Spring 2024 World Bank Publications

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Flagship Titles.............................................. 1

East Asia and Pacific.................................. 25

Featured Titles........................................... 14 International Development in Focus............ 26 Africa ........................................................ 22 Index......................................................... 28 Latin America and the Caribbean................ 24

Middle East and North Africa...................... 25

World Bank Publications Distributors........... iii

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WORLD DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2024 Creative Destruction and the Middle-Income Trap By the World Bank

Over the past three decades, only 31 middle-income countries have transitioned to high income. How can the 108 countries that are currently at the middle stage of development avoid the “middle-income trap” and become highly developed? Building on 30 years of analysis, World Development Report 2024 sets out three guiding principles for policies that countries at the middle stage of development will need for growth: (1) to become more sophisticated by making the most of knowledge diffusion and imitating at scale; (2) to promote a contestable economy that facilitates greater economic and social mobility; and (3) to effectively discipline incumbent firms and economic elites through market regulations that allow innovation to thrive. P








The report will analyze these principles through the forces of creative destruction that shape the transformation of enterprises, expectations of the middle class, and the portfolio of energy sources. The report’s framework will propose how the forces of creation (from both entrants and incumbent firms), destruction (of outdated arrangements), and preservation (of existing norms and institutions) can be balanced to speed up progress.


CREATIVE DESTRUCTION and the Middle Income Trap

WORLD DEVELOPMENT REPORT May 2024. 320 pages. Stock no. C212078 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2078-6). US$54.95

CHAPTERS 1. The middle-income trap 2. From middle-income to the middle stage of development: A diagnostic guide 3. Incumbents as innovators: The new view of creative destruction 4. Norms, networks, and neighborhoods: Weakening the forces of preservation 5. Crises as disruptors: Energy crisis and lower-carbon innovation 6. Contestability for competitive and innovative enterprise 7. Promoting social mobility and talent development 8. Growing green


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Global growth is expected to slow further this year, reflecting the lagged and ongoing effects of tight monetary policy to rein in inflation, restrictive credit conditions, and anemic global trade and investment. Downside risks include an escalation of the recent conflict in the Middle East, financial stress, persistent inflation, weaker-than-expected activity in China, trade fragmentation, and climate-related disasters. Against this backdrop, policy makers face enormous challenges. In emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs), commodity exporters face the enduring challenges posed by fiscal policy procyclicality and volatility, which highlight the need for robust fiscal frameworks. Across EMDEs, previous episodes of investment growth acceleration underscore the critical importance of macroeconomic and structural policies and an enabling institutional environment in bolstering investment and long-term growth. At the global level, cooperation needs to be strengthened to provide debt relief, facilitate trade integration, tackle climate change, and alleviate food insecurity.

GLOBAL ECONOMIC PROSPECTS January 2024. 194 pages. Stock no. C212017 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2017-5). US$49.50

Global Economic Prospects is a World Bank Group Flagship Report that examines global economic developments and prospects, with a special focus on emerging market and developing economies, on a semiannual basis (in January and June). Each edition includes analytical pieces on topical policy challenges faced by these economies.


GLOBAL ECONOMIC PROSPECTS, JUNE 2024 June 2024. 194 pages. Stock no. C212058 (ISBN: 9781464820588). US$49.50


POVERTY AND SHARED PROSPERITY 2022 CORRECTING COURSE June 2022. 264 pages. Stock no. C211893 (ISBN: 9781464818936). US$49.50


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BUSINESS READY 2024 By the World Bank

Business Ready (B-READY) is the World Bank’s new flagship report benchmarking the business environment and investment climate in most economies worldwide. The report assesses the regulatory framework and public services directed at firms, and the efficiency with which regulatory framework and public services are combined in practice. B-READY focuses on 10 topics that are organized following the life cycle of the firm and its participation in the market while opening, operating (or expanding), and closing (or reorganizing) a business. The topics are: • • • • • • • • • •

Business entry Business location Utility services Labor Financial services International trade Taxation Dispute resolution Market competition Business insolvency

BUSINESS READY May 2024. 200 pages. Stock no. C212021 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2021-2). US$49.50

With data that are comparable across economies and over time, B-READY provides actionable evidence to promote reforms for a stronger private sector. The B-READY benchmarking exercise provides a quantitative assessment of the business environment for private sector development. In September 2021, World Bank Group management decided to improve upon and replace Doing Business. However, the Doing Business website continues to be publicly available as an archive of knowledge and data.


