Balkans & Adriatic 2020

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Romance of the Balkans


Romance of the Balkans and the Adriatic Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia 18 April – 2 May 2020


Old city in Kotor, Montenegro All photographs by Mehmet Ozbalci‑

Romance of the Balkans



Romance of the Balkans and the Photogenic Adriatic / 18 April - 2 May 2020 “Mehmet Ozbalci has never let me down”,

English is first class. And importantly, he is a keen

explained Peter Eastway.

photographer and knows where to take us!

“So when he suggested we put together a photo

“We get on really well together, so when Mehmet

tour of the Balkans and Adriatic, I was all ears. And

suggested the Balkans, it was just a matter of

eyes! It’s a part of the world I visited many years

agreeing on the dates and letting people know.”

ago and somewhere I’ve wanted to return.” Are you interested? And you’re invited to join Peter as well on a brand new photographic investigation through the

Check out the photos and itinerary on the

Balkans and the Adriatic.

following pages.

“I have been to Turkey twice, both times with

Bookings and further inquiries via email to Kim

Mehmet. My next trip with Mehmet was to

Valenti -

Georgia and Armenia – and I’m planning another trip there in 2020, also with Mehmet. “Mehmet is a photography tour guide, based in Istanbul. He is a gentleman. He has over 25 years’ guiding experience in these areas. His

Sheep on mountain roads in Albania

Romance of the Balkans


Romance of the Balkans

Itinerary - € $6995 (Approx. AUS $12k) 6


On our way back, we will photograph one of the


most important cemeteries of the war victims.

Arrival in Sarajevo, the capital of BosniaHerzegovina. Pick up from the airport and transfer

In the afternoon, we will photograph the interior

to the hotel. Depending on the arrival time of

of the old National Library with its great and

the tour participants, we can start touring and

colourful architecture and decoration, and we

photographing the old city. Our hotel is a 4 star

will also explore the old and new parts of the city.

hotel in the heart of the old city.

After some time to rest in the hotel, we will be out again to photograph the Latin Bridge with arches.



Early in the morning, at the “blue hour”, we will


photograph an old historical fountain, known

Departure for Mostar with a stop at Konije to

as the symbol of Sarajevo and also the building

photograph the arched bridge with old houses in

of the National Library which has recently been

the background.

restored with its reflections on the river. We will also stop at Blagaj for lunch where we will After breakfast, we will drive to the top of a hill

shoot a small waterfall with an old Dervish house

where there is a great overall view of Sarajevo

in the background.

with its old houses with red rooftops, cemeteries of the victims who lost their lives during the

In the early afternoon, we stop at Pojitel Castle

recent Bosnia-Serbia war, churches and mosques.

and then arrive in Mostar which is one of the most

Historical fountain at twilight, Sarajevo, Bosnia

Romance of the Balkans


Romance of the Balkans


beautiful and photogenic cities in Bosnia.

of the old city which was once a medieval fort.

The Neretva River goes right through the middle


of the city and Mostar is known for its iconic old


bridge, Stari Most. The bridge was built in the

In the morning, we will have a walking tour to

16th century and unfortunately destroyed during

photograph the narrow streets and churches of

the Croat-Bosniak war in 1993. It was succesfully

Kotor. We will then walk up to the fort which is

renovated and is still very impressive.

not that difficult, for views over the red rooftops of the houses in the old city and the Adriatic Sea

In the afternoon, we will explore and photograph

in the background. We will have time to rest in

the old town with its markets and of course the

the early afternoon, then we will drive to Perast,

famous Mostar Bridge. After an early dinner, we

a small fishing village with lots of character. We

will photograph the Mostar Bridge at the ‘blue

will take a boat from Perast and photograph the

hour’. Our hotel in Mostar is a 4 star hotel.

interesting church islands.





Drive to Kotor on the Adriatic Sea, located in one

After we leave the hotel, we will still make some

of the most beautiful bays in the world. After

stops in Montenegro and drive through the old

the border crossing, a scenic drive will take us to

town of Budva where we will photograph the

Kotor with a stop for lunch in a quaint Bosnian

scenic Sveti Stefan Peninsula, which was once


fortified by the Venetians, with the Adriactic Sea in the background.

