Antarctica Voyages with Peter Eastway

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Antarctica Photography Expeditions

Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway

With Peter Eastway 3 - 15 March 2020 & 14 March - 3 April 2020

Antarctica • South Georgia • The Falklands


Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway

2x Antarctica Photography Programs 4

Travelling to Antarctica is the trip of a lifetime.

photographer. Whether you’re travelling on your

For photographers, it is even more special with

own or with a friend or a partner, and whether

the opportunity to capture some of the most

your friend or partner is a keen photographer or

incredible and memorable locations and wildlife

not, you will enjoy Peter’s assistance and tuition.

anywhere on Earth. Imagine coming home with

All are welcome.

a camera full of amazing landscape and wildlife photographs and videos!

There are three ways Peter will assist voyagers who join his photography program.

This is a trip like no other.

He will help you in the field with camera skills;

He will assist you on board with editing and

And to help you get the most out of your voyage and your photography, Peter Eastway has been invited again by Aurora Expeditions to lead

post-production skills; and •

He will give a series of more formal presentations on photography.

groups of photographers on two voyages to Antarctica: a fly-in visit to the amazing Antarctic

More information is on the following pages, but

Peninsula, or a South Georgia & Antarctica

on a trip like this, we guarantee you will see some

Odyssey expedition, both on the brand new Greg

amazing sights and capture lots of incredible

Mortimer, a purpose-built expedition ship.

images. It’s a voyage that will never be forgotten.

The voyages visit many of the locations seen in

Berth prices are from US$11,200 on the shorter

the Tales By Light television episode currently

WIld Antarctica voyage.

showing on Netflix which featured Peter as the All Photographs by Peter Eastway

King Penguin, Gold Harbour Canon EOS 5DSR, 200-400 1.4x mm lens

Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway


Twin berth prices from US$11,200 on the shorter voyage. For more information on your voyage options, visit Aurora Expeditions’ website at For bookings with the photography group, contact Peter Eastway or Kim Valenti or If booking with Aurora, please mention first Peter to join the photo group!

Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway


Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway

Camera Skills Photographing in Antarctica can be challenging,

activities like kayaking and diving. It means you’ll

but you should immediately put your mind at rest

enjoy lots of landings and Zodiac cruises, whereas

because all the challenges are handled for you.

ships with larger contingents tend to sail on by.

On these voyages, Peter will assist you with

While there are a few sea days on an Antarctic

the camera skills needed to capture the

voyage, when you’re in Antarctica, South Georgia or

many amazing moments and locations you’ll

the Falklands, you usually get ashore twice a day.

experience. Everyone dons their splashproof clothes, life A ship is a perfect photography platform. You

jackets and Wellington boots, and lines up

go to sleep one place and wake up at a new

to board the Zodiacs (stable and inflatible

destination. You can shoot from the deck and

watercraft), that are also perfect platforms for

there is always something happening outside in


the polar regions: birds, waves, clouds, shorelines, icebergs and sometimes pack ice.

And sometimes we just cruise along the shoreline, remaining in the zodiacs. This in itself

If you’re going to journey to Antarctica, an

is a wonderful adventure. However, generally we

expedition ship like Greg Mortimer is best, not a

land and spend from two to four hours ashore,

large cruise liner. There are limits to the number

exploring some of the most amazing locations on

of people who can land at most of the locations,


usually 100 people. Aurora will have up to 100 land-based passenges, plus extra programs for

Neumeyer Channel, Antarctica Phase One XF 100MP, 240mm lens


Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway

Editing And Post-Production Skills 8

One of the highlights for photographers on a

definite times for when and where the editing

voyage like this is the opportunity to edit and

tuition will take place, because this depends on

improve their photography.

what’s happening outside the ship. If we have an opportunity to land three times in a day, then we

While there always seems to be lots happening

won’t stay on board in front of our computers!

when you’re on board a ship, there’s still time to

Our main aim is to experience and photograph

sit in your cabin and work on your files in private,

Antarctica and South Georgia.

or to join the other photographers in the lounge or library where Peter will provide one-on-one

However, on an average day, you can expect one

and small group assistance.

and often two sessions in front of your computer with access to and assistance from Peter.