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WOMEN, BUSINESS AND THE LAW 2024 By the World Bank

Women, Business and the Law (WBL) is a World Bank Group project collecting data on the laws and regulations that affect women’s economic opportunity. By ensuring that gender-based discrimination against women does not hinder their access to resources and opportunities, a genderinclusive society can maximize its human capital and productivity. Inclusion starts with equal laws. Women, Business and the Law 2024 identifies where and in what areas legal inequalities still prevail. In doing so, it serves as an important resource for achieving women’s economic empowerment. The tenth in a series, the 2024 edition presents a dataset and index that highlight opportunities for the legal reforms needed for gender equality and introduces updates to its measurement that will be fully integrated into the index and scores in the 2025 edition of the report.

WOMEN, BUSINESS AND THE LAW March 2024. 128 pages. Stock no. C212063 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2063-2). US$43.95

When societies achieve gender equality, economies become more resilient. WBL is committed to informing research and policy discussions about the state of women’s economic opportunities and empowerment. Since 2009, the dataset offers objective and measurable benchmarks for global progress toward gender equality. Gender equality is essential for ending poverty on a livable planet. The report demonstrates the progress made while emphasizing the work still to be done to ensure economic empowerment for all.


WOMEN, BUSINESS AND THE LAW 2023 April 2023. 128 pages. Stock no. C211944 (ISBN: 9781464819445). US$43.95


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PURCHASING POWER PARITIES AND THE SIZE OF WORLD ECONOMIES Results from the 2021 International Comparison Program By the World Bank

The International Comparison Program (ICP) is a worldwide statistical initiative led by the World Bank under the auspices of the United Nations Statistical Commission. Through a partnership of international, regional, subregional, and national agencies, the ICP collects price data and national accounts expenditures from over 170 economies to estimate purchasing power parities (PPPs). Results from each cycle comprise comparable price, volume, and per capita measures of GDP and its expenditure aggregates across the world’s economies. The report provides an analysis of the results of the ICP 2021 cycle covering the benchmark year 2021 and revised results for 2017. As a global public good, these results will allow policy makers and users to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy, and on prices, expenditures, output, and material well-being of each economy, and to apply these data in socioeconomic and development monitoring including the Sustainable Development Goals. The report also outlines the current PPP estimation methodology and discusses how the program’s stakeholders adapted to the extraordinary circumstances brought about by the pandemic. INTERNATIONAL COMPARISON PROGRAM June 2024. 150 pages. Stock no. C212073 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2073-1). US$43.95


PURCHASING POWER PARITIES AND THE SIZE OF WORLD ECONOMIES Results from the 2017 International Comparison Program July 2020. 120 pages. Stock no. C211530 (ISBN: 9781464815300). US$45.00


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JOBS FOR DEVELOPMENT By Andreas Eberhard-Ruiz, Dino Merotto, Federica Saliola, and Ian Walker

Development reaches people through jobs. Economic growth transforms societies. But it is through increases in labor income from jobs that people reap these gains. Yet the limited availability of quality jobs remains the most pressing economic problem in developing countries. This report applies a jobs-focused approach to development, which puts the creation of more productive and better-paying jobs at the center of country growth strategies. To support the approach, it presents an empirically grounded conceptual and operational framework built on new global, regional, country, and subnational data from over three decades that reveal how patterns of jobs and production vary across different stages of the development process. It aims to help practitioners prioritize country-specific policy areas around three pillars: production, people, and places.

April 2024. 80 pages. Stock no. C212011 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2011-3). US$43.95

The report’s main aim is operational. It makes three contributions to the debate on how jobs can be integrated in development projects and programs, by: (1) helping focus country diagnostics on the creation of more productive and better-paying jobs with economic growth; (2) providing new knowledge from global and in-country patterns of employment as countries develop; and (3) offering practitioners guidance on how to improve the design and monitoring of programs and projects to maximize their impact on jobs.


COLLAPSE AND RECOVERY How the COVID-19 Pandemic Eroded Human Capital and What to Do about It March 2023. 186 pages. Stock no. C211901 (ISBN: 9781464819018). US$43.95


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The state, as an owner of businesses, competes and collaborates with the private sector, and this involvement has profound implications for investment and growth. Governments actively participate in commercial markets in different forms, from controlling the production of goods and services to investing in firms as a minority shareholder. The impact of state participation on an economy’s growth depends on the type of public-private ownership, the types of markets, and the importance of those markets in the economy. The impact also depends on how policies and institutions regulate both the businesses with state ownership and the markets in which they are active. The Business of the State uses new evidence covering 91 countries from the World Bank’s Global Businesses of the State database to highlight the distinction between businesses of the state and traditionally understood state-owned enterprises. The report analyzes how different ownership forms across sectors and institutional settings affect private investment, productivity, technology adoption, and job creation. It also analyzes how government participation in markets influences the ability of economies to respond to shocks, from pandemics to climate change. The report proposes a clear analytical framework for understanding the consequences of relying on businesses of the state to attain specific development goals.

