WordWorks Fall 1985

Page 1

The Federation of British Columbia Writers


P.O. Box Station C Vancouver, British Columbia VsT 4E2


t*rmdmof t*f;Mnof$nfet September 1985



lhurs &t 5 Jn Drabek ald Trwr Carolgr femld wer to Vlctorio to met with Culturol Servicas Dirctor Tun Flaldlng rd hls rclstmt Down Woilm. The metAlr orcltlrp evanlng wllh... ing wc ordlal end anong the a$Jcts discussad wra dlnmr by tho Bmd*alk Caf6... fundlrp a F*ratlon csntral offlca spm; lmrffi wor- muslc Dy tho Al Wolrl Qlntgt.. al I furdi ng ; i m plementotlm of a Wr lters- | n-Sctmls sd talmt by Brltlstr Slumbia provlma; for gmls the and two lmg-term the wrltorsl Wffi mre cruld ?rofqn Fefiratlm h6 ben wrklng towrd the establlstrment thohtrtGslre? of a FBC1Y Summar Wrltlng Rstrot End ttn csnpllailm of a omprdnnslw Members Dlrctory. A BC Bot Prlat Dlscuslons went well In wery regard, lavlrp m reps optlmlstic tlnt tte Fd will be rruivlng suNanThe lmg-awaltEland lmg6served lmal rmgnltlally Inrffi furullrp ilrlng the curront urd forthtlm of m own worGmlths lsthe rcult of mufi gfcornlru tar. Yidorla's Llterry AwrG frmmltts ls fort m the pert of sarreral BC groups and ls dlvl&d Into o(pctql to approve m reqrst for a grmt...flrnl wrd four catrurlc. Thlsllw, l0E bmks W BCafihors frqn Ministen Janes Ch$ot ls dre latsr thls mmth. old publlsherc wore submlttad frun crcs Cana6 In (mre thtalls Inslth, pry 2) tln fol lowlrp brak6ntn:

...off lce space, anyone?


Tmlgh much 0f our grant ls ltkety be sp*en ln the web of numbsrs whldr frame Operatlrg Expensc, there mqy wall be eru.Eh t0 cmsl$r the rental of a moftst office spm. Rsrt dlsarsslms wlth offlcers of ottnr wrltlng groups - -Wrlters' Unlm, PWAC, pcts' Lcgue, etc.-- irdlcate thot mary wrltars wlll be ylslttrB BC for onfererneeand so forth turlrp Expo/ frntenniol tmr. lt wruldglve tho Fo&raHm cmsl&rable presmca to have a plmrt spffi smswlpre In Varpouver wlpre we.culd welcone Ursa colla4uc afil excharuE rcws wer a cup of brew at lmt. To thst erd, sweral mambrs tpve ban loktru Intottra business of rentol spm, flrdlru rylte a sprd In both ryica ard qnllty. Furttr talks m thls will cflno up 0t thls month's cuncll meetlng, rp fiibt, wlth mre rnws ln ttp rpxt issn of Wrd Works.

- Rotbrlck lhlg-Brrwn Rqloncl Prln: - Ettpl Wllsar Flctlm Prla 44 - Hubert Evms ibn-Flctlon Prla l6

(citattm) - Elll Duthle Bmkseller's 0n Septsmbor 25th





4 pm, a pres mnruncement

thre stprt-llstod boks In edt catogory wlll be mS at the Assclatlm of Bok Publlstrrs il BC, 1622


W6t 7th Avtrtue.

