Duke’s Accent Team plants flowers to paint the campus in color for spring.
Special activities give thanks and pay tribute to Duke faculty and staff.
Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 3
Gas prices got you down? Consider forming a vanpool with colleagues to commute to Duke.
May 2006
s Duke grappled with issues arising from accusations that members of the men’s lacrosse team sexually assaulted a woman, President Richard H. Brodhead convened several groups to investigate the social issues raised by the allegations. Over the past month, reporters and satellite media trucks have descended on Duke’s campus to cover the evolving story and the controversy that tapped into broader social issues of race, gender and class, and the relationship between Duke and Durham. Consider: A web search in mid-April for “Duke lacrosse” produced more than 12.1 million hits. “The issues surrounding this situation reach far beyond the behavior of a few lacrosse players,” said Tallman Trask, executive vice president for Duke University. “They hold broader implications for our campus and our city. Duke and Durham are part of the same community. The majority of the people who work here also call Durham home. Together, we’ve invested much time and energy over the years to improve our shared community. Now, we must be willing to confront some unpleasant issues so not to undermine the progress we’ve made.” On April 5, President Brodhead announced five steps (see sidebar) Duke will take to address the issues raised from the allegations against the men’s lacrosse team. Below are excerpts from his e-mail letter to the Duke community:
Duke Response m
Investigation of men’s lacrosse. The committee will not be looking into the criminal allegations against the team, but will investigate reports of misconduct by other relevant student groups to see if the players’ conduct “stands out.” Report due by May 1.
Examination of Student Judicial Process and Practices. The Academic Council’s Student Affairs Committee will examine the way Duke deals with problems of student behavior. It will review the existing judicial system for students and make recommendations for change to faculty. Report due by May 1. Investigation of Duke Administration Response. This committee will examine the administration’s performance in responding to the allegations involving the team. Specifically, the committee will address the perception that the university did not respond as quickly as it should have and point to lessons the episode can teach. Report due by May 15.
Campus Culture Initiative. This initiative will be a rigorous self-examination to evaluate and suggest improvements in the ways Duke educates students in the values of personal responsibility, consideration for others, and mutual respect in the face of difference and disagreement. Progress report due at the end of this term and again in the fall.
In addition to the above steps, President Brodhead convened a “Presidential Council.” This council will scrutinize Duke’s responses to the lacrosse team incident; advise the president on best practices in other university settings; and consider ways that Duke can promote these values. The first meeting will be held this spring.
CONTROVERSY ~ continued on page 2
This paper consists of 30% recycled post-consumer fiber.
Newsbriefs U.S. News ranks Duke graduate programs
plines, according to the latest U.S. News & World Report rankings of
Children of Campus Services staff attend camp at Duke
the best graduate and professional schools in the country. The medical
They toured the
MAY 8 : : Financial
school ranked sixth for research and tied for sixth in primary care. The
Primate Center. They
Fitness Week, budgeting and retirement workshops, financialfitness/.
law school ranked as 11th, and the business school tied for 11th place. In
visited the chemistry
rankings of doctoral programs, Duke is tied for 12th for doctoral pro-
lab and got a back-
grams in the sciences, ranked fifth in ecology and evolutionary biology,
stage tour of the Reynolds Theatre. During spring break from March 27
tied for 21st in mathematics, tied for 25th in computer science, tied for
through March 31, 15 children of Campus Services employees attended
29th in physics and ranked 38th for chemistry. The Pratt School of
a free camp at Duke. “Spring Fling,” a pilot program this year, was
Engineering was ranked 30th, and the biomedical engineering program
sponsored by Campus Services of which Kemel Dawkins is vice presi-
ranked fifth in the nation.
dent. The Duke-Durham Neighborhood Partnership assisted with the
MAY 14 : : Duke 2006 Commencement, 10 a.m., Wallace Wade Stadium. John Hope Franklin, distinguished scholar and James B. Duke Professor Emeritus of History, delivers commencement address.
Duke University’s School of Medicine, School of Law and Fuqua School of Business all rank among the top dozen institutions in their disci-
program. The children, who were in grades three to five, ate breakfast
Don’t chuck it; DukeSwap it
and lunch, exercised and enjoyed educational programs. “They experi-
Do you have something – maybe an old couch, computer or bicycle – that you do not need
MAY 20 : : Bird Walk,
anymore but feel
8 a.m., Duke Gardens, Doris Duke Center. Free.
guilty about throw-
enced Duke like few others - visiting the 3D virtual reality lab, navigating through the Sanford Institute's stairway maze, and making a silent movie in the new Warehouse art studios,” said David Stein, educational partnership coordinator at Duke. Next year, organizers hope to expand the program.
ing away? DukeSwap it!
