World Bank Publications on
Highlights The Changing the Wealth of Nations Measuring Sustainable Development in the New Millennium The latest report by the World Bank to estimate comprehensive wealth— including produced, natural and human/ institutional assets—for over 100 countries, this ground-breaking report presents wealth accounts for 1995, 2000, and 2005, permitting the first longer-term assessment of global, regional, and country performance in building wealth. This overall assessment is complemented by chapters detailing individual components of wealth, as well as how countries and the World Bank are using comprehensive measures of wealth for policy analysis. Nov 2010 | 224 pages | 978-0-8213-8488-6 | Paperback $35.00 Environment and Development Series
Eco2 Cities Ecological Cities as Economic Cities By Hiroaki Suzaki, Arish Dastur & Sebastian Moffatt
Provides an overview of a new program designed to help cities in developing countries achieve greater ecological and economic sustainability. Innovative cities around the world have demonstrated that efforts in pursuing ecological and economic sustainability can be mutually reinforcing. This book presents an analytical and operational framework that can be adapted by cities in all regions to systematically work toward these positive accomplishments. May 2010 | 388 pages | 978-0-8213-8046-8 | Paperback $35.00
World Development Report 2010
Development and Climate Change In the crowded field of climate change reports, WDR 2010 uniquely: emphasizes development; takes an integrated look at adaptation and mitigation; highlights opportunities in the changing competitive landscape; and proposes policy solutions grounded in analytic work and in the context of the political economy of reform. Nov 2009 | 424 pages | 978-0-8213-7987-5 | Paperback $26.00 978-0-8213-7989-9 | Hardback $50.00
Sustainable Development & Climate Change 2010-2011 Adapting to Climate Change in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Edited by Marianne Fay, Rachel Block & Jane Ebinger
Many Eastern European and Former Soviet Union countries have been facing warmer temperatures and a changing hydrology, with more droughts, floods, heat waves, windstorms, and forest fires. This vulnerability is driven mainly by an adaptation deficit due to socioeconomic factors and a Soviet legacy of environmental mismanagement. Feb 2010 | 192 pages | 978-0-8213-8131-1 Paperback $35.00
Berg Water Project Communications Practices for Governance and Sustainability Improvement By Lawrence J.M. Haas et al
Communication is central to multistakeholder dialogue and partnerships needed to achieve sustainability and governance reform in water resource management and infrastructure provision. This case study identifies current practice, offers advice on capacity building in an operational setting; and draws insights and lessons from experience.
Energy Efficient Cities Assessment Tools and Benchmarking Practices By Ranjan K. Bose
Presents the papers from a symposium panel on Energy Efficient Cities. Topics covered include transportationdriven greenhouse gas emissions, green building rating tools, best practices in carbon-neutral urban infrastructure design, conflicts of mitigation and adaptation, integrated urban models covering multiple infrastructure sectors, flexible demand-responsive transport, and integrated modelling of urban energy systems. Apr 2010 | 246 pages | 978-0-8213-8104-5 Paperback $30.00
Energy Efficiency Finance Assessing the Impact of IFC’s China Utility-Based Energy Efficiency Finance Program Assesses the performance of IFC’s energy efficiency finance program in China aimed at stimulating energy efficiency investments through bank guarantees and technical assistance. Jun 2010 978-0-8213-8450-3 Paperback $20.00 Independent Evaluation Group Studies
Jul 2010 | 232 pages | 978-0-8213-8414-5 Paperback $20.00 World Bank Working Papers, No. 199
The Future of the Natural Gas Market in Southeast Europe
The Cost of Environmental Degradation
Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility
Case Studies from the Middle East and North Africa Edited by Lelia Croitoru & Maria Sarraf
Brings together the best case studies of valuing the cost of environmental degradation in several Middle East and North African countries and summarises their impacts at the country and regional levels. Jul 2010 | 188 pages 978-0-8213-8318-6 Paperback $30.00 Directions in Development Series
The objective of the study is to assess the scope for increased gasification in the countries of South East Europe, including Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Jul 2010 | 408 pages 978-0-8213-7864-9 Paperback $40.00
Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean
Natural Resources in Latin America and the Caribbean
Wind Energy in Colombia
By Jakob Kronik & Dorte Verner
Beyond Booms and Busts?