December 2023. 204 pages. Stock no. C211998 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-1998-8). US$43.95


OFF THE BOOKS Understanding and Mitigating the Fiscal Risks of Infrastructure March 2023. 176 pages. Stock no. C211937 (ISBN: 9781464819377). US$43.95


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WITHIN REACH Navigating the Political Economy of Decarbonization By Stephane Hallegatte, Catrina Godinho, Jun Rentschler, Paolo Avner, Ira Irina Dorband, Camilla Knudsen, and Penny Mealy

Climate change presents a unique challenge in that policy makers need to balance the speed and scale required to achieve global objectives within the time required to ensure political acceptability and social sustainability. Within Reach: Navigating the Political Economy of Decarbonization identifies the key political economy barriers and explores the options to address them through four key recommendations: • Climate governance: strategically adapt the institutional architecture and embed climate objectives into a positive development narrative. • Policy sequencing: balance short-term feasibility and long-term ambition. • Policy design: focus on people and manage the distributional effects of climate policies. • Policy process: use public engagement and communication to improve design and legitimacy. CLIMATE CHANGE AND DEVELOPMENT January 2024. 105 pages. Stock no. C211953 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-1953-7). US$43.95

This book shows how appropriate governance frameworks, strong institutional capacity, well-designed policies with adequate compensation measures, and early engagement with all stakeholders are essential strategic elements to building consensus and momentum for transformative policies. By deploying these tools, policy makers can navigate the urgency in climate action and its political economy challenges to achieve their long-term climate goals and secure a livable planet.


REALITY CHECK Lessons from 25 Policies Advancing a Low-Carbon Future October 2023. 194 pages. Stock no. C211996 (ISBN: 9781464819964). US$43.95


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In 2000, the World Bank published a landmark report, Can Africa Claim the 21st Century? It proposed four areas of reform, and the priorities that were highlighted are even more pertinent today: improve governance and reduce conflict; invest in people; increase competitiveness and diversify economies; and reduce aid dependence and debt. It is time to reexamine, reconsider, and reimagine the pressures on and potential for the continent, as well as develop an inclusive growth model for this new era. Positioning Africa to Claim the Post-COVID 21st Century fleshes out the policy instruments that can help countries on a sustainable development path. The work revisits the priorities of the original report, analyzes how they have evolved, and reassesses the development trajectory, taking the current megatrends into account. Finally, this sequel report investigates the challenges and highlights opportunities for accelerating Africa’s economic transformation, especially to create more and better jobs.

June 2024. 150 pages. Stock no. C212080 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2080-9). US$43.95


DIGITAL AFRICA Technological Transformation for Jobs April 2023. 246 pages. Stock no. C211737 (ISBN: 9781464817373). US$48.50


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BOOSTING AFRICA’S GROWTH POTENTIAL The Power of Reducing Poverty and Inequality Edited by Nistha Sinha, Gabriela Inchauste, and Ambar Narayan

Economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa has slowed significantly since its impressive momentum of the early 2000s. Even during the high growth period, the region experienced slower poverty reduction than other parts of the world. More than a third of the region’s population still live on less than $2.15 per day as of 2019. Average household disposable incomes are also low, which in turn constrains the size of domestic markets, the private sector, and the ability of governments to provide public goods. Moreover, incomes are highly concentrated, making Africa one of the most unequal regions in the world. High poverty and inequality not only imply an unacceptable human cost—they also dampen economic growth, which is essential for reducing poverty in the region.

May 2024. 180 pages. Stock no. C212079 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2079-3). US$43.95

This report draws on the latest data on poverty and inequality to examine countries’ growth potential from the bottom up. It revisits Africa’s poverty, inequality, and growth patterns and explores how these are shaped through three key channels: inequality of opportunities; inequality in market power and distortions that shape how much workers earn and where they work; and the limited use of fiscal policy tools to equalize opportunities, invest in public goods, and raise revenues. The findings lead to a set of pro-growth poverty and inequality reduction policies that are crucially needed to revitalize growth in the region.