Peter will look over your shoulder or sit next to you and help you work through the complexities

For example, after an early morning shoot, we

of Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom or Capture One.

might have breakfast and then spend a couple of hours before lunch working on our files, while

Sea days - when we’re travelling to our next

the Greg Mortimer steams to our next destintation.

destination - are great times for editing your

And then following our afternoon expedition, we


might spend an hour in the library, downloading our files and talking photography. The ‘image

During the voyage, there will be many

lab’ sessions are when you’ll learn lots about

opportunities to learn about post-production


and to refine your editing skills. We don’t set

Stromness Ruins, South Georgia Canon EOS-1D X, 70-200mm lens

Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway


Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway


Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway

Formal Photography Presentations On the Greg Mortimer is a modern, purpose-

This is why Peter brings a range of different

built lecture room which can be fully darkened

programs, so he can match the needs of his

for presentations with a digital projector and


speakers. Importantly, the formal presentations are really It is a very popular room on the sea days and is

just a small part of the experience. Watching Peter

shared by all the ship for presentations on history,

work, or having him help you set up a shot or

wildlife, geology – and photography.

make suggestions, will be far more valuable to your progress as a photographer.

Peter will give several formal presentations on photography. Some will be for all the ship’s

And if you have a specific request, Peter will be

passengers, others will be only of interest to the

only too happy to sit down with you and talk you

smaller photography group.

through it. He might suggest you buy him a drink from the bar first, but he is there to assist you!

Peter has an extensive range of presentations for photographers, covering everything from basic camera skills up to advanced camera skills and indepth Photoshop post-production. Exactly which presentations are given will depend on the photographers travelling on the expedition. He’ll ask you what you need.

Drygalski Fjoird, South Georgia Phase One 645, 28mm lens


Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway

How Do You Like To Learn? 12

Everyone has different ways of learning. For some,

to do is ask. Importantly, you will never be made

it is sitting back and watching an expert at work,

to feel silly because you asked a basic question

noting how he or she positions and uses the

- chances are many in the group don’t know the

camera, reacts to the light and the weather, or

answer either!

interacts with people and wildlife to achieve the best posing and expression.

Peter will be shooting as well. He is just as passionate as you are about photography, so he

Others like to be given suggestions, to understand

will be capturing his own images (like the ones in

what the experts are seeing and thinking, and

this brochure) and sharing them with the photo

then left to experiment and discover on their own.

group. He feels it is important to practice what

They are looking for guidance, but not too much.

he preaches and show participants what he has found.

And yet other photographers like to be shown how to find the photograph, how to compose

However, he is very aware that his primary role is

the image and what camera settings are required.

to act as your instructor and guide. And he wants

They want help with their camera controls

you to return on other workshops and trips, which

and detailed instructions on how to frame and

you will only do if you are happy.

compose. So, please don’t be shy to ask for help at any time Different photographers at different stages require

and it will be cheerfully provided with a smile!

different levels of assistance and that’s fine! Peter provides all three levels of interaction, all you have

Weddell Sea, Antarctica Canon EOS-1D X, 24mm lens

Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway


Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway


Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway

What Level Of Photographer Do I Need To Be? You don’t need to be a serious photographer to

ideas and viewpoints participants bring. They

come on this voyage! There will be many other

see things I don’t, so I’m learning just as much as

guests on board whose primary goal is not

everyone else.

photography, so you can choose as much or as little photography education as you like.

“And importantly, it is all done in a positive and encouraging environment. I’ve been doing this

On voyages like this, we have had all levels

long enough that I don’t need my ego stroked.

of photographers attending, from seasoned professionals wanting to refine their skills, to

“I get a buzz out of helping other photographers

newcomers who need assistance with basic

capture great photos - my reward is seeing the

camera settings.

expression on your face when you nail a top shot or a great video clip.”

We actually like a range of photographers to attend. The more experienced participants

And Peter lied about not needing his ego stroked.

invariably help the newcomers, and the

Please pay him a compliment every now and then

newcomers give all of us new ideas we’ve never

- you’ll get a lot more from him if he’s happy!

thought about! “One of the things that constantly keeps me grounded”, said Peter Eastway, “is the range of

Seal Pups, South Georgia Canon EOS-1D X, 24mm lens


Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway


Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway

Peter Eastway G.M. Photog., MNZIPP, Hon FAIPP, HFNZIPP, FAIPP

photography competitions, both as a judge and as an active participant. He judges and speaks

Sydney-based photographer Peter Eastway

internationally on a regular basis.

is a Grand Master of Photography and a two time winner of the AIPP Australian Professional

Peter’s work has been published internationally

Photographer of the Year. Known best for his

in photography and travel magazines, and he

landscape and travel photography, he has worked

was also the author of the Lonely Planet’s Guide

in most areas of the profession and also loves

to Landscape Photography. His photography has

sport, studio still life, portraiture and wildlife.

featured on the cover of the Lonely Planet’s guide to Australia, an Australian postage stamp, in

Peter is the editor and publisher of Better

articles in the Qantas inflight magazine, and in an

Photography magazine and website, a position

Apple television commercial. And he has worked

that has given him special access to many of

with Phase One researching and promoting its

the world’s leading photographers over the past

Capture One raw processing software, and with

30 years. His ability to communicate both the

Adobe on its Lightroom software.

technical and aesthetic sides of photography makes him a sought after speaker on the

He is familiar with Canon, Nikon, Fujifilm and

international circuit.

