World Bank Publications on
Migration & Remittances 2011
Migrant Remit tance Flows
Findings from a Global Survey of Central Banks
Migration and Remit tances Factbo ok 2011
By Jacqueline Irving, Sanket Mohapatra & Dilip Ratha
Drawing on findings from a worldwide survey of central banks, conducted in 2008-09, this paper aims to better understand how central banks and other national institutions regulate and collect data and other information on crossborder remittances.
Second Edition
Updates the 2008 edition with additional data for 71 countries collected from various sources, including national censuses, labour force surveys, population registers, and other national sources. It presents numbers and facts behind the stories of international migration and remittances, drawing on authoritative, publicly available data. It provides a snapshot of statistics on immigration, emigration, skilled emigration, and remittance flows for 210 countries and 15 regional and income groups.
World Bank Working Papers
Mar 2010. 84 pages. 978-0-8213-8360-5. US$39.95
Uganda’ s Remit tance C orrid ors from United Kingd om, United States, and Sou th Africa
Challenges to Linking Remittances to the Use of Formal Services
Nov 2010. 256 pages. 978-0-8213-8218-9. US$39.95
Leveraging Migration For Africa Remittances, Skills, and Investments This flagship report seeks to improve our understanding of migration and remittances in SubSaharan Africa – including their magnitude, causes, and impacts on poverty reduction – by drawing on literature surveys and research based on primary data collected through household surveys, analysis of remittance markets, focus group meetings with diaspora groups, and consultations with embassies and government departments.
By Isaku Endo, Jane Namaaji & Anoma Kulathunga
Remit tance Markets in Africa Edited by Sanket Mohapatra & Dilip Ratha
Presents findings of surveys of remittance service providers conducted in eight Sub-Saharan African countries and in three key destination countries. It looks at issues relating to costs, competition, innovation and regulation, and discusses policy options for leveraging remittances for development in Africa. Directions in Development Series
April 2011. 978-0-8213-8257-8. US$39.95
April 2011. 420 pages. 978-0-8213-8475-6. US$39.95
Migration and Povert y
Diaspora for Development in Africa
Towards Better Opportunities for the Poor
Edited by Sonia Plaza and Dilip Ratha
Edited by Edmundo Murrugarra, Jennica Larrison & Marcin Sasin
The diaspora of developing countries can be a potent force for development through remittances, but also through the promotion of trade, investment, and knowledge and technology transfers. This book aims to consolidate research and evidence on these issues with a view to formulating policies in both sending and receiving countries.
Summarises some of the most interesting recent studies about international migration from World Bank research to demonstrate how diverse the global migration experience is, how important it is for the world’s poorest, and how its substantial poverty reduction potential is currently underutilised. Directions in Development Series
Nov 2010. 160 pages. 978-0-8213-8436-7. US$25.00
April 2011. 354 pages. 978-0-8213-8258-5. US$35.00
Migration and Skills
The Market for Remit tance Services in the Czech Republic
The Experience of Migrant Workers from Albania, Egypt, Moldova, and Tunisia By Jesús Alquézar Sabadie, Johanna Avato, Ummuhan Bardak, Francesco Panzica & Natalia Popova
Outcomes of a Survey among Migrants By Marco Nicoli & Carlo Corazza
Uniquely presents a comparative analysis of three remittance corridors to Uganda from the United Kingdom, the United States, and South Africa. World Bank Working Papers
Nov 2010. 90 pages. 978-0-8213-8430-5. US$20.00
The U.S.-Honduras Remit tance C orrid or
Acting on Opportunities to Increase Financial Inclusion and Foster Development of a Transnational Economy By Isaku Endo, Sarah Hirsch, Jan Rogge & Kamil Borowik
Describes the remittance regulatory and market environment, financial inclusion strategies by financial institutions, transnational economic activities, and the impacts of remittances on the Honduran economy. World Bank Working Papers
Mar 2010. 96 pages. 978-0-8213-8139-7. US$20.00
Global Ec onomic Prospects 2006 Economic Implications of Remittances and Migration Explores the official data showing that development countries’ remittance receipts totalled $160 billion in 2004, more than twice the size of official aid. 2005. 18 pages. 978-0-8213-6344-7. US$38.00
Remittances and Development
Lessons from Latin America
Edited by Pablo Fajnzylber & J. Humberto Lopez
Aims to unravel the complex relationship between migration and skills development based on case studies of potential and return migrants from Moldova, Albania, Egypt and Tunisia.
Presents the outcomes of a survey conducted by the World Bank Payment System Development Group. 880 migrants from eight different nationalities were interviewed during the summer 2009 in Prague.
Explores the large heterogeneity in migration and remittances patterns, development impact, and policy implications across Latin America and the Caribbean, ranked at the top of remittance-receiving regions. Its analysis helps policy makers trying to respond to increasing remittances flows.