flnal Awanb wlll be pressnt€d In the Ormvllte of tha Bcrdrvclk Caf6, stcrtfrp wlth a flne buffst dlnmr md Gh b6r, m0'd W rdlo perssrallty Vlc*l &berau, and toppod W sr evsnlrg 0f {hnos muslc WAI WolrL Tlckets re $20, all Inclurbrl, ild thetrorsopwr at 7 pm. The

lslild Run



Uord from the Chaltmm Iwo potentially very lmpmtant ontcts for the Fe&rstlm hovo bgt InltlatqL Ttre mct rwrt ls refemed to rur oreutlve mlstont, wlth wtsn I trareld to Vlctorlo for a lmrtwormlq renewal of my cqualntanca wlth Tcn Fleldlry The ottFr cilte thls-summen,,wh t welcond In my llvlng rmm Jon Tarpmlrg, Chalrmon 0f tho BC Engllstt Tdprs'Asoclotlm. Fr myrelf, c o frmer Ernll$r iechei, ttn metlrB wc a rfrotehtc me ild,i suspct, m Infrmcilvs olp f(r t'lr. Tsnpenlro Esfre levtru, he offrd to (cmtfiua on pqir z) In the news brlef from





llN frn rep


tlp Ctpfrna-/ Infrmatlm Sqrt rlo In hls mlatlm'g ncwsllttlr, lmlndlrp thc nuncs of onsultal m how t0 pt more BC wrlters Into the clerom c i mudr-rbd Arcattmat

who cm ba

raIruroa Florot€r, Mr. Irponlp wF qtite enthusletlc when I shord hlm c qy of tlt | 985 Tdrr's Orlrb publlshert bythe Wrltcrs' 0ulld of Alborto. Thls 9116 glvc the nanes, Srort blryophlas and wrltlrg spcloilis of sqne 80 Alborta wrlters wlr re wllllrp to p Into ttn clsmr fr $ | 25 aiU. tt alo prMdd filnts m hou t0 proporo fr o clsrwn vlslt, lpw to flnome lt, ctd how to make tho bct usa of ttp wrltor. It*!s to the -dlllgt! ryrt of ur ollqns In Albrta, we traw at ocmpla to follow In sdfirp up a BC verslm of su'ch a 0u16. Infrmotlm fr thls wlll be trthord thrq$ c qntlmmlrs tffi wlll p CItto yru ttrts wlnter. Betwmn thls, the urtrmh progrdn, the &ntennlal ProJcf (frwhldr yur shqrld have-rolved milce durlrq the arller holf of A{rust), ond qir offlo hunt, the Provlmlal hlrrll hc lts hcds full at ttr mment. Wlth a blt of luck, when lhe_flrst ralns bqln to escand In ormst, ws shdJld be movlng Into mw qrtrs. Wo moy mt bo fully b 0lghtlptL but otlqoEt_wa_orqfluplm_qr rtnp ltbe nld.


Suncoast Ueelcend a l.lldsummer Delloht

TtB SrdAnnuel Fctlval of ttre Wrltten Arts, hold tn tffi Sechelt Arg | 6- I E, wc stimulatlrB, vrtly entartoinirq,


a/sl srnowhat Tlt thro dcys woro crommd wlth $lest spakors. af-t9rq0on ttn pdlum wq g-ltard by drlldren's rnvelbts fv .JonClrkandJonTrussardillustrator Klm LoFave. The dtlt-rlentedwenlrp bagil withAl Purdy radlrBand prryessd to a wine_lcture and bce-up vlth Jdrn $drrolrm. | 9lFry-cy-d SatqtOay omd at E:30 an wlth llbrarlon Wlvio Crmks and flnlshed late wlth Pater hnryskl. betwen wB wero treoted to lmn Rm{e, Jlm Taylor, ord liply lwrfi-tlme pmel m Wtv re BCs Wrlters Strvtr{



Ftrtter lbtcs lmm



As,,hn mtd, tho enthuslrtlc r6spons6 frm Jm Terperrlng lrc sat ln motlm drrgy to prepre own



fr In-sdrol use, strlim iltUi a long-

ovrrdullambersDlrastmr. TJrarunolaof our frlan6andallles In theAlditaOrlld ('ur Fd. wc fomd ln prt at ttn supstlm of Aratho Vm lbrk ord hsr cohrts), c wafi c c topmtch sanpla of tte Srkatctrewan Orllds Dlrctiry of Hemurd Servlcss, wlll help ur own to begln t*lrp shes by mid-autumn. To spur thls pr4ct almg, ttp orcutlvo h6 cpplied for a Speial Prdrt 0rmt, on ttn dvlco of Tun Flaldln! 6t CS8, at very short notlca. lf cn-