BOOSTING PRODUCTIVITY IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA Policies and Institutions to Promote Efficiency December 2021. 174 pages. Stock no. C211550 (ISBN: 9781464815508). US$39.95


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FIXING THE FOUNDATION Teachers and Basic Education in East Asia and Pacific By Rythia Afkar, Tara Beteille, Mary Breeding, Toby Linden, Andrew Mason, Aaditya Mattoo, Tobias Pfutze, Lars Sondergaard, and Noah Yarrow

Middle-income countries in the East Asia and Pacific region were already experiencing serious learning deficits prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. COVIDrelated school disruptions have only made things worse. Learning poverty— defined as the percentage of 10-year-olds who cannot read and understand an age-appropriate text—is as high as 90 percent in several countries. Several large Southeast Asian countries consistently perform well below expectations on adolescent learning assessments. This report examines key factors affecting student learning in the region, with emphasis on the central role of teachers and teaching quality. It also analyzes the role of education technologies, which came into widespread use during the pandemic, and examines the political economy of education reform. The report presents recommendations on how countries can strengthen teaching to improve learning and, in doing so, can enhance productivity, growth, and future development in the region.

WORLD BANK EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC REGIONAL REPORT December 2023. 158 pages. Stock no. C211904 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-1904-9). US$43.95


THE INNOVATION IMPERATIVE FOR DEVELOPING EAST ASIA May 2021. 220 pages. Stock no. C211606 (ISBN: 9781464816062). US$48.50


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THE EVOLVING GEOGRAPHY OF PRODUCTIVITY AND EMPLOYMENT Ideas for Inclusive Growth through a Territorial Lens in Latin America and the Caribbean By Elena Ianchovichina

This report employs a territorial lens to understand the persistently low economic growth rates in Latin America and the Caribbean. Using new data sources and methods, it argues that deindustrialization, distance, and divisions can explain an urban productivity paradox: Latin America’s cities should be among the world’s most productive given their density; however, they suffer from poor connectivity and lack of dynamism. Especially in the largest cities, deindustrialization has shifted urban employment away from tradables such as manufactured goods towards less dynamic, low-productivity nontradable activities, including retail trade, personal, and other services. These activities benefit less from agglomeration economies, especially in highly congested cities. The region’s productive centers remain connected by inadequate and poorly planned infrastructure, which has kept the inter-urban costs of distance high, limiting market access and the ability of firms to benefit from specialization by relocating from larger deindustrializing cities to smaller urban areas. Within urban areas, poor connectivity and residential labor market segregation limit the gains from agglomeration. WORLD BANK LATIN AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN STUDIES February 2024. 244 pages. Stock no. C211959 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-1959-9). US$43.95

On the other hand, the report finds that agricultural and mining areas have benefited from strong demand for commodities in China and other fastgrowing economies, particularly during the Golden Decade (2003–13). This has led to a little-documented decline in territorial inequality in most countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. The report concludes that to raise inclusive growth, countries must be more efficient in transforming natural wealth into human capital, infrastructure, and institutions, and improve the competitiveness of the urban economy. The report sketches out the contours of such a development strategy, identifying policy priorities at the national, regional, and local levels.


THE EVOLVING GEOGRAPHY OF PRODUCTIVITY AND EMPLOYMENT Ideas for Inclusive Growth through a Territorial Lens in Latin America and the Caribbean February 2024. 260 pages. Stock no. C212048 (ISBN: 9781464820489). US$48.50


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LAND MATTERS (FRENCH EDITION) Can Better Governance and Management of Scarcity Prevent a Looming Crisis in the Middle East and North Africa? By Anna Corsi and Harris Selod

Across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), land is scarce and valuable. Demand for land is projected to dramatically increase to meet the needs of a fast-growing urban population. At the same time, the supply of land is restricted by weak governance and climate factors, causing the quasiexhaustion of cultivable land reserves. As a result, a crisis is looming. Yet land continues to be used inefficiently, inequitably, and unsustainably. Land Matters identifies and analyzes the economic, environmental, and social challenges associated with land in the MENA region, shedding light on policy options and proposing paths to reform. It concludes that MENA countries need to act promptly, think more holistically about land, reassess the strategic trade-offs, and minimize land distortions. This report promotes a culture of open data, transparency, and inclusive dialogue on land, while filling major data gaps. These important steps will contribute to renewing the social contract, transforming the region economically and digitally, improving women’s land rights, and facilitating recovery and reconstruction in a context of dramatic social, political, and climatic transformation.

