These poses are suggestions only. Use your common sense and adjust the poses to suit your particularly needs. If you are unsure about the suitability of these postures please seek the advice of your yoga teacher.
Supta Baddha Konasana is a wonderful way to open your hips and chest. Excellent for fatigue, menstrual cramp, stress and mid to late pregnancy. Use a rolled up blanket under each knee if the sensation in the hips is too strong.
Savasana Using a bolster on your thighs while practising savasana is helpful for relieving tension in the lower back. The weight of the bolster helps you to surrender to gravity.
These poses are good for helping to release the emotions stored in the body during depression and grieving. They are also a powerful tonic for congested lungs.
Supported adho mukha svanasana is a good way to enjoy the stretch provided by dog pose when your energy is low. The forehead rests gently on the bolster.
This supine twist is helpful when recovering from illness, for migraine and tension headaches and for constipation. Be sure to practise both sides for equal length of time.
FOR A COMPLAINING BACK If your back has been ‘spasming’ or ‘locked’ a prolonged stay in either of these poses may be helpful. Be sure to align the spine well. In the pose on the left the belt is placed firmly around the knees and the feet are turned inward. For the pose on the right use a table, bolster and blankets (as necessary) to ensure that the spine is at right angles to the legs. Keep feet parallel and hip width apart.
Both of these passive backbends are a suitable alternative to an active backbend practice. The bolster provides support and brings awareness to the heart and breath.