In a to DFth? Exultlvo prdrcar Don Wllliuns hmfi tn 6wn a few cunmartdnents, Sundoy mrnJng, c to tle submisslon of scripts t0 ths Bmtpunbers ( n | : Ihdl sholt ret tru.rbla ttry cessful, we'il owe hlm a votb of ttnnks" proilrcar wlth scripts. S€nd ifu.), followed byJamc BrFleldlrpalsogoveenthusirilcen&rsanent to bor ard lurrt. ttp lh of a Summer Wrltars, Rgtrct WE re

The work of tho Surrcct Wrlters' ForF, this wakand loklr4 at a probable | 987 strt-up &ts. That wc 0 cunpllment to thdn;' Fr entertoinmsnt volrtr, for ttre glves wery member tlme to cqrtrlbute 16 md stlmulatlm of qe]lng lYlth llke-mlr&d ple, for flndlng sfrt to thls wsll-merltd s$Ena Kep In mlrd qrt tnw smcossful wribrsEt/think/wrttB --ltwcwelf - tutttiFtm hrtrol here fn fon@tilortinlulros wrth the $35 fea. But for csrcreto information on s\,ff1rur s Input (ald rutpuil). Kep ttr lsttsrs kats, imprwlrUyur writirp, whictr ditors/publishers cming. anoid, lt wc lcklrq. Tlpra curld harre bean mra sald abort rm;flcjtm, rticles,.ployrrritirg, photqretty ond writirg Otlpr br,rirpss: Robort Bringrurst md qnalf rc -- b_ut luy, !!u can't han amythlr€... not for arriently exploring ttt pdUiilty of inlthilng a


$351 the lYriters' Exdtry wltn tno Writers' Fa&ratim sf tbva Scotla Wa're sekllp fudlrg As alwrys @ 3A0 Best wlstps for a crctlrre Fall: loks like a gret

Fmq of thesa cpcts m6f be remedled rnrt 1mr , of yu.t trutt to krrw wtpre t0 h6\6 a .4lh FestlYg!, so if tims in 19E6, wrib $rEGt Writ6ns' Frge, Bot 2 t 54, Ssfielt YON





-- ll.m &tlo

Some yerT important deadlines for your calendar--Oct$or | | 9ES PFtry & Shrt Storic By & Abu{ Canilicn Wqnen Dowsqr

5 $tobr 5 &t0ber 30 N0yomb6r S &t0ber

| |


l$n Sdtml, Hmtr6ol Rdlo titerry &mpetitim Yll (Shrt Stories, Pctry, Rdio Plarn) beginnirp of Prce Ccll Perid ( t0 I)c | 5, | Feds Caniennicl bmpetim LEmmt Whits Rck/SrrrruyiVritrs PRlStl in&ntitpl UBC CBC


LiteraryAwrd PctryOntct




_ ?-Central












h \


t l,lY:'

(iril lr/hitter 91201t0l Avenu Fort-Si-Jdrn ViJ Z*s Ross


Generul Dctiverg Ctinton VttK tKO Fred Vah Box TS $outh Stocan V06 ZGO

V.A.Shilvock 265 Poplar. pt. Rd.

