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TABLE OF CONTENTS/INDEX FEATURED TITLES...............................1 Doing Business 2009 ......................................2 Doing Business 2010 ......................................2 World Development Report 2008....................1 World Development Report 2009....................1 World Development Report 2010....................1
WORLD BANK ONLINE RESOURCES... 3 World Bank e-Library .....................................3 World Development Indicators (WDI) Online ...3 Global Development Finance (GDF) Online ....3 Global Economic Monitor ................................3 Africa Development Indicators Online .............3 The Complete World Development Report Online.............................................3
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International Trade and Climate Change ...... 10 Strengthening Bolivian Competitiveness.........9 Toward a New Trade Policy for Exports Diversification in the Middle East and North Africa.........................................9 Trade Preference Erosion ............................. 10 World Trade Indicators 2009/2010 .................9
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World Development Report 2010 Development and Climate Change In the course of the last tw o decades, the world has seen significant development progress. However, substantial challenges remain. Climate change will add to the many str esses faced by developing nations. Climate-smart development policies are needed to tackle the challenges of adaptation and mitigation and exploit the new competitive landscape created by climate change. But an adequate, achievable and equitable solution to c limate change also requires a climate framework that meets the needs and concerns of developing countries. Access to the necessary financial and innovation instruments is critical. In the crowded field of climate change reports, the World Development Report 2010 will uniquely: • emphasize development
• take an integrated look at adaptation and mitigation, focusing on the competing demands for land, water and energy
Table of Contents Overview Changing the climate for development
• present evidence that the elements of a global deal exist
Chapter 1 Climate change and development are inextricably linked
• propose policy solutions grounded in analytic work and in the context of the politic al economy of reform
Chapter 4 Energizing development without compromising the climate
Paperback. October 2009. 300 pages. Stock no. C17987 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7987-5). US$26.00
Chapter 7 Accelerating the innovation and diffusion of climate-smart systems
• highlight opportunities in the changing competitive landscape and how to seize them
Hardcover. October 2009. 300 pages. Stock no. C17989 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7989-9). US$50.00
Chapter 2 Reducing human vulnerability: helping people help themselves Chapter 3 A Balancing Act: How to manage land and water to feed nine billion people, protect natural systems, and reduce the effects of climate change
Chapter 5 Integrating development into the global climate regime Chapter 6 Harnessing $200-500 billion a year for mitigation—and $30-70 billion for adaptation
Chapter 8 Climate-smart action—overcoming the behavioral, organizational, and political forces of institutional inertia
World Development Report 2009
World Development Report 2008
Reshaping Economic Geography
Agriculture for Development
September 2008. 320 pages. Paperback. Stock no. D17607 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7607-2). US$26 Hardcover. Stock no. D17640 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7640-9). US$50
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Doing Business 2010 D Seventh in a series of annual reports comparing business regulations in 182 economies, Doing Business 2010 measures regulations affecting 10 areas of everyday business: starting a business, dealing with construction permits, employing workers, registering property, getting credit, protecting investors, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts, and closing a business. Doing Business 2010 updates all 10 sets of indic ators, ranks countries on their overall ease of doing business, Table of Contents and analyzes reforms to business About Doing Business regulation—identifying which Overview countries are improving their Starting a business business environment the most Dealing with construction permits and which ones slipped. Employing workers
Registering property
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Getting credit Protecting investors Paying taxes Trading across borders Enforcing contracts Closing a business
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Global Economic Monitor Global Economic Monitor features up-to-date analysis on global economic conditions, including a daily brief and event-driven focus reports, direct access to high-frequency datasets via Quick Query, forecasts for commodity prices, and main macroeconomic indicators for over 130 countries. http://publications.worldbank.org/gem
Africa Development Indicators Online The premier data source on the African economy. Africa Development Indicators Online contains over 1,200 statistical indicators including; social, economic, financial, natural resources, infrastructure, governance, partnership, and environmental indicators. http://publications.worldbank.org/ADI
The Complete World Development Report Online Coming soon! The Complete World Development Report Online brings together for the first time the full texts of all 31 yearly reports, plus a powerful statistical database in an easy-to-use, fully searchable digital archive.
See page 11 for information on the CD-ROM.
World Bank e-Library is an electronic portal to the World Bank’s full-text collection of books, reports, and other documents on social and economic development. It brings together in a fully indexed and cross-searchable database, over 4,500 titles published by the World Bank since 1987, all World Bank Policy Research Working Papers, plus every new title as it is published. A print archive option is also available. More information at http://www.worldbank.org/newelibrary
World Development Indicators (WDI) Online is the premier database on the global economy. It contains comprehensive data for 869 development indicators and time series data from 1960 for over 200 countries and 18 country groups. Data outputs can be scaled, mapped, viewed as graphs, and exported in standard formats including Excel. Updated periodically, annual data loaded in May. Learn more at http://publications.worldbank.org/WDI
Global Development Finance (GDF) Online offers external debt and financial flow data for over 130 countries that report public and publicly guaranteed debt to the World Bank Debtor Reporting System. Time series data include over 200 indicators from 1970. Technical features include mapping, graphing and easy export options including Excel. Global Development Finance Online is updated periodically with annual data loaded in January. More information at http://publications.worldbank.org/GDF
For more information on World Bank Online Resources, to obtain a free trial, or to request a quote, please visit us at www. worldbank.org/online or email pubrights@worldbank.org JULY–DECEMBER 2009
Bioenergy Development Issues and Impacts for Poverty and Natural Resource Management The expansion of bioenergy production will result in many opportunities and challenges globally in the forestry, agricultural, and energy sectors as well as for the poor who depend on these sectors for their liv elihoods. This book provides a background and overview of current and future bioenergy developments, defines and describes the main impacts and issues related to poverty and the environment for the main bioeergy production systems for both solid biomass and liquid biofuels, and assesses the main oppor tunities and challenges for countries in similar situations. AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT SERIES
November 2009. 180 pages. Stock no. C17629 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7629-4). US$35.00
Agribusiness and Innovation Systems in Africa By Kurt Larsen, Ronald Kim, and Florian Theus
This book examines how agricultural innovation arises in four Af rican countries—Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda—through the lens of agribusiness, public policies, and specific value chains for food staples, high value products, and livestock. Determinants of innovation are not viewed individually but within the context of a complex agricultural innovation system involving many actors and interactions. The volume is based on qualitative interviews with agribusiness representatives that were designed to shed light on their exper iences on public policies that either enhances or impedes innovation in Af rica’s agriculture sector. It will be of interest to policymakers, agribusiness leaders, farmer organizations, NGOs, and researchers. AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT SERIES
June 2009. 464 pages. Stock no. C17944 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7944-8). US$35.00
Forests Sourcebook Practical Guidance for Sustaining Forests in Development Cooperation AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT SERIES
April 2008. 400 pages. Stock no. C17163 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7163-3). US$30
Building Competitiveness in Africa’s Agriculture A Guide to Value Chain Concepts and Applications By C. Martin Webber and Patrick Labaste
This Guide is designed for those who want to know mor e about value chain-based approaches and how to use them in way s that can contribute to sound operational decisions, improved market linkages, and results for enterprise and industry development. Using real examples, mostly from African countries, this book reviews and iilustrates a range of concepts, analytical tools, and methodologies centered on the value chain that c an be used to design, implement, and evaluate agricultural and agribusiness development initiatives that strive to enhance productivity and competitiveness. AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT SERIES
September 2009. 184 pages. Stock no. C17952 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7952-3). US$40.00
Gender and Governance in Rural Services This book provides policy-relevant knowledge on strategies to improve service delivery in rural areas especially to rural women. The study covers key economic services, such as agricultural advisory services and related social services, including rural water supply. It presents analytical work from four countries: Ethiopia, Ghana, India and Sri Lanka, and provides a syntheses of ‘best fit’ practices in the different country contexts. AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT SERIES
September 2009. 150 pages. Stock no. C17658 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7658-4). US$35.00
Agricultural Land Redistribution Toward Greater Consensus Edited by Hans P. Binswanger-Mkhize, Camille Bourguignon, and Rogier J. E. van den Brink
Despite 250 years of land reform all over the world, important land inequalities remain, especially in Latin America and Southern Africa. While there is near consensus on the need for redistribution in these countries, much controversy persists around how to redistribute land peacefully and legally, often blocking progress on implementation. This book focuses on the “how” of land redistribution in order to forge greater consensus among land reform practitioners and enable them to make better choices on the mechanisms of land reform. Reviews and case studies describe and analyze the alternative implementation options. AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT SERIES
June 2009. 464 pages. Stock no. C17627 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7627-0). US$40.00
Awakening Africa’s Sleeping Giant
The Changing Face of Rural Space
Prospects for Commercial Agriculture in the Guinea Savannah Zone and Beyond
Agriculture and Rural Development in the Western Balkans
This book explores the feasibility of restoring international competitiveness and growth in Af rican agriculture through the identification of products and production systems that can underpin rapid development of a competitive commercial agriculture. Based on a c areful examination of the factors that contr ibuted to the successes achieved in Brazil and Thailand, as well as comparative analysis of evidence obtained through detailed case studies of three African countries—Mozambique, Nigeria, and Zambia—the authors argue that oppor tunities abound for farmers in Af rica to regain international competitiveness, especially in light of projected stronger world markets for agricultural commodities over the long term. DIRECTIONS IN DEVELOPMENT SERIES
By Julian Lampietti, David G. Lugg, Philip Van der Celen, and Amelia Branczik
Based on recent World Bank reports prepared in collaboration with the FAO, this title identifies what is constraining agricultural competitiveness in the Western Balkans, examines public expenditures in agriculture, and diagnoses key challenges for agricultural policy makers. The book expands on previous findings to provide a strategic policy framework for transforming and modernizing the agri-food sector and, in the context of region’s ongoing process of integration with the European Union, creating a dynamic rural space in the Western Balkans. The book offers Western Balkan governments and international donors a shared vision of the goals and dir ections their agriculture and rural development policies and programs might take. DIRECTIONS IN DEVELOPMENT SERIES
June 2009. 228 pages. Stock no. C17941 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7941-7). US$30.00
May 2009. 176 pages. Stock no. C17931 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7931-8). US$35.00
World Development Report 2008
Sustainable Land Management
Agriculture for Development
Challenges, Opportunities, and Trade-Offs
See page 1 for more information
June 2006. 138 pages. Stock no. C16597 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-6597-7). US$20
BESTSELLERS The Sunken Billions The Economic Justification for Fisheries Reform
Sustainable Land Management Sourcebook
Economic losses in marine fisheries resulting from poor management, inefficiencies, and overfishing add up to US$50 billion per year. Taken over the last three decades, these losses total over US$2 trillion, a figure roughly equivalent to the GDP of Italy. The Sunken Billions argues that well-managed marine fisheries could turn most of these losses into sustainable economic benefits for millions of fishers and coastal communities.
The Sustainable Land Management Sourcebook provides a knowledge repository of tested practices and innovative resource management approaches that are currently being tested. The diverse menu of options represents the current state of the art of good land management practices. The Sourcebook will be of interest to project managers and practitioners working to enhance land and natural resource management in developing countries.
February 2009. 128 pages. Stock no. C17790 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7790-1). US$25.95
June 2008. 212 pages. Stock no. C17432 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7432-0). US$45.00
Gender in Agriculture Sourcebook This title provides an up-to-date understanding of gender issues and a rich compilation of compelling evidence of good practices and lessons learned to guide practitioners in integrating gender dimensions into agricultural projects and programs. It serves as a tool for: guidance; showcasing key principles in integrating gender into projects; stimulating the imagination of practitioners to apply lessons learned, experiences, and innovations to the design of future support and investment in the agriculture sector. AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT SERIES
October 2008. 790 pages. Stock no. C17587 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7587-7). US$45.00
Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing A Practical Guide for Bank Supervisors By Pierre-Laurent Chatain, John McDowell, Cedric Mousset, Paul Allan Schott, and Emile van der Does de Willebois
Money laundering and terrorist financing are serious crimes that affect not only those persons directly involved, but the economy as a whole. According to international standards, every bank has the obligation to know its customers and to report suspicious transactions. Although these obligations sound straightforward, they have proved challenging to implement. It is here that a supervisor can play a crucial role in helping supervised institutions; first, in understanding the full extent of the obligations of Customer D ue Diligence and Suspicious Transaction Reports (STR) and, second, in ensuring that those obligations are not just words on paper but are applied in practice. Effective supervision is key to the success of a countr y’s AML/CFT system. By providing examples of good practices, this book aims to help countries better conform to international standar ds. In this regard, this handbook is specifically designed for bank supervisors. May 2009. 304 pages. Stock no. C17912 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7912-7). US$39.95
Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism A Comprehensive Training Guide There is growing concern about money laundering and terrorist financing as the world views the effects of these criminal activities on the integr ity and functioning of financial systems, good governance, financial stability and economic development. Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism: A Comprehensive Training Guide is comprised of eight modules, and offers countries the tools, skills and knowledge to build and strengthen their institutional, legal and regulatory frameworks for developing a robust AML/CFT regime. June 2009. 632 pages. Stock no. C17569 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7569-3). US$75.00
The Many Faces of Corruption Tracking Vulnerabilities at the Sector Level April 2007. 480 pages. Stock no. C16725 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-6725-4). US$45
Strengthening China’s and India’s Trade and Investment Ties to the Middle East and North Africa By Miria Pigato
The rise of China and India has br ought high oil revenues, cheaper imports and improved terms of trade to the ME NA region as a whole. This is likely to continue in the future. But the manufacturing exporters may see sizable losses, particularly in the European Union and other markets. The challenge for the region’s labor-abundant countries will thus be to generate jobs thr ough increased productivity growth in all sectors of the economy. April 2009. 216 pages. Stock no. C17776 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7776-5). US$22.95
Getting Finance in South Asia 2010 Indicators and Analysis of the Commercial Banking Sector By Kiatchai Sophastienphong and Anoma Kulathunga
Utilizing standardized indicators from 2001 to 2008, Getting Finance in South Asia 2010 analyzes the financial performance and soundness of commercial banks in eight South Asian countries. In addition to the six dimensions cov ered in the previous edition—access to finance, performance and efficiency, financial stability, market concentration and competitiveness, capital market development, and corporate governance—the 2010 edition contains two new dimensions: payment system developments and savings mobilization. The scope of the study also has been expanded to include Afghanistan, Bhutan, and Maldives, with 15 benchmark countries, allowing more rigorous comparison of the performance and soundness of each countr y’s financial sector with those of its peers within the r egion and beyond. The impact of the financial crisis is also discussed and anal yzed at length. December 2009. 176 pages. Stock no. C18057 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8057-4). US$45.00
Housing Finance Policy in Emerging Markets Edited by Loic Chiquier and Michael Lea
This book provides a guide for policymakers dealing with housing finance in emerging markets. It highlights the prerequisites for an effective housing finance system; it lays out several policy alternatives and models of housing finance; and it explores the role of governments in expanding access to housing f inance for lower-income households. There is no “best” model set out in this book. The aim is to provide a developmental roadmap that can be tailored and sequenced to each countr y’s situation and timing. June 2009. 534 pages. Stock no. C17750 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7750-5). US$49.95
Investing with Confidence
Accountability in Public Expenditures in Latin America and the Caribbean
Understanding Political Risk Management in the 21st Century This title examines key political risk issues including claims and arbitration, perspectives on pricing from the private, public and multilateral providers, as well as exploring new frontiers in sovereign wealth funds and Islamic finance. These topics are particularly relevant for today’s uncertain markets, and provide important analysis and thinking f rom key practioners and clients. Political risk insurance is critical to maintaining flows of foreign direct investment into developing markets; this volume offers valuable insights for practitioners and inv estors alike.
