The Little Data Book on Gender 2016

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© 2016 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000; Internet: Some rights reserved 1 2 3 4 18 17 16 15 This work is a product of the staff of The World Bank with external contributions. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect the views of The World Bank, its Board of Executive Directors, or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. Nothing herein shall constitute or be considered to be a limitation upon or waiver of the privileges and immunities of The World Bank, all of which are specifically reserved. Rights and Permissions

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Contents Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .v Data notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi

Regional tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 East Asia and Pacific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Europe and Central Asia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Latin America and the Caribbean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Middle East and North Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 South Asia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Sub-Saharan Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Income group tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Low income. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Middle income. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Lower middle income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Upper middle income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Low and middle income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 High income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Euro area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Country tables (in alphabetical order) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233

The Little Data Book on Gender



Acknowledgments The Little Data Book on Gender 2016 is a collaborative effort between the Development Data Group of the Development Economics Vice Presidency and the Gender Cross-Cutting Solution Area. The Little Data Book on Gender 2016 was prepared by Juan Feng, Masako Hiraga, Haruna Kashiwase, Hiroko Maeda, William Prince, Umar Serajuddin, Emi Suzuki, Dereje Wolde, and Junhe Yang of the Development Data Group and Eliana Rubiano Matulevich of the Gender Cross-Cutting Solution Area. The introduction was written by Masako Hiraga and Eliana Carolina Rubiano Matulevich. Production of the book was coordinated by Azita Amjadi. The work was carried out under the management of Haishan Fu and Caren Grown. Staff from the World Bank’s Publishing and Knowledge Division oversaw publication and dissemination of the book.



The Little Data Book on Gender

Introduction The Little Data Book on Gender 2016 is a quick reference for users interested in gender statistics. It presents sex-disaggregated data for more than 200 countries in a straightforward, country-by-country reference on education, health, access to economic opportunities, and public life and decision making. Summary pages that cover regional and income group aggregates are also included. This fourth issue of The Little Data Book on Gender reflects the structure of the World Development Report 2012 on Gender Equality and Development. The report examined the driving forces behind differences in key aspects of welfare between men and women—education and health, access to economic opportunities and productive resources, and the ability to make effective choices and take action. Gender equality is increasingly recognized as not only a core development objective, but smart economics. Over the past decades, countries have seen significant progress to raise living standards and close gaps between males and females, including visible improvements in health and education. At the same time, critical gaps persist in economic opportunity as well as agency of women and girls. Addressing gender inequalities requires continued efforts to overcome a complex set of interrelated challenges linking gaps in human capital and technology, women’s disproportionate responsibility for unpaid work, legal discrimination, and gender-based violence. At the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit on September 25, 2015, world leaders adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The new agenda is based on 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets, including a stand-alone goal on gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, as well as gender targets in other goals. With a new set of goals and targets, a long list of indicators will need to be monitored at different levels; both governments and development partners still need to address key data gaps by strengthening national capacities to systematically collect gender data. As part of its strategy to provide content conveniently, the World Bank now offers an electronic product on gender. The Gender Data Portal (http:// is a resource center for the latest genderrelevant data, with statistics from various sources, tools, training materials, and reference documents covering employment, education, health, public life and decision making, human rights, and demographic outcomes for women and men, and girls and boys.

The Little Data Book on Gender



Data notes The data in this book are for 2000 and 2013 or the most recent year unless otherwise noted in the table or the glossary. • Growth rates are proportional changes from the previous year unless otherwise noted. • Regional aggregates include data for low- and middle-income economies only. • Figures in italics indicate data for years or periods other than those specified. Symbols used: ..

indicates that data are not available or that aggregates cannot be calculated because of missing data.

0 or 0.0

indicates zero or small enough that the number would round to zero at the displayed number of decimal places.


indicates current U.S. dollars.

Lettered notes on some country tables can be found in the notes on page 232. Data are shown for economies with populations greater than 30,000 or for smaller economies if they are members of the World Bank. The term country (used interchangeably with economy) does not imply political independence or official recognition by the World Bank but refers to any economy for which the authorities report separate social or economic statistics. These pages include the Millennium Development Goals indicators and some of the proposed indicators to track the Sustainable Development Goals. For more information about the eight goals—halving poverty and increasing well-being by 2015—please see the other books in the World Development Indicators 2015 family of products. The cutoff date for data is October 15, 2015.



The Little Data Book on Gender

Regional tables The country composition of regions is based on the World Bank’s analytical regions for FY 16 and may differ from common geographic usage. The regions exclude high-income economies. East Asia and Pacific American Samoa, Cambodia, China, Fiji, Indonesia, Kiribati, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Vietnam Europe and Central Asia Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyz Republic, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan Latin America and the Caribbean Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname Middle East and North Africa Algeria, Djibouti, Arab Republic of Egypt, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, West Bank and Gaza, Republic of Yemen South Asia Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka Sub-Saharan Africa Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, São Tomé and Príncipe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe

The Little Data Book on Gender



World Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

7,261 78,260 10,779 13 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

81 50 19 78 87 60 .. .. 84

1.08 74 70 69 60 330 49 0.6

52 44 .. .. .. .. .. .. 37 .. .. .. 49 38 .. .. .. 7 15 .. .. .. ..

86 55 19 84 89 64 .. 91

78 66


79 62 .. .. .. .. .. ..

74 54

.. 6 13 .. .. .. ..

88 65 35 91 90 74 .. .. 89

1.07 41 73 82 68 210 51 0.4

50 39 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 47 34 .. .. .. 6 16 .. 57 1.6 54

.. .. ..

23 .. 18

2.6 56 ..

2.5 45 ..

90 67 31 93 91 74 .. 93

44 69


77 55 .. .. .. .. .. ..

72 48

.. 6 13 .. 64 2.5 59

East Asia & Pacific Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

2,021 12,368 6,121 7 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

94 53 11 90 86 71 .. .. 98

1.12 39 73 86 85 130 .. ..

67 61 .. .. .. .. .. .. 39 .. .. .. 65 56 .. .. .. 4 10 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

94 55 12 91 88 74 .. 98

45 69


83 67 .. .. .. .. .. ..

79 59

.. 5 12 .. .. .. ..

94 78 32 105 .. 93 .. .. 99

1.12 16 76 95 92 75 .. ..

63 51 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 60 46 .. .. .. 4 10 .. 67 0.5 69

.. .. ..

19 .. 10

1.8 21 ..

1.9 23 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


94 76 28 104 .. 89 .. 99

20 72


79 59 .. .. .. .. .. ..

75 52

.. 5 12 .. 71 0.3 72


Europe & Central Asia Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

264 1,815 6,865 2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

90 77 29 93 93 69 .. .. 98

1.06 38 73 .. 90 45 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 47 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 35 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 64 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 36 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 19.4 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) .. Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) .. Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) .. Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 42 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 42 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 28 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 10 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 19 Internet users (%) .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

94 79 30 96 96 73 .. 99

46 65


69 51 65 35 7.0 .. .. ..

62 41

.. 10 20 .. .. .. ..

92 88 56 99 95 94 .. .. 99

1.06 18 76 95 97 28 .. ..

46 32 68 32 13.3 .. .. .. 43 .. .. .. 42 25 .. .. .. 10 21 .. 47 0.2 37

.. .. ..

19 .. 13

1.9 38 ..

2.0 28 ..

93 89 54 100 97 96 .. 100

23 69


69 49 70 30 4.6 .. .. ..

63 39

.. 10 20 .. 56 0.3 41

Latin America & Caribbean Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

525 4,724 8,995 6 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

91 61 20 96 92 71 .. .. 96

1.05 31 74 .. 83 110 .. ..

49 44 64 33 8.7 12 14 74 43 64 .. .. 44 35 .. .. .. 10 18 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

94 58 18 97 95 67 .. 96

37 68


82 69 60 38 4.8 25 26 49

76 61

.. 6 12 .. .. .. ..

92 77 41 102 93 78 .. .. 98

1.05 17 78 97 92 87 .. ..

55 45 .. .. .. 10 13 76 44 .. .. .. 51 38 .. .. .. 8 16 47 48 1.3 37

.. .. ..

29 .. 23

2.7 82 ..

2.2 65 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


92 72 34 100 97 72 .. 97

21 72


80 64 .. .. .. 22 27 50

76 58

.. 5 10 47 54 2.2 44


Middle East & North Africa Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

357 .. .. .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

82 57 18 79 90 61 .. .. 81

1.05 43 71 .. 78 110 55 0.1

18 17 .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 .. .. .. 14 10 .. .. .. 24 45 .. .. .. ..

90 65 22 87 90 65 .. 91

48 67


74 52 .. .. .. .. .. ..

65 39

.. 12 25 .. .. .. ..

92 67 35 91 88 73 .. .. 89

1.05 23 74 84 89 78 41 0.1

20 15 .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 .. .. .. 15 7 .. .. .. 23 51 .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

17 .. 10

3.2 44 ..

2.7 42 ..

96 72 35 95 89 73 .. 94

26 69


73 48 .. .. .. .. .. ..

66 36

.. 10 25 .. .. .. ..

South Asia Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

1,721 2,584 1,502 19 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

69 34 6 62 87 43 .. .. 64

1.10 96 64 56 36 370 .. ..

83 45 10 77 89 56 .. 80

90 .. 20 90 91 70 .. .. 79


1.10 53 69 72 50 190 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 35 83 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 28 66 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 40 9 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 88 77 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 43.5 12.8 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 75 53 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 11 17 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 14 29 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 18 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 33 80 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 25 59 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) .. .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 5 4 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 12 10 Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. ..

31 22 15 85 33.7 59 21 20 19 .. .. .. 29 20 .. .. .. 5 11 .. 37 1.3 32

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

91 62

.. .. ..

19 .. 10

3.3 72 ..

2.6 35 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


89 .. 22 92 90 72 .. 87

52 65


81 55 20 80 10.9 43 26 31

78 50

.. 4 10 .. 54 3.9 40


Sub-Saharan Africa Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

973 1,654 1,699 43 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

57 19 4 50 70 22 .. .. 62

1.04 146 51 66 42 830 57 3.4

62 50 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 56 43 .. .. .. 10 16 .. .. .. ..

64 23 5 60 71 29 .. 75

162 49


77 57 .. .. .. .. .. ..

71 50

.. 8 14 .. .. .. ..

75 32 7 66 77 34 .. .. 66

1.04 77 58 77 49 510 57 1.8

64 51 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 58 44 .. .. .. 9 15 .. 25 10.3 58

.. .. ..

23 .. 20

5.8 129 ..

5.1 103 ..

80 36 10 72 79 42 .. 76

89 56


77 56 .. .. .. .. .. ..

71 50

.. 7 13 .. 33 12.8 62

Income group tables For operational and analytical purposes the World Bank’s main criterion for classifying economies is gross national income (GNI) per capita. Each economy in The Little Data Book on Gender is classified as low income, middle income, or high income. Low- and middle-income economies are sometimes referred to as developing economies. The use of the term is convenient; it is not intended to imply that all economies in the group are experiencing similar development or that other economies have reached a preferred or final stage of development. Classification by income does not necessarily reflect development status. Note: Classifications are fixed during the World Bank’s fiscal year (ending on June 30), thus countries remain in the categories in which they are classified irrespective of any revisions to their per capita income data. Low-income economies are those with a GNI per capita of $1,045 or less in 2014. Middle-income economies are those with a GNI per capita of more than $1,045 but less than $12,736. Lower-middle-income and upper-middleincome economies are separated at a GNI per capita of $4,125. High-income economies are those with a GNI per capita of $12,736 or more. Euro area includes the member states of the Economic and Monetary Union of the European Union that have adopted the euro as their currency: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, and Spain.

The Little Data Book on Gender



Low income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

622 389 626 47 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

51 15 2 37 66 16 .. .. 56

1.04 142 53 58 34 870 56 2.2

71 63 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 66 56 .. .. .. 7 11 .. .. .. ..

60 21 4 49 67 24 .. 71

157 51


84 67 .. .. .. .. .. ..

80 62

.. 5 8 .. .. .. ..

78 29 6 63 75 31 .. .. 63

1.04 71 61 77 52 510 57 1.2

72 62 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 68 56 .. .. .. 6 10 .. 19 8.8 45

.. .. ..

22 .. 18

5.9 126 ..

4.8 98 ..

82 34 10 70 77 40 .. 74

81 58


83 66 .. .. .. .. .. ..

80 61

.. 4 8 .. 25 11.3 48

Middle income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

5,240 24,382 4,653 13 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

82 47 12 80 87 59 .. .. 84

1.09 72 69 71 62 280 .. ..

51 42 .. .. .. .. .. .. 34 .. .. .. 48 37 .. .. .. 6 16 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

88 52 13 86 89 65 .. 91

75 65


81 63 .. .. .. .. .. ..

76 55

.. 6 13 .. .. .. ..

89 65 29 95 92 77 .. .. 90

1.09 39 72 83 71 170 .. ..

48 35 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 45 31 .. .. .. 6 16 .. 53 1.1 52

.. .. ..

21 .. 16

2.6 54 ..

2.4 41 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


90 68 27 96 92 77 .. 93

42 68


78 55 .. .. .. .. .. ..

74 48

.. 5 13 .. 62 2.0 57


Lower middle income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

2,879 5,793 2,012 19 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

74 38 10 70 85 46 .. .. 73


87 56 22 90 89 68 .. .. 83


1.08 51 69 77 57 240 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 41 81 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 33 62 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 40 16 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 79 73 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 39.9 12.7 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 65 50 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 12 18 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 23 31 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 25 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 38 76 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 28 55 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) .. .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 6 6 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 15 12 Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. ..

39 29 .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 .. .. .. 36 24 .. .. .. 6 16 .. 35 1.5 43

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. .. ..

17 .. 16

3.4 70 ..

2.8 47 ..

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

1.08 92 64 64 46 380 .. ..

83 46 13 81 87 56 ..

93 61

88 61 23 91 90 70 .. 89

55 65


79 54 .. .. .. .. .. ..

75 48

.. 5 12 .. 48 3.4 48

Upper middle income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

2,361 18,586 7,873 5 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

93 58 14 90 88 73 .. .. 97

1.10 37 73 87 92 93 .. ..

60 53 .. .. .. .. .. .. 39 .. .. .. 57 47 .. .. .. 6 16 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

95 60 14 92 91 75 .. 98

42 69


81 65 .. .. .. .. .. ..

76 56

.. 6 14 .. .. .. ..

93 81 38 103 .. 91 .. .. 98

1.10 18 76 95 98 57 .. ..

57 45 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 54 40 .. .. .. 6 16 .. 67 0.6 60

.. .. ..

24 .. 16

1.9 34 ..

1.9 31 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


95 80 33 104 .. 88 .. 99

20 72


77 57 .. .. .. .. .. ..

73 49

.. 6 14 .. 74 0.8 65


Low and middle income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

5,862 24,773 4,226 15 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

79 44 11 75 86 54 .. .. 81

1.08 83 67 69 58 370 .. ..

52 44 .. .. .. .. .. .. 34 .. .. .. 49 38 .. .. .. 6 15 .. .. .. ..

85 49 13 83 88 61 .. 89

87 64


81 64 .. .. .. .. .. ..

76 56

.. 6 13 .. .. .. ..

87 60 26 90 89 70 .. .. 87

1.08 45 71 82 67 230 .. ..

50 38 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 47 34 .. .. .. 6 15 .. 49 2.0 51

.. .. ..

21 .. 16

2.9 61 ..

2.6 49 ..

89 64 25 92 90 72 .. 91

49 67


79 57 .. .. .. .. .. ..

75 50

.. 5 13 .. 58 3.1 56

High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

1,399 53,597 38,317 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

96 86 59 96 97 89 .. .. 99

1.05 10 79 .. .. 22 .. ..

51 46 87 13 3.1 5 16 79 46 71 .. .. 47 39 .. .. .. 8 17 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

96 85 51 95 96 84 .. 99

12 73


71 53 83 17 0.8 7 35 58

66 45

.. 7 16 .. .. .. ..

96 91 83 99 97 93 .. .. 100

1.05 6 82 .. .. 22 .. ..

53 41 89 11 1.9 3 11 86 47 69 .. .. 48 35 .. .. .. 8 19 .. 90 .. 65

.. .. ..

26 .. 21

1.7 28 ..

1.7 20 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


96 89 66 99 97 89 .. 100

8 76


69 48 85 17 0.6 4 31 64

64 39

.. 8 18 .. 91 .. 69


Euro area Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

339 13,269 39,173 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 98 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 86 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 56 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 99 Progression to secondary school (%) 98 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 89 Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) .. Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) .. Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) 100 Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

1.06 5 82 .. .. 8 .. ..

45 41 87 13 3.2 4 17 79 44 78 .. .. 40 33 .. .. .. 11 22 .. .. .. ..

98 85 49 98 98 83 .. 100

7 75


65 49 80 20 1.2 6 40 54

60 41

.. 8 17 .. .. .. ..

98 91 74 98 98 84 .. .. 100

1.06 4 84 .. .. 7 .. ..

50 38 89 11 1.2 3 12 85 48 76 .. .. 44 29 .. .. .. 12 27 73 94 .. 64

.. .. ..

30 .. 30

1.5 11 ..

1.5 8 ..

97 90 63 97 98 83 .. 100

4 79


64 44 80 20 0.6 4 36 60

56 33

.. 12 27 79 96 .. 71

Country tables China Unless otherwise noted, data for China do not include data for Hong Kong SAR, China; Macao SAR, China; or Taiwan, China. Cyprus GNI and data calculated using GNI refer to the area controlled by the government of Cyprus. France Data for Mayotte, to which a reference appeared in previous editions, are included in data for France. Georgia GNI and population data and data calculated using GNI and population exclude Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Kosovo, Montenegro, and Serbia Data for each country are shown separately where available. However, some indicators for Serbia prior to 2006 include data for Montenegro; these data are noted in the tables. Moreover, data for most indicators for Serbia from 1999 onward exclude data for Kosovo, which in 1999 became a territory under international administration pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999). Kosovo became a member of the World Bank on June 29, 2009, and its data are shown where available. Moldova GNI and population data and data calculated using GNI and population exclude Transnistria. Morocco GNI and data calculated using GNI include Former Spanish Sahara. South Sudan and Sudan South Sudan declared its independence on July 9, 2011. Data are shown separately for South Sudan where available. However, data reported for Sudan to 2011 include South Sudan unless otherwise noted. Tanzania GNI data and data calculated using GNI refer to mainland Tanzania only. For more information, see World Development Indicators 2015 or

The Little Data Book on Gender



Afghanistan South Asia

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

32 21 670 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.06 133 56 37 12 1,100 40 0.1

13 11 .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 .. .. .. 12 10 .. .. .. 11 13 .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

141 54


81 62 .. .. .. .. .. ..

78 58

.. 4 7 .. .. .. ..

.. 33 2 .. .. .. .. .. 32

1.06 87 62 48 39 400 42 0.1

16 13 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 90 100 14 10 2a 5a 5 12 23 .. 4 0.2 19

.. .. ..

28 .. 10

7.7 154 ..

4.9 77 40

.. 60 6 .. .. .. .. 62

95 60


80 61 .. .. .. .. .. ..

74 51

13 7 16 .. 16 0.4 32

Albania Europe & Central Asia

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

3 13 4,460 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

93 61 16 95 98 77 11 21 99

1.07 23 77 95 99 28 .. ..

51 48 .. .. .. .. .. .. 29 40 .. .. 44 37 .. .. 32 14 23 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

94 64 11 94 97 77 6 99

29 71


73 59 .. .. .. .. .. ..

64 44

41 13 26 .. .. .. ..

.. .. 66 .. 99 .. 52 39 99

1.08 13 81 .. .. 21 .. ..

45 30 37 63 45.2 53 11 37 41 .. 365 65 39 23 13 12 5 14 24 .. 34 .. 35

.. .. ..

21 .. 35

2.4 19 ..

1.8 21 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


.. .. 51 .. 100 .. 27 99

15 75


66 42 43 57 24.7 33 28 39

54 28

6 18 32 .. 43 .. 42


Algeria Middle East & North Africa

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

39 213 5,480 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

86 .. .. 77 94 54 .. .. 86

1.05 37 71 79 93 120 36 0.1

12 12 58 38 6.1 13 28 59 13 .. .. .. 5 3 .. .. .. 56 77 .. .. .. ..

89 .. .. 78 92 45 .. 94

43 67


75 59 61 38 8.8 23 24 54

56 32

.. 26 46 .. .. .. ..

.. .. 40 105 97 90 .. 32 ..

1.05 24 73 93 97 89 46 0.1

15 10 74 26 2.9 3 24 73 18 .. 98 100 13 6 .. .. .. 17 39 .. 40 .. 37

.. 5 ..

32 11 20

2.5 12 ..

2.8 11 ..

.. .. 27 106 100 74 .. ..

27 69


72 47 68 32 2.0 12 32 56

66 37

.. 8 21 .. 61 .. 53

American Somoa East Asia & Pacific

Upper middle income

Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

55 .. .. .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. 100 .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. .. ..

.. .. ..

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

.. .. ..

.. .. ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


Andorra High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

73 3 43,270 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. 4 .. .. .. .. .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. .. ..

39 .. 25

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

.. .. ..

1.2 .. ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

5 ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 33 ..

.. 3 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

3 ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Angola Sub-Saharan Africa

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

24 117 4,850 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

49 .. 0 .. .. .. 0 25 63

1.03 206 47 66 45 1,100 58 1.0

68 53 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 63 47 .. .. 30 7 11 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

58 .. 1 .. .. .. 0 84

227 44


75 55 .. .. .. .. .. ..

70 49

30 7 10 .. .. .. ..

74 12 4 40 .. 20 .. 19 67

1.03 149 53 .. .. 460 59 1.1

63 50 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 90 100 59 44 57 14 .. 7 11 .. 22 .. 49

.. .. ..

37 .. 22

6.8 211 ..

5.9 167 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


97 15 11 69 .. 29 .. 79

165 50


77 56 .. .. .. .. .. ..

72 50

.. 7 10 .. 36 .. 57


Antigua and Barbuda High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

91 1.2 13,360 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. 67 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.03 14 76 100 100 .. .. ..

.. 72 .. .. .. .. .. ..

17 71


84 94 31 96 .. 104 3 .. ..

1.03 7 78 .. 100 .. .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. 82 10 0.5 1 5 87 51 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 45 ..

11 .. 8

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

2.3 65 ..

2.1 46 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. 77 14 0.5 4 24 65

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 91 78 .. .. 21 18 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

87 88 15 104 .. 96 1 ..

9 73


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Argentina High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

43 609 14,160 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

99 77 65 101 .. .. 10 .. 99

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.04 18 78 98 98 63 30 0.1

100 72 42 97 .. .. 8 99

22 70


.. 92 98 111 94 85 16 31 99

1.04 11 80 98 98 69 30 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

43 34 76 24 1.8 0 10 89 43 62 .. .. 35 23 .. .. .. 17 32 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 27 ..

36 .. 22

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

2.5 67 ..

2.2 64 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

74 54 70 30 0.7 1 31 68

64 42

.. 14 23 .. .. .. ..


48 31 81 19 0.8 0 10 90 42 63 90 100 43 24 38 9 6 9 24 .. 51 0.2 21

.. 86 63 109 88 64 10 99

14 73


75 51 74 26 0.3 1 33 65

70 42

8 7 17 .. 49 0.7 25


Armenia Europe & Central Asia

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

3 11 3,780 2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 86 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) .. Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 39 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 95 Progression to secondary school (%) 98 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 87 Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) 20 Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) .. Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) 100 Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.17 27 75 92 97 43 20 0.1

84 .. 31 93 98 83 17 100

33 68


.. .. 57 .. 99 .. 58 29 100

1.14 13 78 99 100 29 18 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

58 48 .. .. .. 43 11 46 45 .. .. .. 46 28 .. .. .. 20 41 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 24 ..

11 .. 11

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.7 40 19

1.7 24 7



The Little Data Book on Gender

73 63 .. .. .. 48 22 30

60 43

.. 18 31 .. .. .. ..

54 30 52 30 .. 46 7 48 44 .. 140 100 45 19 25 19 8 18 39 .. 14 0.4 19

.. .. 38 .. 99 .. 39 100

16 71


73 42 59 31 .. 33 26 41

62 30

12 15 30 .. 21 1.0 24

Aruba High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

103 .. .. .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

98 79 36 97 99 96 11 15 99

1.05 .. 76 .. 96 .. .. ..

