Workers' World Today - Issue 25

Page 10

October 2021


Union In Action

A Conversation with Candis Tolliver, VP &  Political Director, SEIU 32BJ tileveled intricate endorsement process, built on two‐way com‐ munication between the candi‐ dates and different union members. "And so we talk to each candidate, we sit down with them, we have them talk to members, and then our mem‐ bers recommend whether or not we want to endorse that person. And that goes through the leadership, and the execu‐ tive body of our organization to finalize those decisions, then, we make endorsements."

BY WWT EDITORIAL STAFF It is common knowledge that re‐ sults from this year's November 2 elections will elect a new mayor, city controller, borough presidents, and council mem‐ bers for New York City. Candidate endorsement con‐ tributes significantly to the se‐ lection; primarily when a recognized and reputable or‐ ganization endorses a candi‐ date(s), it often boosts the candidate's campaign and chances of winning. One of the organizations, whose endorsement means a lot, includes the Service Em‐ ployees International Union, Local 32BJ,(SEIU), headquar‐ tered in New York City, mainly representing workers (mainte‐ nance, custodial, janitorial, win‐ dow cleaners) and has about 90,000 members in New York. In a recent discussion with People, Power and Politics, the Vice President and Political Di‐

rector of the union, Ms. Candis Tolliver, explored the endorse‐ ment process, the union's ex‐ pectations, and next steps. She

shared her political insight, and excerpts from the interview are as follows: Ms. Tolliver explained the mul‐

Expectations In terms of expectations, she re‐ vealed that the union is keen on seeing the candidates help the City get back on its feet and con‐ tribute to the new normalcy – work, security, good wages, ben‐ efits, and good health care. "Folks can start to experience New York and life the way that you know; we've experienced before. But it's important that along with that recovery, we

have strong communities, and we have good jobs. We want to make sure that folks are paid a real wage that allows them to live, take care of their families, have good housing, safe hous‐ ing. And so we care about a strong job with good benefits. If nothing, if we have learned through this COVID pandemic, we know having good health care and going to the doctor and taking care of yourself is so im‐ portant. And so we want to make sure that folks have good health care, they have retire‐ ment benefits. Our members still have pensions. They're still able to retire with dignity. And we want that for our members. And we want that for other workers across New York. And so those are the things that we fight for." City Council Speaker While the union is interested in continued on page 11

Legal Training Certificate Program for Shop Stewards & Union Members We believe an educated worker is an empowered worker. We want to help all workers to understand and advocate for their rights effectively. Our Legal Training Certificate Program provides the knowledge, tools and resources to do just that! MandatoryTopics Introduction to Legal Research and Writing – Part 1 How to Win in Court/When Do You Represent Yourself in Court? Introduction to Immigration Law Introduction to Personal Injury Law Introduction to Social Security Disability Law Introduction to Labor Law: Your Rights in the Workplace Introduction to Article 78 Litigation Introduction to Civil Rights Introduction to Wills, Trusts & Estate Planning Introduction to Workers’ Compensation Introduction to Employment Discrimination & Sexual Harassment Introduction to Labor Unions & Racism

Choose 3 Optional Topic Introduction to Constitutional Law Introduction to Diversity, Inclusion & Equality Introduction to Consumer Advocacy How to Run for NYC City Council How to Run for NYS Assembly or Senate Introduction to Landlord & Tenant Law Introduction to Workplace Health & Safety, Introduction to Negotiation & Effective Communication

PLUS: Citizenship & Labor Issues Clinic

Registration Fee: $275 Includes Individual Chamber Membership

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