September 2009. 250 pages. Stock no. C17893 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7893-9). US$35.00
Revitalizing Reforms in Financial Management and Procurement By Omowunmi Ladipo, Alfonso Sanchez, and Jamil Sopher
Drawing upon a decade of World Bank experience in examining global public financial management and procurement arrangements, this book provides analysis and recommendations for Latin American and Caribbean leaders seeking to address the urgent need for transparent, accountable, efficient, and effective delivery of government-provided services. DIRECTIONS IN DEVELOPMENT SERIES
June 2009. 128 pages. Stock no. C17984 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7984-4). US$25.00
Bringing Finance to Pakistan’s Poor Access to Finance for Small Enterprises and the Underserved
Independent Evaluation of IFC’s Development Results 2009
By Tatiana Nenova and Cecile Thioro Niang
Knowledge for Private Sector Development
In Pakistan, access to financing is at low levels, though expanding quickly. Half of Pakistani adults, mostly the women, do not engage in the financial system at all, even through informal means. This report reflects the first comprehensive survey and dataset of access to financial products by the Pakistani population. An accompanying CD contains summary statistics. September 2009. 280 pages. Stock no. C18030 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8030-7). US$29.95
The annual Independent Evaluation of I FC’s Development Results assesses the development outcomes and additionality and the unique role and contribution of IFC interventions. It analyzes factors driving results, and reviews performance patterns on a thematic topic. INDEPENDENT EVALUATION GROUP STUDIES
July 2009. 128 pages. Stock no. C17986 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7986-8). US$26.00
Global Development Finance 2009 Charting a Global Recovery Global Development Finance—the World Bank’s annual report on the external financing of developing countries—provides monitoring and analysis of development finance, identifying key emerging trends and policy challenges in international financial flows that are likely to affect the growth prospects of developing countries. Never before has the outlook for financial flows to developing countries been so intricately tied to the specter of collective action by the international community to restore confidence in the functioning of global financial markets and institutions. As the world economy heads toward a deep, broad-based economic slowdown with implications for development finance still in the making, revisionism and anxiety ride high as officials in both developing and developed countries question not only the merits of financial openness and the degree of necessary safeguards, but also the entire architecture of the global financial system. Vol I: Review, Analysis, and Outlook reviews recent trends in financial flows to developing countries in light of recent events and the global financial crisis. Vol II. Summary and Country Tables* includes comprehensive data for 138 countries, as well as summary data for regions and income groups. Global Development Finance 2009 CD-ROMs provide you with more
than 200 historical time series from 1970 to 2007, and country group estimates for 2008. Data is available for over 130 countries that report under the World Bank Debtor Reporting System, as well as summary data for regions and income groups. It contains data on total external debt stocks and flows, aggregates, and key debt ratios, and provides a detailed, country-by-country picture of debt.
For libraries and institutions, we recommend an institutional subscription to the online version of the program. * Vol II. Summary and Country Tables not sold separately.
Vol I: Review, Analysis and Outlook.* June 2009. 160 pages. Stock no. C17840 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7840-3). US$55.00 Complete Print Edition. June 2009. 500 pages. Stock no. C17842 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7842-7). US$400.00 Single User CD-ROM. .July 2009. Stock no. C17843 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7843-4). US$400.00 Multiple User CD-ROM. July 2009. Stock no. C17844 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7844-1). US$1100.00 Package Sets Complete Print Edition + Single User CD-ROM. June 2009. 500 pages. Stock no. C17845 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7845-8). US$700.00 Complete Print Edition + Multiple User CD-ROM. June 2009. 500 pages. Stock no. C17846 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7846-5). US$1330.00 GDF Online subscriptions are available for individuals and institutions. Please visit www.worldbank.org/online, or email pubrights@worldbank.org for a quote. See page 3 for more information.
BESTSELLERS International Financial Reporting Standards, Fifth Edition A Practical Guide By Hennie van Greuning
Applying International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in a business situation can have a signficant effect on the financial results and position of a division or an entire business enterprise. This title gives private or public sector executives, managers, and financial analysts without a strong background in accounting the tools they need to participate in discussions and decisions on the appropriateness or application of IFRS. Each chapter summarizes an IFRS, and many chapters of the book contain examples that illustrate the practical application of key concepts in a particular standard. The publication includes all of the standards issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) through December 2008.
Innovative Financing for Development Edited by Suhas Ketkar and Dilip Ratha
Innovative Financing for Development is the first book on this subject that uses a market-based approach. It compiles pioneering methods of raising de velopment finance including securitization of future flow receivables, diaspora bonds, and GDPindexed bonds. It also highlights the r ole of shadow sovereign ratings in facilitating access to international capital markets. It argues that poor countries, especially those in Sub-Saharan Africa, can potentially raise tens of billions of dollars annuall y through these instruments. September 2008. 216 pages. Stock no. C17685 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7685-0). US$29.95
Finance for All?
April 2009. 344 pages. Stock no. C17727 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7727-7). US$49.95
Analyzing Banking Risk, 3rd Edition A Framework for Assessing Corporate Governance and Risk Management By Hennie van Greuning and Sonja Brajovic-Bratanovic
This book provides a comprehensive overview of topics focusing on assessment, analysis, and management of financial risks in banking. It emphasizes risk-management principles and stresses that key players in the corporate governance process are accountable for managing the different dimensions of financial risk. This third edition remains faithful to the objectives of the original publication. A significant new edition is the inclusion of chapters on the management of the treasury function. This title should be of interest to a wide body of users of bank f inancial data, including persons responsible for the analysis of banks and for the senior management or organizations directing their efforts. March 2009. 440 pages. Stock no. C17728 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7728-4). US$55.00
Policies and Pitfalls in Expanding Access Finance for All?: Policies and Pitfalls in Expanding Access documents the extent of financial exclusion around the world, addresses the importance of access to financial services for growth, equity and poverty reduction, and discusses policy interventions and institutional reforms that can improve access for underserved groups. The report is a broad-ranging review of the work already completed or in progress, drawing on research utilizing data at the country, firm and household level. It sets out principles for effective government policy on broadening access, drawing on the available evidence and illustrating with examples. POLICY RESEARCH REPORTS
November 2007. 300 pages. Stock no. C17291 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7291-3). US$30.00
Banking the Poor Measuring Banking Access in 54 Economies This book studies the use of financial services in 54, mostly poor, countries, and ways to expand financial access. The biggest contribution of this study is ne w data. Banking the Poor collects information from two sources: central banks and leading commercial banks in each sur veyed country. It explores associations between countries’ banking policies and practices and their le vels of financial access, measured in terms of the numbers of bank account per thousand adults. October 2008. 150 pages. Stock no. C17754 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7754-3). US$29.95
Transforming Microfinance Institutions Providing Full Financial Services to the Poor By Joanna Ledgerwood and Victoria White
This book presents a practical ‘how-to’ manual for microfinance institutions (MFIs) to develop the capacity to become licensed and regulated to mobilize deposits from the public. This book will be invaluable to regulators and microfinance NGOs contemplating institutional transformation and will be of tremendous use to donors and technical support agencies supporting MFIs in their transformation. August 2006. 566 pages. Stock no. C16615 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-6615-8). US$50.00
Microfinance Handbook An Institutional and Financial Perspective By Joanna Ledgerwood
The purpose of this Handbook is to bring together in a single source guiding principles and tools that will promote sustainable microfinance and create viable institutions. The Handbook takes a global perspective, drawing on lessons learned f rom the experiences of microfinance practitioners, donors, and others throughout the world. This volume covers extensively matters pertaining to the regulatory and policy framework and the essential components of institutional capacity building, such as product design, performance measuring and monitoring, and management of microfinance institutions. December 1998. 302 pages. Stock no. C14306 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-4306-7). US$39.95
World Trade Indicators 2009/2010
Distortions to Agricultural Incentives
Trade Under Crisis
A Global Perspective, 1955-2007
The World Bank’s World Trade Indicators (WTI) database on the CD-ROM included in this book provides more than 300 performance indicators measuring at-the-border and behind-the-border country trade policy, institutions, and outcomes f rom 1995 to 2008. Complementing the rich database are Trade Briefs for 142 developing countries summarizing insights from the data and the main f indings of analytical work conducted by the Word Bank, the IMF, and the WTO for individual countries. The book highlights the main patterns in polic y and performance revealed by the database, grouping countries by region or income, and the 20 best and 20 w orst country rankings for a number of indic ators are shown. Country performance is benchmarked around five main pillars: • Border protection, such as tariffs and non-tariff barriers on imports of goods and ser vices
• Market access barriers in the rest of the world to exports of goods • Overall business and institutional environment • T rade facilitation
• Trade outcomes, such as trade growth, integration, and diversification.