98 75 24 97 100 93 3 99

.. 71


.. 81 46 98 .. .. 17 20 99

1.05 .. 78 .. .. .. .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. 93 6 0.4 0 5 95 48 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 36 ..

.. 43 ..

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.9 44 ..

1.7 23 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. 87 13 0.2 1 27 72

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 52 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 73 30 92 .. .. 6 99

.. 73


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


Australia High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

23 1,519 64,680 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

94 88 72 .. .. .. 59 22 ..

1.06 6 82 .. 100 9 .. ..

94 87 58 .. .. .. 42 ..

7 77


98 86 103 .. .. .. 79 22 ..

1.06 3 84 .. .. 6 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) c Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

55 69 89 11 1.1 4 11 86 46 73 .. .. 51 61 .. .. .. 6 11 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 33 ..

27 .. 17

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.8 18 ..

1.9 14 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

72 72 83 17 0.6 6 31 63

68 63

.. 7 13 .. .. .. ..

59 67 91 9 0.3 .. .. .. 47 71 .. .. 56 59 .. .. .. 6 11 83 99 .. 80

97 85 75 .. .. .. 51 ..

4 80


72 69 87 13 0.2 .. .. ..

68 60

.. 6 13 84 99 .. 83

Austria High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

9 427 50,390 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

.. .. 59 102 99 104 16 15 ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.06 5 81 .. .. 5 .. ..

.. .. 55 101 100 104 17 ..

6 75


.. .. 88 98 100 97 47 21 ..

1.06 3 83 .. .. 4 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

48 51 88 13 4.1 6 14 80 44 88 .. .. 47 48 .. .. .. 4 5 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 30 ..

31 27 31

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.4 14 ..

1.4 7 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

69 60 86 14 1.6 6 43 52

67 57

.. 3 5 .. .. .. ..


55 55 89 11 2.0 5 13 83 48 81 112 100 52 50 .. .. .. 5 10 77 97 .. 84

.. .. 73 98 100 96 29 ..

4 79


68 65 84 16 1.8 5 38 57

64 59

.. 5 9 84 96 .. 75


Azerbaijan Europe & Central Asia

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

10 72 7,590 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 88 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) .. Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) .. Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 85 Progression to secondary school (%) 97 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 37 Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) 11 Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) .. Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) 100 Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

1.17 68 70 66 84 57 29 0.1

57 46 .. .. .. 46 8 46 48 .. .. .. 50 34 .. .. 7 13 27 .. .. .. ..

88 .. .. 94 99 40 15 100

80 64


72 48 .. .. .. 36 14 50

64 34

12 11 29 .. .. .. ..

88 90 86 88 21 20 92 92 100 98 93 95 14 17 24 100a 100a

1.14 29 74 .. 99 26 30 0.1

34 68


63 70 42 28 29 38 71 63 33.7 26.3 44 32 6 22 50 46 43 .. 126 100 59 67 35 24 4 2 .. .. 7 4 16 13 .. .. 26 33 .. .. 38 41

.. .. ..

16 .. 3

2.0 37 ..

2.0 59 ..

Bahamas, The High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

383 8 20,980 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

90 70 .. 84 .. 81 .. .. ..

1.06 15 75 87 99 44 .. ..

92 71 .. 80 .. 82 .. ..

17 69


.. 86 .. 95 .. 97 .. .. ..

1.06 11 78 .. 99 37 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

66 51 90 9 0.2 1 6 92 50 53 .. .. 60 41 .. .. .. 9 20 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 40 ..

13 52 20

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

2.1 51 ..

1.9 31 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

75 57 81 18 0.0 7 27 66

71 50

.. 6 11 .. .. .. ..


69 55 90 9 0.4 2 4 94 52 .. 91 100 60 38 58 33 .. 14 31 67 .. .. ..

.. 80 .. 92 .. 96 .. ..

13 72


79 61 81 19 0.2 6 22 72

69 45

.. 13 27 62 .. .. ..


Bahrain High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

1.4 28 21,050 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 96 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 94 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 28 99 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 100 Progression to secondary school (%) 99 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) .. Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) .. Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) 97 Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.03 12 76 .. .. 27 .. ..

97 87 16 100 99 93 .. 97

13 74


.. .. 92 95 a 59 27a .. .. 100 100 99 99 .. .. 28a 98 99

1.04 6 77 .. .. 22 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

35 26 98 2 0.8 0 13 86 20 .. .. .. 31 19 .. .. .. 12 28 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 12 ..

8 .. 5

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

2.8 17 ..

2.1 14 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

86 57 95 5 0.5 2 32 64

83 46

.. 4 19 .. .. .. ..

39 31 99 2 0.8 0 9 90 21 .. 60 100 32 21 .. .. .. 18 33 105 67 .. 57

6 76


87 54 96 4 0.5 1 42 55

83 40

.. 5 26 82 90 .. 70

Bangladesh South Asia

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

159 172 1,080 44 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. 45 4 .. .. 56 3 10 60

1.05 85 66 33 12 340 20 0.1

.. 44 7 .. .. 49 6 67

93 51 11 80 .. 65 6 17 83


1.05 35 71 53 34 170 33 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 54 86 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 52 72 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 8 15 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 84 60 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 73.2 10.1 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 77 53 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 9 11 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 12 30 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 25 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 52 83 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 47 65 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) .. .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 3 3 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 9 10 Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. ..

57 51 .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 .. 112 100 55 46 13 5 .. 5 10 5 25 2.1 25

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

91 65

.. .. ..

20 5 7

3.1 112 65

2.2 83 65

The Little Data Book on Gender


90 44 15 70 .. 52 8 79

40 70


84 67 .. .. .. .. .. ..

81 61

.. 4 9 8 33 3.2 23


Barbados High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

283 4 14,960 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 98 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 96 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 61 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 100 Progression to secondary school (%) 98 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 107 Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) 25 Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) .. Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) .. Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.04 15 75 98 98 42 .. ..

92 90 22 98 100 98 11 ..

18 71


97 96 88 107 .. .. 41 9 ..

1.04 12 78 .. 100 52 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

64 57 92 8 0.2 3 11 73 50 .. .. .. 56 45 .. .. .. 12 22 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 35 ..

17 48 12

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.8 50 ..

1.8 42 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

76 64 83 17 0.1 4 29 57

71 53

.. 7 18 .. .. .. ..

66 53 88 12 .. 2 10 83 52 .. 84 100 56 37 44 25 .. 15 30 .. .. .. ..

97 84 36 101 .. .. 15 ..

14 73


77 61 78 21 .. 3 28 63

69 46

.. 10 24 .. .. .. ..

Belarus Europe & Central Asia

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

9 70 7,340 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

.. .. 62 100 100 95 27 .. 100

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.06 12 75 100 100 32 35 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

53 40 .. .. .. .. .. .. 52 .. .. .. 50 34 .. .. .. 5 13 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

.. .. 47 100 100 94 22 100

16 63


65 47 .. .. .. .. .. ..

60 41

.. 8 15 .. .. .. ..

94 97 107 100 99 99 67 30 ..

1.06 4 78 100 100 1 34 0.2

50 34 .. .. .. .. .. .. 51 .. 126 100 48 30 44 33 3 4 13 52 72 .. 52

.. .. ..

27 .. 11

1.3 28 ..

1.6 19 3

The Little Data Book on Gender


92 96 79 100 98 100 39 ..

5 67


63 44 .. .. .. .. .. ..

59 39

2 7 12 58 72 .. 48


Belgium High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

11 528 47,030 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

99 .. 61 .. .. .. 18 22 ..

1.05 5 81 .. 99 9 .. ..

99 .. 54 .. .. .. 18 ..

7 75


98 97 82 92 .. 99 21 21 ..

1.05 4 83 .. .. 6 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

44 33 86 14 4.2 1 12 87 43 79 .. .. 40 27 .. .. .. 8 18 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 32 ..

39 30 23

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.7 11 ..

1.8 8 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

61 39 82 18 0.5 2 36 61

58 34

.. 5 13 .. .. .. ..

48 28 89 11 1.5 1 9 91 48 80 105 77 44 22 .. .. .. 8 22 80 100 .. 71

98 96 63 88 .. 96 17 ..

5 78


59 34 81 19 0.4 2 33 66

54 25

.. 9 24 84 97 .. 79

Belize Latin America & the Caribbean

Upper middle income

Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

352 1.5 4,350 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

97 60 19 98 95 55 .. .. ..

1.03 22 74 100 100 110 44 1.5

99 57 12 103 94 49 .. ..

28 67


96 77 33 110 95 74 18 .. ..

1.03 15 77 96 96 45 47 0.4

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

40 36 72 29 3.5 6 12 83 35 49 .. .. 33 26 .. .. .. 17 28 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 31 ..

3 .. 13

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

3.6 97 ..

2.7 67 26

The Little Data Book on Gender

84 71 62 38 3.3 37 19 44

77 60

.. 8 15 .. .. .. ..


49 42 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 98 80 39 24 30 26 .. 21 42 .. 52 .. 63

97 72 19 109 95 66 9 ..

18 71


82 65 .. .. .. .. .. ..

73 51

.. 11 22 .. 44 .. 56


Benin Sub-Saharan Africa

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

11 9 810 53 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) .. Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 11 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 1 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 25 Progression to secondary school (%) 100 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 9 Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) .. Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) 14 Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) 33 Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

1.04 139 57 81 66 490 59 0.8

64 58 .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 .. .. .. 64 57 .. .. .. 1 1 .. .. .. ..

.. 24 6 49 98 21 .. 59

150 53


81 63 .. .. .. .. .. ..

81 62

.. 1 1 .. .. .. ..

88 34 5 68 87 35 .. 17 ..

1.04 95 61 84 81 340 59 0.4

68 57 .. .. .. .. .. .. 26 .. 98 100 67 56 .. .. 24 1 2 .. 13 1.1 60

.. .. ..

7 .. 15

6.0 119 37

4.8 85 32

100 50 19 83 90 55 .. ..

104 58


78 56 .. .. .. .. .. ..

78 55

24 1 2 .. 19 2.9 62

Bermuda High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

65 7 106,140 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

.. .. .. 95 97 93 .. 10 ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. .. 81 .. .. .. .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. .. .. .. 0 4 86 50 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 55 ..

.. 44 ..

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.7 .. ..

1.6 .. ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. .. 99 96 85 .. ..

.. 75


.. .. .. .. .. 2 25 65

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


82 79 39a 88 100 83 .. 9 ..

.. .. 84 .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 55 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

85 68 19a 90 87 69 .. ..

.. 77


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


Bhutan South Asia

Lower middle income

Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

765 1.8 2,390 2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

56 22 2 47 95 20 .. .. ..

1.04 75 60 51 24 390 .. ..

53 43 .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 .. .. .. 52 41 .. .. .. 2 5 .. .. .. ..

62 23 3 55 92 28 .. ..

84 60


79 51 .. .. .. .. .. ..

78 49

.. 1 4 .. .. .. ..

89 64 9 101 97 75 .. 25 ..

1.04 30 69 97 65 120 .. ..

67 51 14 86 3.2 75 7 18 26 76 56 100 65 47 .. .. .. 3 7 .. 28 .. 33

.. .. ..

9 17 10

3.6 79 ..

2.2 23 26

87 56 13 96 96 69 .. ..

36 68


77 46 41 59 3.4 49 10 41

76 43

.. 2 7 .. 39 .. 32

Bolivia Latin America & the Caribbean

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

11 31 2,910 8 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

92 .. .. 93 93 75 .. .. 96

1.05 75 65 83 69 330 29 0.1

92 .. .. 99 92 81 .. 99

81 72 .. 90 96 86 .. .. 99


1.05 35 69 .. 84 200 31 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 60 82 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 46 61 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 20 36 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 74 64 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 36.7 14.7 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 35 38 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 10 27 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 55 35 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 39 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) 58 Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 56 79 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 42 56 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) 23 24 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 6 4 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 11 8 Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. ..

64 50 .. .. .. .. .. .. 37 .. 90 100 62 47 41 22 .. 3 6 34 38 0.9 60

85 61

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 39 ..

53 .. 29

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

4.1 90 21

3.2 71 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


82 71 .. 89 97 84 .. 99

42 65


81 59 .. .. .. .. .. ..

79 57

.. 2 4 40 44 4.8 69


Bosnia and Herzegovina Europe & Central Asia

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

4 18 4,780 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) .. Net secondary enrollment rate (%) .. Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) .. Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) .. Progression to secondary school (%) .. Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) .. Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) .. Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) .. Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) 100 Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

1.07 8 77 99 100 11 .. ..

33 24 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 11 .. .. 18 27 55 .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100

10 72


58 38 .. .. .. .. .. ..

45 20

23 24 49 .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 37 100

1.06 5 79 87 100 8 .. ..

34 26 76 24 8.8 23 17 61 38 41 365 60 24 10 27 24 .. 31 62 .. 47 .. 24

.. .. ..

21 .. 0

1.4 20 ..

1.3 9 4

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100

6 74


57 39 74 26 2.1 19 38 42

42 16

.. 27 60 .. 59 .. 27

Botswana Sub-Saharan Africa

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

2 16 7,240 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

82 57 5 91 97 91 .. .. ..

1.03 79 52 97 94 390 56 17.4

79 50 6 87 95 81 .. ..

87 49


91 .. 28 99 .. 89 .. .. 99

1.03 40 47 .. .. 170 57 8.9

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

70 57 .. .. .. 17 14 67 43 .. .. .. 53 31 .. .. .. 24 45 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 35 ..

10 39 13

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

3.4 65 ..

2.6 34 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

80 62 .. .. .. 22 26 51

64 40

.. 21 36 .. .. .. ..


72 57 65 18 6.2 .. .. .. 41 .. 84 50 56 34 55 16 .. 22 40 .. 46 19.5 57

90 .. 22 96 .. 87 .. 96

47 48


82 61 71 13 5.3 .. .. ..

69 44

.. 16 29 .. 53 22.1 59


Brazil Latin America & the Caribbean

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

206 2,375 11,530 5 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 31 96

1.05 29 74 .. 96 85 .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 93

35 67


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 99

1.05 15 78 .. 98 69 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

55 52 74 24 5.5 16 10 74 46 69 .. .. 48 40 .. .. .. 12 23 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 31 ..

10 .. 15

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

2.4 82 ..

1.8 67 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

82 74 62 34 3.1 24 27 50

76 63

.. 8 15 .. .. .. ..

59 55 .. .. .. 11 12 77 47 .. 120 100 55 45 .. .. 3 8 18 53 65 0.4 25

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 98

18 70


81 71 .. .. .. 18 29 52

77 63

6 5 11 49 72 1.3 32

Brunei Darussalam High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

417 15 37,320 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

.. .. 16 113 93 .. 7 42 99

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.06 9 78 .. 99 24 .. ..

.. .. 9 119 87 .. 5 99

10 74


91 93 33 97 99 109 21 42 100

1.06 9 80 .. .. 27 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

56 44 .. .. .. 0 11 88 30 .. .. .. 53 39 .. .. .. 5 12 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 26 ..

.. .. 0

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

2.4 26 ..

2.0 21 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

80 54 .. .. .. 2 29 69

77 48

.. 4 11 .. .. .. ..


53 41 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 91 100 50 36 .. .. .. 4 13 .. .. .. ..

91 91 18 99 100 109 9 99

11 77


75 51 .. .. .. .. .. ..

73 45

.. 4 11 .. .. .. ..


Bulgaria Europe & Central Asia

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

7 54 7,420 2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

95 85 52 96 99 55 27 40 98

1.06 19 75 .. 100 29 .. ..

97 87 37 97 100 66 11 98

23 68


95 86 75 96 99 38 43 33 98

1.06 9 78 .. 100 5 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

44 26 87 13 2.4 11 27 62 50 54 .. .. 37 18 .. .. .. 16 30 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 30 ..

20 37 35

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.3 44 ..

1.5 39 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

56 35 80 19 1.1 15 38 47

47 22

.. 17 36 .. .. .. ..

48 25 91 9 0.9 4 25 71 50 53 410 90 42 18 39 24 .. 12 26 52 63 .. 25

95 89 59 98 100 47 27 98

12 71


59 35 85 15 0.4 8 37 55

51 24

.. 14 32 54 63 .. 30

Burkina Faso Sub-Saharan Africa

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

18 12 710 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

30 6 0 21 62 5 .. .. ..

1.05 179 52 61 31 580 59 0.7

77 74 .. .. .. .. .. .. 23 .. .. .. 75 71 .. .. .. 2 4 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

42 10 2 30 62 8 .. ..

192 49


90 83 .. .. .. .. .. ..

87 78

.. 4 6 .. .. .. ..

66 20 3 63 67 20 .. 21 ..

1.05 83 57 94 66 400 60 0.5

77 72 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 98 100 75 69 .. .. 45 2 4 .. 12 3.1 52

.. .. ..

13 .. 13

6.6 139 62

5.6 110 52

The Little Data Book on Gender


69 23 6 63 69 23 .. ..

94 56


90 81 .. .. .. .. .. ..

87 76

56 4 6 .. 15 3.1 49


Burundi Sub-Saharan Africa

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

11 3 270 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

37 .. 1 22 .. .. 0 0 70

1.03 143 49 78 25 1,000 54 1.6

85 73 2 98 9.4 97 1 3 .. .. .. .. 78 64 .. .. 36 8 12 .. .. .. ..

45 .. 2 26 .. .. 1 77

161 47


84 68 10 90 3.6 87 4 9

78 61

38 7 10 .. .. .. ..

90 21 3 72 73 21 2 14 ..

1.03 76 56 99 60 740 59 0.4

83 68 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 84 100 77 60 44a 16a 32 7 11 .. 7 0.7 32

.. .. ..

30 .. 35

7.1 41 ..

6.0 29 20

100 22 6 67 79 27 5 ..

88 52


82 61 .. .. .. .. .. ..

77 55

31 6 10 .. 7 0.8 38

Cabo Verde Sub-Saharan Africa

Lower middle income

Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

514 1.8 3,450 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 98 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 59 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 2 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 107 Progression to secondary school (%) 90 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) .. Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) .. Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) .. Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) .. Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.03 32 74 99 89 84 38 0.5

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 46 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 46 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 33 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 46 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 14.8 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) .. Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) .. Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) .. Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 39 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 43 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 41 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 8 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 11 Internet users (%) .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

100 55 2 104 85 .. .. ..

39 66


84 75 44 39 6.5 .. .. ..

78 67

.. 7 10 .. .. .. ..

97 75 27 94 98 88 8 .. 98

1.03 22 79 .. .. 53 26 0.3

52 47 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 48 42 .. .. .. 7 11 .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

21 .. 53

3.7 98 ..

2.3 74 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


99 65 19 96 94 70 5 98

27 71


84 72 .. .. .. .. .. ..

78 65

.. 7 10 .. .. .. ..


Cambodia East Asia & Pacific

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

15 16 1,020 6 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

87 11 1 46 72 11 1 2 71

1.03 100 65 38 32 540 40 1.3

97 20 4 56 83 22 3 82

97 .. 12 95 81 48 .. .. ..


1.05 25 75 89 74 170 53 0.2

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 76 81 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 72 63 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 12 19 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 88 81 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 59.0 26.6 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 75 72 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 10 7 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 16 20 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 41 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 74 80 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 67 60 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) 52 52 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 3 2 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 6 5 Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. ..

79 73 30 70 9.3 53 18 29 41 .. 90 50 79 73 .. .. 12 0 1 .. 11 12.8 64

116 59

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 13 ..

20 .. 7

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

3.8 50 25

2.9 51 18



The Little Data Book on Gender

100 .. 20 100 79 48 .. ..

32 69


87 72 41 59 8.8 49 19 32

86 72

11 0 1 .. 15 13.9 70

Cameroon Sub-Saharan Africa

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

23 31 1,360 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. .. 4 45 30 .. .. .. 78

1.03 142 53 75 60 740 57 2.9

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 61 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 44 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 9 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 89 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 27.2 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 65 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 7 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 22 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 22 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 57 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 39 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) 17 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 7 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 12 Internet users (%) .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

.. .. 6 52 31 .. .. 88

159 51


77 51 29 67 9.5 58 11 24

72 46

14 5 10 .. .. .. ..

86 37 10 68a 69 39 .. .. 76

1.03 82 56 85 64 590 59 2.1

31 .. 14

5.6 156 43

4.8 107 38 2016


94 54


64 77 44 51 11 29 89 71 37.2 22.3 58 49 12 13 30 38 26 .. 98 100 61 74 41 47 .. .. 60 64 4 4 8 7 .. .. 9 14 2.1 1.5 65 63

.. .. ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

97 43 14 76a 62 41 ..


Canada High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

36 1,837 51,690 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

100 .. 68 97 .. .. 38 20 ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.05 6 82 .. 98 7 .. ..

100 .. 51 97 .. .. 25 ..

7 77


100 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.06 5 84 .. .. 11 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

59 63 88 12 0.4 2 11 87 48 69 .. .. 55 56 .. .. .. 7 11 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 35 ..

25 .. 31

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.5 17 ..

1.6 10 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

72 66 81 19 0.2 5 32 63

67 57

.. 7 14 .. .. .. ..

62 64 92 8 0.1 .. .. .. 50 67 105 34 58 56 .. .. .. 7 12 79 99 .. 80

99 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

5 79


71 64 90 10 0.1 .. .. ..

66 54

.. 8 15 82 99 .. 85

Cayman Islands High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

59 .. .. .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

.. .. .. .. 91 .. .. .. ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 51 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. 94 .. .. ..

.. ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. 100 .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 52 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. .. ..

.. .. ..

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

.. .. ..

.. .. ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


.. .. .. .. 93 .. .. ..

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.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

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.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


Central African Republic Sub-Saharan Africa

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

5 1.6 330 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. 1 .. .. .. .. .. 49

1.03 167 45 62 44 1,200 58 4.5

71 57 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 65 51 .. .. 68 7 11 .. .. .. ..

.. .. 3 .. .. .. .. 73

182 42


86 70 .. .. .. .. .. ..

80 63

67 7 10 .. .. .. ..

63 10 2 35 68 9 .. .. 27

1.03 123 52 68 54 880 58 2.0

73 57 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 67 49 53 12 38 8 14 .. 3 .. ..

.. .. ..

.. .. 24

5.4 127

4.4 93

81 18 4 56 81 18 .. 49

137 48


85 68 .. .. .. .. .. ..

79 60

37 7 11 .. 3 .. ..

Chad Sub-Saharan Africa

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

14 13 980 38 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

41 3 0 13 70 4 0 .. 23

1.03 181 48 42 16 1,500 58 1.9

64 57 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 59 50 .. .. .. 8 12 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

62 11 1 32 78 14 1 56

199 46


80 57 .. .. .. .. .. ..

74 51

.. 7 10 .. .. .. ..

75 .. 1 30 87 11 .. .. 46

1.03 131 52 53 23 980 59 1.0

64 56 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 98 50 59 50 .. .. 34 8 11 .. 4 4.4 45

.. .. ..

15 .. 14

7.4 212 ..

6.3 137 68

The Little Data Book on Gender


96 .. 4 47 100 25 .. 54

146 50


79 57 .. .. .. .. .. ..

74 51

32 7 10 .. 12 7.2 52


Channel Islands High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

163 .. .. .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.06 .. 80 .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 75


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.06 .. 82 .. .. .. .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. .. ..

.. .. ..

1.4 13 ..

1.5 7 ..

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 78


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Chile High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

18 265 14,910 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. .. 36 .. .. .. 13 .. 99

1.04 10 80 .. 100 29 10 0.1

.. .. 39 .. .. .. 13 99

12 74


92 89 83 96 100 94 22 18 100

1.04 7 83 .. 100 22 10 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

36 24 75 25 3.8 5 12 83 33 54 .. .. 32 18 .. .. .. 10 25 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 33 ..

16 .. 35

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

2.1 57 ..

1.8 48 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

75 42 67 33 1.6 19 29 52

68 34

.. 9 20 .. .. .. ..


49 32 62 26 2.2 5 11 85 39 59 126 100 46 26 30 5 3 7 19 .. 59 2.7 31

92 86 75 97 99 92 16 99

9 77


75 44 73 27 0.9 14 32 55

71 38

6 5 14 .. 68 5.0 41


China East Asia & Pacific

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

1,364 10,069 7,380 11 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate b(%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 99

1.16 35 74 89 97 63 .. ..