KelownaVly ly2



Hona Fertis

IS4B BrciJRoad Tsewwessen V4L




Tom Lhger

620 Alder Strcet C:mpbell River


on t'iembershtp F:g,ot! trod many BC wrlters hove J[st bmome ^pqv I e85 *re' wen 9l-{nernbers, r;




$ffijitiiT*'[::'ll*f r-r'rry


ttpf.htfid mt to remw -_ i#T. rgq,!*rr,rpi nirr r.,i* rq.rd,0r slmply frgot t0 md thain ry nqn,, ,,q 5i d;-s & f i ilriliir" " gffiJn i


:,','ffi ffigE ffi tr erl$ ::glll ffi]ft r

| T2


Htr#it*,uti'niEiilii"i"n].$,lsfl ffi


.pprc'r'ns whrch I hove nbroslvphlcs' lr onertitorioi'tb recefvd p-q.gqrpnry benwrrt_t n y.egyptorogbts prmrcrns t#iil qrq-T*toiq hili, ratter wrritiii; *p s*an'ls whlch htt q q rn*eoibry ,resrbre dffffi, conrpuhicouffi wor,rri. lTIl{t66,i {n i,'rltr,i'ffirpapsrb6kst -ourlmnb l0r,; frrer than a 3J$|,|,f,1#iiflEtt'1g5!!iil iili niofi;i ffi ffi Hfib re srote, o *ra w * be or us to


Hil'f 'fpilti'li#'xifl iT,,LTHg**,ffi fffir,,,stiffi Hfl*#;ff tfff:iirn;,'Ii,joJbtoii,ui*;,fri wos


forth (otrnd ufpr.Ju*iT,6i-; b abte...)-- retiheFedflgy._\,lii?iil.,nfi,e-ggiii.-"nrirjiri-ri.r,.tr.oryy.of ond s0

#$,,,,", mt unrdxrm_ tr,totheE.A.,!tt,n:pubilsrrer


ruq:'Ft[,1i:JHlf'1Tffilgg,Hff"toniii,ino'.hiliilmrvtomembers'.;HSr1$f,t#'H,,*n _"#Hp#zu,"

l#,*1" _CttV


a Pcbt





(lf avcilaDla): Ycnr of GcumcnGe: Detolls: lomc of adltor

? Yar


( ) ilo (


Gslsutsr of XifturU Glnrts,

Gonrg sul Oorhsons

at the Burnaby Art Gallery

Gary Snyder at Hollyloc& Frrn &rtrr hlrod, SlDt 20-2t, f{7t rll lmhnivr Al opportunity to vort vitb this rminat poct-crsryirt. "Erl" ocdilrlc,vrils, rod vort vith onconc vho'lbccn gcilinl thc iob doac ri3ht for 6irty ycur," reyi Tmyor. Crll 93t-6{6t, Eu l27l|rom'r Lndll3' Ort .


pl o




TNEHAINMNGtrMI,XtrHOIISE SciFi, feotasy & homor, vith:Rf,ctRos, Qrtio Yylio,llrrf Choo, Eilocn Kornghao

Nov 17




thcnc ia coniunction crhibitof ltth ccntury grints: pocts Crrol [eldmd, Eotsy Synonr, Strn Outreac,h Vortrhoo Series



Rogel, l,ec lfichols, rnd Rovecae CAILMEN'S STMIES

Doc E


Fmcturcd feiryte.La rod other bighly orfiinel sorior by Annic Bouleogcr.

at UBC. Buchanan Penthouse l2:30 po Sop


Phyllis Tobb nords firm hor nsv boot of poctry,Irtm t LtflS

at Place des Arts 7-9 PM. | 120 huncttc. Coqulrlu

0ct3l Cdf BAG,

EARLUIUil{ V0ICES pre*ntcd by the


AIlo ro rrtcrhibitfoeturilg vort by Cr,rol Hdstord end Eclry Synoas. 291-9441or Bcrry (pnr ooly),939-6rl7lc tofo.

KSV Talks

t po rt VrncuYor laulmr ocrd Mon, 0ct7 ShoiliDchoy on lournals &Fiction f3.00.

