that is in need of either Police and/or Emergency Medical Services. A mobile ion of the Blue Light service may be used with the Raider Safe App. For more information on campus safety, Blue Phones, or Raider e, please visit or call 806-742-3631. A map of Blue Light phones is depicted above on the campus map. / 2017-2018
Keep The Faith Catholic Student Ministries Welcome to Lubbock, Texas Tech, and Raider Catholic. We are located at St. Elizabeth University Parish, just a block and a half east of campus on Broadway. Join us for a wide variety of activities in the student center. We are home to a vibrant and active community passionately seeking Jesus Christ. The Catholic student center is a “home away from home” for hundreds of students in Lubbock, and we welcome all. Raider Catholic excels at “Bringing the Good News to Texas Tech.” We are a community centered on the Eucharist and seek to spread the Gospel through education, stewardship, service, and fellowship in order to form passionate Catholic leaders. The student center provides a kitchen, lounge, video games, wireless internet access, pool table, offices, meeting rooms, and a library. The student center is open for programs, meetings, studying, or just hanging out. The parish celebrates a Mass at 5:00 PM each Sunday done by students and geared especially for students. To get the most out of your experi-
ence, attend as many events as possible. It is your choice to determine how much you wish to get involved here at the Raider Catholic. Christ is calling you to Him, and through Raider Catholic, you will grow in your relationship with Him. We sponsor events such as the Catholic Student Association, Bible studies, service projects, and social events. We offer retreats such as Encounter (designed for incoming freshmen and transfer students) and Raider Awakening. We also have the Diocesan Youth Retreat Team and Chi Rho, a coed service fraternity. We have a college chapter of the Knights of Columbus and the Women of Faith. The most exciting news we have this year is the opening of the John Saleh Catholic Student Center, located on the corner of Main St. and Ave. W. We will host a ribbon cutting in Fall 2017 and be serving the students of Texas Tech from this new location after this great celebration. Until then, come by 2304 Broadway and see all the great things we have to offer you. God bless. Check us out at www.raidercatholic. org. Come be a part of something special.
St. John’s United Methodist St. John’s United Methodist Church is a community of progressive Christians dedicated to making the world around us more like the Kingdom of God. Focused on full inclusion of all people, we celebrate the gifts and presence of everyone, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, education level, or gender identity. Experience a place where it is safe to question dogma and where challenging the status quo is not seen as rebellion.
Gay people Police officers Religious people Men & women People for where Atheists they were born. People for The Aggies their skin color Refuse to hate 38 / 2017-2018
Our services are at 8:15 and 10:30 Sunday mornings with Sunday School at 9:15. Our university group meets for a free lunch after the second service. Whether you need community service hours or feel a calling to help your neighbors, our ministries are open to all -- chancel and handbell choirs, food voucher program, homeless ministry, and community garden. All are welcome, all are celebrated, with Open Hearts, Open Arms, and Open Minds.
Wesley Foundation The Wesley Foundation is dedicated to raising up a generation of Christians who lead. For over 8 decades, the Wesley Foundation has been a home away from home for countless students. We are located just off University on 15th, just across the street from campus. Join us for worship on Thursday at 8 p.m. and find out about all the activities, mission trips, intramurals and groups that are available.
Walk-Ins & Appointments Welcome
Expires 8-31-18
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Tuesday - Friday 10 to 6 Saturday 9 to 6
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Walk-Ins & Appointments Welcome
1617 27th & Q
Only $
($20 VALUE)
Walk-Ins & Appointments Welcome
Walk-Ins & Appointments Welcome
Walk-Ins & Appointments Welcome
Raider Bucks
Expires: 12/31/18 - One coupon per visit per customer.