Directions in Development Series
World Bank Studies
Latin American Development Forum
Mar 2010. 128 pages. 978-0-8213-8079-6. US$25.00
Nov 2010. 88 pages. 978-0-8213-8585-2. US$20.00
2008. 408 pages. 978-0-8213-6870-1. US$30.00
Migration & Remittances 2011 The International Migration of Women Edited by Maurice Schiff, Andrew R. Morrison & Mirja Sjöblom
Provides eight new studies focusing on the nexus between gender, international migration, and economic development. Trade and Development Series
2007. 236 pages. Paperback. 978-0-8213-7227-2. US$35.00 Hardback. 978-0-8213-7257-9. US$80.00
International Migration, Ec onomic Development & Policy Edited by Maurice Schiff & Çaglar Özden
Provides new thinking on the nexus between migration and different development indicators, such as education and fertility, as well as analyses on the impact of host country policies on migration flows. Trade and Development Series
2007. 320 pages Paperback. 978-0-8213-6935-7. US$39.95 Hardback. 978-0-8213-7028-5. US$90.00
International Migration, Remit tances, and the Brain Drain
Edited by Maurice Schiff & Çaglar Özden
Using original research, this book examines the determinants of migration, the impact of remittances and migration on poverty, welfare, and investment decisions, and the consequences of brain drain, brain gain, and brain waste. Trade and Development Series
Remit tances
Development Impact and Future Prospects
Edited by Samuel Munzele Maimbo & Dilip Ratha
At US$90 billion globally, remittances represent the largest financial flow to developing countries after foreign direct investment (FDI). What can be done to maximise their development impact and alleviate poverty? 2005. 398 pages. 978-0-8213-5794-1. US$30.00
Alternative Remit tance Systems and Terrorism Financing
Issues in Risk Management By Matteo Vaccani
Explores alternative remittance systems and how countries are bringing them into their counter terrorist financing regime without hindering the poor’s ability to effectively send and receive funds at low cost. World Bank Working Papers
2009. 40 pages. 978-0-8213-8178-6. US$15.00
The Canada-Caribbean Remit tance C orrid or
Fostering Formal Remittances to Haiti and Jamaica through Effective Regulation
By Emiko Todoroki, Matteo Vaccani & Wameek Noor
This study is intended to assist Canadian and Caribbean national authorities in their mandate of providing incentives for the continued growth and competitiveness of their remittance industries, while protecting them from being abused by criminals. World Bank Working Papers
2009. 196 pages. 978-0-8213-7919-6. US$20.00
2005. 288 pages 978-0-8213-6372-0 Paperback. US$35.00 978-0-8213-6373-7 Hardback. US$80.00
Migrant L abor Remit tances in Sou th Asia By Samuel Munzele Maimbo, Richard Adams, Nikos Passas & Reena Aggarwal
Identifies and discusses the key issues affecting the remittance industry in South Asia. It examines the development and implementation of policies, processes, and infrastructure to foster a development-oriented transfer of financial resources between migrants in developed economies and their families in the region. Directions in Development Series
2005. 115 pages. 978-0-8213-6183-2. US$20.00
Migration and Remit tances
Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union Edited by Ali Mansoor & Bryce Quillin
Migration in Eastern Europe and Central Asia is relatively large by international standards, and has strong positive as well as negative effects on both sending and receiving countries. This reports provides and analysis of the trends and underlying policy options.
The Canada-Vietnam Remit tance C orrid or
Lessons on Shifting from Informal to Formal Transfer Systems By Raul Hernandez-Coss
By examining the Canada-Vietnam remittances corridor, this title draws lessons for other remittance sending and receiving countries that seek to encourage formalisation of the flows. World Bank Working Papers
2005. 82 pages. 978-0-8213-6127-6. US$15.00
The Germany-Serbia Remit tance C orrid or
Challenges of Establishing a Formal Money Transfer System
The Mal aysia-Ind onesia Remit tance C orrid or
Making Formal Transfers the Best Option for Women and Undocumented Migrants By Raul Hernandez-Coss et al
Provides a descriptive overview of the Malaysia–Indonesia remittance corridor and suggests policy avenues for improving access to formal remittance transfer channels, increasing the transparency of the flows and the cost structure, and facilitating remittance transfers. World Bank Working Papers
2008. 122 pages. 978-0-8213-7577-8. US$20.00
Sou th-Sou th Migration and Remit tances
By Dilip Ratha & William Shaw
Reports on preliminary results from an ongoing effort to improve data on bilateral migration stocks. It sets out some working hypotheses on the determinants and socioeconomic implications of South-South migration. World Bank Working Papers
2007. 64 pages. 978-0-8213-7072-8. US$15.00
The UK-Nigeria Remit tance C orrid or
Challenges of Embracing Formal Transfer Systems in a Dual Financial Environment
By Raul Hernandez-Coss & Chinyere Egwuagu Bun
Provides an overview of remittance flows from the United Kingdom to Nigeria and presents a series of specific recommendations to facilitate the transfer of remittance flows. World Bank Working Papers
2007. 98 pages. 978-0-8213-7023-0. US$8.00
The U.S.-Guatemal a Remit tance C orrid or
By Raul Hernandez-Coss, Hela Cheikhrouhou, Radwa El-Swaify & Rodrigo Jarque
Gives an overview of the intermediation of worker remittance flows from the United States to Guatemala. In contrast to other remittance corridors in the world, most transfers in this corridor are channelled in the United States through the formal sector, and distributed in Guatemala through the banking system. World Bank Working Papers
2006. 86 pages. 978-0-8213-6782-7. US$15.00
The U.S.-Mexic o Remit tance C orrid or
By Jose De Luna-Martinez, Isaku Endo & Corrado Barberis
Lessons on Shifting from Informal to Formal Transfer Systems
Provides an overview of remittance flows from Germany to Serbia and analyses why a large part of remittance transfers take place outside financial institutions. It presents a series of recommendations to facilitate the transfer of remittance flows from the informal channels to licensed or registered financial institutions.
By Raul Hernandez-Coss
By analysing the objectives, obstacles, incentives, and changes occurring at various stages in the U.S.-Mexico corridor, this book presents lessons for other remittance corridors seeking to achieve a comprehensive shift from informal to formal systems.
World Bank Working Papers
World Bank Working Papers
2006. 66 pages. 978-0-8213-6658-5. US$15.00
2005. 100 pages. 978-0-8213-6087-3. US$15.00
2006. 224 pages. 978-0-8213-6233-4. US$30.00
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