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6B.4 Mincerian Regression to Measure Returns, with and without Education, Sri Lanka
TABLE 6B.4 Mincerian Regression to Measure Returns, with and without Education, Sri Lanka
Dependent variable = Log hourly earnings in local currency unit Socioemotional
Extroversion intensity
Conscientiousness intensity
Openness intensity
Emotional stability intensity
Agreeableness intensity grit intensity hostility bias intensity decision-making intensity
Cognitive literacy proficiency (vocabulary) literacy proficiency (sentence) literacy proficiency (passage)
Education (base: < primary) lower-secondary upper/postsecondary
Socioeconomic controls
Age-squared male With education Without education Overall Informal Formal Overall Informal Formal
−0.085 (0.118) −0.157 (0.172) 0.182*** (0.067) −0.081 (0.104) −0.149 (0.147) 0.161** (0.071) −0.211 (0.149) −0.219 (0.207) −0.140 (0.090) −0.228* (0.133) −0.259 (0.182) −0.064 (0.093) −0.004 (0.123) −0.032 (0.159) 0.022 (0.106) 0.006 (0.104) −0.063 (0.132) 0.157 (0.097) 0.028 (0.13) −0.027 (0.179) 0.183*** (0.067) 0.181 (0.118) 0.130 (0.160) 0.202*** (0.080) 0.081 (0.142) −0.003 (0.181) 0.0836 (0.096) 0.0301 (0.132) −0.0587 (0.165) 0.122 (0.092) −0.078 (0.134) −0.076 (0.173) −0.163 (0.105) −0.137 (0.118) −0.153 (0.152) −0.229** (0.095) −0.056 (0.097) −0.072 (0.127) 0.0969 (0.071) −0.065 (0.086) −0.0821 (0.113) 0.076 (0.067 0.279* (0.148) 0.272 (0.194) 0.266*** (0.087) 0.217 (0.135) 0.209 (0.171) 0.273*** (0.095)
2.586** (1.297) 4.544* (2.386) −0.0805 (0.490) 2.997** (1.250) 4.226** (2.082) 0.235 (0.580) −3.100 (2.726) −7.816 (4.794) 0.270 (1.155) −2.128 (2.591) −7.304* (4.209) 1.777 (1.297) 2.187 (2.306) 2.259 (4.231) 1.356 (1.103) 5.589** (2.309) 5.088 (3.955) 4.214*** (1.262)
−0.040 (0.314) 0.068 (0.342) −0.151 (0.222) 0.105 (0.317) −0.051 (0.347) 0.334* (0.188) 0.956*** (0.361) 0.863 (0.657) 0.857*** (0.209)
0.130*** (0.045) 0.157*** (0.054) 0.0189 (0.028) 0.0996** (0.039) 0.095** (0.048) 0.043 (0.029) −0.002*** (0.001) −0.002*** (0.001) −0.001 (0.001) −0.001** (0.001) −0.001* (0.001) −0.001 (0.001) 0.806*** (0.161) 1.115*** (0.225) 0.248*** (0.0881) 0.781*** (0.145) 1.061*** (0.205) 0.274*** (0.086) (continued)
TABLE 6B.4 Mincerian Regression to Measure Returns, with and without Education, Sri Lanka (continued)
Dependent variable = Log hourly earnings in local currency unit With education Without education Overall Informal Formal Overall Informal Formal
Father’s education ≥ secondary (base: ≤ primary) −0.097 (0.188) −0.155 (0.240) 0.125 (0.093) mother’s education ≥ secondary (base: ≤ primary) 0.152 (0.169) 0.206 (0.232) 0.117 (0.104)
Currently married −0.125 (0.180) −0.185 (0.243) 0.140 (0.112) −0.110 (0.162) −0.097 (0.213) 0.106 (0.116)
Children ages under 6, number −0.0125 (0.112) 0.0299 (0.150) −0.077 (0.085) −0.006 (0.101) 0.033 (0.135) −0.069 (0.086) household owns agricultural land 0.400** (0.183) 0.558** (0.233) −0.128 (0.104) 0.478*** (0.175) 0.655*** (0.222) −0.152 (0.110) household owns nonagricultural land −0.201 (0.244) −0.250 (0.309) 0.069 (0.182) −0.253 (0.231) −0.266 (0.281) −0.041 (0.185) received remittances 0.251 (0.227) 0.197 (0.287) 0.186 (0.149) 0.180 (0.207) 0.139 (0.258) 0.241 (0.148)
Transferred money out −0.120 (0.148) −0.00996 (0.220) −0.146 (0.119) −0.081 (0.143) 0.058 (0.198) −0.141 (0.106)
Chronic disease −0.088 (0.186) 0.010 (0.241) 0.150 (0.151) −0.207 (0.183) −0.187 (0.234) 0.109 (0.145)
Observations 1,090 685 405 1,362 892 470
Note: marginal effects are reported. The individual or class is informal if any of the following three assumptions hold, and formal otherwise: (1) individuals who are currently working and reported they do not have social security or benefits; (2) individuals who reported they are unpaid workers and have household businesses; (3) individuals who reported they are selfemployed and the reported size of their establishments is 1. wage informal = employed who are currently working, but without social security or benefits. wage formal = employed who are currently working and have social security. Self-informal = self-employed, currently working, without social security or benefits, and establishment size is 1. Self-formal = self-employed, currently working, and with social security. There is no raven score available for Sri lanka. however, the 2012 Sri lanka Skills toward Employment and Productivity (STEP) survey conducts a literacy assessment of respondents, an essential part of which is to ask respondents relevant questions to evaluate their literacy proficiency in vocabulary, sentence, and passage. literacy proficiency in vocabulary, sentence, and passage is defined as the number of questions answered correctly, divided by the time used to answer. Standard errors in parentheses; *p < .1 **p < .05 ***p < .01.