World Bank Publications: Finance

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FINANCE Global Financial Development Report 2013 Rethinking the Role of the State in Finance

How should we measure and assess financial development around the globe? Why has financial development progressed so quickly in some regions and countries while seriously lagging in other parts of the world? At what point does the financial sector become too large or too complex? What mix of banks, other financial institutions, and financial markets is the best from the broader development perspective? How can healthy competition in the provision of financial services be ensured? Which policies help in supporting robust financial development, and which ones do not? And which ones help in providing people and firms with better access to finance? These are the types of questions that are addressed by this new annual publication from the World Bank Group, the Global Financial Development September 2012. 300 pages. Report 2013. The main theme of this inaugural report is Rethinking ISBN: 978-0-8213-9503-5. US$35 the Role of the State in Finance. Launched exactly four years after the Lehman Brothers failure, the report uses the experience of the global financial crisis to re-examine a basic question: what is the proper role of the state in achieving sustainable financial development? The crisis has challenged conventional thinking on the role of the state, and on financial sector policies. It has led to much debate on how best to achieve sustainable development. Among other things, the crisis has revived the notion that direct state intervention in the financial sector can help maintain stability, drive growth, and create jobs. The report examines this notion as well as the evidence of potentially harmful effects of some forms of the state’s interventions. It also navigates through ideological divides and doctrinaire positions and delivers The Little Data Book on Financial relevant, rigorous policy analyses and advice. DEVELOPMENT 2013

Table of Contents 1. Benchmarking Financial Sector Development Around The World 2. The State as Regulator and Supervisor 3. The Role of the State In Promoting Bank Competition 4. Direct State Interventions 5. The Role of the State in Financial Infrastructure

The Little Data Book on Financial Development 2013 is a pocket edition of the Global Financial Development Database, published as part of the work on the Global Financial Development Report 2013. It contains 38 indicators of financial development in 205 economies, including measures of (1) financial depth, (2) access, (3) efficiency, and (4) stability of financial institutions and markets. Additional variables, historical observations, and links to underlying research are available at Sept 2012. 176 pages. ISBN: 978-0-8213-9754-1. US$15

The Little Data Book on Financial Inclusion 2012

Featured The New Microfinance Handbook

A Financial Market System Perspective By Joanna Ledgerwood and Julie F. Earne

Coming Soon

The New Microfinance Handbook takes a market systems approach to financial inclusion, oriented by client needs. The book explores the fundamentals through examining client needs (demand), products and providers (supply), and the support systems required to increase financial access to the poor. It focuses on operational support, rules and regulations, infrastructure and delivery channels, information, and funding. The objective of The New Microfinance Handbook is to provide a strategic guide to help assess the financial service needs of the poor and to determine how a diversified financial sector can address these needs. Nov 2012 | 504 pages | 978-0-8213-8927-0 | Paperback $49.95


Coming Soon

Past, Present, and Future of Business Regulation Tenth in a series of annual reports comparing business regulation in 185 economies, Doing Business 2013 measures regulations affecting 11 areas of everyday business activity: starting a business, dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, registering property, getting credit, protecting investors, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts, closing a business, and employing workers.

The report ranks economies on their overall “ease of doing business”, and analyzes reforms to business regulation – identifying which economies are strengthening their business environment the most. Doing Business illustrates how reforms in business regulations are being used to analyze economic outcomes for domestic entrepreneurs and for the wider economy. Oct 2012 | 264 pages | 978-0-8213-9615-5 | Paperback $35.00

The Little Data Book on Financial Inclusion 2012 is a pocket edition of the Global Financial Inclusion Index (“Global Findex”) database providing country-level indicators on the use of formal bank accounts, payments behavior, savings patterns, credit patterns, and insurance decisions. It provides data on financial inclusion by key demographic characteristics—gender, age, education, income, and rural or urban residence.