Our accommodation is a small, boutique hotel with 4 star quality standards, sitting in the centre

Close to the Albanian border, we will stop in a

Mostar Bridge at twilight, Bosnia

Romance of the Balkans


Romance of the Balkans


small village with colorful houses and reflections


in the water. After we cross the Montenegro -


Albania border, we will be in one of the most

We will spend the morning in the village to

beautiful agricultural and countryside areas of

photograph the church and houses with scenic

Albania with possibilities of photographing the

mountains in the background and also local

rural life like sheep, herders and people working

people. The valley where the village is located,

in the fields.

is surrounded with 10.000 ft, snow capped mountains. In the afternoon, we will leave the

In the afternoon, we will drive to Thethi Village

valley and drive to Shkodra, one of the oldest

which is a traditional village located in the scenic

cities in Europe and located on the Shkoder Lake.

Theth National Park. This is a real “off the beaten

Our hotel is a 5 star hotel located in the center of

track� valley and village that big tour buses, even

the old city.

small ones like ours, cannot make easily! The area is visited mostly by hikers. After we reach the


mountain pass, we will leave our minibus and take


local vans on a mountain road to take us to the

In the morning, we will photograph the legendary

Thethi Village.

Rozafa Castle and have time to explore the old city with its quaint pedestrian street. After lunch

Our hotel here is a comfortable guesthouse where

in a restaurant on the lake, we will have the

we will also have homemade dinner. As most

afternoon to rest.

of the guesthouses are small and have a limited number of rooms, there is a possibility that the


group will stay in several guesthouses, if the


largest guesthouse is not available.

This morning, we drive to Kosovo, which became an independent country in 2008, known as the

Village in the Theth Valley, Albania

Romance of the Balkans


Romance of the Balkans

youngest country. After a drive through scenic

for interesting and special photography of a

mountains, we will arrive in Gjakova which is

cityscape scene. We will stay in a boutique type of

a small town in Kosovo with an interesting old

hotel meeting the standards of a 4 star hotel.

bazaar. We will have lunch in Gjakova then a short


drive to Prizren, one of the oldest cities in Kosovo.


We will have a walking tour in the old city,

We take a drive to the south of Tirana to

photographing the historical bridge, mosques

photograph the impressive ruins of Apollonia, the

and dervish temples known as “Tekke”. Our hotel

ancient Greek city founded in the 6th century BC.

is located in the centre of the old city and it has 4 star hotel standards.

In the afternoon, we drive to Berat which is a UNESCO world heritage town and represents


a great combination of Western and Eastern


cultures. Overnight in a charming boutique hotel

Today, we drive back to Albania and go to Tirana,

which has 4 star hotel standards.

which is the capital. On the way to Tirana, we will photograph the scenic Kruja Castle. We will


spend the afternoon in Tirana and photograph


the bazaar, Skenderbeg Square and the colorful

Early in the morning, photograph the traditional

buildings. To erase the feeling of the communistic

style old houses of Berat, at the “Blue Hour”, then

era in Tirana, they have painted almost all of the

return to the hotel for breakfast.

grey structures built during communist times, in all different colors and this was the idea of the

We then leave the hotel for the castle where there

mayor of Tirana who is the prime minister now,

will be a really interesting aerial view over the

and he is an artist. These colorful buildings make

houses and the town. We will have lunch in the

Colorful apartment buildings in Tirana, Albania

Romance of the Balkans


Romance of the Balkans

house of an artist of wood carving where there is

photograph the city from the boat which is an

another great view and an opportunity to taste

interesting angle, then drive to Skopje, capital of

homemade local food. In the late afternoon, we


will photograph the historical houses of Berat


from another angle.

