The Little Data Book on Africa 2010

Page 1

From Africa Development Indicators

The Little Data Book on Africa

10 Basic indicators

Human development

National accounts

Agriculture, rural development, and environment

Millennium Development Goals

Labor, migration, and population

Paris Declaration indicators


Private sector development



Capable states and partnership


Household welfare



Copyright © 2010 by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/THE WORLD BANK 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 U.S.A. All rights reserved Manufactured in the United States of America First printing 2010 This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this volume do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of The World Bank or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. Rights and permissions The material in this publication is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work without permission may be a violation of applicable law. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank encourages dissemination of its work and will normally grant permission to reproduce portions of the work promptly. For permission to photocopy or reprint any part of this work, please send a request with complete information to the Copyright Clearance Center Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA; telephone: 978–750–8400; fax: 978–750–4470; Internet: All other queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to the Office of the Publisher, The World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA; fax: 202–522–2422; e-mail: pubrights@ To order Africa Development Indicators 2010, The Little Data Book on Africa 2010, or Africa Development Indicators 2010—Multiple User CD-ROM, please visit To subscribe to ADI Online, please visit For more information about Africa Development Indicators and its companion products, please visit or e-mail ADI@worldbank. org. ISBN: 978-0-8213-8255-4 e-ISBN: 978-0-8213-8274-5 DOI: 10.1596/978-0-8213-8255-4 SKU: 18255 The Little Data Book on Africa 2010 is a product of the Africa Region of the World Bank. Editing, design, and layout by Communications Development Incorporated, Washington, D.C. Cover design by Peter Grundy Art & Design, London, UK.

Contents Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Users guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi Country tables (in alphabetical order) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Algeria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Angola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Benin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Botswana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Burkina Faso. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Burundi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Cameroon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Cape Verde. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Central African Republic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Chad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Comoros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Congo, Dem. Rep.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Congo, Rep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Côte d’Ivoire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Djibouti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Egypt, Arab Rep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Equatorial Guinea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Eritrea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Ethiopia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Gabon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Gambia, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Ghana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Guinea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Guinea-Bissau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Kenya. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Lesotho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Liberia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Libya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Madagascar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Malawi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Mali . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Mauritania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Mauritius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Morocco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Mozambique. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Namibia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Niger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Nigeria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Rwanda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 São Tomé and Príncipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Senegal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Seychelles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Sierra Leone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Somalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 South Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Sudan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Swaziland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Tanzania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Togo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Tunisia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Uganda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Zambia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Zimbabwe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

The Little Data Book on Africa



Acknowledgments The Little Data Book on Africa 2010 is a product of the Africa Region of the World Bank. Jorge Saba Arbache was the director of this book and its companions—Africa Development Indicators 2010, ADI Online, and Africa Development Indicators 2010—Multiple User CD-ROM. Rose Mungai led the work on data management, consistency checks, and compilation and provided overall data quality assurance. Jane Njuguna coordinated all stages of production. The core team included Mehdi Akhlaghi, Francoise Genouille, Jane Njuguna, Mpho Chinyolo, and Christophe Rockmore. The overall work was carried out under the guidance of Shantayanan Devarajan, Chief Economist of the Africa Region. Meta de Coquereaumont, Christopher Trott, and Elaine Wilson of Communications Development Incorporated provided design, editing, and layout.



The Little Data Book on Africa

Introduction The Little Data Book on Africa 2010 is a pocket edition of Africa Development Indicators 2010. It contains some 115 key indicators on economics, human development, governance, and partnership and is intended as a quick reference for users of the Africa Development Indicators 2010 book and ADI Online. The country tables present the latest available data for World Bank member countries in Africa.

The Little Data Book on Africa



Users guide Aggregates Aggregates data are based on the World Bank’s regional classification for Sub-Saharan Africa and North Africa, which may differ from common geographic usage. Former Spanish Sahara is not included in any aggregates. Statistics Data are for the most recent year available, usually 2008, as economies were constituted in 2007. Consistent time-series data for 1961–2008 are available on Africa Development Indicators CD-ROM and ADI Online. Data for some indicators, including macroeconomic statistics, Doing Business indicators, investment climate indicators, governance and anticorruption indicators, and Country Policy and Institutional Assessment ratings, are for 2009 or 2010. Symbols .. means that data are not available or that aggregates cannot be calculated because of missing data in the years shown. < is less than. — is not applicable. $ means current U.S. dollars, unless otherwise noted. 0 or 0.0 means zero or small enough that the number would round to zero at the displayed number of decimal places. Data presentation conventions A billion is 1,000 million. Growth rates are in real terms, unless otherwise specified. Data availability, reliability, and comparability Considerable effort has been made to harmonize the data, but full comparability cannot be assured, and care must be taken in interpreting indicators. Many factors affect data availability, reliability, and comparability. Data coverage may be incomplete because of circumstances affecting the collection and reporting of data, such as conflicts. Although drawn from sources thought to be the most authoritative, data should be construed as indicating trends and characterizing differences across economies. Discrepancies in data presented in different editions of The Little Data Book on Africa reflect updates from countries as well as revisions to historical series and changes in methodology. Readers are therefore advised not to compare data series between editions or across World Bank publications. The cutoff date for data is September 30, 2009, except for data on official development assistance, for which the cutoff date is December 8, 2009.



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country tables

The Little Data Book on Africa



Algeria Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($)

Country data 34.4 1.5 4,260

North Africa 163.7 1.6 3,051

Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP)

73,006.1 173.9 3.0 2,191 1.5 231 4.4 9.2 72.2 23.7 .. 6.2 44.8 34.6 4.1

98,134.8 563.1 5.8 2,157 4.1 159 — 10.4 45.2 40.3 9.3 0.9 30.8 9.5 17.7

71.5 27.9 27.9 109.7 .. 24.0 .. 14.0 24 12.1 47 630 6 451 72.0 16.8 16.8 41 49.1 5.1 70.2 4.5 –7.8 12.9 64.7 .. 0.9 46.7 50.1 48.1 13.8 36.8 6.9 116.4 135 1,390.7 59.1 24.5 188.8 85.0 2.4 .. .. 2,120.0

45.5 23.4 23.9 106.3 .. .. 20.5 9.0 14 12.5 51 705 6 379 54.9 9.8 9.8 42 70.2 5.4 68.0 7.0 .. 34.4 — — — — — — — — .. 893.4 143 2,483.8 46.4 36.9 .. 85.0 .. 18,544.3 12,090.6 18,238.0

Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country data Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

North Africa

34.8 47.8 49.3 72.3 .. .. 32.8 37.0 .. 117.4 .. 92.0 .. 0.1 <1.0 1.1 95.1 24.0 92.5 .. 59.7 80.7 38.1 48.3 66.2 29.8 87.0 81.0 87.0 98.0 90.5 38.0 81.4 10.3 ..

47.2 53.9 .. 71.1 .. .. 29.8 34.6 .. .. .. 95.8 .. .. .. .. .. 25.9 .. .. 53.2 77.8 28.8 37.1 51.6 22.1 96.0 87.2 59.3 89.9 72.2 50.1 59.0 20.9 ..

.. 3.2 –0.4 –1.1 –1.2 –0.5 –0.8 –0.7 2.0

— — — — — — — — —

316.0 0.2 9.2 241.3 –23.3 98.0 2.7 .. ..

3,420.2 0.6 20.9 2,112.9 168.1 1,139.3 7.0 — —




Country Sub-Saharan data Africa

Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($)

18.0 2.7 3,450

819.3 2.5 1,091

Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP)

66,883.3 83.4 14.8 1,357 11.8 341 12.5 10.1 86.3 3.7 15.9 .. 51.4 50.2 21.5

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)

62.6 12.3 1.8 .. .. .. 6.4 8 68 151.1 184 1,011 5 272 53.2 .. .. 66 .. .. 10.4 4.1 –6.3 12.7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2.2 36.6 31 490.3 89.5 39.3 .. .. 1.1 –1,805.1 0.0 ..

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

43.3 91.4 65.6 47.3 .. 58.6 115.7 158.0 47.3 .. .. 88.0 .. 2.1 11.0 0.1 .. .. 72.2 .. 83.0 89.9 76.4 79.1 86.0 72.3 62.0 39.0 16.0 79.0 38.2 .. 37.6 3.1 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

2.7 1.9 –1.2 –1.1 –0.4 –1.0 –0.9 –1.3 –2.0

— — — — — — — — —

368.8 0.4 20.5 184.0 34.2 150.6 .. .. ..

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —




Country Sub-Saharan data Africa

Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

8.7 3.2 690

819.3 2.5 1,091

60,387.5 6.7 5.1 359 1.8 215 7.9 .. .. .. .. .. 19.8 .. 15.8

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

.. .. .. .. .. .. 18.0 7.0 31 155.5 120 825 6 270 73.3 .. .. 40 .. .. 9.5 17.2 .. 20.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.4 0.0 1 1,257.9 .. .. .. .. 6.4 .. 186.2 224.0

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

58.8 86.7 62.8 61.6 29.0 38.6 77.8 123.4 .. 397.0 .. 61.0 .. 1.2 3.3 0.0 .. 43.6 52.4 .. 72.9 86.0 59.6 60.0 72.7 46.9 78.0 57.0 11.0 59.0 24.0 2.8 39.7 1.8 32.0

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

3.6 3.1 –0.4 0.3 0.4 –0.5 –0.5 –0.5 7.0

— — — — — — — — —

640.8 9.6 74.0 302.6 6.8 331.5 .. C B

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —



Botswana Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 1.9 1.3 6,470

819.3 2.5 1,091

22,884.3 13.0 –1.0 4,440 –2.2 153 12.7 1.6 43.3 47.3 19.8 .. 35.7 4.6 3.3

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

49.6 27.0 18.6 .. .. .. 21.0 10.0 61 2.1 16 687 7 140 17.1 .. .. 13 .. .. 32.6 4.6 –0.5 22.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.3 .. 250 554.8 45.7 41.1 69.3 .. 2.8 –32.3 80.0 141.2

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

40.4 59.8 56.3 50.6 .. .. 32.5 39.7 .. .. .. 90.0 .. 23.9 11.0 0.4 .. 24.2 94.1 .. 57.5 64.4 50.6 36.0 39.6 32.4 100.0 90.0 30.0 60.0 85.5 .. 78.0 4.2 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

.. 5.8 1.0 0.6 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.6 8.0

— — — — — — — — —

716.4 5.5 376.1 682.7 –1.5 35.1 28.7 .. ..

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —



Burkina Faso Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 15.2 2.9 480

819.3 2.5 1,091

29,050.6 7.9 4.5 263 1.5 199 10.7 .. .. .. .. .. 14.3 .. 21.6

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

.. .. .. 71.0 18.1 3.0 15.4 4.0 14 50.3 59 446 6 270 44.9 .. .. 21 .. .. 4.2 33.8 .. 18.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.5 73.7 4 1,148.2 .. .. .. .. 1.9 .. 43.6 50.0

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

80.4 93.0 66.1 52.2 46.4 39.6 104.1 190.7 .. .. .. 94.0 .. 1.6 9.2 0.1 37.1 47.7 39.3 84.0 85.3 90.7 79.9 77.0 80.9 73.1 97.0 66.0 6.0 41.0 11.7 .. 16.8 0.9 25.0

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

3.7 3.5 –0.4 –0.3 –0.1 –0.7 –0.3 –0.4 0.0

— — — — — — — — —

997.9 12.6 65.6 475.1 7.4 515.5 .. B B

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —



Burundi Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 8.1 3.0 140

819.3 2.5 1,091

45,288.0 1.2 4.5 111 1.4 129 24.1 .. .. .. –11.8 .. 25.2 .. 148.6

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

.. .. .. 114.5 15.2 1.9 17.7 11 32 151.6 94 832 4 140 278.6 .. .. 28 .. .. 10.4 48.0 –6.4 21.5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1.5 0.0 2 1,288.6 .. .. .. 73.7 2.6 0.5 0.2 0.2

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

89.6 71.7 62.2 50.6 .. 33.3 108.3 179.5 .. 615.0 .. 75.0 .. 2.0 11.0 0.0 39.2 52.0 73.3 90.0 90.5 90.9 90.2 87.7 86.8 88.6 84.0 70.0 41.0 44.0 6.3 .. 6.0 0.8 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

3.0 1.9 –1.0 –0.7 –1.4 –1.2 –1.2 –1.1 6.0

— — — — — — — — —

508.5 43.7 63.0 255.1 0.2 253.2 .. C A

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —



Cameroon Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 18.9 2.0 1,150

819.3 2.5 1,091

50,270.9 23.4 3.9 710 1.9 174 5.3 19.1 31.9 46.4 –2.6 .. 20.5 1.1 15.3

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

19.7 18.7 14.3 109.6 25.2 7.2 17.0 12.0 34 121.1 93 800 6 1,400 50.5 .. .. 39 .. .. 8.4 11.0 12.7 10.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.4 90.2 1 1,338.1 29.2 28.2 140.6 119.1 3.3 589.2 154.0 167.4

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

43.2 80.7 62.0 50.4 39.9 44.6 86.6 148.2 .. 669.0 .. 74.0 .. 5.1 39.0 0.2 55.5 44.4 .. 84.5 64.6 76.1 53.0 51.7 60.2 43.2 88.0 47.0 42.0 58.0 33.7 .. 32.6 3.0 22.0

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

3.2 4.0 –0.9 –1.0 –0.5 –0.8 –0.7 –1.0 –4.0

— — — — — — — — —

524.6 2.2 27.8 297.7 10.7 216.3 17.7 C B

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —



Cape Verde Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 0.5 1.4 3,130

819.3 2.5 1,091

429,181.8 1.7 6.0 1,632 4.5 213 6.8 8.1 16.7 75.2 –13.6 .. 23.0 –34.7 41.4

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

8.2 42.9 33.7 101.5 79.3 8.9 16.4 9.0 24 17.0 73 425 1 100 49.7 .. .. 46 .. .. 69.0 33.5 4.3 54.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6.1 .. 12 800.0 19.9 54.7 58.7 .. 9.0 191.5 138.5 138.9

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

40.4 70.2 59.7 71.2 .. 50.5 24.0 32.2 .. 14.6 .. 74.0 .. .. .. 0.5 86.2 24.9 97.3 103.8 62.7 76.9 49.8 45.3 59.9 30.7 .. .. .. .. 70.1 .. 55.7 20.6 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

4.2 5.1 0.8 1.0 0.9 0.1 0.0 0.5 ..

