Adventures In NZ

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Adventures In NZ Adventures in NZ


With Tony Hewitt and Peter Eastway, AIPP Grand Masters of Photography New Zealand’s Marlborough Region 30 June - 8 July 2019

Remote d’Urville Island White Sands of Farewell Spit The Arches of Wharariki Beach Romantic Cape Campbell Lighthouse

Adventures in NZ

Explore 3 of New Zealand’s amazing but lesser known landscapes with two AIPP Grand Masters – $7995 ex-Blenheim/Nelson Everyone goes to New Zealand to take photo-

worked with over many years. They’re excited

graphs, especially the south end of the South Is-

about the ‘exploration’ and it’s an opportunity for

land, but one of the most photogenic locations is

you to see exactly how Tony and Peter approach

up the north end of the South Island – and that’s

new subjects when they travel on their own.

where Peter Eastway and Tony Hewitt’s Adven-

Would you like to join them?

tures in NZ is being held this 2019.

This Photographic Counsel has been pro-

They love this part of New Zealand – and

grammed to combine both photography and

they find photos that aren’t plastered all over

post-production. It’s one thing to visit a location

Instagram or Facebook because it’s a little off the

and have a great time, quite another to return

beaten track.

home with a clear understanding of the tech-

If you’re looking for photos with a difference,

niques and processes used by two of Australia’s

this is the photo tour for you!

leading professional photographers.

Take the remote and rugged d’Urville Island

We’ll teach you everything from the camera

for example. And look at Cape Campbell’s lonely

skills of landscape photography to the people

lighthouse. Check them out on Google Maps and

skills of portraiture. And then we’ll show you

you’ll see why the boys are excited.

how to edit the images creatively in Photoshop,

Some of these locations are new for both Peter

Lightroom or Capture One. We have allowed time

and Tony, so how do they know they’re any good?

in the itinerary especially for this.

For the lighthouse, they have flown over it

Adventures in NZ is a complete experience and

many times when at their Middlehurst workshop,

by the end of the workshop, you’ll have a portfolio

thinking what a great place to stay. For d’Urville

of great photographs to proudly display. It’s eight

Island, they’re being guided by locals Will and

days that will be etched in your memory forever.

Rose Parsons of Driftwood Eco Tours who they’ve

Don’t miss out!

All the locations in this brochure can be visited if the weather and conditions are right. Peter and Tony will pick the best options based on their experience and knowledge of the area.

Bookings at in the online shop. For more information, email or phone Kim at - (02) 4388 6851.

Lone Tree, Wharariki Beach 240mm lens f11 @ 1/100 second, ISO 35 Telephoto lenses often work best for landscape photographs, allowing one to isolate the subject. Photo: Peter Eastway.

Adventures in NZ

Adventures in NZ

Every Year It’s Different 110mm lens – f11 @ 1/8 second ISO 35 There’s no guarantee there will be sunshine, rain, hail or snow, but it doesn’t matter. Every trip we make, we bring home some amazing images. Photo: Peter Eastway.

Adventures in NZ

Our North of the South Island Exploration Sunday 30 June 2019

plan to drive to Kupe Bay or Moawhitu Bay - we’ll

At some stage today, you need to arrive in Blen-

see what the weather is like! In the afternoon, we

heim, South Island, New Zealand. The photogra-

catch the Ferry back to French Pass and the main-

phy program doesn’t begin until the following

land. We overnight at Anaru, an historic home,

day, but Peter and Tony will take you to dinner if

and shoot the sunset over the Current Basin, or it’s

you’re here on time!

a short drive to a hilltop overlooking the island.

Monday 1 July

Saturday 6 July

Depart from Blenheim and drive to Cape Camp-

We shoot sunrise at French Pass with the beach

bell. We’ll investigate the wonderful patterns of

and wharf directly in front of the accommodation.

Yealands Estate vineyards on the way. Arrive at

Then it’s off to Collingwood with stops along the

Cape Campbell lighthouse cottages in time for a

way for food and photography. We have two more

sunset shoot at the lighthouse (opposite).

surprises in store!