COUPONS Expires: 12/31/18 - One coupon per visit per customer. / 2017-2018
other V Rapiodn e A ★ ★ An G ★ S $ $lua•ble WORD Cou $ • s upons o ck ★ Another Va c / m o d.c
Bua r e d i a SGnA★ ★R★ Another Valu e t • . $ w w $ w ks a•lua$ble WORD Coupo c u B r other V Rapiodn e A ★ ★ An G ★ S $ $lua•ble WORD Cou $ • s k oupons c / uc ★ ★ Another Va m o c . on ★ ideherr VBa hword a c R e t s A a G ★ ★ ★ Anot ex $ •CS $ www.t pon $ u o • s RD k O c W u le ide★r ★BAnother Valuab a R A $ •bleSWGORD Coupon ★ $ $ • pons u s o k alua c V c / r e u m h t B ★ ★ ★ Ano w h aidoteherr upon c e R t s A a G x e ★ An $ •CS $ www.t on ★ ★ p $ u o • s able WORD uck B r e r d e i h t a ★ ★ ★ Ano Valu R A G $ •bleSWORD Coupon $ $ • pons s nother Valua u k o c c / u m B r pon ★ ★ ★ A w h aidotehe c R Cou e t A s a G x e ★ ★ An $ $RD•CS www.t $ upon ★ o • s le WO Buocthk r e Valuab r d e i a R pon ★ ★ ★ An SGOA • $ Cou D $ $ W R • le b a s upons k o Valu c c r / e u h t m B o o er upon ★ ★ ★ An word.c h aidot c R e t D Co A s a G x S e $ $RD•Coupon ★ ★ ★ An www.t $ • s ble WO Buocthk r e r Valua d e i a n R pon ★ ★ ★ A SGOA • $ Cou D $ R $ W • le b a s upons lu k Another Va o c c / u m B o r de oupon ★ ★ ★ word.c h ai c R e t A s ORD C a G x S e $ •Coupon ★ ★ ★ An $ www.t $ • s able WORD uck B r e Valu r d e i a noth R A ★ A ★ $ •bleSWGORD Coupon ★ $ $ • pons u s lua o k a c V c / r e u m h r Bpon ★ ★ ★ Anot aidRe w h u c o e C t A R★a as G x WO D S e t . • w $ $ RD Coupon ★ ★ ww $ • s k uc er Valuable WO B r e d i oth A Roa ★ ★ An G ★ n S o p • $ $luable WORD C u $ • pons s u k a o V c c r / e u h t m B r pon ★ ★ ★ Ano w RaiOdRe h c Cou e t D GA★ ★R S eW exas t • . $ w w w s • a$ble$WORD Coupon k c u B r Another Valu aide R ★ A ★ G ★ S pon • u o $ C D pons s •no$the$r Valuable WOR u k o c c / u m B r pon ★ ★ ★ A w RaiOdRe h c Cou e t D SGA texas • able W $ w w $ $ 40
★★ / 2015-2016
hwor xastec
other V Rapiodn e A ★ ★ An G ★ S $ $lua•ble WORD Cou $ • s upons o ck ★ Another Va c / m o d.c
Bua r e d i a SGnA★ ★R★ Another Valu e t • . $ w w $ w ks a•lua$ble WORD Coupo c u B r other V Rapiodn e A ★ ★ An G ★ S $ $lua•ble WORD Cou $ • s k oupons c / uc ★ ★ Another Va m o c . on ★ ideherr VBa hword a c R e t s A a G ★ ★ ★ Anot ex $ •CS $ www.t pon $ u o • s RD k O c W u le ide★r ★BAnother Valuab a R A $ •bleSWGORD Coupon ★ $ $ • pons u s o k alua c V c / r e u m h t B ★ ★ ★ Ano w h aidoteherr upon c e R t s A a G x e ★ An $ •CS $ www.t on ★ ★ p $ u o • s able WORD uck B r e r d e i h t a ★ ★ ★ Ano Valu R A G $ •bleSWORD Coupon $ $ • pons s nother Valua u k o c c / u m B r pon ★ ★ ★ A w h aidotehe c R Cou e t A s a G x e ★ ★ An $ $RD•CS www.t $ upon ★ o • s le WO Buocthk r e Valuab r d e i a R pon ★ ★ ★ An SGOA • $ Cou D $ $ W R • le b a s upons k o Valu c c r / e u h t m B o o er upon ★ ★ ★ An word.c h aidot c R e t D Co A s a G x S e $ $RD•Coupon ★ ★ ★ An www.t $ • s ble WO Buocthk r e r Valua d e i a n R pon ★ ★ ★ A SGOA • $ Cou D $ R $ W • le b a s upons lu k Another Va o c c / u m B o r de oupon ★ ★ ★ word.c h ai c R e t A s ORD C a G x S e $ •Coupon ★ ★ ★ An $ www.t $ • s able WORD uck B r e Valu r d e i a noth R A ★ A ★ $ •bleSWGORD Coupon ★ $ $ • pons u s lua o k a c V c / r e u m h r Bpon ★ ★ ★ Anot aidRe w h u c o e C t A R★a as G x WO D S e t . • w $ $ RD Coupon ★ ★ ww $ • s k uc er Valuable WO B r e d i oth A Roa ★ ★ An G ★ n S o p • $ $luable WORD C u $ • pons s u k a o V c c r / e u h t m B r pon ★ ★ ★ Ano w RaiOdRe h c Cou e t D GA★ ★R S eW exas t • . $ w w w s • a$ble$WORD Coupon k c u B r Another Valu aide R ★ A ★ G ★ S pon • u o $ C D pons s •no$the$r Valuable WOR u k o c c / u m B r pon ★ ★ ★ A w RaiOdRe h c Cou e t D SGA texas • able W $ w w $ $ 42
★★ / 2015-2016
hwor xastec
Catch all the sporting action on one of our Jumbo HD projector screens or HD plasma TVs.
82nd & Slide Southwest Lubbock
34th & Indiana Near Texas Tech
Smoke-Free at both locations.
so delicious! 24th & Ave. Q Near Downtown
70th & Indiana S Loop 289 & Indiana
797-8646 / 2017-2018
Dining Guide Caprock Café
Caprock Café is a favorite sports bar for Lubbock locals. Known for the coldest beer and biggest burgers, Caprock Café is a popular spot to gather to watch a Texas Tech football game or to meet to celebrate after. Their half-pound charbroiled burgers and twisted taters are a local favorite! Craving Mexican food? Try their Pecos Queso and Green Chile Chicken Enchiladas. You won’t be disappointed. They were voted Lubbock Avalanche-Journal’s “Best Place to Have a Beer” and “Best Bar.” Caprock Café has two locations, 3405 34th St, and 5217 82nd. They’re open Sunday – Thursday from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Friday-Saturday from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Domino’s Pizza
With eight locations offering delivery to Tech, around the city and Levelland. 7633030 (2510 Marsha Sharp Frwy.); 762-8484 (2113 50th St.); 792-3030 (4921 34th); 792-3816 (5407 4th St.); 741-8000 (1708 Parkway Dr.); 794-5000 (5815 82nd); 7015700 (4031 130th & Quaker), and 8943030 (409 E. Hwy 114 - Levelland). Offering delivery for more than 50 years nationally has given Domino’s the edge in the pizza delivery market. Pan Pizza, Classic Hand-Tossed, Thin Crust, Buffalo Wings, Bread Twists & more. See our coupons.
Orlando’s has been serving the Lubbock area since 1965 and is known for having the best Italian food in town! They offer an innovative Tex-Italian menu of pizza, pasta, salads, sandwiches, and desserts. Where else can you order Mafia Queso to go along with your bowl of spaghetti?
44 / 2017-2018
Orlando’s offers a speedy take-out service that allows your order to be delivered straight to your door. They were voted Lubbock Avalanche Journal’s “Best Italian” and “Best Take-Out”. Orlando’s has two full-service restaurants on 2402 Ave. Q. and 6951 Indiana Ave. They’re open Sunday-Thursday 11 a.m.- 10 p.m. and Friday-Saturday 11 a.m. – 11 p.m.