71 68 .. .. .. .. .. .. 39 .. .. .. 68 63 .. .. .. 4 8 .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 99

39 71


83 69 .. .. .. .. .. ..

79 61

.. 5 11 .. .. .. ..

.. .. 32 .. .. 102 18 .. 100

1.16 10 77 95 100 32 .. ..

64 54 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 128 100 62 50 64 18 .. 4 8 .. 76 .. 70

.. .. ..

24 .. 12

1.5 9 ..

1.7 7 ..

.. .. 28 .. .. 99 16 100

11 74


78 59 .. .. .. .. .. ..

74 52

.. 5 12 .. 81 .. 74

Colombia Latin America & the Caribbean

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

48 381 7,970 6 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

93 .. 25 97 92 63 5 35 ..

1.05 22 75 91 86 130 40 0.3

49 41 55 45 5.3 1 20 80 49 55 .. .. 38 25 .. .. .. 22 40 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

94 .. 23 92 93 55 4 ..

28 67


82 64 50 50 3.2 2 30 68

71 48

.. 13 25 .. .. .. ..

87 77 52 115 95 77 22 32 99

1.05 14 78 97 99 83 31 0.1

56 39 46 54 8.0 7 17 76 46 61 98 100 48 29 35 12 5 14 26 51 34 1.8 40

.. .. ..

20 53 29

2.6 85 21

2.3 52 23

The Little Data Book on Gender


88 71 45 112 98 67 15 98

18 70


80 53 47 53 3.8 24 24 52

73 44

10 8 16 52 43 2.7 48


Comoros Sub-Saharan Africa

Low income

Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

770 631 820 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

70 .. 1 51 80 26 1 .. 78

1.05 94 59 74 62 480 .. ..

31 24 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 28 21 .. .. .. 7 12 .. .. .. ..

83 .. 2 55 80 32 2 84

107 56


79 55 .. .. .. .. .. ..

74 49

.. 7 10 .. .. .. ..

79 49 9 76 .. 52 .. .. 87

1.05 68 62 92 82 350 .. ..

35 25 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 33 22 .. .. .. 7 11 .. 18 .. ..

.. .. ..

3 .. 20

5.3 95 ..

4.7 70 32

84 46 11 72 .. 45 .. 87

79 59


80 53 .. .. .. .. .. ..

75 48

.. 6 10 .. 26 .. ..

Congo, Dem. Rep. Sub-Saharan Africa

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

75 29 380 77 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

35 .. .. 32 .. .. .. .. 63

1.03 152 48 68 61 1,100 57 0.8

71 51 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 65 43 .. .. 40 9 16 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

37 .. .. 37 .. .. .. 78

170 45


74 42 .. .. .. .. .. ..

68 36

40 7 15 .. .. .. ..

.. .. 4 65 71 34 .. .. 77

71 48 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 98 67 64 41 15 11 21 9 15 .. 9 7.4 64

9 .. 8

7.1 131 ..

5.9 123 37a 2016


1.03 91 105 52 48 88a a 80 730 59 0.5 0.3

.. .. ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. 9 80 73 52 ..

73 42 .. .. .. .. .. ..

68 36

20 7 14 .. 13 11.0 67


Congo, Rep. Sub-Saharan Africa

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

5 12 2,710 29 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. 2 57 58 22 .. .. ..

1.03 115 53 .. .. 610 56 2.4

65 45 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 61 40 .. .. .. 7 11 .. .. .. ..

.. .. 8 57 89 33 .. ..

128 51


72 45 .. .. .. .. .. ..

67 40

.. 6 10 .. .. .. ..

94 .. 8 77 75 50 .. .. 77

1.03 41 60 93 93 410 61 1.4

69 44 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 105 100 64 39 .. .. 32 7 11 .. 14 2.5 56

.. .. ..

7 .. 11

5.1 136 ..

5.0 119 33

86 .. 11 69 78 52 .. 86

49 57


73 45 .. .. .. .. .. ..

68 40

31 6 10 .. 19 1.4 56

Costa Rica Latin America & the Caribbean

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

5 48 10,120 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. .. .. 89 82 46 35 28 98

1.05 12 80 70 98 44 29 0.1

.. .. .. 85 84 39 20 97

14 75


90 76 53 91 90 57 49 34 99

1.05 9 82 98 99 38 27 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

37 35 77 23 3.3 5 17 77 39 57 .. .. 35 30 .. .. .. 7 15 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 33 ..

33 35 41

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

2.4 75 ..

1.8 57 21

The Little Data Book on Gender

82 67 68 32 2.2 27 25 47

78 61

.. 4 9 .. .. .. ..


47 37 80 20 1.8 4 11 85 43 55 120 100 42 28 44 15 2 10 24 47 60 .. 53

90 71 43 89 98 50 26 99

11 78


79 58 74 26 1.2 19 24 56

74 49

3 6 15 49 69 .. 66


Côte d’Ivoire Sub-Saharan Africa

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

22 32 1,460 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

50 .. 4 35 63 26 .. .. 52


74 .. 7 53 68 28 .. .. 39


1.03 84 52 91 59 720 59 1.4

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 49 82 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 41 62 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 12 25 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 84 70 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 44.2 15.8 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) .. .. Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) .. .. Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) .. .. Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 21 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 47 79 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 38 58 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) 41 41 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 4 4 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 5 6 Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. ..

52 41 .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 .. 98 100 51 38 .. .. 36 4 5 .. 12 20.0 59

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

1.03 134 47 88 63 670 54 2.8

67 .. 10 55 71 22 ..

157 46

.. .. ..

9 .. 17

5.4 138 33

4.9 135 33

80 .. 11 67 77 40 .. 58

101 50


81 61 .. .. .. .. .. ..

78 58

37 4 6 .. 18 28.3 67

Croatia High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

4 55 13,020 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

87 84 33 92 100 91 18 30 100

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.06 8 77 100 100 11 .. ..

88 82 29 94 99 90 11 100

9 69


89 95 71 93 100 97 59 30 100

1.06 4 80 100 100 13 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

45 39 78 22 8.2 15 20 65 47 56 .. .. 38 25 .. .. .. 17 37 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 25 ..

26 25 20

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.4 17 ..

1.5 10 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

63 45 75 25 2.2 14 36 50

53 27

.. 16 40 .. .. .. ..


45 25 85 16 2.4 14 17 69 48 54 208 100 37 12 32 19 .. 17 52 60 88 .. 55

90 92 52 93 100 96 37 100

5 74


58 34 80 20 0.9 14 36 50

48 16

.. 18 51 74 84 .. 48


Cuba Latin America & the Caribbean

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

11 67 5,880 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 96 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 82 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 24 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 96 Progression to secondary school (%) 98 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 99 Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) 14 Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) .. Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) 100 Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

1.06 7 79 100 100 63 17 0.1

38 26 92 9 .. 14 14 72 43 .. .. .. 35 23 .. .. .. 6 13 .. .. .. ..

97 79 20 96 97 90 8 100

9 75


70 46 75 25 .. 34 22 44

67 41

.. 5 11 .. .. .. ..

96 89 60 94 99 97 72 28 100

1.06 5 81 100 100 80 21 0.1

43 37 89 11 .. 9 12 79 45 .. .. .. 42 34 .. .. .. 4 8 30 .. .. ..

.. .. ..

49 .. 31

1.6 58 ..

1.4 46 40

96 88 36 92 99 93 38 100

6 77


70 47 70 30 .. 26 20 54

68 44

.. 3 6 25 .. .. ..

Curaçao High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

156 .. .. .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.05 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..


.. .. 29 .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.05 .. 81 .. .. .. .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. .. ..

.. .. ..

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

.. 39 ..

2.2 34 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. 13 .. .. .. .. ..

.. 74


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


Cyprus High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

1.2 23 26,370 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 96 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 89 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 22 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 97 Progression to secondary school (%) 99 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 93 Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) 7 Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) 22 Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) 100 Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.07 6 80 .. .. 16 .. ..

95 87 17 98 100 89 2 100

7 76


98 93 50 100 100 96 27 50 100

1.07 3 82 .. .. 10 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

50 41 84 17 6.6 5 13 82 44 69 .. .. 46 36 .. .. .. 7 13 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 15 ..

13 14 9

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.7 10 ..

1.5 5 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

72 45 70 30 0.7 6 31 63

70 43

.. 3 6 .. .. .. ..

56 37 89 12 2.1 2 9 90 52 62 .. .. 48 24 .. .. .. 15 35 64 90 .. 40

98 91 42 100 98 95 13 100

3 78


71 43 77 23 1.2 4 31 65

59 26

.. 17 39 67 90 .. 43

Czech Republic High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

11 199 18,970 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

.. .. 29 99 100 94 15 27 ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.06 6 78 .. 100 7 .. ..

.. .. 28 99 100 90 14 ..

7 72


.. .. 75 102 100 98 55 28 ..

1.06 3 81 .. 100 5 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

52 41 90 10 1.0 4 28 69 47 73 .. .. 46 34 .. .. .. 11 17 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 24 ..

20 26 19

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.2 13 ..

1.5 10 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

70 52 81 19 0.2 6 49 45

65 43

.. 7 17 .. .. .. ..


51 26 87 14 1.6 2 23 75 46 70 196 70 47 21 31 12 .. 8 19 73 79 .. 60

.. .. 52 100 99 96 30 ..

4 75


68 37 79 21 0.5 4 49 47

64 30

.. 6 19 75 85 .. 66


Denmark High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

6 346 61,310 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 98 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 90 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 66 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 100 Progression to secondary school (%) 100 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) .. Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) 47 Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) 30 Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) .. Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.05 5 79 .. .. 9 26 0.1

97 88 49 100 100 .. 25 ..

6 74


98 93 96 100 100 99 64 35 ..

1.06 3 82 .. .. 5 27 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

60 69 94 6 1.8 2 14 85 49 69 .. .. 57 64 .. .. .. 5 7 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 24 ..

38 28 26

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.8 7 ..

1.7 4 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

72 75 88 12 0.2 5 35 60

69 71

.. 4 7 .. .. .. ..

59 62 94 6 0.3 1 10 89 50 61 126 50 54 55 .. .. .. 7 12 94 100 .. 78

98 90 70 99 100 99 40 ..

4 78


66 61 88 12 0.1 4 29 67

62 52

.. 7 14 95 100 .. 84

Djibouti Middle East & North Africa

Lower middle income

Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

876 .. .. 18 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

22 11 0 21 79 12 0 .. ..

1.04 93 59 .. .. 360 52 1.7

31 41 .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

29 17 0 31 80 17 0 ..

108 55


66 50 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

55a .. 4 55a 100 40a .. .. ..

1.04 59 63 88 87 230 56 0.8

36 41 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 98 100 .. .. 22 14 .. .. .. .. 9 .. ..

.. .. ..

13 .. 5

4.5 33 ..

3.4 22 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


63a .. 6 66a 99 49a .. ..

71 60


68 49 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. 17 .. ..


Dominica Latin America & the Caribbean

Upper middle income

Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

72 511 7,070 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) .. Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 90 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) .. Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 125 Progression to secondary school (%) 96 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) .. Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) .. Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) .. Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) ..

.. 78 .. 114 86 .. .. ..

.. 82 .. 103 95 75 .. .. ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. 14 79 100 100 .. .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. 76 24 1.9 8 10 82 44 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 57 ..

22 .. 25

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.9 .. ..

.. .. ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

16 75


.. .. 64 36 1.2 29 27 44

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 20 .. .. 100 .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 84 60 .. .. 41 24 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 76 .. 103 95 83 .. ..

23 ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Dominican Republic Latin America & the Caribbean

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

10 63 6,030 2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

83 44 .. 81 93 65 .. .. 95

1.05 37 74 98 98 120 43 1.3

82 36 .. 73 90 54 .. 93

45 68


85 66 57 91 97 81 25 34 98

1.05 28 77 99 99 100 48 0.4

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

46 38 70 30 2.5 3 20 77 37 49 .. .. 36 25 .. .. 1 24 35 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 31 ..

21 37 19

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

2.9 110 31

2.5 98 37

The Little Data Book on Gender

80 63 50 50 2.0 23 26 51

73 53

6 9 16 .. .. .. ..


51 42 45 24 2.1 3 10 88 42 51 84 100 40 25 30 11 .. 23 42 .. 56 0.8 55

88 58 36 90 93 72 14 97

34 70


79 61 39 52 1.6 21 22 56

71 48

.. 10 22 .. 52 3.8 59


Ecuador Latin America & the Caribbean

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

16 97 6,070 4 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

97 49 .. 98 68 58 .. .. 96

1.05 30 76 69 99 120 28 0.2

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 50 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 42 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 49 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 51 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 18.6 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 21 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 14 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 65 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 39 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) 52 Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 45 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 34 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 10 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 20 Internet users (%) .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) ..

96 48 .. 97 72 58 .. 96

38 71


84 66 56 44 7.4 34 23 43

79 58

.. 6 13 .. .. .. ..

96 85 46 111 97 89 .. 20 99

1.05 19 79 .. 91 87 24 0.1

55 41 56 44 10.5 21 11 68 38 56 84 100 52 36 24 17 3 6 13 .. 41 .. 31

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 29 ..

42 40 24

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

3.1 83 ..

2.6 76 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

94 82 35 110 99 87 .. 99

24 74


83 61 38 62 8.0 32 22 46

80 56

4 3 8 .. 52 .. 33

Egypt, Arab Rep. Middle East & North Africa

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

90 273 3,050 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

91 .. 27 94 96 .. 21 .. ..

1.05 45 71 53 61 75 27 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 19 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 19 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 57 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 43 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 26.0 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 39 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 7 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 54 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 19 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 15 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 10 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 22 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 46 Internet users (%) .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) ..

96 .. 35 101 91 .. 24 ..

48 66


73 44 61 39 8.2 27 25 48

69 36

.. 6 17 .. .. .. ..

.. 85 31 110 95 87 27 25 90

1.05 23 74 .. .. 45 29 0.1

24 20 52 48 34.9 43 5 52 19 .. 90 100 17 6 .. .. .. 29 71 .. 9 0.1 24

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 10 ..

.. 7 12

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

3.3 54 20

2.8 52 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


.. 86 35 111 89 85 27 94

25 69


75 48 63 37 5.5 26 28 46

69 35

.. 7 26 .. 18 2.1 28


El Salvador Latin America & the Caribbean

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

6 24 3,950 3 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

83 44 22 82 94 59 7 26 ..

1.05 29 74 76 90 80 32 0.3

83 44 19 84 93 57 6 ..

36 65


91 64 28 101 95 80 13 27 98

1.05 15 77 .. 100 69 35 0.2

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

45 33 41 49 7.4 4 24 72 32 53 .. .. 43 29 .. .. .. 5 10 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 26 ..

32 37 21

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

2.9 88 ..

2.2 66 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

79 64 60 39 8.3 34 24 42

72 55

.. 9 15 .. .. .. ..

48 34 41 49 8.5 5 18 77 33 60 84 100 46 31 40 21 4 4 11 21 29 4.4 54

91 61 24 100 96 77 9 97

19 68


79 64 62 37 7.1 32 23 45

73 56

10 8 13 25 40 4.7 61

Equatorial Guinea High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

821 10 12,640 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

61 12 2 42 .. 12 .. .. 97

1.03 143 49 86 65 790 55 1.1

80 64 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 75 58 .. .. .. 7 10 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

75 37 5 54 .. 22 .. 98

161 46


93 89 .. .. .. .. .. ..

87 80

.. 7 10 .. .. .. ..

61 .. .. 55 92 32 .. .. 99

1.03 88 55 91 68 290 56 2.5

81 64 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 84 75 74 55 .. .. .. 8 13 .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

24 .. 9

5.8 131 ..

4.8 110 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


61 .. .. 54 100 36 .. 98

101 52


92 88 .. .. .. .. .. ..

85 77

.. 8 12 .. .. .. ..


Eritrea Sub-Saharan Africa

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

5 3 680 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. 0 .. 85 .. 0 3 69

1.05 82 58 70 28 670 68 1.1

75 75 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 69 65 .. .. .. 8 12 .. .. .. ..

.. .. 2 .. 88 .. 1 86

96 54


91 83 .. .. .. .. .. ..

84 74

.. 7 10 .. .. .. ..

.. .. 1a .. 96 .. .. 16a 90

1.05 41 65 89 34 380 64 0.3

80 74 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 74 66 .. .. .. 8 11 .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

22 .. 17

5.9 89 47

4.7 56 41

.. .. 3a .. 99 .. .. 94

51 60


90 80 .. .. .. .. .. ..

84 72

.. 7 10 .. .. .. ..

Estonia High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

1.3 24 18,530 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

96 86 67 94 100 92 13 32 100

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.06 10 76 .. 100 26 .. ..

97 83 46 95 100 86 7 100

12 65


95 90 94 98 99 97 34 30 100

1.06 3 82 .. .. 11 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

52 31 94 6 0.4 4 23 72 52 69 .. .. 46 24 .. .. .. 12 22 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 40 ..

24 36 46

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.4 26 ..

1.6 14 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

67 42 90 10 0.4 10 43 48

57 32

.. 15 25 .. .. .. ..


56 37 94 6 0.3 3 18 80 52 72 140 100 52 30 36 25 .. 8 19 79 97 .. 53

95 88 63 98 100 100 17 100

3 71


69 44 88 12 0.3 7 45 48

63 37

.. 9 17 81 98 .. 50


Ethiopia Sub-Saharan Africa

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

97 53 550 34 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

34 10 1 16 99 6 0 4 ..

1.04 135 53 27 6 990 63 1.6

46 15 2 29 95 10 2 ..

.. .. .. .. 97 .. .. 14 ..


1.04 54 65 43 23 420 62 0.6

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 73 90 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 74 84 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 6 10 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 93 90 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 63.6 34.3 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) .. .. Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) .. .. Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) .. .. Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 41 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 64 87 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 62 78 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) .. .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 13 4 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 17 6 Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. ..

78 74 .. .. .. .. .. .. 39 .. 90 100 71 65 35 14 20 9 12 .. 21 0.1 45

155 51

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 18 ..

28a 22 13

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

6.5 110 49

4.5 60 41



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. .. .. 100 .. .. ..

65 62


89 79 .. .. .. .. .. ..

87 76

33 3 4 .. 23 0.0 51

Faeroe Islands High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

48 .. .. .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. 81 .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 76


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. 83 .. .. .. .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. .. ..

.. .. ..

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

.. .. ..

.. .. ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 79


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


Fiji East Asia & Pacific

Upper middle income

Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

886 4 4,540 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

92 76 .. 94 97 .. .. .. ..

1.06 22 70 .. 99 72 28 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 39 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 31 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 55 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 45 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 26.9 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) .. Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) .. Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) .. Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 33 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 34 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 24 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 11 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 22 Internet users (%) .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

93 69 .. 96 100 .. .. ..

27 65


76 55 60 40 9.8 .. .. ..

71 47

.. 6 14 .. .. .. ..

97 88 .. 105 97 99 .. .. ..

1.06 20 73 .. 100 59 40 0.1

38 32 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 84 100 33 24 .. .. .. 11 25 .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

14 .. 13

3.1 43 ..

2.6 44 ..

96 79 .. 103 91 90 .. ..

24 67


72 50 .. .. .. .. .. ..

67 43

.. 6 16 .. .. .. ..

Finland High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

5 266 48,910 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

100 95 90 97 100 .. 56 20 ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.05 4 81 .. .. 7 .. ..

100 94 75 96 100 .. 32 ..

5 74


99 94 101 98 100 98 63 22 ..

1.04 2 84 .. .. 4 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

57 51 91 9 0.6 4 14 82 50 64 .. .. 51 40 .. .. .. 11 22 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 27 ..

42 32 63

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.7 10 ..

1.8 7 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

67 57 82 18 0.7 8 39 53

61 46

.. 9 19 .. .. .. ..


56 53 91 9 0.3 2 9 88 52 62 147 58 52 43 .. .. .. 8 18 91 100 .. 74

99 94 83 100 100 97 39 ..

3 78


64 54 82 18 0.6 6 36 58

58 43

.. 9 22 92 100 .. 68


France High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

66 2,852 43,070 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

99 92 63 .. .. .. 46 19 ..

1.05 5 83 .. .. 10 .. ..

99 90 51 .. .. .. 34 ..

6 75


99 98 66 .. .. 102 48 26 ..

1.05 4 85 .. .. 12 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

48 32 92 8 2.3 3 14 83 47 83 .. .. 43 25 .. .. .. 12 23 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 35 ..

26 39 50

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.9 10 ..

2.0 9 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

63 39 86 14 0.4 5 36 59

58 32

.. 9 19 .. .. .. ..

51 34 92 8 0.7 2 10 87 50 80 112 73 45 26 .. .. .. 10 25 80 95 .. 64

98 97 53 .. .. 100 35 ..

5 79


62 41 86 15 0.2 4 32 64

55 32

.. 10 23 84 98 .. 70

French Polynesia High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

280 .. .. .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.05 .. 75 .. 99 .. .. ..

48 32 84 16 3.0 5 8 87 42 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 70


69 47 79 21 2.1 12 24 64

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.05 .. 79 .. .. .. .. ..

47 32 .. .. .. .. .. .. 45 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

.. .. ..

2.5 47 ..

2.1 36 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 74


64 46 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


Gabon Sub-Saharan Africa

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

1.7 16 9,450 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. 7 76 .. .. .. .. ..

1.03 79 61 94 86 330 70 4.2

55 26 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 15 .. .. .. 26 42 .. .. .. ..

.. .. 10 73 .. .. .. ..

92 59


66 32 .. .. .. .. .. ..

56 21

.. 16 33 .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 89

1.03 46 64 95 89 240 67 1.3

56 24 .. .. .. .. .. .. 35 .. 98 100 42 14 .. .. 23 26 41 .. 28 6.1 56

.. .. ..

14 .. 13

4.6 148 34

4.1 102 22

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 87

55 62


65 28 .. .. .. .. .. ..

56 19

26 14 31 .. 32 7.2 56

Gambia, The Sub-Saharan Africa

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

1.9 855 440 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

68 .. .. 64 69 30 .. .. 41

1.03 113 56 91 55 580 59 1.1

71 65 .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 .. .. .. 66 58 .. .. 25 8 11 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

75 .. .. 80 74 49 .. 64

125 54


84 66 .. .. .. .. .. ..

78 60

25 7 10 .. .. .. ..

71 .. .. 72 94 64 .. .. 67

1.03 64 60 98 57 430 61 0.7

72 64 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 67 57 .. .. .. 7 11 .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

9 .. 21

5.9 124 ..

5.8 114 36

The Little Data Book on Gender


66 .. .. 69 93 65 .. 74

74 58


83 64 .. .. .. .. .. ..

77 58

.. 7 10 .. .. .. ..


Georgia Europe & Central Asia

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

5 17 3,720 11 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) .. Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 77 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 37 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 98 Progression to secondary school (%) 98 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 84 Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) .. Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) 29 Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) 100 Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.11 31 75 95 96 60 35 0.1

.. 77 39 98 98 85 .. 100

97 92 37 110 100 115 22 23 100


1.11 11 78 98 100 41 20 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 55 74 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 28 44 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 37 38 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 62 62 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 36.7 22.7 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 58 47 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 4 15 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 38 38 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 49 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 49 66 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 22 34 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) .. .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 10 11 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 20 21 Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. ..

57 25 37 62 34.2 .. .. .. 47 .. 183 100 49 16 34 32 .. 13 35 42 40 .. 12

40 68

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 19 ..

11 .. 16

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.6 53 ..

1.8 41 14



The Little Data Book on Gender

96 92 29 107 100 114 15 100

13 71


75 42 40 60 16.1 .. .. ..

64 30

.. 15 29 45 40 .. 15

Germany High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

81 3,853 47,640 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

98 .. .. 103 100 .. 17 16 ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.06 5 81 .. .. 7 .. ..

98 .. .. 102 100 .. 19 ..

6 75


97 .. 58 98 .. 56 34 .. ..

1.06 3 83 .. .. 7 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

49 48 92 8 1.4 2 18 80 45 85 .. .. 45 45 .. .. .. 8 7 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 27 ..

36 30 33

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.4 13 ..

1.4 7 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

68 55 87 13 0.3 3 45 52

63 50

.. 7 9 .. .. .. ..


54 48 92 8 0.7 1 14 85 48 79 98 100 51 45 .. .. .. 5 7 82 99 .. 79

98 .. 62 99 .. 56 31 ..

