Issue 254
August 2017
Why Copyright Is So Important 10 Things To Make APPA Prints Sing Dan O’Day’s Wedding Lifestyle Epson’s SureColor P800 Printer
The Greatest Thing We Do
Visit APPA In Melbourne 25-27 August
AIPP National President is an AIPP Grand Master of Photography and a firm believer in APPA, but even he didn’t earn awards when he first entered the system!
Ask any successful AIPP Master of Photography and he or she will tell you that attending an APPA judging in person was the best education ever received! Make your plans to attend APPA in Melbourne now!
Welcome To Sony At Lenscape
Sh i reen H ammond
One of the biggest names in photography, Sony, is partnering with the AIPP to bring Lenscape to the Gold Coast next year!
A P P. L M . P h o to g. III
What Is The Nikon D850 Really Like? As we go to press, Nikon is tempting us with news of a brand new DSLR with features that are potentially mind-boggling? What’s it all about? And will you be able to see it at APPA this month?
AIPP JOURNAL is the official newsletter of The Australian Institute of Professional Photography (AIPP). Editor Peter Eastway APP.L, FNZIPP, Hon. FNZIPP, G.M. Photog., Hon. FAIPP, FAIPP Disclaimer The information provided in the AIPP JOURNAL and associated publications is made in good faith, but is general in nature. Neither the editor, the publisher or the AIPP accept responsibility for or will be under any liability for any recommendations, representations or information provided herein. The AIPP JOURNAL presents information, opinions and suggestions for subscribers to evaluate in coming to their own decisions in the light of their own individual circumstances. The information should not be relied upon without readers first obtaining independent advice from their own financial and legal advisers. Unless otherwise noted, all articles are written by Peter Eastway. Publication The newsletter is published 10 times a year – monthly with November/ December and January/February being combined. The AIPP JOURNAL newsletter is published by Pt 78 Pty Ltd, ABN 75 003 152 136, PO Box 351, Collaroy Beach, NSW 2097, Australia. Phone: (02) 9971 6857; Fax (02) 9971 6641. E-mail Quietly celebrating 25 years of publication.
AIPP Membership Contacts Suite G.03, 171 Union Road, Surrey Hills, Victoria 3127 Phone: 03 9888 4111 E-mail:
What To Take Away From The Judging No one submits a photograph to APPA they are not happy with, so how do we deal with scores that are below what we expected? There’s a trick to understanding how it all works, by stepping into another entrant’s shoes.
ISSUE 254 / AUGUST 2017 18
William Carroll - 2017 NT Epson PPY Paintings, photographs or both? Darwin’s William Carroll APP takes out the AIPP Northern Territory Epson Professional Photographer of the Year Award with a striking set of innovative portraits.
Andrew McConachy - Tasmanian Epson PPY Striking and imaginative illustrative photographs have won Andrew McConachy APP M.Photog. the title of 2017 AIPP Tasmanian Professional Photographer of the Year.
Shireen Hammond: Loving Everything
There were many reasons the 2016 AIPP Australian Family Photographer of the Year Shireen Hammond APP.L M.Photog III moved her focus from weddings to families in recent years, but at the heart of it all, it’s portraiture that matters.
How Much Do Photographs Cost? Photography business coach Bernie Griffiths suggests a great way to explain to your clients why professional photography costs a little more - and why it is worth it?
The Wedding Album Returns Just as vinyl and film are making a come-back, so too is the wonderful wedding album - if you know how to offer it to your clients. Haley Richardson and Darren Van De Wint have the answers
44 50
How Do We Keep Our Copyright? Without owning copyright, we may not be able to use our own photographs - or control how others use them. So, how do we retain control over copyright and do we need to keep it at all costs?
...isms: Understanding Photography One of the biggest challenges as a photography judge (and entrant) is having a broad understanding of an increasingly layered and complex artform. Emma Lewis has just the book!
Acknowledging Our Board Members The AIPP is a membership organization and our office bearers have always been volunteers, but is it time we acknowledged the sacrifice of some volunteers with an honorarium?
Panasonic Lumix DC-GH5 Is this the only camera you need? With 4K video and a 20-megapixel sensor for stills, the Lumix DC-GH5 is a consummate performer, especially when you add in high quality lenses and a raft of professional features.
Platinum Sponsors 3
The Greatest Thing We Do AIPP National President is an AIPP Grand Master of Photography and a firm believer in APPA, but even he didn’t earn awards when he first entered the system!
TAGS APPA Awa rd s
I have a confession to make: the lowest score I
members. It’s an amazing tool for recognition
have ever received for an entry into APPA was in
– recognition of your work, recognition by
the sixties!
your peers, and recognition of the craft of
And I think the judges were right!
photography at the award level.
Back when I was starting out, unfortunately
The AIPP offers us something I have always
I wasn’t as sharp as some of our current
admired: professionalism. It’s not the same as
members. For the first three years I didn’t earn a
competitions at amateur clubs because you
single Silver.
are being reviewed by your peers. The best
photographers in the country are giving you a
I felt I was shooting great images, but they
were of ordinary subjects and topics – so
score for your work, so if you earn a Silver or a
good professional practice or, if I’m honest
Gold, you know damn well that you are worthy
with myself, just verging on good professional
of that level.
When I finally won a Silver award, it was
UNBIASED Once I stepped in the system, I never stopped. I wanted the feedback every year because it
is unbiased. Five judges look at your work and
APPA and the Epson State Awards are probably
give it a score. It is the fairest process I have ever
the greatest services the AIPP offers its
Aon are proud to also be a Platinum Sponsor of APPA.
As a new recommended AIPP member insurance partner, Aon are offering:
for the
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Find out more: 1800 806 584
However, it’s not just about my own prints.
not just your awards.
Watching prints by other photographers being
judged and listening to the comments from the
lots of other photographers receiving the same
judges is really valuable.
battering as yourself, or the same praise, it’s
much easier to accept.
It shows how easy it is for different people
And once you understand that there are
to have different views and, when it comes to
dealing with your clients, this is an incredibly
being judged, you don’t have a vested interest
important lesson.
in the outcome and so you’re better able to see
the judges’ points of view.
Over the years, the points system lets you
When you watch another entrant’s work
build up to Associate, Master of Photography
and even Grand Master of Photography.
back to your own work and suddenly you’re
understanding what it’s all about.
Plus you can win category titles which can
Gradually you can bring that approach
be great PR and are certainly good for your self-
It’s a great way to learn.
The system doesn’t care if you’re a Grand
Master or a student, the print is what matters.
However, I think the most important
attribute of our Awards system is the honesty.
And yes, it’s subjective, but overall you get high quality, consistent grading of the calibre of your
It’s great to win awards, but it’s more
educational to get really good criticism.
passionate and to feel good about what we
I find that what I see as obvious in my
As photographers, we have to remain
photographs is not always so clear to other
celebrate the passion that got us into
photography in the first place.
I might see an expression in a subject’s face,
but be blind to everything else around that isn’t
Our businesses are important, so let’s
See you at APPA!
quite right – the cropping, the light, the camera angle and other distractions.
It took me a while to figure this out, to take
on board what the judges were saying about my work, as well as everyone else’s, but once
you understand what the judges are saying, it
0400 418 888
makes a huge improvement to all of your work,
Platinum Sponsor 7
AWARDS Platinum Sponsors
Visit APPA In Melbourne 25-27 August Ask any successful AIPP Master of Photography and he or she will tell you that attending an APPA judging in person was the best education ever received! Make your plans to attend APPA in Melbourne now! There are many reasons to make a visit to APPA
interspersed with three breaks to give you an
this year at the Melbourne Park Function Centre.
opportunity to meet and talk with our sponsors.
Without our sponsors, the AIPP would
struggle to present such a professional front,
Most importantly, you get to sit at the free
so all we ask is that you spend a few minutes
judging sessions and watch the proceedings.
in each break to visit the sponsors who interest
This year, the APPA Team is aiming to provide
you the most - they will all have stands just
feedback on as many of the prints as possible,
outside the judging rooms.
so it will be even more educational than ever before.