Tuesday 2 July

Sunday 7 July

Cape Campbell farm. There’s lots to explore here

Up early to drive to Wharariki Beach for sunrise. It’s

- monuments, reefs, white bluffs, old sheds, pine

a delightful dune walk in the gloaming to get to

nut farm. Will, our local tour guide, has lots of sug-

the beach for sunrise and then in the afternoon,

gestions and for movie buffs, this was the film set

we’re off to the amazing Farewell Spit. We over-

for Light Between the Oceans. We overnight again

night again in Collingwood.

at Cape Campbell lighthouse cottages. Monday 8 July Wednesday 3 July

It’s the end of the tour and we’ll drop everyone

After a sunrise shoot, we’re off to French Pass and

back to Nelson Airport this afternoon. And if

in the afternoon, catch the barge to d’Urville Is-

you’re interested, Peter and Tony have their Mid-

land. We overnight at the remote and comfortable

dlehurst Art Photography Workshop starting the

d’Urville Island Wilderness Resort.

next day, so they will be flying back to Wellington to pick up the next group (we fly into Middlehurst

Thursday 4 July

from Wellington), and you are most welcome to

We spend the first of two days exloring the island,

join them!

with spectacular views over Stephen’s Passage and the mineral belt looking towards Admiralty Bay. Back to the d’Urville Wilderness Resort for the night. Friday 5 July There’s so much to see and explore. Today we

Cape Campbell Lighthouse 80mm f2.8 @ 1/1000 second, ISO 200 Check out the little houses - that’s where we’re staying? NB We are not doing aerial photography on this trip. Photo: Peter Eastway.

Adventures in NZ

The Jamie Seddon 23mm lens – f8 @ 1 second ISO 35 This is the early morning version, but in the afternoon, it would be great to have the bow of the wreck in sunlight and the stern in shadow. We’ll have to wait and see! Photo: Peter Eastway.

Adventures in NZ

Adventures in NZ

What Level Photographer Do I Need To Be? You don’t need to be a photographer to come on the workshop, but naturally you’ll get more out of it if you are. We have all levels of photographers attending, from seasoned professionals wanting to refine their skills to newcomers who need assistance with basic camera settings. We actually like a range of photographers to attend. The more experienced participants invariably help the newcomers, and the newcomers give us ideas for things we’ve forgotten how to shoot. “One of the things that constantly keeps me grounded”, said Peter Eastway, “is the range of ideas and viewpoints participants bring. They see things I don’t, so I’m learning just as much as everyone else. And importantly, it is all done in a positive and encouraging environment. We’ve been doing this long enough that we don’t need our egos stroked. What we get a buzz out of is helping other photographers capture great photos - our reward is seeing the expression on their face when they nail a top shot.” And on this workshop with these locations, we reckon we can guarantee you will take great shots!

Finding The Details 240mm lens – f11 @ 1/8 second ISO 35 We’re not sure how many leaves will be left on the vines in June, but the patterns will still be there. This is Yealands. Photo: Peter Eastway.

Adventures in NZ

How Do You Like To Learn? Everyone has different ways of learning. For some,

you have to do is ask. Importantly, you will never

it is sitting back and watching an expert at work,

be made to feel silly because you asked a basic

noting how he or she positions and uses the

question - Peter will say there’s a chance Tony

camera, reacts to the light and the weather, or

doesn’t know the answer either!

interacts with people to achieve the best posing and expression.

Both Peter and Tony will be shooting as well. They are just as passionate as you are about their

Others like to be given suggestions, to under-

photography, so they want to capture their own

stand what the experts are seeing and thinking,

images. They also feel it is important to practice

and then left to experiment and discover on their

what they preach and show participants what

own. They are looking for guidance, but not too

they have found.

much. However, they are very aware that their primary And yet other photographers like to be shown

role is to act as your instructor and guide. And

how to find the photograph, how to compose

they want you to return on other workshops or

the image and what camera settings are required.

trips, which you will only do if you are happy. So,

They want help with their camera settings and de-

please don’t be shy to ask for help at any time and

tailed instructions on how to frame and compose.

it will be cheerfully provided with a smile!

Different photographers at different stages require different levels of assistance and that’s fine! Peter and Tony provide all three levels of interaction, all

After The Rain 80mm lens – f11 @ 1/3 second ISO 35 Soaking rain on sand that has partially dried out makes great textures. Farewell Spit. Photo: Tony Hewitt.

