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54. The hub concept draws inspiration from a 2007 WHO program to provide seed grants to manufacturers in LMICs to establish or improve pandemic influenza vaccine production capacity (Hendriks et al. 2011). The companies involved were supported by an influenza vaccine technology platform (“hub”) at the Netherlands Vaccine Institute for training and technology transfer. During its first two years of operation, a robust and transferable monovalent pilot process for egg-based inactivated whole virus influenza A vaccine production was established under international GMP standards as well as in-process and release assays. The hub developed training tools, including a practical handbook on production and quality control, and provided hands-on training courses to employees from manufacturers in LMICs. 55. A possible model is provided by Accumulus Synergy, a nonprofit company providing a cloudbased platform to support interactions between the biopharmaceutical industry and health authorities worldwide, leveraging advanced technology and tools for data exchange to support global regulatory reliance mechanisms by giving all agencies access to information and data provided by vaccine manufacturers, run regulatory work-sharing activities, provide parallel review of dossiers, and produce reliance- or recognition-based assessments, under a single and global management system. For more information, see https://www.accumulus.org/. 56. “The COVAX Marketplace,” Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) website: https://cepi.net/the-covax-marketplace/.

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