4 79


66 53 86 14 0.3 2 40 58

63 48

.. 6 9 87 98 .. 80


Ghana Sub-Saharan Africa

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

27 43 1,600 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

64 32 .. 67 86 49 .. .. 65

1.05 94 58 88 44 570 58 1.2

73 54 .. .. .. 50 15 36 32 .. .. .. 65 45 .. .. .. 11 17 .. .. .. ..

66 37 .. 76 85 59 .. 76

107 56


77 53 .. .. .. 60 14 27

69 45

.. 10 16 .. .. .. ..

89a 54a 11 96a 89 66a 8 18 83

1.05 56 62 96 68 380 60 0.6

89a 55a 18 98a 88 72a 10 88

67 60


67 71 38 39 11 25 89 75 14.2 8.7 38 46 14 17 49 37 32 .. 84 100 64 68 34 36 32 15 .. .. 5 4 10 7 .. .. 34 35 11.8 14.2 53 58

.. .. ..

11 .. 23

4.7 81 36

3.9 68 21

Greece High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

11 242 22,090 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

94 84 53 .. .. .. 17 .. 99

1.07 7 81 .. .. 5 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 40 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 36 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 61 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 39 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 17.2 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 20 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 12 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 68 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 39 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) 65 Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 34 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 23 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 17 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 37 Internet users (%) .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) ..

94 78 49 .. .. .. 11 99

8 75


65 44 56 44 5.1 16 29 55

60 34

.. 8 22 .. .. .. ..

100 99 118 101 97 100 37 32 99

1.07 4 83 .. .. 5 .. ..

44 28 68 32 7.7 13 8 80 43 63 119 100 30 10 .. .. .. 31 64 56 87 .. 22

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 25 ..

23 23 10

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.3 11 ..

1.3 8 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


99 99 115 101 100 99 20 99

5 78


63 33 59 41 2.9 13 23 64

47 15

.. 24 54 64 88 .. 26


Greenland High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

56 .. .. .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. .. 70 .. .. .. .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 49 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 64


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. 74 .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

.. .. ..

2.3 .. ..

2.1 .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 68


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Grenada Latin America & the Caribbean

Upper middle income

Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

106 835 7,850 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

94 91 .. 91 .. 101 .. .. ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.05 15 73 85 100 29 .. ..

95 76 .. 95 .. 83 .. ..

17 68


90 81 .. 91 .. .. .. .. ..

1.05 11 75 .. 99 23 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. 75 23 1.7 10 12 77 43 46 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 49 ..

33 .. 46

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

2.6 55 ..

2.2 31 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. 69 25 0.7 17 32 46

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 90 88 .. .. 57 24 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

91 80 .. 98 .. .. .. ..

13 70


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


Guam High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

168 .. .. .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.06 .. 78 .. 99 .. .. ..

56 41 .. .. .. .. .. .. 46 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 73


74 53 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.06 .. 82 .. .. .. .. ..

56 44 .. .. .. .. .. .. 44 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

.. .. ..

2.8 62 ..

2.4 49 ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 76


69 49 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Guatemala Latin America & the Caribbean

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

16 55 3,410 12 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

82 26 8 52 94 30 2 25 78

1.05 46 71 60 41 160 26 0.2

89 28 11 63 95 33 2 86

85 45 19 84 87 56 .. .. 90


1.05 26 76 .. 52 140 39 0.2

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 42 86 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 35 78 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 43 54 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 57 46 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 15.1 15.1 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 19 52 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 24 22 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 57 27 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 32 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) 70 Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 41 85 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 34 76 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) .. .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 2 1 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 4 2 Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. ..

49 43 .. .. .. 13 16 72 37 .. 84 100 47 40 44 16 11 4 8 .. 35 0.1 52

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

55 64

.. .. ..

13 .. 20

4.8 108 34

3.8 81 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


86 49 18 87 98 61 .. 94

32 69


88 80 .. .. .. 44 22 35

86 77

27 2 3 .. 48 3.6 60


Guinea Sub-Saharan Africa

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

12 6 470 35 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

38 9 0 19 78 6 .. .. ..

1.02 162 51 71 35 950 60 1.0

63 50 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 62 50 .. .. .. 2 1 .. .. .. ..

52 22 2 43 76 16 .. ..

178 51


78 57 .. .. .. .. .. ..

77 55

.. 2 3 .. .. .. ..

69 23 6 56 47 29 .. .. 22

1.02 88 57 85 45 650 61 0.7

66 52 .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 .. 98 100 65 52 .. .. 36 2 1 .. 4 0.6 46

.. .. ..

22 .. 15

5.9 169 65

4.9 142 52

81 37 14 68 61 44 .. 38

99 55


78 57 .. .. .. .. .. ..

77 56

40 2 2 .. 9 2.4 45

Guinea-Bissau Sub-Saharan Africa

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

1.8 995 550 67 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

41 6 .. 21 .. 9 .. .. 46

1.03 164 53 62 35 840 56 1.5

63 50 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 59 44 .. .. 68 7 11 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

58 11 .. 37 .. 17 .. 75

190 50


79 57 .. .. .. .. .. ..

73 51

67 7 10 .. .. .. ..

68 .. .. 57 .. 29 .. .. 71

1.03 85 56 93 43 560 59 1.5

68 54 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 63 48 .. .. .. 7 12 .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

14 .. 31

5.8 130 ..

4.9 91 22

The Little Data Book on Gender


71 .. .. 71 .. 44 .. 80

100 53


79 57 .. .. .. .. .. ..

73 51

.. 7 11 .. .. .. ..


Guyana Latin America & the Caribbean

Lower middle income

Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

764 3 4,170 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) .. Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 73 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) .. Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 104 Progression to secondary school (%) 72 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 95 Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) .. Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) .. Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) .. Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.05 41 67 81 86 240 63 0.9

.. 73 .. 99 66 89 .. ..

52 60


76 100 18 90 .. 98 4 18 ..

1.05 34 69 .. .. 250 58 1.2

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

39 31 .. .. .. 16 20 61 35 .. .. .. 33 20 .. .. .. 15 33 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 25 ..

35 .. 29

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

2.6 98 ..

2.5 88 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

81 68 .. .. .. 34 24 42

73 54

.. 10 21 .. .. .. ..

43 31 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 91 70 37 21 58 18 .. 14 32 .. .. .. ..

67 86 8 81 .. 78 2 ..

44 64


81 61 .. .. .. .. .. ..

73 49

.. 10 20 .. .. .. ..

Haiti Latin America & the Caribbean

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

11 9 820 54 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.05 98 59 79 24 510 57 1.4

57 31 .. .. .. 37 6 57 .. .. .. .. 52 24 .. .. .. 8 21 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

112 56


69 37 .. .. .. 63 15 22

65 32

.. 6 15 .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.05 63 65 90 37 380 59 0.8

61 33 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 42 100 56 26 .. .. 35 8 21 .. 14 3.8 45

.. .. ..

4 .. 20

4.3 56 24

3.1 40 18

The Little Data Book on Gender


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

75 61


71 39 .. .. .. .. .. ..

67 33

40 6 15 .. 21 3.8 44


Honduras Latin America & the Caribbean

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

8 18 2,280 19 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

89 .. 15 70 .. .. 3 .. 91

1.05 34 73 83 56 150 50 0.6

88 .. 12 75 .. .. 1 87

41 68


Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 44 88 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 37 79 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 50 48 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 50 52 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 11.3 12.8 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 7 52 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 25 21 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 68 28 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 42 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) 57 Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 43 85 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 34 74 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) .. .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 4 4 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 8 7 Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. .. Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

90 53 25 96 60 47 12 37 96a

1.05 18 76 97 83 120 44 0.2

89 45 18 90 58 38 7 95a

23 72


43 83 31 67 41 46 59 54 11.9 13.3 9 49 21 19 70 31 .. .. 84 100 40 80 28 63 43 32 4 15 6 3 12 6 .. .. 25 35 3.0 3.9 37 42

.. .. ..

26 .. 17

4.0 106 ..

3.0 66 34

Hong Kong SAR, China High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

7 292 40,320 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

.. 69 .. .. 100 .. .. .. ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.07 .. 84 .. .. .. .. ..

.. 69 .. .. 100 .. .. ..

.. 78


93 87 71 95 100 93 .. .. ..

1.07 .. 87 .. .. .. .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

49 45 95 5 1.2 0 10 89 45 .. .. .. 47 40 .. .. .. 4 10 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 24 ..

.. 32 ..

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.0 4 ..

1.1 3 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

73 47 86 15 0.1 0 28 72

69 41

.. 6 12 .. .. .. ..


51 38 94 6 0.8 .. 4 96 50 56 70 80 50 35 .. .. .. 3 8 72 96 .. 65

94 87 63 97 100 94 .. ..

.. 81


68 38 86 14 0.1 .. 19 80

65 34

.. 4 11 77 96 .. 70


Hungary High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

10 133 13,470 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 88 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 85 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 40 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 96 Progression to secondary school (%) 100 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) .. Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) 34 Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) 21 Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) .. Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.06 10 76 .. 100 10 .. ..

88 85 32 97 100 .. 22 ..

12 67


90 92 64 98 99 95 37 22 99

1.06 5 79 .. 99 14 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

41 33 90 11 1.0 4 25 71 49 71 .. .. 39 29 .. .. .. 6 11 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 34 ..

10 40 0

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.3 23 ..

1.3 18 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

58 43 81 19 0.4 9 41 50

54 37

.. 7 14 .. .. .. ..

45 24 92 8 0.5 3 19 78 48 65 168 70 40 17 47 20 .. 10 28 72 72 .. 37

92 92 50 98 99 94 23 99

6 72


60 29 86 14 0.2 7 39 54

54 21

.. 10 26 74 72 .. 40

Iceland High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

328 16 47,640 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

99 85 57 94 100 94 46 25 ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.04 4 82 .. .. 6 .. ..

99 81 34 101 100 95 22 ..

4 78


98 89 103 100 99 97 80 33 ..

1.05 2 85 .. .. 4 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

72 73 89 11 0.6 4 11 85 52 77 .. .. 70 71 .. .. .. 3 4 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 29 ..

41 40 44

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

2.1 20 ..

2.0 6 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

82 70 77 23 0.2 12 33 55

81 66

.. 2 6 .. .. .. ..


71 74 91 8 0.0 2 8 90 51 66 90 49 67 68 .. .. .. 5 8 96 .. .. ..

98 89 60 93 100 99 41 ..

2 82


77 70 83 16 0.0 9 28 63

73 60

.. 6 14 98 .. .. ..


India South Asia

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

1,295 2,036 1,570 21 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

74 .. 7 64 88 47 .. .. 68

1.11 96 63 62 43 370 .. ..

88 .. 11 81 92 62 .. 84

87 61


Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 34 83 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 26 65 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 46 4 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 91 82 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 37.8 12.8 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 75 54 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 12 18 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 14 28 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 17 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 33 79 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 24 58 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. .. Firms with a female top manager (%) 5 5 Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) 4 4 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 10 10 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) .. .. Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. 24 97 92 78 .. .. 82

1.11 49 68 .. .. 190 .. ..

.. 14 ..

12 14 22

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

3.1 67 50

2.5 26 ..


The Little Data Book on Gender


46 65


27 80 18 51 15 19 86 81 33.9 11.0 60 43 21 26 20 31 19 .. 84 100 26 77 16 46 a 11 a 9 2 2 4 4 11 10 .. .. 43 62 1.2 3.5 34 42

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)


.. .. 26 96 92 80 ..

Indonesia East Asia & Pacific

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

254 924 3,630 16 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

93 50 14 95 79 71 6 .. ..

1.05 47 69 88 67 310 23 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 50 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 44 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 29 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 71 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 38.6 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 47 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 15 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 38 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 32 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) 47 Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 47 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 36 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) 9 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 7 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 18 Internet users (%) .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

94 51 16 95 78 69 7 ..

57 65


85 67 36 64 8.1 44 19 37

80 55

9 6 18 .. .. .. ..

93 76 32 107 96 86 15 .. 99

1.05 24 73 96 83 190 37 0.4

51 40 33 60 30.9 34 16 49 35 .. 90 100 48 31 .. .. 3 7 22 9 37 0.7 70

.. .. ..

17 23 23

2.5 50 ..

2.3 50 17

The Little Data Book on Gender


92 77 31 103 97 81 16 99

30 69


84 60 39 50 6.9 35 25 39

80 47

4 6 21 11 35 0.2 68


Iran, Islamic Rep. Middle East & North Africa

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

78 528 6,840 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

84 .. 18 90 92 79 .. .. 96

1.05 34 71 .. 90 44 10 0.1

14 13 .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 .. .. .. 11 8 .. .. .. 21 35 .. .. .. ..

87 .. 21 95 93 79 .. 98

36 69


74 52 .. .. .. .. .. ..

65 40

.. 12 24 .. .. .. ..

.. 79 56 105 97 93 18 25 98

1.05 15 76 97 96 23 13 0.1

17 13 .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 .. 270 67 13 8 .. .. .. 20 42 26 87 4.0 40

.. .. ..

3 .. 10

2.2 40 ..

1.9 27 17

.. 84 60 103 97 96 20 98

16 72


74 49 .. .. .. .. .. ..

65 36

.. 12 26 34 97 5.0 44

Iraq Middle East & North Africa

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

35 220 6,320 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

82 25 8 50 67 24 .. .. 80

1.07 41 73 77 72 71 .. ..

13 8 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 3 .. .. 10 29 67 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

94 38 15 61 85 33 .. 89

48 69


70 52 .. .. .. .. .. ..

59 35

17 16 33 .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 81

1.07 29 73 78 91 67 .. ..

15 8 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 72 100 11 3 7 2 4 24 59 .. 7 .. 44

.. .. ..

27 .. 6

5.0 66 ..

4.0 83 24

The Little Data Book on Gender


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 83

35 66


70 48 .. .. .. .. .. ..

60 34

8 14 30 .. 15 .. 53


Ireland High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

5 206 44,660 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

94 93 55 95 .. 95 35 17 ..

1.07 6 79 .. 100 6 29 0.1

95 87 45 94 .. 93 27 ..

8 74


95 100 72 .. .. 102 56 17 ..

1.07 3 83 .. .. 9 30 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

47 47 91 9 1.9 2 13 85 46 75 .. .. 45 44 .. .. .. 4 7 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 26 ..

16 33 29

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.9 19 ..

2.0 11 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

71 56 74 26 0.9 10 38 52

68 53

.. 4 6 .. .. .. ..

53 39 92 8 0.9 1 9 90 52 69 182 35 47 30 .. .. .. 11 23 79 95 .. 65

96 99 70 .. .. 101 44 ..

4 79


68 41 75 25 0.7 8 27 65

58 29

.. 15 30 78 95 .. 75

Isle of Man High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

87 .. .. .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. .. 82 .. .. .. .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. 92 8 .. 1 6 94 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 75


.. .. 80 20 .. 2 25 73

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

.. .. ..

1.7 .. ..

.. .. ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


Israel High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

8 287 34,990 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 98 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 99 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 59 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 104 Progression to secondary school (%) 100 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 98 Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) 37 Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) 28 Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) .. Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.05 6 81 .. .. 9 .. ..

98 97 41 105 100 98 22 ..

7 77


97 100 76 103 100 103 51 .. ..

1.05 4 84 .. .. 2 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

48 36 91 9 0.8 1 12 86 48 76 .. .. 44 30 .. .. .. 9 17 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 27 ..

24 .. 18

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

3.0 17 ..

3.0 10 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

61 33 82 18 0.2 3 34 62

55 27

.. 9 17 .. .. .. ..

58 48 92 8 0.2 .. .. .. 51 69 98 100 54 43 27 10 .. 6 11 68 90 .. 62

96 97 57 102 100 101 34 ..

4 80


69 49 84 17 0.1 .. .. ..

65 44

.. 6 11 73 90 .. 62

Italy High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

61 2,103 34,280 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

98 86 55 102 100 99 25 28 100

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.06 5 83 .. .. 4 .. ..

99 88 43 102 100 98 19 100

6 77


96 92 74 99 100 100 42 40 100

1.06 3 85 .. .. 4 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

35 34 78 22 5.8 4 21 75 40 73 .. .. 30 22 .. .. .. 15 35 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 14 ..

31 25 44

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.3 7 ..

1.4 6 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

61 42 68 32 2.8 6 38 56

56 30

.. 8 28 .. .. .. ..


40 24 82 18 2.0 3 14 84 46 76 150 80 34 14 .. .. .. 13 41 54 83 .. 49

97 91 52 99 100 101 27 100

4 80


60 33 71 29 1.0 5 38 58

53 20

.. 12 39 63 92 .. 65


Jamaica Latin America & the Caribbean

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

3 14 5,220 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 92 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 79 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 20 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 90 Progression to secondary school (%) 96 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 100 Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) .. Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) .. Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) 96 Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

1.05 19 73 67 96 88 38 1.3

59 42 65 35 3.0 9 6 84 45 54 .. .. 46 23 .. .. 1 22 46 .. .. .. ..

93 76 11 85 100 99 .. 87

25 68


78 56 55 45 1.3 29 24 47

70 42

2 10 25 .. .. .. ..

.. 76 40 .. 93 82 .. .. 99

1.05 14 76 98 99 80 38 0.6

56 31 67 33 1.5 8 7 86 48 .. 56 100 45 17 38 24 6 20 45 37 78 1.4 71

.. .. ..

13 .. 20

2.6 87 ..

2.3 61 8

.. 72 18 .. 88 85 .. 94

18 71


71 40 53 47 0.6 26 22 52

63 29

6 11 28 31 79 0.4 78

Japan High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

127 5,339 42,000 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

.. .. 45 102 .. .. 25 11 ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.06 4 85 .. .. 10 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 49 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 46 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 81 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 18 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 10.6 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 6 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 22 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 72 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 40 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) 71 Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 47 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 43 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 5 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 8 Internet users (%) .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

.. .. 52 102 .. .. 40 ..

5 78


76 47 84 16 1.7 5 38 57

73 42

.. 5 10 .. .. .. ..

100 100 58 102 .. .. 40 12 ..

1.06 3 87 .. .. 6 .. ..

49 44 89 11 5.6 4 15 80 43 71 98 67 47 41 .. .. .. 4 6 78 97 .. 75

.. .. ..

9 .. 22

1.4 5 ..

1.4 4 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


100 99 65 102 .. .. 48 ..

3 80


70 42 87 13 1.0 4 33 62

67 39

.. 4 8 85 96 .. 69


Jordan Middle East & North Africa

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

7 34 5,160 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 95 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 81 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 30 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 103 Progression to secondary school (%) 99 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 91 Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) 20 Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) .. Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) .. Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

1.05 26 73 99 100 65 .. ..

13 9 91 8 2.1 4 12 85 14 .. .. .. 10 5 .. .. .. 22 41 .. .. .. ..

93 77 26 100 98 88 20 ..

29 70


69 46 79 21 1.9 5 23 72

60 34

.. 12 26 .. .. .. ..

96 89 50 92 99 91 46 13 99

1.05 17 76 99 100 50 .. ..

16 10 96 4 0.3 1 8 91 .. .. 70 100 12 5 16 2 .. 22 56 .. 16 0.4 29

.. .. ..

12 .. 11

4.1 36 11

3.2 24 8

98 86 43 94 99 90 40 99

19 72


67 39 82 18 0.4 2 19 79

60 28

.. 11 28 .. 33 0.5 29

Kazakhstan Europe & Central Asia

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

17 202 11,670 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

89 93 35 95 98 102 24 .. 100

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.07 37 71 94 98 71 36 0.1

88 88 30 94 100 93 20 100

50 60


86 92 63 103 100 101 .. 31 ..

1.07 12 75 99 100 26 37 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

65 49 54 46 1.2 34 10 56 49 .. .. .. 55 40 .. .. .. 16 18 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 33 ..

26 .. 13

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.8 34 14

2.6 29 6

The Little Data Book on Gender

76 55 61 39 0.9 37 23 41

69 49

.. 10 12 .. .. .. ..


68 44 70 30 0.4 .. .. .. 51 .. 126 100 64 42 28 19 .. 6 5 .. 56 .. 30

86 91 48 101 100 102 .. ..

16 66


78 51 69 31 0.4 .. .. ..

75 49

.. 4 4 .. 52 .. 31


Kenya Sub-Saharan Africa

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

45 58 1,290 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

66 33 2 .. .. .. 1 13 92


85 55 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


1.03 45 64 .. .. 400 58 ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 63 73 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 41 48 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 19 46 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 78 50 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 53.2 26.9 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) .. .. Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) .. .. Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) .. .. Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) .. Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 56 67 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 34 40 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) 35 40 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 11 9 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 18 17 Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. ..

62 36 .. .. .. .. .. .. 36 .. 90 100 56 30 49 13 .. 11 17 .. 52 54.9 72

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

1.03 102 54 76 44 570 57 ..

65 34 4 .. .. .. 2

114 52

.. .. ..

20 .. 30

5.0 105 25

4.4 92 ..

82 57 .. .. .. .. .. ..

53 60


72 43 .. .. .. .. .. ..

67 36

.. 8 17 .. 59 62.4 80

Kiribati East Asia & Pacific

Lower middle income

Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

110 237 2,150 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. .. 98 .. .. .. .. ..

1.07 65 68 .. 89 200 .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. 1 3 96 37 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

.. .. .. 106 .. .. .. ..

76 62


.. .. .. .. .. 4 10 81

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.07 51 72 .. .. 130 .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 44 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

9 36 21

3.9 37 ..

3.0 18 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

61 66


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


Korea, Dem. People’s Rep. East Asia & Pacific

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

25 .. .. .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.05 55 69 97 97 120 .. ..

75 74 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 72 68 .. .. .. 4 9 .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

65 61


88 71 .. .. .. .. .. ..

83 63

.. 5 11 .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.05 22 73 .. .. 87 .. ..

72 65 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 69 59 .. .. .. 4 9 .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

16 .. 6

2.0 1 ..

2.0 1 ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

28 66


84 60 .. .. .. .. .. ..

80 54

.. 5 11 .. .. .. ..

Korea, Rep. High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

50 1,366 27,090 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

100 95 59 105 99 99 28 28 ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.10 6 80 .. .. 19 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 49 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 37 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 62 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 39 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 19.2 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 12 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 19 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 69 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 40 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) 58 Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 47 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 34 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 4 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 9 Internet users (%) .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

99 96 96 104 99 99 28 ..

6 72


73 33 64 36 2.0 10 35 56

70 29

.. 5 13 .. .. .. ..

97a 98a 97a 98a 82a 109a 104a 105a 100 100 98a 99a 50 47 24 .. ..

1.07 3 85 .. .. 27 .. ..

50 30 74 26 10.7 7 13 81 43 61 90 100 49 28 .. .. .. 3 9 81 93 .. 72

.. 5 ..

16 .. 6

1.5 3 ..

1.2 2 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


4 78


72 24 70 30 1.2 6 20 73

70 22

.. 3 10 89 95 .. 76


Kosovo Europe & Central Asia

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

1.8 7 4,000 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. 70 .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 66


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. 73 .. .. .. .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. .. ..

.. 15 ..

3.0 .. ..

2.2 .. ..

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. 86 14 5.4 5 10 85 .. .. 270 63 .. .. 11 7 .. .. .. .. 36 .. 30

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 69


.. .. 71 29 5.8 4 33 62

.. ..

.. .. .. .. 59 .. 41

Kuwait High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

4 187 52,000 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

93 99 31 115 100 110 .. .. ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.04 12 74 .. 100 8 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

44 27 .. .. .. .. .. .. 23 .. .. .. 44 26 .. .. .. 1 3 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

94 100 17 114 100 111 .. ..

14 72


82 47 .. .. .. .. .. ..

82 44

.. 1 5 .. .. .. ..

.. .. 41 .. 100 .. 23 25 99

1.04 8 76 .. .. 14 .. ..

44 24 98 2 0.6 .. .. .. .. .. 70 100 43 21 .. .. .. 2 13 .. 64 .. 60

.. .. ..

2 .. 7

2.9 22 ..

2.6 10 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


.. .. 18 .. 99 .. 6 99

9 73


83 43 96 4 0.4 .. .. ..