World Trade Indicators 2009/2010 will be an invaluable asset to researchers and practitioners in the field, country policy makers, trade negotiators and their advisors, and business executives. September 2009. 100 pages. Stock no. C18040 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8040-6). US$125.00
Edited by Kym Anderson and associates
The fifth and last volume in the series focuses on distortions to agricultural incentives from a global perspective. It brings together the first-ever comprehensive and consistent set of estimates of the changing extent of those distortions over the past half-century. Those estimates show when each country’s reforms began, how rapidly and completely they have progressed, how much of the improved incentives for farmers is due to r eform of agricultural as compared with non-agricultural policies, which have ‘overshot’ to become agricultural protectionists like many high-income countries, and to what extent an anti-trade bias remains. Also provided are analytical narratives of the evolution of farm versus non-farm policies in each of dozens of countries, covering in aggregate around 90 percent of agricultural output and 95 percent of the world economy. Such a comprehensive coverage exposes also the different degrees to which the key agricultural product markets have been and still are distorted. The book concludes with new estimates of the effects of reforms since the early 1980s and of current policies – agricultural vs industrial – on such things as global goods mar kets, national economic welfare, and net farm incomes in all the major de veloping and high-income countries. A COPUBLICATION WITH PALGRAVE MACMILLAN UK* TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT SERIES
Paperback. October 2009. 592 pages. Stock no. C17665 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7665-2). US$39.95 Hardcover. October 2009. 592 pages. Stock no. C17973 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7973-8). US$80.00 * Customers in Western Europe and Japan please order from Palgrave Macmillan online at www.palgrave.com
Accelerating Trade Integration in the Caribbean Toward a New Trade Policy for Exports Policy Options for Sustained Growth, Job Creation, Diversification in the Middle East and Poverty Reduction and North Africa This title discusses the opportunities and challenges for the Caribbean associated with trade liberalization and provides an agenda of policy actions to accelerate trade integration and growth and reduce poverty. COUNTRY STUDIES
June 2009. 360 pages. Stock no. C18017 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8017-8). US$35.00
Strengthening Bolivian Competitiveness Export Diversification and Inclusive Growth
Edited by José R. López-Cálix
This book argues that the traditional polic y reform agenda concentrated on reduction of tariff and non-tariff barriers between countries in the region and toward international markets is necessary, but not sufficient reason, for success as challenges are multifaceted. New opportunities opening up, notably on trade and transport facilitation, services market, and factor market integration deserve a higher profile on the policy agenda. October 2009. 350 pages. Stock no. C18074 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8074-1). US$30.00
This book investigates how Bolivia can achieve success in nontraditional exports by increasing the competitiveness of exporting firms. COUNTRY STUDIES
June 2009. 249 pages. Stock no. C18021 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8021-5). US$25.00
Global Economic Prospects 2009 Commodities at the Crossroads The eruption of the worldwide financial crisis has radically recast prospects for the world economy. Global Economic Prospects 2009 analyzes the implications of the crisis for low- and middle-income countries, including an in-depth look at long-term prospects for global commodity markets and the policies of both commodity producing and consuming nations. Developing countries face sharply higher borrowing costs and reduced access to capital. This will cut into their capacity to finance investment spending– ending a five-year stretch of developingcountry growth in excess of 6 percent annually. The looming recession presents new risks, coming as it does on the heels of the recent food and fuel crisis. December 2008. 200 pages. Stock no. C17799 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7799-4). US$38.00
Gender Aspects of the Trade and Poverty Nexus A Macro-Micro Approach Edited by Maurizio Bussolo and Rafael E. De Hoyos
This volume introduces the gender dimension into empirical analyses of the links between trade and poverty, which can improve policy making. The collection of chapters in this book is c lose to an ideal macro-micro evaluation technique that explicitly assesses the importance of gender in determining the poverty effects of trade shocks. This book will be invaluable to policy makers, development practitioners and researchers, journalists, and students. A COPUBLICATION WITH PALGRAVE MACMILLAN UK*
Paperback. April 2009. 304 pages. Stock no. C17764 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7764-2). US$80.00 Hardcover. April 2009. 304 pages. Stock no. C17762 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7762-8). US$35.00
Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Africa Edited by Kym Anderson and William A. Masters
This volume provides an overview of the evolution of distortions to agricultural incentives caused by price and trade policies in the Arab Republic of Egypt plus 20 countries that account for about 90 percent of Sub-Saharan Africa’s
population, farm households, agricultural output, and overall GDP. Sectoral, trade, and exchange rate policies in the r egion have changed greatly since the 1950s, and there have been substantial reforms since the 1980s. Nonetheless, numerous price distortions in this region remain, others have been added in recent years, and there has also been some backsliding, such as in Zimbabwe. TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT SERIES
March 2009. 656 pages. Stock no. C17652 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7652-2). US$39.95
Trade Preference Erosion Measurement and Policy Response Edited by Bernard M. Hoekman, Will Martin, and Carlos Alberto Primo Braga
This title provides the information needed to make informed assessments of the benefits of trade preferences for developing countries, the risks associated with the erosion of these benefits, and policy options for dealing with these problems. This book is a useful and informative guide for policy makers, non-governmental organizations, and others who wish to better understand the debate on the magnitude and impact of preference erosion. A COPUBLICATIONS WITH PALGRAVE MACMILLAN UK* TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT SERIES
April 2009. 484 pages. Stock no. C17707 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7707-9). US$45.00
Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Latin America Edited by Kym Anderson, Alberto Valdes
Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Asia Edited by Kym Anderson and Will Martin
This title provides an overview of the evolution of distortions to agricultural incentives caused by price and trade policies in the 12 largest economies of East and South Asia. Together these countries constitute more than 95 percent of the region’s population, agricultural output, and overall GDP. Sectoral, trade, and exchange rate policies in the region have changed greatly since the 1950s, and there have been substantial reforms since the 1980s, most notably in China and India. Nonetheless, numerous price distortions in this region remain and others have added in recent years. TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT SERIES
February 2009. 608 pages. Stock no. C17662 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7662-1). US$39.95
Breaking Into New Markets Emerging Lessons for Export Diversification Edited by Richard Newfarmer, William Shaw, and Peter Walkenhorst
This book explores new thinking and evidence about export diversification, and elaborates on policies to promote diversification. It is a policy primer on what export diversification can and cannot do for growth and how to make diversification happen. It offers insights useful to polic y makers and practitioners as they embark on efforts to design new programs of competitiveness in their trade strategies. March 2009. 292 pages. Stock no. C17637 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7637-9). US$35.00
International Trade and Climate Change
This title looks at the e volution of distortions to agricultural incentives caused by price and trade policies in the economies of S outh America, plus the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Mexico. Together these countries constitute about 80 percent of the region’s population, agricultural output, and overall GDP. Sectoral, trade, and exchange rate policies in the r egion have changed greatly since the 1950s, and there have been substantial reforms, especially in the 1980s. Nonetheless, numerous price distortions in this region remain, others have been added, and there have even been some policy reversals in recent years.
This book is one of the f irst comprehensive attempts to look at the synergies between climate change and trade objectives from economic, legal, and institutional perspectives. It explores opportunities for aligning development and energy policies in such a way that they could stimulate production, trade, and investment in cleaner technology options.
October 2008. 440 pages. Stock no. C17513 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7513-6). US$39.95
October 2007. 160 pages. Stock no. C17225 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7225-8). US$20.00
Economic, Legal, and Institutional Perspectives
* Customers in Western Europe and Japan please order from Palgrave Macmillan online at www.palgrave.com
The Complete World Development Report 1978-2010 DVD The World Bank’s World Development Report, published annually since 1978, is an invaluable guide to the economic, social, and environmental state of the world today. Each report provides in-depth analysis and policy recommendations on a specific and important aspect of development. Through the quality and timeliness of the information it provides, the report has become a highly influential publication that is used by many multilateral and bilateral international organizations, national governments, scholars, civil society networks and groups to support their decisionmaking processes. The World Bank has brought together the full collection of reports in an easy-to-use, fully searchable digital archive: The Complete World Development Report. This reference tool allows users to quickly and easily search both within and across reports as well as to browse reports by title or topic. Additionally, through the up-to-date database derived from World Development Indicators, users can access up to 30 years of statistical data for 50 development indicators for 210 countries and 19 country groups. Single User DVD. November 2009. Stock no. C18038 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8038-3). US$250.00
Debt Relief and Beyond Lessons Learned and Future Challenges Edited by Carlos A. Primo Braga and Doerte Doemeland
This book assesses the implications of debt relief for low-income countries and how the benefits from debt relief can be preserved in the future. It examines key question related to debt relief, debt sustainability and debt management.
September 2009. 900 pages. Stock no. C17874 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7874-8). US$29.95
Towards Better Opportunities The Role of Migration in Poverty Reduction Edited by Edmundo Murrugarra, Jennica Larrison, and Marcin Sasin
This volume collects and summarizes some of the most interesting recent studies about international migration from World Bank researchers. The selected works—varying from descriptive to technical to policy-oriented—illustrate the spectrum of various methods with which one c an analyze the nexus between international migration and development. The results demonstrate how diverse the migration experience may be and how big the impact is. The volume demonstrates how much governments around the world can still do improve the fate of world migrants. November 2009. 250 pages. Stock no. C18058 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8058-1). US$25.00
Multiple User DVD. November 2009. Stock no. C18039 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8039-0). US$500.00 Online edition coming soon.
The Political Economy of the World Bank The Early Years By Michele Alacevich
This book is a fascinating study of economic history and history of economic thought. It narrates the history of the World Bank and the establishment of its role as leading development institution. The book analyzes the complexities of the Bank’s first steps towards economic and social development in poorer nations, and helps the reader understand some foundational questions about development that are still of great relevance today. The lesson that can be drawn f rom this book is that the World Bank and the developing countries as they are today are the result of their history—a history of constant transformation and adjustment to the ever-changing challenges of development. History shows paths of development, and as such it should not be ignored by today’s policymakers.
Tiger Economies Under Threat A Comparative Analysis of Malaysia’s Industrial Prospects and Policy Options By Shahid Yusuf and Kaoru Nabeshima
This book analyzes the industrial and trade prospects of the Southeast Asian tiger economies, centered on Malaysia. Using a comprehensive set of techniques and indic ators to assess competitive pressures, it gauges industrial and technological capabilities and indicates the directions of industrial change in Southeast Asia.
October 2009. 272 pages. Stock no. C17880 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7880-9). US$24.95
Decentralization, Democracy and Development Recent Experience from Sierra Leone This book is a retrospective of the decentralization reform process in Sierra Leone from 2003–07 and makes an impor tant contribution to the debates on the mer its and risks of decentralization in general and its desirabilit y and viability in post-conflict countries.
March 2009. 224 pages. Stock no. C17647 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7647-8). US$29.95
June 2009. 192 pages. Stock no. C17999 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7999-8). US$20.00
Decentralization and Local Democracy in the World
Understanding Growth and Poverty
First Global Report by United Cities and Local Governments 2008
Edited by Raj Nallari and Breda Griffith
This report constitutes a global reference on decentralization by presenting the contemporary situation of local governments in all regions of the world. It analyzes local authorities in each continent under three main themes: i) the evolution of territorial structures; ii) responsibilities and power, management and finances; and iii) local democracy. An additional chapter is dedic ated to the governance of large metropolises, where rapid growth presents major challenges, in particular in the fast developing countries of the South.
This primer provides a broad understanding of economic policiesfor poverty reduction in developing countries. Policy areas include the various roles of government in ensuring the effective operation of a market economy, conducting fiscal policy, and influencing the money suppl y, exchange rates, and the financial sector. WBI DEVELOPMENT STUDIES
October 2009. 450 pages. Stock no. C16953 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-6953-1). US$25.00
November 2008. 348 pages. Stock no. C17734 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7734-5). US$38.00
World Development Indicators 2009 Looking for accurate, up-to-date data on development issues? World Development Indicators is the World Bank’s premier annual compilation of data about development. This indispensable statistical reference allows you to consult over 900 indicators for some 150 economies and 14 country groups in more than 80 tables. It provides a current overview of the most recent data available as well as important regional data and income group analysis in six thematic sections: World View, People, Environment, Economy, States and Markets, and Global Links. The CD-ROM editions contain 46 years of time series data for more than 200 countries from 1960-2007, single-year observations, and spreadsheets on many topics. For libraries and institutions, we recommend an institutional subscription to the online version of the program. Print Edition. April 2009. 456 pages. Stock no. C17829 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7829-8). US$75.00 Single User CD-ROM. June 2009. pages. Stock no. C17831 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7831-1). US$275.00 Multiple User CD-ROM. June 2009. pages. Stock no. C17833 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7833-5). US$550.00 Package Set. Print Edition plus Single User CD-ROM. June 2009. 456 pages. Stock no. C17832 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7832-8). US$295.00 WDI Online. Subscriptions are available for individuals and institutions. Please visit www.worldbank.org/online, or email pubrights@worldbank.org for a quote. See page 3 for more information.
Atlas of Global Development, Second Edition A Visual Guide to the World’s Greatest Challenges Published in association with Harper Collins, the completely revised and updated second edition of the Atlas of Global Development vividly illustrates the key development challenges facing our world today. Keeping abreast of a changing world, new topics have been added including child employment, internet use, foreign direct investment, food production, and energy flows. “This is an excellent, up-to-date source book which will be invaluable for students of, and staff teaching, higher levels of geography .... a clear, concise, easily-accessible and well-illustrated volume.” — Geographical Association, United Kingdom
February 2009. 144 pages. Stock no. C17603 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7603-4). US$22.95
miniAtlas of Millennium Development Goals Building a Better World July 2005. pages. Stock no. C16175 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-6175-7). US$9.95
Development Economics through the Decades A Critical Look at Thirty Years of the World Development Report By Shahid Yusuf The World Bank’s World Development Reports (WDRs) have provided a wide international readership with a privileged window on development thinking, on empirical findings in key areas, and on development policy. To commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the publication, the essay by Shahid Yusuf discusses the genesis of the public ation and the topics covered by successive reports, examines the contribution they have made to some of the central themes in de velopment, and assesses how a deeper understanding of issues has affected practical decision-making. The essay concludes with reflections on the future role of the WDRs and points to some of the challenges waiting to be tac kled. Nine distinguished economists and development practitioners comment on the contents of the essay, each providing a unique and valuable perspective and informed views which provide grist for fruitful debate on the WDR and more broadly on the economics of development. December 2008. 218 pages. Stock no. C17255 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7255-5). US$26.00
miniAtlas of Global Development February 2004. 64 pages. Stock no. C15596 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-5596-1). US$9.95
think tanks, NGOs, and international institutions. These papers concern: Trade and economic performance; Protectionist Policies and Manufacturing Trade Flows in Africa; Criss-Crossing Globalization; The Aid-Migration Trade off; among others.
Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 2008, Global Private Sector and Development
November 2009. 520 pages. Stock no. C17722 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7722-2). US$29.95
Edited by Yifu Lin Justin and Boris Pleskovic
This book presents selected papers f rom the ABCDE Meetings, held May 17 -18, 2007 in Bled, Slovenia. More than 400 experts from countries around the world met to deliberate the theme: Private Sector and Development. This volume presents papers on financial inclusion, factors that matter the most for business climate, and the provision of public services by non-state actors.
Egypt: Positive Results from Knowledge Sharing and Modest Lending
July 2009. 212 pages. Stock no. C17125 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7125-1). US$29.95
An IEG Country Assistance Evaluation 1999-2007
Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 2009, Global
Despite a modest lending program, the World Bank has seen positive results in Egypt from its knowledge sharing over
People, Politics, and Globalization
the last decade.
Edited by Yifu Lin Justin and Boris Pleskovic
This annual conference is a global gathering of the world’s leading scholars and practitioners f rom developing countries,
May 2009. 128 pages. Stock no. C17958 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7958-5). US$30.00
BESTSELLERS Global Monitoring Report 2009
The Growth Report Strategies for Sustained Growth and Inclusive Development
A Development Emergency Global Monitoring Report 2009 provides a development perspective on the global economic crisis. It assesses the impact on de veloping countries, and sets out priorities for policy response, both by developing countries themselves and by the international community. It also focuses on the ways in which the private sector can be better mobilized in support of development goals, especially in the aftermath of the crisis. The annex contains DataLinks, which provide access to the Excel files corresponding to each figure. April 2009. 256 pages. Stock no. C17859 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7859-5). US$29.95
A Guide to the World Bank, Second Edition This completely revised and updated second edition provides an accessible and straightforward overview of the World Bank Group’s history, organization, mission, and purpose. A good introduction for anyone interested in understanding what the World Bank Group does and how it does it, this book shows readers who want to learn more where to begin.
