1 minute read
Niobe (Arnold) Contreras Peaches
Suzie and Peter married not long after Peaches left, and she moved out and into a small house in the suburbs, which she never felt quite as at home in as she did in that little apartment she shared with Peaches. She got a job as a journalist, and Peter painted rather lovely pieces that would pop up in museums from time to time, selling for wild amounts of money. But as of current they were both on leave, for she was very pregnant, and Peter wanted to be there for her at all times if she needed anything. She rocked back and forth in the chair, hand over her belly, nails painted light green. “Peet dear, what do you think of the name Peaches?” “Well if I’m being honest Sue I think it’s rather dreadful.” She just laughed.
[Niobe (Arnold) Contreras]