80 33

.. 3 23 .. 79 .. 62


Kyrgyz Republic Europe & Central Asia

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

6 7 1,250 3 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 85 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) .. Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 35 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 93 Progression to secondary school (%) 97 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 27 Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) 21 Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) 36 Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) 100 Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.05 44 72 .. 99 100 47 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 56 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 42 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 44 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 56 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 15.9 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 55 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 7 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 38 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 45 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 52 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 36 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) 8 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 8 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 15 Internet users (%) .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) ..

87 .. 35 94 100 24 18 100

53 65


74 55 42 58 6.5 52 13 35

69 48

10 7 12 .. .. .. ..

89 83 59 102 100 89 38 26 ..

1.06 19 74 97 99 75 43 0.1

56 37 .. .. .. .. .. .. 42 .. 126 19 51 31 49 29 .. 9 18 .. 19 .. 34

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 28 ..

23 .. 15

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

2.4 46 ..

3.2 40 8



The Little Data Book on Gender

92 82 37 104 100 90 28 ..

24 66


80 59 .. .. .. .. .. ..

74 51

.. 7 14 .. 18 .. 39

Lao PDR East Asia & Pacific

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

7 11 1,650 30 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

72 24 2 61 74 30 1 12 74

1.05 109 63 27 19 600 41 0.1

79 77 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 78 75 .. .. .. 2 3 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

78 31 4 73 81 41 1 88

126 60


81 64 .. .. .. .. .. ..

79 60

.. 2 6 .. .. .. ..

96 43 17 100 85 44 10 11 ..

1.05 61 70 54 42 220 46 0.2

76 68 .. .. .. .. .. .. 35 .. 105 100 75 66 42 32 10 1 3 .. 26 .. ..

.. .. ..

25 .. 10

4.2 80 ..

3.0 65 35

The Little Data Book on Gender


98 46 19 102 88 50 13 ..

73 67


79 59 .. .. .. .. .. ..

78 56

8 2 4 .. 27 .. ..


Latvia High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

2 31 15,660 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 94 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) .. Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 73 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 95 Progression to secondary school (%) 99 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) .. Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) 56 Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) 16 Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) 100 Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.05 15 76 .. 100 42 .. ..

97 .. 41 97 100 .. 29 100

19 65


97 88 80 106 98 96 60 27 100

1.05 7 79 .. .. 13 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

49 32 86 14 4.8 12 18 69 51 54 .. .. 42 25 .. .. .. 13 22 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 37 ..

18 45 23

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.3 19 ..

1.4 14 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

65 45 84 16 3.4 16 34 49

55 35

.. 15 21 .. .. .. ..

55 37 91 9 0.6 5 14 81 53 63 112 80 49 29 36 32 .. 11 22 75 90 .. 45

96 86 53 106 98 100 26 100

9 69


68 45 86 14 1.1 12 33 55

60 36

.. 12 19 76 90 .. 43

Lebanon Middle East & North Africa

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

5 45 9,800 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

.. .. 41 117 100 96 20 24 ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.05 19 76 96 .. 37 9 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

19 18 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 14 .. .. .. 11 21 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

.. .. 36 114 93 79 14 ..

21 73


71 44 .. .. .. .. .. ..

65 34

.. 8 22 .. .. .. ..

90 68 50 87 99 69 30 17 ..

1.05 8 82 .. .. 16 11 0.1

23 19 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 70 100 21 14 44 4 .. 11 24 .. 33 0.3 43

.. .. ..

3 .. 4

2.2 23 ..

1.5 13 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


97 67 46 91 97 62 26 ..

9 78


71 42 .. .. .. .. .. ..

67 34

.. 5 19 .. 62 1.1 51


Lesotho Sub-Saharan Africa

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

2 3 1,340 60 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

84 26 3 75 67 32 .. .. 97

1.03 109 48 85 60 680 57 13.8

77 15 2 53 70 23 .. 85

125 47


81 42 12 84 86 48 4 28 ..

1.03 83 50 .. .. 490 58 10.2

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

68 57 30 64 .. 65 10 25 51 .. .. .. 37 25 .. .. 28 45 56 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 52 ..

25 .. 22

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

4.1 91 ..

3.0 92 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

80 69 23 74 .. 78 9 13

57 44

34 29 36 .. .. .. ..

59 37 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 84 100 42 22 .. .. .. 28 41 .. 17 .. ..

78 27 8 64 83 34 2 ..

97 49


74 52 .. .. .. .. .. ..

58 38

.. 22 28 .. 20 .. ..

Liberia Sub-Saharan Africa

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

4 1.6 370 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

41 .. 14 .. .. 31 4 32 ..

1.05 173 53 84 51 1,100 58 1.3

58 35 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 56 32 .. .. .. 4 6 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

52 .. 25 .. .. 45 5 ..

191 52


62 36 .. .. .. .. .. ..

60 34

.. 4 4 .. .. .. ..

37a 15a 9 54a .. 32a .. 25 ..

1.05 65 62 96 61 640 59 0.4

11 .. 20

5.9 149 ..

4.8 111 36 2016


75 60


58 65 35 36 9 28 91 72 19.7 12.5 48 50 5 14 47 37 24 .. 90 100 56 63 33 34 .. .. 15 22 4 4 6 3 .. .. 15 23 .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

39a 18a 14 63a .. 42a ..


Libya Middle East & North Africa

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

6 50 7,910 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. 50 .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.06 25 74 .. 99 21 .. ..

27 22 .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 .. .. .. 19 9 .. .. .. 29 61 .. .. .. ..

.. .. 51 .. .. .. .. ..

31 70


74 49 .. .. .. .. .. ..

61 31

.. 17 37 .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100

1.06 12 77 .. .. 15 .. ..

30 24 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 6 .. .. .. 30 77 .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

16 .. 4

3.1 7 ..

2.4 6 ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100

15 73


76 49 .. .. .. .. .. ..

65 30

.. 15 39 .. .. .. ..

Liechtenstein High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

37 .. .. .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. .. 80 .. .. .. .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 39 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 74


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 87 30 99 100 110 15 41 ..

.. .. 85 .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 44 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

20 .. 50

1.6 .. ..

1.5 .. ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


.. 97 54 105 100 100 24 ..

.. 80


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


Lithuania High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

3 45 15,380 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 96 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 92 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 61 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 97 Progression to secondary school (%) 100 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 88 Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) 26 Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) 35 Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) 100 Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.06 11 78 .. 100 20 .. ..

96 91 40 98 100 78 18 100

13 67


95 96 83 96 100 103 82 22 100

1.05 5 80 .. .. 11 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

55 33 83 17 3.5 15 20 65 54 57 .. .. 47 24 .. .. .. 14 27 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 43 ..

23 38 21

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.4 25 ..

1.6 12 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

66 42 77 23 2.5 22 34 44

54 29

.. 18 30 .. .. .. ..

56 28 90 10 1.4 6 16 77 53 62 126 100 50 22 36 21 .. 11 20 68 78 .. 54

96 97 57 97 99 104 48 100

6 69


67 37 86 14 0.9 12 34 54

58 28

.. 13 23 69 78 .. 53

Luxembourg High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

556 38 69,880 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

97 86 11 .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.05 4 81 .. 100 11 .. ..

95 82 9 .. .. .. .. ..

5 75


93 87 21 86 .. 110 13 22 ..

1.05 2 84 .. .. 11 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

41 31 93 7 1.3 2 7 92 .. 90 .. .. 40 28 .. .. .. 3 7 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 27 ..

28 24 27

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.8 11 ..

1.6 6 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

66 37 89 11 0.1 3 30 67

65 35

.. 2 6 .. .. .. ..


51 25 92 8 0.6 1 4 93 45 81 112 100 47 20 .. .. .. 7 19 92 97 .. 79

92 84 19 84 .. 109 7 ..

2 80


65 29 90 10 0.2 2 19 77

61 24

.. 5 20 96 96 .. 76


Macao SAR, China High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

578 40 71,060 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 87 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 71 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 25 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 101 Progression to secondary school (%) 91 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 83 Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) 12 Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) .. Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) 100 Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.05 .. 80 .. .. .. .. ..

83 66 27 99 94 69 12 99

.. 75


.. 80 70 .. 100 90 52 20 100

1.05 .. 83 .. .. .. .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

56 45 92 8 2.9 0 30 70 49 50 .. .. 53 42 .. .. .. 5 7 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 19 ..

.. 32 ..

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

0.9 5 ..

1.1 3 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

76 42 85 15 0.2 0 27 73

69 36

.. 9 14 .. .. .. ..

66 53 96 4 0.6 .. .. .. 48 .. .. .. 65 51 .. .. .. 2 4 65 .. .. ..

.. 77 55 .. 99 93 36 100

.. 78


78 50 90 11 0.1 .. .. ..

76 48

.. 2 3 66 .. .. ..

Macedonia, FYR Europe & Central Asia

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

2 11 5,150 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

89 .. 26 95 98 92 13 33 98

1.05 15 76 81 98 15 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 41 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 31 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 76 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 24 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 16.5 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 25 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 30 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 46 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 42 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) 46 Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 27 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 12 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 35 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 63 Internet users (%) .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) ..

90 .. 20 96 100 94 7 99

17 71


66 46 74 27 7.4 23 36 41

46 19

.. 31 58 .. .. .. ..

87 .. 42 .. .. 86 33 39 98

1.05 5 78 99 98 7 .. ..

43 27 75 25 14.4 18 24 58 42 45 270 100 31 13 30 26 19 29 51 54 64 .. 35

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 19 ..

33 28 8

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.7 28 ..

1.4 18 7

The Little Data Book on Gender


87 .. 35 .. .. 89 25 99

6 73


68 41 70 30 5.4 17 33 49

48 19

20 29 53 61 80 .. 44


Madagascar Sub-Saharan Africa

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

24 10 440 82 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

65 .. 2 36 62 14 1 .. 68

1.02 103 60 71 46 550 49 0.4

84 74 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 59 .. .. 81 72 .. .. 25 4 3 .. .. .. ..

65 .. 2 36 63 14 1 73

115 57


90 76 .. .. .. .. .. ..

88 74

26 2 2 .. .. .. ..

.. 31 4 70 73 37 3 24 ..

1.03 45 66 82 44 440 46 0.1

87 78 7 93 63.4 .. .. .. 37 .. 98 100 83 74 42 28 .. 5 6 .. 6 4.2 37

.. .. ..

21 25 20

5.5 152 ..

4.5 117 41

.. 30 4 67 73 39 3 ..

54 63


91 79 12 88 30.7 .. .. ..

88 76

.. 3 5 .. 6 4.5 42

Malawi Sub-Saharan Africa

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

17 4 250 71 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. 27 0 62 84 26 .. .. 71

1.03 167 46 91 56 750 59 8.5

77 62 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 70 53 .. .. .. 9 15 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

.. 36 0 69 91 40 .. 82

182 46


81 56 .. .. .. .. .. ..

76 49

.. 6 13 .. .. .. ..

.. 30 1 75 84 20 .. .. 70

1.03 60 55 95 71 510 60 4.1

85 65 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 56 100 77 56 .. .. 24 9 14 .. 13 2.5 59

.. .. ..

17 .. 11

6.3 161 47

5.4 137 50

The Little Data Book on Gender


.. 32 1 75 88 21 .. 74

68 55


82 55 .. .. .. .. .. ..

76 48

26 6 13 .. 19 5.2 60


Malaysia East Asia & Pacific

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

30 322 10,760 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 98 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 69 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 26 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 94 Progression to secondary school (%) 100 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 91 Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) 12 Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) .. Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) 97 Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.06 9 75 .. 97 40 12 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 45 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 41 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 76 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 24 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 11.1 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 14 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 29 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 57 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 38 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 43 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 37 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 3 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 9 Internet users (%) .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) ..

98 63 25 95 98 84 9 97

11 71


81 57 73 27 2.7 21 34 45

78 53

.. 3 9 .. .. .. ..

.. 67 41 .. 99 86 25 39 98

1.06 6 77 97 99 29 20 0.1

44 33 75 25 8.4 8 20 72 39 .. 60 100 43 29 .. .. .. 3 12 .. 78 2.6 84

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 22 ..

10 25 6

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

2.8 14 ..

2.0 13 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. 71 34 .. 100 91 18 98

8 73


76 48 73 27 2.5 15 33 52

73 43

.. 3 11 .. 83 3.1 80

Maldives South Asia

Upper middle income

Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

357 3 7,170 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

99 42 .. 190 67 .. .. .. 98

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.06 40 70 81 70 110 .. ..

98 36 .. 178 57 .. .. 98

49 69


.. .. .. .. .. 99 .. .. ..

1.06 8 79 .. 99 31 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

38 30 29 41 3.4 5 24 39 41 .. .. .. 30 20 .. .. .. 19 35 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 15 ..

6 .. 13

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

3.3 34 ..

2.3 7 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

71 48 21 71 1.3 18 16 56

67 39

.. 7 17 .. .. .. ..


56 49 .. .. .. .. .. .. 41 .. 60 100 46 31 .. .. .. 18 36 .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. 88 .. ..

9 77


78 59 .. .. .. .. .. ..

72 48

.. 7 19 .. .. .. ..


Mali Sub-Saharan Africa

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

17 11 660 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

40 .. 1 26 71 12 .. .. 17

1.05 211 49 57 41 860 59 0.7

37 31 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 27 .. .. .. 12 15 .. .. .. ..

54 .. 3 40 82 22 .. 32

228 49


66 50 .. .. .. .. .. ..

62 46

.. 6 8 .. .. .. ..

64 32 4 54 92 28 .. .. 39

1.05 108 55 74 59 550 59 0.7

51 47 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 98 100 45 40 58 21 27 11 14 .. 11 9.0 45

.. .. ..

9 .. 16

6.8 188 65

6.8 175 60

73 39 10 63 94 36 .. 56

120 55


81 68 .. .. .. .. .. ..

76 63

32 6 8 .. 16 14.4 45

Malta High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

427 9 21,000 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. 73 22 96 99 83 15 13 ..

1.06 7 80 .. .. 11 .. ..

.. 73 18 93 98 68 13 ..

8 76


95 84 47 87 100 95 40 20 99

1.06 6 83 .. .. 9 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

30 59 95 6 0.0 1 25 74 33 64 .. .. 28 53 .. .. .. 7 10 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 18 ..

13 23 7

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.7 20 ..

1.4 17 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

72 60 85 15 0.1 2 36 61

67 52

.. 6 13 .. .. .. ..


38 48 94 6 0.1 1 11 88 41 69 126 82 35 42 .. .. .. 7 12 67 96 .. 67

95 80 36 88 99 91 25 98

7 79


66 53 82 19 0.0 1 28 70

62 45

.. 7 16 71 97 .. 76


Marshall Islands East Asia & Pacific

Upper middle income

Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

53 227 4,300 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 95 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 64 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 18 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 84 Progression to secondary school (%) 86 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 106 Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) .. Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) .. Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) .. Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. 37 68 .. 95 .. .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. 68 29 0.0 7 23 68 29 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

97 61 14 100 87 96 .. ..

46 63


.. .. 73 27 1.4 27 16 56

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. 41 104 .. 134 .. .. ..

.. 32 .. .. 99 .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

3 .. 10

5.7 .. ..

4.1 .. ..

.. .. 45 96 .. 134 .. ..

40 ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Mauritania Sub-Saharan Africa

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

4 5 1,270 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

59 12 1 42 49 16 .. .. 55

1.05 104 61 64 57 480 53 0.8

23 18 .. .. .. .. .. .. 36 .. .. .. 16 11 .. .. .. 29 40 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

61 15 6 48 54 19 .. 68

123 58


78 57 .. .. .. .. .. ..

52 31

.. 33 46 .. .. .. ..

75 20 3 72 54 21 .. .. ..

1.05 80 63 84 65 320 54 0.4

29 23 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 98 100 21 14 15a 5a .. 28 39 .. 19 6.6 41

.. .. ..

25 .. 27

5.4 97 37

4.7 79 34

The Little Data Book on Gender


71 23 7 70 61 19 .. ..

96 60


79 57 .. .. .. .. .. ..

54 32

.. 32 45 .. 22 6.3 42


Mauritius Sub-Saharan Africa

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

1.3 12 9,710 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 93 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 68 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 10 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 102 Progression to secondary school (%) 84 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 78 Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) .. Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) .. Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) 95 Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.04 16 75 .. 99 28 29 0.3

93 69 12 104 78 73 .. 94

21 68


98 .. 45 103 83 90 .. .. 99

1.04 12 78 .. .. 73 29 0.2

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

41 36 91 9 1.7 11 43 46 39 42 .. .. 36 27 .. .. .. 12 25 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 22 ..

12 .. 12

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

2.0 36 ..

1.4 29 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

80 63 79 21 0.5 13 37 50

75 52

.. 6 17 .. .. .. ..

44 37 83 17 4.4 7 20 73 38 .. 84 100 38 25 .. .. .. 14 32 34 80 0.2 53

98 .. 37 100 73 84 .. 98

15 71


74 49 77 23 0.9 9 32 60

70 40

.. 5 17 37 85 1.6 55

Mexico Latin America & the Caribbean

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

125 1,236 9,860 3 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

94 54 19 93 89 68 16 22 96

1.05 23 77 .. .. 67 16 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 39 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 37 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 65 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 35 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 12.6 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 7 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 22 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 71 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 37 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) 65 Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 38 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 34 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 3 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 6 Internet users (%) .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) ..

98 55 20 97 92 69 14 97

28 72


82 69 64 37 6.1 24 29 47

81 66

.. 2 5 .. .. .. ..

97 69 29 105 96 83 20 28 99

1.05 12 80 98 96 49 21 0.1

45 35 65 35 9.1 4 16 80 40 57 84 100 43 31 26 15 4 5 11 42 39 2.8 54

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 24 ..

38 .. 18

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

2.7 80 ..

2.2 63 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


95 66 31 102 97 78 18 99

14 75


80 61 67 33 4.3 19 29 51

76 56

9 5 9 45 39 4.1 63


Micronesia, Fed. Sts. East Asia & Pacific

Lower middle income

Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

104 339 3,270 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.07 49 68 .. 88 130 .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

58 67


84a .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.07 31 70 .. .. 96 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. .. ..

0 .. 25

4.3 38 ..

3.3 16 ..

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

82a .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

38 68


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Moldova Europe & Central Asia

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

4 9 2,550 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

89 79 37 96 98 84 .. .. 100

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.06 28 71 .. 98 39 35 ..

90 77 28 98 98 80 .. 99

35 63


88 78 47 93 98 83 42 31 100

1.06 14 73 99 99 21 43 ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

56 33 62 38 8.8 50 10 36 53 59 .. .. 52 28 .. .. 33 7 15 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 33 ..

22 44 28

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.6 42 ..

1.5 23 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

64 40 64 36 5.5 52 18 26

58 33

34 10 17 .. .. .. ..


38 19 73 27 3.0 23 13 64 55 58 126 100 36 16 47 26 .. 4 13 .. 19 .. 45

88 77 36 93 98 84 28 100

18 65


44 23 65 35 1.3 30 26 45

41 19

.. 6 16 .. 16 .. 43


Monaco High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

38 .. .. .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. 5 .. .. .. .. .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 39 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

6 ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 3 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. .. ..

21 .. 20

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

.. .. ..

.. .. ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

4 ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Mongolia East Asia & Pacific

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

3 12 4,280 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

91 69 39 89 99 71 25 46 98

1.03 52 66 97 97 120 .. ..

89 56 22 85 96 54 13 97

94 .. 73 .. .. 109 81 38 99


1.03 18 72 99 99 68 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 56 66 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 38 47 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 44 39 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 56 60 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 38.6 14.0 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 47 51 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 11 17 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 42 33 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 49 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 52 62 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 34 42 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) 21 23 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 6 6 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 11 10 Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. ..

57 31 49 50 6.0 32 12 55 50 .. 120 100 54 28 38 36 16 5 10 .. 93 5.1 51

73 60

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 30 ..

15 .. 11

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

2.1 26 ..

2.4 16 5

The Little Data Book on Gender


96 .. 51 .. .. 104 44 98

27 64


69 41 46 54 2.7 33 22 44

66 38

17 5 9 .. 90 4.9 43


Montenegro Europe & Central Asia

Upper middle income

Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

622 5 7,240 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. 19 .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.08 13 77 .. 99 10 .. ..

43 28 .. .. .. .. .. .. 44 .. .. .. 34 18 .. .. .. 21 35 .. .. .. ..

.. .. 14 .. .. .. .. ..

15 71


60 41 .. .. .. .. .. ..

49 26

.. 19 36 .. .. .. ..

99 .. 62 102 .. 93 .. .. 99

1.07 4 77 .. .. 7 .. ..

43 28 88 12 2.2 5 8 87 47 44 45 100 34 17 24 19 .. 21 41 33 58 .. 26

.. .. ..

17 30 17

1.8 19 ..

1.7 12 ..

98 .. 49 100 .. 93 .. 99

5 72


57 33 78 22 1.5 6 26 68

46 19

.. 19 42 39 62 .. 27

Morocco Middle East & North Africa

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

34 103 2,980 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

71 .. 8 51 87 30 4 19 ..


98a 99a 53 59 13 15 100a 102a 85 92 66a 70a .. .. 26 74 89


1.06 25 73 77 74 120 30 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 29 79 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 28 65 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 28 43 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 70 53 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 54.9 21.4 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 5 5 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 39 30 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 56 65 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 22 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 25 69 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 24 51 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) 13 14 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 13 14 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 16 21 Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. ..

27 19 .. .. .. .. .. .. 22 .. 98 67 24 16 .. .. .. 10 17 45 27 .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. .. ..

17 .. 16

2.7 34 ..

2.7 32 ..

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.06 46 70 .. .. 200 40 0.1

80 .. 11 64 88 35 6

The Little Data Book on Gender

54 67


30 69


76 53 .. .. .. .. .. ..

69 43

.. 9 19 58 52 .. ..


Mozambique Sub-Saharan Africa

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

27 17 620 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

50 3 .. 12 59 3 .. .. ..

1.03 165 49 76 .. 870 58 ..

88 79 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 79 67 .. .. .. 10 15 .. .. .. ..

62 4 .. 20 56 5 .. ..

177 46


83 64 .. .. .. .. .. ..

77 55

.. 7 14 .. .. .. ..

85 18 4 46 63 23 .. 34 ..

1.03 74 51 91 54 480 60 ..

86 71 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 60 100 78 60 .. .. .. 9 15 .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

40 .. 29

5.8 185 ..

5.2 143 48

90 19 6 53 58 24 .. ..

83 49


83 60 .. .. .. .. .. ..

77 52

.. 7 14 .. .. .. ..

Myanmar East Asia & Pacific

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

53 68 1,270 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. 33 8 74 65 32 .. .. 93

1.03 76 64 76 57 360 23 0.4

73 57 .. .. .. .. .. .. 36 .. .. .. 71 51 .. .. .. 4 10 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

.. 31 5 78 67 32 .. 96

89 60


80 57 .. .. .. .. .. ..

78 53

.. 3 8 .. .. .. ..

.. 48 15 97 .. 47 36 65 96

1.03 45 67 83 71 200 35 0.3

75 57 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 98 70 72 51 27a 30a .. 4 11 .. 17 0.3 46

.. .. ..

6 .. 5

2.4 25 ..

1.9 17 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


.. 46 12 93 .. 44 20 96

55 63


82 58 .. .. .. .. .. ..

80 53

.. 3 9 .. 29 0.0 48


Namibia Sub-Saharan Africa

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

2 14 5,680 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 90 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 48 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 6 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 97 Progression to secondary school (%) 100 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 55 Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) 8 Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) 0 Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) 93 Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.03 70 57 91 76 270 58 10.2

85 38 8 86 96 51 7 91

81 53


89 .. .. 88 .. 62 .. .. ..

1.03 41 67 .. .. 130 54 5.0

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

49 28 56 42 4.1 29 7 63 43 .. .. .. 38 15 .. .. 15 22 46 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 30 ..

41 43 22

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

4.0 85 10

3.1 77 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

65 34 68 30 2.6 33 17 50

52 19

16 19 42 .. .. .. ..

86 .. .. 83 .. 55 .. ..

49 62


55 64 29 35 55 72 45 27 5.5 3.8 27 28 5 22 68 50 43 .. 84 100 45 54 18 24 a 41 a 27 .. .. 19 15 39 30 .. .. 56 60 8.4 12.5 53 62

Nepal South Asia

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

28 21 730 15 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

68 .. 2 59 81 36 .. .. 60

1.07 79 63 27 12 430 13 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 82 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 80 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 13 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 87 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 12.9 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 73 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 14 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 13 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 14 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 80 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 77 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) 52 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 2 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 3 Internet users (%) .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) ..