February 2024. 142 pages. Stock no. C211890 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-1890-5). US$43.95


LAND MATTERS (ENGLISH EDITION) Can Better Governance and Management of Scarcity Prevent a Looming Crisis in the Middle East and North Africa? February 2023. 128 pages. Stock no. C211661 (ISBN: 9781464816611). US$48.50

LAND MATTERS (ARABIC EDITION) Can Better Governance and Management of Scarcity Prevent a Looming Crisis in the Middle East and North Africa? February 2023. 114 pages. Stock no. C211889 (ISBN: 9781464818899). US$43.95


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The International Debt Report (IDR) is a longstanding annual publication of the World Bank featuring external debt statistics and analysis for the 122 countries that report to the World Bank Debtor Reporting System. IDR 2023 is the 50th annual edition and includes (1) analyses of external debt stocks and flows as of end-2022 for these countries; (2) the macroeconomic and debt outlook for 2023 and beyond; (3) a focus on improved public debt transparency and the quality of debt reporting; (4) a discussion of the need for innovative approaches to debt management; (5) a commentary on how the International Debt Statistics database serves as an indispensable resource for researchers and policy makers; and (6) a one-page snapshot of relevant debt indicators and summary of debt stocks and flows for six years (2010 and 2018–22) for each country, plus global income group and regional aggregates.

INTERNATIONAL DEBT REPORT January 2024. 210 pages. Stock no. C212032 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2032-8). US$49.50

Unique in its coverage of the important trends and issues fundamental to the financing of low- and middle-income countries, IDR 2023 is an indispensable resource for governments, economists, investors, financial consultants, academics, bankers, and the entire development community. For more information on IDR 2023 and related products, please visit the World Bank’s Debt Statistics website at www.worldbank.org/ debtstatistics.





How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the adoption of digital technologies and the digital divide? How much does the digital sector contribute to economic growth and job creation? Which developing countries have been more successful at creating value in the digital sector and what factors contributed to their success? How can governments catalyze private investments to expand, upgrade, and green the broadband and data infrastructure to narrow the multifaceted digital divide, enable broader digitalization, and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions? What is digital public infrastructure and why is it important? What are the opportunities and challenges artificial intelligence (AI) will bring about? How do governments’ approaches to AI governance differ, and what are the implications for developing countries? These are the questions the inaugural edition of the Digital Progress and Trends Report series seeks to answer. The report series will track global digitalization progress and highlight policy trends, debates, and implications for developing countries.

January 2024. 140 pages. Stock no. C212049 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2049-6). US$43.95


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THE CHANGING WEALTH OF NATIONS 2024 Richer, Yet Less Wealthy By the World Bank

The Changing Wealth of Nations 2024 discusses the importance of measuring changes in the wealth of nations and highlights the limitations of using gross domestic product as a measure of progress. The book introduces the concept of real wealth per capita as a more comprehensive measure that considers the value of all assets that support economic production. It also provides an overview of the distribution of global wealth, showing that wealth is highly concentrated in rich countries and that wealth disparities persist across income groups. The book further analyzes the trends in real wealth per capita by region and highlights the decline in wealth per capita in some countries, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa.

May 2024. 280 pages. Stock no. C212067 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2067-0). US$49.50

THE STATE OF ECONOMIC INCLUSION REPORT 2024 Moving to Scale in Uncertain Times By Inés Arévalo Sánchez, Janet Heisey, Sarang Chaudhary, Timothy Clay, Victoria Strokova, Puja Vasudeva Dutta, and Colin Andrews

The State of Economic Inclusion Report 2024 reveals a renewed surge in economic inclusion programs, responding to a rapidly changing world where governments must grapple with multiple interconnected and reinforcing crises. Vulnerable people in extreme poverty, especially women and youth, continue to be disproportionately impacted. The fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, high inflation, rising food insecurity and climate shocks, and conflict and volatility worldwide imperil hundreds of millions of people and threaten global efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Yet, while the relevance and potential of targeted support for people in extreme poverty remains great, sluggish economic growth and increasing debt are reducing countries’ fiscal space, limiting their ability to respond to these overlapping and lasting crises. Economic inclusion programs are increasing in number and also scaling up, but they remain small relative to the challenges we face, pushing government and nongovernmental organizations to explore scalable solutions in contexts of increased April 2024. 125 pages. uncertainty and limited fiscal space. This report, following on the ground-breaking State Stock no. C212076 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2076-2). US$43.95 of Economic Inclusion Report 2021, presents the new landscape of economic inclusion programming, explores three policy drivers pushing this agenda forward, including efforts to enhance climate resilience for the extreme poor and vulnerable, and examines how economic inclusion programs are moving to scale, even in uncertain times. WORLD BANK PUBLICATIONS