The rates for Duke’s voluntary short and long term disability plans
makes it easy to
are being reduced, and employees can enroll at lower rates through
get used items to people who need them instead of sending them to the landfill. To get involved, join the DukeSwap Yahoo Group. Visit To swap something, send an announcement email to
For more events, check the university’s online calendar at
Special enrollment opportunity for disability benefit
The free program
the end of May. The short and long term disability income program pays a portion of a person’s income in the event of an illness or accident until age 65. Employees who work at least 20 hours per week are eligible to apply for coverage and need to demonstrate insurability by answering a few health questions. Information about the special enrollment period has been mailed to eligible employees. In order to obtain the and wait for someone to express interest.
reduced rate coverage, enrollment forms must be submitted by May 31.
Or, read previous posts to see if someone has requested
Visit the Duke Voluntary Disability Web site at
an item. To get an item, post a “wanted” ad for whatever you need.
fits/disability/voluntary.html or contact Duke Benefits at (919) 684-
The last step is to arrange a time to deliver or pick up the item.
5600 for more information.
CONTROVERSY ~ continued from page 1
Updates Available at Special Web Site Duke has established a special Web site that provides updates and information on the situation involving members of the Duke men’s lacrosse team. The site includes statements from Duke administrators, answers to common questions, sample media coverage, opinions and other related materials. You may access the Web site through Duke Today at <> or visit the site directly at < media/features/lacrosse_in cident>.
“Allegations against members of the Duke lacrosse team stemming from the party on the evening of March 13 have deeply troubled me and everyone else at this university and our surrounding city. If the allegations are verified, what happened would be a deep violation of fundamental ethical principles and among the most serious crimes known to the legal system. Such conduct is completely unacceptable both within the university and in our society at large. This university has cooperated and will continue to cooperate to the fullest to speed the ongoing investigation by the police, and I pledge that Duke will respond with appropriate seriousness when the truth is established. But it is clear that the acts the police are investigating are only part of the problem. This episode has touched off angers, fears, resentments, and suspicions that range far beyond this immediate cause. It has done so because the episode has brought to glaring visibility underlying issues that have been of concern on this campus and in this town for some time—issues that are not unique to Duke or Durham but that have been brought to the fore in our midst. They include concerns about the survival of the legacy of racism, the most hateful feature American history has produced. Compounding and intensifying these issues of race and gender, they include concerns about the deep structures of inequality in our society—inequalities of wealth, privilege, and opportunity (including educational opportunity), and the attitudes of superiority those inequalities breed. To get the good of the current situation, we all need to face up to the profoundly serious issues that recent
events have brought to light and address them in a positive, substantive, and ongoing way. The university is guided by the principles of openness, inclusiveness, mutual toleration, and mutual respect. Everything that furthers these causes advances our ability to work together toward the truth no individual or group can reach alone. Everything that hinders these causes retards the search for wisdom and knowledge. The university is also founded on the principle that we have an obligation to seek the truth, and that truth is established through evidence and disciplined inquiry. Reaching certainty without evidence or process is a double wrong in a university because it opens the door to injustice and violates our commitment to the truth. Durham is a proud city with a rich history and a diverse population that responds to the challenges of the day better than many other cities in this country. I’m resolved to seize the moment to do what I can to strengthen what is in many aspects, but surely not all, a positive relationship between our university and city. Nobody wishes trouble on one’s house and I regret the trouble that this incident has brought to Duke and Durham. But when trouble arrives, it’s the test of a community and its leaders to deal with it honestly, act accordingly and learn from it. This is a deeply emotional time as well as a rare opportunity for education – for our students, faculty, administrators, and members of our community. Let’s move forward with a serious commitment to make progress on the many complex issues that confront us now.” -- Richard H. Brodhead President Duke University
Flower Power
hree weeks to plant more than 30,000 flowers. That is the challenge for six Duke employees who will pull up 30,000 pansies and 12,000 tulips and replant as many begonias, petunias and other flowers to paint the campus in hues of blue, purple, yellow and pink for spring and summer. And Duke’s Accent Team will do it all by hand, one plant at a time. The twice a year flower rotation began immediately after alumni reunion weekend in April. Between reunions, the NC Festival of the Book and commencement on May 14, Duke expects about 30,000 visitors on campus, and the Accent Team will complete the bulk of the flower rotation before commencement weekend. “We will have a bunch of people on campus,” said Joe Jackson, assistant director for Grounds and Sanitation Services. “We want to put our best foot forward.” The Accent Team, one of seven teams in the Facilities Management Department’s Grounds and Sanitation Services Unit, is responsible for helping make Duke’s campus look its best throughout the year. The team was organized about 10 years ago when Tallman Trask III, who had recently become Duke’s executive vice president, asked why there weren’t more flowers on campus. Jackson, a former landscape planner for the City of Winston-Salem, created a plan and a group dedicated to just that.