Gootonponry fut Gellcry, JIJ Eroiltoa


(ht27 DeurisCoolefr oa Linc Bruetr: snc Driaciglcs of thc lilro io Doctrv

Ooburg Grllery,




3l{ Tcst&r{ovr

Ton Konyves on Poctrv. Vidco Foetrv, Porfornrnco Poetrv Coburg Gdlety, 3lt fe$Cor{ovr

rerdims at the KSV in Vanouver tlOt, l0{SWorthndvry Nov 12 Eaglish lnet

l{ Dec 12 Crll



Onterio fiction


&ddcll vritor, prn McKay

ECpoct&lovclist, Scrn Virgo rl 7t2-l0l! lc mcl t|la, dc.



p4nblc to th. Frd.rrtlm d BCVritorr

Srt.0ci26 KIXTVI{A l0:$ - {:00 Otrngro &llcgc,l0fll KLORd. fru ldr on Thc ?ritinl of Procc Crll lhra Brlo. rldln ll-1,762-7071arrlto: Kcloror & Dltt. Artl Gouoc., Box | | 2 Kclcnr


Crll llrdra Alha. Do,537-9t53 crdtc: Qllf lr. Oor. Aro Cqncll. hr 6E2 eoac

2 ffiIIIITACK {{n nr 204 Frrsr Ydlcy Collcgc Eihor lcnr3lrr on Sat.l{ov 10m -

lollrtr rlth Tmwc, crll 2t{-l102 In Yrocorrcr at tfie Kootenay Schml d Vritinr t20, u Tceplcto pool Cor. Hdl, ?00 Tcopldn

2l DrrrT lndfrc3 on QnLIidOtI tpo urtborofhl bl3lrrn



tvo coursl oa publirhiag procedures: byStovo (bboruo, Calvin Tharton, rod Denise Butovsti on fednodays 7 - lOpn, for l0 vcots sterti4 (htobcr 16 Olf fSiV t 7t2-1013 r Prcific Publlrblq Supgt tcrrlcc (tlr. hfiorrtt] rt r29-ltlts f200 for asrytbing fru typqnphy, productlm. ro profctlmdltl rod rdnlnlrtrulon.


Ctll6/87-2gn lo Wrltlot &

fc rm lofclrrlm rhlt culcrc


An bVenins



rcod u lnfrrulm $qlt cvcorr OUltlDB r[c Vmcoly.r lrc... Wo hrc no ol tmrlq rlrhnn yun input. Unfctunrrcly, rc vlll nc,"ry bG rilc o rdvlnt$ rtytil4 rmtll thc lhcroboe irruc, HfT(grad w yur Inlraulm by




ll{tr - 3:30 Gulf Is. Sccoadery, Grogcs hly Frr{ on Foctnr rnd Pnos




vith Harlequin's Edittrs

Gnovllla hhod lld.l, l2tA fhortm,7 pr Thu, For$riry: Ster f,ctocr, VP, oa f,rrlaquia: chrores & tnm&. Leurie Bunro ol Forccrst for thc Suocrroorncc Liac follovcd byviae & chccsc lrrty. Linit80 Fc of f lJ pryrblc In rdnmc o lrlrrrr tlovlt. lltorrry r$ot. Stl9lhcrtrn |rm.llct[ Yro. Y?I{SE. Tcl.9E7-{9E2.


\\ \

News from around & ibvelist



Contetl$ O othrr monlst


shrt story writer Audrqf fhonc



tnvited to represant Can& in ttu Wrtters-in-Resi6ncs Excianc. Shawill liva in Sotlmdfor 1965-66, md a Scottlsh wrlter wlll resl& In &n& ttn folbwing



Ellesn Kornqfran's lgEs cmdlan-sct-ri arrlantcy (sFr) Awrd, ard tnr anttnlogy of rpw Cardian scl-fi, T$rqqts, will be ut (chilo' nott mfrttr. Anottpr bok, ran's), will be urt from Hathuen in | 986. (see corrses