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GREEN DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION How to Sustainably Close the Digital Divide and Harness Digital Tools for Climate Action By the World Bank

Climate change is unfolding amid the greatest information and communication revolution in human history. From e-commerce and social media to smart manufacturing and precision farming, digital technologies have become prevalent in all aspects of economic and social life. Digital technologies also have the potential to shape climate change action. Green digital transformation can help countries adapt effectively to the impacts of climate change and create greener growth pathways. Doing this means combining a focus on digital transformation and inclusion with a strategic and sustainable use of digital technologies to address climate change.


Green Digital Transformation: How to Sustainably Close the Digital Divide and Harness Digital Tools for Climate Action illuminates the channels through which digital technologies intersect with climate change, and it proposes a path to low-emissions applications of digital technologies to help countries mitigate and adapt to climate change.

January 2023. 170 pages. Stock no. C212002 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2002-1). US$43.95

WATER FOR SHARED PROSPERITY By Fan Zhang and Christian Borja-Vega

Water for Shared Prosperity aims to introduce a novel way of positioning water as an engine for growth and equity by highlighting the deep associations between water and inclusive growth. The report identifies risks and opportunities within the global water sector that affect shared prosperity to promote more active international dialogue on water challenges and solutions. To that end, it synthesizes existing evidence and generates new empirical evidence based on the most recent data available on the intricate interplay between water and shared prosperity. The report also discusses the policy implications to underscore the need for comprehensive governance frameworks, investment strategies, technology and innovation, and community engagement to achieve shared prosperity through sustainable water management. June 2024. 85 pages. Stock no. C212071 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2071-7). US$35


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HARNESSING CLOUD INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS FOR GOVERNMENT Strategic Directions for Developing Countries By Dr. Vaiva Mačiulė, Natalija Gelvanovska-Garcia, and Carlo Maria Rossotto

The World Development Report 2021: Data for Better Lives underscored the recent unprecedented growth and ubiquity of data and the fact that still much of their value remains untapped. To realize their potential, data must be captured, analyzed, shared, and used. Data and cloud infrastructure presents technological means to enable these processes. Yet markets offering data and cloud infrastructure services across developing countries are nascent, with most computing capacities and data centers located in highincome countries. The lack of quality access to affordable cloud and data infrastructure services holds back the ability of countries to harness—at scale—advanced digital technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence. Today, those technologies are fueling digital transformation around the world and countries lagging will fall behind. While the objective of harnessing data for better lives is clear, developing a vibrant cloud and data infrastructure market is not a low-hanging fruit. It requires an understanding of the technology, its developmental trends, how investment decisions are made, clear policy, and supportive regulatory environments. This report is a joint World Bank-International Finance Corporation effort to highlight what matters in each of those areas and to support developing countries on their path to develop cloud and data infrastructure markets.

SUSTAINABLE INFRASTRUCTURE March 2024. 130 pages. Stock no. C212065 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2065-6). US$43.95

THE PATH TO 5G IN THE DEVELOPING WORLD Planning Ahead for a Smooth Transition By the World Bank

The global race for 5G has seen countries riding a new wave of wireless technology. 5G is the next-generation mobile communication technology, with the capacity to enable a significantly higher level of performance over 4G mobile communications. It provides a new layer of connectivity to support innovative, data-intense applications. With the estimated impact of 5G on global GDP in the trillions of US dollars, 5G will drive innovation, job creation, productivity, and competitiveness across a range of sectors, with many new use cases currently being tested. What does this mean for developing countries, and how can governments prepare? This report surveys the technical capabilities of 5G and explores how it can help countries reach connectivity goals by using 5G as a layer of connectivity alongside 4G and other modalities of connectivity. It also provides a guide for policy makers to better understand the opportunities, challenges, and risks posed by 5G so that they can plan for an enabling policy and regulatory ecosystem that supports the path to advanced mobile network deployment, access, and adoption.