There are five judging rooms and judging
And while you’re walking through the mini
begins at 8.30 am each day, concluding around
trade show, no doubt you’ll bump into old
7.00 pm.
friends or new acquaintances.
TAGS APPA Awa rd s R eferen c e
And if you see a photographer whose work
you really admire, don’t be scared to walk up
And while you can watch the judging online,
and say hello. That same photographer will
you simply don’t get a sense of what the prints
have been in your shoes and has no doubt
really look like.
been helped by his or her mentors in the past.
It’s something they love to do.
The ONLY way to view the entries are as
the original prints submitted and all the Silver awards and higher will be displayed during the
judging on the walls.
And if that’s not enough, you might still be able to grab a ticket for the gala dinner on the
Monday night. Details can be found by visiting
This year, the judging program is being
the AIPP website -
In association with Platinum Sponsors
4.30 5.15pm
1.15 2.30pm
10.30 11.15am
4.30 5.15pm
1.15 2.30pm
10.30 11.15am
1.15 2.30pm
10.30 11.15am
Welcome To Sony At Lenscape One of the biggest names in photography, Sony, is partnering with the AIPP to bring Lenscape to the Gold Coast next year! Sony has joined the AIPP as an official trade
enable us to develop solid relationships
partner and will be a Platinum Sponsor of
with both professional and upcoming
Lenscape 2018.
photographers and enhance the photography
industry in Australia.”
Lenscape is the new name for the annual
professional photography conference
established by the AIPP in 2010. The conference,
Resort & Water Park in Gold Coast, Queensland,
which will run from Saturday, 5 May to Sunday,
at the recently opened multi-million-dollar
6 May 2018, has been carefully crafted to suit
state-of-the-art conference centre.
photographers of all experience and expertise
Ceremony will also be hosted as a part of the
two-day conference.
Said Peter Myers, “Lenscape has been
Lenscape 2018 will be held at Sea World
The World Photographic Cup Awards
created to suit the budding photographer, the experienced entrepreneur and social bunnies
alike. And we are delighted to welcome Sony
The Sony α9 offers a range of features that
as a major partner and supporter of Lenscape,
you won’t find on a DSLR. For instance, the
especially since the announcement of the
24-megapixel full-frame camera offers high-
groundbreaking Sony α9 camera which has
speed, blackout-free continuous shooting at
revolutionised the capability of the mirrorless
up to 20 fps, 60 AF/AE tracking calculations per
camera market.”
second and a top shutter speed of 1/32,000
Vivek Handoo, Head of Digital Imaging,
second. One of the advantages of the mirrorless
Sony Australia and New Zealand states, “Sony
design is that you can cover more of the image
is rapidly growing in the digital imaging
area with focusing points. The Sony α9 features
space and is dedicated to bringing out
693 phase detection AF points which cover
innovative camera technology to improve the
approximately 93% of the frame, so you can
photography experience.
position a focusing point wherever your subject
might be placed.
“Our new partnership with the AIPP will
What Is The Nikon D850 Really Like? As we go to press, Nikon is tempting us with news of a brand new DSLR with features that are potentially mind-boggling? What’s it all about? And will you be able to see it at APPA this month?
TAGS Equ ip m e n t Ca mer a N ik o n
According to the official press release, Nikon
capture landscapes, weddings, sports, fashion,
is pleased to announce the development of
commercial imagery and multimedia content
the next generation full-frame, high-resolution,
high-speed digital SLR cameras with the
The D850 is the successor to the D810,
upcoming release of the Nikon D850.
which has been highly praised by its users for
offering extremely sharp and clear rendering,
The announcement coincided with Nikon’s
100th anniversary of its establishment, which
with rich tone characteristics.
was celebrated on 25 July 2017.
So, what will the Nikon D850 be like? What
camera is engineered with a range of new
features will it have? How many megapixels will
technologies, features and performance
be on the sensor?
enhancements that are a direct result of
We don’t know. Yet!
feedback from users, who demand the very
Nikon gives us very few clues, but we
best from their camera equipment.
This powerful new FX-format digital SLR
do know it will be a high resolution camera
because a promotional video talks about 8K
the vast range of photographers who seek the
time-lapse photography.
high resolution and high-speed capabilities that
only a Nikon of this calibre, complemented by
We can also assume it will have incredible
The D850 will exceed the expectations of
low light performance, something Nikon
Nikkor lenses, can offer.
already does remarkably well.
The press release continued, telling us
and we’re wondering if the first opportunity
sparingly little: The D850 will be a formidable
might be at APPA in Melbourne this year? Of
tool for creators who will not compromise
course, the timing of any announcement will be
on exceptional image quality and versatility,
dictated by Nikon Japan, but you can certainly
including both aspiring and professional
check out the Australian Nikon stand at APPA
photographers as well as hobbyists who
and ask a few pointed questions!
Do you want to know more? So do we
AWARDS Platinum Sponsors
What To Take Away From The Judging No one submits a photograph to APPA they are not happy with, so how do we deal with scores that are below what we expected? There’s a trick to understanding how it all works, by stepping into another entrant’s shoes. Talking to our National President Vittorio Natoli
as I was putting this issue together, we both
our system can give out. The limit is imposed
had a laugh about the times our prints had
only by the standard required by the judges
scored less than we expected - or would have
and this standard increases bit by bit, every year.
20 years ago would not win awards today,
Vittorio is also a Grand Master of
There is no limit to the number of Awards
Many of the photos that won awards
Photography, so he has earned at least 65
although they would still be considered good
Awards points, including five Gold Awards and
examples of professional practice. And if the
10 Silvers with Distinction. However, like all
standard one year was so high, it is conceivable
of the Grand Masters of Photography, he has
that every entry could earn Silver or higher.
entered many prints that did not reach award
standard. Some in the early days, he admitted,
your hopes into a single year, but rather into a
didn’t even reach professional standard.
number of years. And let’s face it, if you want to
The trick to entering APPA isn’t to put all
be an Associate or a Master of Photography, you
TAGS APPA Awa rd s Rules
have no choice but to commit to the system for
I mention this because my experience is exactly
a number of years.
the same and when I see entrants leaving APPA disappointed, I understand their emotions
What many entrants don’t realise is that the
However, I am more disappointed by the
process of putting together four images and
entrants who don’t come back and try again.
making high quality prints is the benefit. Just
Earning Silver and Gold awards isn’t a
entering APPA (and the Epson State Awards)
competition with other photographers, it’s a
teaches you so much about technique and
competition with yourself.
craft, let alone creativity.
Lori Cicchini APP AAIPP
Platinum Sponsors
Platinum Sponsors 15
AWARDS Platinum Sponsors
If you have entered APPA a few times, go
your heart and soul into its creation. Now wait
and look at what you entered two or three years
for the score and listen to the comments if any
ago and tell me that you haven’t improved.
are made.
Even Grand Masters of Photography see benefits from the process.
How would you feel if you were the entrant?
So when you pack away your four prints and
send them off this year, you should feel good
And now, how do you feel as a dispassionate
within yourself because there is no doubt you
observer? Were the judges on the right track?
have pushed yourself further along the path to
being a better photographer.
judges have missed the mark. Photography is
There will be times when we believe the
subjective, so this will always happen from time
to time, but look at the big picture. Do you find
So, let’s talk about those scores, specifically
yourself agreeing with the judges more often
scores below 80.
than not? If so, perhaps you can consider their
For many first-timers, a score of 70 to 79 is
scores more objectively in a few weeks time
exactly what you want. This is a measure of skill
after the initial disappointment of getting a
in itself and that’s why we call it ‘professional
score less than 80 subsides.
standard’. In other words, you can be confident
that if you are producing work of this level for
understand that the judging system is incredibly
your clients, you can feel comfortable about
honest and usually very accurate. If you step
your professionalism.
back and look at your results objectively, and
take on board the suggestions if appropriate,
Below 70 and the entry you have chosen
This is the trick to entering APPA, to
does not meet this standard. Normally we don’t
APPA is one of the best and most amazing
see too many prints in the 60s, and when we do,
learning tools at our disposal.
many are by student entrants. However, your
entry is anonymous so you don’t need to tell
everyone if you don’t want to. Rather, perhaps
Every entrant is passionate about photography.
it’s time to look at the other entries and listen
Every judge is equally passionate, but at the
more closely to what the judges are saying.
end of the day, we are only selling opinions.