— — — — — — — — —

218.5 12.6 438.2 162.7 0.4 55.4 68.8 C B

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —



Central African Republic

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa

Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($)

4.4 1.8 410

819.3 2.5 1,091

Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP)

3,162.4 2.0 2.8 230 0.9 194 9.3 50.3 13.5 30.3 .. .. 10.5 –8.7 56.8

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)

1.6 10.3 6.6 73.6 .. .. .. 8.0 22 244.9 75 660 6 504 203.8 .. .. 50 .. .. .. 3.9 12.8 7.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.1 .. 0 1,092.3 14.4 23.1 72.5 123.8 5.5 .. .. ..

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

61.4 81.1 61.2 44.7 .. 43.6 112.9 171.9 .. 543.0 .. 62.0 .. 6.3 11.0 0.1 30.5 91.1 58.5 .. 77.1 87.5 67.3 70.2 77.4 63.1 90.0 51.0 25.0 40.0 .. .. 3.5 0.4 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

2.5 2.0 –0.9 –1.0 –1.8 –1.5 –1.3 –1.4 –1.0

— — — — — — — — —

256.4 13.0 58.0 128.5 0.2 127.7 375.0 D B

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —




Country Sub-Saharan data Africa

Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($)

11.1 2.8 530

819.3 2.5 1,091

Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP)

6,639.7 8.4 –0.4 251 –3.1 301 10.3 19.0 34.9 28.6 .. .. 9.6 10.2 25.6

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)

25.2 14.1 6.4 74.0 18.8 .. 10.1 19.0 75 176.7 44 743 6 122 60.9 .. .. 33 .. .. 0.8 3.2 13.0 3.7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.8 .. 0 1,210.9 44.0 33.8 100.0 .. 1.1 .. .. ..

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

73.3 94.8 65.5 50.6 .. 39.8 124.0 209.0 .. 1,099.0 .. 23.0 .. 3.5 14.0 0.0 30.4 60.4 44.4 64.3 74.5 76.8 72.3 55.9 54.2 57.6 71.0 40.0 4.0 23.0 .. .. 16.3 1.2 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

2.5 1.6 –1.5 –1.5 –1.9 –1.5 –1.3 –1.6 –2.0

— — — — — — — — —

416.2 5.0 37.6 277.5 0.4 138.4 85.7 C ..

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —



Comoros Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 0.6 2.4 750

819.3 2.5 1,091

284,853.1 0.5 1.0 370 –1.4 223 .. 45.8 12.0 .. .. .. 16.8 –24.2 62.6

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

–8.1 16.1 8.1 .. .. .. 24.1 11.0 24 182.1 24 506 6 100 41.1 .. .. 40 .. .. 76.5 47.3 1.4 11.5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 1,312.5 12.8 36.9 100.0 .. 4.9 .. .. 12.0

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%)

71.9 70.3 58.4 65.1 .. 64.3 49.4 65.8 .. 380.0 .. 65.0 .. <0.1 .. 0.2 .. 35.0 89.5 .. 74.0 83.4 64.5 .. .. .. 91.0 81.0 26.0 49.0 .. .. 6.4 3.5 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic)

2.3 2.5 –0.8 –0.4 –1.0 –1.9 –1.5 –1.0 9.0

— — — — — — — — —

Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

37.3 7.0 57.9 20.8 1.2 15.2 58.2 .. ..

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —

The Little Data Book on Africa



Congo, Dem. Rep. Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 64.2 2.9 150

819.3 2.5 1,091

5,111.6 11.6 6.2 99 3.2 183 16.9 38.9 26.0 29.8 .. .. 18.5 –10.1 123.4

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

6.9 17.0 10.1 85.1 33.4 4.1 .. 13.0 149 391.0 57 625 3 308 322.0 .. .. 63 .. .. 1.8 6.8 .. 3.7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.1 .. 4 772.7 23.2 33.3 134.5 31.6 7.6 .. .. ..

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%)

66.0 98.4 67.0 46.4 71.3 44.4 107.7 161.4 74.0 1,289.0 .. 79.0 .. .. .. 0.1 50.7 38.3 70.4 73.4 72.9 90.8 55.4 71.8 81.9 61.8 82.0 29.0 25.0 42.0 14.5 .. 14.4 0.5 26.0

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

2.7 1.7 –1.3 –1.5 –2.3 –1.9 –1.4 –1.7 5.0

— — — — — — — — —

Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) 1,609.8 Net ODA (% of GDP) 13.9 Net ODA per capita ($) 25.1 Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) 944.4 Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) 7.9 Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) 657.4 Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) 126.1 PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) D PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F) B

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —

Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic)

The Little Data Book on Africa



Congo, Rep. Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 3.6 1.8 1,970

819.3 2.5 1,091

31,329.5 10.7 5.6 1,214 3.7 244 7.3 5.0 59.8 35.1 –28.5 .. 51.4 30.1 67.4

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

57.2 26.7 15.8 105.9 .. .. 8.1 10.0 37 86.5 116 560 6 606 65.5 .. 31.4 63 8.5 25.3 5.0 5.1 24.9 3.5 65.0 32.3 44.1 40.9 44.8 71.1 24.5 51.5 0.4 .. 14 798.3 73.0 42.9 .. .. 1.4 2,638.4 5.7 14.8

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

38.7 80.1 61.5 53.7 50.7 47.3 78.9 125.4 .. 781.0 .. 67.0 .. 3.5 6.4 0.2 72.3 58.5 .. .. 69.4 83.7 55.4 58.4 69.1 47.7 95.0 35.0 21.0 19.0 .. .. 50.0 4.3 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

2.7 1.9 –1.2 –1.2 –0.6 –1.3 –1.2 –1.2 –4.0

— — — — — — — — —

505.0 4.7 139.7 420.8 0.6 83.6 11.0 .. ..

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —



Côte d’Ivoire Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 20.6 2.3 980

819.3 2.5 1,091

73,628.8 23.4 2.2 530 –0.1 215 6.3 23.7 25.3 51.0 –0.7 –0.8 20.2 4.8 70.4

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

14.8 10.1 7.1 72.1 .. 7.9 21.5 10.0 40 133.3 62 770 6 270 44.7 16.6 31.2 33 20.9 4.5 8.1 25.2 .. 16.3 75.0 35.3 53.8 30.5 66.6 39.8 6.1 26.7 1.1 227.7 33 1,710.4 51.1 46.3 76.8 123.3 7.7 426.9 2.1 179.4

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

51.2 80.7 60.8 57.8 .. 48.4 89.1 126.5 .. 543.0 .. 67.0 .. 3.9 38.0 0.1 44.7 41.0 60.7 .. 63.4 85.7 39.9 55.8 75.9 35.6 98.0 66.0 12.0 38.0 52.5 17.4 50.7 3.2 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

2.7 2.0 –1.2 –1.2 –1.9 –1.4 –0.9 –1.5 0.0

— — — — — — — — —

616.5 2.6 29.9 192.9 4.3 419.3 32.4 E B

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —



Djibouti Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 0.8 1.8 1,130

819.3 2.5 1,091

37,734.5 0.9 3.9 849 2.1 122 .. 3.5 15.4 72.4 –21.0 .. .. –20.8 57.8

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

18.1 38.9 26.2 55.5 29.5 2.6 22.8 11.0 37 195.1 40 1,225 5 114 38.7 .. .. 46 .. .. 45.0 13.2 7.9 27.8 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 62 1,666.6 59.2 80.0 .. .. 5.9 195.4 3.5 28.6

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

12.7 66.1 58.2 54.8 .. 40.0 84.4 127.4 .. .. .. 74.0 .. 3.1 1.1 0.2 .. 35.5 .. 80.0 70.4 79.8 61.0 54.6 65.4 43.7 98.0 54.0 11.0 76.0 .. .. .. .. ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

3.1 .. –0.3 –1.1 –0.1 –1.0 –0.8 –0.5 2.0

— — — — — — — — —

120.9 13.8 142.6 65.9 9.9 45.1 52.8 .. ..

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —



Egypt, Arab Rep. Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country data 81.5 1.8 1,800

North Africa 163.7 1.6 3,051

163,562.4 162.8 7.1 1,784 5.1 112 18.3 14.3 37.0 50.4 0.3 –4.6 24.9 –6.6 23.3

98,134.8 563.1 5.8 2,157 4.1 159 — 10.4 45.2 40.3 9.3 0.9 30.8 9.5 17.7

17.2 23.7 20.2 104.7 .. .. 12.6 6.0 7 16.1 72 1,010 8 480 43.0 8.7 8.7 27 142.7 8.7 81.0 9.3 0.0 42.8 7.3 .. 0.0 49.5 25.0 19.8 27.1 30.6 100.0 4,455.3 330 7,662.9 37.7 44.2 100.1 .. 17.2 10,913.3 7,655.8 7,655.8

45.5 23.4 23.9 106.3 .. .. 20.5 9.0 14 12.5 51 705 6 379 54.9 9.8 9.8 42 70.2 5.4 68.0 7.0 .. 34.4 — — — — — — — — .. 893.4 143 2,483.8 46.4 36.9 .. 85.0 .. 18,544.3 12,090.6 18,238.0

Country data

North Africa

Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%)

57.3 58.7 53.6 70.2 16.7 32.1 29.9 36.2 78.9 84.0 .. 97.0 .. .. <0.5 2.4 98.5 27.1 84.9 .. 50.2 74.8 25.7 29.5 40.8 17.9 99.0 98.0 52.0 85.0 65.4 67.7 50.6 15.4 ..

47.2 53.9 .. 71.1 .. .. 29.8 34.6 .. .. .. 95.8 .. .. .. .. .. 25.9 .. .. 53.2 77.8 28.8 37.1 51.6 22.1 96.0 87.2 59.3 89.9 72.2 50.1 59.0 20.9 ..

Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic)

.. 2.8 –0.7 –1.2 –0.7 –0.4 –0.2 –0.1 –3.0

— — — — — — — — —

Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) 1,348.4 Net ODA (% of GDP) 0.8 Net ODA per capita ($) 16.5 Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) 959.8 Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) 114.5 Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) 274.1 Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) 7.7 PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) .. PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F) B

3,420.2 0.6 20.9 2,112.9 168.1 1,139.3 7.0 — —

The Little Data Book on Africa



Equatorial Guinea Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 0.7 2.6 14,980

819.3 2.5 1,091

660,431.4 18.5 11.3 8,692 8.4 323 6.6 2.0 95.0 2.3 .. .. .. 46.1 ..

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

72.8 28.2 11.4 124.2 .. .. 4.0 20.0 136 100.4 23 553 6 296 59.5 .. .. 66 .. .. .. 10.3 16.4 4.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 .. 78.3 32.1 .. 170.9 1.3 .. .. ..

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%)

60.6 79.2 61.2 50.5 .. .. 123.6 206.0 .. .. .. 51.0 .. 3.4 .. 0.3 66.7 27.6 94.9 .. 68.7 93.8 44.2 68.8 88.6 49.0 45.0 42.0 46.0 60.0 .. .. 52.5 1.8 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic)

.. 1.7 –1.6 –1.9 –0.1 –1.4 –1.4 –1.3 –5.0

— — — — — — — — —

Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

37.6 0.2 57.1 24.1 0.1 13.5 7.7 .. ..