Pecan Grill at the Overton Hotel
You really will find great dining in Lubbock at the Overton Hotel and Conference Center. Hearty breakfasts, indulgent lunch dishes, and tasty dinner fare. For reservations call 806-776-7010.
Rosa’s Cafe
Fajitas, Friends & Fun. Rosa’s Cafe is the place for great-tasting fajitas! The entire menu is made from scratch each day for a taste that’s truly unique. We invite you to enjoy one of West Texas’ dining traditions! Mesquite-grilled fajitas, homemade tortillas, complete Mexican menu & specialties. 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, 11 a.m. to midnight Fridays & Saturdays. Rosa’s Café & Tortilla Factory – 5103 82nd, 794-2285; 3115 50th, 784-0100; 4407 4th 785-5334; 5020 Milwaukee, 7920015.
There are 34 locations in Lubbock and the surrounding area to get your favorite meal made fresh just for you. Choose any sandwich from the menu, including a fresh toasted sub or one of the many fresh fit subs with less than 6 grams of
fat, prepared with the freshest ingredients on baked gourmet bread. Subway also offers 6-foot party subs and sandwich platters. Most locations open until midnight. Subway. Eat fresh!
Taco Villa
For over 45 years, Taco Villa has been a part of West Texas and Eastern New Mexico. Providing a delicious menu and featuring unique items, Taco Villa has succeeded in creating the “Spice of Life” that everyone has come to love. Taco Villa cooks it slow, serves it fast, and that makes all the difference. No microwaves, no frozen, pre-cooked meals, no dry flaked beans, and no boil-in-a-bag meat. Taco Villa is a fast casual, Mexican food restaurant with a wide array of delicious tacos, burritos, taco salads, nachos, QuesaVillas, and more! All the authentic Mexican food is made fresh daily. Even our guacamole and pico de gallo is fresh from the start! Visit any Taco Villa location to enjoy the freshest food, the fastest service, and the nicest people. 2243 19th St., 1911 50th St., 5139 80th St., 7110 Quaker Ave., 4516 50th St., 5402 4th St., 7727 Milwaukee Ave., 8212 Indiana Ave.
Texas Tech Hospitality Services
The campus at Texas Tech has a wide variety of places to eat. You’ll find these options in the Student Union: Chick-fil-A, Sbarro Pizza, Steak Escape, Center Sweets, Union Grill, Zi Asian Cuisine, Union Bistro, Smart Choices, Cold Corner and Sam’s Place Mini-Market. The Market at Stangel/Murdough has an al-a-carte food court. Horn/Knapp and Hu-
len/Clement have traditional all-you-care-toeat dining halls. Sam’s Place is a full mini-market offering late night services in Chitwood/Weymoth, Law School Kiosk, Murray, Sneed, Student Union and Wall/Gates. Bledsoe/Gordon has The Fresh Plate, an all-you-care-to-eat food emporium offering flame-grilled choices, Mexican-themed selections, Asian-inspired dishes, fresh salads, pasta sensations, homestyle choices and fruits and desserts. If you live off campus, you can purchase a commuter dining plan to fit your needs. For more information about rates, Dining Bucks, discounts or to purchase your plan online, visit
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead
10 Commandments of Parking 1. Read the Signs!
They tell you what permits are applicable and what times you can and cannot park there. There is also a map explaining parking sites on the parking website. After 5:30 p.m. on weekdays, all valid Texas Tech permits allow you to park on the interior of campus.
2. E-Permit
Purchase an e-permit on the Parking Services website. Several options for parking permits are available, and you can include the permit cost in with your tuition. A new evening permit is available for those who only need to access campus after 5:30 p.m. during the week. For a nine-month period, the cost is $40, and for a year the cost is $121.
3. Commuter lots.
After 2:30 p.m., if you have a permit in either commuter parking lot, you are able to park in the other. For example, if you have a Commuter North permit, after 2:30, you may park in Commuter West.
