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Coverage Scenario

Coverage Scenario

there are four types of households according to the baseline status of the two members. If each type is denoted by a pair dummy whereby the first term is the head’s status and the second term is the nonhead’s status, this gives (NF, NF), (NF, F), (F, NF), and (F, F). A household-level regression of income could then be run whereby the regressors include interactions of time with all four of the dummies. Because the individual regression on employment shows that households with the greatest number of informal members were affected most severely by the crisis, the coefficient on Time X (NF, NF) can be expected to be the most negative, while the coefficient on Time X (F, F) would be the least negative. The other two coefficients are between these two because they are mixed households. In the current specification, the nonhead member of the pair is ignored, and the coefficient on Post X NF is actually a mixture of Time X (NF, NF) and Time X (NF, F). In this sense, the impact of informality might be underestimated if it is claimed that Post X NF is equivalent to Post X (NF, NF). To the extent that there are some mixed households, ignoring the nonhead likely biases downward the estimated differential between formal and informal workers only in the sense that the difference between the two polar cases of NF, NF and F, F are not measured. Estimations with this more elaborate regression are available upon request.

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