Adventures in NZ

Adventures in NZ

Adventures in NZ

Peter Eastway G.M. Photog., FNZIPP, Hon FAIPP, HFNZIPP, FAIPP Sydney-based photographer Peter Eastway is a Grand Master of Photography and a two time winner of the AIPP Australian Professional Photographer of the Year. Known best for his landscape and travel photography, he has worked in most areas of the profession and also loves sport, studio still life, portraiture and wildlife. Peter is the editor and publisher of Better Photography magazine and website, a position that has given him special access to many of the world’s leading photographers over the past 30 years. His ability to communicate both the technical and aesthetic sides of photography makes him a sought after speaker on the international circuit. Peter was the chairman of the Australian Professional Photography Awards for many years and is still involved in all aspects of photography competitions, both as a judge and an active participant. He judges and speaks internationally on a regular basis. Peter’s work has been published internationally in photographic magazines (USA, UK, Japan, Germany, Greece, New Zealand and Australia). He was also the author of the Lonely Planet’s Guide to Landscape Photography. His photography has recently featured on the cover of the Lonely Planet’s guide to Australia, in articles in the Qantas inflight magazine, on an Australian postage stamp, and in an Apple television commercial. And he has worked with Phase One researching and promoting its high-end medium format cameras and Capture One raw processing software. He works with Canon, Nikon, Fujifilm and Phase One camera systems.

Natural Outdoor Lighting 55mm lens – f2.8 @ 1/60 second ISO 35 This is a late afternoon photograph taken on Wharariki Beach with the incredible rock arches in the background.

Adventures in NZ

Tony Hewitt G.M. Photog., FNZIPP, FAIPP, Hon. FAIPP, FAIPP Tony is a Grand Master of Photography of the Australian Institute of Professional Photography (AIPP). He is also an Honorary Fellow and a Fellow of both the AIPP and the New Zealand Institute of Professional Photography. Tony’s career highlights feature over 150 state, national and international photography awards. In September 2013, Tony was awarded the prestigious title of Canon AIPP Australian Professional Photographer of the Year, and in the same year received the New Zealand Overseas Photographer of the Year, the Australian Landscape Photographer of the Year and the Western Australian Landscape Photographer of the Year. Tony was also invited to be a Core Artist at the 2013 Ballarat International Foto Biennali. He was Western Australian Professional Photographer of the Year in 2004 and also in 1994. Tony Hewitt’s photographic journey has seen him explore the genres of portrait, landscape, wedding and fine art photography. He has exhibited around the world and has judged photography competitions internationally. With a passion for people, places and pictures, and an instinctive sense of the moment, Tony brings a unique combination of creative skills, award winning photographic vision and simple creativity.

Cool Under Pressure 80mm lens – f5.6 @ 1/640 second ISO 100 Tony has been working as a Phase One ambassador for the last couple of years and more recently has been working with Canon and its Canon Collective group.

Adventures in NZ

Adventures in NZ

What is an AIPP Grand Master? DESIGNATION: G. M. Photog.

cent or higher (a Silver Award), two award points for 90 per cent or higher (a Gold Award). There are

The Grand Master of Photography is awarded by

also Silver with Distinction Awards for scores of

the AIPP and is earned through the Canon AIPP

85-89, and Gold with Distinction for scores of 95-

Australian Professional Photography Awards sys-

100, but these receive the same Award points.

tem. Photographers enter up to four prints each

A member of the AIPP can earn their Associate-

year, which are scored by a panel of five experi-

ship by accumulating five Award points in a four

enced professional photographers.

year period.

An Award point is earned for a score of 80 per

The next step is Master of Photography, requir-

Adventures in NZ

After The Rain 23mm lens – f11 @ 30 seconds ISO 35 Soaking rain on sand that has partially dried out makes great textures. Photo: Peter Easway.

ing a further 10 Award points in a five year period.

(85 or higher). Given very few photographers earn

Photographers who continue to enter the

more than four Award points each year, it takes

Canon AIPP APP Awards can gain Bars for their

not only a considerable time to earn the Grand

Master of Photography, each Bar requiring an

Master of Photography distinction, but a consis-

extra 10 Award points.

tently high standard of work as well.

However to achieve the status of Grand Master

There are currently around 15 AIPP Grand Mas-

of Photography, at least 65 full Award points are

ters of Photography.

needed, including at least five Gold Awards (90 per cent or higher) and ten Silvers with Distinction

Adventures in NZ

d’Urville Island - Reference Pics Do you like exploring? Do you like a challege? There’s nothing more exciting than checking out a location from other people’s photographs and then going there yourself in search of your own works of art!

