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Figure 2.20 Trust in institutions (Eurobarometer)

page 104

Table A8.1 Country exchange rate groupings

page 135

Table A7.6 Unemployment volatility and institutional variables

page 134

Box 2.15 Screening and selecting measures of trust

page 102

Box 2.14 Poland’s successful weathering of the crisis

page 101

Figure 2.9 Ease of doing business score and output resilience

page 96

Box 2.4 Zimbabwe’s attempts to control the real exchange rate

page 79

Box 2.3 Eurozone institutional “architecture”

page 78

Figure 2.3 Correlation patterns across national business cycles (quarterly GDP, 2000–2017)

page 85

Figure 2.10 Cross-country differences in ease of doing business scores and their changes over time

page 97

Figure 2.2 Population movements contribute little to economic convergence

page 77

Box 2.1 The European Monetary System

pages 72-74

Figure O.5 Shift in the geography of those under €23 per day towards Southern Europe. Half of this population continues to be found in Central Europe however

page 21

Figure 2.1 Conceptual framework: Shocks the real exchange rate, institutions and inclusive growth

page 71

Convergence, business cycle synchronization and the real exchange rate

page 28


page 9

Table O.1: “Heatmap” of outcomes and institutions that support resilience in the EU (2004–14)

page 27

Fiscal policy

page 61

Countries and Regions

page 10
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