& Workshops colurm for rn Ortrarch wlrsp wlth tls. Kernrdun)

Daohnc llar ldt wl | | be writer- in- resi&rrcE Et ttp Un-iGisitvof Alberta, Edrnmtcr for 1985-85. (see ttre Lectures & Semlnars column for a serles about lls.llrlatt and otlpr Vmcurer writcrs, glwr by Colln Browne.) Tinnks to the suppol t of the ConS &uncil ard Chwrst

ennd, tte Kooiinqf Schol of Wrltlng will calebrate tts firit annlvarsary$ | 6,000 ridter, having rmivad rants for its Literary Ormries serles and Blua Perpil fofds, ammg other things. Joln ttrem In thalr opan lmuse celebiation Fridry,Oct 4, 7- | Opm dt | 045 W. Qt@cy for refreshments'ard qralntance. CEll 732- I 0 | 3 for

furttnr informatim.


E6ais, for now. So it yol ammd pectaliy sffice-typ appuqplnqqt-9i!9.9 call and we'll Emangs to plck them up: 733-2575, Lidie. godies to &nate, es-

Gontrftlcontlnutd-. The Orest



| 986. Tlsnes are: Fltztenry & Whitssl6 in rqnrntlc cdrcatlou gnowltq rp fcmrlc; scxurllty; g9ln9; mothors; & men; wdnon lorc; women & work; & splrlrt frmlly; In thc wdrrn & wqncn; womon wdntn-porvor. trescendcnco; hnllty; worpn's Derdllnc: 0ct.l. 1965. Scnd qucrles/$Ixnlsslons t0: Grctr ilernlroff, The New School, Drwson College' €ti ttcGlll St., ilontr6al HzY 2t14. ilota: t{o prcconcegtlms rs !o acceptrble style c contant.'

Wrlters' Cantenniat Fm pptitlgl end of urr flrst call Perld, for In sul Prias: $50 x 301 Sendlors POETRY. openirq of the flrst call the marks also t 5 Oct. portion. lf tott dld not recelve ttp PROSE oerldof or oll A'SAP for dtalls. writa Aqust, in notice ihe Pctry=1p to 26llres; Pre=3pp t0 800 wor& Fe&rd,iur of



?th: "Sand us ttp best o,f all Pqsl4s w,0r6" | 5. ltt catepries = I 5-20 mlns. Prlzes $3000, $2500, $tSOO erch in Pctry, Stmt Fistim & Rdio Play. Winners unolrrcsd in | 986. Sond to: Robert Wowor, and CBC Rrdlo, P0 Box 5@, Statlon A, Toronto ll5tt lE6




Our Flrst Annuol Plcnio wc blesEad with a warm md sunny afternmn, a kegof wirc,salmm, ard@cqtryVl $ole, howwer, w€nt the way.of all Our iropcd


bv md abalt Cardim wsnsn. is allirB for : m mttmlogy to be publisH by misions

Candiil NovsllaComEtitim

for ar riginal shont rpvel publicatiq, nlq. slwld bob1986

byo0crdian, fr tween 30- t0 50,000 worG and inclu& $5 for the return of unusd mss (stompwill &). Dedline Hrcfi 3l * !?Q6 Ttp winrpr will recaive a publishirg cmtrct and a $200 cmtr dvcrce, ild the bmk will recaive notional distribution upsr publtcation. Mail tc TtE 0reot Cardim lbvella Oompetttion, Pottsrcfield Press, R R 2, Porters L*e,

lbva $cdio BOJ 2S0. Plediaontmt L. Chqrce, (902) 827-4517.