Apr 2012 | 176 pages | 978-0-8213-9509-7 | Paperback $15.00

Green Infrastructure Finance

Leading Initiatives and Research By Aldo Baietti, Andrey Shlyakhtenko, Roberto La Rocca, and Urvaksh D. Patel

This report is a structured compendium of leading initiatives and activities designed to accelerate private investment flows in green growth. It summarizes current investment challenges of green projects as well as proposed solutions, financing schemes and initiatives that have set the stage for scaling up green infrustructure investments. Apr 2012 | 260 pages | 978-0-8213-9488-5 | Paperback $34.95

Green Infrastructure Finance Framework Report This report builds on the conclusions of the Green Infrastructure Finance: Leading Initiatives and Research report and lays out a simple and elegant way in which scarce public financing can leverage market interest in ‘greening’ infrastructure, particularly in the East Asia and Pacific Region.

Jun 2012 | 72 pages | 978-0-8213-9527-1 | Paperback $22.00

World Investment and political risk 2012

This report examines the overall trends in political risk perceptions, foreign investment intentions, and longer-term demand for political risk guarantees, especially in emerging economies, with a a spcial focuson the risk of non honoring of sovereign financial obligations. Dec 2012 | 120 pages | 978-0-8213-9508-0 | Paperback $28.00

Beyond the annual Budget

Review of Global Experience with Medium Term Expenditure Frameworks Beyond the Annual Budget is a comprehensive review of country experience with Medium Term Expenditure Frameworks (MTEFs) worldwide. It looks at countries both with and without MTEFs over the period 1990 to 2008 to obtain results about their impact on fiscal performance. Oct 2012 | 290 pages | 978-0-8213-9625-4 | Paperback $30.00

Financial sector development in Africa Opportunities and Challenges

Edited by Thorsten Beck and Samuel Munzele Maimbo

This edited volume contains eight studies of financial sector challenges in Africa. They discuss expanding access, lengthening contracts, safeguarding finance and implementing financial sector reform in politically difficult environment. Oct 2012 | 320 pages | 978-0-8213-9628-5 | Paperback $35.00

PUBLIC FInAnCIAL MAnAGeMenT ReFORM In THe MIddLe eAST And nORTH AFRICA An Overview of Regional Experience By Robert P. Beschel, Jr. and Mark Ahern

This report combines a comparative cross-country analysis using Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) data along with individual country case studies to examine the relative strengths and weaknesses of public financial management practices in the Middle East and North. May 2012 | 228 pages | 978-0-8213-9529-5 | Paperback $25.95

FInAnCIAL And FISCAL InSTRUMenTS FOR CATASTROPHe RISK MAnAGeMenT Addressing the Losses from Flood Hazards in Central Europe By John Pollner

This work addresses potential innovative insurance mechanisms to compensate flood losses in central Europe by applying financial financial instruments for pooling multi-country risks to reduce single-country costs. June 2012 | 180 pages | 978-0-8213-9579-0 | Paperback $25.95

BESTsELLERS InTeRnATIOnAL FInAnCIAL RePORTInG STAndARdS A Practical Guide 6th Edition By Hennie van Greuning, Darrel Scott and Simonet Terblanche

Microfinance Handbook

An Institutional and Financial Perspective By Joanna Ledgerwood

This report summarizes each standard, providing a quick reference for managers and executives in the private and public sectors who may not have a strong background in accounting.

The purpose of this Handbook is to bring together in a single source guiding principles and tools that will promote sustainable microfinance and create viable institutions. The Handbook takes a global perspective, drawing on lessons learned from the experiences of microfinance practitioners, donors, and others throughout the world.

Mar 2011 | 448 pages | 978-0-8213-8428-2 | Paperback $49.95

Jun 1998 | 302 pages | 978-0-8213-4306-7 | Paperback $39.95

Transforming Microfinance Institutions Providing Full Financial Services to the Poor By Joanna Ledgerwood and Victoria White

This volume provides guidelines for regulators to license and regulate microfinance providers, and for transforming microfinance institutions to meet the demands of two major new stakeholders— regulators and shareholders. May 2009 | 496 pages | 978-0-8213-7217-3 | Paperback $40.00

To Order: World Bank Publications • • By phone: +1-703-661-1580 or 800-645-7247 By fax: +1-703-661-1501 • By mail: P.O. Box 960, Herndon, VA 20172-0960, USA • Questions? E-mail us at

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