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —

The Little Data Book on Africa




Country Sub-Saharan data Africa

Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

5.0 3.2 300

819.3 2.5 1,091

16,375.5 1.7 2.0 147 –1.2 224 .. 23.3 18.4 54.1 .. .. 21.8 –28.2 63.7

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

–17.7 10.6 1.2 54.9 29.2 .. .. 13.0 84 76.5 101 405 4 216 84.5 .. .. 20 .. .. 21.8 4.0 .. 25.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3.5 0.2 7 454.0 6.3 34.5 98.3 .. 2.1 .. .. 3.0

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%)

79.3 78.4 62.3 57.9 .. .. 45.6 70.4 .. .. .. 95.0 .. 1.3 2.6 0.1 46.4 47.9 77.9 77.8 71.2 86.9 56.5 68.6 79.8 57.6 74.0 57.0 3.0 14.0 3.0 .. 2.2 3.0 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic)

2.3 2.6 –0.4 –2.2 –0.8 –1.4 –2.1 –1.2 –7.0

— — — — — — — — —

143.1 8.7 28.6 52.5 6.9 83.8 36.4 .. ..

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —

Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa



Ethiopia Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 80.7 2.6 280

819.3 2.5 1,091

26,487.3 26.5 11.3 190 8.5 173 44.4 39.8 11.7 41.7 –4.3 .. 12.5 –17.0 13.6

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

3.8 20.8 5.9 90.8 30.5 2.7 23.3 5.0 9 18.9 41 620 4 198 31.1 .. .. 28 .. .. 12.8 4.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2.5 139.5 2 1,720.4 11.6 28.6 82.9 .. 4.7 222.0 355.9 357.8

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%)

83.0 88.7 64.1 55.4 44.2 29.8 75.2 118.6 .. 673.0 .. 65.0 .. 2.1 67.0 0.0 46.3 46.0 49.9 82.6 86.9 91.8 82.1 76.7 81.4 72.1 96.0 31.0 8.0 27.0 5.1 .. 3.9 0.4 33.0

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

3.4 2.6 –0.7 –1.3 –1.8 –0.4 –0.9 –0.6 1.0

— — — — — — — — —

Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) 3,327.5 Net ODA (% of GDP) 12.6 Net ODA per capita ($) 41.2 Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) 1,839.0 Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) 35.4 Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) 1,453.1 Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) 110.9 PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) B PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F) A

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —

Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic)

The Little Data Book on Africa




Country Sub-Saharan data Africa

Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

1.4 1.8 7,240

819.3 2.5 1,091

56,021.1 14.4 2.1 4,157 0.2 240 5.3 4.6 73.7 21.7 .. .. 32.1 39.0 49.7

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

66.3 27.3 23.0 .. .. .. .. 9.0 58 17.8 39 1,070 6 272 44.7 3.8 10.3 52 34.5 7.8 10.2 3.6 9.3 8.6 41.4 41.3 34.1 30.9 30.4 58.0 16.4 42.7 1.4 84.6 29 1,663.4 77.2 38.2 185.7 109.8 1.9 .. 1.5 11.0

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%)

15.0 69.7 57.6 60.7 .. 41.5 60.0 91.0 .. 519.0 .. 55.0 .. 5.9 2.3 0.3 .. 36.0 97.0 .. 72.8 81.5 64.1 60.5 66.5 54.4 95.0 47.0 30.0 37.0 84.1 .. 89.8 6.2 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic)

.. 3.1 –1.1 –0.8 0.2 –0.7 –0.7 –0.6 –4.0

— — — — — — — — —

Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

54.5 0.4 37.6 37.6 0.7 16.2 4.8 .. B

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —

The Little Data Book on Africa



Gambia, The Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 1.7 2.8 390

819.3 2.5 1,091

78,152.4 0.8 5.9 374 3.0 126 4.5 24.7 13.0 48.8 –8.2 .. 21.0 –18.9 113.9

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

6.2 .. .. 83.4 48.6 .. 8.9 8.0 27 215.1 371 434 2 376 292.4 .. .. 27 .. .. 19.3 37.4 21.0 16.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.6 5.0 3 1,299.6 30.1 49.0 71.2 68.3 6.6 68.5 45.7 47.3

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%)

43.6 82.8 61.1 56.1 61.3 47.3 81.5 108.6 .. 730.0 .. 85.0 .. 0.9 .. 0.1 69.0 40.9 .. 103.4 77.2 83.7 70.8 62.3 71.9 52.7 91.0 81.0 55.0 50.0 73.2 .. 70.2 6.9 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic)

3.2 1.9 –0.8 –1.0 0.1 –0.8 –0.4 –0.3 –5.0

— — — — — — — — —

Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

93.8 12.0 56.5 27.8 4.4 61.6 76.0 .. ..

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —

The Little Data Book on Africa




Country Sub-Saharan data Africa

Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

23.4 2.1 670

819.3 2.5 1,091

70,859.8 16.1 6.2 327 4.0 211 16.5 32.2 26.1 41.7 –14.4 –7.7 22.8 –26.3 29.9

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

5.6 32.0 18.1 103.7 53.3 5.8 .. 8.0 33 26.4 34 487 7 224 32.7 6.8 6.8 27 24.4 9.7 14.9 25.3 .. .. 38.8 59.8 0.9 30.6 66.2 86.2 1.7 4.6 0.5 126.5 9 1,327.5 36.8 63.2 107.9 109.2 4.5 970.4 117.4 117.4

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%)

50.0 73.3 59.1 56.8 28.5 42.8 73.2 115.2 .. .. 28.0 95.0 .. 1.9 21.0 0.2 77.7 32.0 77.8 95.4 73.8 74.0 73.6 50.3 50.4 50.2 90.0 71.0 6.0 15.0 50.2 6.9 49.6 4.3 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

3.9 3.6 –0.1 0.5 0.1 –0.1 0.1 –0.1 8.0

— — — — — — — — —

Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) 1,293.3 Net ODA (% of GDP) 8.0 Net ODA per capita ($) 55.4 Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) 723.2 Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) 6.2 Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) 564.0 Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) 59.0 PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) B PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F) A

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —

Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic)

The Little Data Book on Africa




Country Sub-Saharan data Africa

Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($)

9.8 2.3 390

819.3 2.5 1,091

Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP)

17,361.7 4.3 8.4 417 6.0 104 18.4 7.5 33.0 54.9 –10.0 .. 12.6 –2.2 71.6

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)

10.5 12.7 9.9 90.8 37.6 .. 25.6 13.0 41 139.2 104 276 6 416 49.9 .. .. 24 .. .. 9.8 18.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5.4 13.3 27 1,436.8 27.8 30.0 90.2 .. 3.2 385.9 15.1 150.7

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

65.6 85.7 62.7 58.1 .. 43.3 92.6 150.3 .. 980.0 .. 71.0 .. 1.6 4.5 0.1 64.2 45.4 46.6 76.1 86.1 89.6 82.6 75.4 77.2 73.6 91.0 59.0 12.0 33.0 21.3 .. 26.4 0.9 37.0

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

3.0 1.6 –1.4 –1.3 –1.9 –1.4 –1.2 –1.6 –1.0

— — — — — — — — —

319.0 7.5 32.4 208.9 1.5 108.5 153.7 .. ..

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —



Guinea-Bissau Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 1.6 2.2 250

819.3 2.5 1,091

15,277.6 0.4 2.7 128 0.5 212 10.5 51.5 12.0 29.3 .. .. 16.8 –20.0 194.8

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

4.9 23.8 10.6 .. .. .. 11.9 16.0 213 323.0 211 1,140 6 208 45.9 .. .. 54 .. .. 27.9 12.3 .. 9.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4.5 .. 1 1,471.6 29.8 49.8 79.3 .. 1.2 .. 26.9 29.0

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

70.2 85.5 60.9 48.0 65.7 35.5 118.1 198.0 .. 405.0 .. 76.0 .. 1.8 1.1 0.1 .. 44.1 .. .. 72.7 91.3 54.8 74.5 84.9 64.2 82.0 47.0 26.0 48.0 32.0 .. 31.7 2.4 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

2.6 1.9 –1.2 –0.8 –0.4 –1.3 –1.2 –1.4 6.0

— — — — — — — — —

131.6 30.6 83.5 52.6 0.7 78.3 221.0 .. ..

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —




Country Sub-Saharan data Africa

Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

38.5 2.7 770

819.3 2.5 1,091

60,630.1 34.5 3.6 464 0.9 193 26.2 18.9 12.0 58.1 –4.1 –3.0 22.3 –14.1 27.3

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

10.6 24.7 20.4 112.6 52.8 3.5 17.9 12.0 34 36.5 64 465 3 417 49.7 12.0 12.0 17 40.5 7.3 14.1 11.1 –10.2 26.4 79.2 22.3 3.9 58.2 41.8 27.6 4.3 3.3 1.8 367.2 26 1,857.0 24.9 39.0 119.9 .. 21.9 691.7 645.2 1,588.0

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%)

78.4 83.2 64.1 54.1 45.9 .. 79.8 121.2 .. 414.0 .. 80.0 .. .. .. 0.1 .. 45.6 80.3 95.2 82.1 88.1 76.1 70.4 79.6 61.1 85.0 49.0 48.0 19.0 42.8 .. 42.1 8.7 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

3.6 3.5 –1.0 –0.2 –1.3 –0.6 –0.1 –1.0 7.0

— — — — — — — — —

Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) 1,360.4 Net ODA (% of GDP) 3.9 Net ODA per capita ($) 35.3 Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) 951.4 Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) 3.7 Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) 405.3 Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) 36.5 PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) C PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F) B

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —

Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic)

The Little Data Book on Africa



Lesotho Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 0 0.6 1,080

819.3 2.5 1,091

53,445.0 1.6 3.9 525 3.4 153 10.7 6.5 31.4 52.3 12.7 8.8 60.7 –63.4 40.7

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

–34.7 28.8 17.5 .. .. .. 29.8 7.0 40 27.0 101 695 2 324 18.5 5.4 4.4 14 13.9 7.2 18.3 19.6 6.0 10.9 46.7 33.2 33.5 47.1 28.6 44.3 11.3 16.5 0.9 .. 67 463.0 47.3 110.8 154.5 117.0 6.6 130.3 12.9 443.3

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

74.5 78.3 62.6 42.6 56.3 52.5 68.0 83.5 .. 762.0 .. 85.0 .. 23.2 18.0 0.1 .. 40.4 .. .. 72.1 75.8 69.1 45.4 55.7 35.4 93.0 74.0 34.0 43.0 .. .. 28.8 3.6 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

3.5 3.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 –0.3 –0.6 –0.3 8.0

— — — — — — — — —

143.4 8.8 71.1 66.0 –0.3 77.7 33.0 .. ..

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —




Country Sub-Saharan data Africa

Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($)

3.8 4.6 170

819.3 2.5 1,091

Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP)

9,033.4 0.9 7.1 148 2.4 155 .. 54.0 18.6 27.5 –28.7 .. .. –50.5 336.8

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)

–30.5 .. .. 83.4 .. .. .. 5.0 20 52.9 50 1,280 4 158 43.7 .. 6.7 27 .. 5.6 6.2 11.0 –0.8 10.0 31.2 44.3 26.8 19.0 35.0 59.1 2.6 5.1 0.5 .. 8 1,290.0 33.3 83.8 .. .. 3.5 131.6 0.0 64.6

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%)

39.9 85.3 62.7 58.4 63.8 .. 93.1 132.8 46.4 .. 39.4 95.0 .. 1.7 2.3 0.0 54.7 19.3 71.8 .. 70.8 84.7 56.7 57.9 64.4 51.3 72.0 52.0 7.0 49.0 15.6 .. 19.3 0.6 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

.. 3.7 –0.6 –0.3 –1.0 –1.4 –1.3 –1.2 6.0

— — — — — — — — —

Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) 1,250.4 Net ODA (% of GDP) 143.7 Net ODA per capita ($) 329.6 Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) 808.9 Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) 37.3 Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) 404.2 Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) 652.4 PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) D PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F) B

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —

Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic)

The Little Data Book on Africa



Libya Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($)

Country data 6.3 2.0 11,590

North Africa 163.7 1.6 3,051

Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP)

56,791.2 99.9 7.0 7,740 5.0 206 .. .. .. .. 48.8 .. .. .. ..