Our job is to enhance the experience of those
who come to Duke.” — Jenny Gordon
The Accent Team is led by Jenny Gordon, who has a master’s degree in biology. She develops the overall designs and selects the plants for nearly 75 flower beds on Duke’s West, Central, East and Medical Center campuses. The beds’ sizes range from the dimensions of a typical desk to the traffic circle on Chapel Drive. Over the years, Gordon has compiled an alphabetical, three-page list of the different types of blue flowers that have been planted on campus – from the Agapanthus African Lily to Veronica Sunny Border Blue. “Our job is to enhance the experience of those who come to Duke, including students, employees, visitors and patients,” Gordon said. “We pay special attention to areas where patients visit.” Gordon said she uses a host of butterfly plants and fragrance flowers in areas such as the Tranquility Garden
outside the entrance to Duke Clinic to appeal to cancer patients and others who visit for comfort and reflection. She credited her team members for the extra effort and care they put into their work to make the campus shine – people like Wade Tilly, who has been with the group since its inception. He received the Meritorious Service Award from the president this year. On a recent morning, Tilly explained some of the unique challenges they face as he weeded a flower bed outside the School of Nursing. “A couple of weeks ago, this bed wasn’t doing so well because we had a squirrel that was eating all the buds off the flowers,” Tilly said. “The squirrel got run over one day, and now we have lots of blossoms.” While most people appreciate the beauty of the flowers, not everyone understands the process to keep them in bloom. “I was pulling up some pansies one day as part of our spring rotation, and a woman walking by called me a flower killer,” said seven-year Duke employee Herbert Williams, as he laughed. “She just didn’t understand that we have to do this each year to prepare for the next season.” The flowers also play a role in a much bigger plan – Duke’s Master Plan. University Architect John Pearce helped create this plan, which guides the development of buildings and landscape across Duke to preserve and enhance the university’s uniquely historic and dynamic campus. “Most universities develop budgets to build buildings,” Pearce said. “But you have to plan for the spaces between buildings as well.” While Pearce helps ensure that development projects remain consistent with the principles of the Master Plan, people on the ground bring the plan to life, he said. “It’s about taking ownership,” Pearce said. “I met with a group in Facilities recently and told them that this is really your university. You’re the people who really make the university look good.” For Terrence Williams, a member of the Accent Team for five years, it is a matter of pride. “It’s a lot of work, but you get to see how beautiful it is when we’re done. You get to see what a difference you make.”
▲ Mona McAdams, a four-year Duke employee tends to flowers outside the School of Nursing.
Did You Know?
p Some items found in Duke’s flower beds: pipe, token for a carrousel ride, lug nut, and scattering of cremated ashes.
p The Accent Team is one of seven teams for Grounds and Sanitation, which is within the Facilities Management Department.
p Water truck holds 500 gallons. It can be refilled up to five times in a day to water flower beds.
p Facilities Management received the Professional Grounds Management Grand Award in 2001 from the Professional Grounds Management Society and Landscape Management magazine.
p After alumni reunion weekend, the West Quad is reseeded, watered and repaired in preparation for commencement in May.
—By Paul Grantham Director, Office of Communication Services
The Accent Team’s six members include Wade Tilley, left, Rhonda Goolsby, Terrence Williams, Jenny Gordon, and Mona McAdams.