By Walter Vergara et al
By Emily Sinnott, John Nash & Augusto de la Torre
Colombia has vast wind potential, in fact one of the best in South America. However, currently it is not seen as a viable option by itself. This report gives a set of policy options for the decision makers in Colombia and other countries in the region to better promote the use of wind power.
Addresses the social implications of climate change in indigenous peoples and communities in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), and the options for improving indigenous peoples’ resilience and adaptability to these phenomena.
Finds that some commonly accepted negative effects of dependence on natural resources are largely myths, while some are realities. But all can be managed, and this book draws on the best available information in existing literature as well as original analysis to provide practical advice on how to do so.
Jun 2010 | 200 pages 978-0-8213-8237-0 Paperback $35.00 Directions in Development Series
Jun 2010 | 96 pages | 978-0-8213-8482-4 | Paperback $25.00 Latin America and Caribbean Studies
Lesotho Highlands Water Project Communication Practices for Governance and Sustainability Improvement By Lawrence J.M. Haas, Leonardo Mazzei & Donal T. O’Leary
Effective communications in all stages of the project cycle (including identification, preparation, implementation and operation) are critical to the success of complex hydraulic infrastructure projects, involving many stakeholders. Being the largest bi-national water transfer scheme in the world and because of its phasing, the lessons learned in this case study of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project are multifaceted. Jul 2010 | 54 pages | 978-0-8213-8415-2 | Paperback $15.00 World Bank Working Papers, No. 200
BESTSELLERS Convenient Solutions to an Inconvenient Truth
Ecosystem-Based Approaches to Climate Change Sets out a compelling argument for including ecosystem-based approaches to mitigation and adaptation as a third essential pillar in national strategies to address climate change. Such ecosystem-based strategies can offer cost-effective, proven and sustainable solutions contributing to, and complementing, other adaptation strategies. 2009 | 128 pages | 978-0-8213-8126-7 | Paperback $22.95 Environment and Development Series
Reducing Poverty, Protecting Livelihoods, and Building Assets in a Changing Climate Social Implications of Climate Change for Latin America and the Caribbean Edited by Dorte Verner
Explores the impact of climate change and climatic variability on poverty, livelihoods and assets in Latin America and the Caribbean, and offers key operational recommendations at the government, community, and household levels to improve resilience and adaptability to these phenomena.
A Framework for Market Entry
Jul | 120 pages 978-0-8213-8504-3 Paperback $25.00
Winds of Change East Asia’s Sustainable Energy Future By Xiaodong Wang et al
Outlines the strategic direction of East Asia’s energy sector to meet its growing energy demand in an environmentally sustainable manner over the next two decades, and presents a pathway of policy frameworks and financing mechanisms to get there. Jun 2010 | 176 pages 978-0-8213-8486-2 Paperback $25.00
Jun 2010 | 440 pages 978-0-8213-8238-7 | Paperback $45.00 Directions in Development Series
Environmental Flows in Water Resources Policies, Plans, and Projects
Low-Carbon Development
By Rafik Fatehali Hirji & Richard Davis
Examines the unique perspective of the Latin American and Caribbean region in combating climate change: problems the region will face, its potential contributions toward combating global warming, and how to maximize this potential while continuing to maintain growth and reduce poverty.
Findings and Recommendations
Advances the understanding and integration in operational terms of environmental flows (water allocation) into integrated water resources management (IWRM). 2009 | 206 pages | 978-0-8213-7940-0 | Paperback $35.00 Environment and Development Series
International Trade and Climate Change
Economic, Legal, and Institutional Perspectives One of the first comprehensive attempts to look at the synergies between climate change and trade objectives from economic, legal, and institutional perspectives. 2007 | 160 pages | 978-0-8213-7225-8 | Paperback $20.00
Latin American Responses to Climate Change Edited by Augusto De La Torre, Pablo Fajnzylber & John Nash
2009 | 232 pages | 978-0-8213-8054-3 | Paperback $35.00 Latin America and Caribbean Studies
Social Dimensions of Climate Change Equity and Vulnerability in a Warming World
Edited by Robin Mearns & Andrew Norton
Brings together the latest knowledge on the consequences of climate change for society and how best to address them. 2009 | 344 pages | 978-0-8213-7887-8 | Paperback $30.00 New Frontiers of Social Policy Series
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