1 minute read
maia! :) love letter to our star
[love letter to our star]
maia! :)
dear sun i believe im in love with you you are so bright so warm and vast and i know my pathetic vessel could never touch you never caress your surface never press my lips to yours
i would shrivel i would disintegrate my skin would melt and bubble and char and my hair would catch aflame and my clothes would burn away, leaving my body as a gift to you my bones would turn black and i would be gone
but say i could join you up there i would walk alongside you every day hold your smoldering hand and cross the sky dawn til dusk never leaving your brilliant side i’ll sleep curled up beside you while the moon takes her turn our limbs entwined, your steady breath lulling me to sleep never chilly despite our bed being the stars for you are my furnace my gentle ache of warmth on the back of my neck
oh darling all stars burn out and what a supernova you will be you’ll wipe out every child of the earth and when your breath stills mine will as well i’ll stroke your skin a final time and we will die side by side