84 .. 7 79 79 52 .. 81

82 61


90 83 34 66 5.7 60 13 26

88 78

42 3 6 .. .. .. ..

97 62a 16 107a 87 86a 9 14 80

1.07 34 70 58 36 190 34 0.1

80 75 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 52 100 78 72 22 17 .. 2 3 .. 31 0.3 44

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 14 ..

30 .. 14

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

4.1 118 56

2.3 73 41

The Little Data Book on Gender


98 58a 19 97a 88 79a 11 90

38 67


87 76 .. .. .. .. .. ..

85 72

.. 3 6 .. 37 0.4 46


Netherlands High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

17 863 51,210 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

99 92 53 98 .. 60 41 13 ..

1.06 6 81 .. 100 15 .. ..

100 91 52 99 .. 64 34 ..

7 76


97 93 81 .. .. .. 57 21 ..

1.05 3 83 .. .. 6 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

53 71 90 9 1.6 2 9 82 44 73 .. .. 52 67 .. .. .. 3 6 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 25 ..

37 30 47

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.7 7 ..

1.7 4 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

73 73 87 13 0.3 4 29 62

71 70

.. 2 5 .. .. .. ..

59 72 88 12 0.8 2 6 84 49 72 112 100 55 64 .. .. .. 6 11 93 99 .. 72

97 92 74 .. .. .. 42 ..

4 79


71 69 81 19 0.3 3 23 61

66 61

.. 7 11 95 99 .. 77

New Caledonia High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

266 .. .. .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.05 .. 79 .. .. .. .. ..

48 45 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 72


71 58 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100

1.05 .. 80 .. .. .. .. ..

46 45 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

.. .. ..

2.6 18 ..

2.3 19 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100

.. 74


67 58 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


New Zealand High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

5 175 39,300 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

99 92 79 .. .. .. 53 32 ..

1.05 7 81 .. 97 12 .. ..

99 91 54 .. .. .. 30 ..

8 76


98 98 94 .. .. .. 73 27 ..

1.06 5 83 .. .. 8 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

57 60 85 15 1.3 6 12 81 47 73 .. .. 53 52 .. .. .. 6 13 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 38 ..

31 .. 33

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

2.0 28 ..

2.0 24 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

73 66 74 26 0.5 11 32 56

69 56

.. 6 15 .. .. .. ..

62 58 88 12 1.3 .. .. .. 47 74 112 47 58 49 .. .. .. 7 16 .. 99 .. 86

98 97 65 .. .. .. 43 ..

6 80


74 62 80 20 0.7 .. .. ..

70 53

.. 6 15 .. 100 .. 88

Nicaragua Latin America & the Caribbean

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

6 11 1,870 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

79 37 18 70 98 49 4 .. 89

1.05 36 72 86 67 140 37 0.2

78 32 16 62 100 40 3 84

92 49 .. 83 .. 68 .. .. ..


1.05 20 78 95 88 100 28 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 38 83 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 28 68 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 52 51 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 48 49 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 11.0 13.1 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) .. .. Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) .. .. Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) .. .. Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) .. Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) 49 Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 37 76 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 27 66 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) 6 18 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 4 7 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 5 3 Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. ..

47 32 42 59 19.7 15 15 70 .. 59 84 100 44 28 62 32 21 8 14 .. 14 1.1 48

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

44 67

.. .. ..

41 .. 47

3.3 118 43

2.5 90 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


91 42 .. 77 .. 57 .. ..

25 72


80 64 49 51 15.8 44 18 38

75 58

41 7 9 .. 24 1.0 55


Niger Sub-Saharan Africa

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

19 8 420 50 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

23 4 .. 15 50 4 0 .. 14

1.05 222 51 41 16 850 52 1.1

38 34 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 36 32 .. .. .. 5 6 .. .. .. ..

33 7 .. 23 50 6 0 26

232 51


89 77 .. .. .. .. .. ..

84 71

.. 5 7 .. .. .. ..

58 10 1 44 69 10 1 .. 15

1.05 91 59 83 29 630 57 0.2

40 36 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 98 100 38 33 .. .. 47 5 6 .. 3 2.2 62

.. .. ..

13 .. 13

7.7 219 77

7.6 204 76

69 15 3 55 71 15 2 35

100 58


90 80 .. .. .. .. .. ..

85 74

50 5 7 .. 4 5.5 60

Nigeria Sub-Saharan Africa

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

177 526 2,970 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

59 .. 5 .. .. .. 2 .. ..

1.06 178 47 64 42 950 57 2.1

45 31 .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 .. .. .. 42 27 .. .. .. 7 13 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

70 .. 7 .. .. .. 2 ..

196 46


67 40 .. .. .. .. .. ..

62 35

.. 8 14 .. .. .. ..

58 .. .. 72 .. .. .. .. ..

1.06 102 53 61 38 560 58 1.3

48 35 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 84 50 45 30 18a 17a 19 7 13 .. 34 2.1 66

.. .. ..

6 .. 24

6.1 133 40

6.0 112 43

The Little Data Book on Gender


69 .. .. 80 .. .. .. ..

115 52


64 40 .. .. .. .. .. ..

59 35

23 8 14 .. 54 2.5 72


Northern Mariana Islands High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

55 .. .. .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. 100 .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. .. ..

.. .. ..

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

.. .. ..

.. .. ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Norway High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

5 529 103,050 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

100 95 82 99 100 98 52 23 ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.05 4 81 .. .. 8 29 0.1

100 94 57 97 100 97 28 ..

5 76


100 95 94 100 98 100 61 20 ..

1.06 2 84 .. .. 4 29 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) c Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

60 60 95 5 0.5 2 9 88 48 77 .. .. 58 54 .. .. .. 3 11 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 25 ..

40 31 47

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.9 11 ..

1.9 6 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

72 67 90 10 0.3 6 33 61

70 61

.. 4 9 .. .. .. ..


61 58 96 4 0.2 1 8 92 49 69 .. .. 59 54 .. .. .. 3 8 94 100 .. 91

100 95 63 101 100 100 34 ..

3 80


69 56 91 9 0.2 4 32 65

66 50

.. 4 11 96 100 .. 89


Oman High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

4 66 16,870 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 84 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 69 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 8 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 83 Progression to secondary school (%) 100 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 79 Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) .. Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) .. Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) .. Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

1.05 15 74 100 95 22 28 0.1

23 23 88 10 .. 5 14 80 25 .. .. .. 19 15 .. .. .. 18 31 .. .. .. ..

84 69 8 84 100 70 .. ..

18 70


78 50 88 12 .. 7 11 82

73 41

.. 7 18 .. .. .. ..

94 91 34 101 100 94 24 53 99a

1.05 10 79 .. .. 11 27 0.1

29 25 95 4 .. 1 6 93 .. .. 50 100 25 17 .. .. .. 15 32 60 64 .. ..

.. 9 ..

1 .. 7

3.7 30 ..

2.9 9 ..

93 77 24 95 99 79 10 99a

13 75


83 58 97 3 .. 6 43 51

77 48

.. 7 18 71 84 .. ..

Pakistan South Asia

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

185 260 1,410 8 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

45 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 43

1.10 109 65 43 23 280 27 0.1

66 .. .. .. .. .. .. 67

67 32 10 67 75 41 .. .. 64


1.09 77 68 73 52 170 28 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 16 84 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 10 71 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 33 36 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 67 64 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 50.1 16.7 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 73 44 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 9 20 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 18 36 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 13 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 14 79 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 7 63 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) .. .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 16 6 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 29 11 Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. ..

25 22 .. .. .. 76 11 13 .. .. 84 100 22 19 12 6 14 9 12 .. 3 2.2 24

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

115 63

.. 3 ..

21 .. 0

4.5 51 ..

3.2 39 21

The Little Data Book on Gender


77 43 10 79 79 51 .. 80

85 66


83 67 .. .. .. 35 25 36

80 62

13 4 8 .. 14 9.3 39


Palau East Asia & Pacific

Upper middle income

Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

21 234 11,110 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. 58 90 .. .. .. .. ..

.. 24 75 .. 100 .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. 25 107 .. .. .. ..

30 67


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. 99a 90a 76 49 94a 97a 95 98 107a 102a 38 26 8 100 100

.. 15 .. 90 100 .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

0 .. 13

1.5 .. ..

.. .. ..

18 ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Panama Latin America & the Caribbean

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

4 43 11,130 3 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

94 61 52 91 .. .. 30 36 96

1.05 23 78 72 90 79 18 0.4

94 55 30 92 .. .. 13 97

29 73


90 79 53 96 97 77 31 36 97

1.05 15 81 .. 94 85 25 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

45 36 79 21 1.8 2 9 89 43 48 .. .. 37 23 .. .. .. 18 37 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 40 ..

19 46 28

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

2.8 89 ..

2.5 75 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

82 64 60 40 3.0 25 22 54

73 48

.. 11 25 .. .. .. ..


49 33 71 29 7.2 9 9 83 44 48 98 100 47 29 25 24 4 5 14 42 40 1.1 62

91 74 34 97 100 69 16 98

19 75


82 63 66 34 3.3 22 24 54

79 58

5 3 9 39 47 2.0 63


Papua New Guinea East Asia & Pacific

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

7 15 2,030 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. 1 51 .. 13 1 .. 64

1.08 73 61 .. 41 340 54 0.6

71 61 .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 .. .. .. 68 57 .. .. .. 3 7 .. .. .. ..

.. .. 2 59 .. 18 2 69

84 57


74 58 .. .. .. .. .. ..

72 55

.. 2 5 .. .. .. ..

82 .. .. 72 .. 57 .. .. 77

1.08 53 65 .. .. 220 57 0.2

71 59 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 .. 69 55 .. .. .. 3 5 .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

3 .. 3

4.5 66 ..

3.8 55 ..

89 .. .. 84 .. 67 .. 67

62 60


74 57 .. .. .. .. .. ..

73 55

.. 2 4 .. .. .. ..

Paraguay Latin America & the Caribbean

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

7 29 4,380 2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

98 53 18 93 92 72 9 .. ..


80 68 40 84 94 76 .. .. 98a


1.05 18 75 .. 96 110 34 0.2

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 51 87 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 45 77 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 45 45 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 55 55 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 10.3 13.4 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 20 39 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 10 21 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 69 40 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 39 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) 59 Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 46 81 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 37 68 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) .. .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 9 7 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 17 12 Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. ..

56 46 49 53 8.7 23 8 69 44 58 63 50 52 39 52 23 .. 7 15 36 23 .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. .. ..

15 32 8

3.7 83 ..

2.9 58 ..

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.05 30 72 89 61 120 29 0.1

97 50 13 91 94 69 5

The Little Data Book on Gender

37 68


81 63 29 83 95 70 .. 99a

23 70


85 74 53 47 8.8 30 22 48

81 67

.. 4 9 38 21 .. ..


Peru Latin America & the Caribbean

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

31 197 6,370 4 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 97 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 64 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 31 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 100 Progression to secondary school (%) 96 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 77 Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) .. Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) .. Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) .. Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.05 35 73 84 59 160 30 0.2

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 58 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 48 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 33 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 55 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 10.7 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 0 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 14 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 86 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 31 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 54 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 42 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) 22 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 7 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 13 Internet users (%) .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) ..

98 66 31 104 99 81 .. ..

42 68


83 66 52 45 4.9 1 27 72

78 58

26 6 12 .. .. .. ..

92 77 42 93 98 85 .. .. 99

1.05 15 78 96 87 89 30 0.1

68 55 44 56 18.1 23 10 67 37 .. 90 100 65 50 29 14 19 4 9 36 22 0.0 36

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 28 ..

22 30 22

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

2.9 65 19

2.4 50 19



The Little Data Book on Gender

92 76 39 92 100 82 .. 99

18 72


84 67 52 48 6.5 28 23 49

81 62

22 4 9 42 36 0.0 43

Philippines East Asia & Pacific

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

99 344 3,470 13 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

91 55 32 105 98 73 23 .. 96

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.06 35 70 86 58 120 35 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 49 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 38 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 51 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 49 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 16.8 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 24 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 13 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 63 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 41 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 43 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 28 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) 10 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 11 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 26 Internet users (%) .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) ..

89 47 29 96 99 63 14 94

44 64


82 59 51 49 9.4 45 18 37

73 46

16 11 21 .. .. .. ..

90 70 38 96 .. 84 .. 30 ..

1.06 25 72 96 73 120 12 0.1

51 37 .. .. .. 20 10 70 42 .. 60 100 48 30 .. .. 7 7 19 .. 34 4.9 66

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 59 ..

27 .. 20

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

3.8 52 15

3.0 61 15

The Little Data Book on Gender


90 60 30 92 .. 76 .. ..

31 65


80 58 .. .. .. 38 19 43

74 49

11 7 15 .. 22 3.5 69


Poland High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

38 522 13,730 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

97 92 59 .. .. .. 51 .. ..

1.06 8 78 .. 100 8 .. 0.1

97 89 42 .. .. .. 30 ..

10 70


97 93 87 98 98 95 71 36 100

1.06 5 81 .. .. 3 .. 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

49 33 75 25 6.6 18 19 63 47 62 .. .. 40 21 .. .. .. 18 37 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 33 ..

24 38 28

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.4 17 ..

1.3 14 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

64 40 71 29 3.4 19 41 40

54 27

.. 15 33 .. .. .. ..

49 29 82 18 4.7 12 16 72 47 68 182 100 43 20 40 21 .. 11 30 62 73 .. 41

97 92 56 98 100 96 39 100

6 73


65 39 76 25 2.2 13 42 45

59 29

.. 10 25 64 83 .. 53

Portugal High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

10 222 21,320 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

99 85 55 .. .. .. .. 35 ..

1.06 7 80 .. 100 11 .. ..

99 79 41 .. .. .. .. ..

8 73


96 97 72 .. .. .. 62 33 99

1.06 3 84 .. .. 8 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) c Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

53 41 74 24 3.3 14 23 63 46 72 .. .. 50 36 .. .. 3 5 12 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 31 ..

31 33 29

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.6 20 ..

1.3 10 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

70 51 72 27 1.4 11 44 45

68 47

5 3 6 .. .. .. ..


55 34 83 17 0.8 9 15 76 50 58 .. .. 46 21 .. .. .. 17 40 58 86 .. 53

95 93 61 .. .. .. 43 99

4 77


66 37 74 26 0.6 12 35 53

55 23

.. 16 36 66 89 .. 54


Puerto Rico High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

4 69 19,310 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.05 .. 81 .. .. 24 .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 73


83 77 100 .. .. .. .. 23 99

1.05 .. 83 .. .. 20 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

35 27 93 7 1.0 0 15 85 40 .. .. .. 32 23 .. .. .. 8 17 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 37 ..

.. .. ..

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

2.0 68 ..

1.6 43 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

60 43 80 20 0.1 3 28 69

52 33

.. 12 24 .. .. .. ..

34 20 91 9 .. 0 8 92 46 .. 56 100 30 15 .. .. .. 12 24 .. 66 .. 40

80 72 70 .. .. .. .. 99

.. 75


52 29 79 21 .. 3 19 79

44 20

.. 16 30 .. 74 .. 49

Qatar High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

2 205 94,410 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

100 79 31 98 .. .. 29 54 ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.05 11 78 .. 100 9 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

38 26 .. .. .. 0 3 96 15 .. .. .. 36 23 .. .. .. 5 13 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

92 67 9 87 .. .. 9 ..

13 76


92 60 .. .. .. 3 44 53

92 60

.. 0 1 .. .. .. ..

.. .. 100 91 44 7 .. .. 100 99 110 110 14 1 27 a 100 98a

1.05 7 79 .. .. 6 .. ..

51 32 99 0 0.0 0 4 96 13 .. 50 100 49 29 .. .. .. 3 10 .. 62 .. ..

.. 5 ..

0 12 5

3.2 21 ..

2.0 11 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


9 78


96 78 99 1 0.1 2 59 40

95 78

.. 0 1 .. 69 .. ..


Romania Europe & Central Asia

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

20 187 9,370 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

85 .. 25 90 99 86 17 25 98

1.06 24 75 .. 99 53 .. ..

86 .. 23 90 100 83 15 98

85 .. 59 93 99 85 58 37 99


1.06 10 78 .. 99 33 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 59 72 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 38 48 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 52 56 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 49 44 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 31.1 11.4 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 46 40 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 21 31 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 33 29 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 46 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) 54 Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 55 66 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 32 39 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) 1 2 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 6 8 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 16 19 Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. ..

49 26 68 32 18.9 30 20 50 46 49 126 85 46 20 47 20 .. 7 24 48 57 0.4 34

30 68

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 27 ..

14 31 14

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.3 39 ..

1.5 35 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

86 .. 44 94 100 86 36 99

12 71


65 35 68 32 6.9 28 35 37

60 27

.. 8 24 52 65 0.6 39

Russian Federation High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

144 1,930 13,210 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

.. .. 69 .. .. .. .. .. 100

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.06 20 72 .. 99 57 .. ..

.. .. 53 .. .. .. .. 100

26 59


96 .. 85 .. .. .. 76 .. 100

1.06 8 76 .. 100 24 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

54 39 90 10 0.1 12 22 67 50 66 .. .. 49 31 .. .. .. 10 22 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 36 ..

14 .. 7

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.2 31 ..

1.7 24 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

68 47 90 11 0.2 17 35 48

61 38

.. 11 20 .. .. .. ..


57 35 .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 65 140 100 54 30 29 20 .. 5 15 67 70 .. 41

96 .. 68 .. .. .. 48 100

11 66


72 44 .. .. .. .. .. ..

67 38

.. 6 14 69 64 .. 40


Rwanda Sub-Saharan Africa

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

11 8 700 60 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

82 .. 1 21 .. .. .. .. 77

1.01 175 49 92 31 1,000 59 2.1

86 77 .. .. .. .. .. .. 33 .. .. .. 86 77 .. .. 30 0 1 .. .. .. ..

83 .. 2 25 .. .. .. 79

193 47


85 75 .. .. .. .. .. ..

84 74

36 1 1 .. .. .. ..

95 .. 7 64 74 29 2 20 83

1.02 38 66 98 69 320 61 1.3

86 74 .. .. .. .. .. .. 34 .. 84 60 86 74 43 20 20 0 1 .. 31 16.1 52

.. .. ..

64 .. 36

5.9 49 20

4.5 27 8

92 .. 9 54 76 26 4 81

45 62


85 71 .. .. .. .. .. ..

85 70

18 1 1 .. 46 20.1 58

Samoa East Asia & Pacific

Lower middle income

Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

192 777 4,050 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

91 69 7 95 100 101 2 0 ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.08 20 73 .. 100 89 .. ..

88 60 8 93 96 93 2 ..

96 84 .. 100 97 103 .. .. 99


1.08 16 77 .. .. 58 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 33 74 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 25 52 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 59 44 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) .. .. Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 35.7 51.2 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 16 50 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 31 15 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 51 33 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 37 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) .. .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) .. .. Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) .. .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) .. .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) .. .. Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. ..

24 17 75 25 .. .. .. .. 37 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 29 ..

6 36 8

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

4.5 40 ..

4.1 26 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

24 66


94 75 .. 105 98 102 .. 99

19 70


58 40 43 57 .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


San Marino High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

32 .. .. .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

92 .. 70 93 100 93 .. .. ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. 5 84 .. .. .. .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. 91 9 0.0 0 24 75 42 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 18 ..

17 .. 11

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

.. .. ..

1.3 .. ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

6 77


.. .. 87 13 0.0 1 53 47

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 3 86 .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 43 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

93 .. 50 98 98 91 .. ..

3 80


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

São Tomé and Príncipe Sub-Saharan Africa

Lower middle income

Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

186 311 1,670 34 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

79 .. .. 45 79 .. .. .. 95

1.03 84 65 91 79 300 33 0.8

39 26 .. .. .. 23 6 71 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

81 .. .. 40 65 .. .. 96

95 62


73 55 .. .. .. 31 26 43

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

92a 53 7 98a 81 73a .. .. ..

1.03 43 68 .. .. 210 39 0.2

45 27 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 90 100 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

18 24 8

4.7 103 ..

4.1 85 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


93a 46 8 90a 76 61a .. ..

52 64


78 55 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


Saudi Arabia High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

31 759 25,140 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. 25 .. .. .. 14 1 94

1.03 21 74 .. .. 24 .. ..

16 8 .. .. .. 2 2 96 14 .. .. .. 15 5 .. .. .. 9 31 .. .. .. ..

.. .. 20 .. .. .. 11 98

24 71


74 31 .. .. .. 7 23 71

71 25

.. 4 22 .. .. .. ..

99a 96a 100a 99a 59 56 121a 113a 92 100 120a 110a 27 15 3 99 99

1.03 14 78 .. .. 16 .. ..

20 10 .. .. .. 0 2 98 14 .. 70 100 16 4 .. .. .. 21 55 .. 61 .. 36

.. .. ..

20 7 0

4.0 27 ..

2.6 9 ..

16 74


78 28 .. .. .. 5 28 67

76 22

.. 3 21 .. 75 .. 52

Senegal Sub-Saharan Africa

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

15 15 1,040 38 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

54 .. .. 33 53 11 .. .. 41

1.04 129 59 79 58 480 30 0.4

61 .. .. 45 57 17 .. 58

141 56


Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 64 88 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 54 81 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 15 26 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 84 73 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 24.7 23.5 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 44 47 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 8 16 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 43 32 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 11 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 56 81 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 44 72 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) 13 8 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 19 11 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) .. .. Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

77a .. 6 65a 92 41a .. .. 51

1.04 44 65 95 65 320 43 0.1

43 .. 20

5.6 107 ..

4.9 80 33 2016


54 62


66 88 53 79 14 29 68 51 30.1 18.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 .. 98 100 57 81 43 70 23a 14a 9 18 13 8 19 11 .. .. 8 16 4.7 7.8 57 61

.. .. ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

70a .. 10 57a 94 41a ..


Serbia Europe & Central Asia

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

7 42 5,820 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. 41 .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.05 11 74 .. 98 7 .. ..

45 31 .. .. .. .. .. .. 44 .. .. .. 38 22 .. .. .. 15 31 .. .. .. ..

.. .. 34 .. .. .. .. ..

14 69


65 45 .. .. .. .. .. ..

58 34

.. 11 26 .. .. .. ..

95 94 65 99 99 97 27 35 99

1.05 6 78 99 100 16 .. ..

45 23 72 28 13.0 19 17 64 45 .. 135 100 33 10 30 14 .. 26 56 .. 83 .. 26

.. .. ..

34 33 22

1.5 28 ..

1.5 19 5

95 92 49 99 100 95 20 99

7 73


61 35 65 36 3.8 23 33 44

49 19

.. 19 44 .. 83 .. 29

Seychelles High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

92 1.3 13,990 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

90 72 .. 104 99 102 .. .. 99

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.06 13 77 .. .. .. .. ..

87 66 .. 101 98 107 .. 99

15 69


.. 66 5 97 .. 99 9 0 99

1.06 12 79 .. .. .. .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. .. ..

44 .. 25

2.1 58 ..

2.4 58 ..

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 53 .. 98 100 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 61 2 101 .. 103 1 99

15 69


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


Sierra Leone Sub-Saharan Africa

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

6 4 710 52 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. 1 .. .. 19 2 25 ..

1.02 225 39 68 42 2,200 58 0.8

66 46 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 65 44 .. .. 65 2 4 .. .. .. ..

.. .. 2 .. .. 26 2 ..

.. 36 .. 69 88 50 .. .. 56

1.02 113 46 97 60 1,100 59 0.4 0.4

246 37

62 35 .. .. .. .. .. ..

59 33

65 5 7 .. .. .. ..

66 48 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 84 100 64 47 .. .. 58 2 3 .. 11 3.6 64

.. .. ..

12 .. 7

5.9 159 ..

4.7 120 39

.. 40 .. 73 88 58 .. 73

127 45


69 40 .. .. .. .. .. ..

66 38

61 4 7 .. 18 5.4 67

Singapore High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

5 302 55,150 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.07 4 80 .. 100 19 .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 99

4 76


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100

1.07 3 85 .. .. 6 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

53 50 91 9 2.0 1 21 79 44 .. .. .. 51 43 .. .. .. 4 14 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 25 ..

25 34 6

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.4 8 ..

1.2 4 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

78 47 81 19 0.4 1 29 70

76 41

.. 3 12 .. .. .. ..


