Development Policy and Practitioner Handbooks

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World Bank Publications


Now in its third edition, this invaluable guide answers commonly-asked questions about the World Bank, such as: • • • • •

What is the World Bank Group and how is it organized? Which countries belong to the World Bank? How can I work or do business with the Bank? How is the Bank reforming itself? What areas of development are the Bank focused on? How can I learn more about them? • Where can I find information on publications, online resources, and mobile phone applications? June 2011 | 280 pages | 978-0-8213-8545-6 | Paperback $24.95


At last - everything you ever wanted to know about the World Bank at your fingertips! World Bank at a Glance explains what the World Bank Group is, its organization, and its activities in developing countries. The app provides succinct explanations of a wide range of topics, from results and reforms, to project cycles, to contacts, business and job opportunities, and ways to interact with the Bank via Social Media.

NEW STRUCTURAL ECONOMICS A Framework for Rethinking Development and Policy By Justin Yifu Lin

Economic development is a process of continuous technological innovation and structural transformation. Development thinking is inherently tied to the quest for sustainable growth strategies.

ASCENT AFTER DECLINE Regrowing Global Economies after the Great Recession

Edited by Otaviano Canuto and Danny M. Leipziger


By Raj Nallari, Shahid Yusuf, Breda Griffith, and Rwitwika Bhattacharya

New Structural Economics presents empirical evidence in support of this framework as well as concrete advice to development practitioners.

Without a resurrection of strong economic growth in major economies, the likelihood of rapid economic development in poor developing countries is dampened. The nature of that ascent is the subject of this volume. In Ascent after Decline, more than a dozen distinguished contributors scan the economic horizon, spell out the new fiscal reality, and highlight the policy choices on which economic regrowth will depend. If the Great Recession has taught one lesson, it is that when fundamental shifts occur, the outcomes will entail new elements that shape future directions and affect policy.

Frontiers in Development Policy, developed for courses at the World Bank and elsewhere, is a primer that examines interlinkages in various parts of the economy and the need for practical policy making to reach development goals in a globalized world of instabilities and complexities. The global crisis of 2008–09 opened new discussions about a plethora of economic and policy issues as well as basic concepts, frameworks, and forms of evaluation. What is development? What are the roles of political economy and institutions? How are private and public sectors balanced in the economy? How can economies best achieve structural transformation while ensuring human development and managing growing risks and crises in a rapidly changing world? This primer has been used by leading policy experts around the world and is intended for policy makers, practitioners—particularly government sector officials—and researchers from NGOs and think tanks interested in international development policy and marketing trends.

Jan 2012 | 325 pages | 978-0-8213-8955-3 | Paperback $39.95

Jan 2012 | 325 pages | 978-0-8213-8942-3 | Paperback $39.95

Jul 2010 | 364 pages | 978-0-8213-8785-6 | Paperback $30.00

Authored by Justin Y. Lin, Chief Economist of the World Bank, this book uses a neoclassical approach to study the determinants of economic structure and its transformation, and draws new insights for development policy. The market is the basic mechanism for effective resource allocation at each level of development. However, economic development as a dynamic process entails structural changes, including industrial upgrading and diversification, and corresponding improvements in hard and soft infrastructure. Such upgrading and improvements require coordination, and go hand in hand with large externalities to firms’ transaction costs and returns to capital investment. Thus, in addition to an effective market mechanism, the government should play an active role in facilitating structural changes.

The Great Recession of 2009–11 was not simply a severe business cycle slowdown or even a combined credit, housing, and asset market collapse. It left permanent scars, especially on the advanced economies. In its wake, policy makers must navigate uncharted economic territory where “business as usual” no longer applies and deep structural changes mark the global economic landscape.






By Ryan Watkins, Maurya West Meiers, and Yusra Visser

By Linda G. Morra Imas and Ray C. Rist

By Ray C. Rist, Marie-Helene Boily and Frederic Martin

Essential Tools for Collecting Information, Making Decisions, and Achieving Development Results

Designing and Conducting Effective Development Evaluations

The earliest decisions that lead to development projects are among the most critical in determining long-term success. This phase of project development transforms exciting ideas into project proposals, setting the stage for a variety of actions that will eventually lead (if all goes well) to desirable results. From deciding to propose a sanitation project in South Asia to selecting approaches that strengthen school management in South America, these decisions are the starting place of development. This book is your guide to assessing needs and then making essential decisions about what to do next.

This comprehensive text is an essential tool for those involved in development evaluation. It presents concepts and procedures for evaluation in a development context. It provides procedures and examples on how to set up a monitoring and evaluation system, how to conduct participatory evaluations and do social mapping, and how to construct a “rigorous” quasiexperimental design to answer an impact question.

Needs assessments support this early phase of project development with proven approaches for gathering information and making justifiable decisions. Filled with practical strategies, tools, and guides, you will find that this book covers both largescale formal needs assessments, as well as less formal assessments that guide daily decisions. Included in the book is a blend of rigorous methods and realistic tools that can help you make informed and reasoned decisions. Use the tools featured in the book to conduct focus groups, develop surveys, prioritize needs, and lead group decision making, developing a comprehensive, yet realistic, approach to identifying needs and selecting among alternative ways forward.