By the Commission on Growth and Development
The result of two years work by 19 experienced policymakers and two Nobel prize-winning economists, The Growth Report is the most complete anal ysis to date of the ingredients which, if used in the r ight country-specific recipe, can deliver growth and help lift populations out of poverty. The Commission on Growth and Development brings together twenty-one leading practitioners from government, business, and the policymaking arenas, mostly from the developing world. July 2008. 196 pages. Stock no. C17491 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7491-7). US$26.00
No Growth without Equity? Inequality, Interests, and Competition in Mexico A COPUBLICATION WITH PALGRAVE MACMILLAN UK*
Paperback. February 2009. 477 pages. Stock no. C17767 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7767-3). US$45.00 Hardcover. May 2009. 477 pages. Stock no. C17769 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7769-7). US$90.00 * Customers in Western Europe and Japan please order from Palgrave Macmillan online at www.palgrave.com
Africa Development Indicators 2008/09 Youth and Employment in Africa: The Potential, the Problem, the Promise Africa Development Indicators 2008/09 (ADI) provides the most detailed collection of data on Africa available in one volume. This edition includes the Africa Development Indicators 2008/09 Single User CD-ROM and opening articles from leading economists reporting and analyzing key African economic and development issues. Africa Development Indicators 2008/2009 CD-ROM offers a comprehensive database with year-by-year time series of most indicators going back to 1970. It contains over 1,200 indicators of macro-economic, sectoral, and social data for over 50 African countries and 20 regional country groups. For libraries and institutions, we recommend an institutional subscription to the online version of the program. Print Edition. March 2009. 216 pages. Stock no. C17787 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7787-1). US$125.00 Multiple User CD-ROM. March 2009. Stock no. C17789 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7789-5). US$200.00 ADI Online. Subscriptions are available for individuals and institutions. Please visit www.worldbank.org/online, or email pubrights@worldbank.org for a quote. See page 3 for more information.
June 2007. 268 pages. Stock no. C16694 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-6694-3). US$19.95
China’s and India’s Challenge to Latin America
November 2008. 220 pages. Stock no. C17745 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7745-1). US$30.00
Opportunity or Threat?
Reshaping Economic Geography in East Asia
Edited by Daniel Lederman, Marcelo Olarreaga, and Guillermo E. Perry
What effect does the growth of these Asian economies have on the Latin American and Caribbean region? Certain manufacturing and service industries have been negatively affected but there are positive aggregate effects for Latin American economies associated with China’s and India’s greater presence in world exports, financial flows, and innovation. LATIN AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT FORUM
October 2008. 360 pages. Stock no. C17308 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7308-8). US$35.00
Measuring Inequality of Opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean
April 2008. 520 pages. Stock no. C17277 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7277-7). US$49.95
Globalization for Development, Revised Edition
Edited by Yukon Huang and Alessandro Magnoli Bocchi
This companion volume to the World Development Report 2009 comprises twenty papers authored by noted Asian scholars. These studies highlight how, throughout East Asia, spatial considerations have influenced Government policies at the national, regional, and local levels. This volume will be of great interest to readers working in the areas of economic policy, poverty reduction and urbanrural development strategies, and transportled infrastructure policy. October 2008. 408 pages. Stock no. C17641 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7641-6). US$40.00
Africa at a Turning Point?
By Francisco H. G. Ferreira, Jose R Molinas Vega, Ricardo Paes de Barros, and Jaime Saavedra Chanduvi
Equality of opportunity is about leveling the playing field so that circumstances such as gender, ethnicity, place of birth, or family background do not influence a person’s life chances. This book introduces new methods for measuring inequality of opportunities and makes an assessment of its e volution in Latin America over a decade.
essays looks at donor flows, which play a large role in Africa’s growth. The third set of essays considers the recent impact of one persistent threat to sustained growth in Africa: commodity price shocks, particularly those resulting from fluctuations in oil prices.
Growth, Aid, and External Shocks
Trade, Finance, Aid, Migration, and Policy By Ian Goldin and Kenneth Reinert
The book identifies the ways in which globalization can overcome poverty or make it worse. The book defines the big historical trends, identifies main global flows—trade, finance, aid, migration, and ideas—and examines how each can contribute to undermine economic development. By considering what helps and what does not, the book presents policy recommendations to make globalization more effective as a vehicle for shared growth and prosperity. It will be of interest to students, researchers and anyone interested in the effects of globaliz ation in today’s economy and in international development issues. A COPUBLICATION WITH PALGRAVE MACMILLAN UK*
Edited Delfin Sia Go and John Page
Africa at a Turning Point? is a collection of essays that analyzes three interrelated aspects of Af rica’s recent revival. The first set of essays examines Africa’s recent growth in the context of its histor y of growth accelerations and collapses. The second set of
May 2007. 328 pages. Stock no. C16929 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-6929-6). US$39.95
* Customers in Western Europe and Japan please order from Palgrave Macmillan online at www.palgrave.com
Courage and Hope Stories from Teachers Living with HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa By Donald Bundy, David Aduda, Alice Woolnough, Lesley Drake, and Stella Manda
Courage and Hope gives voice to the real life experiences of 12 HIV-positive teachers, five of whom are women, from Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania (both Mainland and Zanzibar) and Zambia. The teachers recount their experiences of discovering their HIV-positive status and how this has affected them in their families, their communities, and their
professional lives. Their stories are documented by journalists, emphasizing the human dimension. The voices of these teachers suggest that a number of obstacles are commonly faced by teachers living with HIV. Paramount among them are stigma and discrimination, both within their families and communities as well as their workplaces and in society more generally. The difficulties of overcoming stigma and discrimination are further exacerbated by a failure to ensure confidentiality in the workplace. Each teacher presents a unique story demonstrating a wide range of challenges as well as insights and successes and, individually as well as collectively, displaying extraordinary courage and hope. June 2009. 120 pages. Stock no. C17933 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7933-2). US$15.00
Using the Results of a National Assessment of Educational Achievement
School Construction Strategies for Universal Primary Education in Africa
By Thomas Kellaghan, Vincent Greaney, and T. Scott Murray
By Serge Theunynck
This book describes effective approaches to reporting and using data f rom national educational assessment exercises in order to improve the quality of students’ learning. Chapter 1 outlines some of the main factors affecting the utilization and non-utilization of national assessment findings. Chapters 2 and 3 describe the types of report that are needed to inform users of the findings of an assessment. Chapter 4 outlines general issues that merit consideration in translating assessment findings into policy and action. This is followed by chapters on the specific uses of national assessment data for polic y and educational management, for teaching, and to promote public awareness. The concluding chapter identifies conditions that are likely to optimize use of the findings of a national assessment and suggests way s in which national assessment activities could be modif ied and enhanced with a view to increasing their value to users.
June 2009. 192 pages. Stock no. C17929 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7929-5). US$25.00
The Challenge of Establishing World Class Universities By Jamil Salmi
Governments are becoming increasingly aware of the important contribution that high performance, world-class universities make to global competitiveness and economic growth. There is growing recognition, in both industrial and developing countries, of the need to establish one or mor e worldclass universities that can compete effectively with the best of the best around the world. Contextualizing the drive for world-class higher education institutions and the power of international and domestic university rankings, this book outlines possible strategies and pathways for establishing globally competitive universities and explores the challenges, costs, and risks involved. Its findings will be of particular interest to policy makers, university leaders, researchers, and development practitioners.
Should Communities Be Empowered to Build Their Schools? This title examines the scope of the inf rastructure challenge in SubSaharan Africa and the constraints to sc aling up at an affordable cost. It assesses the experiences of African countries with school planning, school facility designs, construction techniques, and procurement and implementation arrangements over the past thirty years. AFRICA HUMAN DEVELOPMENT SERIES
June 2009. 288 pages. Stock no. C17720 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7720-8). US$25.00
Teachers in Anglophone Africa Issues in Teacher Supply, Training, and Management This work, based on studies of teacher issues in 8 countr ies in Anglophone Africa, suggests that supply, deployment, quality and cost are inter-related, and should be addressed through a comprehensive series of policies. Based on the case studies, policies which appear to be w orking, or to offer potential solutions, are identified. The book will be part of the “Development Practice in Education” family of books.
September 2009. 196 pages. Stock no. C18053 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8053-6). US$25.00
The Role and Impact of Public-Private Partnerships in Education By Harry Anthony Patrinos, Felipe Barrera-Osorio, and Juliana Guáqueta
This book offers an overview of international examples, studies, and guidelines on how to create successful partnerships in education. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) can facilitate service delivery and lead to additional financing for the education sector as well as expanding equitable access and improving learning outcomes.
March 2009. 112 pages. Stock no. C17866 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7866-3). US$35.00
Decentralized Decision-Making in Schools
The Theory and Evidence on School-Based Management
February 2009. 132 pages. Stock no. C17865 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7865-6). US$22.00
By Felipe Barrera-Osorio, Tazeen Fasih, and Harry Anthony Patrinos
Accelerating the Education Sector Response to HIV/AIDS Five Years of Experience from sub-Saharan Africa By Donald Bundy, Anthi Patrikios, Changu Mannathoko, Andy Tembon, Stella Manda, Bachir Sarr, and Lesley Drake
This book explores the experiences of the education sectors in 37 countries in Africa to respond to HIV/AIDS within the Accelerate Initiative. It demonstrates that strong education sector leadership and full participation of stakeholders has improved the education sector responses across the region. July 2009. 128 pages. Stock no. C17932 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7932-5). US$15.00
An increasing number of developing countries are introducing School-Based Management (SBM) reforms aimed at empowering principals and teachers or at strengthening their professional motivation, thereby enhancing their sense of ownership of the school. Many of these reforms have also strengthened parental involvement in the schools, sometimes by means of school councils. This book spells out the concept and theor etical framework of School-based management, reviews the evidence, supports designing of impact assessments in var ious countries, and provides some initial guidance to teams preparing education projects with a component on decentralization of authority. DIRECTIONS IN DEVELOPMENT SERIES
June 2009. 144 pages. Stock no. C17969 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7969-1). US$25.00
Rethinking School Feeding
Escaping Stigma and Neglect
Social Safety Nets, Child Development, and the Education Sector
People with Disabilities in Sierra Leone By Mirey Ovadiya and Giuseppe Zampaglione
By Donald Bundy, Carmen Burbano, Margaret Grosh, Aulo Gelli, Matthew Jukes, and Lesley Drake
This review was prepared jointly by the World Bank Group and the World Food Programme (WFP), building on the comparative advantages of both organizations. It examines the evidence base for school feeding programs with the objective of better understanding how to develop and implement effective school feeding programs in two contexts: a productive safety net, as part of the response to the social shocks of the global food, fuel and financial crises, and a fiscally sustainable investment in human capital, as part of long-term global efforts to achieve Education for All and provide social protection to the poor.
This paper aims to provide a diagnosis on the sc ale and nature of the challenges faced by people with disabilities in S ierra Leone, analyze current public policies in support of people with disabilities, review public and private programs, and propose policy options to policy makers and development partners. WORLD BANK WORKING PAPERS
May 2009. 52 pages. Stock no. C17918 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7918-9). US$15.00
Changing the Trajectory Education and Training for Youth in Democratic Republic of Congo By Sajitha Bashir
This title analyzes the current educational attainment and school enrollment status of youth, as well as the formal and informal post-secondary educational and training opportunities available to them. It uses the results of a simulation model that incorporates enrollment in alternative education programs and considers alternative scenarios for developing the post-primary sector.
June 2009. 192 pages. Stock no. C17974 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7974-5). US$22.00
Emerging Evidence on Vouchers and Faith-Based Providers in Education
June 2009. 120 pages. Stock no. C18002 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8002-4). US$20.00
Case Studies from Africa, Latin America, and Asia
Developing the Workforce, Shaping the Future
Edited by Felipe Barrera-Osorio, Harry Anthony Patrinos, and Quentin Wodon
Transformation of Madagascar’s Post-basic Education
This book presents fresh, technically sound empirical evidence on the effectiveness and cost of various public-private education partnerships from around the world, including voucher programs and faith-based schools.
By Sajitha Bashir
This title provides analytical inputs for the development of the policy framework and strategy for post-basic education in Madagascar.
June 2009. 216 pages. Stock no. C17976 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7976-9). US$25.00
February 2009. 152 pages. Stock no. C17816 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7816-8). US$25.00
At the Crossroads Choices for Secondary Education in Sub-Saharan Africa This title argues the case for broad and equitable access for a basic education cycle of 8 to 10 years, as well as for expanded education and training opportunities. It provides a timely resource on good practices and potential solutions for developing and sustaining high quality secondary education systems in Africa. AFRICA HUMAN DEVELOPMENT SERIES
August 2008. 410 pages. Stock no. C17113 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7113-8). US$35.00
Abolishing School Fees in Africa
Girls’ Education in the 21st Century
Lessons from Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, and Mozambique
Gender Equality, Empowerment and Growth
Progress in literacy and learning, especially through universal primary education, has done more to advance human conditions than perhaps any other policy. Investment in good quality feefree primary education should be a cornerstone in any government’s poverty reduction strategy. This volume will be invaluable to national policy makers and their development partners—civil society, the private sector, development agencies—in efforts to open access to a quality basic education to all. AFRICA HUMAN DEVELOPMENT SERIES
Edited by Mercy Tembon, and Lucia Fort
This title identifies binding constraints, draws lessons from country experiences and suggests the way forward for achieving gender equality in education and empowerment of women. It will be of particular interest to researchers, educators, school administrators, and policy makers at the global, national, regional, and municipal levels. DIRECTIONS IN DEVELOPMENT SERIES
August 2008. 334 pages. Stock no. C17474 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7474-0). US$38.00
May 2009. 276 pages. Stock no. C17540 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7540-2). US$40.00
World Development Report 2010
Low-Carbon Development
Development and Climate Change
Latin American Responses to Climate Change
See page 1 for more information
Rebuilding After Disasters A Handbook for Housing and Community Reconstruction By Abhas K. Jha
The handbook is designed to assist public sector managers and development practitioners engaged in large-scale post-disaster reconstruction programs make some of the most diff icult decisions following a disaster: that is, how to reconstruct disasteraffected housing and communities. Anyone working in the housing and community reconstruction field will benefit from the information in this handbook, which follows the timeline and processes followed in major housing reconstruction programs. It serves as a useful “how-to” guide for weighing the trade-offs between speed and quality, creating specialized institutions and building up capacity in existing institutions, and other dilemmas. October 2009. 216 pages. Stock no. C18045 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8045-1). US$29.95
Eco2 Cities Ecological Cities as Economic Cities By Hiroaki Suzuki, Arish Dastur, and Sebastian Moffatt
This book provides an overview of a new program designed to help cities in developing countries achieve greater ecological and economic sustainability. Innovative cities around the world have demonstrated that efforts in pursing ecological and economic sustainability can be mutually reinforcing. By doing so, such cities have improved the quality of life of their citizens, enhanced their economic competitiveness and resilience, and strengthened their fiscal capacity. This book presents an analytical and operational f ramework that can be adapted by cities in all regions to systematically work toward these positive accomplishments.