59 38 90 11 0.8 .. .. .. 47 .. 105 100 57 34 .. .. .. 3 11 .. 96 5.2 71

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100

3 80


77 40 82 19 0.3 .. .. ..

75 36

.. 3 9 .. 97 7.1 76


Sint Maarten (Dutch part) High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

38 .. .. .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. .. ..

.. .. ..

2.0 .. ..

2.0 .. ..

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 73


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Slovak Republic High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

5 96 17,810 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

.. .. 29 96 100 .. 22 30 ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.05 11 77 .. 100 12 .. 0.1

.. .. 28 97 99 .. 20 ..

13 69


.. .. 65 96 99 81 57 31 ..

1.05 7 80 .. 99 7 .. 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

53 43 95 4 0.2 4 26 71 49 71 .. .. 43 28 .. .. .. 19 34 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 31 ..

19 31 0

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.3 23 ..

1.3 20 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

68 50 89 11 0.1 9 47 44

55 30

.. 19 40 .. .. .. ..


51 24 90 10 0.1 2 21 77 48 59 238 65 44 17 30 14 .. 15 31 78 80 .. 67

.. .. 42 96 99 82 31 ..

8 73


69 38 80 20 0.0 5 51 45

59 25

.. 14 35 78 74 .. 58


Slovenia High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

2 48 23,220 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

94 93 64 95 99 93 21 22 ..

1.05 5 79 .. 100 12 9 0.1

92 90 47 97 100 91 12 ..

6 72


98 95 101 98 100 94 67 24 100

1.05 2 83 .. 100 7 9 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

51 34 87 13 6.6 10 28 62 48 57 .. .. 48 28 .. .. .. 7 18 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 30 ..

37 38 44

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.3 7 ..

1.6 4 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

64 41 81 19 3.3 9 45 44

60 35

.. 7 15 .. .. .. ..

52 31 86 14 6.0 8 18 73 47 60 105 100 46 23 35 19 .. 11 24 71 97 .. 62

97 94 69 98 100 93 34 100

3 77


63 37 80 20 3.8 9 42 49

57 29

.. 9 22 74 98 .. 70

Solomon Islands East Asia & Pacific

Lower middle income

Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

572 1.0 1,830 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. 17 .. .. .. 26 .. .. 80

1.07 30 64 .. 85 210 .. ..

53 42 .. .. .. .. .. .. 31 .. .. .. 50 37 .. .. .. 5 12 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

.. 21 .. .. .. 37 .. 90

36 62


79 57 .. .. .. .. .. ..

75 51

.. 5 11 .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. 86 .. 63 .. .. ..

1.07 26 69 .. .. 130 .. ..

53 42 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 51 37 .. .. .. 4 11 .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

2 .. 4

4.7 71 ..

4.0 49 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


.. .. .. 86 .. 64 .. ..

31 66


79 56 .. .. .. .. .. ..

76 51

.. 4 9 .. .. .. ..


Somalia Sub-Saharan Africa

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

11 .. .. .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.03 167 52 32 33 1,200 48 0.3

36 33 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 33 29 .. .. .. 7 11 .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

182 49


77 61 .. .. .. .. .. ..

72 55

.. 7 10 .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.03 130 57 .. .. 850 51 0.2

37 32 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 35 28 .. .. .. 7 11 .. 6 32.1 32

.. .. ..

14 .. 8

7.6 127 ..

6.6 105 ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

143 53


76 58 .. .. .. .. .. ..

71 52

.. 7 10 .. 10 42.0 42

South Africa Sub-Saharan Africa

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

54 367 6,800 17 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

90 62 .. 88 99 80 .. .. ..

1.03 69 58 94 84 150 57 15.9

50 29 .. .. .. 16 12 71 41 66 .. .. 35 15 .. .. 26 29 48 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

90 54 .. 86 97 71 .. ..

81 54


65 34 .. .. .. 15 33 50

49 19

29 25 43 .. .. .. ..

.. .. 23 .. .. .. 8 29 99

1.03 37 59 .. .. 140 60 8.1

45 24 86 13 1.2 4 13 83 46 65 120 38 32 10 .. .. .. 28 59 .. 69 13.9 66

.. .. ..

42 31 42

2.9 75 8

2.4 47 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


.. .. 17 .. .. .. 6 98

47 55


61 29 83 16 0.5 6 32 62

47 15

.. 22 49 .. 69 15.0 67


South Sudan Sub-Saharan Africa

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

12 11 940 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.04 174 50 .. .. 1,200 58 1.4

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

190 48


34 .. .. 27 .. 12 .. .. ..

1.04 87 56 40 19 730 58 1.3

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. .. ..

27 .. 23

6.1 124 ..

4.9 68 52

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 56 100 .. .. 22a 9a .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

48 .. .. 47 .. 22 .. ..

98 54


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Spain High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

46 1,396 29,940 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

100 91 64 .. .. .. 39 24 ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.06 6 83 .. .. 5 .. ..

100 88 54 .. .. .. 26 ..

7 76


99 97 95 99 .. 86 53 27 100

1.06 4 86 .. .. 4 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

41 41 83 17 3.7 5 15 81 39 79 .. .. 32 27 .. .. .. 21 34 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 32 ..

41 30 31

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.2 9 ..

1.3 9 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

66 51 78 22 1.2 8 40 52

60 40

.. 10 20 .. .. .. ..


53 35 87 13 0.8 3 9 89 47 76 112 100 38 15 .. .. .. 27 57 70 98 .. 59

98 95 78 99 .. 76 37 100

4 80


66 38 78 22 0.6 6 31 64

49 16

.. 26 58 74 98 .. 75


Sri Lanka South Asia

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

21 70 3,400 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 100 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) .. Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) .. Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 106 Progression to secondary school (%) 99 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 91 Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) 2 Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) .. Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) 96 Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.05 15 75 95 96 55 28 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 37 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 31 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 56 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 45 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 26.5 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 40 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 24 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 25 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 32 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 33 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 21 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) 13 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 12 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 31 Internet users (%) .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

100 .. .. 107 98 87 2 95

18 68


77 57 57 43 6.5 32 22 28

73 46

20 6 20 .. .. .. ..

94 87 23 97 100 97 9 22 99

1.04 9 77 .. .. 29 32 0.1

35 26 51 49 22.7 35 25 29 32 .. 84 100 33 20 26 9 .. 7 24 .. 83 0.0 43

.. 22 ..

6 28 7

2.2 28

2.3 15

94 83 14 98 99 93 6 98

11 71


76 49 55 45 3.5 42 14 28

74 42

.. 3 14 .. 82 0.1 48

St. Kitts and Nevis High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

55 796 14,490 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

.. 99 .. 110 96 106 .. .. ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. 17 74 78 99 .. .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. 89 9 0.8 0 45 51 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

.. 93 .. 97 89 100 .. ..

20 69


.. .. 82 15 0.5 0 52 35

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

81 88 .. 93 .. 97 .. .. ..

.. 10 .. .. 100 .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 91 65 .. .. 58 21 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

13 .. 13

2.1 .. ..

.. .. ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


78 82 .. 86 .. 91 .. ..

11 ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


St. Lucia Latin America & the Caribbean

Upper middle income

Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

184 1.3 7,080 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 87 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 70 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) .. Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 106 Progression to secondary school (%) 78 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 92 Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) .. Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) .. Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) .. Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.03 16 73 48 100 44 .. ..

91 55 .. 104 59 70 .. ..

20 70


.. 81 19 .. 95 81 .. .. ..

1.03 13 78 97 99 34 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

62 54 71 28 1.4 14 15 70 49 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 55 ..

17 .. 15

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

2.3 65 ..

1.9 54 8



The Little Data Book on Gender

76 62 59 39 0.5 26 25 47

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

63 50 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 91 65 .. .. 32 24 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 80 9 .. 93 90 .. ..

16 72


76 59 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

St. Martin (French part) High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

32 .. .. .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. 80 .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 74


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. 83 .. .. .. .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. .. ..

.. .. ..

1.8 .. ..

1.8 .. ..

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 76


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


St. Vincent and the Grenadines Latin America & the Caribbean

Upper middle income

Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

109 717 6,560 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. 78 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.03 20 73 99 100 75 .. ..

.. 58 .. .. .. .. .. ..

24 68


90 87 .. 104 100 91 .. .. ..

1.03 17 75 .. 99 45 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

50 43 .. .. .. 8 8 80 .. 41 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 50 ..

13 .. 9

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

2.4 69 ..

2.0 52 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

80 68 .. .. .. 20 27 48

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

56 43 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 91 65 .. .. 76 39 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

93 84 .. 111 100 90 .. ..

20 70


78 61 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Sudan Sub-Saharan Africa

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

39 67 1,710 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. 7b .. .. .. .. .. 72b

86 b

56 .. 18 53 94 43 11 32 86

1.04 1.04b 65 100b 112b b b 56 64 60 60 74 .. 23 b 360 540 b 47 52 0.1b 0.1b 0.2

29 27 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23 20 .. .. 17b 21 27 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

.. .. 6b .. .. .. ..

75 45 .. .. .. .. .. ..

65 35 21 b 13 22 .. .. .. ..

31 27 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 56 100 25 20 8a 3a .. 20 28 .. 10 .. 41

.. .. ..

31 .. 15

5.4b 116b ..

4.4 76 33

The Little Data Book on Gender


53 .. 16 61 94 50 9 91

75 60


76 43 .. .. .. .. .. ..

66 34

.. 13 23 .. 20 .. 41


Suriname Latin America & the Caribbean

Upper middle income

Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

538 5 9,470 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. 15 .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.08 30 71 91 85 120 43 0.8

36 14 87 11 1.6 2 1 97 38 59 .. .. 29 7 .. .. .. 21 52 .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

2.7 57 ..

.. .. 9 .. .. .. .. ..

38 65


66 39 78 21 0.9 8 22 64

59 26

.. 12 34 .. .. .. ..

81 57 .. 91 .. 57 .. .. 99

1.07 19 74 91 91 130 46 0.5

41 17 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 .. 36 12 18 15 .. 11 31 .. .. .. .. 12a 36 6

2.3 47 19

80 48 .. 79 .. 31 .. 98

24 68


69 39 .. .. .. .. .. ..

65 32

.. 6 19 .. .. .. ..

Swaziland Sub-Saharan Africa

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

1.3 3 2,700 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

73 32 4 63 87 32 5 33 93

1.03 121 49 87 70 520 58 22.5

43 38 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 21 .. .. 11 26 46 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

71 27 5 59 84 33 5 91

135 48


72 53 .. .. .. .. .. ..

57 32

11 21 39 .. .. .. ..

.. 39 5 79 96 45 7 15 95

1.03 56 48 97 82 310 59 15.5

44 37 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 100 33 20 .. .. 12 26 46 .. 27 .. ..

.. .. ..

6 .. 26

4.2 105 ..

3.3 74 7

The Little Data Book on Gender


.. 32 5 76 97 47 10 92

65 50


72 52 .. .. .. .. .. ..

57 31

15 21 40 .. 30 .. ..


Sweden High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

10 597 61,600 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 99 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 97 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 80 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 100 Progression to secondary school (%) 100 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) .. Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) 40 Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) 25 Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) .. Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.06 4 82 .. .. 5 .. 0.1

100 94 55 99 100 .. 25 ..

5 77


99 94 79 101 100 97 45 29 ..

1.06 3 84 .. .. 4 .. 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) c Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

58 49 94 6 0.3 1 11 87 51 73 .. .. 55 43 .. .. .. 6 12 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 31 ..

44 35 52

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.5 7 ..

1.9 6 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

68 52 84 16 0.7 4 37 60

64 46

.. 6 12 .. .. .. ..

99 95 51 102 100 98 23 ..

3 80


60 68 55 54 94 85 6 15 0.2 0.2 1 3 8 30 91 66 50 62 .. .. 56 62 43 40 a 53 a 13 .. .. 8 8 23 25 95 95 100 100 .. .. 84 85

Switzerland High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

8 733 90,670 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

96 82 32 98 100 101 19 8 ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.05 5 83 .. .. 7 .. ..

96 87 43 95 100 93 27 ..

6 77


93 80 56 98 100 98 48 14 ..

1.05 4 85 .. .. 6 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

58 66 85 15 3.6 4 13 83 46 81 .. .. 56 63 .. .. .. 3 4 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 23 ..

31 33 43

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.5 5 ..

1.5 3 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

78 70 80 20 1.7 5 36 59

76 66

.. 2 6 .. .. .. ..


62 67 87 13 2.6 3 10 83 48 80 98 59 59 61 .. .. .. 5 9 82 97 .. 75

93 82 57 95 100 94 50 ..

4 81


75 68 83 17 1.7 4 29 63

72 62

.. 4 9 90 99 .. 77


Syrian Arab Republic Middle East & North Africa

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

22 .. .. .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. 38 11 88 71 46 4 .. 93


61 44 31 64 57 50 12 36 95


1.05 12 78 .. .. 49 20 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 20 81 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 19 64 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 47 50 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 53 50 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 44.2 10.8 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 62 26 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 8 30 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 31 43 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 16 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 16 75 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 12 56 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) .. .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 22 6 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 38 13 Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. ..

14 10 83 9 8.2 22 9 69 16 27 120 100 10 3 .. .. .. 28 66 .. 20 .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

1.05 21 75 71 .. 75 20 0.1

.. 41 13 95 75 49 5

26 72

.. .. ..

12 9 6

4.0 58 ..

3.0 40 ..

62 44 31 64 57 49 12 97

14 72


73 49 60 38 2.4 13 36 51

67 38

.. 8 23 .. 27 .. ..

Tajikistan Europe & Central Asia

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

8 9 1,080 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

90 65 11 .. .. .. .. .. 100

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.05 85 68 71 71 89 45 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

58 40 .. .. .. .. .. .. 23 .. .. .. 52 34 .. .. 7 10 14 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

97 76 25 .. .. .. .. 100

101 60


75 55 .. .. .. .. .. ..

65 43

8 13 22 .. .. .. ..

95a 96a 79 88 18a 30a 98a 99a 98 100 90a 97a .. .. .. 100 100

1.05 40 71 79 87 44 39 0.1

59 39 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 140 100 53 34 33 10 .. 10 12 .. 9 0.0 27

.. .. ..

19 .. 11

4.0 45 ..

3.8 38 12

The Little Data Book on Gender


50 64


77 57 .. .. .. .. .. ..

68 47

.. 12 18 .. 14 0.0 36


Tanzania Sub-Saharan Africa

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

52 46 930 47 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

54 .. 0 50 19 6 0 .. 76

1.03 125 51 49 36 770 58 3.8

52 .. 1 49 20 7 0 81

136 49


85 .. 3 80 54 33 .. .. 85

1.03 45 63 88 49 410 59 2.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

87 82 4 96 4.6 84 1 15 .. 58 .. .. 81 74 .. .. 39 7 10 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 49 ..

36 .. 32

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

5.7 133 39

5.2 119 37



The Little Data Book on Gender

91 82 10 90 3.0 80 4 16

88 76

41 4 8 .. .. .. ..

88 81 11 81 38.4 .. .. .. 33 .. 84 100 84 75 25 14 28 5 7 .. 17 26.6 56

82 .. 5 72 59 39 .. 87

52 60


90 80 21 71 25.6 .. .. ..

88 76

31 2 6 .. 21 38.4 62

Thailand East Asia & Pacific

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

68 363 5,370 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. .. 38 84 .. .. 17 .. 98

1.06 19 75 92 99 40 29 1.3

.. .. 32 85 .. .. 13 98

.. 82 59 .. .. .. .. .. 97


1.06 11 78 98 100 26 43 0.2

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 65 81 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 49 57 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 39 40 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 61 60 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 39.8 16.4 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 48 50 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 17 20 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 35 30 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 44 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) 49 Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 64 79 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 45 53 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) .. .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 2 3 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 6 7 Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. ..

64 40 41 59 30.4 38 18 44 45 .. 90 100 64 39 .. .. .. 1 3 29 75 1.7 78

26 67

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 26 ..

6 25 4

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.7 43 ..

1.4 45 22

The Little Data Book on Gender


.. 77 44 .. .. .. .. 97

14 71


81 56 42 58 16.1 41 23 36

80 54

.. 1 3 29 81 0.8 83


Timor-Leste East Asia & Pacific

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

1.2 4 3,120 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. 10 .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.05 104 61 43 24 680 .. ..

38 33 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 35 26 .. .. 8 9 20 .. .. .. ..

.. .. 8 .. .. .. .. ..

116 58


74 48 .. .. .. .. .. ..

70 42

7 6 13 .. .. .. ..

90 40 15 72 95 61 .. .. 79

1.05 48 69 84 29 270 .. ..

25 11 20 .. 32.4 50 7 42 23 .. 84 100 23 9 .. .. .. 6 19 .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

38 10 13

7.1 71 ..

5.2 48 19

92 36 21 70 94 60 .. 80

57 66


51 18 32 .. 27.3 51 10 39

49 16

.. 4 10 .. .. .. ..

Togo Sub-Saharan Africa

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

7 4 570 54 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

77 15 1 48 79 13 .. .. 64

1.02 112 54 73 49 580 58 2.0

76 65 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 70 58 .. .. .. 8 12 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

94 32 6 82 84 32 .. 84

130 53


82 66 .. .. .. .. .. ..

76 59

.. 7 10 .. .. .. ..

.. .. 6 74 82 30 .. .. 73

1.02 72 57 72 59 450 59 0.8

81 68 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 98 100 75 60 .. .. 47 7 11 .. 14 1.3 35

.. .. ..

18 .. 21

5.3 95 31

4.6 92 25

The Little Data Book on Gender


.. .. 14 88 86 49 .. 87

84 56


81 64 .. .. .. .. .. ..

76 58

50 7 10 .. 21 1.5 40


Tonga East Asia & Pacific

Upper middle income

Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

106 453 4,290 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 88 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 80 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 4 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 105 Progression to secondary school (%) .. Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 116 Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) .. Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) .. Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) .. Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

1.05 19 73 .. 95 91 .. ..

49 31 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

94 73 3 108 .. 83 .. ..

16 69


73 47 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

86 71 .. 104 .. .. .. .. 100

1.05 18 76 98 98 120 .. ..

54 32 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

0 .. 0

4.3 22 ..

3.8 15 6

83 67 .. 113 .. .. .. 99

15 70


75 45 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Trinidad and Tobago High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

1.4 21 15,550 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

94 .. 7 95 98 77 6 19 ..

1.04 26 72 92 96 59 .. ..

94 .. 5 92 97 71 4 ..

31 65


95 .. .. 95 .. 86 .. .. 100

1.04 18 74 .. 100 84 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

47 41 80 19 2.9 3 13 84 40 46 .. .. 39 30 .. .. 3 15 28 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 39 ..

29 .. 10

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.8 41 ..

1.8 32 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

76 61 75 24 0.6 10 37 53

69 49

5 10 20 .. .. .. ..


53 41 .. .. .. .. .. .. 46 .. 98 61 49 35 45 21 .. 8 17 .. 70 .. ..

96 .. .. 95 .. 76 .. 100

22 66


76 57 .. .. .. .. .. ..

72 51

.. 5 11 .. 82 .. ..


Tunisia Middle East & North Africa

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

11 46 4,210 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

95 .. 19 90 93 .. .. .. ..

1.05 29 75 92 90 65 25 0.1

24 25 .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 .. .. .. 19 17 .. .. .. 19 31 .. .. .. ..

97 .. 18 91 91 .. .. ..

35 71


72 48 .. .. .. .. .. ..

61 31

.. 15 34 .. .. .. ..

.. .. 42 98 95 80 33 41 96

1.05 13 76 98 99 46 27 0.1

25 20 79 21 8.0 .. .. .. 28 .. 30 67 21 14 50 9 3 16 29 .. 21 0.4 37

.. .. ..

31 .. 11

2.1 8 ..

2.3 7 2

.. .. 26 97 91 64 15 98

15 72


71 42 69 31 3.2 .. .. ..

62 29

4 12 32 .. 34 0.9 39

Turkey Europe & Central Asia

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

76 823 10,840 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

90 56 21 .. .. .. 8 25 ..

1.05 37 74 68 81 33 .. ..

98 71 30 .. .. .. 11 ..

94 87 73 100 90 95 27 25 99


1.05 12 79 .. .. 20 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 26 73 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 28 58 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 35 54 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 65 47 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 52.1 10.4 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 61 27 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 13 28 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 26 45 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 20 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) 55 Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 25 68 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 25 51 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) 4 5 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 6 7 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 12 13 Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. ..

29 26 57 43 31.4 37 15 48 26 60 112 67 26 20 25 5 .. 12 24 .. 44 0.7 37

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

42 66

.. 8 ..

14 10 4

2.5 48 23

2.0 28 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


95 90 85 102 92 99 28 100

15 72


71 53 67 33 4.5 18 31 52

64 43

.. 9 19 .. 69 1.0 45


Turkmenistan Europe & Central Asia

Upper middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

5 43 8,020 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.05 71 68 98 97 81 .. ..

48 33 .. .. .. .. .. .. 42 .. .. .. 42 26 .. .. .. 11 23 .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

92 60


74 54 .. .. .. .. .. ..

66 44

.. 11 20 .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. a 6 10a .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 100

1.05 44 70 .. .. 61 .. ..

47 33 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 42 26 .. .. .. 11 22 .. 2 .. 54

.. .. ..

26 .. 6

2.8 25 9

2.3 17 ..

59 61


77 58 .. .. .. .. .. ..

69 46

.. 11 19 .. 2 .. 61

Turks and Caicos Islands High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

34 .. .. .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. .. .. .. 82 .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. 100 88 .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. 82 .. .. ..

.. ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. .. ..

.. .. ..

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

.. .. ..

.. .. ..

The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


Tuvalu East Asia & Pacific

Upper middle income

Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

10 58 5,840 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) .. Net secondary enrollment rate (%) .. Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) .. Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 108 Progression to secondary school (%) 53 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) .. Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) .. Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) .. Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) ..

.. .. .. 96 85 .. .. ..

75 89 .. 91 .. .. .. .. ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. 39 .. .. 100 .. .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. 98 3 0.1 .. .. .. 34 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 25 ..

7 .. 14

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

.. .. ..

.. .. ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

46 ..


.. .. 96 4 0.2 .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 25 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

76 70 .. 82 .. .. .. ..

30 ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Uganda Sub-Saharan Africa

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

38 26 680 33 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. 12 2 53 47 13 1 10 76

1.03 137 48 92 39 650 54 2.4

.. 15 3 66 42 17 2 86

93 22 4 54 61 27 .. .. 82


1.03 49 60 93 57 360 58 3.7

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 81 83 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 67 63 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 8 20 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 92 80 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 43.3 19.9 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) .. .. Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) .. .. Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) .. .. Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) .. Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 78 81 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 64 61 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) .. .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 3 2 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 5 5 Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. ..

76 59 .. .. .. .. .. .. 35 .. 84 100 72 55 27 15 36 5 7 .. 23 29.0 72

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

160 48

.. .. ..

35 .. 30

6.9 180 54

5.9 115 40

The Little Data Book on Gender


90 23 5 55 64 30 .. 86

60 58


79 60 .. .. .. .. .. ..

77 56

37 3 6 .. 32 41.2 78


Ukraine Europe & Central Asia

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

45 152 3,560 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 92 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 93 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 52 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 91 Progression to secondary school (%) 100 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 97 Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) .. Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) .. Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) 100 Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.06 16 74 .. 100 35 .. 0.5

92 89 46 91 99 94 .. 100

20 62


98 87 86 111 100 99 .. 26 100

1.06 8 76 99 99 23 .. 0.6

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

52 38 89 11 1.5 .. .. .. 50 .. .. .. 47 29 .. .. .. 10 24 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 37 ..

12 38 11

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.1 35 14

1.5 25 9



The Little Data Book on Gender

65 43 91 9 0.8 .. .. ..

57 32

.. 13 26 .. .. .. ..

53 36 80 20 0.3 .. .. .. 49 .. 126 100 50 30 32 19 5 7 16 39 52 .. 39

97 87 72 109 100 99 .. 100

10 66


67 47 81 19 0.4 .. .. ..

61 38

5 9 19 44 54 .. 42

United Arab Emirates High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

9 411 45,200 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

83 79 .. 90 100 .. .. .. ..

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.04 10 75 .. .. 11 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

34 24 .. .. .. 0 14 86 .. .. .. .. 32 21 .. .. .. 6 11 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

83 73 .. 88 100 .. .. ..