By Jody Zall Kusek and Ray C. Rist

Dec 2011 | 244 pages | 978-0-8213-8868-6 | Paperback $40.00

BROADBAND STRATEGIES HANDBOOK Edited by Tim Kelly and Carlo Rossotto

The Broadband Strategies Handbook is a guide for policymakers, regulators, and other relevant stakeholders as they address issues related to broadband development. It aims to help readers, particularly those in developing countries, by identifying issues and challenges in broadband development, analyzing potential solutions to consider, and providing practical examples from countries that have addressed broadbandrelated matters. The Handbook looks at how broadband is defined, why it is important, and how its development can be encouraged. Throughout the volume, broadband is viewed as an ecosystem consisting of both supply and demand components, both of which are equally important if the expansion of broadband networks and services is to be successful. In addressing the challenges and opportunities that broadband gives rise to, the Handbook discusses the policies and strategies that government officials and others should consider when developing broadband plans, including the legal and regulatory issues, what technologies are used to provide broadband, how to facilitate universal broadband access, and how to generate demand for broadband services and applications. April 2012 | 413 pages | 978-0-8213-8945-4 | Paperback $45.00

World Bank Training Series June 2009 | 604 pages | 978-0-8213-7891-5 | Hardback $49.95


This Handbook provides a comprehensive ten-step model that will help guide development practitioners through the process of designing and building a results-based monitoring and evaluation system. These steps begin with a “Readiness Assessment” and take the practitioner through the design, management, and more importantly, the sustainability of such systems. June 2004 | 264 pages | 978-0-8213-5823-8 | Paperback $39.95


By Marelize Göergens and Jody Zall Kusek

What happens after your program’s strategy has been designed? How do you know whether you’ve been successful in implementing the strategies you planned? Although monitoring and evaluation (ME) systems are essential to measuring results, making and keeping these systems functional has been a longstanding development challenge. Making Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Work will not only help you build functional ME systems, but also provide you with the tools and concepts for helping others build their systems. World Bank Training Series March 2010 | 520 pages | 978-0-8213-8186-1 | Paperback $49.95

IMPACT EVALUATION IN PRACTICE By Paul J. Gertler, Sebastian Martinez, Patrick Premand, Laura B. Rawlings, and Christel M. J. Vermeersch

This book offers an accessible introduction to the topic of impact evaluation and its practice in development. While the book is geared principally towards development practitioners and policymakers designing prospective impact evaluations, we trust that it will be a valuable resource for students and others interested in using impact evaluation. World Bank Training Series

Dec 2010 | 264 pages | 978-0-8213-8541-8 | Paperback $35.00

Building Evaluation Capacity to Strengthen Governance

Influencing Change: Building Evaluation Capacity to Strengthen Governance takes an elusive yet frequently mentioned concept in development evaluation: evaluation capacity building (ECB) and reviews how ECB can lead the change process in policy and institutional development. The study presents good practices and lessons learned, and introduces new perspectives on ECB. World Bank Training Series March 2011 | 302 pages | 978-0-8213-8403-9 | Hardback $30.00

HANDBOOK ON IMPACT EVALUATION Quantitative Methods and Practices By Shahidur R. Khandker, Gayatri B. Koolwal, and Hussain A. Samad

This book reviews quantitative methods and models of impact evaluation. It begings by reviewing the basic issues pertaining to an evaluation of an intervention to reach certain targets and goals. It then focuses on the experimental design of an impact evaluation, highlighting its strengths and shortcomings, followed by discussions on various non-experimental methods. Oct 2009 | 264 pages | 978-0-8213-8028-4 | Paperback $39.95

HANDBOOK ON POVERTY AND INEQUALITY By Jonathan Haughton and Shahidur R. Khandker

Handbook on Poverty and Inequality was originally designed to support training courses in poverty analysis and inequality. It begins with an explanatory text that includes numerous examples, multiple-choice questions to ensure active learning, and extensive practical exercises that use Stata statistical software. The Handbook will help researchers and evaluators in charge of preparing background materials for Poverty Reducation Strategy Papers (PRSPs) and those responsible for monitoring and evaluating poverty reduction programs and policies. World Bank Training Series March 2009 | 448 pages | 978-0-8213-7613-3 | Paperback $39.95


Aiming at creating a climate in which innovative initiatives can flourish and multiply, innovation policy, by its very nature, touches such diverse policy areas as education and training, skills development, science and research, the business environment, information and communication technology, and other infrastructure. This guidebook adopts a holistic perspective and presents in detail the actions required in such a varied set of policy areas, which typically work in silos. It also offers insights into the implementation of innovation policies in the difficult contexts of low- and medium-income countries characterized by the resistance of innovation systems to significant improvements. May 2010 | 432 pages | 978-0-8213-8269-1 | Paperback $35.00

To Order: World Bank Publications • • By phone: +1-703-661-1580 or 800-645-7247 By fax: +1-703-661-1501 • By mail: P.O. Box 960, Herndon, VA 20172-0960, USA • Questions? E-mail us at

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