November 2009. 256 pages. Stock no. C18046 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8046-8). US$35.00
Sustainable Land Management for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation The objective of this book is to show that sustained inv estment in sustainable land management (SLM) practices is good business for adaptation to and mitigation of c limate change. SLM is local, and efforts to adapt to climate change must also be local and sitespecific to be successful. Hence the report is aimed at highlighting SLM’s potential contribution to climate change adaptation and
Edited by Augusto de la Torre, Pablo Fajnzylber, and John Nash
Governments and civil society in Latin America and the Caribbean should be well informed about the potential costs and benefits of combating climate change, their policy options over the next decades, and the global context for these policy decisions. At the same time, the global community needs to be better informed about the unique perspective of the Latin American and Caribbean region: problems the region will face, its potential contributions toward combating global warming, and how to maximize this potential while continuing to maintain growth and reduce poverty. This book, a companion volume to Low Carbon, High Growth: Latin American Responses to Climate Change, seeks to help fill both these needs.
October 2009. 216 pages. Stock no. C18054 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8054-3). US$35.00
mitigation in developing countries. The report demonstrates that the need to scale up SLM investments is good not only for land, but for climate action as well. It further synthesizes the SLMrelated adaptation and mitigation win-wins while noting the crucial on-the-ground operational trade-offs. ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT SERIES
November 2009. 104 pages. Stock no. C18056 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8056-7). US$22.95
Environmental Flows in Water Resources Policies, Plans, and Projects Findings and Recommendations By Rafik Fatehali Hirji and Richard Davis
This book advances the understanding and integration in operational terms of environmental flows (water allocation) into integrated water resources management (IWRM). Based on an in-depth analysis of 17 global water polic y, plan, and project case studies, it addresses the highly contested complexities of environmentally responsible water resources development, broadens the global perspectives on “equitable sharing” and “sustainable use” of water resources, and expands the definitions of “benefits sharing” in high-risk water resources development. The book fills a major gap in knowledge on IWRM and forms an impor tant contribution to the ongoing discourse on climate change adaptation in the water sector. ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT SERIES
June 2009. 206 pages. Stock no. C17940 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7940-0). US$35.00
Experiences and Lessons in Drought Management
Clean Development Mechanism in China
Trends in World Bank-Supported Investments
Taking a Proactive and Sustainable Approach (Revised Edition)
Experience shows that drought shocks not only affect the agricultural sector but also trigger slowdowns in national growth, especially in poorly diversified transition economies. This book addresses drought mitigation measures that need to be incorporated into the design and implementation of economic reform and development programs. ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT SERIES
November 2009. 104 pages. Stock no. C18055 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8055-0). US$22.95
The World Bank Policy for Projects on International Waterways An Historical and Legal Analysis By Salman Salman
By Jostein Nygard, Holger Liptow, Deshun Liu, Robert Livernash, and Xuedu Lu
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) was created to enable industrialized countries to meet their greenhouse gas reduction targets by buying emission reduction certificates from investments in greenhouse gas reduction initiatives in developing countries. China is seen as the most attractiv e host country for CDM in the future, however, it has to develop a large portfolio of CDM projects in order to capitalize on its potentials. This publication reviews the application of CDM in China, elaborates upon the attractiveness of various sectors for CDM and estimates China’s share in the international carbon market. Includes CD-ROM. October 2009. 250 pages. Stock no. C16320 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-6320-1). US$25.00
This book deals with the e volution and context of the Word Bank policy for projects on international waterways. It offers the only available historical perspective as well as legal analysis of the Bank’s policy. LAW, JUSTICE, AND DEVELOPMENT SERIES
June 2009. 312 pages. Stock no. C17953 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7953-0). US$30.00
Climate Governance and Development Berlin Workshop Series 2010 Edited by Gudrun Kochendorfer-Lucius and Boris Pleskovic
Proceedings from Berlin Workshop: Climate Governance and Development conference held September 28-30, 2008, in preparation for the World Development Report 2010.
Climate Change and the World Bank Group
Phase I: An Evaluation of World Bank Win-Win Energy Policy Reforms
Public Procurement of Energy Efficiency Services
Climate change threatens to derail development, even as development pumps ever-greater quantities of carbon dioxide into an atmosphere already polluted with two centuries of Western emissions. The World Bank, with a newly-articulated Strategic Framework on Development and Climate Change, must confront these entangled threats in helping its c lients to carve out a sustainable growth path. This evaluation assesses the Bank’s experience with key win-win policies in the energy sector.
Lessons from International Experience
December 2009. 200 pages. Stock no. C17994 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7994-3). US$25.00
June 2009. 168 pages. Stock no. C17850 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7850-2). US$30.00
By Jas Singh, Dilip R. Limaye, Brian Henderson, and Xiaoyu Shi
Energy efficiency is rapidly becoming a critical policy tools to meet the substantial growth in energy demand. This book synthesizes lessons from a review of international case studies of Energy Savings Performance Contracts in the public sector. It summarizes experience and outlines the effectiveness of different business and procurement models. DIRECTIONS IN DEVELOPMENT SERIES
November 2009. 248 pages. Stock no. C18062 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8062-8). US$30.00
BESTSELLERS Data Against Natural Disasters Establishing Effective Systems for Relief, Recovery, and Reconstruction Edited by Samia Amin and Markus Goldstein
In recent years, the world has seen both massive destruction caused by natural disasters and immense financial and physical support for the victims of these
calamities. This book provides guidance to policy makers seeking to design effective monitoring systems for disaster response management. It will be useful to polic y makers and others working in port-calamity situations who are seeking to design new monitoring systems or to improve existing ones for disaster response management.
August 2008. 340 pages. Stock no. C17452 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7452-8). US$35.00
Climate Resilient Cities
Environmental Health and Child Survival
A Primer on Reducing Vulnerabilities to Disasters By Neeraj Prasad, Federica Ranghieri, Fatima Shah, and Zoe Trohanis
Climate Resilient Cities provides city administrators with exactly what they need to know about the complex and compelling challenges of climate change. The book helps local governments create training, capacity building, and capital investment programs for building sustainable, resilient communities. A step-by-step self-assessment challenges policymakers to think about the resources needed to combat natural disasters through an innovative “hot spot” risk and vulnerability identification tool. By providing a range of city-level examples of sound practices around the world, the book demonstrates that there are many practical actions that cities can take to build resilience to climate change and natural disasters. February 2009. 184 pages. Stock no. C17766 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7766-6). US$39.95
Strategic Environmental Assessment for Policies
Epidemiology, Economics, Experiences Each year, millions of children in developing countries fall sick and die f rom diseases caused by polluted air, contaminated water and soil, and poor hygiene behavior. Repeated infectious also contribute to malnutrition in children, and subsequently impacts future learning and productivity. This book analyzes the linkages between malnutrition and environmental health, and assesses the burden of disease on young children, and its economic costs. ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT SERIES
June 2008. 224 pages. Stock no. C17236 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7236-4). US$18.00
International Trade and Climate Change See page 10 for more information
An Instrument for Good Governance Edited by Kulsum Ahmed and Ernesto Sanchez-Triana
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is the key tool for integrating envir onmental considerations into policies, programs and plans. This book focuses on SEA applied to policies. Through lessons learned f rom previous use of SEA on policies, it draws lessons on the strengths and weaknesses of current SEA methodology. It then goes on to analyze how policies are formulated and implemented and proposes a new conceptual framework for conducting SEA of policies that potentially could be more useful in influencing decision makers to integrate environmental sustainability considerations into policy formulation and implementation. ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT SERIES
April 2008. 236 pages. Stock no. C16762 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-6762-9). US$18.00
Building Commitment to Reform through Strategic Communication The Five Key Decisions By Cecilia Cabanero Verzosa and Helen R. Garcia
This book provides a management decision-making tool for developing a communication strategy for reforms. Illustrative examples of how this tool c an be used in various types of development activities are drawn from projects, economic and sector work, country assistance strategies formulated by donor groups, and country programs designed by developing country government teams to reduce poverty. This book’s approach has been used by program managers in developing countries and taught in workshops and formal courses conducted face-to-face as well as through various educational technologies such as videoconferences, self-paced courses, and computer-based modules.
August 2009. 144 pages. Stock no. C17621 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7621-8). US$25.00
Transparency and Accountability in Water and Sanitation Action, Learning, Experiences By Maria Gonzalez de Asis, Per Ljung, and Donal O’Leary
This volume will serve as a useful tool for those who wish to diagnose, analyze, and take action against sy stemic corruption in the water and sanitation sectors. On a global scale, more than 1 billion people live without access to safe, potable water, in part because of poor governance and corruption. Illegal connections and substantial losses caused by deferred maintenance have eroded the revenues of water utilities, leading to a downward spiral in performance. Embezzlement of funds, bribes for access to illegal water connections, manipulation of meter counters, and collusion in public contracts add to the litany of corrupt practices. This manual will serve as a practical guide for governments, civil society organizations, and citizens themselves in their quest for a model of service provision that responds to the pressing needs of people in the developing world. April 2009. 190 pages. Stock no. C17892 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7892-2). US$30
Stolen Asset Recovery
A Good Practices Guide for Non-Conviction Based Asset Forfeiture By Theodore S. Greenberg, Linda M. Samuel, Wingate Grant, and Larissa Gray
Non-Conviction Based (NCB) asset forfeiture is a powerful tool for recovering the proceeds and instrumentalities of corruption, particularly in cases where the proceeds are transferred abroad. This book identifies the key concepts—legal, operational and practical—that an NCB asset forfeiture system should encompass to be effective in recovering stolen assets. The concepts are elaborated through examples from cases and excerpts from NCB forfeiture legislation. Further, the book provides tools that can be used by practitioners, such as samples of investigative and court forms and pre-seizure planning guidelines.
Development Communication Sourcebook Broadening the Boundaries of Communication By Paolo Mefalopulos
This sourcebook highlights how the scope and application of communication in the development context are broadening to include a more dialogic approach. This approach facilitates assessment of risks and opportunities, prevents problems and conflicts, and enhances the results and sustainability of projects when implemented at the very beginning of an initiative. The book presents basic concepts and explains key challenges faced in dail y practice. Each of the four modules is self-contained, with examples, toolboxes, and more. June 2008. 266 pages. Stock no. C17522 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7522-8). US$35.00
April 2009. 280 pages. Stock no. C17890 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7890-8). US$39.95
Legislative Oversight and Budgeting
Governance Reform Under Real-World Conditions
A World Perspective
Citizens, Stakeholders, and Voice
Edited by Rick Stapenhurst, Riccardo Pelizzo, David Olson, and Lisa von Trapp
By Sina Odugbemi and Thomas Jacobson
In light of the increased focus on good governance, academics and legislative strengthening practitioners are re-examining parliament’s oversight function with a view to increasing public financial accountability, curbing corruption, and contributing to poverty reduction. This volume brings together research from many different perspectives and many different legislative settings worldwide. It will be of interest to parliamentarians and parliamentary staff, legislative strengthening practitioners, and students of legislative development.
This book is a contribution to efforts to improve governance systems around the world. It provides a range of theoretical frameworks and innovative approaches and techniques for dealing with the most impor tant nontechnical or adaptive challenges that impede the success and sustainabilit y of reform efforts. It is a useful guide for gov ernments, think tanks, civil society organizations, and development agencies working to improve the ways in which governance reforms are implemented around the world. June 2008. 546 pages. Stock no. C17456 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7456-6). US$40.00
September 2008. 300 pages. Stock no. C17611 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7611-9). US$40.00
Health and Growth By Michael Spence and Maureen A. Lewis
This book containes a series of “state of the art” essays on topics related to health and growth. The Commission on Growth and Development wished to take stock of the current state of knowledge and understanding of economic growth, and thus commissioned a series of essays on a range of thematic ar eas, in this case health. One such area is health. A numbr of questions are discussed in the book, including: • Does investing in health raise economic growth? • Can governments achieve rapid growth or high incomes without investing in health? • What are the options and benefits of different analytic approaches to measuring the causal link between health and growth? • Have medical advances influenced life expectancy levels?