4. Pay your tickets!
Ten days after receiving your ticket, you are
charged an additional late fee. Failure to pay tickets results in holds on your ability to register, and can even prevent you from graduating.
5. Appeal.
You may also use that 10-day period after getting a citation to appeal it. More information regarding appeals is available on the Parking Services website.
6. Don’t get a boot!
Failure to pay your tickets can cause other problems, such as getting a boot put on your car. This occurs after you receive nine unpaid tickets in one semester.
7. Motorcyclists.
Owners of motorcycles and mopeds must pay for permits and may park in designated twowheel vehicle areas.
8. Yield to pedestrians. That is a general courtesy rule.
9. Share the road!
Bicyclists are common on campus and need the road as much as you do.
10. Be Courteous
Be polite to the parking staff in the booths. They are only doing their job by enforcing the rules, not being the bad guy. / 2017-2018
Bucket List in Lubbock
Despite being recently rated the number one most boring town in the United States by Movoto (by the way, who are they, and what do they know?), Lubbock is full of fun things to do year-round. From exploring one of the museums or simply going to the movies, your options are numerous.
Museum of Texas Tech
The Tech Museum offers educational, scientific, cultural, and research elements of the university.
Premiere IMAX This theater located in the South Plains Mall is great to view any action and adventure flick, and is great for date night.
Stars & Stripes Drive-In Get a taste of the past by going to see a double feature at Lubbock’s Drive-In Movie Theater.
Alamo Drafthouse The Alamo Drafthouse serves as a unique movie-going experience where not only can patrons purchase regular concession stand items but full meals and a plethora of beverages as well. Not only does the Drafthouse provide the newest films
for viewing, but also hosts sing-alongs and quote-alongs to previously released movies.
Tinseltown & Movies 16 Lubbock’s traditional movie theaters are also great, friendly places to enjoy a movie. They have movies in high definition and 3D.
The Science Spectrum and OMNI Theater A great place for people of all ages to explore, the Science Spectrum hands-on science and technology museum features more than 250 interactive exhibits, West Texas’ only public aquarium, and daily live science shows.
National Ranching Heritage Center Dedicated to preserving the history of ranching, pioneer life, and the development of the livestock industry in North America, the center is a great place to go exploring and learn about the American West.
Bayer American Museum of Agriculture This museum protects and remembers the history of farming in West Texas and the Panhandle. The collection ranges from household items to plows and tractors.
Buffalo Springs Lake
Lubbock’s own Oasis in the West is the perfect place for you and your friends to get away for the weekend on a camping trip, and go fishing and hiking. The lake provides a major recreation spot for the Lubbock area.
Lubbock Lake Landmark An important archeological site and natural history preserve, the Lubbock Lake Landmark contains evidence of ancient people and extinct animals dating as far back as 12,000 years ago. It is a great place to visit in the summer and is an educational experience.
The Silent Wings Museum
Perfect for any fan of flying and World War II, the Silent Wings Museum is home to the history of World War II hang gliders and recognizes this part of history in a unique way.
Buddy Holly Center
This gem remembers an icon in musical history that is unique and special to Lubbock. The center remembers this singer and celebrates the accomplishments of other local artists.
Celebrating 12,000 years of history over 75 years of discovery! lubbock lake
national historic
museum of texas tech university
2401 Landmark Drive 806.742.1116 Online: 46 / 2017-2018
Bucket List in Lubbock
The South Plains is home to several wineries, such as Caprock Winery and Llano Estacado Winery, and McPherson. Wine tastings are fun social events that everyone of age can enjoy and look forward to.
Art Galleries
Lubbock has many talented artists who showcase their works the first Friday every month at the First Friday Art Trail. Guest artists, such as former Texas Tech player Baron Batch, are invited to display their work in the galleries around town.