98,134.8 563.1 5.8 2,157 4.1 159 — 10.4 45.2 40.3 9.3 0.9 30.8 9.5 17.7

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 57.2 4.7 –31.8 6.3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21.9 421.4 227 636.8 .. .. .. .. 1.3 3,921.8 6.0 16.0

45.5 23.4 23.9 106.3 .. .. 20.5 9.0 14 12.5 51 705 6 379 54.9 9.8 9.8 42 70.2 5.4 68.0 7.0 .. 34.4 — — — — — — — — .. 893.4 143 2,483.8 46.4 36.9 .. 85.0 .. 18,544.3 12,090.6 18,238.0

Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country data

North Africa

Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%)

22.5 52.2 49.0 74.2 .. .. 16.5 17.8 .. .. .. 98.0 .. .. .. 1.3 .. .. 98.9 .. 54.8 80.0 27.3 40.4 59.8 20.1 .. .. 96.0 97.0 .. .. 73.1 4.7 ..

47.2 53.9 .. 71.1 .. .. 29.8 34.6 .. .. .. 95.8 .. .. .. .. .. 25.9 .. .. 53.2 77.8 28.8 37.1 51.6 22.1 96.0 87.2 59.3 89.9 72.2 50.1 59.0 20.9 ..

Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic)

.. 2.6 –0.8 –1.9 0.5 –0.8 –0.9 –0.7 –7.0

— — — — — — — — —

Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

60.2 0.1 9.6 51.7 2.4 6.1 .. .. ..

3,420.2 0.6 20.9 2,112.9 168.1 1,139.3 7.0 — —

The Little Data Book on Africa



Madagascar Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 19.1 2.7 410

819.3 2.5 1,091

15,424.4 9.0 6.9 271 4.0 173 9.2 23.4 16.1 53.4 .. –2.7 16.2 –25.3 22.6

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

10.4 35.7 25.9 141.4 26.4 3.2 16.4 2.0 7 7.1 74 871 5 201 39.2 14.2 19.3 56 92.1 13.7 11.6 8.6 32.3 11.1 42.7 28.8 48.1 40.8 39.4 54.6 2.2 17.0 30.6 25.5 2 2,510.9 26.3 51.6 89.1 .. 21.2 .. 1.4 11.0

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

70.5 86.4 62.9 60.5 68.7 47.2 70.0 111.8 .. 469.0 .. 81.0 .. 0.1 <1.0 0.3 61.5 48.7 70.2 96.5 86.6 89.2 84.1 68.2 68.6 67.9 76.0 36.0 10.0 18.0 26.2 .. 25.3 1.7 22.0

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

3.7 3.4 –0.1 –0.2 –0.4 –0.6 –0.3 –0.5 7.0

— — — — — — — — —

841.4 9.4 44.0 274.2 4.2 563.1 204.5 C B

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —




Country Sub-Saharan data Africa

Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

14.3 2.6 290

819.3 2.5 1,091

45,376.3 4.3 9.7 165 6.9 182 8.7 28.5 17.1 37.5 .. .. 18.9 –27.8 24.3

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

4.1 30.2 20.7 116.5 28.3 0.5 24.6 10.0 39 108.0 88 432 4 157 25.8 .. .. 21 .. .. 45.0 16.4 18.9 10.5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2.2 182.9 5 1,953.1 23.4 51.2 142.9 51.0 3.8 .. 0.8 1.0

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

81.2 98.0 66.0 48.3 52.4 39.0 70.6 110.5 .. 807.0 .. 83.0 .. 11.9 68.0 0.0 55.4 66.8 83.0 99.8 77.2 78.6 75.7 80.2 80.0 80.5 96.0 72.0 62.0 51.0 8.8 .. 12.5 2.2 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

3.4 2.8 –0.6 –0.2 0.1 –0.7 –0.4 –0.3 6.0

— — — — — — — — —

912.7 21.4 63.9 431.8 9.5 471.4 195.6 C A

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —




Country Sub-Saharan data Africa

Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($)

12.7 3.1 580

819.3 2.5 1,091

Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP)

7,163.1 8.7 5.0 295 1.9 233 9.2 33.4 22.1 .. –8.5 –5.6 15.3 –9.8 29.5

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)

13.5 23.3 14.6 83.1 31.6 4.4 16.8 7.0 15 89.2 29 626 6 270 52.1 9.1 9.1 31 48.4 4.4 18.0 1.5 .. 17.1 28.9 49.6 0.6 54.0 60.4 55.7 1.9 8.0 4.9 .. 6 1,114.0 27.3 37.1 88.4 .. 2.0 65.5 323.1 343.9

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

67.8 87.1 65.3 54.3 .. 39.0 116.8 195.6 .. 464.0 .. 68.0 .. 1.5 5.8 0.1 52.2 51.7 38.8 76.0 52.1 67.0 38.4 70.6 73.1 68.0 86.0 48.0 39.0 59.0 26.4 .. 25.7 1.0 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

3.7 3.1 –0.5 0.3 –0.2 –0.8 –0.3 –0.4 7.0

— — — — — — — — —

963.8 11.0 75.8 531.1 0.4 432.4 138.8 C B

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —



Mauritania Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 3.2 2.5 840

819.3 2.5 1,091

2,773.0 2.9 1.9 480 –0.6 176 7.3 11.3 42.1 36.7 .. .. 22.6 –7.2 64.5

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

18.7 25.9 21.3 103.2 25.2 4.0 10.1 9.0 19 34.7 49 370 5 696 86.1 .. .. 39 .. .. 26.8 1.1 26.7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9.8 .. 8 844.0 57.7 64.9 .. .. 3.9 .. .. 2.0

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

59.0 73.6 60.0 64.1 46.3 39.0 75.2 118.5 60.9 747.0 .. 67.0 .. 0.8 1.0 0.1 59.4 42.5 66.4 102.6 72.0 81.3 62.6 57.3 68.0 46.6 70.0 54.0 10.0 44.0 67.8 .. 65.4 1.4 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

3.3 2.8 –0.8 –0.9 –0.9 –1.0 –0.6 –1.0 4.0

— — — — — — — — —

310.7 10.9 97.1 139.1 24.2 147.4 64.4 C B

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —



Mauritius Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 1.3 0.6 6,400

819.3 2.5 1,091

4,261,606.7 8.7 5.3 4,929 4.7 138 9.7 4.0 24.5 60.1 –6.4 –2.3 23.4 –8.2 62.7

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

16.9 24.2 19.5 101.4 .. 14.0 12.7 5.0 6 4.1 26 720 6 161 22.9 10.3 11.7 18 19.2 3.6 100.0 99.6 12.9 93.6 50.7 63.6 41.5 25.1 46.3 42.9 8.8 45.7 20.8 2,581.2 60 7,666.6 61.6 69.9 86.0 .. 13.4 325.3 0.0 215.0

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

57.5 43.3 39.0 72.4 .. .. 12.8 15.1 .. 22.0 .. 98.0 .. 1.7 <1.0 1.1 93.5 21.5 96.2 .. 64.7 82.5 46.8 45.9 57.1 34.4 100.0 100.0 94.0 95.0 110.2 76.3 81.4 29.9 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

.. 5.5 0.5 0.9 0.8 0.6 1.0 0.9 10.0

— — — — — — — — —

109.7 1.3 86.4 16.1 –1.9 95.5 9.8 .. ..

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —



Morocco Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country data 31.2 1.2 2,580

North Africa 163.7 1.6 3,051

193,433.2 86.3 5.8 1,770 4.6 156 3.8 14.2 18.4 58.5 –0.2 2.5 30.3 –9.4 27.0

98,134.8 563.1 5.8 2,157 4.1 159 — 10.4 45.2 40.3 9.3 0.9 30.8 9.5 17.7

23.8 32.0 27.5 107.2 55.8 11.3 26.1 6.0 12 16.1 47 615 6 358 41.7 3.8 3.8 60 18.8 2.5 61.9 12.9 .. 79.5 13.4 43.5 0.0 55.7 31.6 37.0 15.8 31.0 15.4 559.3 62 520.8 40.6 50.0 99.1 93.7 67.3 2,193.8 6,730.5 6,730.5

45.5 23.4 23.9 106.3 .. .. 20.5 9.0 14 12.5 51 705 6 379 54.9 9.8 9.8 42 70.2 5.4 68.0 7.0 .. 34.4 — — — — — — — — .. 893.4 143 2,483.8 46.4 36.9 .. 85.0 .. 18,544.3 12,090.6 18,238.0

Country data Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%)

North Africa

44.0 51.8 49.2 71.1 19.0 40.9 32.4 34.4 .. 227.0 .. 95.0 .. 0.1 <1.0 0.5 83.4 27.4 75.1 88.1 53.9 82.8 26.6 42.8 63.0 21.9 100.0 58.0 54.0 85.0 82.6 18.1 73.1 33.0 ..

47.2 53.9 .. 71.1 .. .. 29.8 34.6 .. .. .. 95.8 .. .. .. .. .. 25.9 .. .. 53.2 77.8 28.8 37.1 51.6 22.1 96.0 87.2 59.3 89.9 72.2 50.1 59.0 20.9 ..

.. 3.6 –0.3 –0.7 –0.5 –0.1 0.0 –0.1 –6.0

— — — — — — — — —

Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) 1,216.9 Net ODA (% of GDP) 1.4 Net ODA per capita ($) 39.0 Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) 611.8 Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) 81.0 Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) 524.1 Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) 9.1 PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) .. PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F) B

3,420.2 0.6 20.9 2,112.9 168.1 1,139.3 7.0 — —

Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic)

The Little Data Book on Africa



Mozambique Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 21.8 1.9 370

819.3 2.5 1,091

12,379.9 9.7 6.5 365 4.5 123 10.3 25.4 23.0 41.3 –9.8 .. 16.3 –10.0 38.8

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

13.0 23.0 7.1 111.0 18.3 .. 21.0 10.0 26 19.3 42 730 5 230 34.3 10.4 10.4 40 12.7 3.1 18.7 3.9 11.0 18.7 14.8 16.6 1.8 30.8 50.1 24.8 6.0 18.8 2.6 49.5 14 942.1 32.0 42.0 69.7 .. 3.5 587.0 30.9 99.4

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%)

63.2 89.8 63.6 42.1 54.1 47.3 115.4 168.5 .. 408.0 .. 77.0 .. 12.5 81.0 0.0 46.3 64.8 52.9 85.4 83.2 76.8 89.1 66.9 61.3 72.4 71.0 26.0 19.0 53.0 20.6 .. 20.2 1.6 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

3.7 2.6 –0.6 0.0 0.3 –0.4 –0.5 –0.7 6.0

— — — — — — — — —

Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) 1,993.8 Net ODA (% of GDP) 20.5 Net ODA per capita ($) 91.5 Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) 1,340.3 Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) 3.9 Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) 649.6 Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) 166.8 PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) C PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F) A

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —

Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic)

The Little Data Book on Africa



Namibia Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 2.1 1.6 4,200

819.3 2.5 1,091

10,402.0 8.6 2.7 2,692 1.0 150 10.4 7.5 20.3 65.4 8.6 .. 30.3 –9.1 ..

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

13.5 22.6 15.8 109.2 59.0 .. 21.0 10.0 66 20.4 23 270 5 375 9.6 .. .. 13 .. .. 12.8 5.1 1.6 47.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1.0 28.7 39 411.5 38.9 48.1 99.7 .. 9.1 718.5 6.2 16.2

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

63.2 69.4 58.9 52.8 .. .. 47.1 67.6 .. 271.0 29.6 69.0 .. 15.3 5.1 0.3 77.1 29.9 92.7 103.8 55.2 60.3 50.3 32.6 35.0 30.2 99.0 90.0 18.0 66.0 45.1 .. 49.8 5.4 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

.. 4.5 0.6 0.6 1.0 0.3 0.1 0.4 6.0

— — — — — — — — —

206.8 2.4 97.8 150.0 2.4 54.5 13.4 .. ..

