228 | Quality Early Learning
or service delivery cells that can monitor and evaluate progress is fundamental for improvement in ECE services. The process in each country, especially in LMICs, is not easy. Nevertheless, the lessons learned in other countries and contexts provide valuable inputs for leadership implementation. The foremost challenge is to carry out a rigorous implementation process that includes mobilizing human resources, funding, and political will.
Key Takeaways Countries can improve the quality of their ECE leadership through the following steps: • Diagnose the current challenges and circumstances. • Plan for implementation to ensure political support for reforms, standard setting, evaluation, monitoring, quality assurance, and training in both management and educational leadership. • Monitor implementation to evaluate progress and improve services.
CONCLUSION ECE leaders fulfill the crucial roles of managing ECE centers, supporting educators, and engaging with families. ECE leaders recruit educators and staff, monitor whether curricula and pedagogical approaches are implemented with fidelity in the classroom, and provide instructional support. They also make key decisions about the school’s physical environment and resources and are an important link to families and broader communities. The uniquely wide-ranging dual set of responsibilities for ECE leaders, both managerial and pedagogical, means that effective ECE leaders need to be proficient in both skill sets, especially given the low capacity and challenging working conditions that undermine motivation and retention in the ECE sector. It is critical that strong ECE leader training programs be developed, with a focus on leadership, pedagogical and administrative management, and coordination with the rest of the educational system. Effective leadership and management are crucial in enabling several key aspects of quality ECE, including supporting and motivating ECE teachers, fostering positive learning environments, and promoting strong partnerships with families.