A Tradition of Saying Thanks DUKE APPRECIATION WEEK • MAY 20 TO MAY 25 njoy carnival rides and bingo tents on Duke’s campus. Run a 5K. Or dine on barbecue as you listen to live music on the quad. These activities are some highlights of this year’s Duke Appreciation Week, which begins May 20 and ends May 25 with a Durham Bulls baseball game honoring employees celebrating a career service milestone of 10 years or more. “This is Duke’s opportunity to stop and say thank you to the outstanding faculty and staff at Duke,” said Mindy Kornberg, assistant vice president of Human Resources, which organizes the event. “The success of the institution is a direct result of the time and dedication of those who work here. Employees should be recognized for their individual achievements throughout the year, but Duke Appreciation Week is the time we bring the entire Duke community together to celebrate our accomplishments and enjoy each other’s company.” Kornberg said Duke's reputation as a premier institution in the nation for education, research and patient care is dependent on the people who invest their careers here. Each year, Duke dedicates a
week to recognize faculty and staff for their contributions and commitment to the university and health system. Over the years, Duke has acknowledged the dedication and commitment of faculty and staff through career service banquets and gatherings on the quad, but attendance at these events was often low. With the founding of Duke University Health System in 1998, Duke’s workforce was growing and changing, and Kornberg said that it was a good time to reconsider the way Duke showed appreciation to all of its employees. In 1999, the celebration was transformed into a full week of events such as the ones offered now. “As part of the changes, we also wanted to incorporate more opportunities to show appreciation for the family members of faculty and staff,” Kornberg said. “Our families support us so we can do our jobs well, and we wanted to include them in this celebration as part of our extended Duke family.” The events of Duke Appreciation Week (see calendar of events on opposite page) are free and open to eligible Duke faculty and staff. Family members are invited to attend the Duke Family Fun Run/Walk and Family Fun Day which kicks off the week of events on Saturday, May 20. TRADITION ~ continued on page 5
2005 Highlights
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February 2005: The Duke-Durham Neighborhood Partnership opens the Walltown Neighborhood Clinic, the second health clinic established to serve low-income Durham residents near Duke's campus. The partnership operates additional clinics within Durham public schools.
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President Brodhead
April 2005: Duke adopts an institution-wide environmental policy to make the university a national leader in such practices as pollution prevention and eco-friendly purchasing. Construction begins on Duke Smart House, a 4,500-square-foot undergraduate live-in research center to explore energyand resource-efficient design.
May 2005: Trustees approve a new Duke Global Health Research Building, one of four U.S. labs to develop new vaccines, drugs and tests to fight infectious diseases for a Duke-led consortium of universities. December 2005: Duke launches its Financial Aid Initiative, a new multi-year, $300 million fundraising effort to increase financial aid endowment. February 2006: Duke announces three new programs to aid the Durham Public Schools: financial support for graduate students who commit to teaching in the DPS, Spanish language training for DPS teachers, and a summer enrichment program for mid-career DPS teachers.
Calendar of Events Saturday, May 20 9 a.m.
Duke Family Fun Run/Walk, Toddler Trot and Baby Run
TRADITION ~ continued from page 4
Yolanda Gaskins, project manager for renovations in Facilities Management, has attended Duke Appreciation Week since she started working for Duke in 2002. She enjoys all of the activities held throughout the week. Duke’s effort to include her family in the festivities is what makes her feel good about working here. “Family Fun Day is a great opportunity to spend time with other employees and our families in a fun atmosphere,” Gaskins said. “While we are at work, our focus is on our job responsibilities. But Duke Appreciation Week
gives us a chance to get to know more about each other’s lives outside of work. Duke Appreciation Week not only demonstrates Duke’s appreciation for my efforts, but it shows they care about my family as well.” Kornberg hopes faculty and staff come out and enjoy the festivities with colleagues and family. “The events are about fellowship and conversation,” she said. “It takes all of us to drive the success of Duke” —By Jen Mathot Senior Communications Specialist, Human Resources
Fun begins at 9 a.m. with the 5K Run/Walk on the Al Buehler Trail circling the Washington Duke Golf Course. After the Run/Walk, children have their own fun in the Baby Run (ages 2 and under) and Toddler Trot (ages 3 to 8). To register, visit or call (919) 684-3136 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Duke Children’s Classic— Duke University Golf Club Make plans now to stop at the Duke Children’s Classic, a celebrity golf tournament to benefit Duke Children’s Hospital & Health Center. Enjoy watching celebrities golf, have fun in the Kidzone, get a few autographs and support a good cause. Admission is free. For more information, visit 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Family Fun Day— Wannamaker Field
spotlight As part of annual Duke Appreciation Week, Duke pays special tribute to faculty and staff celebrating career service milestones of 10 years or more at the Night of Duke Stars, an invitation-only event. There are more than 1,800 staff members celebrating a milestone this year, including six people who have worked at Duke for 45 years. Below is one example of the many roles and contributions that help make Duke the special place it is today. To all, we say, “Thank you.”