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —




Country Sub-Saharan data Africa

Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

14.7 3.3 330

819.3 2.5 1,091

4,226.9 5.4 9.5 180 6.0 203 11.3 .. .. .. .. –0.9 12.3 .. 22.9

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

.. .. .. 53.3 10.6 1.0 17.6 9.0 17 118.7 35 545 6 270 46.5 .. .. 68 .. .. 20.5 1.5 .. 11.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.5 0.0 0 424.4 .. .. .. .. 1.4 .. 49.1 78.1

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

83.5 106.9 67.7 56.9 .. 43.9 82.9 175.5 .. 648.0 .. 47.0 .. 0.8 4.0 0.0 39.6 39.7 36.5 71.5 64.1 88.3 39.9 80.4 91.6 68.4 91.0 32.0 3.0 27.0 .. .. 11.4 0.5 33.0

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

3.3 2.8 –0.8 –0.4 –0.8 –0.8 –0.5 –0.8 6.0

— — — — — — — — —

605.4 11.3 41.3 269.1 1.7 334.6 .. C B

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —



Nigeria Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 151.3 2.3 1,160

819.3 2.5 1,091

232,857.6 212.1 5.3 487 3.0 288 11.6 31.9 43.1 29.0 13.2 .. 32.0 13.1 5.4

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8.0 31 76.7 82 457 5 938 32.2 12.8 12.8 7 7.7 26.8 15.0 21.2 0.9 33.1 40.9 53.5 4.1 20.9 53.1 75.9 4.0 6.3 0.8 0.0 8 1,452.7 43.5 30.4 .. 144.7 1.3 5,618.7 17,945.9 9,221.0

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%)

51.6 84.5 62.8 46.8 54.7 43.7 97.2 188.8 .. .. .. 62.0 .. 3.1 170.0 0.3 .. 40.4 86.7 .. 55.4 71.6 39.4 53.4 71.2 34.9 65.0 30.0 25.0 35.0 42.5 .. 41.6 7.3 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

3.4 3.5 –0.9 –0.6 –2.0 –1.0 –0.6 –1.1 4.0

— — — — — — — — —

Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) 1,289.8 Net ODA (% of GDP) 0.6 Net ODA per capita ($) 8.5 Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) 636.4 Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) 2.8 Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) 650.6 Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) .. PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) C PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F) B

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —

Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic)

The Little Data Book on Africa



Rwanda Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 9.7 2.8 410

819.3 2.5 1,091

180,659.1 4.5 11.2 313 8.2 146 15.4 34.6 12.3 53.1 –4.3 .. 15.6 –19.5 14.5

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

1.3 20.8 10.7 147.4 18.1 .. 19.0 2.0 3 10.1 60 260 7 160 31.3 .. .. 7 .. .. 19.0 56.8 4.8 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.6 .. 0 1,049.2 8.1 27.5 .. .. 4.1 80.1 28.3 51.3

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

81.7 80.9 65.1 50.2 56.9 46.7 108.8 180.6 52.1 750.0 .. 99.0 .. 2.8 7.8 0.1 .. 69.3 77.6 100.2 81.3 80.2 82.2 70.9 72.4 69.4 82.0 61.0 20.0 34.0 13.8 .. 13.6 3.1 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

3.7 3.0 0.0 –1.2 –0.1 –0.2 –0.5 –0.5 –3.0

— — — — — — — — —

930.6 20.9 95.7 450.2 3.1 477.3 228.6 B B

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —



São Tomé and Príncipe

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa

Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

0.2 1.9 1,020

819.3 2.5 1,091

181,885.2 0.2 .. .. 3.9 .. .. .. .. .. –46.1 .. 15.8 .. 116.4

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

.. .. .. 130.2 46.3 .. .. 10.0 144 81.7 62 1,185 3 424 47.2 .. .. 59 .. .. 68.1 33.3 7.0 28.3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18.2 .. 139 2,307.6 .. .. .. .. 3.9 32.2 2.0 2.0

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

39.4 82.0 62.5 65.4 .. .. 63.7 98.7 .. 148.0 .. 86.0 .. .. .. 0.5 75.6 30.8 95.2 100.0 59.3 73.5 45.6 37.1 54.5 19.4 88.0 83.0 18.0 29.0 23.9 .. 30.4 15.4 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

3.0 2.7 –0.4 0.2 0.3 –0.7 –0.7 –0.5 ..

— — — — — — — — —

47.0 26.9 292.2 26.3 0.2 20.5 .. .. ..

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —



Senegal Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 12.2 2.7 970

819.3 2.5 1,091

68,605.0 13.2 2.5 530 –0.2 204 5.8 13.6 20.9 56.9 –11.6 .. 27.8 –22.5 22.9

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

7.7 30.2 20.2 83.5 26.3 7.7 26.3 4.0 8 63.7 124 780 6 666 46.0 8.9 8.9 59 9.4 11.8 29.3 7.1 .. 24.2 18.1 55.4 0.5 40.5 49.2 57.7 4.8 9.5 4.8 73.3 2 822.5 24.9 47.4 92.2 .. 22.3 272.7 1,106.7 1,191.8

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%)

57.6 85.8 64.7 55.7 .. 39.2 58.9 113.6 .. 401.0 .. 84.0 .. 1.0 1.8 0.1 50.1 34.2 50.9 93.6 75.5 88.4 62.9 58.3 66.8 49.8 93.0 65.0 9.0 54.0 46.1 .. 44.1 8.4 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

3.6 3.6 –0.5 –0.2 –0.2 –0.1 –0.3 –0.3 8.0

— — — — — — — — —

Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) 1,057.7 Net ODA (% of GDP) 8.0 Net ODA per capita ($) 86.6 Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) 544.2 Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) 48.5 Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) 465.1 Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) 80.1 PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) C PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F) B

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —

Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic)

The Little Data Book on Africa



Seychelles Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 0.1 1.5 10,290

819.3 2.5 1,091

1,810,904.6 0.8 2.8 8,267 1.3 117 37.0 2.3 22.4 75.3 –28.9 –6.0 35.5 –21.6 143.4

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

6.7 28.3 24.6 125.3 111.8 .. 12.6 9.0 38 7.3 33 720 4 76 44.1 .. .. 36 .. .. 96.0 99.6 –10.8 38.3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 400 .. 130.9 152.5 100.0 .. 3.9 240.8 10.9 11.2

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

45.7 .. .. 73.2 .. .. 11.6 12.8 .. 57.4 .. 99.0 .. .. .. 1.5 113.9 12.5 99.1 105.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. 100.0 .. 100.0 .. 125.7 64.0 98.8 37.1 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

.. 4.8 0.2 0.0 0.9 0.0 –0.7 0.2 ..

— — — — — — — — —

12.1 1.5 139.9 5.0 0.2 6.9 9.8 .. ..

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —



Sierra Leone Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 5.6 2.6 320

819.3 2.5 1,091

27,270.3 2.0 5.1 262 2.4 134 17.5 41.0 22.8 31.9 –10.9 .. 10.9 –12.2 20.9

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

7.5 19.7 11.0 147.1 31.6 .. .. 6.0 12 118.8 236 515 6 357 235.6 .. 12.2 41 14.8 15.9 8.0 15.8 11.5 7.1 36.9 29.7 14.2 42.5 34.6 53.4 11.4 16.0 4.7 .. 1 1,013.8 24.9 37.1 .. 79.8 7.3 94.5 146.3 148.4

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

62.2 82.2 62.7 47.7 65.9 37.0 155.0 261.8 .. 1,800.0 .. 67.0 .. 1.7 3.3 0.0 80.8 43.7 54.1 86.4 67.9 68.1 67.7 73.9 86.8 61.0 83.0 32.0 5.0 20.0 .. .. 18.1 0.3 22.0

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

3.1 3.8 –1.1 –0.3 –0.2 –1.1 –0.9 –1.0 7.0

— — — — — — — — —

366.8 18.8 66.0 174.9 –0.9 192.9 147.7 C B

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —



Somalia Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($)

9.0 3.0 ..

Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



Country Sub-Saharan data Africa

The Little Data Book on Africa

819.3 2.5 1,091

.. 42,465.8 .. 1,003.4 .. 5.1 .. 623 .. 2.6 .. 196 .. — .. 14.6 .. 36.9 .. 38.8 .. –0.5 .. .. .. 25.1 .. 4.1 .. 22.6 .. 33.6 .. 18.5 .. 12.9 .. 96.8 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 .. 45 .. 197.5 .. 80 .. 656 .. 5 .. 302 .. 66.8 .. 10.1 .. 15.9 .. 36 .. 29.1 .. 10.5 11.8 12.1 3.5 6.9 .. .. .. 39.4 .. — .. — .. — .. — .. — .. — .. — .. — 15.7 3.5 .. .. 12 13 416.7 1,251.2 .. 41.2 .. 37.1 .. .. .. 109.8 6.6 .. .. .. .. 6,055.6 .. 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) 63.5 Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) 90.8 Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) 63.3 Life expectancy at birth (years) 48.1 Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) .. Gini index .. Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) 87.8 Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) 141.5 Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) .. Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) 1,044.0 Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) .. Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) 34.0 Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) .. HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) 0.5 Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) 1.6 Physicians (per 1,000 people) .. Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) .. Student-teacher ratio, primary school 27.9 Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) .. Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school .. Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) 72.4 Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) 89.8 Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) 55.4 Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) 76.8 Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) 87.8 Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) 65.9 Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) 63.0 Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) 10.0 Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) 7.0 Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) 51.0 Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) 8.0 Urban households with own telephone (%) .. Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) 6.9 Internet users (per 100 people) 1.1 Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) .. Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

.. 1.0 –1.9 –1.9 –3.3 –2.5 –2.8 –2.7 0.0

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 .. — — — — — — — — —

758.3 35,688.7 .. 3.5 84.7 43.6 565.5 21,253.7 8.1 405.6 184.7 14,029.4 .. 24.9 .. — .. —



South Africa Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 48.7 1.7 5,820

819.3 2.5 1,091

227,889.1 276.8 3.1 3,764 1.3 151 9.8 2.3 26.1 54.8 –7.6 1.6 26.8 –4.0 15.3

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

18.4 22.2 19.4 102.5 97.1 .. 17.4 6.0 22 5.9 24 600 8 200 30.2 5.9 5.9 35 15.8 2.2 17.3 30.0 3.9 79.6 15.1 59.6 1.0 4.6 15.5 20.8 5.9 8.7 9.5 475.6 43 2,796.0 36.3 40.4 119.3 76.9 45.6 11,936.5 .. 833.7

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%)

39.3 54.2 51.0 50.5 23.0 57.8 46.0 59.0 .. 165.5 .. 83.0 .. 18.1 350.0 0.8 84.5 31.0 95.4 99.8 55.7 61.8 49.8 49.3 57.0 41.6 100.0 82.0 49.0 66.0 97.9 54.6 92.4 8.6 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

.. 4.9 0.3 0.7 0.0 0.8 0.6 0.1 9.0

— — — — — — — — —

Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) 1,124.9 Net ODA (% of GDP) 0.4 Net ODA per capita ($) 23.1 Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) 881.3 Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) 2.1 Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) 241.6 Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) 2.0 PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) .. PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F) A

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —

Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic)

The Little Data Book on Africa




Country Sub-Saharan data Africa

Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

41.3 2.3 1,130

819.3 2.5 1,091

24,597.4 58.4 8.3 532 5.9 266 16.0 24.4 32.3 38.0 –7.1 .. 18.2 0.7 41.4

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

24.3 20.2 12.8 66.4 33.4 .. .. 10.0 36 36.0 9 810 0 180 36.1 .. .. 36 .. .. 36.3 0.5 .. 10.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10.2 24.9 10 707.6 22.7 22.0 100.0 .. 1.2 2,425.6 1,766.7 1,769.2

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%)

56.6 75.8 59.7 58.3 .. .. 69.5 108.6 .. .. .. 79.0 .. 1.4 25.0 0.2 50.0 36.7 77.2 87.6 52.3 71.7 32.8 32.4 45.6 18.8 78.0 64.0 24.0 50.0 27.9 .. 27.1 9.2 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

2.5 1.6 –1.5 –1.8 –2.4 –1.4 –1.4 –1.5 –4.0

— — — — — — — — —

Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) 2,383.6 Net ODA (% of GDP) 4.1 Net ODA per capita ($) 57.6 Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) 1,818.2 Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) 106.4 Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) 459.0 Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) 24.8 PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) D PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F) B

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —

Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic)

The Little Data Book on Africa



Swaziland Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 1.2 1.4 2,520

819.3 2.5 1,091

152,219.9 2.6 2.5 1,559 1.1 144 13.4 6.7 43.3 33.6 –2.3 .. 43.2 0.1 13.6

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

15.1 14.9 15.0 113.4 54.4 .. 24.4 13.0 61 33.9 46 972 0 104 36.6 .. .. 10 .. .. 30.0 20.9 11.1 25.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 26.0 .. 223 1,146.4 80.2 80.1 133.0 .. 20.0 14.3 1.5 100.5

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%)

75.1 76.2 64.6 46.4 69.2 50.7 66.4 90.9 69.0 589.0 .. 91.0 .. 26.1 10.0 0.2 74.6 32.4 88.4 91.7 66.8 69.2 64.7 41.6 55.7 27.7 87.0 51.0 46.0 64.0 .. .. 39.1 4.1 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic)

.. 3.6 –0.4 –1.2 0.2 –0.7 –0.6 –0.5 –9.0

— — — — — — — — —

Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

67.4 2.6 57.7 17.6 –0.5 50.3 10.9 .. ..