We can choose to ignore scores we don’t agree
Whether you’re watching the judging online
or in person, when a print comes up, imagine
with, but personal improvement will come from
that it is yours. Imagine that you have poured
taking some suggestions on board.
Proudly supporting the AIPP ATKINS PRO LAB
William Carroll - 2017 NT Epson PPY Paintings, photographs or both? Darwin’s William Carroll APP takes out the AIPP Northern Territory Epson Professional Photographer of the Year Award with a striking set of innovative portraits.
TAGS AIPP E ps o n S ta te Pr in t Awa rd s
There is a difference between a set of images
creativity and new ideas. If nothing else, you
that shares a creative idea, and a set of images
know that the feedback will be honest.
that displays a sense of style. William Carroll
(commonly known by his Irish pronunciation
advance my interests in the profession of
‘Liam’) submitted four entries that sit in the
photography, allowing me to communicate and
latter category.
gain advice from some of the most successful
photographers and associated professionals in
Strong, distinctive and different to a
“The AIPP provides a vehicle for me to
portrait as we may generally think of it, the
judges obviously appreciated its technique
and creativity, elevating him to the 2017
gained a greater understanding of the industry
AIPP Northern Territory Epsion Professional
and where it is heading in the future.
Photographer of the Year.
process that from the outset, I adopted the
“I have been a member of the AIPP
“By being a member of the AIPP, I have
“Judging photographs is such a subjective
since 2015 and I am hoping to achieve my
attitude that it is about the journey and not the
Associateship at this year’s APPAs.
destination. When I receive negative comments,
I reflect on this to remain positive about the
“The work that pays my bills is generally
corporate photography such as public events,
editorial and headshots, etc. I also do the
occasional wedding and family assignments.
provided by the judges pushes me to be more
objective and to open my eyes.”
“However, the work I entered in this year’s
“However, more often than not, the feedback
Epson State Awards was creative portraiture
which is where my interests lie.”
“resulted in a body of work which has some
merit” and that he will be able to use his win to
Once entrants feel comfortable with the
William says that this year his efforts have
awards system, both the Epson State Awards
advance his goal of becoming a “unique portrait
and APPA are ideal forums in which to test your
Andrew McConachy - Tasmanian Epson PPY Striking and imaginative illustrative photographs have won Andrew McConachy APP M.Photog. the title of 2017 AIPP Tasmanian Professional Photographer of the Year.
TAGS AIPP E ps o n S ta te Pr in t Awa rd s
There is a wide range of techniques and stories
It works even better when you can do both
to be found in Andrew McConachy’s winning
illustrative photographs, from images with a
travel flavour to unusual structures juxtposed
to improve my photography and to learn from
against the sky.
amazing photographers in the industry what it
takes to be a professional photographer.
Not only did Andrew win the 2017 AIPP
“I joined the AIPP to push myself, to continue
Tasmanian Illustrative Photographer of the
Year, but his photograph of the two young girls
award because I know I am being judged by
in red and yellow took out the 2017 Highest
my peers who all produce remarkable work
Scoring Print and then the judges also awarded
themselves. I am reminded of this every time I
him with the title of 2017 AIPP Tasmanian Epson
view all the awarded prints on the wall at APPA
Professional Photographer of the Year.
and the Epson State Awards.”
Andrew is an AIPP Master of Photography
“It was an incredible feeling to win this
No doubt Andrew has had a few prints
and has been a member since 2011.
during his career that the judges weren’t so
positive about, but he remains eager to learn
“I shoot industrial, architectural and travel
images for commercial clients.
from the experience - and the comments made
by the juding panel.
“The work entered into the awards was
illustrative in nature and an extension of work
I did for clients. However, clients often want
and developmental, that any judge makes.
work just like this to get stories across to their
and develop.
Some photographers like to enter work they
“I hold on to every comment, both positive “This is what I enter awards for, to improve “Listening and acting on these comments
shoot for clients into the Awards, while others
has resulted in better results for AIPP awards
like to use the opportunity to try something
and more success with clients as a commercial
new and different, to explore new directions.
Shireen Hammond: Loving Everything There were many reasons the 2016 AIPP Australian Family Photographer of the Year Shireen Hammond APP.L M.Photog III moved her focus from weddings to families in recent years, but at the heart of it all, it’s portraiture that matters. Shireen Hammond and her husband Robert are
predominantly a ‘meet and greet’ location for
getting ready for a fancy dress party when the
wedding clients, but we had always done our
AIPP Journal calls.
production at home (except for four years at the
Cottage Studio in Eltham,) because we wanted
The phone is answered amid laughter and
confusion, and Shireen is obviously relieved that
to be around while our four children were
we are not an important client because she has
growing up.
just slipped on a box of hot curlers Rob left out
for the party!
remaining staff member, we combined the
rents of the house we were living in, the
“I don’t mind putting myself out there”, said
“Last May after letting go of our last
Shireen, her comment completely unrelated
Cottage Studio, part of the Fitzroy studio and
to the hot curlers, but very suitable in any case.
the storage unit we held, and moved to a larger
“When I had the big ‘C’, we really did lose nearly
property on an acre in Templestowe, which
costs us far less in rent
“I’m a wedding and portrait photographer
“Besides the lovely grounds, it has a beautiful
who started life as a commercial photographer.
room that we’ve turned into a home studio/
We have a warehouse studio in Fitzroy which is
viewing/sale room and a separate room for the
Photography by Shireen Hammond APP.L M.Photog III. Said Shireen, “This is a very special image and the beginning of a personal project whilst going through chemotherapy. Canon 24-70mm lens, f8 @ 1/60. Natural light only.
office/production. It makes us happy to wake
photography properly, to become a professional
up in the morning and has given us back our
lives and created a great work/life balance.
company where we designed, manufactured
“There is now space and privacy for our
“Robert and I had an image and marketing
family, the peace and tranquility of a ‘retreat’
and printed in-house, social garments for the
for our clients, all the warmth of a beautiful
corporate market, such as Macquarie Bank, Lend
home environment with a WOW factor that our
Lease and Mercedes Benz.
couples and families always comment on, when
they drive up the ‘avenue of honour’ driveway.
the Grand Prix, supplying companies such as
And it costs us far less in overheads, so it’s a win-
Shell Helix Racing, Holden and Honda. We did
win all round.
everything for the official Grand Prix catalogues,
except photograph the end product.
“Greeting our wedding clients and capturing
“We also specialised in Hi Tech race wear for
our families and newborns in this warm,
gorgeous space is much more comfortable
employed (and we tried a few) never seemed
and far more personal and it has increased the
to photograph the garments with great care or
average spend on the sales we make.
attention to detail and it annoyed the hell out of
me after all the effort we had gone through to
“If I’m really honest, I think it’s because we’re
“I noticed that the photographers we
less stressed and much happier and so we can
create them!
now give every single customer the personal
attention and time we’ve always tried to do, but
occasion, I remember saying to Robert, ‘OMG, I
not always achieved.
could do better than that!’. Of course I couldn’t,
“After seeing the results of the shoot on one
but that planted a seed that would lead me into
photography as a career.”