American Wind Power Center and Museum This unique museum boasts a unique collection of over 100 windmills from around the world. The museum’s goal is to interpret the relationship between humans, the environment and technology through the history of wind power.
The Corn Maize From September through November, At’l Do Farms hosts the ultimate fall carnival. The farm boasts an impressive maze (The Fairy Tale Trail themed this year), hayrides, a petting zoo, a rock wall, and corn cannon.
5 Things: Empowerment Things to think about to give you perspective: 5 things to live for. 5 things to do. 5 things I love. 5 who love me.
The Depot District Music fills the air as you walk the streets of the historic Depot Entertainment District, which is home to a variety of restaurants and entertainment venues.
Carol of Lights One of Texas Tech’s oldest and most beloved traditions, Carol of Lights, begins the holiday season with the lighting of campus in early December. The event features caroling and is hosted by the Residence Hall Association.
Moonlight Musicals Lubbock Moonlight Musicals entertains and inspires audiences with fun and exciting musicals at the Amphitheatre in Mackenzie Park during summer, and Moonlight Broadway productions in spring and autumn. The amphitheatre is located at 413 East Broadway, 806-770-2000.
“There’s something for everyone!”
Southwest Collection
A gallery along the north side of the Southwest Collection building houses permanent displays as well as the other units of the University Library, including the University Archives, the Archive of the Vietnam Conflict, and the Library’s Rare Books Collection. The facility is also the home for editorial offices of the West Texas Historical Association and its annual yearbook. The Library’s 1688 Coronelli Globe is displayed in the rotunda. Upstairs the stacks area offers a climate-controlled environment that provides a constant temperature and humidity as well as a positive ventilation outflow which helps preserve valuable books and documents.
4th Street & Indiana Ave. (806) 742-2490 • / 2017-2018
What? I didn't get the job?
Blake Bayardo, public relations major. Thanks, Blake, for playing along!
3209 Slaton Hwy. 806-748-1044 48 / 2017-2018
Texas Tech!
We appreciate your continued trust — and we’re proud to serve Texas Tech University.
The Snowflake Generation
We’re not snowflakes! Or are we? God, I hope not! When I was younger, I had a friend whose mother hovered over her like…well, a helicopter. Thus the term: Helicopter Parent. But my parents weren’t that way - partly because we had no money to speak of – and partly because my parents were much older than most of my peer’s parents, so their idea of raising children sprung from that old term: Tough Love. While my friend’s mom and dad were doing everything they could to be a friend, my par-
ents were doing everything they could to be … well, my parents. Yes, they were tough – and didn’t put up with a lot of BS, but they loved me nonetheless. As I’ve grown older I’ve become very grateful for their tutelage. They taught by example. Instead of acting like a “shop ‘til you drop” kind of parent, they said, “If you want something – you’ve got to earn it.” I’ve always liked to drink. You name it – rum, beer – a bloody mary in the morning – and yes, an occasional puff of some really fine weed. But the fact is that my grades
Learn & study – That’s sorta basic - you’re in college. Have fun & be responsible – remember Safe Ride and Nite Ride – 742-RIDE and 742-NITE.
– and my willingness to get ahead – were never hampered. And the reason – I believe – was my parents. Their idea was, “Yes, you can participate in any sort of out-of-church experience you like, but BE RESPONSIBLE for your actions!” In other words, they didn’t treat me like a child – and they most certainly did not hover over me! This was not only exhilarating, but rewarding. I knew that if I covered my own ass – soto-speak, that my being responsible for my own actions would pull me through. And it has. So if you’re behaving like a snowflake - stop it while there’s
still time. Instead of spending your student loan money on crap you don’t need, be responsible. And instead of whining about a bad grade you received, pull yourself together and bring the grade up. If you don’t want to be referred to as a snowflake, then quit acting like one!
Earn money – You don’t have to work full time, but do something to earn extra cash. Allow yourself a certain amount for essentials & entertainment. You don’t really want to ask mom and dad for money to buy condoms. Engage in late-night bull sessions – You can really learn about people at these times.
