1 minute read
1.17 Exports of PPE soared early in the COVID-19 pandemic
of producing countries. The manufacture of COVID-19 vaccines requires active substances such as mRNA, inactive ingredients, consumables, packaging, and equipment. According to data from China Customs, Eurostat, and the U.S. Census Bureau, trade in such inputs increased by 15 percent relative to prepandemic levels as early as July 2020, with the gap since then varying from 20 percent to more than 60 percent. As of December 2021, the three economies’ combined exports of inputs were 38 percent higher than in December 2019, and imports of inputs were 66 percent higher.
Figure 1.17 Exports of PPE soared early in the COVID-19 pandemic
Oct-21 Sep-21 Aug-21 Jul-21 Jun-21 May-21 Apr-21 Mar-21 Feb-21 Jan-21 Dec-20 Nov-20 Oct-20 Sep-20 Aug-20 Jul-20 Jun-20 May-20 Apr-20 Mar-20 Feb-20 Jan-20 Dec-19 Nov-19 Oct-19 Sep-19 Aug-19 Jul-19 Jun-19 May-19 Apr-19 Mar-19 Feb-19 April 2020: WHO reports 1 million cases
January 2020: WHO declares COVID-19 a PHEIC
−100 0
100 200 300 400 500 Monthly growth of exports (%) Face masks Rubber gloves Disinfectant Source: Trade Data Monitor (http://tradedatamonitor.com). Note: PHEIC = public health emergency of international concern; WHO = World Health Organization.