Growing up, Shireen always had a camera
TAGS Awa rd s Po r tfo l i o Hamm o n d Po r trai tu re Weddi n g s
in her hand and was known as the family
photographer. “I woke up on the morning of my
Over the next decade, Shireen and Robert
35th birthday and decided I wanted to study
built a highly successful wedding photography
Opposite Top: Taken at a mud brick workshop for Laughlan, a well known puppeteer in Eltham. Canon 24-105mm, f7 @ 1/40 second on a tripod. Natural light only. Opposite Bottom: Fitzroy Town Hall. “My couple loved Grace Kelly and wanted something a little vintage and more theatrical.” Canon 16-35mm, f5.6 @ 1/1600 second. Natural light with Elinchrom Quadra’s used for fill. Photography by Shireen Hammond APP.L M.Photog III.
Above: Taken on the Puffing Billy Railway and very carefully organized. “We found out the timetable and planned the wedding around it. Yes, it was a dream image for my couple as they are railway mad and were getting married in the Dandenongs. We waited for Puffing Billy to pass and then knew we had 20 minutes before the train returned. We also pre-planned what we were going to do off the tracks a few weeks before, so we knew exactly what we had to do for this one shot. BOOM!” Canon 24-105mm lens, f13 @ 1/400 second, natural Light with fill flash. Below: Essendon Airport with Air Nostalgia. “This received a Gold with Distinction in 2009 at the National Awards. It was my first Gold with Distinction and I was very excited. Canon 16-35mm, f11 @ 1/500 second, natural light only. “There is a strong grain applied to the image as we wanted a vintage film look. Photography by Shireen Hammond APP.L M.Photog III.
Above: “I love landscapes and beautiful surrounds, so it’s lovely to show them off once in a while.” Canono 24-70mm, f8 @ 1/250 second, natural light. Below: Bali. Canon 70-200mm f4 @ 1/60 second, tripod mounted,natural light. Photography by Shireen Hammond APP.L M.Photog III.
Above: Inside the very beautiful mud brick home of the Mayor of the Shire of Nillumbik. Canon 70-200mm, f2.8 @ 1/40 second, hand held, natural light. Below: The Tea Party. “Capturing children doing what they do best, playing with each other. I love creating bespoke images for my beautiful clients if it’s humanly possible.” Photography by Shireen Hammond APP.L M.Photog III.
business, shooting around 200 weddings each
year from 2006 to 2012.
needed to earn money quickly to cover
their expenses and support the family, so
“At the peak of our game in 2009, we
As Shireen recovered, she and Robert
leased a beautiful, expensive Cottage Studio in
they switched their focus from weddings to
addition to the Fitzroy Studio. However, at the
end of 2012, our wedding bookings dropped
greatly. I remember many photographers in the
photography and it’s a long time frame. For us,
wedding industry were extremely concerned
there are at least eight contacts with the bride
that something had changed.
and groom, including the day of the wedding
and a full day planning the album.
“Then literally a week before speaking at
“There is so much work in wedding
the Nikon Event in 2013, I learned I had breast
cancer. I returned home to an already struggling
making the album and the profit is minimal if
business with far too many overheads and a five
your clients don’t upgrade their albums to a
year commercial lease we couldn’t get out of.
larger size.
“We had 78 weddings booked, 32 of which I
“Add in retouchers to the cost of physically
“Compare this with portraiture where
was personally supposed to shoot, so I needed
you’re producing five to 10 images compared
to replace myself.
to 80 to 200 for a wedding, and the total time
investment is closer to six hours rather than
It all seemed to happen at once.... and I think
the moral of the story is, if you are an owner
six days: there can be much more profit in
operator, make sure you have all the right
insurances in place, not just for your employees,
But there was another reason for the switch.
but for YOU.
“Yes, we had public liability and equipment
insurance, but for one reason or another, we
Shireen found it hard sitting at home during her
had never got around to setting up loss of
cancer treatment and just doing nothing.
income, business interruption, trauma or life
insurances which cover situations like this.”
when she wasn’t up to doing anything, but in
Her medication meant there were weeks
between she had to do something. A full day
shooting a wedding was probably beyond her,
“We ended up losing nearly everything. We cut
and in any event, weddings are booked way
all our overheads, let go most of our staff and
in advance. There must be something else she
essentially started again.”
could do?
“We were losing our business. One week
shooting through multiple operations, chemo
out of every three of chemotherepy, I felt good,
and almost losing our business, winning the
almost like myself. I decided I needed a project,
2014 AIPP Professional Family Photograther of
something to help me heal - and something
the Year, doing something I love, in the state
that could help bring in some money
that I love, was icing on the cake in a year which
immediately to the business.
had been one of the most heart-wrenching of
our life.”
“I called Bernie Griffiths, my friend and a
great mentor when I was starting out, who is now a business coach. I asked him to help me.
Today, Shireen says she’s loving her career. “I’m
“Together we came up with a bunch of
ideas and one of them was to capture the
at a time in my journey when everything has
good people of Eltham and their furry friends.
come together and feels comfortable and right.
These would be one hour shoots which were
manageable for me at that time.
especially now that I know who I am, what I’m
good at and where my strengths lie.
“What started as a business booster turned
“I’m loving everything that I’m doing,
into a paid, personal project, which in turn
helped us raise thousands of dollars for a local
connections, about the people passing through
charity, build up a massive community spirit in
my life. It’s about the lessons and wisdom I’ve
our town, build up my strength and passion to
taken from those connections and how I’ve
shoot again, and help save our business. The
used and passed on those ‘gifts’ to my own
piece d’resistance saw us publish a beautiful
coffee table book called Home is Where My Dog
Is, of which we are extremely proud.
on that knowledge is something I absolutely
have a passion for.”
“It also encouraged many families who had
“For me, it’s always been about the
“Teaching, mentoring, sharing and passing
never had family portraiture before, commission
me to have a session which in turn brought
She has won the AIPP Victorian Epson Wedding
more money into the business.
Photographer of the Year four times, the 2014
AIPP Victorian Family Photographer of the Year,
“Finally, after the immense struggle of
And Shireen certainly has the credentials.
One of Shireen’s earlier wedding photographs where she developed a style which included a whole lot of veil throwing! Canon 16-35mm, f4 @-1/250 second, natural light. Photography by Shireen Hammond APP.L M.Photog III.
the 2015 AIPP Wedding Photographer of the
Year and last year, the 2016 AIPP Australian
at weddings to create some drama, as well as
Family Photographer of the Year, “which was
Elinchrom Quadras on location and outdoors.
absolutely Amazballs!”
Of all the lighting gear we have, they would be
my favourites.”
Shireen joined the AIPP as a student
“I use a Dedo video light for indoor shoots
member in 2000, but she said her career didn’t
really take off until she started entering APPA
but part of her heart has moved to family
and the Epson State Awards.
portraiture in its many guises.
Shireen continues to shoot weddings,
“Changing our life direction, getting out of
the rat race and consciously making the choice
“Over my 17 years, we’ve purchased pretty
to downsize has been so good for us.
much all of our camera gear, lighting and
printers from Kayell Australia as I love the
what fills my heart, whatever that may be.
support they give my business.”
me trust my judgement implicitly as the
Why Kayell? “Because we all know it’s great
“Now I shoot what makes me happy and “And having the people who commission
until a piece of equipment breaks, then what
‘professional’, has changed not only me, but also
the hell do you do? So I’m a massive advocate of
our business and its direction.”
buying everything in Australia and developing long lasting relationships with our suppliers.
“I’m using the Canon EOS 5D Mk IV and I
have five lenses that I use every day.
“The lenses I love the most are the 100mm
macro and the 70-200mm f2.8 IS. Oh and probably my wide… Ha ha ha, okay, I take that back, I’d say all of the lenses are my favourites for different reasons! If you would like to contact Shireen directly,
“I have always been a bit of a lighting girl. I
love painting with light to create the ‘look’ of my
You can see Shireen’s website at www.fovphoto.
her email is
studio work. Opposite: Taken in client’s home using window light only. Canon 24-70mm, f5 @ 1/200 second. Photography by Shireen Hammond APP.L M.Photog III.