Phase One camera systems.

Peter was the chairman of the Canon AIPP Australian Professional Photography Awards for many years and is still involved in all aspects of


Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway


Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway

Tales By Light Now On Netflix The Tales By Light television series first screened on

travelling with the five photographers. It must

the National Geographic cable channel in Australia

have been a dream job for them because they

and is now available worldwide on Netflix.

visited some of the most amazing and remote locations on the globe, including Africa, India,

Abraham Joffe approached a number of

Bhutan, Alaska, Tonga, America and Antarctica.

photographers with his idea for the television

And since then they have done Series 2 and are

series. Explained Peter Eastway, “Over the years,

now onto Series 3!

I had been approached by at least half a dozen producers with photography-based ideas, but

“It was also a huge investment by Canon. Sure, all

when Abraham said he had the support and

the photographers chose to use Canon cameras,

partnership of Canon Australia, I realised it was

but the product placement was the only reference

really going to happen.

to Canon in the entire series. To Canon’s credit, the production is all about photography and it can

“I’m still not quite sure why Abraham picked me

be enjoyed by anyone, no matter what type of

as a presenter out of all the photographers in the

camera they use.”

world, but I was mighty glad he did, especially when he suggested we go to Antarctica to shoot

Peter and Abraham travelled to Antarctica with

the segment. Who would say no?”

Aurora Expeditions to shoot the program and since then, Aurora has invited Peter back to revisit

This was a huge investment on many levels. “Abraham and his wife Jen spent over a year

Gold Harbour, South Georgia Canon EOS-1D X, 24mm lens

many of the locations filmed in Tales By Light.


Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway


Voyage #1: Wild Antarctica Itinerary 3-15 March 2020 SAMPLE ITINERARY ONLY

mesmerising, ice-filled Weddell Sea. Possible

Welcome to the ice factory! Thanks to vast ice

landings at penguin-rich Gourdin Island and

shelves that calve monstrous tabular icebergs,

Brown Bluff.

waters rich in krill and otherworldly landscapes,

Days 5-7 Antarctic Sound

the Weddell Sea is one of Antarctica’s most unique

Push into the Weddell Sea, aiming for Seymour

regions. Our new expedition ship, Greg Mortimer,

and James Ross islands’ fossil fields, and Paulet

is ice-strengthened to take you comfortably


between the Weddell Sea and the Antarctic

Days 8-11 Antarctic Peninsula

Peninsula’s west coast for the best of both worlds!

Explore the Antarctic Peninsula’s west coast

Day 1

and enjoy excursions to Astrolabe or Enterprise

Arrive in Punta Arenas and transfer to your

Islands, Port Lockroy, and Paradise Harbour.

downtown hotel. The rest of the afternoon is

Day 12 Antarctic Sound

at your leisure to explore this vibrant, historic

Cross Drake Passage, surrounded by soaring

seaport on the Strait of Magellan.

albatross and flitting petrels. Celebrate your

Day 2

extraordinary voyage while entering Beagle

Enjoy scenic flight to King George Island,


Antarctica, and transfer by Zodiac to your

Day 13 Ushuaia

expedition ship, the Greg Mortimer.

After breakfast, disembark the Greg Mortimer

Days 3-4 Antarctic Sound

in Ushuaia for homeward flights or perhaps a

Sail in Antarctic Sound, entrance to the

Patagonia Discovery Trek!

King Penguin, South Georgia Canon EOS 5DSR, 400mm lens

Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway


Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway


Voyage 2: South Georgia/Antarctica Odyssey 14 March - 3 April 2020 SAMPLE ITINERARY ONLY

on Antarctica. Keen eyes watch for icebergs,

From US $15,600. We rely on our experienced

penguins, seals and cormorants as we approach

expedition team, many who’ve been here

our first landing in the South Shetland Islands.

over dozens of summers, to create the best daily itinerary that prevailing weather and ice

Days 4-7 Antarctica Peninsula

conditions allow.

Awaken to the thrill of Antarctica, where we plan to visit busy penguin rookeries, historic sites

Day 1

and make a continental landing. The Antarctic

You’ll embark your voyage in Ushuaia in the late

Peninsula’s west coast is ours to explore. We use

afternoon to a warm welcome, before we set sail

every moment of daylight to enjoy the best that

along the Beagle Channel.

