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Sub-Saharan Africa’s Experience with Participatory Budgeting 221

Ensure commitment by local authorities Commitment by both elected and appointed officials ofthe local authority is vital to the success ofparticipatory practices.In countries in which both councillors and officials are committed to involving all stakeholders in the decision-making processes ofthe local authority (Mozambique,Tanzania, and Uganda),citizen participation in municipal governance issues has been enhanced and the participation process is more sustainable and meaningful.Traditional leaders,as custodians ofcommunity values,also need to be taken on board and factored into participatory processes.

Central government support for participatory approaches is also necessary,as it lends legitimacy to the process.Its support is manifested in legalprovisions for participation,government policies,and facilita-tive institutions.

Include all stakeholders and accommodate diversity Careful identification ofall key stakeholders to ensure broad-based representation ofall segments ofsociety,including disadvantaged and vulnerable groups,is essential in facilitating the participatory process.Countries that have adopted a systematic approach that includes all sectors ofthe community have enhanced ownership ofthe process by the community.The community must be part ofdriving the process ifit is to be sustainable.In order to accommodate diversity,it may be necessary to adopt different strategies for the various groupings so that each may participate in the way that is most appropriate.

Give citizens plenty oftime to prepare Consultation with civil society must occur well in advance ofmeetings,so that citizens have the opportunity to discuss their needs and priorities. Citizens need time to be able to provide meaningful input into the budget.

Citizens need to be notified ofmeetings well in advance,so that they have plenty oftime to make their travel plans.Meetings should be scheduled at times that are convenient for people who work during the day.


In all the countries reviewed here,local government is recognized as a sphere ofgovernment in its own right,with powers to manage its own fiscal revenues and expenditures.Each country has legislation governing the local sphere. Some have made civic participation mandatory,requiring local authorities to cooperate with citizens and give them the opportunity to be part ofdecisionmaking processes.

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