How Much Do Photographs Cost? Photography business coach Bernie Griffiths suggests a great way to explain to your clients why professional photography costs a little more - and why it is worth it? With photography something that everyone
just from you.
thinks they can do themselves, it has become substantiate the prices they need to charge.
While we know that professional
Article by Photography Business Coach Bernie
photography isn’t just a matter of picking up
a camera and pressing the shutter, our clients
don’t. If they did understand all the experience
doesn’t mean they know how to use it.
and skill needed to consistently capture great
In the digital age, when anyone with an
photographs, they wouldn’t object to our prices.
iPhone and a Facebook page can market
So, how do we tell them?
himself or herself as a photographer, it is
Following is an article written by
important to find a photographer who you can
challenging for professional photographers to
TAGS Busine s s Pr icing Po r trai tu re
Just because someone owns a camera,
photography business coach Bernie Griffiths,
trust to capture your memories. After all, those
specifically for professional photographers
precious moments disappear in a flash.
to add to their websites or as a blog post. He
When considering a photographer, it is
suggests this is a good starting place when
a good idea for you to find out about the
the question of price is raised by a potential
photographer, their experience, reputation, and
business policies.
Photographers’ prices tend to be based on
Said Bernie, “Feel free to use it, but please
respect the time and effort that it took me to
an industry standard equivalent to their skill and
write, and please make sure that you credit me
with the article”. a great idea because then the information is
coming from a third-party and an expert, not
Good professional photographers do a lot more
In fact, crediting Bernie and his website is
Kris Anderson APP AAIPP
than point and shoot, hoping to get a great
Professional printing companies have
If you are looking for experts in the field
the right equipment and correction services
of photography, they have the knowledge,
and supply a range of archival photography
expertise and equipment to produce high-
materials such as metallic and art papers, Italian
quality images that produce creative, perfectly
canvas, acrylic, and more.
printed portraits.
If your prints from a discount store fade
General-use cameras continue to
over a short period of time, don’t be surprised!
improve and so does the equipment used by
Only a professional photographer will supply
you with your photographs on lifetime archival
If you want images to frame and put on your
wall, quality albums or even digital files to do it yourself, be aware that a professional-quality
printing service can provide much better prints
Good professional photographers have strong
than those you might get at the local discount
reputations, since what they do is personal,
creative and image-based. Their work is easy to check out on their
website or Facebook page, and look for a
Professional cameras produce images of much
genre that you want photographed.
higher resolution than standard cameras.
Do your research to find a professional who
Professional lighting techniques and an
works in the style you want for a price that you
understanding of light can also make the
are willing to pay.
difference between a so-so image and an image
Set up a consultation appointment with
that can ‘pop’ off your wall.
those whose work seems to be what you like.
Using more flattering angles, unique
Use this initial meeting to find out more
perspectives and correct camera settings
about the photography experience, products
clearly separates ‘real’ photographers from their
and pricing.
amateur or part time counterparts.
When looking at their work, take note
Professional photographers use refined
of the style and variety of images, and how
editing techniques to clear up imperfections
that matches your personal preferences. Pay
and provide controlled contrast and colour
attention to poses, angles, lighting and other
photographer who specialises in the particular
Melanie Silva APP
Check a photographer’s Facebook reviews,
So, keep an open mind about how much
references and written testimonials.
you intend to spend. Most people tend to
Being a member of a professional
spend a lot more than they had anticipated,
organisation like the AIPP also shows a level of
once they see their photographs.
commitment to grow a photography business And as an AIPP member, these professional
photographers are bound by a set of
Most photographers charge a fee between
professional rules of practice, a code of ethics,
$95-$250 for the photography session, at their
and adequate public liability insurance.
studio or at an outdoor location. Newborn
The AIPP also certifies photographers
sessions usually take a lot longer, so expect
through a process which involves submitting
these fees to be higher.
photos and reaching a certain high standard.
and keep skills current.
Individual small print and digital file prices
can vary from as little as $35 each for the
hobbyist photographer to $195 and above
You will find that most inexperienced
photographers offer very little customer service
If you are looking for a photographer to
and so will put your images onto an online
produce stunning décor photographs for your
gallery for you to make your selections.
wall to add that warm personal touch to your
Obviously when they do this, you will be
surroundings, choose a photographer who
unable to ask them relevant questions about
specialises in wall art and shows examples on
the images like cropping, removing unwanted
their website.
for an experienced, award winning Master of
facial blemishes, making the images black and Personal ‘one-on-one’ purchasing sessions
are the way that the better photographers will
It is common for clients of the top
help, guide and advise you on getting the best
photographers to spend $5,000 and more on
from your images. Let’s face it, the only time that
photographs for their wall. Make sure that any
you can decide what you want, is when you see
wall products you order come with at least a 10
the photographs that your photographer has
year guarantee. This is normal procedure with
white, etc.
full time photographers, but you are unlikely to
photographers in England, USA, Canada, and in
get this with a hobbiest.
four states in Australia.
Purchasing wall art is like buying furniture
for your home. Quality always comes at a higher
that there is a market for professional portrait
photography that will support many of us, if
However, most importantly, he shows
only we run our businesses professionally and
market appropriately.
You should definitely shop around and find a
National Family Portrait Month (www.
photographer whose work you really like, rather for the month of
than simply making your decision based on the
cheapest price.
If you do go with a lower rate, make sure
Australia participating and also raising funds for
the photographer you hire has the skills and
the charity, beyondblue.
experience you are seeking and produces a
“In the first two weeks it created over 200
reasonable quality of work.
photography sessions for photographers, so
There is a price to be paid for a good
by the end of July, I expect that to be over 400
professional photographer and as the old saying
goes, you almost always ‘get what you pay for’.
Beautiful, lasting memories on your wall
sale of $600, that means it is adding $240,000
don’t happen by chance, they happen with an
into the photography industry.
appointment. Calling the photographer and
“That pleases me. Last year we did 600
having a two minute chat is the quickest way to
sessions, and the year before it was 250 sessions.
have all of your questions answered, and to find
That is a total of $750,000 into the photography
out if they are the right ‘mix’ to preserve your
industry, in just three years.
priceless memories.
“Yes, I believe that the industry is alive and
well for those who have the desire to go out
Article Bernie Griffiths. Copyright 2017
For instance, Bernie set up the
There were 34 photographers across
“Even with a conservative average portrait
and get it.”
USING THIS ARTICLE Bernie Griffiths writes that he is a fan of the
AIPP and what it represents to professional or email him at info@aswpp.
photographers. Based in Melbourne, he coaches
You can read more at Bernie’s website at http://
The trick to selling wedding albums and photo books is to have some samples on hand to share with your prospective clients. These albums are from Momento Pro.
The Wedding Album Returns Just as vinyl and film are making a come-back, so too is the wonderful wedding album - if you know how to offer it to your clients. Haley Richardson and Darren Van De Wint have the answers Do clients want wedding albums? Yes!
course, not all books are created equal, so this is
when we love to get our Momento Pro albums
Recently in Sydney, Haley Richardson and
Darren Van De Wint were part of The Album
into the couple’s hands, so they can touch the
Atelier, a one day intensive workshop with
quality and see the images unfold before their
Momento Pro as the major sponsor. The event
was a huge success with many participants
reporting immediate sales after following the
the cost is too high because the misconception
advice of the practising mentors.
is that, after the wedding is finished, they can
go online and create their own book easily and
Both Haley and Darren are AIPP Masters of
Couples will not buy an album if they feel
Photography and their presentation showed
cheaply because they have all ‘the files’.
how every wedding photographer can easily
increase their income from in-person sales.
their computer and never see the light of day
(except for being flashed at low resolution on
So, do clients want wedding albums? Here’s
how Haley and Darren responded:
social media, where they are forgotten quickly).
PRINT BASED PRODUCTS Our marketing position as a print based product
Despite this, the files often sit dormant on
Hence we refer to the digital files as an
‘archive copy’ and the album as the tangible
asset the couple will frequent often.
