1 minute read
Anonymous Glass from the Spirits
[Glass from the Spirits]
There it was, the glass that trickled in a line around the grave No one knows how it got there, a ghost some say But most disagree, without a logical reason The glass was broken, and in clumps, piles
The woman who was curious, about it all Picked up the glass and studied it She cried out, it had cut her Red Thick Blood concealed her finger and soon, her whole hand She wiped it off with a plant, and it quickly vanished Didn’t leave a trace Not a smudge, no stain
People never understood why she would go to the grave Someone once said it was because she worked for the spirits
But that was deception, no one liked her. She had no friends
The spirits were her friends She was known by the spirits as Banshee, which meant screaming, lonely woman She would visit weekly--For reasons she would not disclose
The smell of the dewy grass
The feel of the cold concrete The reason why, left lingering inside of her
Her heart was pounding Her hands suddenly became clammy and warm Something was going to happen
In seconds, something lashed out She was in pain And suddenly-It went dark
In a blink of an eye, she was history. The tale is that she is still roaming around the graveyard, leaving bits of glass so that the spirit takes more people.
Erased, lifeless, non-existent, asleep for eternity