Antarctica has to offer. This could mean two to three excursions in a day, whether it be to

Days 2-3

penguin colonies, a working scientific station or

The Drake Passage offers excellent bird watching

a Zodiac cruise through a sculpture garden of

from the outer decks or the warm bridge.

grounded icebergs.

Our expedition team presents safety and environmental briefings, and enlightening talks

Note - Weather and ice conditions permitting,

Icebergs, Antarctica Canon EOS 5DSR, 300mm lens

Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway


Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway


Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway

Greg Mortimer voyages will attempt to explore

With ample time to explore South Georgia’s

the ice-choked Weddell Sea region before moving

spectacular north coast, we visit the world’s

onto the western side of the Peninsula

largest king penguin rookeries, the nesting grounds of majestic wandering albatross and if

We spend an extra day exploring either the

weather allows, follow Shackleton’s route from

Weddell Sea or the South Orkney Islands (which

Fortuna Bay to Stromness. Kayakers revel in

are after Elephant Island), so the rest of the

paddling waters alive with king penguins and

itinerary outlined here may be out by a day or so.

playful seals. Against a backdrop of 3000-metre peaks, photograph basking elephant seals, feisty

Day 8 Elephant Island

fur seals and penguins cluttering kelp-strewn

Elephant Island is where Shackleton’s 22 men


wintered beneath their upturned boats. If weather and seas permit, Zodiacs will carry us close to

Days 15-17 Scotia Sea

Point Wild to pay tribute to these hardy souls.

Keeping watch for the kelp-skirted Shag Rocks, we cross the Scotia Sea, entertained by our expert

Days 9-10 Scotia Sea

naturalist and historian.

We follow in Shackleton’s wake across the Scotia Sea, watching for great whales and big icebergs

Days 18-21

riding up from the Weddell Sea. It’s a great time to

We will round the Falkland Islands, making a

relax and reflect on what we’ve accomplished so

landing or two before continuing onward to

far, and our naturalist, historian and photographer

Ushuaia, where our journey ends.

start their talks on South Georgia’s wildlife and history.

So, which voyage do you take? As Peter says in his Netflix episode, if he could only visit one place

Days 11-14 South Georgia

Brown Bluff, Antarctica Canon EOS 5DSR, 200-400mm lens

one more time, it would be South Georgia.


Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway

Camera Equipment For The Voyage 26

Peter is not an equipment snob! Yes, he uses

them, each with a different lens. If the weather

professional equipment, but that’s his full time

gets challenging (and exciting), or there’s


windblow snow or spray, changing lenses is not advisable. Also, when wildlife appears, it can

So, whether you turn up with the latest DSLR or

happen very quickly – so having one camera with

an older camera you’ve loved for many years, it

the telephoto attached and another with a wide-

really doesn’t matter. However, there are some

angle, means you’re always ready for action.

lenses and accessories that will certainly help you capture a wider range of photographs and videos.

This is a preferred approach, but not essential. Bad weather days are not the norm and usually a

We do recommend you bring everything you

weather front passes through quickly, so on the

think you might need, but not so much you can’t

majority of occasions, especially when you’re on

carry it with you. If in doubt, bring it, because you

shore, there’s plenty of time to safely change your

will be able to leave equipment behind on the

lenses. If you only have one camera, no trouble

ship in your cabin at any time. However, be aware

(although we still recommend you bring an older

of weight restrictions for any flights to or from the

or smaller second camera as a backup).

ship - Peter’s suitcase has very little in the way of extra clothing and not everyone likes to travel this

A lot of photographers are very happy with a


standard zoom – like a 35-70mm or a 28-120mm. And there’s so much to see on the voyage, if this

If you have two camera bodies, it can be sensible

is the only lens you bring, you will be incredibly

to travel ashore or in the zodiac with both of


Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway & Abraham Joffe

Even so, if you’re reading this before you travel, Peter has a couple of suggestions. If you’re just wanting the one lens to do everything, most cameras accept wide range zooms, like a 18200mm or 28-300mm zoom and these are ideal for both landscapes and wildlife. And if you’re a step more enthusiastic, then he’d suggest taking two extra lenses - the widest angle and the longest telephoto. The really wide-angle can be great for big skies (and you’ll get a lot of them), while the longest telephotos are fantastic for closeup portraits of the animals. The wider and longer the better. For example, Peter’s Canon outfit uses an 1124mm and a 300mm f2.8 with a 2x converter. His Fujifilm outfit has a 10-24mm and a 100-400mm. And don’t forget a laptop and Photoshop, Lightroom, Capture One or similar. Photography is two things – capture and post-production and there’s nothing better than sitting on the ship, editing your photos.