B usin ess Pr icin g Wed d in g s
studio attracts couples who want to have a finished product to showcase the story of their
wedding day, and for us this is the wedding
History tells us that the only product to stand
the test of time is something printed! Digital
media won’t last. Therefore, the wedding album
Most couples these days have come into
contact with a book of some sort – through
is the perfect vehicle to display the wedding
social media, their friends’ wedding or just doing
and to stand the test of time.
research when searching for photographers. Of
A tactile viewing experience far outweighs
seeing the images on a screen. There is an
(pages) as a starting point within the package
emotional response and science tells us that
the couple chooses, but more can be purchased
the part of the brain associated with memory
later; and
retains images 30% better when you touch an
image physically, as opposed to just seeing it
the wedding has taken place.
the same outcome: a printed album product
As photographers, every worthy image
b) Sell the album as an “add on” extra after The two methods are different, but deliver
taken has the potential to be printed, so
that tells the story of their wedding day.
there are commercial gains for us by offering
products to clients, rather than just giving them
design method and include the album with
the files. We truly believe that offering an album
most packages we offer.
and printed products as the final outcome is the
best service to give our clients.
photographs the couple may want, or what
value they will place on the images, as they
There is no greater professional fulfilment
At The Beautiful Collective, we use the pre–
At the outset, we have no idea what
that seeing your images come to life in print
have not been taken yet.
and being enjoyed for years to come.
Therefore, we leave the process open ended
so they can choose the number of photographs
they desire once they have seen them.
If a client really does not wish to take an
album, then offer an entry level package which
FACILITATE the process for our clients.
includes minimal hours and files only. Make it
look the least attractive thing on your price list
best customer experience so it does not feel like
so that if they want extra hours etc., it makes
we are selling to them. Moreover, we are serving
sense for them to go up to the next package,
them and in turn everyone walks away as happy
which should include an album.
We make sure we provide them with the
We suggest you include an album within
the packages you offer, so there is a product
You can see Haley and Darren’s work at their web-
component to the service you are offering.
Read about The Album Atelier at:
There are two main ways to offer albums to
your couples:
Read about Momento Pro albums at:
a) the pre-design method – whereby the
album includes the “first” number of sides
Our motto is to EDUCATE – CURATE –
H a l e y R i c h a r d s o n A P P. L M . P h o t o g .
How Do We Keep Our Copyright? Without owning copyright, we may not be able to use our own photographs - or control how others use them. So, how do we retain control over copyright and do we need to keep it at all costs? When hiring a photographer to take photos for
is legal and what is not. Just because something
them, most people would think that they own
is easy to do doesn’t mean it is legal.
the photographs and everything else that goes
with it.
financial interests to own the copyright in all
So, from our clients’ perspective, it is in their
the photographs we take for them. From our
perspective, it is in our interests to own the
Thinking a little more deeply, this isn’t a realistic
copyright so we can continue to use the photos
outlook. For instance, when you buy a car, you
for our own self-promotion, and to share in
might have the right to drive it or sell it, but
any extra income that might flow from the
you don’t have the right to sell the plans or its
design so someone else can make one. Those
TAGS Co pyr i g h t
‘intellectual rights’ or intellectual property
remain with the car’s manufacturer.
Why should photographers participate in future
income from a photograph if it was made for
So, you buy a car, but not all the rights
associated with the car.
and sold to someone else?
And so it is with photographs - but it’s
also different. When we sell someone a print
but let’s look at how the various markets in the
to put on their wall, it’s their choice in which
world work together.
room to hang it and if they want to on-sell it to
someone else. However, they can’t legally have
speaking, a model’s face has a value. The more
hundreds of copies made of our photograph to
that face is seen, or the older the model gets,
sell at their local market - unless they own the
the less value that remains. It is a resource that
can be ‘used up’, unless the model becomes
really famous, in which case you could argue
The same applies to digital files, it’s just that
the internet and social media have blurred what
Sometimes it might not be appropriate,
Take the modelling industry. Simply
the opposite. But the modelling agencies don’t.
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h t t p : //v i de o awa rds. a i . a u 45
They say, for example, if you want to use photos
assuming that because they have paid, they
of our model for a year, the fee is this. If you
can do what they like! They just keep using the
want to continue using the photo the following
photo for ever.
year, a further fee is payable. Essentially, we are
‘renting’ the model’s face or appearance.
retain copyright? Once you’ve been a
photographer for a few years, you’ll get used to
In the advertising industry, photographers
So, why should a commercial photographer
often work the same way, certainly up the top
the telephone calls asking you to do a cheap
end. If the client wants to use the photo for one
job. The photo is only going to be run small, will
year, the fee is this, if they want to use it for a
only be used for a week, or there is no budget.
second year, a further fee is payable. However, a
Then miraculously, the photo is seen up on
photographer only gets paid these further fees
a billboard or is used extensively around the
if he or she owns the copyright.
world. How would you feel if you did a cheap
job for a photo that then earned the clients lots
To make it clear, the photographer is paid
to take the photographs which he or she still
of money – most of us would feel ripped off.
owns, and then the photographer is paid again
so the client can use them. The photographs are
to use the photograph beyond what they asked
licensed to the client, but never owned outright
for in the beginning, we can in turn demand
by the client.
more money or prevent them from using the
photo. We retain some control when a client’s
These days, many advertising agencies will
If we own the copyright and the client wants
ask to own the copyright so additional fees
circumstances change.
don’t have to be paid, and many photographers,
not knowing how the advertising industry
our clients to ransom if one of our photos is
works, don’t even discuss the issue. They are just
incredibly successful. However, I am suggesting
happy to get the job.
that if we have been misled by a client or the
Note, I am not suggesting that we hold
circumstances surrounding the use of the photo
change, then yes, we should share in some extra
Some commercial photographers try to work
revenue. I am looking for a fair outcome.
the same way, but it is less common for a client
to buy extended rights later on. The usage is
way to enforce a fair outcome.
But without owning copyright, we have no
usually negotiated up front for an extended
period or in perpetuity, but when it comes
to smaller clients, they might not even ask,
So, what about personal photographs taken
#FREEISNOTFAIR visit and use the online form to send your Member of Parliament a message!
for a famliy or at a wedding. What right do we
includes transferring the copyright to the client.
have to sell these photographs to other people?
And a wedding or portrait photographer can
We could conceivably sell photos taken at a
have an agreement form that a client signs
wedding to a magazine or newspaper, or we
before the shoot, which transfers the copyright
could sell family portraits into a stock library for
to the photographer.
use by publishers. But would this be fair?
important, to be sure you client understands
Owning copyright is important for
To be sure you have copyright, and equally
photographers so they can use these images
who owns copyright, you should have a
for self-promotion – and to some extent
photography agreement that is signed by both
prevent them being used for other purposes
parties before every shoot you do. This is basic
not disclosed or intended. However, while we
professional practice.
may legally be able to on-sell these photos in in business for very long if our customers are
unhappy. Even if we own copyright, we must
As a broad principle, photographers should
ask for our clients’ permission to use the photos
set up their businesses where it is standard
for any reason, even our own self-promotion.
practice to own the copyright in all the
photographs they take.
some circumstances, we probably won’t stay
Owning copyright doesn’t give us the right
to use the photos anyway we wish – other laws
However, this is not always possible. For
can restrict us, such as privacy and passing-off.
instance, editorial photographers working for photo agencies or publications might not be
employed unless they assign the copyright in all
In Australia, a photographer taking photos
the photos taken to the client.
for another business automatically owns the
Then it becomes a simple economic choice.
copyright. In comparison, a photographer
There can also be situations where a client
taking photos under a domestic arrangement
really needs the copyright and is prepared to
M a r k eti n g
(e.g. family portraits and weddings) does not
pay extra - this is another economic choice.
own the copyright, the client does.
opportunities for the use of our photographs
This is the starting point for ownership of
Owning copyright gives us many more
copyright, but the ownership can be transferred
– and that use might not become apparent for
by agreement. In other words, a client can ask a
another 50 years!
commercial photographer to do a shoot which
Consider it carefully.