We will spend the afternoon photographing the old city, bazaar area and also the newly built and


restored city square. This city square is probably


the most decorated city centre in the world, with

Departure for the well-known little town of Ohrid,

its statues, neo-classical buildings, bridges and

in Macedonia. Ohrid is another UNESCO World

of course, the statue of Alexander the Great of

Heritage town. It is located on the Ohrid Lake and


it offers great photos of red roof tiled old houses, streets and great architecture.

Farewell dinner and overnight in a 5 star hotel in the old city.

In the afternoon, we will photograph the “Bay of the Bones� where there was once a settlement


from prehistoric times and they have built an


interesting looking replica-village. We will also

Transfer to the International airport of Skopje,

have time to photograph the old town and the

Macedonia and flight back.

church overlooking the Ohrid Lake. Overnight in a 3 star superior hotel with a view over the lake. MAY 1 SKOPJE In Ohrid, we will have a short boat ride to

Oriental style old houses in Berat at the blue hour, Albania

Romance of the Balkans


Romance of the Balkans

How Do You Like To Learn? 16

Everyone has different ways of learning. For some,

to do is ask. Importantly, you will never be made

it is sitting back and watching an expert at work,

to feel silly because you asked a basic question -

noting how he or she positions and uses the

chances are others in the group don’t know the

camera, reacts to the light and the weather, or

answer either!

interacts with people to achieve the best posing and expression.

Peter will be shooting as well. He is just as passionate as you are about photography. He also

Others like to be given suggestions, to understand

feels it is important to practice what he preaches

what the experts are seeing and thinking, and

and to show participants what he has captured as

then left to experiment and discover on their own.

the tour/workshop progresses.

They are looking for guidance, but not too much. However, he is very aware that his primary role is And yet other photographers like to be shown

to act as your instructor and guide. And he wants

how to find the photograph, how to compose

you to return on other workshops and trips, which

the image and what camera settings are required.

you will only do if you are happy.

They want help with their camera controls and detailed instructions on how to frame and

So, please don’t be shy to ask for help at any time


and it will be cheerfully provided with a smile!

Different photographers at different stages require different levels of assistance and that’s fine! Peter provides all three levels of interaction, all you have

Cathedral in Sarajevo, Bosnia

Romance of the Balkans


Romance of the Balkans


Romance of the Balkans

How Physical Is It?

Bring Your Partner

You don’t need to be super fit to enjoy this

Non-photography partners are most welcome

photography tour. If you can walk along well

to come along, but they will be expected to

maintained tracks, you should have no trouble on

participate on most of the activities. Sometimes

this photo tour.

we may leave early to take photographs, and then continue on to our next destination.

However, there will be some walking involved when we leave the hotels or the vehicles to get to

However, there will be some mornings when we

the best photographic locations.

will return to the hotel, so if your partner wanted to sleep in, that would certainly be okay!

Sometimes we will only be walking a few hundred metres. Most of the time it is no more than a

What we find is that non-partners really appreciate

kilometre or so.

our itinerary. Rather than being centred around meal times, it’s based on experiencing the

The weather will also determine what walks

countryside and what it has to offer. It’s a varied

are possible, but at this time of year, we’re not

and exciting program, and whether you’re using a

expecting there to be any major difficulties!

camera or not, the experiences will last a lifetime.

Kruje Castle in Albania


Romance of the Balkans


Romance of the Balkans

Peter Eastway G.M. Photog., MNZIPP, Hon FAIPP, HFNZIPP, FAIPP

photography competitions, both as a judge and as an active participant. He judges and speaks

Sydney-based photographer Peter Eastway

internationally on a regular basis.

is a Grand Master of Photography and a two time winner of the AIPP Australian Professional

Peter’s work has been published internationally

Photographer of the Year. Known best for his

in photography and travel magazines, and he

landscape and travel photography, he has worked

was also the author of the Lonely Planet’s Guide

in most areas of the profession and also loves

to Landscape Photography. His photography has

sport, studio still life, portraiture and wildlife.

featured on the cover of the Lonely Planet’s guide to Australia, an Australian postage stamp, in

Peter is the editor and publisher of Better

articles in the Qantas inflight magazine, and in an

Photography magazine and website, a position

Apple television commercial. And he has worked

that has given him special access to many of

with Phase One researching and promoting its

the world’s leading photographers over the past

Capture One raw processing software, and with

30 years. His ability to communicate both the

Adobe on its Lightroom software.

technical and aesthetic sides of photography makes him a sought after speaker on the

In 2015 he featured in the National Geographic

international circuit.

