The Design Studio of Yuriy Zimenko reveals a new elegant
finest example in this table.
minimalism apartment design project. Directed by the
The perfect fit for this project by its exclusivity and luxury.
designer and decorator, Yuriy Zimenko, the studio in Kyiv
In the open space kitchen and dining room, golden facades
has more than fifteen years and works in interior design,
and Silverwood marble harmoniously combine, having as base
decorative design of the interior, design projects, architectural
the color blue, making the perfect synergy with the living
projecting, and creation of custom’s design pieces.
room. In the middle of minimalist shapes, the suspension
This interior confirms that fashion trends are moving from
lamp illuminates the table and creates a complex and creative
podiums to living space and this is visible in this two-story
environment. Moving into the master bathroom, the blue
apartment in the center of Kyiv.
onyx sets the style, and in the guest bathroom red, a contrast
Af t e r s e v e r a l m e e t i n g s w i t h t h e c u s t o m e r , Y u r i y Z i m e n k o
that is balanced with simple shapes, with a futuristic vibe.
decided that each room of the design project should have a
Finally, the purple bedroom interior contrasts with every
different overtone. The living room of this modern apartment
room of the project. Richly decorated, carpets take on the role
is covered in a blue hue, some luxurious golden accents that
of the link which simultaneously intensifies the sound of all
give a little charm to the room, and a rustic touch with the
colors, giving the room texture and creativity. A jazzy note
woody floor.
is given to the design project by a walnut array on the floor,
Surrounded by the blue simple sofa, Eden Centre Table by
edited with an asymmetrical spruce (the technology of floors
Boca do Lobo found its place, as one of the focus pieces
laying as well as individual pieces of furniture was worked
of the room. This center table is made of melted metal in
out by designer Yuriy Zimenko). This trend, where different
a gold-plated tone. Boca do Lobo uses the highest quality
colors and shades boldly mix in one design project is called
materials and textures, giving them shapes through objects
“color-blocking”, well present in the last years’ collections of
that create a cosmopolitan luxury environment, finding the
leading fashion designers, and now transposed to interiors.