This is general information only. We do not know your specific financial or legal situation and we are not providing you with advice. As such, this article should not be relied upon as legal, financial or accounting advice. Please use this article as a conversation starter with your own adviser.
We've set the scene at Sea World Resort & Water Park, Gold Coast, Queensland within the new multi-million dollar stateof-the-art conference centre that's recently opened. Nestled in tropical gardens with sparkling water and mountain views. This is going to be an event you won't forget. Our two-day professional photography conference has been created to suit the budding photographer, the experienced entrepreneur and social bunnies alike over two days Saturday, May 5th and Sunday, May 6th, 2018. At Lenscape we will have the pleasure of hosting the World Photographic Cup Awards Ceremony. Welcoming the finalists and announcing the winners for 2018. We'll be announcing our tradeshow, schedules, pricing and speakers before you know it, so take a mental note that next May you're locked in with us. Of course, we'll top it all off with the best kick off and wrap up parties too!
Stay tuned. #lenscape18 49
AWARDS Platinum Sponsors
...isms: Understanding Photography One of the biggest challenges as a photography judge (and entrant) is having a broad understanding of an increasingly layered and complex artform. Emma Lewis has just the book!
TAGS APPA Awa rd s R eferen c e
While there’s no doubt we like our photography
entry. Judges who have been to art school
judges to be capable and experienced in
or have a degree in fine arts are likely to have
their technique and genre, being a good
been exposed to most of the main art and
photographer is no guarantee someone will
photograpy movements, but what if you
also be a good judge.
haven’t been to art school?
And these days, judging in the AIPP Epson
Emma Lewis, assistant curator at Tate
State Awards and the Australian Professional
Modern, London, has authored a book ...isms:
Photography Awards requires you to judge and
Understanding Photography. While an over-
speak in public. Not only do you have to be
simplification of any individual photography
confident in what you know, you also need to
movement, it is a wonderful summary of where
be knowledgable outside your immediate circle
photography has been and the photographers
of expertise. And if you don’t, then no doubt
who made their genre famous.
social media will set you right later on!
beginnings in 1826, right through to the current
At its core, judging is a subjective opinion
The contents covers photography from its
based on experience. Subjective opinions based
era and the post-internet age. It mentions
on limited experience are inevitable because no
futurism, constructivism and dadaism; it looks at
judge can know everything. However, judges
The Family of Man exhibition, street and society
should have a broad understanding of both art
and photojournalism. It covers postwar fashion,
and photography and the different ways that
colour and conceptualism and finishes with
photography has already been interpretted.
Dusseldorf’s deadpan and fictional narrativism.
This is especially important when judges
wish to give entries a gold award for being
Isms: Understanding Photography is published by
new and innovative, not knowing that there
Bloomsbury Visual Arts and costs $19.99. It is highly
could be a whole school or art movement
recommended for all APPA judges and entrants
that produced images very similar to the
Acknowledging Our Board Members The AIPP is a membership organization and our office bearers have always been volunteers, but is it time we acknowledged the sacrifice of some volunteers with an honorarium? Should AIPP board members be paid a small
properly. However, the AIPP may be in
amount as a token of appreciation?
a position to make a token payment or
Towards the end of his term, past AIPP
honorarium that could in some way cover the
National President Ross Eason undertook to
out-of-pocket expenses and acknowledge the
explore the concept of remuneration for future
work that board members do.
board members and sought the views of past
board members in the process.
something like $1000 for board members and
$5000 for the president, but no figures have
None of the current board members, with
the exception of Vittorio who was asked to
I imagine the honorarium might be
been discussed by either Ross or Vittorio.
comment while this article was written, are aware of this proposal, so it is something the
AIPP and its members are being asked to
The counter argument is that previous board
consider for future boards.
members have not received any payment (apart from a reimbursement of direct expenses), so
TAGS AIPP B o a rd Direc to r s
why should we start now? Isn’t the opportunity
In summary, board members spend many hours
to volunteer and give back to the profession
that is unpaid and while the bulk of their out-
sufficient reward in itself?
of-pocket expense are repaid, there are some
expenses that are not.
the industry changes, the required time,
commitment and responsibility for board
The largest impact is seen on their
However, as the institute grows and
business revenue and their commitment to
members grows.
the Institute is usually reflected in a reduced
turnover, particularly for the main office bearers
members may be in a position where their
(President, Chair and Treasurer).
own businesses can supplement the time
spent working on the AIPP’s behalf, if a small
The AIPP isn’t in a position to pay them
Looked at another way, while some board
honorarium were made available, would this
the nomination process. If we are a “profession”,
allow less financially secure members (such as
if we are all committed to the ethics and
photographers at the beginning of their careers)
standards of a “professional”, then perhaps we
the financial freedom to offer their services as
need to respect those who volunteer in such
significant ways as other professional bodies do.
“We should expect them to give, but we
should not expect them to bear the financial
Commented Ross, “I’ve served on State Councils,
consequences beyond their expenses”
sub-committees and the National Board, and
each has its own degree of commitment and
the AIPP Board for its consideration.
it would be best to be voted upon by the
“To nominate for the Board requires that
Ross has asked Vittorio to take this idea to If the Board feels it is a good idea, then
past time and commitment is demonstrated
members – and hence the publication of this
and this is why you must have 15 service points
to nominate. Board members have already
given generously to the Institute, just to get to
raise to Vittorio -
Please forward any views you would like to
Panasonic Lumix DC-GH5 Is this the only camera you need? With 4K video and a 20-megapixel sensor for stills, the Lumix DC-GH5 is a consummate performer, especially when you add in high quality lenses and a raft of professional features. Purchasing a new camera can be a big decision,
probably already well aware of what a mirrorless
but as technology advances and clients require
camera can do that a DSLR cannot - or struggles
different services, there comes a time for many
to do.
photographers when investment in a new
system is a sensible solution.
other, more a matter of what suits your style of
photography and the jobs that you do.
Sometimes the decision is pushed by a
It’s not that one is necessarily better than the
change in direction, say from stills to time lapse
or video.
was limited by a 16-megapixel sensor, but now
that new models have 20-megapixels on board,
Sometimes the decision is predicated on
In earlier years, the Micro Four Thirds system
size and weight - we no longer want to carry a
much the same as the flagship professional
heavy system around.
cameras from Canon and Nikon (1D-X MkII
and D5), Lumix is in a position to be taken very
And of course there’s the love of embracing
cutting edge technology and new ways of
seriously as an all-round professional camera.
So with this in mind, let’s look at Panasonic’s
latest DC-GH5.
PROFESSIONAL PEDIGREE TAGS Equ ip m e n t Ca mer a Lumix
Panasonic Lumix has established itself in many
professional circles, and particularly well in
Many stills photographers are beginning to
video, through its lightweight Micro Four Thirds
embrace video as a part of their lexicon.
camera system and exceptional lenses. With its
association with Leica, you can safely say the
the option to shoot a little movie footage is
Lumix Micro Four Thirds system has lenses that
often requested by clients.
match or exceed the best in the world.
have the best of both worlds, shooting video
So, if your income is from video, you’re
While the still image remains paramount,
And with cameras like the GH5, you can
segments and then selecting a single frame as a
sensor. Interestingly, Panasonic has followed the
still. All with excellent quality.
DSLR lead and removed the anti-aliasing filter
Panasonic has taken this concept a little
for sharper images. No moire was seen during
further, using the camera’s video features and
extensive testing (the main challenge without
the larger sensor to offer a new way of shooting
an AA filter for smaller sensor cameras).
stills at high speed: a 6K Photo mode.
The GH5 captures a burst of 18-megapixel
still images continuously at 30 fps with no
As Panasonic’s flagship camera with professional
buffer limit (although it is only capturing the
applications in mind, the GH5 includes dual SD
equivalent of JPEGs, not raw files).
card slots, a weather sealed camera body and large capacity batteries (which are also needed
for the higher resolution video, of course).