Channel’s Tales By Light six-part photography series produced in partnership with Canon.

Peter was the chairman of the Canon AIPP Australian Professional Photography Awards for

He is familiar with Canon, Nikon, Fujifilm and

many years and is still involved in all aspects of

Phase One camera systems.


Romance of the Balkans


The Atacama and Patagonia with Peter Eastway

Camera Equipment For The Expedition


Peter is not an equipment snob! Yes, he uses

DSLR or CSC camera recommended

professional equipment, but that’s his full time

Standard zoom - cover everything


Wide-angles - as wide as you have

Telephoto - 300mm is not too long, but a 70-

Here’s an incomplete list of some of the things you may need.

Recommended Camera Stuff

200mm is pretty good too!

So, whether you turn up with the latest DSLR or an older camera you’ve loved for many years, it

1.4X or 2.0X Converter

really doesn’t matter. However, there are some

Spare camera battery & battery charger

lenses and accessories that will certainly help you

Backpack style camera bag

capture a wider range of photographs.

Tripod (with a quick release plate)

Plenty of storage cards for your camera

We do recommend you bring everything you

Polarising filter

think you might need, but not so much you

Neutral density filters (0.9x, 4.0x optional)

can’t carry it with you. You will be able to leave

Card reader and cable if necessary

equipment behind in the hotel at any time.

Laptop computer (Mac or PC)

External back-up drives

Photoshop, Lightroom or Capture One

Mouse or stylus/tablet

Hat, sunscreen

Saint Stephen in Montenegro


Romance of the Balkans


These terms and conditions relate to the photography tours and workshops organised by Pt 78 Pty Ltd [Pt78], ABN 75 003 152 136, trading as Better Photography, and run by Peter Eastway, the workshop leader, in association with Mehmet Ozbalci of Turfantastik Tours, Turkey.

RESERVATIONS Bookings can be made on the Better Photography website at in the online shop, or you can email Kim Valenti at, or call her on +612 4388 6851. The workshops are limited to a maximum of 12 participants (plus the workshop leaders). A mininum of 8 participants is required for the workshop to run. Workshop places will be confirmed in order of receipt, payment or deposit.

PRICE Romance of the Balkans and the Adriatic 15 days/14 nights 18 April - 2 May 2020 € 6,995 Single Room Supplement € 650 Deposit to secure place € 500 The price includes all transport from Sarajevo to Skopje.

PRICE INCLUDES/EXCLUDES • Accommodation in double/twin rooms in the kind of hotels as described in the itinerary.

• All breakfasts, lunches and dinners as per itinerary. • Water, tea or regular coffee, soft drinks (like Coke, Fanta, mineral water, fruit juice in the can) at lunches and dinners. • All admission fees to the museums and places to visit in the itinerary. • English speaking photo guide and local guides. • Comfortable A/C van, driver, gas, parking etc.. • Bottled water in the vehicle. • Boat rides as per itinerary. • Arrival and departure airport transfers only on the official start and departure days of the tour (April 18 and May 2). The order of the visits and sites to photograph, as well as the itinerary, can be changed depending on the circumstances like weather, light, crowd, availability, closing / opening hours, domestic flight schedule etc… The price does not include: International air fares to Sarajavo and from Skopje, tips to the bell boys at hotels, gratuities to the local guide and the driver, travel insurance.

DEPOSIT & PAYMENT Payment details are as follows: 1. A deposit upon booking to reserve your place of €500 (or equivalent in AUS $). 2. Final payment by 18 January 2020.