Adventures in NZ

Equipment For The Workshop Neither Tony nor Peter are equipment snobs! Yes,

Chec k list Here’s an incomplete list of some of the things you may need.

Camera Stu ff • DSLR camera recommended (or medium format if you have it, of course).

they use professional equipment, but that’s their full time job.

• Standard zoom - cover everything • Wide-angles - as wide as you have

So, whether you turn up with the latest DSLR or an older camera you’ve loved for many years, it really doesn’t matter. Our workshops are all about technique and visualisation, so any camera equipment you have will be fine. We will help you get the most out of it! And of course, we’re also happy to give you any equipment advice you might require.

• Telephoto - 300mm is not too long • Macro lens - lots of close-up stuff • Spare camera battery • Battery Charger • Backpack style camera bag • Tripod (with a quick release plate) • Plenty of storage cards for your camera • Polarising filter • Neutral density filters (0.9x, 4.0x optional)

We do recommend you bring everything you think you might need, but not so much you can’t carry it with you. You will be able to leave equipment behind in the hotels or cars if you don’t want to take it on a particular shoot, but note that leaving equipment in the vehicle while we are away has some risk!

• Card reader and cable if necessary • Laptop computer (Mac or PC) • External back-up drives • Photoshop is recommended • Mouse or stylus/tablet •

Clo th in g Stu ff • Hiking boots • Thermal layers • Windproof, rain proof coat • Down coat or similar • Warm hat and gloves • Water bottle • Torch or head torch • Alarm clock (we can’t wait!)

Adventures in NZ

TERMS AND CONDITIONS These terms and conditions relate to the photography workshops organised by Pt 78 Pty Ltd [Pt78], ABN 75 003 152 136, trading as Better Photography, and run by Peter Eastway and Tony Hewitt, the workshop leaders. The Adventures in NZ tour is being arranged for Peter and Tony by Will and Rose of Driftwood Eco-Tours. You can read more about Driftwood Eco-Tours at its website: www.driftwoodecotours. The itinerary is as outlined on page 6 of this brochure and is subject to change to accommodate local conditions and opportunities. You will also need to add in your own travel to Blenheim and from Nelson N.Z., and probably an additional night’s accommodation at either end of the Adventure. You can discuss this with Will, Rose, Peter or Tony! These terms and conditions relate to the tour organised by Peter Eastway and Tony Hewitt with Driftwood Eco-Tours. Where Driftwood Eco-Tours is mentioned, it also includes Peter Eastway and Tony Hewitt.

PRICE The price is AUS $7995. The price is payable as follows: 1. A deposit to reserve your place of AUS $995. 2. Final payment by 31 March 2019. The price includes photographic counsel, all transport ex-Nelson, all accommodation and all meals. Other snacks, beverages and alcohol are not included.


Please note fees may apply when remitting the trip fee balance by PayPal. We regret that personal or bank cheques are not accepted. We reserve the right to cancel your booking if payment is not received when due, wherein the Cancellations and Refunds clause, listed below, shall come into effect.

CANCELLATIONS & REFUNDS Should you wish to cancel your booking, you must advise us in writing (email is fine). We try to have a fair refund policy that works for both you and us: • Deposits are refundable, up to 90 days prior to the event. If you don’t request a refund of your deposit 90 days out or longer, we will assume you wish to come and the balance is payable. • if you are cancelling more than 90 days from the workshop date, we will refund you in full; • if the workshop is not full and, after your cancellation, we still have the minimum number of bookings to run, we will refund your booking fee in full; • if the workshop is full, and we have turned away other customers, and you are cancelling within 90 days of the workshop date, we won’t refund you unless your place is filled by someone else; • if after you cancel your booking the workshop numbers fall below the minimum number required to run, and you are cancelling within 90 days, we won’t refund you. No part refunds are made for unused portions or services of a workshop.

Bookings can be made on the Better Photography website at in the online shop, or you can email Kim Valenti at kim@, or call her on +612 4388 6851.