SUSTAINABLE INFRASTRUCTURE March 2024. 150 pages. Stock no. C211604 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-1604-8). US$48.50


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TRADE AND CLIMATE CHANGE Policy Considerations for Developing Countries By Paul Brenton, Vicky Chemutai, Maryla Maliszewska, and Iryna Sikora

Historically, developing countries have contributed marginally to the global climate change problem, and yet today, they are suffering the most adverse consequences. Furthermore, to address mitigation and adaptation to climate change, these developing countries must also contribute to the collective solutions. How they navigate this transition will be framed by how trade and climate policies are designed or revised and the extent to which these policies deliver effective, efficient, and equitable outcomes.

April 2024. 300 pages. Stock no. C212013 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2013-7). US$54.95

To contribute to this debate, this report provides analysis and proposes tools that can be used to guide policy makers in developing countries on key issues related to trade. Part 1 analyzes climate change and the evolving comparative advantages of developing country trade. Part 2 takes an in-depth look into the design of climate-related trade policy instruments that support developing country trade. Part 3 concludes with a summary of how developing countries, with support from the World Bank and others, can respond to these twin challenges for trade of adapting to the changing climate and adjusting to climate policies implemented to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


This report has two goals: first, to better understand how trade integration impacts the quantity and quality of jobs in developing countries and the underlying channels through which workers adjust; and second, to offer data, analytics, and a clear framework to help policy makers maximize the aggregate labor market gains from trade while minimizing the adjustment costs for workers. The conceptual framework of this report highlights the factors underlying how trade impacts labor markets: (1) the nature of trade integration; (2) characteristics of people and jobs; (3) labor market channels; and (4) policies that influence all of these factors.

April 2024. 200 pages. Stock no. C212012 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2012-0). US$49.50


The report benefits from newly created datasets and analysis that identify different specialization patterns of activities performed in exports and global value chains and quantify worker transitions out of informality or unemployment. It also offers a comprehensive policy framework for leveraging trade for more and better jobs in developing countries, distinguishing policies for people, sectors, and places. Policy priorities between countries vary, depending on the nature of trade integration and their extent of structural transformation.

www.worldbank.org/publications • books@worldbank.org



FALLING LONG-TERM GROWTH PROSPECTS Trends, Expectations, and Policies Edited by M. Ayhan Kose and Franziska Ohnsorge

Structural growth slowdown is under way across the world: at current trends, the global rate of potential growth is expected to fall to a three-decade low over the remainder of the 2020s. Nearly all the forces that have powered growth and prosperity since the early 1990s have weakened. In addition, a series of shocks has affected the global economy over the past three years. A persistent and broad-based decline in long-term growth prospects imperils the ability of emerging market and developing economies to combat poverty, tackle climate change, and meet other key development objectives. The challenges presented by this potential inability call for an ambitious policy response at the national and global levels. This book presents the first detailed analysis of the growth slowdown and a rich menu of policy options to deliver better growth outcomes. January 2024. 548 pages. Stock no. C212000 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2000-7). US$63.00


Access to finance is critical to ensuring productive investments. Yet a myriad of financial distortions, frictions, and market failures can prevent the efficient allocation of financial resources toward the most productive firms and uses and negatively impact aggregate productivity and economic growth. Drawing from a newly constructed dataset of 2.5 million private firms, this report presents novel evidence about the productivity gains that low- and middle-income countries can obtain by removing financial distortions and fostering efficient and inclusive financial markets.

January 2024. 152 pages. Stock no. C211939 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-1939-1). US$43.95


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CHANGE CANNOT WAIT Building Resilient Health Systems in the Shadow of COVID-19 By Sulzhan Bali, Zara Shubber, and Feng Zhao

The devastating health, economic, and societal impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic remain on every continent. COVID-19 underscored how unprepared we are for a publichealth emergency of staggering proportions. And yet potentially graver health threats loom. The increasing number of acute infectious diseases combines with trends such as population aging, chronic-disease burdens, and climate change to raise the risk of syndemics—events in which two or more diseases adversely interact with each other and with political and economic conditions of inequality and poverty. The only way to prevent, prepare for, and manage these threats is by building resilient health systems to withstand shocks and improve health outcomes between crises.

April 2024. 100 pages. Stock no. C212015 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2015-1). US$43.95

Using examples from countries, this report shows how strengthening resilience is within every country’s reach, even those with low incomes. It describes the key features of resilient systems as integrated systems that are aware of threats, agile in response to evolving needs, absorptive of shocks, adaptive to minimize disruptions, and able to transform after crises based on lessons learned. The report makes recommendations for countries to operationalize resilience based on a framework that prioritizes investments according to their impact. A key message of the report is urgency. Investments are needed to save lives and economies—before it is too late.