CANCELLATIONS & REFUNDS Should you wish to cancel your booking, you must advise us in writing (email is fine). We try to have a fair refund policy that works for both you and us: • Deposits are refundable, up to 90 days prior to the event. If you don’t request a refund of your deposit 90 days out or longer, we will assume you wish to come and the full balance is payable. • if you are cancelling more than 90 days from the workshop date, we will refund your deposit in full; • if the workshop is not full and, after your cancellation, we still have the minimum number of bookings to run, we will refund your deposit in full; • if the workshop is full, and we have turned away other customers, and you are cancelling within 90 days of the workshop date, we won’t refund you unless your place is filled by someone else; • if after you cancel your booking the workshop numbers fall below the minimum number required to run, and you are cancelling within 90 days, we won’t refund you. No part refunds are made for unused portions or services of a workshop.

HEALTH REQUIREMENTS The workshop is designed to be suitable for people of all ages in good health and

Romance of the Balkans

moderate fitness. While activities are not strenuous, on some workshops we may be taking hikes for several kilometres on tracks in National Park and wilderness areas, which may involve short steep descents and climbs. We will comply with the National Parks’ safety requirements, but these are a wilderness areas and you need to be careful when you are in them. It will be necessary to carry your own camera equipment and water for these activities. Should you have any concerns about your own capabilities and/or fitness, please contact your doctor to discuss before booking your place. You are required to disclose any medical or physical condition that you have which could create a risk for you or any other participants. We assume no responsibility for medical care nor guarantee to meet any special dietary requirements.

INSURANCE: We have public liability insurance, but we have no insurance for par ticipants, their health, their equipment or personal belongings. We strongly advise you to obtain your own insurances suitable for your needs.

LIMITED LIABILITY As we are a small company, we are not in a position to insure your travel arrangements with Turfantastik Tours. If Turfantastik Tours were unable to provide the services for which you have contracted and paid, Pt78 will not be liable to you for

any loss you incur. We strongly suggest you take out travel insurance. In such an unlikely event, we would naturally refund the tuition component of the course. We are not opting out of our responsiblities to you, only those over which we have no control. We are asking you to take the same risk you would were you to book your travel directly with Turfantastik Tours.

RESPONSIBILITY The responsibility of Pt78 is strictly limited. As a tour/workshop operator, Pt78 may organise, promote, and sell programs consisting of services that it purchases from various suppliers. Pt78 does not own or operate any of these suppliers and as such is not responsible for any negligent or wilful act or failure or omission of any supplier. By taking part in the tour/workshop, you agree that Pt78 shall not be liable for the above failings. Pt78 cannot accept responsibility for losses or extra expenses caused by, but not limited to, delay or changes in any transportation services, weather, illness, injury, strike, quarantine or other causes. All such losses or expenses will be the sole responsibility of the participant. Pt78 reserves the right to cancel any workshop prior to commencement, whereupon paid funds will be refunded in full, but is not liable for any other trip preparation expenses such as, but not limited to, air ticket penalties, visa fees and medical treatments. Pt78 reserves the right to substitute accommodations (if any) of similar

category for those indicated and to make any changes in the itinerary or transport where deemed necessary. Where weather conditions or forces of nature restrict or prohibit workshop activities, it reserves the right to alter the trip program and substitute alternative activities. Prior to commencement of any workshop, an Acceptance of Risk Release form is a term of sale. The Acceptance of Risk release must be agreed to by each participant prior to the commencement of the workshop. No alterations to the Acceptance of Risk Release will be accepted. If a participant attends a workshop without signing an Acceptance of Risk Release, their attendance confirms their acceptance of all parts of these Terms and Conditions, and the Acceptance of Risk Release. These Terms and Conditions, and the Acceptance of Risk release, shall be governed in all respects by and interpreted in accordance with the law within New South Wales, Australia. That’s it! Any special requests, please let us know beforehand!


Romance of the Balkans


Romance of the Balkans


Romance of the Balkans



Romance of the Balkans and the Adriatic Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia 18 April – 2 May 2020

For more information and bookings, contact Peter Eastway at or his assistant Kim Valenti -

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