Enjoy traditional North Carolina barbecue and other picnic foods, including heart healthy choices, throughout the afternoon. Play carnival games, take a spin on the rides, and enjoy music. Duke ID required.
Sunday, May 21 11 a.m.
Duke Chapel Service The morning service at Duke Chapel will be dedicated in honor of Duke employees.
Monday, May 22
Pursuing the power of art to change lives
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Join fellow faculty and staff for lunch on the West Campus Quad. Chicken, salads, pork barbecue, and all the fixings will be served under the big tent.
minivan launched Beverly Meek’s career in the performing arts in the 1980s. Meek, who, at the time, directed a community center in upstate New York, was suddenly directing hospitality for visiting performers. After all, she and her husband and their four young children had one of the few minivans in town. So when the female a cappella ensemble, Sweet Honey in the Rock, needed a ride for a sound check, Meek delivered the singers to the hall at Cornell University in her Dodge Voyager and listened to the practice session. She found the camaraderie and intimacy with the vocalists better than the performance. “I remember thinking, ‘I’ve got to find a way that I can always do this,’ ” said Meek, who is 55. She did, and now she is at Duke. Meek, assistant director of Duke Performances, has worked at the university for 10 years. “I enjoy Duke because I can pursue my belief in the power of art to change lives and make a better future,” she said. Though her responsibilities involve more of marketing now, she still ensures performers get what they need – including a sizeable audience. She also gets the word out about performances – theatre, world music, chamber, classical, dance, and children’s performances in Duke Gardens. “I am proud to help bring the wonder of creation to be experienced by others,” Meek said. “I admire artists for sharing their lives and work with others and feel very fortunate to be able to do work I love.” Meek’s respect for the arts came during long drives with her mother, who took Meek and her brothers from their farm in Curryville, Ga., to piano and drum lessons in Rome, 30 miles away. “This was in the 1950s and early ’60s,” Meek said. “For her to leave our farm and drive that far to a segregated town was a real commitment. I knew this was important.”
Lunch on the Quad— West Campus
11 p.m. to 12:30 a.m.
Third Shift Celebration— Duke Hospital Cafeteria Duke University Hospital third-shift employees can enjoy chicken, salad, pork barbecue, and all the fixings.
Wednesday, May 24 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Beverly Meek, assistant director of Duke Performances, has worked at Duke for 10 years.
Meek left Georgia for Ithaca, N.Y., where she and her husband attended Cornell and raised a family. In 1985, she followed her husband’s career to North Carolina, where she first worked for the Durham Arts Council, later for Chuck Davis’ African American Dance Ensemble and then managed grants for presenters and visiting artists for the state. She missed the college atmosphere, so Meek applied to Duke and was hired for a marketing position in University Life, later the Institute Of The Arts, and now Duke Performances. Her most interesting career story came in January 2005. She left her office at noon to pick up TaiwaneseAmerican violinist Cho-Liang Lin from the airport, but snow and ice snarled traffic. It took nearly eight hours to get to Raleigh-Durham International Airport. The symphony reordered the program, and Meek delivered the violinist to the concert hall in time for him to perform his solos. “No two days are ever the same,” she said.
Duke Night Out at Local Restaurants Join colleagues and bring family to one of the participating restaurants where you can buy a meal and get the second one for half price. Participating restaurants are George’s Garage, Parizäde, Spice Street and Carolina Ale House (Durham location only). Reservations encouraged. Duke ID required.
Thursday, May 25 Night of Duke Stars At this invitation-only event at the Durham Bulls Athletic Park, Duke honors the service of faculty and staff celebrating career service milestones of 10 years or more.
Special Discount During Duke Appreciation Week, employees receive a 20 percent discount at Duke University Stores.
—By Nancy Oates Working@Duke correspondent
For more information about the week’s events, please visit
So you want to be a supervisor?