I Oth Annuol Cecelio Lamont

Litarorv 0word

30' Poetry=f,$llnaq Prose€00w' Cmh pria, ond tnnurrable mentlons will oll be publi.shed inl986 Oams of Patry & Prosq. hulos: Typed, double-sprced, wlth nrme and rddress on title page oily; unlimlted stbmlssions allowed, but cach must be accompanled by a 03.00 entry fce. ilrll

Oeaanne: Octobsr

to: Ihe Conunlttee, 13245 l'larlna Drhn, Surrey V4A lE6. Prosa wlth SASE wlll bc returnad. Wlth permlsslm, poatry msy bs retrined for future p.blicrtion'

Awrds In JarrurrY, 1986. PRI

$H interrutional

Pctrv hnteqt

tttv 15. Entry 1s6 = f t0 + tl Per Poem Prizes: $500, $250, I | 00, plus speiol 8250 fr ttp best translation from an urpfflclal lm$ry 0f Carffi, ord publication in PRISH.Dept' For mca info, write: PRISI{ Poetry Cmtest. of Croetiw \rhiting, tEC, E466-1666 llain llrll' Vmcqnm V6T lU/s orcdl22E-2514.


lhc of 5rr oditiol ut tcoth eglrutr its utrrg is prepcring Canbridgo, Engleod, rl in qfmDfl0gO,l[tll0q, DrEltrrrlg lts Ccntrc i! icrl Contrc InbrnrliOnd BiOfrepbiCr,l tbcirtbcir subnit !o oo su-itettc Dcr$!3 &ttiog og.pltettclpl$n3 is otuqs ino. roi lu iriUC fmrf6, i.r,fidi"."l ["rb;d;d itilttcih;n "pianourt of pqb]iclrloo I olo"v. { ropu!{l!t' bu t "+








iotcraeriooel Biogriphicel Ccatre, Cenbridgc

CBz 30P.

^t Thb fdl, vc lnc $olsoritrl thrcc vritia3 vortibopc througboutE. Mcmbcn rnd thcir frieads ene ?ocoungcd !o rnand, rs l.hir ir ra_opportudty !o ncctottciFcdcntioa ocobcrr rod gclordly notvort-vith pooplo vho r,rc vritcrs. Bctsy Trrhod. vho nrdcrnindcd thc oritiael rricJ, hrc noved !o Ednollon for thc ycrr -- a hcerty 6rot-you for for hcr invelurbtc contilburioat A schcdulo of lhc tiocr, datcs rod vortrhop tcrdcrr ir li$d un&r Wn & lrlfti, oo page {, rod you cro mgi$cr by rndiag your lfroc, Addrcss, To*shop l[ua &Iocrtioa. eghoacounbcrvlorc you ceo bc ruchcd, and indication vhcthcr or notyourrc intcruccd in rucnding a prc-vortshop rccegtioa. Plcase includc o chcquc or oorcy ordcr for $20 pryrblc !o tf,c Fcdcntiol of BC Yrilcrs. .th,il yogr rgpligrtira to thc rffFrr notsd undcr crch *ortrhop noticc. aot to thc Vrocouvcr officcs (crccpt for tbc Chiltivrcl vtsp.). Tho tbrcc finc vritors lilod up for tho Fdl Scrics &r.hy For{, Eiloon Kcraegbro aod pao Tier - .ne ercclleot iogtructors, rod vc hopc to rcgcrt -thc rolrinf trcossc of trstyer. Thcrc $oD!, by 3ho yey, iatoros0 in lho Priacc Ruport r^nca ls r futurc locatibn, o sod io your idcrs/pmposals, if you erc iatcreslad io vortshops heppedag in your !ovo, cithcr rs I perlicipsot or rs sooooto vilh information, slillr rnd idcrs to inpart. To nccd your input hcrc, il tbc lov-

:-nAl*eL tttc Af.'At SALTSpnnG, Maoben of th. Gulf h. Aru Cqrocll hrvc aeocrurly offcred to plct-up fd purrojcn rt ful-

erleft-hrndcornerl ford rod

loq llrrDorr.


tic rortrhO

hCInr nrvc

0a rrrro$d to.Job tcrry rcicrlulrl,. -- CF.