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —

The Little Data Book on Africa



Tanzania Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 42.5 2.9 430

819.3 2.5 1,091

23,132.1 20.5 7.5 362 4.4 133 10.3 .. .. .. –11.0 .. 12.4 .. 30.1

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

.. .. .. 112.4 .. 1.5 .. 12.0 29 36.8 73 462 3 172 45.2 .. .. 54 .. .. 8.6 8.9 5.6 16.3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1.8 68.1 23 1,192.7 .. .. .. .. 30.1 647.0 8.3 14.3

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%)

74.5 91.4 64.6 55.9 33.6 34.6 73.4 115.6 .. 578.0 .. 90.0 .. 6.2 96.0 0.0 111.7 53.1 77.5 .. 90.2 91.2 89.3 80.4 80.3 80.5 81.0 46.0 34.0 31.0 30.9 9.3 30.6 1.2 16.0

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

3.8 3.0 –0.5 –0.1 0.0 –0.5 –0.4 –0.3 –1.0

— — — — — — — — —

Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) 2,330.7 Net ODA (% of GDP) 11.4 Net ODA per capita ($) 54.9 Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) 1,365.7 Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) 4.8 Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) 960.2 Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) .. PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) B PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F) A

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —

Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic)

The Little Data Book on Africa




Country Sub-Saharan data Africa

Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

6.5 2.5 400

819.3 2.5 1,091

51,907.5 2.8 1.1 245 –1.4 178 8.7 .. .. .. .. –0.8 17.5 –27.0 78.7

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

.. .. .. 97.1 39.3 5.2 17.2 7.0 75 205.0 295 588 6 270 52.7 .. .. 54 .. .. 31.6 13.8 .. 19.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.3 0.0 0 1,187.3 40.4 67.5 .. 121.8 9.3 .. 199.9 229.0

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

58.0 77.7 60.9 62.7 .. 34.4 65.1 100.3 .. .. .. 80.0 .. 3.3 9.1 0.0 57.4 39.1 74.4 75.2 69.8 87.4 52.7 63.6 80.2 47.1 86.0 40.0 3.0 24.0 26.1 .. 24.0 5.4 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

2.7 2.7 –1.0 –1.1 –0.1 –1.4 –1.1 –0.8 –4.0

— — — — — — — — —

329.7 11.7 51.0 176.0 –0.5 154.2 71.7 .. B

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —



Tunisia Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country data 10.3 1.0 3,290

North Africa 163.7 1.6 3,051

258,626.3 40.2 5.1 2,760 4.1 141 4.9 10.0 28.4 61.6 –2.6 –3.2 26.6 –3.1 57.8

98,134.8 563.1 5.8 2,157 4.1 159 — 10.4 45.2 40.3 9.3 0.9 30.8 9.5 17.7

21.9 24.1 .. 104.7 88.0 30.8 20.5 10.0 11 5.7 39 565 5 228 62.8 .. .. 40 .. .. 65.8 12.4 .. 66.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7.4 387.9 140 1,434.3 65.2 68.3 96.5 81.6 35.8 1,515.3 1,446.3 1,715.8

45.5 23.4 23.9 106.3 .. .. 20.5 9.0 14 12.5 51 705 6 379 54.9 9.8 9.8 42 70.2 5.4 68.0 7.0 .. 34.4 — — — — — — — — .. 893.4 143 2,483.8 46.4 36.9 .. 85.0 .. 18,544.3 12,090.6 18,238.0

Country data

North Africa

Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%)

33.5 43.7 43.9 74.3 .. 40.8 18.0 21.2 .. .. .. 98.0 .. 0.1 <0.2 1.3 99.9 18.2 95.7 .. 51.2 74.3 27.9 40.7 49.2 31.7 99.0 84.0 64.0 96.0 95.0 .. 83.0 27.1 ..

47.2 53.9 .. 71.1 .. .. 29.8 34.6 .. .. .. 95.8 .. .. .. .. .. 25.9 .. .. 53.2 77.8 28.8 37.1 51.6 22.1 96.0 87.2 59.3 89.9 72.2 50.1 59.0 20.9 ..

Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic)

.. 4.4 0.0 –1.3 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.2 –4.0

— — — — — — — — —

478.8 1.2 46.4 248.4 –6.6 237.0 8.8 .. ..

3,420.2 0.6 20.9 2,112.9 168.1 1,139.3 7.0 — —

Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa




Country Sub-Saharan data Africa

Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

31.7 3.3 420

819.3 2.5 1,091

73,713.3 14.5 9.5 348 6.0 132 12.1 20.8 23.7 47.3 –7.5 .. 13.0 –17.7 13.5

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

5.8 23.3 17.9 116.2 22.5 .. 18.3 18.0 25 84.4 77 510 2 161 35.7 .. .. 0 .. .. 23.0 35.9 11.0 14.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.1 14.2 9 1,525.2 15.6 33.4 101.5 92.7 10.4 787.4 451.6 451.6

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%)

87.0 106.5 69.4 53.0 31.1 40.8 81.7 130.4 .. 435.0 .. 68.0 .. 5.4 77.0 0.1 .. 57.0 86.3 98.5 87.2 90.8 83.6 75.4 78.2 72.6 90.0 60.0 34.0 29.0 27.6 .. 27.0 7.9 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

3.9 3.2 –0.8 –0.5 –0.9 –0.5 –0.1 –0.5 –1.0

— — — — — — — — —

Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) 1,656.8 Net ODA (% of GDP) 11.4 Net ODA per capita ($) 52.3 Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) 1,005.0 Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) 4.7 Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) 647.1 Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) 97.0 PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) B PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F) B

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —

Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic)

The Little Data Book on Africa




Country Sub-Saharan data Africa

Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

12.6 2.5 950

819.3 2.5 1,091

19,254.9 14.3 6.0 387 3.4 293 12.4 18.1 39.5 27.8 –4.4 –0.8 18.3 2.5 24.4

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

24.7 21.4 15.5 119.0 43.1 .. 14.8 6.0 18 28.4 39 471 3 132 16.1 6.6 6.6 21 97.0 4.2 22.0 12.3 7.5 15.3 14.8 55.0 1.0 25.5 20.1 11.9 5.9 8.0 2.9 138.9 11 1,541.9 36.8 34.3 108.1 145.7 2.5 983.9 59.3 59.3

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%)

64.6 97.1 66.4 45.9 59.3 50.7 103.3 169.8 46.5 729.0 .. 85.0 .. 15.2 56.0 0.1 88.1 49.3 75.1 95.6 70.5 80.8 60.3 76.9 83.4 70.2 90.0 41.0 51.0 55.0 28.8 5.1 28.0 5.5 51.0

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

3.5 3.2 –0.5 –0.1 0.3 –0.7 –0.3 –0.5 5.0

— — — — — — — — —

Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) 1,085.9 Net ODA (% of GDP) 7.6 Net ODA per capita ($) 86.0 Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) 703.2 Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) 1.0 Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) 381.7 Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) 84.0 PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) B PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F) B

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —

Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic)

The Little Data Book on Africa



Zimbabwe Population (millions) Population growth (%) GNI per capita ($) Economic density ($1,000 per sq km) GDP ($ billions) GDP growth (%) GDP per capita (2000 $) GDP per capita growth (%) GDP deflator, index (2000 = 100, $ series) Consumer price index (% change) Agriculture value added (% of GDP) Industry value added (% of GDP) Services plus discrepancy value added (% of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Fiscal balance (cash surplus or deficit, % of GDP) Central government revenue (% of GDP) External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) Total external debt (% of GDP) Drivers of growth Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Private sector fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross primary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross secondary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary school enrollment (% of relevant age group) Public spending on education, total (% of gov't expenditure) Number of startup procedures to register a business Time to start a business (days per procedure) Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to register property (days) Time to enforce a contract (days) Protecting investors, disclosure index (0 low to 10 high) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes (days) Total tax rate (% of profit) Average time to clear direct exports through customs (days) Average time to clear imports through customs (days) Rigidity of employment index (0 least rigid to 100 most rigid) Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection (days) Electric power outages for firms (number per month) Ratio of paved to total roads (%) Road density (road km per 100 km2 of land area) Real interest rate (%) Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Corruption as major constraint (% of firms) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, & uncorrupt (%) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint (% of firms) Tax rates as major constraint (% of firms) Finance as major constraint (% of firms) Electricity as major constraint (% of firms) Labor regulations as major constraint (% of firms) Labor skill level as major constraint (% of firms) Irrigated land (% of cropland) Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land) Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land Cereal crop yield (kg per hectare) Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) Real effective exchange rate (2000 = 100) Export diversification index (%) Foreign direct investment, net inflows ($ millions) Workers' remittances received ($ millions) Migrant remittance inflows ($ millions)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa 12.5 0.1 ..

819.3 2.5 1,091

.. .. .. .. .. .. 24,411.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 124.5

42,465.8 1,003.4 5.1 623 2.6 196 — 14.6 36.9 38.8 –0.5 .. 25.1 4.1 22.6

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10.0 96 4,999.5 31 410 8 270 39.4 .. .. 33 .. .. 19.0 25.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5.2 410.7 74 649.0 .. .. .. .. 10.8 .. .. ..

33.6 18.5 12.9 96.8 .. .. .. 9 45 197.5 80 656 5 302 66.8 10.1 15.9 36 29.1 10.5 12.1 6.9 .. 39.4 — — — — — — — — 3.5 .. 13 1,251.2 41.2 37.1 .. 109.8 .. .. 6,055.6 18,615.4

Country Sub-Saharan data Africa Participating in growth Rural population (% of total population) Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) Population ages 0–24 (% of total population) Life expectancy at birth (years) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population) Gini index Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio, nat'l estimate (per 100,000 live births) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% under age 5) Child immunization, measles (% ages 12–23 months) Children sleeping under treated nets (% under age 5) HIV prevalence rate (% ages 15–49) Deaths of adults and children due to AIDS (thousands) Physicians (per 1,000 people) Primary school completion rate (% of relevant age group) Student-teacher ratio, primary school Youth literacy rate (% ages 15–24) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school Labor force participation rate, adult, total (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, male (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, adult, female (% ages 15–64) Labor force participation rate, youth, total (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, male (% ages 15–24) Labor force participation rate, youth, female (% ages 15–24) Improved water source (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved water source (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of urban pop. with sustainable access) Improved sanitation (% of rural pop. with sustainable access) Telephone subscribers (per 100 people) Urban households with own telephone (%) Mobile phone subscribers (per 100 people) Internet users (per 100 people) Rural residents within 2 km of an all-season road (%) Capable states IDA resource allocation index (1 low to 6 high) Corruption Perceptions Index score (0 corrupt to 10 clean) Control of corruption (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Voice and accountability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Political stability (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Government effectiveness (-2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Regulatory quality (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Rule of law (–2.5 worse to 2.5 better) Combined polity score (–10 autocratic to 10 democratic) Partnership Net official development assistance (ODA) ($ millions) Net ODA (% of GDP) Net ODA per capita ($) Net ODA from DAC donors ($ millions) Net ODA from non-DAC bilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA from multilateral donors ($ millions) Net ODA (% of central government expenditure) PDI-1—Country with operational nat'l development strategies (A–F) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review (A–F)

The Little Data Book on Africa

62.7 79.4 65.6 45.1 .. .. 58.9 90.0 .. 555.0 .. 66.0 .. 15.3 140.0 0.2 .. 38.2 91.2 .. 71.1 80.9 61.4 59.9 72.0 47.9 98.0 72.0 37.0 63.0 12.6 .. 13.3 11.4 ..

63.5 85.3 .. 51.5 .. .. 88.2 145.8 .. .. .. 72.9 .. 5.0 1,500.0 .. 63.2 43.8 .. 87.7 70.9 80.8 61.2 63.7 72.2 55.0 81.2 45.6 24.4 42.5 30.3 .. 32.0 4.5 ..

1.4 1.8 –1.4 –1.5 –1.6 –1.6 –2.2 –1.8 –4.0

— — — — — — — — —

611.0 .. 49.0 530.2 2.2 78.6 .. .. ..