Did You Know? :: Duke received the Quality in
Human Resource Practice Award from the College and University Professional Association (CUPA) in 2005 for PDI.
hen Duke’s Professional Development Institute announced a new program to help develop and train first-time supervisors, 65 people submitted applications for 20 openings. The year-long program has been so popular that a second class is already planned. “It really shows an identifiable need at Duke, as well as the support managers give their staff,” said Sally Allison, a manager of the Professional Development Institute (PDI). “Managers want their staff to advance and develop, and they view this program as an excellent way to support staff.” The inaugural class of the First Time Supervisor Program started in January and will graduate in December. Nominations for the next class will be in spring 2007. The program aims to develop, prepare and retain a diverse mix of high-performing Duke staff for management opportunities at Duke. “One of the goals is to retain good people by creating an environment that supports their development,” Allison said. “We’re also looking at it from a diversity standpoint. All of our classes include a diverse group of staff. We want to promote and enhance diversity up the ladder.” Morgan Hendrix, admissions services coordinator for Duke Divinity School, is a member of the inaugural class. Her favorite aspect of the program has been meeting and working closely with diverse members of the Duke community.
:: 96 percent graduation rate
for PDI participants in the Office Staff Development Program. The average for vocational programs nationally is 45 percent, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. :: 88 percent of graduates from
PDI have secured promotions. :: Participants in the First Time
Supervisor program represent 20 departments from the university and health system.
Some members of Duke’s inaugural First Time Supervisor program include staff members Tracey Perry, left, Tara Robinson, Meha Ballard, Chris Nooney, Peggy McCauley and Corey Lyon.
“It can be easy to focus in on your own tasks and department day in and day out,” Hendrix said. “We can simply lose sight of the fact that, as part of the university and the health system, we are part of something far greater than what is accomplished in our own offices or departments.” Among other criteria, staff interested in applying for the class must receive a recommendation and full endorsement from their current manager. Staff must also agree to remain with Duke for two years after completing the programas as part of a $2,300 investment Duke makes per participant for the program. During the program, class participants are assigned a mentor and attend up to two days of classroom training a month. They complete an assessment of strengths and developmental needs before they begin courses in such topics as managing difficult work relationships, project management and financial management. They work with their managers on “stretch assignments” – projects beyond their regular duties – and also work on team projects. Allison, the PDI manager, said communication is a key component of the curriculum. Class members study business writing and learn how to engage people in effective communication. “Everybody brings different talents and history,” Allison said, “and we help people understand how to respect and use their unique backgrounds to be effective supervisors.” —By Eddy Landreth Working@Duke correspondent
WANT MORE INFORMATION? Visit or call PDI, (919) 684-5406
FLEX your
30,454 :: Number of faculty and staff with DukeCards
5,162 :: Faculty and staff with FLEX accounts
1,193 :: Faculty and staff with payroll deductions for FLEX :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
DukeCard Office Locations
Spending Account When Alvin Puett gets a hankering for a Diet Coke, he pays for it with plastic. Not his ATM card, but his every day DukeCard. Puett, who manages the Lobby Shop, the Duke convenience store in the Bryan Center, uses his DukeCard because he has a pre-paid Flexible Spending Account (FLEX) that eliminates the need to carry cash, checks or credit cards at the university and health system. And in places with FLEX only payment lines, it’s faster, too. “It’s just more convenient,” said Puett. Each month, he deposits $40 into his FLEX account for food purchases on campus. Faculty and staff who sign up for FLEX can use the account to pay for a workout at the recreation center, get a haircut, pay for copies and more. They can also buy items from campus retail stores and food from eateries or vending machines. Faculty and staff receive a 10 percent discount on meals purchased in campus dining facilities when they present their DukeCard.
University 100 West Union Building Box 90911 (919) 684-5800
Medical Center 0100 Facilities Center Box 90644 (919) 684-2273
How to open a FLEX Account To open a FLEX account, faculty and staff can visit The DukeCard Office at 100 West Union Building or 0100 Facilities Center in the medical center. There are no fees and no minimum amount required to open an account. How to add money to a FLEX Account Funds may be added in person with cash, check or debit card at The DukeCard Office or by mail with
Alvin Puett, right, manager of the convenience store in the Bryan Center, uses his FLEX account because it is more convenient than carrying cash.
a check. Credit cards are not accepted. Eligible employees can even have funds added monthly through payroll deduction by completing a FLEX Account payroll deduction request form. Faculty and staff can also add funds to their account using debit cards at DukeCard Express Stations located at the two DukeCard Offices, Fuqua School of Business and the Student Service Center. And cash deposits can be made at any of the 15 Value Transfer Stations located throughout campus. —By Office of Communication Services
Nancy Childress, a Duke University Health System analyst, has driven a commuter van from Roxboro to Duke since 1995.