This tour is limited to a maximum of eight (8) persons (plus the tour leaders and photography instructors, Will, Peter and Tony). Trip spaces will be confirmed in order of receipt and upon payment of deposit. A mininum of six (6) persons is required for the trip to run. The accommodation is based on single supplement where possible, warm, clean and comfortable, despite the remote locations, but with shared bathrooms at d’Urville, and at the Lighthouse it is shared bunk rooms in lighthouse keeper’s cottages. .

on tracks in wilderness areas. It will be necessary to carry your own camera equipment, extra clothing, food and water for these activities. Should you have any concerns about your own capabilities and/or fitness in relation to a particular trip, please contact us to discuss this before sending your reservation form. You are required to disclose any medical or physical condition that you have which could create a risk for you or any other participants. We assume no responsibility for medical care nor guarantee to meet any special dietary requirements.

PAYMENT: To confirm your trip place, payment of the nonrefundable deposit is required at time of booking and may be made through our Paypal account. Once your reservation has been confirmed, payment of the trip fee balance is required at least 30 days prior to the tour commencement date.

The tour is designed to be suitable for people of all ages in good health and moderate fitness. While activities are not strenuous, on some trips we will be taking hikes for a couple of kilometres

INSURANCE: Personal insurance is mandatory for all participants and their equipment and personal belongings as no insurance is included in the trip fees.

RESPONSIBILITY The responsibility of Driftwood Eco-Tours is strictly

limited. As a tour operator, Driftwood Eco-Tours organises, promotes, and sells programs consisting of certain travel services that it purchases from various suppliers. Driftwood Eco-Tours does not own or operate any of these suppliers and as such is not responsible for any negligent or wilful act or failure of any supplier. By taking part in the tour you agree that Driftwood Eco-Tours shall not be liable for the above failings. Driftwood Eco-Tours cannot accept responsibility for losses or extra expenses caused by, but not limited to, delay or changes in any transportation services, weather, illness, injury, strike, quarantine or other causes. All such losses or expenses will be the sole responsibility of the participant. Driftwood Eco-Tours reserves the right to cancel any trip prior to commencement, whereupon paid funds will be refunded in full, but is not liable for any other trip preparation expenses such as, but not limited to, air ticket penalties, visa fees and medical treatments. Driftwood Eco-Tours reserves the right to substitute accommodations of similar category for those indicated and to make any changes in the itinerary or transport where deemed necessary. Where weather conditions or forces of nature restrict or prohibit trip activities, it reserves the right to alter the trip program and substitute alternative activities. The Acceptance of Risk release must be agreed to by each participant prior to the commencement of the trip. No alterations to the Acceptance of Risk release will be accepted. We regret that we are unable to accept participation in any trip by any persons failing to comply, and no fees will be refunded. All parts of the Terms and Conditions, and the Acceptance of Risk release, shall be governed in all respects by and interpreted in accordance with the law within New Zealand. By checking the Terms and Conditions box on the reservation form you certify that you have read, fully understand and agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions and Acceptance of Risk aforementioned.

Adventures in NZ

RISK RELEASE FORM Adventures in NZ Personal Photographic Counsel 2019 operated by Pt78 Pty Ltd (Eastway, Hewitt, Driftwood Eco-Tours) Name: Address:



Email: Next of kin:

Contact number of next of kin:

There may be hazards on this workshop and you must follow the instructions of your workshop leaders. Please let your workshop leaders know immediately if you identify hazards. Pt 78 Pty Ltd reserves the right to withdraw any person who in its opinion is likely to endanger themselves or others. Pt 78 Pty Ltd also reserves the right to cancel the workshop if hazards could compromise the safety of any person. Pt 78 Pty Ltd assumes no responsibility for any personal loss, damage or injury. Please advise us if you have any physical conditions that may affect your safety or enjoyment of your workshop, e.g. asthma, allergies, heart conditions, epilepsy or pregnancy. If you have any food allergies please give details for catering purposes. We will do our best to cater for your needs. Please list here:

In signing this document I acknowledge that I have read and understood the above safety terms and risk release. Also that I have read and understood the terms and conditions for the workshop in the workshop brochure. I assume responsibly for myself and my possessions during the workshop. (If under 18 signature of guardian/parent.)

Full name: Signature:


I give Better Photography permission to use photos taken on the workshop that include me and/or use written quotes made or provided by me on the website and in promotional material. Yes ❏ No ❏ With my prior permission ❏ Pt78 Pty Ltd - Better Photography - ABN 75 003 152 136 PO Box 351, Collaroy Beach NSW 2097, Australia T: 02 4388 6851 F: 02 4388 6852 E: W:

Adventures in NZ

Bookings at in the online shop (go to Shop > Workshops) For more information, email or phone Kim at - (02) 4388 6851.

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