35,688.7 3.5 43.6 21,253.7 405.6 14,029.4 24.9 — —



Glossary Age dependency ratio is the ratio of dependents—people younger than age 15 or older than age 64—to the working-age population—people ages 15–64. (World Bank) Agriculture value added is the gross output of forestry, hunting, and fishing as well as cultivation of crops and livestock production (International Standard Industrial Classification revision 3 divisions 1–5) less the value of their intermediate inputs. It is calculated without making deductions for depreciation of fabricated assets or depletion and degradation of natural resources. For countries that report that report national accounts data at producer prices (Benin, the Republic of Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Ghana, Niger, Rwanda, Tanzania, Togo, and Tunisia), gross value added at market prices is used as the denominator. For countries that report national accounts data at basic prices (all other countries), gross value added at factor cost is used as the denominator. (World Bank and Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development national accounts data files) Average time to clear direct exports through customs is the number of days to clear direct exports through customs. (World Bank Enterprise Surveys) Average time to clear imports through customs is the average number of days to clear imports through customs. (World Bank Enterprise Surveys) Births attended by skilled health staff are the percentage of deliveries attended by personnel trained to give the necessary supervision, care, and advice to women during pregnancy, labor, and the postpartum period; to conduct deliveries on their own; and to care for newborns. (United Nations Children's Fund's State of the World's Children, Childinfo, and Demographic and Health Surveys by Macro International) Central government revenue is cash receipts from taxes, social contributions, and other revenue such as fines, fees, rent, and other income from property sales as a proportion of total gross domestic product (GDP). Grants, although also considered revenue, are excluded. (World Bank and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development national accounts data files) Cereal crop yield includes wheat, rice, maize, barley, oats, rye, millet, sorghum, buckwheat, and mixed grains. Cereal crops harvested for hay or harvested green for food, feed, or silage and those used for grazing are excluded. (Food and Agriculture Organization's Production Yearbook and data files) Child immunization, measles, is the percentage of children ages 12–23 months who received vaccinations for measles before 12 months or at any time before the survey. A child is considered adequately immunized against measles after receiving one dose of vaccine. (World Health Organization and United Nations Children's Fund)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Children sleeping under treated nets are the percentage of the children under age 5 with access to an insecticide-treated bednets to prevent malaria. (United Nations Children's Fund's State of the World’s Children and Childinfo, and Demographic and Health Surveys by Macro International) Combined polity score is computed by subtracting the institutionalized autocracy score from the institutionalized democracy score. The institutionalized democracy score is based on the presence of institutions and procedures through which citizens can express effective preferences about alternative policies and leaders, the existence of institutionalized constraints on the exercise of power by the executive, and the guarantee of civil liberties to all citizens in their daily lives and in acts of political participation. The institutionalized autocracy score is based on a lack of regularized political competition and concern for political freedoms, the sharp restriction or suppression of competitive political participation, and limited institutional constraints for the executive. The combined polity scale ranges from –10 (strongly autocratic) to +10 (strongly democratic). (Center for Systemic Peace’s Polity IV Project Political Regime Characteristics and Transitions) Consumer price index reflects changes in the cost to the average consumer of acquiring a basket of goods and services that may be fixed or changed at specified intervals, such as yearly. The Laspeyres formula is generally used. (International Monetary Fund's International Financial Statistics database and data files) Control of corruption measures the extent to which public power is exercised for private gain, including petty and grand forms of corruption, as well as “capture” of the state by elites and private interests. (World Bank Institute’s Worldwide Governance Indicators database) Corruption as major constraint is the percentage of firms identifying corruption as a major constraint to current operations. (World Bank Enterprise Surveys) Corruption Perceptions Index score is the country’s score in Transparency International’s annual Corruption Perceptions Index, as determined by expert assessments and opinion surveys. (Transparency International) Cost to start a business is normalized by presenting it as a percentage of gross national income (GNI) per capita. (World Bank’s Doing Business project) Crime, theft, and disorder as major constraint are the percentage of firms that ranked crime, theft, and disorder as a major constraint to current operations. (World Bank Enterprise Surveys) Current account balance is the sum of net exports of goods and services, net income, and net current transfers. All transfers not considered to be

The Little Data Book on Africa



Glossary capital are current. (International Monetary Fund's International Financial Statistics database and data files) Deaths of adults and children due to HIV/AIDS are the estimated number of adults and children that have died based on the modeling of HIV surveillance data using standard and appropriate tools. (Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS and World Health Organizaiton's Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic). Delay for firms in obtaining electrical connection is the average delay in days that firms experience when obtaining an electrical connection, measured from the day the establishment applied to the day it received the service or approval. (World Bank Enterprise Surveys) Domestic credit to private sector is financial resources provided to the private sector, such as loans, purchases of nonequity securities, and trade credits and other accounts receivable, that establish a claim for repayment. For some countries these claims include credit to public enterprises. (International Monetary Fund's International Financial Statistics and data files, and World Bank and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development gross domestic product estimates) Economic density is gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices in current U.S. dollars divided by the total land area in square kilometers. Land area refers to the land surface area of a country, excluding inland waters. GDP at market prices in current U.S. dollars is based on the GDP at market prices in local currency units, which is converted to dollars at the official exchange rate. If the official exchange rate is significantly different from the prevailing market rate or shows extreme volatility, the local currency is converted into U.S. dollars using an alternative conversion factor. (World Bank’s World Development Indicators database) Electricity as major constraint is the percentage of firms that ranked electricity as a major constraint to current operations. (World Bank Enterprise Surveys) Electric power outages for firms are the average number of days per year that establishments experienced power outages or surges from the public grid. (World Bank Enterprise Surveys) Export diversification index measures the extent to which exports are diversified. It is constructed as the inverse of a Herfindahl index, using disaggregated exports at four digits (following the Standard International Trade Classification revision 3). A higher index indicates more export diversification. (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Exports of goods and services represent the value of all goods and other market services provided to the rest of the world. They include the value of merchandise, freight, insurance, transport, travel, royalties, license fees, and other services, such as communication, construction, financial,



The Little Data Book on Africa

information, business, personal, and government services. They exclude labor and property income (formerly called factor services) as well as transfer payments. (World Bank and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development national accounts data files) External balance on goods and services is the difference between exports of goods and services (the value of all goods and other market services provided to the rest of the world and imports of goods and services (the value of all goods and other market services received from the rest of the world). (World Bank and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development national accounts data files) Fertilizer consumption is total consumption of nitrogenous, phosphate, and potash fertilizers. (Food and Agriculture Organization’s Fertilizer Yearbook) Finance as major constraint is the percentage of firms that ranked access to finance or cost of finance as a major constraint to current operations. (World Bank Enterprise Surveys) Firms that believe court system is fair, impartial, and uncorrupt are the percentage of firms that believe the court system is fair, impartial, and uncorrupt. (World Bank’s Doing Business project) Fiscal balance is revenue (including grants) minus expense, minus net acquisition of nonfinancial assets. (International Monetary Fund's Government Finance Statistics Yearbook and data files, and World Bank and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development gross domestic product estimates) Foreign direct investment, net inflows, are investment by residents of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) member countries to acquire a lasting management interest (at least 10 percent of voting stock) in an enterprise operating in the recipient country. The data reflect changes in the net worth of subsidiaries in recipient countries whose parent company is in the DAC source country. (World Bank’s World Development Indicators database) Gini index is the most commonly used measure of inequality. The coefficient ranges from 0, which reflects complete equality, to 1, which indicates complete inequality (one person has all the income or consumption, all others have none). Graphically, the Gini coefficient can be easily represented by the area between the Lorenz curve and the line of equality. (World Bank’s World Development Indicators database) Government effectiveness measures the quality of public services, the quality and degree of independence from political pressures of the civil service, the quality of policy formulation and implementation, and the credibility of the government’s commitment to such policies. (World Bank Institute’s Worldwide Governance Indicators database)

The Little Data Book on Africa



Glossary Gross domestic product (GDP) is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of the products. It is calculated without making deductions for depreciation of fabricated assets or for depletion and degradation of natural resources. GDP data are shown at market prices (also known as purchaser values) and converted from domestic currencies using single year official exchange rates. For a few countries where the official exchange rate does not reflect the rate effectively applied to actual foreign exchange transactions, an alternative conversion factor is used. The sum of the components of GDP by industrial origin (presented here as value added) will not normally equal total GDP for several reasons. First, components of GDP by expenditure are individually rescaled and summed to provide a partially rebased series for total GDP. Second, total GDP is shown at purchaser value, while value added components are conventionally reported at producer prices. As explained above, purchaser values exclude net indirect taxes, while producer prices include indirect taxes. Third, certain items, such as imputed bank charges, are added in total GDP. (World Bank and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development national accounts data files) Gross domestic product (GDP) growth is the average annual growth rate calculated from GDP at constant 2000 prices. (World Bank and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development national accounts data files) Gross domestic product (GDP) deflator, index, is nominal GDP in current U.S. dollars divided by real GDP in constant 2000 U.S. dollars, expressed as an index with base year 2000. The series shows the effects of domestic price changes and exchange rate variations. (World Bank and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development national accounts data files) Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita is calculated by dividing real GDP by the corresponding midyear population. (World Bank and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development national accounts data files) Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita growth is the average annual growth rate of real GDP per capita. (World Bank and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development national accounts data files) Gross domestic savings is calculated by deducting total consumption from nominal gross domestic product (World Bank and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development national accounts data files) Gross fixed capital formation is gross domestic fixed capital formation plus net changes in the level of inventories. Gross capital formation comprises outlays by the public sector and the private sector. Examples include improvements in land, dwellings, machinery, and other equipment. For some countries the sum of gross private investment and gross public investment does not total gross domestic investment due to statistical discrepancies. (World Bank and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development national accounts data files)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Gross national income (GNI) per capita is the sum of value added by all resident producers plus any product taxes (less subsidies) not included in the valuation of output plus net receipts of primary income (compensation of employees and property income) from abroad. Data are converted from national currency in current prices to U.S. dollars using the World Bank Atlas method. It is similar in concept to GNI per capita in current prices, except that the use of three-year averages of exchange rates smoothes out sharp fluctuations from year to year. (World Bank’s World Development Indicators database) Gross primary school enrollment is the ratio of total enrollment, regardless of age, to the population of the age group that officially corresponds to the primary level of education. Primary education provides children with basic reading, writing, and mathematics skills along with an elementary understanding of such subjects as history, geography, natural science, social science, art, and music. (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics) Gross secondary school enrollment is the ratio of total enrollment, regardless of age, to the population of the age group that officially corresponds to the secondary level of education. Secondary education completes the provision of basic education that began at the primary level and aims at laying the foundations for lifelong learning and human development by offering more subject- or skill-oriented instruction using more specialized teachers. (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics) Gross tertiary school enrollment is the ratio of total enrollment, regardless of age, to the population of the age group that officially corresponds to the tertiary level of education. Tertiary education, whether or not to an advanced research qualification, normally requires, as a minimum condition of admission, the successful completion of education at the secondary level. (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics) HIV prevalence rate is the percentage of people ages 15–49 infected with HIV. (Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS and the World Health Organization’s Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic) IDA resource allocation index assesses the quality of a country’s current policy and institutional framework. “Quality” means how conducive that framework is to fostering sustainable, poverty-reducing growth and the effective use of development assistance. Ratings are based on 16 criteria, grouped in four clusters: economic management, structural policies, policies for social inclusion and equity, and public sector management and institutions. The criteria reflect a balance between ensuring that all key factors that foster pro-poor growth and poverty alleviation are captured without overly burdening the evaluation process. Country scores reflect a variety of indicators and judgments that are based on country knowledge, analytic work, policy dialogue, or work done by partners as well as relevant publicly

The Little Data Book on Africa



Glossary available indicators. The rating scale for each criterion varies from 1 (low) to 6 (high). Countries may also receive intermediate scores of 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, and 5.5. The ratings are the main determinant of prospects for current aid effectiveness. Improvements in policies and institutions during the course of the year are reflected in the subsequent year’s performance ratings. (World Bank Country Policy and Institutional Assessment database) Imports of goods and services represent the value of all goods and other market services received from the rest of the world. They include the value of merchandise, freight, insurance, transport, travel, royalties, license fees, and other services, such as communication, construction, financial, information, business, personal, and government services. They exclude labor and property income (formerly called factor services) as well as transfer payments. (World Bank and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development national accounts data files) Improved sanitation refers to the percentage of the population with at least adequate access to excreta disposal facilities that are private or shared (but not public) and that can effectively prevent human, animal, and insect contact with excreta. Improved facilities range from simple but protected pit latrines to flush toilets with a sewerage connection. To be effective, facilities must be correctly constructed and properly maintained. (World Health Organization and United Nations Children’s Fund’s Progress on Drinking Water and Sanitation) Improved water source refers to the percentage of the population with reasonable access to an adequate amount of water from an improved source, such as a household connection, public standpipe, borehole, protected well or spring, or rainwater collection. Unimproved sources include vendors, tanker trucks, and unprotected wells and springs. Reasonable access is defined as the availability of at least 20 liters a person a day from a source within one kilometer of the dwelling. (World Health Organization and United Nations Children’s Fund’s Progress on Drinking Water and Sanitation) Industry value added is the gross output of mining, manufacturing, construction, electricity, water, and gas (International Standard Industrial Classification revision 3 divisions 10–45) less the value of their intermediate inputs. It is calculated without making deductions for depreciation of fabricated assets or depletion and degradation of natural resources. For countries that report that report national accounts data at producer prices (Benin, the Republic of Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Ghana, Niger, Rwanda, Tanzania, Togo, and Tunisia), gross value added at market prices is used as the denominator. For countries that report national accounts data at basic prices (all other countries), gross value added at factor cost is used as the denominator. (World Bank and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development national accounts data files) Infant mortality rate is the number of infants dying before reaching one year of age, per 1,000 live births. (World Health Organization, United Nations Children’s Fund, and World Bank)