The Road Less Traveled
:: Get at least seven people (a driver and six riders) who live and work near you and share approximately the same work hours. The Triangle Transit Authority (TTA) can assist in finding commuting partners.
VANPOOL RIDERS FIND RELIEF FROM GAS PRICES ancy Childress, a NASCAR fan and Duke University Health System analyst, sat behind the wheel of an empty van. After a few moments, several university and health system staff climbed aboard at 6:25 a.m., and van No. 1885 pulled out of the furniture store parking lot in Roxboro and onto Highway 501. As the van passed red barns, bait and tackle shops and grazing cows, the chatter centered on the previous evening’s American Idol episode. “I bet you Ace won’t be in the bottom three this week,” said Gay Hughes, a file clerk in Duke Hospital. The seven employees in the van have found relief from rising gas prices. They are members of a vanpool, a less costly commuting alternative. “I save on gas and on parking, and if you’re riding, you don’t have to fight the traffic,” said Childress, who has driven a commuter van 70 miles roundtrip from Roxboro to Duke since 1995. Duke’s Parking & Transportation Services works with the Triangle Transit Authority (TTA) to organize the vanpool program for employees. TTA provides the van, gas and insurance costs, and Parking & Transportation offers a reserved parking space at Duke for the van at no charge and up to a dozen free daily parking passes for each rider for times when they need to drive separately. The vanpool program is one of several ways employees can save on commuting costs. The university also offers a reduced monthly parking rate for people who carpool and a program for those who bike to work that includes a dozen free daily parking passes if they need to drive to campus on occasion. “These alternatives offer both environmental and economical benefits,” said Cathy Reeve, director of Duke Parking & Transportation. “Ridesharing can help reduce cost, ease demand on parking, and help with traffic congestion and emissions that impact air quality.” With higher gas prices, more people may begin to explore transportation alternatives such as vanpooling or carpooling. At this time last year, gas stations in the Triangle were charging an average $2.24 per gallon, compared to this April’s $2.84 per gallon.
Want To Get Started?
“I don’t know why anybody wouldn’t want to be doing this,” said Frances Moore, a university senior library assistant who rides a van about 35 miles each way from Roxboro. “The way gas is today, you end up saving. Plus, the van gives you time to unwind from work, or sleep.” Consider some incentives: :: One leg of the commute TTA provides the van and pays for gas, insurance, must begin or end in Wake, and maintenance. Durham, or Orange counties. Parking & Transportation Services provides each vanpool with a free parking space at Duke and each :: Select a primary driver and rider up to a dozen daily parking passes. backup driver. Determine Riders pay a monthly fare to TTA based on the pickup and drop off locaaverage daily roundtrip mileage. The primary driver tions and times. does not pay. Currently, there are two vanpools at Duke using the :: Complete the TTA application and pay a $150 refundTTA program, which provides 65 vans to commuters in able security deposit to TTA. the Triangle. The two vans begin and end in Roxboro each day and carry up to 14 Duke riders. Moore, the university library assistant, rides TTA van No. 1884 to campus. She pays about $71 per month to 3 YEAR AVERAGE RETAIL PRICE— REGULAR GASOLINE ride. But she said she saves Price (US $/G) 3.24 $1,800 to $2,000 annually. 3.04 That’s because she doesn’t 2.85 4 2.65 $2.8 have to fill the gas tank in her 2.46 4 Toyota Camry for the 70 mile 2.26 $2.2 2.06 4 .0 daily trip. She also saves on $2 1.87 1.67 vehicle maintenance. And she 1.48 doesn’t pay the $27.50 per 1.28 April April April month it would cost for a 2004 2005 2006 parking permit. USA Average North Carolina Source: and AAA Carolinas On a recent Wednesday, the other Roxboro van, No. 1885, pulled out of the Schewels furniture store parking lot and stopped in Timberlake nine minutes later. Four commuters climbed aboard. “Morning, morning,” a woman announced as she took a seat. In the back, Myrtle Lawson, a university accounting WANT MORE INFORMATION? specialist, settled in for the rest of the ride. She closed her u Triangle Transit Authority, (919) eyes and napped. The radio dial was tuned to Sunny 93.9 485-7461,, or send email to FM, and the lyrics to a Joni Mitchell song filled the van: “They paved paradise and put up a parking lot …” u Duke Environmental Sustainability, At 7:13 a.m., the van arrived at Duke Hospital and html (click Campus Initiatives and several employees hopped off. The next stop was the then Transportation) American Tobacco Campus, where Lawson, the accounting u Duke Parking & Transportation, specialist, works and where the van is parked for the day. (919) 684-PARK, Childress said she cannot imagine driving her car to work. “I put gas in the other night,” she said, “and it cost $2.63 a gallon.” —By Leanora Minai
• • •
Editor, Working@Duke
University and health system employees climb aboard Van #1885 in Roxboro for the 35-mile trip to Duke.