Designing and Implementing Health Care Provider Payment Systems How-To Manuals Edited by John C. Langenbrunner, Cheryl Cashin, and Sheila O’Dougherty
Strategic purchasing of health services involves a continuous search for the best ways to maximize health system performance by deciding which interventions should be purchased, from whom they should be purchased, and how to pay for them. Having experimented with different ways of paying providers of health care services, countries increasingly want to know not onl y what to do when paying providers, but also how to do it, particularly how to design, manage, and implement the transition f rom current to reformed systems. This book addresses this need. May 2009. 344 pages. Stock no. C17815 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7815-1). US$39.95
May 2009. 216 pages. Stock no. C17659 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7659-1). US$40.00
Attacking Inequality in the Health Sector
Health Financing in Indonesia
A Synthesis of Evidence and Tools
By Claudia Rokx, George Schieber, Pandu Harimurti, Ajay Tandon, and Aparnaa Somanathan
By Abdo S. Yazbeck
The last 10 years have seen a resurgence in interest and research around inequalities in the health sector. This book summarizes the operational lessons emerging f rom this new focus. Using 14 evaluated, proven successes and an exhaustive literature review, this book serves as a practical “how to” manual for defining, understanding, and effectively addressing the problems of inequality in health service use. It will be of par ticular interest to policy makers, advocates in civil society, and development agencies that are committed to improving health service use by the poor and socially vulnerable.
A Reform Road Map
Based on Indonesia’s current health system configuration, likely future demographic, epidemiological, geo-political, and socioeconomic trends, this book provides a comprehensive reference framework toward achieving a universal health insurance coverage. DIRECTIONS IN DEVELOPMENT SERIES
July 2009. 184 pages. Stock no. C18006 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8006-2). US$25.00
Improving Access to HIV/ AIDS Medicines in Africa Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Flexibilities
January 2009. 336 pages. Stock no. C17444 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7444-3). US$40.00
Improving Health Service Delivery in Developing Countries From Evidence to Action Edited by David H. Peters, Sameh El-Saharty, Banafsheh Siadat, Katja Janovsky, and Marko Vujicic
This title presents evidence on strategies for strengthening health service delivery, based on systematic reviews of the literature, quantitative and qualitative analyses of existing data, and seven country case studies. The authors also explore how changes in coverage of different health services affect each other on the national le vel, and explain why setting international targets for health services has been not been successful and offer an alternative approach based on a specific country’s experience.
By Patrick Lumumba Osewe, Yvonne K. Nkrumah, and Emmanuel Sackey
Providing access to affordable, good quality HIV/AIDS medicines remains a challenge in Sub-Saharan Africa. This title analyzes the extent to which countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have been able to use flexibilities in the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement to improve access to affordable antiretroviral (ARV) medicines. DIRECTIONS IN DEVELOPMENT SERIES
April 2009. 84 pages. Stock no. C17544 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7544-0). US$25.00
Improving Effectiveness and Outcomes for the Poor in Health, Nutrition, and Population An Evaluation of World Bank Group Support Since 1997
Global Marketplace for Private Health Insurance
This study evaluates the effectiveness of the World Bank Group’s support for health, nutrition, and population in developing countries since 1997 – totaling more than $17 billion – and distills lessons that will help improve the effectiveness of support in the future.
Strength in Numbers
June 2009. 214 pages. Stock no. C17950 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7950-9). US$30.00
May 2009. 328 pages. Stock no. C17888 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7888-5). US$30.00
By Alexander S. Preker, Peter Zweifel, and Onno Schellekens
Rich or poor, countries around the globe are struggling to find a way to pay for health c are. The authors of this book present a compelling analysis that shows private health insurance can play a role in providing more affordable access to health care to more people, no matter what their economic status.
September 2009. 600 pages. Stock no. C17507 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7507-5). US$49.95
Reforming China’s Rural Health System By Adam Wagstaff, Magnus Lindelow, Shiyong Wang, and Shuo Zhang
Since 1978 when it embarked on sweeping agricultural and industrial reforms, China’s economic growth has been remarkable. During this period, however, progress in the health sector has been disappointing . This book assesses China’s rural health system before and during the reforms of the 2000s, and outlines ideas for building on these r eforms to further strengthen the system including over the long-term.
Clearing the Global Health Fog A Systematic Review of the Evidence on Integration of Health Systems and Targeted Interventions By Rifat Atun, Thyra de Jongh, Federica V. Secca, Kelechi Ohiri, and Olusoji Adeyi
This title provides a new synthesis of evidence to inform the debate on health systems and targeted interventions. While the discussion on the relative merits of integrating health interventions will no doubt continue, discussions should move away from the highly-reductionist approach that has polarized this debate. WORLD BANK WORKING PAPERS
March 2009. 80 pages. Stock no. C17818 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7818-2). US$20.00
June 2009. 288 pages. Stock no. C17982 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7982-0). US$35.00
BESTSELLERS A Sourcebook of HIV/AIDS Prevention Programs, Volume 2
Good Practices in Health Financing
Education Sector-Wide Approaches
Lessons from Reforms in Low and Middle-Income Countries
Edited by Alexandria Valerio, Donald A. P. Bundy, and Michael Beasley
This Sourcebook aims to support efforts by countries to strengthen the role of the education sector in the prevention of HIV/AIDS. It documents 13 education based HIV/AIDS prevention programs targeting children and youth from 7 sub-Saharan African countries. The Sourcebook represents the work of many contributors, and was developed by the Partnership for Child Development with the World Bank. October 2008. 272 pages. Stock no. C17440 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7440-5). US$45.00
Edited by Pablo Gottret, George Schieber, and Hugh R. Waters
For humanitarian reasons and the concern for households’ economic and health security, the health sector is at the center of global development policy. This report provides an overview of health financing tools, policies and trends, with a particular focus on challenges facing developing countries. June 2008. 528 pages. Stock no. C17511 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7511-2). US$49.95
Africa’s Infrastructure
Urbanization and Growth
A Time for Transformation
Edited by Michael Spence, Patricia Clarke Annez, and Robert M. Buckley
Africa’s infrastructure lags well behind the rest of the developing world. Inadequate infrastructure is holding back growth by two percentage points annually. Solving the problem will cost over US$90 billion dollars per year, about twice what is spent today. More money is desperately needed; but money alone is not the answer. Prudent policies can make current resources go much further, and contribute significantly to narrowing the infrastructure gap.
November 2009. pages. Stock no. C18041 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8041-3). US$39.95
Two Dragon Heads Contrasting Development Paths for Beijing and Shanghai By Shahid Yusuf and Kaoru Nabeshima
Beijing and Shanghai comprise the axes of China’s two leading urban regions. Their economic fortunes will affect the overall growth of China. The economic composition of the two megacities differs significantly and the future sources of competitive advantage also lie in different areas although there is some overlap. Shanghai with its diverse industrial base is the industrial powerhouse of China. Its strongest growth prospects still lie in activities associated with manufacturing industry buttressed by improvements in the technological and innovation capabilities of domestic firms and supported by the deepening of business ser vices. In contrast, Beijing’s future prospects are more closely tied to research intensive activities and the ser vices industry. This book explores the contrasting development options available to Beijing and Shanghai and proposes strategies for these cities based on their current and acquired capabilities, experience of other world cities, the emerging demand in the national market, and likely trends in global trade.
First in a series of thematic volumes, this book was prepared for the Commission on Growth and Development to evaluate the state of knowledge of the r elationship between urbanization and economic growth. It does not pretend to provide all the answers, but it does identify insights and polic y levers to help countries make urbanization work as part of a national growth strategy. It examines a variety of topics: the relevance and policy implications of recent advances in urban economics for developing countries, the role of economic geography in global economic trends and trade patterns, the impacts of urbanization on spatial inequality within countries, and alternative approaches to financing the substantial inf rastructure investments required in developing-country cities. Written by prominent academics in their fields, Urbanization and Growth seeks to create a better understanding of the role of urbanization in growth and to inform policy makers tackling the formidable challenges it poses. November 2009. 288 pages. Stock no. C17573 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7573-0). US$40.00
Decentralization and Municipal Development The Municipal Contract The municipal contract facilitates selection, implementation, and financing of urban services and infrastructure. This book details lessons learnt and methodolog y on the nuts and bolts of municipal contracts to meet the cr itical need to help local governments become financially sound, responsive and accountable to their constituents.
October 2009. 264 pages. Stock no. C18063 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8063-5). US$30.00
November 2009. 224 pages. Stock no. C18048 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8048-2). US$19.95
Doing Dams Right
Public Investment Management in the New EU Member States
The Challenges of Lao Nam Theun 2
Strengthening Planning and Implementation of Transport Infrastructure Investments
Edited by Ian Porter and Jayasankar Shivakumar
In the wake of an acr imonious debate on big dams, the World Bank brokered a global agreement on financing as well as on the sharing of the rewards and risks of the controversial Nam Theun 2 hydroelectric project in Lao PDR. Through this process, it prepared the project for the country and the country for the project. This book describes how careful management, effective communications, and technical expertise helped to reach consensus and nurtured private-public partnerships, engaged stakeholders, strengthened the country’s development framework and poverty reduction efforts, and addressed the project’s environmental and social impacts.
By Thomas Laursen and Bernard Myers
This paper describes the characteristics of public investment management in seven EU countries as it applies to a single sector—transport infrastructure. The report highlights some of the common challenges that P oland, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Latvia face as they plan and execute their transpor t infrastructure projects. WORLD BANK WORKING PAPERS
February 2009. 40 pages. Stock no. C17894 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7894-6). US$15.00
October 2009. 150 pages. Stock no. C16985 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-6985-2). US$25.00
Improving Municipal Management for Cities to Succeed An IEG Special Study Cities now house half the world’s population and produce 70 percent of its GDP. Managing them well helps development. Strengthening municipal management of planning, finance, and service provision has been at the core of World Bank support through municipal development projects (MDPs). This book reviews how, worldwide, nearly 3,000 municipalities have benefitted from 190 World Bank-supported MDPs over the past decade, three quarters of which achieved satisfactory outcomes.
School Construction Strategies for Universal Primary Education in Africa Should Communities Be Empowered to Build Their Schools? By Serge Theunynck
The book examines the scope of the inf rastructure challenge in Sub-Saharan Africa and the constraints to sc aling up at an affordable cost. It assesses the experiences of African countries with school planning, school facility designs, and construction techniques, procurement and implementation arrangements over the past thirty years. June 2009. 288 pages. Stock no. C17720 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7720-8). US$25.00
July 2009. 120 pages. Stock no. C18043 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8043-7). US$20.00
Unlocking Land Values to Finance Urban Infrastructure By George E. Peterson
Unlocking Land Values to Finance Urban Infrastructure examines the theory underlying different instruments of landbased finance, such as betterment levies, developer exactions, impact fees, and the exchange of publicly owned land assets for infrastructure. It provides a wealth of case-study illustrations of how different land-based financing tools have been implemented, and the lessons learned f rom these experiences. This practical guide is designed to help expand the r ole of land-based financing in urban capital budgets in a way that str engthens urban infrastructure finance and urban land markets.
October 2008. 148 pages. Stock no. C17709 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7709-3). US$25
BESTSELLER The Impact of Private Sector Participation in Infrastructure Lights, Shadows, and the Road Ahead By Luis Andres, J. Luis Guasch, Thomas Haven, and Vivien Foster
Infrastructure plays a key role in fostering growth and productivity and has been linked to impr oved earnings, health, and education levels for the poor. Yet Latin America and the Caribbean are currently faced with a dangerous combination of relatively low public and private infrastructure investment. Those investment levels must increase, and it can be done. If Latin American and Caribbean governments are to increase infrastructure investment in politically feasible ways, it is critical that they learn from experience and have an accurate idea of future impacts. This book contributes to this aim by producing what is arguably the most comprehensive privatization impact analysis in the region to date, drawing on an extremely comprehensive dataset. LATIN AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT FORUM
July 2008. 380 pages. Stock no. C17409 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7409-2). US$35.00
Job Creation in Latin America and the Caribbean
Adequacy of Retirement Income after Pension Reforms in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe
Recent Trends and Policy Challenges By Carmen Pages, Gaelle Le Borgne Pierre, and Stefano Scarpetta
This book analyzes recent labor market trends in Latin American countries and the factors that underlie the failure to create more—and more productive and rewarding— jobs, a failure with substantial political and social costs. The authors analyze how growth and job creation in the region’s economies compare with other emerging countries, the impact of job creation and destruction on productivity growth and the creation of “good” jobs, and the relative importance and role of labor market policies in improving labor market outcomes in the region. A COPUBLICATIONS WITH PALGRAVE MACMILLAN UK* LATIN AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT FORUM
Paperback. June 2009. 450 pages. Stock no. C17623 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7623-2). US$40.00 Hardcover. June 2009. 450 pages. Stock no. C17688 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7688-1). US$80.00 * Customers in Western Europe and Japan please order from Palgrave Macmillan online at www.palgrave.com
Globalization, Wages, and the Quality of Jobs Five Country Studies Edited by Raymond Robertson, Drusilla Brown, Gaelle Pierre, and Maria Laura Sanchez-Puerta
Trade liberalization holds both promises and perils for workers around the world. This book uses a new analytical framework to show that while globalization has been associated with improvements in working conditions in the exposed sectors (apparel and textile), questions remain about the durability and generalization of such improvements. July 2009. 300 pages. Stock no. C17934 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7934-9). US$30.00
Closing the Coverage Gap Role of Social Pensions and Other Retirement Income Transfers Edited by Robert Holzmann, David A. Robalino, and Noriyuki Takayama
This book discusses how to design r etirement income transfers to prevent poverty during old-age, when the coverage of contributory pension systems is low. It addressed how social pensions and other retirement income transfers can be used to close the coverage gap of mandatory pension systems.
