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8.3 Noncontributory Pension Programs: Age of Eligibility and Coverage
The coverage of the elderly by noncontributory pensions varies across the region, mainly because of differences in age and income requirements (figure 8.3). The noncontributory pension in Nepal is universal, which explains why the coverage of the 70+ population is over 100 percent; it is above 100 percent likely because, in some areas, the pension can be drawn at age 60. In Maldives, even though the pension is not universal,
FIGURE 8.3 Noncontributory Pension Programs: Age of Eligibility and Coverage
Sources: world bank calculations; world Population Prospects 2019 (database), Population division, department of Economic and Social Affairs, united Nations, New York, https://population.un.org/wpp/. Note: EAP = Elderly Assistance Program; igNOAPS = indira gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme; OAA = Old Age Allowance; OAbP = Old Age basic Pension.