Editor: Leanora Minai (919) 681-4533.
Have the controversy and publicity surrounding the Duke men’s lacrosse team affected your opinion of Duke as an employer?
Director: Paul S. Grantham (919) 681-4534
I’m quite happy that the administration has come down pretty hard on this now. Before, I was a little worried. There was the impression that there was not a lot happening. I was worried how much, how fair this is and how balanced. But now I think they have come down really hard on it and are looking to make improvements down the line.”
Graphic Design & Layout: Paul Figuerado
Photography: Jon Gardiner and
Gabriele Hegerl, Ph.D. Associate research professor Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences 4 years with Duke
Megan Morr of Duke University Photography; Ronald Usery of Duke Creative Services.
Support Staff: Mary Carey and
William Blackburn.
Working@Duke is published monthly
No, it hasn’t. The way I feel is, it was wrong. They should come out and let the people know who did it. That’s what my opinion is.”
Mary Hines University Housekeeper 15 years with Duke
by Duke’s Office of Communication Services. We welcome your feedback and suggestions for future story topics.
Not at all. The lacrosse team really is pretty much just an attachment to Duke. A jock is going to be a jock anyway you look at it. I’ve always thought highly of Duke as an employer, and I always will. I’ve enjoyed every day at Duke regardless of what publicity it gets.”
Please write us at
“ or
Working@Duke, Box 90496, 705 Broad St., Durham, NC 27708 Call us at (919) 684-4345.
Donnie Barbour Cashier, Computer Store 13 years with Duke
Send faxes to (919) 681-7926.
— By Eddy Landreth Working@Duke Correspondent
Presidential awards The winners of the Presidential Award for 2006 for outstanding service will be presented by President Richard H. Brodhead on April 26. The awards are the highest and most prestigious honor that Duke gives to staff. It recognizes staff members who have made distinctive contributions to Duke within the past calendar year.
Clerical/Office Support
Travis Lewis
Rebecca B. Tesh
Polly S. Garner
Mechanic II Facilities Management Department
Lewis serves on the First Response Team for inclement weather; and the Grounds Equipment Team. Nominator Keith Guile, an FMD supervisor, said of Lewis:
“He literally is a one-man show … he maintains over 350 pieces of grounds equipment as well as over 100 motorized vehicles throughout grounds and FMD. With all this responsibility, he consistently maintains his professional demeanor in the face of juggling his schedule among the 70+ staff who all believe that their equipment needs are the most important.”
Administrative Manager Center for Aging
Tesh began her career at Duke in 1959 after graduating high school. Nominator Harvey Jay Cohen, M.D., said of Tesh:
“Year after year, the Aging Center meets its budget because Becky is diligent in keeping up with the financial records for hundreds of grants and maintains salary distributions for many principal investigators and staff … her loyalty to Duke is infectious to everyone around her and inspires others to emulate her dedication.”
Staff Specialist Neurobiology
Garner has worked at Duke since 1988 when she was hired as a courier at the department’s inception.
Nominator James O. McNamara, M.D., said of Garner:
“A typical day for Polly might include taking a new international student to the grocery store on her lunch hour, or to the international house for a loan, information, or for pots and pans. … from courier to receptionist, to clerk, to payroll representative, to HR expert, her boundless energy has invigorated and inspired all of us to do better work.”
Clinical/Professional-Non Managerial Irma R. Ferrell
Surgical Technician Eye Center Operating Room
Ferrell has more than 36 years of service with Duke.
Nominator Alan N. Carlson, M.D., said of Ferrell:
“She not only works during the day but gives freely of her time in the evening, nights and weekends for emergency trauma surgery involving the eye. Irma is a remarkable individual who brings much more to the Eye Center than her skills … she attends many of our functions and entertains us with her singing.”