Keep a calendar -- Whether it’s on your phone, on a paper calendar, or posted on the refrigerator, keep up with obligations. Prioritize -- Make a list of what you need to do and number the items
by what is essential, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. An all-nighter of partying and drinking may just spell disaster for that project you need to have completed by Monday. Set priorities.
Keep the faith -- Explore new churches or college groups. You may have gone to the Baptist church all your life, and that’s great. But learn about other religions. It may make you stronger in your faith.
Set boundaries with your parents -- You’re in college
and you want to succeed. Some parents want you home every weekend. If that’s what you want, too, then stay home and don’t go to college. If you’re constantly connected at home, you’ll miss out on what college life is all about -- new friends, new experiences, as well as learning and discovering new ideas.
Get help – The resources on campus and in Lubbock are amazing.
When you need help, talk to someone, ask questions, and get to a source of help – counseling, financial issues, pregnancy, SafeRide, consent issues – you can find it.
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50 / 2017-2018
2017-2018 SGA Cabinet The SGA works to represent students’ interests and concerns to the administration, the Lubbock community and local and state governments. The PRESIDENT heads the Executive Branch and is the spokesman for students to the Board of Regents, administration, the community, and national organizations. Other duties of the president include esRobbie Meyer tablishing goals and priorities for the SGA; submitting and administering the SGA budget; and appointing and overseeing a Cabinet, Supreme Court, and nearly 150 members of university committees. The EXTERNAL VICE PRESIDENT has many responsibilities in regard to the students of Texas Tech University, the Lubbock community, and even the State of Texas. These wide-ranging duties include serving as a liaison between the student body and the city of Lub- Avery Martinez bock, facilitating transportation in-and-around campus, coordinating communication efforts, and serving as vice-chair of the President’s Cabinet. Duties also include the supervision of all Student Government Association publications and also involve a close working relationship with local and regional governments.
The Internal Vice President serves as the liaison between the Executive and Legislative Branches. The Internal Vice President is President of the Student Senate and runs the bi-weekly senate meetings. Alissa Payne In these meetings, the SGA and the senators work together to discuss, write, and pass legislation to better the university. The Internal VP works alongside the senators to see that they are working hard to create the change all students at Texas Tech want to see. The SGA and its senators allocate funding to all student organizations. The Internal VP also works with the executive members to accomplish goals within the exec team that include improving student safety, equality, and transparency between the students and SGA. The VICE PRESIDENT OF GRADUATE AFFAIRS works to assist graduate students in different areas such as, but not limited to, academics, services, programs, research, and grants. The Graduate Affairs VP assists the President and other officers of Shantanu Patil the Student Government Association in making decisions for the student body, focusing on the needs of the graduate student. He/she also is a liaison between the SGA and graduate counsels within academic departments.