12 73


92 64 .. .. .. 9 36 55

90 61

.. 2 5 .. .. .. ..

90 .. .. 106 99 .. .. 31 ..

1.05 6 78 .. .. 8 .. ..

47 34 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 45 100 43 28 .. .. .. 9 17 83 66 9.7 58

.. 8 ..

18 .. 17

2.6 26 ..

1.8 29 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


92 .. .. 116 98 .. .. ..

8 76


92 64 .. .. .. .. .. ..

89 58

.. 3 8 86 90 12.2 70


United Kingdom High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

65 2,754 42,690 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 100 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 95 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 63 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) .. Progression to secondary school (%) .. Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) .. Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) 42 Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) 18 Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) .. Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.05 6 80 .. 99 11 .. ..

100 94 53 .. .. .. 35 ..

7 75


100 98 69 .. .. .. 56 22 ..

1.05 4 83 .. .. 8 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

54 63 92 8 0.6 1 12 87 48 79 .. .. 51 56 .. .. .. 5 10 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 35 ..

29 34 23

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

1.6 28 ..

1.9 15 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

70 70 84 16 0.2 2 36 61

66 60

.. 6 14 .. .. .. ..

56 57 90 10 0.5 1 8 91 49 74 14 90 52 46 .. .. .. 7 18 89 99 .. 70

100 98 51 .. .. .. 40 ..

5 79


69 61 81 19 0.3 2 29 69

63 48

.. 8 23 91 99 .. 73

United States High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

319 17,601 55,200 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid)d Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

96 87 78 .. .. .. 37 19 ..

1.05 8 79 .. .. 13 .. ..

59 60 94 6 0.1 1 12 86 47 68 .. .. 57 54 .. .. .. 4 9 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

96 84 59 .. .. .. 27 ..

9 74


74 65 91 9 0.1 4 33 64

71 58

.. 4 10 .. .. .. ..

91 88 103 .. .. .. 47 18 ..

1.05 6 81 .. .. 28 .. ..

56 49 95 6 0.1 1 7 92 48 66 .. .. 52 42 .. .. .. 7 14 70 95 .. 73

.. .. ..

19 .. 26

2.1 46 ..

1.9 24 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


92 86 76 .. .. .. 34 ..

7 77


69 52 99 8 0.1 2 25 72

64 43

.. 8 17 69 92 .. 78


Uruguay High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

3 56 16,350 <2 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) .. Net secondary enrollment rate (%) .. Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 44 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 100 Progression to secondary school (%) 88 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 79 Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) 8 Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) .. Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) .. Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.05 15 78 .. 100 35 16 0.1

.. .. 25 95 75 61 6 ..

19 71


.. 76 80 104 .. 84 .. 43 99

1.05 9 81 .. 100 14 17 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

52 51 77 22 2.3 1 13 85 46 63 .. .. 45 35 .. .. .. 14 32 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 36 ..

16 44 14

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

2.2 65 ..

2.0 57 ..



The Little Data Book on Gender

76 68 70 30 0.8 6 33 61

70 53

.. 8 21 .. .. .. ..

56 47 76 24 1.6 .. .. .. 49 65 98 100 51 36 23 19 .. 8 22 54 41 0.4 35

.. 68 47 105 .. 65 .. 99

11 74


77 64 71 29 0.6 .. .. ..

73 54

.. 5 16 55 50 2.2 42

Uzbekistan Europe & Central Asia

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

31 64 2,090 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24)

.. .. 12 100 97 96 .. .. 100

Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.05 56 70 97 96 48 34 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

47 33 .. .. .. .. .. .. 37 .. .. .. 42 26 .. .. 14 11 22 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

.. .. 14 101 100 97 .. 100

71 64


72 54 .. .. .. .. .. ..

64 43

22 11 20 .. .. .. ..

87 .. 7 91 98 97 10 11 100

1.05 34 72 .. .. 36 43 0.1

48 34 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 126 100 43 26 29 13 .. 11 22 .. 39 .. 43

.. .. ..

16 .. 11

2.6 27 13

2.2 18 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


90 .. 11 93 100 97 13 100

44 65


76 57 .. .. .. .. .. ..

68 46

.. 11 19 .. 42 .. 44


Vanuatu East Asia & Pacific

Lower middle income

Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

259 782 3,090 15 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+) Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

97 36 3 94 46 34 .. .. ..

1.07 26 69 .. 88 120 .. ..

70 62 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

98 31 6 90 44 33 .. ..

31 66


84 72 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 53 .. 96 .. 54 .. .. 95

1.07 25 74 76 89 86 .. ..

62 51 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

0 .. 0

4.4 58 ..

3.4 43 21

.. 51 .. 90 .. 48 .. 95

30 70


80 62 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Venezuela, RB High income Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

31 396 12,890 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

88 56 34 86 97 58 9 39 98

1.05 19 75 94 94 91 31 0.2

49 34 58 42 2.3 2 13 86 40 60 .. .. 42 24 .. .. .. 14 28 .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

87 46 23 80 100 43 5 96

24 70


82 64 58 42 1.4 16 29 56

72 50

.. 13 22 .. .. .. ..

90 78 .. 97 99 85 .. .. 98

1.05 13 78 .. 96 110 35 0.2

51 30 64 33 0.9 2 11 87 44 60 182 100 47 24 31 31 .. 8 20 51 53 2.7 46

.. .. ..

17 .. 23

2.8 89 ..

2.4 80 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


92 72 .. 95 100 75 .. 97

17 72


79 55 56 37 0.4 13 29 58

74 48

.. 7 14 48 61 3.3 49


Vietnam East Asia & Pacific

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

91 172 1,890 3 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

.. .. 8 95 92 63 .. .. 94

1.07 29 78 68 70 82 15 0.1

.. .. 11 100 94 69 .. 96

.. .. 23 98 87 81 12 31 ..


1.10 19 80 94 93 49 31 0.2

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 73 83 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 67 71 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 15 22 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 83 77 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 53.1 21.2 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 66 64 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 10 15 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 24 21 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 41 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 72 81 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 64 68 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) .. .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 2 2 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 4 5 Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. ..

73 61 29 71 22.6 50 17 34 41 .. 180 100 71 57 .. .. 10 2 6 .. 32 0.5 63

38 69

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 17 ..

24 .. 9

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

2.0 29 11

1.7 38 9



The Little Data Book on Gender

.. .. 26 97 100 78 15 ..

25 71


82 65 40 60 12.0 45 25 29

81 62

12 2 5 .. 30 0.5 64

Virgin Islands (U.S.) High income Population (thousands) GNI, Atlas ($ millions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

104 .. .. .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24) Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) Maternity leave (days paid) Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) Firms with female participation in ownership (%) Firms with a female top manager (%) Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) Internet users (%) Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) Mobile account (% age 15+) Saved any money last year (% age 15+)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.06 .. 80 .. 98 .. .. ..

53 39 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 73


77 55 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1.06 .. 83 .. .. .. .. ..

54 45 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. ..

.. .. ..

2.1 55 ..

1.8 44 ..

The Little Data Book on Gender


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 77


72 56 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


West Bank and Gaza Middle East & North Africa

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

4 13 3,060 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) 89 Net secondary enrollment rate (%) 79 Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) 23 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 98 Progression to secondary school (%) 100 Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 70 Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) 13 Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) 22 Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) .. Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

1.05 27 72 96 97 59 .. ..

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 11 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 6 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 56 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 44 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 33.4 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 35 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 11 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 54 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 14 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 10 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 5 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 11 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 25 Internet users (%) .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) ..

90 75 25 97 99 61 13 ..

32 69


65 45 68 32 5.2 10 39 52

56 36

.. 15 20 .. .. .. ..

92 84 55 93 99 84 37 31 99a

1.05 19 75 98 99 47 .. ..

15 9 65 35 20.9 24 9 68 16 .. 70 100 12 4 13 1 .. 21 56 34 21 .. 25

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%)

.. 13 ..

.. .. ..

Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

5.4 82 ..

4.0 59 21



The Little Data Book on Gender

91 77 37 93 97 69 23 99a

23 72


66 42 69 31 4.8 9 30 61

51 28

.. 24 35 45 27 .. 21

Yemen, Rep. Middle East & North Africa

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

26 33 1,300 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

42 18 5 39 .. 27 .. .. ..

1.05 91 62 .. .. 370 27 0.1

72 46 16 79 .. 65 .. ..

81 34 6 62 89 40 .. .. 80


1.05 38 64 .. .. 270 36 0.1

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 22 71 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 20 53 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 14 51 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 86 49 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 61.9 12.8 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 88 43 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 3 14 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 9 43 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 7 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 14 65 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 10 43 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) 14 12 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 39 9 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 53 19 Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. ..

25 22 58 42 .. 28 15 57 12 .. 70 100 16 10 7 2 15 39 54 .. 2 .. 25

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

100 59

.. 4 ..

0 5 10

6.4 96 ..

4.1 62 32

The Little Data Book on Gender


95 51 14 78 91 57 .. 97

46 62


72 53 67 33 .. 25 19 56

65 42

17 10 20 .. 11 .. 16


Zambia Sub-Saharan Africa

Lower middle income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

16 26 1,680 64 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

69 .. 2 58 69 23 .. .. 66


92 .. .. 82 62 53 .. .. ..


1.02 59 60 .. .. 280 52 4.2

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 75 85 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 66 71 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 9 26 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 91 74 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 61.8 25.4 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 80 65 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 2 9 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 18 26 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 22 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) .. Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 67 73 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 53 54 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) .. .. Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 11 15 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 20 24 Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. ..

73 64 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 84 100 65 50 50 24 .. 11 23 .. 30 9.5 69

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)



The Little Data Book on Gender

1.02 154 42 83 47 610 50 6.4

72 .. 3 69 62 29 ..

172 42

.. .. ..

13 .. 20

6.1 143 42

5.7 93 ..

91 .. .. 85 66 61 .. ..

69 56


86 70 .. .. .. .. .. ..

73 51

.. 15 27 .. 33 14.9 72

Zimbabwe Sub-Saharan Africa

Low income

Population (millions) GNI, Atlas ($ billions) GNI per capita, Atlas ($) Population living below $1.90 a day (%)

15 13 830 .. 2000 2013 Female Male Female Male

Education Net primary enrollment rate (%) Net secondary enrollment rate (%) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age group) Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Progression to secondary school (%) Lower secondary completion rate (% of relevant age group) Gross tertiary graduation ratio (%) Female share of graduates in eng., manf. and constr. (%, tertiary) Youth literacy rate (% of population ages 15–24) Health and related services Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (years) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%) Prevalence of HIV (% ages 15–24)

85 38 .. 88 73 .. .. .. ..

1.02 98 44 93 73 680 57 14.9

85 42 .. 93 76 .. .. ..

95 44 5 93 .. .. .. 21 92


1.02 65 61 90 66 470 59 7.0

Economic structure, participation, and access to resources Labor force participation rate (% of population ages 15+) 69 81 Labor force participation rate (% of ages 15–24) 55 65 Wage and salaried workers (% of employed ages 15+) 23 55 Self-employed workers (% of employed ages 15+) 77 45 Unpaid family workers (% of employed ages 15+) 16.1 13.7 Employment in agriculture (% of employed ages 15+) 70 51 Employment in industry (% of employed ages 15+) 5 19 Employment in services (% of employed ages 15+) 26 30 Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (%) 20 Women’s share of part-time employment (% of total) 66 Maternity leave (days paid) .. Maternity leave benefits (% of wages paid) .. Employment to population ratio (% ages 15+) 65 75 Employment to population ratio (% ages 15-24) 49 54 Firms with female participation in ownership (%) .. Firms with a female top manager (%) .. Children in employment (% of children ages 7–14) 13 15 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15+) 5 8 Unemployment rate (% of labor force ages 15–24) 11 16 Internet users (%) .. .. Account at a financial institution (% age 15+) .. .. Mobile account (% age 15+) .. .. Saved any money last year (% age 15+) .. ..

83 77 .. .. .. .. .. .. 34 .. 98 100 79 70 56 17 .. 5 9 .. 15 19.1 53

Public life and decision making Seats held by women in national parliament (%) Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total) Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%) Agency Total fertility rate (births per woman) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15–19) Women first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20–24)

113 44

.. .. ..

31 .. 12

4.1 108 29

3.5 110 31

The Little Data Book on Gender


93 44 6 91 .. .. .. 90

76 59


90 82 .. .. .. .. .. ..

85 74

.. 5 9 .. 19 24.2 51


Notes a. Data are for 2014. b. Excludes South Sudan. c. Paid parental leave is available. d. Unpaid parental leave is available.



The Little Data Book on Gender

Glossary Account at a financial institution is the percentage of respondents ages 15 and older who report having an account (by themselves or together with someone else) at a bank or another type of financial institution. Data listed for 2013 are for 2014. (World Bank, the Global Findex database) Adolescent fertility rate is the number of births per 1,000 women ages 15–19. Data listed for 2013 are for 2014. (United Nations Population Division) Agency is the capacity to make decisions about one’s own life and act on them to achieve a desired outcome, free of violence, retribution, or fear. (Klugman, J., L. Hanmer, S. Twigg, T. Hasan, J. McCleary-Sills, and J. Santamaria. 2014. Voice and Agency: Empowering Women and Girls for Shared Prosperity. Washington, DC: World Bank.) Births attended by skilled health staff are the percentage of deliveries attended by personnel trained to give the necessary supervision, care, and advice to women during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum period; to conduct deliveries on their own; and to care for newborns. (United Nations Children’s Fund, and ICF International) Children in employment are children ages 7–14 who are involved in any economic activity for at least one hour in the reference week of the survey. (Understanding Children’s Work) Employment in agriculture is the proportion of employment in agriculture— division 1 (ISIC revision 2) or tabulation categories A and B (ISIC revision 3) and includes hunting, forestry, and fishing—in total employment. (International Labour Organization Key Indicators of the Labour Market database) Employment in industry is the proportion of employment in industry—divisions 2–5 (ISIC revision 2) or tabulation categories C–F (ISIC revision 3) and includes mining and quarrying (including oil production), manufacturing, construction, and public utilities (electricity, gas, and water)—in total employment. (International Labour Organization Key Indicators of the Labour Market database) Employment in services is the proportion of employment in service— divisions 6–9 (ISIC revision 2) or tabulation categories G–P (ISIC revision 3) and includes wholesale and retail trade and restaurants and hotels; transport, storage, and communications; financing, insurance, real estate, and business services; and community, social, and personal service in total employment. (International Labour Organization Key Indicators of the Labour Market database) Employment to population ratio is the proportion of a country’s population that is employed. Ages 15 and older are generally considered the working-age population and ages 15–24 are generally considered the youth population. Data in the tables are modeled estimates. (International Labour Organization Key Indicators of the Labour Market database)

The Little Data Book on Gender



Glossary Female legislators, senior ofďŹ cials and managers refer to the share of legislators, senior officials and managers who are female. (International Labour Organization Key Indicators of the Labour Market database) Female share of graduates in engineering, manufacturing, and construction is the number of female graduates expressed as a percentage of the total number of graduates in engineering, manufacturing, and construction from tertiary education. (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics) Firms with a female top manager refer to the percentage of firms have a woman as the top manager. The top manager refers to the highest ranking manager or CEO of the firm, the person who makes the key decisions on a day-to-day basis. This person may be the firm’s owner if she (the owner) also works as the manager of the firm. (World Bank, Enterprise Surveys) Firms with female participation in ownership refers to the percentage of firms that have at least one woman among the firm’s owners. (World Bank, Enterprise Surveys) GNI is the sum of value added by all resident producers plus any product taxes (less subsidies) not included in the valuation of output plus net receipts of primary income (compensation of employees and property income) from abroad. Data are in current U.S. dollars. GNI, calculated in national currency, is usually converted to U.S. dollars at official exchange rates for comparisons across economies, although an alternative rate is used when the official exchange rate is judged to diverge by an exceptionally large margin from the rate actually applied in international transactions. To smooth fluctuations in prices and exchange rates, a special Atlas method of conversion is used by the World Bank. This applies a conversion factor that averages the exchange rate for a given year and the two preceding years, adjusted for differences in rates of inflation between the country, and through 2000, the G-5 countries (France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States). From 2001, these countries include the Euro area, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Data are for 2014. (World Bank) GNI per capita is the gross national income (GNI), converted to U.S. dollars using the World Bank Atlas method, divided by the midyear population. Data are for 2014. (World Bank) Gross tertiary enrollment ratio is the total enrollment in tertiary level, regardless of age, to the population of the age group that officially corresponds to the tertiary education. (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics) Gross tertiary graduation ratio is the number of graduates from first degree programs (at ISCED 6 and 7) expressed as a percentage of the population of the theoretical graduation age of the most common first degree program. (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics)



The Little Data Book on Gender

Glossary Internet users are the proportion of individuals who have used the Internet (from any location) in the last 12 months. Internet can be used via a computer, mobile phone, personal digital assistant, games machine, digital TV, etc. Age groups may differ by country. (International Telecommunication Union) Labor force participation rate is the proportion of the population that is economically active: all people who supply labor for the production of goods and services during a specified period. Ages 15 and older are generally considered the working-age population and ages 15–24 are generally considered the youth population. Data in the tables are modeled estimates. (International Labour Organization Key Indicators of the Labour Market database) Life expectancy at birth is the number of years a newborn infant would live if prevailing patterns of mortality at the time of its birth were to stay the same throughout its life. (United Nations Population Division, United Nations Statistics Division, national statistical offices, Eurostat, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, United States Census Bureau, and World Bank). Lower secondary completion rate is measured as the gross intake ratio to the last grade of lower secondary education (general and prevocational). It is calculated as the number of new entrants in the last grade of lower secondary education, regardless of age, divided by the population at the entrance age for the last grade of lower secondary education. (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics) Maternal mortality ratio is the number of women who die from pregnancyrelated causes while pregnant or within 42 days of pregnancy termination per 100,000 live births. The data are estimated with a regression model using information on the proportion of maternal deaths among non-AIDS deaths in women ages 15–49, fertility, birth attendants, and GDP. (United Nations Maternal Mortality Estimation Inter-agency Group, World Health Organization, United Nations Children’s Fund, United Nations Population Fund, the World Bank, and United Nations Population Division) Maternity leave refers to leave related to the birth of a child that is only available to the mother; it does not cover parental leave that is available to both parents. Paid maternity leave is the mandatory minimum number of calendar days that legally must be paid by the government, the employer, or both. Data listed for 2013 are for 2015. (World Bank Group, Women, Business and the Law database) Maternity leave benefits refers to the total percentage of wages covered by all sources during paid maternity leave. Data listed for 2013 are for 2015. (World Bank Group, Women, Business and the Law database) Mobile account is the percentage of respondents ages 15 and older who report personally using a mobile phone to pay bills or to send or receive money through a GSM Association (GSMA) Mobile Money for the Unbanked (MMU) service in the past 12 months; or receiving wages, government transfers, or payments for agricultural products through a mobile phone in the past 12 months. Data listed for 2013 are for 2014. (World Bank, the Global Findex database)

The Little Data Book on Gender



Glossary Net primary enrollment rate is the ratio of children of official school age who are enrolled in primary school to the population of the age group that officially corresponds to the primary education. (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics) Net secondary enrollment rate is the ratio of children of official school age who are enrolled in secondary school to the population of the age group that officially corresponds to the secondary education. (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics) Population is the de facto definition of population, which counts all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship—except for refugees not permanently settled in the country of asylum, who are generally considered part of the population of their country of origin. The values shown are midyear estimates. Data are for 2014. (United Nations Population Division, United Nations Statistics Division, national statistical offices, Eurostat, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, United States Census Bureau, and World Bank). Population living below $1.90 a day is the percentages of the population living on less than $1.90 a day at 2011 international prices. As a result of revisions in PPP exchange rates, poverty rates for individual countries cannot be compared with poverty rates reported in earlier editions. Note that five countries—Bangladesh, Cabo Verde, Cambodia, Jordan, and Lao PDR—use the 2005 PPP exchange rates and poverty lines. (World Bank, Development Research Group) Pregnant women receiving prenatal care are the percentage of women attended at least once during pregnancy by skilled health personnel for reasons related to pregnancy. (United Nations Children’s Fund and ICF International) Prevalence of HIV is the percentage of people ages 15–24 who are infected with HIV. Data listed for 2013 are for 2014. (Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS). Primary completion rate is measured as the gross intake ratio to the last grade of primary education. It is calculated as the number of new entrants in the last grade of primary education, regardless of age, divided by the population at the entrance age for the last grade of primary education. (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics) Progression to secondary school refers to the number of new entrants to the first grade of secondary school in a given year as a percentage of the number of students enrolled in the final grade of primary school in the previous year (minus the number of repeaters from the last grade of primary education in the given year). (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics)



The Little Data Book on Gender

Glossary Proportion of women in ministerial level positions is the proportion of women in ministerial or equivalent positions (including deputy prime ministers) in the government. Prime Ministers/Heads of Government are included when they hold ministerial portfolios. Vice Presidents and heads of governmental or public agencies are excluded. Data listed for 2013 are for 2015. (InterParliamentary Union) Saved any money last year is the percentage of respondents ages 15 and older who report personally saving or setting aside any money for any reason and using any mode of saving in the past 12 months. Data listed for 2013 are for 2014. (World Bank, the Global Findex database) Seats held by women in national parliament is the percentage of parliamentary seats in a single or lower chamber occupied by women. Data listed for 2013 are for 2015. (Inter-Parliamentary Union) Self-employed workers are those workers who, working on their own account or with one or a few partners or in cooperative, hold the type of jobs defined as a “self-employment jobs.” (International Labour Organization Key Indicators of the Labour Market database) Sex ratio at birth refers to male births per female births. (United Nations Population Division, World Population Prospects) Total fertility rate is the number of children that would be born to a woman if she were to live to the end of her childbearing years and bear children in accordance with current age-specific fertility rates of the specified year. (United Nations Population Division, United Nations Statistics Division, national statistical offices, Eurostat, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, United States Census Bureau, and World Bank) Under-five mortality rate is the probability per 1,000 live births that a newborn baby will die before reaching age five, if subject to age-specific mortality rates of the specified year. Data listed for 2013 are for 2015. (United Nations Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation, United Nations Children’s Fund, World Health Organization, World Bank, and United Nations Population Division) Unemployment rate is the share of labor force without work but available for and seeking employment. Definitions of labor force and unemployment may differ by country. Ages 15 and older are generally considered the working-age population and ages 15–24 are generally considered the youth population. Data in the tables are modeled estimates. (International Labour Organization Key Indicators of the Labour Market database) Unpaid family workers or contributing family workers are those who hold “self-employment jobs” as own-account workers in a market-oriented establishment operated by a related person living in the same household. (International Labour Organization Key Indicators of the Labour Market database)

The Little Data Book on Gender



Glossary Wage and salaried workers are those workers who hold the type of jobs defined as “paid employment jobs,” where the incumbents hold explicit (written or oral) or implicit employment contracts that give them a basic remuneration that is not directly dependent upon the revenue of the unit for which they work. (International Labour Organization Key Indicators of the Labour Market database) Women first married by age 18 is the percentage of women ages 20–24 who were first married by age 18. (United Nations Children’s Fund and ICF International) Women in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector is the share of female workers in wage employment in the nonagricultural sector (industry and services), expressed as a percentage of total employment in the nonagricultural sector. Industry includes mining and quarrying (including oil production), manufacturing, construction, electricity, gas, and water, corresponding to divisions 2–5 (ISIC revision 2) or tabulation categories C–F (ISIC revision 3). Services include wholesale and retail trade and restaurants and hotels; transport, storage, and communications; financing, insurance, real estate, and business services; and community, social, and personal services, corresponding to divisions 6–9 (ISIC revision 2) or tabulation categories G–P (ISIC revision 3). (International Labour Organization) Women’s share of part-time employment is the female share of total parttime workers. Part-time worker is an employed person whose normal hours of work are less than those of comparable full-time workers. Definition of part-time varies across countries. (International Labour Organization Key Indicators of the Labour Market database) Women’s share of population ages 15+ living with HIV is the proportion of women in total population ages 15+ who are living with HIV. Data listed for 2013 are for 2014. (Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS) Youth literacy rate is the percentage of people ages 15 to 24 who can both read and write with understanding a short simple statement about their everyday life. (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics)



The Little Data Book on Gender

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