There are three ways you can use the 6K Photo
mode feature: for as long as you hold the
bright and clear, the 3.2-inch rear LCD screen
shutter button, the camera records; press to
can be articulated into a variety of positions,
start and press again to stop; and a pre-burst
and both the camera and lenses are fitted with
function where you press to start and when
stabilization components to create a 5-axes
you press a second time, the camera saves the
Dual IS solution.
images for one second before and one second
after (which is ideal for those situations when
equivalent of 5 stops, even with telephoto
you know something good is about to happen,
lenses. This is of great interest to stills
but you don’t know exactly when).
photographers– and videographers who will
use the IS to create super stable footage.
If pure video is your thing, the GH5
The 3.6-million dot OLED viewfinder is
Panasonic claims it provides up to the
offers 4K resolution in 10 bit 4:2:2 files at 50/60 fps. Panasonic claims this represents
cinematic quality with far more colour
Panasonic has beefed up its autofocus system
and tonal information than earlier models,
by offering Contrast AF with DFD (Depth From
which translates into more flexibility in post-
Defocus), providing greater accuracy when
tracking moving subjects.
The extra resolution isn’t limited to video
The speed of the sensor drive during
and as mentioned, the GH5 can capture a
autofocusing is 480 fps, twice as fast as the
20-megapixel file on its Micro Four Thirds
GH4, allowing the GH5 to focus in around 0.05
seconds, which in turn offers a burst rate of up
resolves detail and presents colour. We figure
to 12 frames per second in full resolution with
Panasonic understands this too because it has a
the mechanical shutter.
strong partnership with Leica.
There are now 225 autofocus areas covering
Panasonic has released a new ultra wide-
pretty much the entire viewfinder area,
angle Leica zoom lens for its Micro Four Thirds
plus there are the now obligatory Face/Eye
mount cameras.
Recognition modes.
f2.8-f.0 Asph. lens has a similar focal length
To take control over the AF system, a joystick
The Lumix G Leica DG Vario-Elmarit 8-18mm
on the rear of the camera makes it very easy to
range to a 16-35mm lens on a full frame DSLR.
position the focusing area.
The lens has splash, dust and freeze-
proof construction and Panasonic has kept
videographers in mind, ensuring smooth
For enhanced video operation there is an
aperture changes so there are no sudden jumps
optional XLR microphone adapter, a vertical
in exposure, and silent operation so it won’t
battery grip, and V-log compatibility, enabling
interrupt your audio recording.
videographers to capture footage with the same flat colour profile found in Panasonic’s
Varicam broadcast camera, and then tweak it to
taste in post.
stunning image quality, whether you’re
shooting 4K video or 20-megapixel stills.
The GH5 body has a RRP of $2999, or for
However, the big selling point is the
$3999 you can purchase it with either a 12-
The Leica lens features Panasonic’s Nano
60mm f2.8-4.0 Leica lens, or a 12-35mm f2.8
Surface Coating to reduce flare and reflections,
and the MTF charts (which show how sharp a lens is) demonstrate a stellar performance.
In terms of the Lumix system, the GH5 links into
Extra-Low Dispersion (ED) glass which helps
Panasonic’s extensive range of lenses, many
reduce size and weight, as well as producing
with Leica pedigree.
high-resolution, high-contrast images from
corner to corner.
One thing that Leica does remarkably well
The 8-18mm lens includes Aspherical (ASPH)
(in fact, one of many), is design lenses.
Since the days of film, there has always been
something special about the way a Leica lens
For more information, visit
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Peter Eastway’s
Online Landscape Photography MasterClass Learn the art, craft and business of landscape photography with a member-only subscription to Peter Eastway’s Landscape Photography Masterclass. The online delivery includes 18 classes (each comprising 3 movies and 3 articles), featuring equipment, techniques, inspiration and Photoshop post-production. Start at any time. Learn at your own pace. There are no exams! Replay and re-read as often as you like. And share your comments and ideas with other MasterClass members. To view, read and experience a free sample Landscape Photography MasterClass, please visit our website and follow the links ... Landscape Photography MasterClass - Contents FINE ART MOVIES
1. Monte Fitz Roy, Patagonia 2. Mount Nemrut, Central Turkey 3. Cape Palliser, New Zealand 4. Cappella di Vitaleta, Tuscany, Italy 5. Elephant Island (Iceberg At Sea) 6. Pilbara Storm, Western Australia 7. Steeple Jason, Falkland Islands 8. Nevis Tree, South Island, New Zealand 9. Zabriskie Point, Death Valley, USA 10. Oxer Lookout, Karijini, Western Australia 11. Segovia Castle, Central Spain 12. Great Barrier Reef, Australia 13. Western Macdonnells, Central Australia 14. St Gregory’s, Ani, Eastern Turkey 15. Weano Gorge, Karijini National Park 16. Clinging Tree, Dales Gorge, Karijini 17. Ishak Pasha – The Mosque Behind 18. Stirling Ranges, South Western Australia
1. Which Cameras Are Best for Landscapes? 2. The Best Lenses For Landscapes 3. What Is The Best Aperture To Use? 4. Camera Support For Maximum Clarity 5. Camera Bags - Sensible Approaches 6. Landscape Photography Accessories 7. Colour Temperature & How It Works 8. Correct Exposure And The Histogram 9. Using The Light For Landscapes 10. How To Stitch Panoramas 11. Archival Landscape Prints 12. How To Shoot Aerial Landscapes 13. Composition Part 1: Subject Matter 14. Composition Part 2: Framing & Cropping 15. Composition Park 3: Viewpoint 16. Composition Part 4: Placing The Horizon 17. Composition Part 5: Centre of Interest 18. Composition Part 6: Rule of Thirds
1. Patagonia, South America 2. Favourite Places In Turkey 3. Favourite Places in South West USA 4. Favourite Places In Italy 5. Central Spain for Castles 6. The Pilbara, Western Australia 7. Easter Island, Pacific Ocean 8. Niseko, Hokkaido, Japan 9. Shooting The Pyramids, Egypt 10. Hamilton Island, Australia. 11. Queenstown, New Zealand 12. Ancient Ani, Eastern Turkey 13. Amazing Papua New Guinea 14. Karijini National Park, Western Australia 15. Cruising For Landscape Photographs 16. Reaching Your Destination 17. Scotland & The Isle Of Skye 18. Antarctica & The Southern Islands
1. Potential Markets for Landscape Photos 2. How To Price Your Landscape Prints 3. Creating Landscape Prints For Sale 4. Publishing A Book of Landscapes 5. Publishing A Book How Finances Work 6. Presentation: Why It’s So Important 7. Setting Up Your Own Website 8. Setting Up An Exhibition 9. Shooting For Books & Magazines 10. Limited Edition Print Sales 11. Computer Power - Do You Need More? 12. Landscape Print Sales Paperwork 13. Print Sizes And Paper Surfaces 14. Shooting Landscapes That Sell 15. Getting Photos Published With Words 16. Do You Need A Business Plan? 17. Which Photo Editing Software? 18. Where To Now That You’ve Finished?
1. RAW Conversion Technique 2. Darkening & Lightening With Soft Light 3. Multiple RAW Conversion Technique 4. Luminosity Masking Technique 5. Colour Balance – Getting It Right 6. Local Contrast – Two options in Photoshop 7. Vignetting – How It Can Improve Images 8. Lab Color - Full Control in Photoshop 9. Nik Software - Using Viveza Plug-in 10. Photomerge For Stitching 11. Channels for Hue/Saturation Adjustments 12. Making Selections In Photoshop 13. Sharpening In Photoshop 14. Black & White Conversions 15. Focus Stacking (Helicon Focus) 16. Lightroom Catalogs for Landscapes 17. Big Black & White Punchy Landscapes 18. High Pass Filter For Landscapes With Pop!