"expanding art" architectural design
e historic centre orkshop 28 - 31 10 6 12 2014
School Professor Tutor Team
UNIGE | IUAV Alberto Bertagna | Sara Marini Giovanni Carli Cristina Baggio | Verdiana Chiesatto | Sara Dotto | Chiara Paone
How many stories do we live every day? How many stories do we look at everyday? How many stories do we forget every day? How wonderful is what lays before us? How wonderful is what walks with us? How wonderful is tomorrow? We live inside a a wonderful story, a novel of real and fantastic characters, material and intangible, a new and an old novel, sacred and secular, a novel with a plot continuously written, perpetually re-written, endlessly over-written. This is the story of the wonders of a future that walks down enlightened streets, this is the story of a path that is full of light, this the story of the richness of a world that produces and dreams. This is the story of a space nourished of wonders. This is the story of a space embroidered of wonders. This is the story of a space for trading wonders This is the story of a space for painting wonders. This is the story of a factory of wonders. This is Ars in Fabrica. This is its story. An empty space is not only a space waiting for new functions, it is a space that asks for a new story within the city that hosts it. A new over-written story can tell a new urban destiny. A road lights up the city. The new volume does not matter: Medieval machines with archeological gears are technological containers for the re-activation of the existing building. They are interpretations for underlining what there is already: they are new objects of light. The sacred Art comes back for occupying the former prison, and the former monastery, and for being admired as production and post-production. Expanses of sacred food, piously cultivated with respect for the earth, consumed on site or virtually elaborated, invade the old prison. New habits, sewn from elderly residents, become objects of desire. Handmade products of the Past and of the Present are admired in their realization’s processes. But this the real story of Ars in Fabrica. Something else is its admirable story.
Provincia di Potenza
Regione Basilicata
Ordine Architettti PPC di Potenza