ktfitr3 & *r;flrrs sir Tedncsdeys, 7:30-9:309m strrtin

g 0ctrober

to l6th

at the Robeol Squone MedioCentrc. $6J Ethel Ttlson/Georgc Bovcriag/Dophnc Mrhft

Yancouvcr Lilarerv La,ndrcepcs -- by Colin Bmvnc sirTucdrys rtnoon !o l:30 Sartia3 Novenbcr jtb at Snt Dovnlovn, J{9 f,ovc Stncat, Roon 603. $7t 'No city hrs obrcscd ils vrilans u Vr,ncouvcr his..."

tAryfitutut frhq1fs, i! Yeocouvcr, 0clobor I - t, l96t

lcctuncs (ht. l - 3 : 7:30-9;30 ot the Vancouvcr Muscuo Audilorlum, I l0 Checout Strcct. t3, Boot lboigo Soniaar Oct{, l:00 - {{X}pn 33J fsc Rolc of Prirdc Prcss (ht.t. 1000 - l:{Xtpn $3t fcc both lt SfU DovnSovn, J{9 Hovc Sirccl


to Sahtt

CIlR-Rrdio 101.7 rr IIBC ir loolilg for drana, Doctry and storios for svcml diffcrcnt pro-

fnnr. &tl22&Cm. Esi Arois

lccdr orines-

gitrl sci-fi rod Crolit (lJ min.); loave I rqc et6t#0351.

Elcctric Bluo Rwicv ir lootiog for rrticlec & storics (s nr,r . flIXlr). Qrery aoa-fic vith Petcr Rrabo ot 9t6-9#6. Ssnd 30: 88f,. Botr t2tS I l2{ Lmrdrlc, llort0 Vrnconcr V?H 2Hl Rrddle Moon. cd. Suren Cool,9060 Ar{[orc, Sidrcy BC, VtL 3Sl, icro infl nsvicv ,0-n7 frgchocc, rppcar! biaouelly. Flctioa, poctry, dflno, iatowicva, rcvievs of filnc rod andl prors negs/boots.Oopics ol. Ito Dryocrt.

Robcrt Brinlhurrt ct d..'Thc Ranc & thc Ecurtiful" Senlnenr in the Artof thc Boot, cthtTucsdtys rtthc EnilyCam Gollcac, t399 tshoton Strcst strrtin3 &30bcr lt, ll,tt, tL7:N - 9:30 po SlSt/tll0

Horizcns SF, flo IIBC, vrots short fiction to 3fiXly. I{o cvords & $rorry. poctry 6 2gg; sci rtlclcs to ZJfilv, Nod rrt, iacl. crrtoonr. Scld !o: Horbcar, Bor 7J SUB, IIDC, Vaocouvcr ltsy 'rill ttru rF rlt6 lf nd tofhrrd.'

lfirtinr Rrdio Docunentuies. vith nlmc! Ecsss 3 Satudays,9dXl - {{Xf, (ht. 19,26, Nov. 2. tln Tle Creftof Nevsvritilr. vith Drvid Loyy

Vencouver LittlcThcrtrc is l66tl;3 for good, uapublished &odho *ogc plays. A litf,lc peid. but good strrtilg pelce. (hc-rcts rod/or nioind eets prcferrcd. Cell Colaic Brill or Colin Fult rt E76-{16t.

Silrttrys. 9!ql - I l:&l an, oct. t9 - I{ov. 23. $160 Sellinr Frselroce Tritinr Fron Abrord. D. Butovsti 3 Setudeys, lO0- J{Xl,I[ov.9, 16,23. $160 6



rbovc at Snt


Dovtlovl, J{9 Eovc Strect


re3istcready (ssc pegc



.fiL If you

litcvlrtyou'tr rc!di!g,lel.us

This vrs dorc on an Applc MACII{TGH by Udie Yoleortyl. llrtcrtrl rlveys vclconcl




y ht frmnbr1...........

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