Eight Country Studies Edited by Robert Holzmann and Ufuk Guven
This title assesses the benefit adequacy of the reformed pension systems for eight countries—Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic, and Slovenia—to identify policy gaps and options. It will be of interest to policy makers, researchers, and everyone interested in the topic of pensions in the region, and beyond. DIRECTIONS IN DEVELOPMENT SERIES
March 2009. 384 pages. Stock no. C17781 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7781-9). US$39.95
Bolivian Formality and Productivity Bolivia’s informal sector is the largest in L atin America, by many definitions and measures. The high level of informality has a number of negative implications related to for low productivity, low growth, and low quality of jobs. This book identifies constraints for firms’ formality and productivity in Bolivia by investigating the relationship between firms’ formality and profitability. It presents fresh qualitative and quantitative analyses to better understand the reasons why firms are informal and the impact of formalization on their profitability, in order to inform policy actions appropriate to the reality of Bolivia. COUNTRY STUDIES
June 2009. 160 pages. Stock no. C18023 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8023-9). US$25.00
Employment and Growth in Nigeria This study assesses the impact of the r ecent strong economic growth on employment. It addresses the question of what Nigeria could do to increase the availability of quality jobs and reduce rising youth unemployment, and proposes a strategy to sustain and further accelerate Nigeria’s growth performance and enhance quality of employment. October 2009. 200 pages. Stock no. C18072 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8072-7). US$30.00
Economic Informality Causes, Costs, and Policies—A Literature Survey By Ana Maria Oviedo, Mark R. Thomas, and Kamer Karakurum-Ozdemir
In this survey we assemble recent theoretical and empirical advances in the literature on economic informality, analyzing the causes and costs of informality in developed and developing economies. WORLD BANK WORKING PAPERS
May 2009. 40 pages. Stock no. C17996 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7996-7). US$15.00
June 2009. 242 pages. Stock no. C17971 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7971-4). US$35.00
Gender Inequality in Africa’s Labor Market
BESTSELLER Youth Employment in Sierra Leone
Edited by Jorge Arbache and Quentin Wodon
This novel study, a collaboration between the World Bank and the Agence f rançaise de développement (AFD), fills an important knowledge gap regarding the extent and the nature of gender disparities in Africa’s labor markets. It provides a comparative analysis based on standardized nationally representative survey-data for 24 Af rican countries. It also offers a more in-depth gender analysis by using a comprehensive set of labor market indicators disaggregated by location, age groups and consumption quintiles, and several sophisticated micro and macro techniques.
Sustainable Livelihood Opportunities in a Post-Conflict Setting By Pia Peeters, Wendy Cunningham, Gayatri Acharya, and Arvil Van Adams
Creating job opportunities for a large and growing number of young people is a key de velopment challenge for the government of Sierra Leone. Analyzing the supply and demand sides of the labor market, this book asseses the challenges and options for improving sustainable livelihood opportunities for youth in post-conflict Sierra Leone. February 2009. 200 pages. Stock no. C17822 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7822-9). US$25.00
October 2009. 288 pages. Stock no. C18066 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8066-6). US$25.00
Moving Out of Poverty, Volume 4
Argentine Youth
Rising from the Ashes of Conflict
This book addresses the risks faced by youth in Argentina such as low educ ation attainment, unemployment, teenage pregnancy, use and abuse of dr ugs and alcohol, becoming victims of crime, and low level of civic participation, as well as the policy options for addressing them.
An Untapped Potential
Edited by Deepa Narayan and Patti Petesch
There is a vast literature on the broad causes of conflict and its macro effects on economic development. But relatively little is known about the effects of conflict at the micro level. This volume brings together lessons from the Moving Out of Poverty study about why and how people move in and out of poverty in conflict-affected contexts. It features cross-country findings on conflict and mobility, as well as in-depth case studies of six countries affected by significant violent conflict during the ten-year period covered by the research. A COPUBLICATION WITH PALGRAVE MACMILLAN UK*
Paperback. October 2009. 400 pages. Stock no. C17631 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7631-7). US$40.00 Hardcover. October 2009. 400 pages. Stock no. C17839 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7839-7). US$90.00 * Customers in Western Europe and Japan please order from Palgrave Macmillan online at www.palgrave.com
April 2009. 146 pages. Stock no. C17924 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7924-0). US$25.00
Argentina Income Support Policies toward the Bicentennial This book assesses options for a long-term strateg y for social protection in Argentina, drawing upon the experience of the emergency measures adopted following the 2001/2 cr isis. It synthesizes the findings of an intensive program of analysis, dialogue and partnerships focused on the future of social protection and income support in Argentina. COUNTRY STUDIES
Social and Poverty Analysis in Conflict-Affected Countries Tools and Case Studies from Sub-Saharan Africa
July 2009. 182 pages. Stock no. C18051 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8051-2). US$20.00
Participatory Communication A Practical Guide
Edited by Vincent Fruchart, Per Egil Wam, and Quentin Wodon
By Thomas Tufte and Paolo Mefalopulos
This title examines the interplay of violent conflict, poverty, and social dynamics in sub-Saharan Africa. It discusses qualitative and quantitative tools and presents case studies that shed new light on how violent conflicts disrupt lives, derail development, distort societal relations, and sow the seeds of ne w conflicts. It is a valuable resource for development practitioners, academic researchers, and government officials in fragile and conflict-affected countries.
This guide seeks to provide perspectives, tools and experiences regarding how to go about it with par ticipatory communication strategies. It is conceived as a guide that hopefull y can be of relevance and utility for development workers in the field. WORLD BANK WORKING PAPERS
June 2009. 72 pages. Stock no. C18008 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8008-6). US$15.00
November 2009. 240 pages. Stock no. C17643 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7643-0). US$29.95
Satisfaction with Life and Service Delivery in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union Some Insights from the 2006 Life in Transition Survey
and Development and the World Bank—provides a unique opportunity to investigate the extent to which citiz ens of ECA countries are satisfied with their lives and with the performances of their governments.
By Salman Zaidi, Asad Alam, Pradeep K. Mitra, and Ramya Sundaram
Data from the 2006 Life in Transition Survey (LiTS)—a joint initiative of the European Bank for Reconstruction
February 2009. 112 pages. Stock no. C17900 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7900-4). US$20.00
BESTSELLERS Moving Out of Poverty, Volume 2 Success from the Bottom Up By Deepa Narayan, Lant Pritchett, and Soumya Kapoor
This title presents the perspectives of poor people who have made it out of poverty. Based on discussions with over 60,000 people across 17 different study regions, it provides a bottom up viewpoint on the processes and local institutions that play key roles in leading to poverty escapes. This book will be of interest to all concerned with equity in an increasingly unequal world. A COPUBLICATION WITH PALGRAVE MACMILLAN UK*
Paperback. March 2009. 456 pages. Stock no. C17215 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7215-9). US$40.00 Hardcover. May 2009. pages. Stock no. C17836 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7836-6). US$90.00
Moving Out of Poverty, Volume 3 The Promise of Empowerment and Democracy in India Edited by Deepa Narayan
This title brings together the voices of poor men and women from 300 villages across Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, as it seeks to understand how these people have managed to escape poverty, while others remain stuck, and still others fall into poverty. The study explores the role of institutions such as family, markets and local panchayats, and factors such as aspiration, empowerment, social exclusion and conflict, health and asset accumulation, in explaining escape from poverty and falling into poverty. A COPUBLICATION WITH PALGRAVE MACMILLAN UK*
Paperback. May 2009. 432 pages. Stock no. C17217 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7217-3). US$40.00 Hardcover. June 2009. 432 pages. Stock no. C17838 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7838-0). US$90.00
Moving Out of Poverty, Volume 1 Cross-disciplinary Perspectives on Mobility A COPUBLICATION WITH PALGRAVE MACMILLAN UK* MOVING OUT OF POVERTY SERIES
Paperback. July 2007. 392 pages. Stock no. C16991 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-6991-3). US$40.00 Hardcover. October 2007. 392 pages. Stock no. C17111 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7111-4). US$90.00
Handbook on Poverty + Inequality By Shahidur R. Khandker and Jonathan Haughton
For anyone wanting to learn, in practical terms, how to measure, describe, monitor, evaluate, and analyze poverty, this Handbook is the place to star t. It is designed to be accessible to people with a university-level background in science or the social sciences. It is an invaluable tool for policy analysts, researchers, college students, and government officials working on policy issues related to poverty and inequality. March 2009. 448 pages. Stock no. C17613 (ISBN: 9780-8213-7613-3). US$39.95
Conditional Cash Transfers Reducing Present and Future Poverty By Ariel Fiszbein and Norbert R. Schady
This book lays out a conceptual f ramework for thinking about the economic rationale for conditional cash transfers (CCTs); reviews the very rich evidence that has accumulated on CCTs, especially arising from impact evaluations; discusses how the conceptual framework and the evidence on impacts should inform the design of CCT programs in practice; and discusses how CCTs fit in the context of broader social policies.
No Growth without Equity? Inequality, Interests, and Competition in Mexico Edited by Michael Walton and Santiago Levy
Equity and growth are central concerns for development in Mexico. Specific inequalities in income, power, wealth, and status create and sustain economic institutions and policies that perpetuate these inequalities and promote poor economic performace. This title presents a novel analysis showing why more equality is necessary to increase economic growth. COPUBLICATION WITH PALGRAVE MACMILLAN UK* EQUITY AND DEVELOPMENT
Paperback. February 2009. 472 pages. Stock no. C17767 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7767-3). US$45.00 Hardcover. May 2009. 472 pages. Stock no. C17769 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7769-7). US$90.00
The Impact of MacroEconomic Policies on Poverty and Income Distribution Macro-Micro Evaluation Techniques and Tools Edited by Luiz A. Pereira da Silva, François Bourguignon, and Maurizio Bussolo
This title deals with theoretical challenges and cutting-edge macro-micro linkage models. The authors compare the predictive and analytical power of various macro-micro linkage techniques using the traditional RHG approach as a benchmark to evaluate standard policies, such as a typical stabilization package and a typical structural reform policy. A COPUBLICATION WITH PALGRAVE MACMILLAN UK* EQUITY AND DEVELOPMENT
June 2008. 360 pages. Stock no. C15778 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-5778-1). US$45.00
February 2009. 346 pages. Stock no. C17352 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7352-1). US$30.00 * Customers in Western Europe and Japan please order from Palgrave Macmillan online at www.palgrave.com
Doing Business 2010 For more information see page 2.
From Privilege to Competition Unlocking Private-Led Growth in the Middle East and North Africa By focusing on market institutions, the quality of implementation of economic policies, and the credibility of reforms from the private sector perspective, this report offers a new angle to the growth and employment challenge of the Midd le East and North Africa region. MENA DEVELOPMENT REPORT
September 2009. pages. Stock no. C17877 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7877-9). US$38.00
Private Sector Investment in Infrastructure Project Finance, PPP Projects and Risk, Second edition This book provides a practical guide to public-private participation (PPP), how governments can enable and encourage PPP, step by step analysis of the development of PPP projects, how PPP financing works, what PPP contractual structures look like and most impor tantly how PPP risk allocation works in practice, including specific discussion of each inf rastructure sector. It will be of interest to policy makers and strategists.
June 2009. 640 pages. Stock no. C17786 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7786-4). US$45.00
Public-Private Partnerships for Urban Water Utilities A Review of Experiences in Developing Countries By Philippe Marin
This study provides objective information and analysis on the performance of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects in urban water supply and sanitation in developing countries. It reviews the spread of urban water PPP projects during the past 15 years, and assesses whether and how they hav e helped to improve services and expand access for the populations concerned. TRENDS AND POLICY OPTIONS SERIES
July 2009. 192 pages. Stock no. C17956 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7956-1). US$28.00
Attracting and Selecting Investors A Practical Guide to Public-Private Partnerships The purpose of this guide is to enhance the chances of effective partnerships being developed between the public and the private-sector by addressing one of the main obstacles to effective PPP project delivery: having the right information on the right projects for the right partners at the right time.
December 2009. 150 pages. Stock no. C17863 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7863-2). US$25.00
BESTSELLERS An Assessment of the Investment Climate in Kenya By Giuseppe Iarossi
Based on a survey of 781 establishments, this book sheds light on some of the most impor tant policy issues required to put Kenya on a higher gr owth path. It highlights the challenges that the countr y’s businesses face today and what government can do to overcome such obstacles. DIRECTIONS IN DEVELOPMENT SERIES
March 2009. 136 pages. Stock no. C17812 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7812-0). US$15.00
An Assessment of the Investment Climate in Nigeria By Giuseppe Iarossi, Peter Mousley, and Ismail Radwan
This book sheds light on some of the most important policy issues required to put Nigeria on a higher growth path. It highlights the challenges that Nigeria’s businesses face today and what government can do to overcome such obstacles. DIRECTIONS IN DEVELOPMENT SERIES
February 2009. 144 pages. Stock no. C17797 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7797-0). US$25.00
Does the Investment Climate Matter? Microeconomic Foundations of Growth in Latin America Edited by Pablo Fajnzylber, J. Humberto Lopez, and Jose Luis Guasch
Latin American region’s growth rates have been historically disappointing in relative terms. Policy makers may need to focus on macr oeconomic stability with an increased emphasis on microeconomic reforms. By providing empirical evidence linking actual firm performance to shortcomings in Latin America’s investment climate, the book discusses policies that could have a significant impact on firm productivity by improving the environment in which firms invest and operate. A COPUBLICATIONS WITH PALGRAVE MACMILLAN UK* LATIN AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT FORUM
Paperback. November 2008. 326 pages. Stock no. C17411 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7411-5). US$35.00 Hardcover. January 2009. pages. Stock no. C17687 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7687-4). US$80.00 * Customers in Western Europe and Japan please order from Palgrave Macmillan online at www.palgrave.com
Handbook on Impact Evaluation
Business Regulation and Economic Performance
Quantitative Methods and Practices
A Latin American Perspective Edited by Norman Loayza and Luis Serven
By Shahidur R. Khandker, Gayatri B. Koolwal, and Hussain Samad
This book reviews quantitative methods and models of impact evaluation. It begins by reviewing the basic issues pertaining to an evaluation of an intervention to reach certain targets and goals. It then focuses on the exper imental design of an impact evaluation, highlighting its strengths and shortcomings, followed by discussions on various nonexperimental methods. For researchers interested in learning how to use these models with statistical software, the book also provides STATA exercises in the context of e valuating major microcredit programs. The framework presented in this book can be very useful for strengthening local capacity in impact evaluation among technicians and policymakers in charge of formulating, implementing, and evaluating programs to alleviate poverty and underdevelopment.