Sean Lewis
Palak Ghetiya
Chief of Staff
Deputy Chief of Staff
Jude Al-hmoud
Nathan Brown
Jonathan De Los Santon
Attorney General
Director of Special Projects
Bailey Dowler
Marcia Horton
Stacie Moss
Director of Public Relations
Director of Diversity
Director of Ambassadors
Caleb Richardson
Sara Sorge
Alec Winfrey
Director of Political Affairs
Journal Clerk
Director of First Year Engagement
Director of Non-Traditional Students / 2017-2018
Your 2017-2018 Senators Walker Carson
Jake Burton
John Smithwick
Katy O’Bryan
Jenna Connors
Agricultural Sciences
Agricultural Sciences
Agricultural Sciences
Arts & Sciences
Arts & Sciences
Colton Davis
Chase Duran
Tanner Ford
Jack Griffith
Krystal Garcia
Allison Head
Kate Holder
Arts & Sciences
Arts & Sciences
Arts & Sciences
Arts & Sciences
Arts & Sciences
Arts & Sciences
Arts & Sciences
Gavin Jones
Parth Patel
Jake Sellers
Ellen Wilson
Theo Winter
Jack Cantrell
Emily Garcia
Arts & Sciences
Arts & Sciences
Arts & Sciences
Arts & Sciences
Arts & Sciences
Colton Harbert
Kelsey Holt
Emily Jenkins
Tatum Richey
Haley Sparks
Dillon Springfield
Sterling Shrum
Ashley Darnell
Gikui Kuria
Adam Disque
Taylor Hicks
Baahir Jinadu
Lili Kelley
John Lanham
52 / 2017-2018
Ross Roark
Brandon Sandoval Nia Al-Barghuthi
Dhanaraj Apte
Lauren Gulliani Siddharth Kulkarni
Dylan Lewis
Tushar Magan
Dhruv Patel
Nadia Hogan
Farah Mechref
Micah Adams
Kelly Fletcher
Will Harris
Honors College
Honors College
Human Sciences
Human Sciences
Human Sciences
Kaylee Powell
Katie Smith
Nikki Boyd
Amber Acklie
Hayden Burger
Human Sciences
Human Sciences
Media & Communication
Media & Communication
Rawls College of Business
Rawls College of Business
Joe Connelly
Fiona Fahey
Callie Gilmore
Jacob McDougal
Ashley Riggs
David Rivero
Jarrett Hatcher
Rawls College of Business
Rawls College of Business
Rawls College of Business
Rawls College of Business
Rawls College of Business
Rawls College of Business
Visual & Performing Arts
Leonard McKay
Allie Eklund
Tre’ Newbey
Mia Zaro
Grant Gilbert
Tristan Torres
Taylor Head
Shelby White
William Pyle
Visual & Performing Arts
Photos Not Available
Jordan Frierson Brandon Medina
Rilyn Westbrook Lauren McKenzie
Blake Vineyard Graduate / 2017-2018
Index to
WORD Advertisers
742-NITE / 742-RIDE / SBus........34
IT Division..........................49, Cover
AG Rentals...................................25
Kent R. Hance Chapel........... 12, 38
American Campus Communities...........................29
Lubbock Lake Landmark.............46
Army - ROTC..................................1 Baymont Inn & Suites..................20 Bolton Oil Change........................26 Buddy Holly Center......................35 Caprock Café...............................43 Career Center...............................13 Citibus...............................34, 36-37 College of Education...................17 College of Media & Communication................... Cover Domino’s Pizza............................41 Downtown Liquor.........................23 EconoLodge.................................21 Graduate School..........................35 Hair Degins by Phil......................39 Hospitality Services............. Inside Back Cover
Lubbock Lighthouse......................6
St. John’s United Methodist Church...................38
Stages of Recovery Behavioral Health.....................7
Lubbock Wrecker Service............48
Stephen Hamilton Attorney at Law.......................15
Student Counseling Center...........9 Cover
Student Financial Center FAFSA.......................................9
Market Street................................45 Museum of Texas Tech...............47 One Guy From Italy.................. Cover Orlando’s Italian Restaurants......43 Overton Hotel & Conference Center..................20 Parkridge......................................11
Student Health Services................6 Student Union & Activities.............3 ...........................Inside Front Cover Super 8.........................................21 Taco Villa.....................................39
Personal Finance.........................16
Texas Tech Alumni Association.................27
Planet Fitness..............................22
Texas Tech Library......................19
Raider Safe..................................34 Cover
The Holly......................................30
Silent Wings.................................35
The Scarlet...................................31
St. Elizabeth’s Catholic Student Center.........38
Top Tier Catering.........................12 University Studies........................18 Voice of Hope Lubbock Rape Crisis Center.....9 Wells Fargo..................................50 Wells Fargo Bank...........................4 Wesley Foundation......................38
Specialty Publications Graphic Design Web Design Books for self-published authors 54 / 2017-2018
West Texas ER............................11 Women’s Studies Program............5 Word Publications........................54
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Vol. XLII 17-18