The Little Data Book on Africa

Internet users are the number of people with access to the worldwide network, per 100 people. (International Telecommunication Union) Irrigated land is areas equipped to provide water to crops. These include areas equipped for full and partial control irrigation, spate irrigation, and equipped wetland or inland valley bottoms. (Food and Agriculture Organization’s Production Yearbook and data files) Labor force participation rate is the percentage of the population of the specified age group that is economically active—that is, all people who supply labor for the production of goods and services during a specified period. (International Labour Organization's Estimates and Projections of the Economically Active Population database) Labor regulations as major constraint are the percentage of firms that ranked labor regulations as a major constraint to current operations. (World Bank Enterprise Surveys) Labor skills as major constraint are the percentage of firms that ranked skills of available workers as a major constraint to current operations. (World Bank Enterprise Surveys) Life expectancy at birth is the number of years a newborn infant would live if prevailing patterns of mortality at the time of its birth were to remain the same throughout its life. (World Bank) Malnutrition prevalence, height for age, is the percentage of children under age 5 whose height for age is more than two standard deviations below the median for the international reference population ages 0–59 months. For children up to age 2 height is measured by recumbent length. For older children height is measured by stature while standing. The reference population adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1983 is based on children from the United States, who are assumed to be well nourished. (World Health Organization's Global Database on Child Growth and Malnutrition) Maternal mortality ratio, national estimate, is the number of women who die from pregnancy-related causes during pregnancy and childbirth, per 100,000 live births. (United Nations Children's Fund's State of the World's Children, Childinfo, and Demographic and Health Surveys by Macro International) Migrant remittance inflows are the sum of workers' remittances, compensation of employees, and migrants’ transfers, as recorded in the International Monetary Fund’s Balance of Payments. (World Bank and International Monetary Fund’s Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook 2008) Mobile phone subscribers are the number of people with a subscription to a public mobile telephone service using cellular technology, which provides access to the public switched telephone network. Post-paid and prepaid

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Glossary subscriptions are included. (International Telecommunication Union's World Telecommunication Development Report and database, and World Bank. Please cite the International Telecommunication Union for third-party use of these data.) Net official development assistance (ODA) is net ODA from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC), non-DAC bilateral ODA (from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries [OPEC], the former Council for Mutual Economic Assistance [CMEA] countries, and China), and ODA from multilateral donors. OPEC countries are Algeria, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela. The former CMEA countries are Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, the former German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the former Soviet Union). (Organisation for Economic Co-operation) Net official development assistance (ODA) as a share of central government expenditure is calculated by dividing nominal total net ODA by central government expenditure. (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, and International Monetary Fund government expenditures estimates) Net official development assistance (ODA) aid as a share of gross domestic product (GDP) is calculated by dividing nominal total net ODA by nominal GDP. For a given level of aid flows, devaluation of a recipient’s currency may inflate the ratios shown. Thus, trends for a given country and comparisons across countries that have implemented different exchange rate policies should be interpreted carefully. (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, and World Bank and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development national accounts data files) Net official development assistance (ODA) from Development Assistance Committe (DAC) donors is net ODA from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development DAC donors, which include Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Net official development assistance (ODA) from multilateral donors is net ODA from multilateral sources, such as the African Development Fund, the European Development Fund for the Commission of the European Communities, the International Development Association, the International Fund for Agricultural Development, Arab- and Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)–financed multilateral agencies, and UN programs and agencies. Aid flows from the International Monetary Fund’s Trust Fund and Structural Adjustment Facility are also included. UN programs and agencies include the United Nations Technical Assistance Programme, the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations Children’s Fund, and



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the World Food Programme. Arab- and OPEC-financed multilateral agencies include the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa, the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development, the Islamic Development Bank, the OPEC Fund for International Development, the Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development, the Arab Fund for Technical Assistance to African and Arab Countries, and the Islamic Solidarity Fund. (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Net official development assistance (ODA) from non–Development ASssitance Committe (DAC) bilateral donors is net ODA from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Devleopment's non-DAC donors, which include the Czech Republic, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, the Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Poland, Saudi Arabia, the Slovak Republic, Taiwan (China), Thailand, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, and other donors. (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Net official development assistance (ODA) per capita is calculated by dividing nominal total net ODA by midyear population. It offers some indication of the importance of aid flows in sustaining per capita income and consumption levels, although exchange rate fluctuations, the actual rise of aid flows, and other factors vary across countries and over time. (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Number of startup procedures to register a business is the number of procedures required to start a business, including interactions to obtain necessary permits and licenses and to complete all inscriptions, verifications, and notifications to start operations. (World Bank’s Doing Business project) PDI-1—Country with operational national development strategies are the extent to which a country has an operational development strategy to guide the aid coordination effort and the country’s overall development. The score is based on the World Bank’s 2005 Comprehensive Development Framework Progress Report. An operational strategy calls for a coherent long-term strategy derived from it; specific targets serving a holistic, balanced, and well sequenced development strategy; and capacity and resources for its implementation. (Overview of the Results: 2007 Survey on Monitoring the Paris Declaration and World Bank data.) PDI-12—Existence of a mutual accountability review indicates whether there is a mechanism for mutual review of progress on aid effectiveness commitments. This is an important innovation of the Paris Declaration because it develops the idea that aid is more effective when both donors and partner governments are accountable to their constituents for the use of resources to achieve development results and when they are accountable to each other. The specific focus is mutual accountability for the implementation of the partnership commitments included in the Paris Declaration and any local agreements on enhancing aid effectiveness. (Overview of the Results: 2007 Survey on Monitoring the Paris Declaration and World Bank data).

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Glossary Physicians are the number of physicians, including generalists and specialists, per 1,000 people. (World Health Organization, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, and TransMONEE) Political stability measures the perceptions of the likelihood that the government will be destabilized or overthrown by unconstitutional or violent means, including domestic violence or terrorism. (World Bank Institute’s Worldwide Governance Indicators database) Population is total population, based on the de facto definition of population, which counts all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship, except for refugees not permanently settled in the country of asylum, who are generally considered part of the population of their country of origin. The values shown are midyear estimates. (World Bank’s World Development Indicators database) Population growth is the one-year rate of growth in total population. (World Bank’s World Development Indicators database) Population ages 0–24 is the percentage of the total population that is in the age group 0–24. (World Bank) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line is the percentage of the population living below the national poverty line. National estimates are based on population-weighted subgroup estimates from household surveys. (World Bank) Primary school completion rate is the percentage of students completing the last year of primary school. It is calculated as the total number of students in the last grade of primary school minus the number of repeaters in that grade, divided by the total number of children of official graduation age. (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics) Private sector fixed capital formation is gross fixed capital formation for the private sector. Gross fixed capital formation consists of gross domestic fixed capital formation plus net changes in the level of inventories, divided by gross domestic product (GDP), which is obtained by converting national currency GDP series in current prices to U.S. dollars at official annual exchange rates. (World Bank and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development national accounts data files) Protecting investors, disclosure index, measures the degree to which investors are protected through disclosure of ownership and financial information. Higher values indicate more disclosure. (World Bank’s Doing Business project) Public spending on education is current and capital public expenditure on education plus subsidies to private education at the primary, secondary, and tertiary levels by local, regional, and national government, including



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municipalities. It excludes household contributions. (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics) Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school is the ratio of the female gross enrollment rate to the to male gross enrollment rate in primary and secondary school. (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics) Ratio of paved to total roads is the length of paved roads, which are surfaced with crushed stone (macadam) and hydrocarbon binder or bituminized agents, with concrete, or with cobblestones, as a percentage of the length of all the country’s roads. (World Bank’s World Development Indicators database) Real effective exchange rate is the nominal effective exchange rate (a measure of the value of a currency against a weighted average of several foreign currencies) divided by a price deflator or index of costs. (International Monetary Fund’s International Financial Statistics). Real interest rate is the lending interest rate adjusted for inflation as measured by the gross domestic product (GDP) deflator. (International Monetary Fund’s International Financial Statistics and data files and World Bank) Regulatory quality measures the ability of the government to formulate and implement sound policies and regulations that permit and promote private sector development (World Bank Institute’s Worldwide Governance Indicators database) Rigidity of employment index measures the regulation of employment, specifically the hiring and firing of workers and the rigidity of working hours. This index is the average of three subindexes: a difficulty of hiring index, a rigidity of hours index, and a difficulty of firing index. (World Bank’s Doing Business project) Road density is the total length of national road network per 1,000 square kilometers of total land area. (World Bank’s World Development Indicators database) Rule of law measures the extent to which agents have confidence in and abide by the rules of society, in particular the quality of contract enforcement, the police, and the courts, as well as the likelihood of crime and violence. (World Bank Institute’s Worldwide Governance Indicators database) Rural population is the difference between the total population and the urban population. (United Nations Population Division's World Urbanization Prospects and World Bank) Rural residents within 2 kilometers (km) of an all-season road is the rural population that lives within two kilometers of an all-season passable road as a share of the total rural population. (World Bank’s Sub -Saharan Africa Transport Policy Program)

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Glossary Services plus discrepancy value added is the gross output of all other branches of economic activity, including wholesale and retail trade (including hotels and restaurants), transport, and government, financial, professional, and personal services such as education, health care, and real estate services ((International Standard Industrial Classification revision 3 divisions 50–99) less the value of their intermediate inputs. Also included are imputed bank service charges, import duties, and any statistical discrepancies noted by national compilers as well as discrepancies arising from rescaling. It is calculated without making deductions for depreciation of fabricated assets or depletion and degradation of natural resources. For countries that report that report national accounts data at producer prices (Benin, the Republic of Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Ghana, Niger, Rwanda, Tanzania, Togo, and Tunisia), gross value added at market prices is used as the denominator. For countries that report national accounts data at basic prices (all other countries), gross value added at factor cost is used as the denominator. (World Bank and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development national accounts data files) Student-teacher ratio, primary school, is the number of pupils enrolled in primary school divided by the number of primary school teachers (regardless of their teaching assignment). (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics) Tax rates as major constraint are the percentage of firms that ranked tax rates as a major constraint to current operations. (World Bank Enterprise Surveys) Telephone subscribers are subscribers to a fixed-line telephone service, which connects a customer’s equipment to the public switched telephone network, or to a public mobile telephone service, which uses cellular technology. (International Telecommunication Union’s World Telecommunication Development Report database and World Bank) Terms of trade index measures the relative movement of export and import prices. This series is calculated as the ratio of a country’s export unit values or prices to its import unit values or prices shows changes over a base year (2000) in the level of export unit values as a percentage of import unit values. (World Bank and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development national accounts data files) Time to enforce a contract is the number of calendar days from the filing of the lawsuit in court until the final determination and, in appropriate cases, payment. (World Bank’s Doing Business project) Time to prepare, file, and pay taxes is the number of hours it takes to prepare, file, and pay (or withhold) three major types of taxes: the corporate income tax, the value added or sales tax, and labor taxes, including payroll taxes and social security contributions. (World Bank’s Doing Business project)



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Time to register property is the number of calendar days needed for businesses to secure rights to property. (World Bank’s Doing Business project) Time to start a business is the number of calendar days needed to complete each procedure to legally operate a business. If a procedure can be speeded up at additional cost, the fastest procedure, independent of cost, is chosen. Total external debt is debt owed to nonresidents repayable in foreign currency, goods, or services. Total external debt is the sum of public, publicly guaranteed, and private nonguaranteed long-term debt, use of International Monetary Fund credit, and short-term debt. Short-term debt includes all debt having an original maturity of one year or less and interest in arrears on long-term debt. (World Bank's Global Development Finance database) Total tax rate is the total amount of taxes payable by the business (except for labor taxes) after accounting for deductions and exemptions as a percentage of profit. Tractors per 100 hectares of arable land are the number of wheel and crawler tractors (excluding garden tractors) in use in agriculture at the end of the calendar year or during the first quarter of the following year. Arable land includes land defined by the Food and Agriculture Organization as land under temporary crops (double-cropped areas are counted once), temporary meadows for mowing or for pasture, land under market or kitchen gardens, and land temporarily fallow. Land abandoned as a result of shifting cultivation is excluded. (Food and Agriculture Organization's Production Yearbook and data files) Under-five mortality rate is the probability that a newborn baby will die before reaching age 5, if subject to current age-specific mortality rates, expressed as a rate per 1,000. (World Health Organization, United Nations Children’s Fund, and World Bank) Urban households with own telephone are the percentage of urban households possessing a telephone. (Demographic and Health Surveys) Voice and accountability measure the extent to which a country’s citizens are able to participate in selecting their government and to enjoy freedom of expression, freedom of association, and a free media. (World Bank Institute’s Worldwide Governance Indicators database) Workers' remittances received comprise current transfers by migrant workers and wages and salaries by nonresident workers. (World Bank’s World Development Indicators database) Youth literacy rate is the percentage of people ages 15–24 who can, with understanding, both read and write a short, simple statement about their everyday life. (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics)

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