September 2009. 280 pages. Stock no. C18028 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8028-4). US$39.95
Sustaining Reforms for Inclusive Growth in Cameroon A Development Policy Review This title is a compr ehensive review of Cameroon’s development policies since the 1970s—inc luding public finance, privatization, trade, inf rastructure, and governance. April 2009. 312 pages. Stock no. C17403 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7403-0). US$35.00
The Road to Results Designing and Conducting Effective Development Evaluations By Linda G. Morra Imas and Ray C. Rist
This book provides procedures and examples on how to set up a monitoring and evaluation system, how to conduct participatory evaluations and do social mapping, and how to construct a “rigorous” quasi-experimental design to answer an impact question. This comprehensive text is an essential tool for those inv olved in development evaluation. The Road to Results is also available as an interactive e-book, using technology developed by educators specifically for textbooks and other learning materials. Visit www.worldbank.org/r2r for more information. Print Edition. June 2009. 1208 pages. Stock no. C17891 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7891-5). US$49.95
This book documents the regulatory obstacles faced by firms, particularly in developing countries, and assesses their implications for firm renewal and macroeconomic performance. In tracing links between microeconomic policies and distortions, on the one hand, and aggregate performance in terms of productivity, growth and volatility, on the other, this book seeks to der ive relevant lessons for development policy.
December 2009. 300 pages. Stock no. C17407 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7407-8). US$40.00
Intergovernmental Reforms in the Russian Federation One Step Forward, Two Steps Back? By Migara O. De Silva, Galina Kurlyandskaya, Natalia Golovanova, and Elena Andreeva
This study represents the most comprehensive review of fiscal federalism in the Russian Federation, presenting a strong case for greater decentralization. Given its vast size and immense diversity, Russia is a prime candidate for decentralization. In this work, De Silva et al make a strong case for greater decentralization in Russia based not only on the traditional economic benefits of fiscal federalism but also on the politic al benefits from local government competition. DIRECTIONS IN DEVELOPMENT SERIES
July 2009. 112 pages. Stock no. C17967 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7967-7). US$25.00
E-book. June 2009. 558 pages. Stock no. C18080 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8080-2). US$37.50 Bundle. June 2009. 558 pages. Stock no. C32273 US$62.50
Ten Steps to a Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation System A Handbook for Development Practitioners By Jody Zall Kusek and Ray C. Rist
This Handbook provides a comprehensive ten-step model that will help guide development practitioners through the process of designing and building a results-based monitoring and evaluation system.
Information and Public Choice From Media Markets to Policymaking By Roumeen Islam
The studies in this volume provide new evidence and a good summar y of previous research on the power of the media. An invaluable guide for those concerned about the impact of media on economic and political outcomes, Information and Public Choice draws attention to an under-researched yet important area of economics. June 2008. 248 pages. Stock no. C17515 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7515-0). US$35.00
June 2004. 264 pages. Stock no. C15823 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-5823-8). US$39.95
The Social Dimensions of Climate Change
Citizenship, Governance, and Social Policy in the Developing World
Equity and Vulnerability in a Warming World Edited by Robin Mearns, Andrew Norton, and Edward Cameron
Climate change is arguably the most profound challenge facing the international community in the 21st centur y. Tremendous strides have been made over recent years in improving scientific understanding of the human processes driving climate change, but much less understood is how these dynamics in the physical environment interact with socioeconomic systems. This book brings together the work of prominent researchers and practitioners who take stoc k of the latest knowledge on the social dimensions of c limate change. NEW FRONTIERS OF SOCIAL POLICY SERIES
October 2009. 200 pages. Stock no. C17887 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7887-8). US$30.00
Building Equality and Opportunity through Social Guarantees New Approaches to Public Policy and the Realization of Rights
Edited by Anis A. Dani and Ashutosh Varshney
This book aims to demonstrate the relevance of concepts of citizenship to the discourse on governance. It uses comparative analysis and case studies to examine how developing countries are addressing three key characteristics of governance—treatment of social diversity, state capacity, and democratic accountability. NEW FRONTIERS OF SOCIAL POLICY SERIES
November 2009. 250 pages. Stock no. C17885 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7885-4). US$30.00
Discrimination in Latin America An Economic Perspective Latin America has often been regarded as a region with deep ethnic and class conflicts. This book uses a variety of methodological tools—regression analysis, market tests, field experiments, audit studies, and structural methods—to explore the extent to which discr imination against women and demographic minorities is pervasive in Latin America. LATIN AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT FORUM
November 2009. 380 pages. Stock no. C17835 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7835-9). US$40.00
Equality for Women
Edited by Estanislao Gacitua-Mario, Andrew Norton, and Sophia V. Georgieva
This book examines the validity of a social guarantees approach as a f ramework for evaluating, monitoring, and improving the design of social polic y. The book includes analytical case studies from Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, South Africa, and the Caribbean region. NEW FRONTIERS OF SOCIAL POLICY SERIES
June 2009. 298 pages. Stock no. C17883 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7883-0). US$30.00
Delivering Services in Multicultural Societies By Alexandre Marc
This book reviews recent approaches in taking into account cultural diversity in delivery of basic services. It provides an outlook on the debate on m ulticulturalism from various perspectives and discusses the benefits and risks of policies supporting cultural diversity. The book then examines policies and programs supporting cultural diversity in the delivery of basic services: education, health care, customary law, traditional governance systems, and cultural services. Finally the book attempts a synthesis of what has been learned f rom the experience of taking cultural diversity into account in delivery of services.
Where Do We Stand on Millennium Development Goal 3? Edited by Mayra Buvinic, Andrew R. Morrison, A. Waafas Ofosu-Amaah, and Mirja Sjöblom
This volume tracks countries’ progress with implementing and financing the third MDG by examining national experiences and successes with policies and programs. It also contains an assessment the effectiv eness of different strategies in achieving MDG3 and the financial requirements needed in order to attain MDG3 by 2015.
September 2008. 372 pages. Stock no. C17446 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7446-7). US$30.00
Gender in Bolivian Production Reducing Differences in Formality and Productivity This book presents new evidence on gender-based differences in the determinants of a firm’s decision to become formal and the consequences of this decision for pr ofits. The findings also shed light on the constraints to /pr oductivity in small and micro enterprises and how these may var y depending on the gender of the business owner.
October 2009. 128 pages. Stock no. C18049 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8049-9). US$25.00
June 2009. 80 pages. Stock no. C18014 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8014-7). US$25.00
Migration and Remittances Factbook 2008 By Dilip Ratha and Zhimei Xu
This book contains statistical snapshots for 195 countries and 13 regional and income groups. The 200+ tables, each focused on one countr y, region, or income group, explore immigration, emigration and skilled emigration, and inward and outward remittance flows. Summary reports on the top 10 countries in each category are also included. February 2008. 256 pages. Stock no. C17413 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7413-9). US$29.95
miniAtlas of Human Security
This at-a-glance guide to global secur ity provides a wealth of information on armed conflicts since 1946. It maps political violence, the links between poverty and conflict, assaults on human rights—including the use of child soldiers—and the causes of war and peace. Specially designed to show detailed information on a small scale, this miniAtlas of Human Security is a succinct introduction to today’s most pressing security challenges. A COPUBLICATION WITH MYRIAD EDITIONS MINIATLAS SERIES
May 2008. 66 pages. Stock no. C17221 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7221-0). US$9.95
Information and Communications for Development 2009
The Media and Development
Extending Reach and Increasing Impact
Gareth Locksley
Over the last decade, information and communication technologies (ICT) have been increasingly used to achieve development goals. Developing countries, including poorer ones, have enjoyed rapid technological progress to help pull millions of people out of poverty. ICTs help transform economic and social activities for firms, governments and citizens. Information and Communication for Development 2009, the second issue of the World Bank’s IC4D series, focuses on the effect of increased access to advanced ICT ser vices and development of a vibrant IT sector on sustaining growth of private firms and improving government service delivery in developing countries. It also analyses the role of ICT in connecting people to knowledge f rom around the world, providing new opportunities, promoting innovation and improving human capital. Policies, prevailing trends and best practices to maximize the development impact of ICT are also discussed and analyzed. May 2009. 340 pages. Stock no. C17605 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7605-8). US$40.00
Rural Informatization in China By Naggy Hanna and Christina Zhen-Wei Qiang
This paper provides an overview of China’s rural ICT development in the past decade and broad policy recommendations to address the key challenges to date. WORLD BANK WORKING PAPERS
What’s the Story? The media contributes substantially to development through numerous influences and are the subject of significant technological change whose impact can radically alter existing structures and provide new opportunities for developing countries. WORLD BANK WORKING PAPERS
February 2009. 38 pages. Stock no. C17828 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7828-1). US$15.00
BESTSELLER New Industries from New Places The Emergence of the Software and Hardware Industries in China and India By Neil Gregory, Stanley D. Nollen, and Stoyan Tenev
This book represents the first rigorous comparison of China and India’s new growth sectors. It compares the emergence of India and China as global leaders in har dware and software production as well as the growth performance of private enterprise in the IT manufacturing and IT services sectors in China and India. A COPUBLICATION WITH STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS*
Paperback. March 2009. 276 pages. Stock no. C16478 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-6478-9). US$25.95 Hardcover. April 2009. 336 pages. Stock no. C17785 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7785-7). US$70.00 * Customers in North America please order from Stanford University Press online at www.sup.org
June 2009. 64 pages. Stock no. C18018 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8018-5). US$15.00
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TABLE OF CONTENTS/INDEX FEATURED TITLES...............................1 Doing Business 2009 ......................................2 Doing Business 2010 ......................................2 World Development Report 2008....................1 World Development Report 2009....................1 World Development Report 2010....................1
WORLD BANK ONLINE RESOURCES... 3 World Bank e-Library .....................................3 World Development Indicators (WDI) Online ...3 Global Development Finance (GDF) Online ....3 Global Economic Monitor ................................3 Africa Development Indicators Online .............3 The Complete World Development Report Online.............................................3
AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT ..............................4 Agribusiness and Innovation Systems in Africa4 Agricultural Land Redistribution ......................4 Also available .................................................5 Awakening Africa’s Sleeping Giant..................5 Bioenergy Development ..................................4 Building Competitiveness in Africa’s Agriculture.....................................4 Forests Sourcebook.........................................4 Gender and Governance in Rural Services .....4 Gender in Agriculture Sourcebook ..................5 Sustainable Land Management ......................5 Sustainable Land Management Sourcebook ..5 The Changing Face of Rural Space.................5 The Sunken Billions.........................................5 World Development Report 2008....................5
BANKING, FINANCE, AND INVESTMENT .........................6 Accountability in Public Expenditures in Latin America and the Caribbean..........7 Analyzing Banking Risk, 3rd Edition................8 Banking the Poor .............................................8 Bringing Finance to Pakistan’s Poor ................7 Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism .................6 Finance for All? ................................................8 Getting Finance in South Asia 2010................6 Global Development Finance 2009 .................7 Housing Finance Policy in Emerging Markets .....................................6 Independent Evaluation of IFC’s Development Results 2009 .......................7 Innovative Financing for Development ............8 International Financial Reporting Standards, Fifth Edition................................................8 Investing with Confidence ...............................7 Microfinance Handbook ..................................8 Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing ..............................6 Strengthening China’s and India’s Trade and Investment Ties to the Middle East and North Africa.........................................6 The Many Faces of Corruption ........................6 Transforming Microfinance Institutions ...........8
COMMODITIES, PRICING, AND TRADE ....................................9 Accelerating Trade Integration in the Caribbean ..................................................9 Breaking Into New Markets.......................... 10 Distortions to Agricultural Incentives ...............9 Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Africa................................................... 10 Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Asia ..................................................... 10 Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Latin America ..................................... 10 Gender Aspects of the Trade and Poverty Nexus......................................... 10 Global Economic Prospects 2009 ................ 10
International Trade and Climate Change ...... 10 Strengthening Bolivian Competitiveness.........9 Toward a New Trade Policy for Exports Diversification in the Middle East and North Africa.........................................9 Trade Preference Erosion ............................. 10 World Trade Indicators 2009/2010 .................9
DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS ...........11 Africa at a Turning Point? ............................. 14 Africa Development Indicators 2008/09 ...... 13 A Guide to the World Bank, Second Edition . 13 Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 2008, Global .. 13 Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 2009, Global .. 13 Atlas of Global Development, Second Edition........................................ 12 China’s and India’s Challenge to Latin America ......................................... 14 Debt Relief and Beyond................................ 11 Decentralization and Local Democracy in the World ............................................ 12 Decentralization, Democracy and Development ................................... 11 Development Economics through the Decades ........................................... 12 Egypt: Positive Results from Knowledge Sharing and Modest Lending ................. 13 Globalization for Development, Revised Edition ....................................... 14 Global Monitoring Report 2009 .................... 13 Measuring Inequality of Opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean....... 14 miniAtlas of Millennium Development Goals ................................ 12 miniAtlas of Global Development ................. 12 No Growth without Equity? .......................... 13 Reshaping Economic Geography in East Asia ................................................. 14 The Complete World Development Report 1978-2010 DVD ......................... 11 The Growth Report ....................................... 13 The Political Economy of the World Bank .... 11 Tiger Economies Under Threat..................... 11 Towards Better Opportunities....................... 11 Understanding Growthand Poverty .............. 12 World Development Indicators 2009............ 12
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