Recommended Camera Stuff Here’s an incomplete list of some of the things you may need. •

DSLR or mirrorless camera

Backup camera - preferrably taking same lenses

Standard zoom e.g. 35-70mm or 28-100mm

Wide-angles - as wide as you have

Telephoto - 300mm is not too long, a 100-400mm ideal; 600mm awesome if you can hold it!

Macro lens - optional

Spare camera batteries & battery charger

Backpack style camera bag

Tripod (with a quick release plate) (optional)

Plenty of storage cards for your camera

Polarising filter

Neutral density filters (0.9x, 4.0x optional)

Card reader and cable if necessary

Laptop computer (Mac or PC)

External back-up drives and cables

Photoshop, Lightroom or Capture One

Mouse or stylus/tablet

Camera/sensor cleaning gear

Dry bag (large enough for camera bag with easy opening and closing). See next page for details.


Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway

Dry Bags 28

We don’t plan to get your camera gear wet!

down the gangway if you need two hands to

However, after we leave the ship to go ashore, the

hold onto the railing. The other option is the

weather can change and so our return trip may be

Sealline Boundary Portage Pack (check your

a little more exciting! Specifically, wind chop and

camera bag will fit in - Peter uses the large 115

swell can have water splashing into the zodiac

Litre size). It has shoulder straps which are not

and the bottom of the zodiac can be awash with

all that comfortable, but get you up and down

water. This is very rare, but it can happen.

the gangway more easily. However, once in the Zodiac, they aren’t as quick to access.

This won’t worry us because we have Wellington boots and spray-proof clothing, but our camera

On shore, you leave the dry bag with your life

bags can soak up salt water, which is not great for

jackets at the landing point, so they are only used

our cameras and lenses inside.

while actually in the Zodiac.

One solution is to use a dry bag into which you

For travellers with smaller camera bags, smaller

put your camera bag. You can also use heavy duty

dry bags will work just fine. The above bags are

plastic garbage bags, but many photographers

fully waterproof, but they don’t need to be for use

opt for the Sealline range of dry bags. Peter has

in the Zodiac. Their main purpose is to keep your

used two Seallines.

camera dry while it is sitting on the bottom of the Zodiac, and from splashes coming over the side in

The Sealline Widemouth Duffle is great for


working in the Zodiac because it is easy to open and access gear. However, it’s harder to carry

There are other options as well. For instance, most

Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway

camping or outdoor shops sell waterproof ‘inner liners’ for backpacks - when the backpack gets soaked in rain, the inner liner keeps its contents dry. They are quite robust and can be

is very quick to put your cameras away, in the

carried in your camera bag.

case of wind or waves and there’s no worry about water on the floor of the zodiac because it’s made

When the weather is calm, you just use your normal

of plastic. However, the downside of the Pelican

camera bag (being aware that salt water is corrosive

case is when you get ashore because it is a pain to

and can seep into some camera bag materials,

carry. Who wants to carry a suitcase on a walk? A

so placing your bag on the wet floor of a zodiac

backpack or shoulder bag is much more sensible!

remains hazzardous). And when the weather turns more challenging, you pull out your waterproof

Peter’s current approach is to take the Pelican

inner liner and put your camera bag into it. It will

case with a Sealline inside as a second bag when

keep your cameras and camera bag dry.

he flies, so when he arrives he has the best of both worlds.

Yet another option is a Pelican (or similar) waterproof hard case. The advantage of a case

If we are doing a zodiac cruise and not going

like this is when you’re shooting in the Zodiac.

ashore, or if the weather is tricky, he takes the

The case is quick and easy to open, you can take

Pelican case. If we are just transitting to shore with

out a lot of the dividers and put in two cameras

the Zodiac, he takes his normal camera backpack

with lenses - usually one will be a long telephoto

inside the Sealline, and then leaves the Sealline

for wildlife, and a second wide-angle for the

with the Zodiac while he walks around on shore.

landscapes, but not always. And there’s room for a spare lens (if it’s safe to change lenses), batteries,

There’s no single answer - worst case, bring your

memory cards and so on. In tricky situations, it

normal bag and a heavy duty plastic bag.


Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway


Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway


Antarctica Photography Expedition with Peter Eastway


Twin berth prices from US$11,200 on the shorter voyage. For more information on your voyage options, visit Aurora Expeditions’ website at For bookings with the photography group, contact Peter Eastway or Kim Valenti or If booking with Aurora, please mention first Peter to join the photo group!

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