FIGURE 1.1 Global value chain participation network, 1990 and 2019
Source: World Bank calculations based on United Nations Conference on Trade and Development–Eora Global Value Chain database. Note: These two panels are based on the country-to-country value added matrixes for 1990 and 2019, which include 189 economies and a “rest of the world” group. For each exporting economy, the matrixes show the value added contributed by all other economies in the world. In the two panels, each node stands for an economy, and the thickness of each link reflects the source economy’s value added in the destination economy’s exports. The panels display only linkages that are worth at least US$500 million. Nodes are colored by World Bank region. The size of each node represents its weighted degree, which measures the corresponding economy’s centrality to global value chains. Data for 2019 are forecast on the basis of the International Monetary Fund World Economic Outlook database.