SILVER OPPORTUNITY CASE STUDIES Experiences with Building Integrated Services for Older Adults around Primary Health Care By Xiaohui Hou, Jigyasa Sharma, and Feng Zhao

Health care systems must be prepared to address the expanding and complex needs of an aging population. Rather than a “silver challenge,” this should be seen as an opportunity to reevaluate and reorganize the healthcare delivery system holistically.

April 2024. 170 pages. Stock no. C212014 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2014-4). US$43.95


This book presents a comprehensive examination of care for older adults in diverse economic and geographical contexts through a collection of country and regional case studies. This collection of case studies complements the synthesis volume of global evidence—Silver Opportunity: Building Integrated Services for Older Adults around Primary Health Care—by offering practical insights for decision-making, sharing knowledge, and encouraging cross-learning. The book provides a deeper understanding of the complexities involved and highlights key issues and current practices at the country level. The overarching goal of the volume is to inform policy makers, health care professionals, and other stakeholders about effective practices for caring for older adults, and to support the development of evidence-based policies that enhance their health and well-being.

www.worldbank.org/publications • books@worldbank.org



REVENUE ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK By Raúl Félix Junquera-Varela and Cristian Óliver Lucas-Mas

This handbook is a tool that provides a comprehensive overview of the structure and management of tax and customs administrations. It comprises research in the areas of tax policy design that impact tax administration, institutional setup and strategic planning, analytical capacities and maturity models, core business processes, tax sanctions, digital transformation of revenue administrations, and building data science capabilities. This book offers a holistic view of the appropriate technology to be applied by tax and customs administrations, taking into account their respective maturity level. It presents pioneer work in the field of digital transformation, including a road map for policy makers and tax officials on how to incorporate disruptive technologies such as machine learning into modern revenue administrations. Examples from actual World Bank projects are provided so that tax policy makers and tax officials as well as information technology experts and information and communication technology providers can understand the needs of revenue administrations to design and implement the most appropriate technology solutions. This handbook is intended to serve as a reference work that facilitates the progress and modernization of revenue administrations in all countries. It is meant to extend beyond tax experts and policy makers to reach other government officials, business and academic communities, as well as the larger public, since all are relevant stakeholders playing an active role in day-to-day revenue administration operations.

April 2024. 238 pages. Stock no. C212053 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2053-3). US$54.95

THE GOVERNMENT ANALYTICS HANDBOOK Leveraging Data to Strengthen Public Administration Edited by Daniel Rogger and Christian Schuster

The Government Analytics Handbook presents frontier evidence and practitioner insights on how to leverage data to strengthen public administration. Covering a range of microdata sources—such as administrative data and public servant surveys—as well as tools and resources for undertaking the analytics, it transforms the ability of governments to take a data-informed approach to diagnose and improve how public organizations work. Readers can order the book as a single volume in print or digital formats, or visit worldbank.org/governmentanalytics for modular access and additional hands-on tools. The Handbook is a must-have for practitioners, policy makers, academics, and government agencies.

October 2023. 782 pages. Stock no. C211957 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-1957-5). US$83.00


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African countries’ ability to create productive jobs and to effectively confront the challenges of climate change will depend on land policies that promote investment, market participation, and taxation of private land to be able to provide essential public goods and services. However, the high cost of land registration together with unrealistic land use regulations and opaque public land management impede land and financial market functioning in much of Sub-Saharan Africa, undermining trust in the state, capacity for own source revenue generation, and agricultural intensification.

March 2024. 165 pages. Stock no. C212024 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2024-3). US$43.95

This report discusses how African countries can take advantage of digital interoperability, remote sensing, and connectivity to reduce urban informality and improve the functioning of land and mortgage markets. This will strengthen the social contract and provide growth-enhancing public services; recognize, demarcate, and register (digital) use rights to customary land to improve the functioning of rural factor markets; and sustainably manage public land in a way that is competitive and ensures continued provision of public goods to future generations.

BUILDING BRIDGES TO ECONOMIC SUCCESS Empowering Adolescent Girls in Africa Edited by Kehinde Ajayi and Estelle Koussoubé

Building Bridges to Economic Success focuses on the economic empowerment of adolescent girls in Africa, recognizing the crucial fact that adolescent girls are not a homogenous group. Adolescent girls vary along multiple dimensions, such as school attendance, engagement in work, transitions to marriage, and childbearing. Additionally, they live in diverse contexts marked by varied cultural, social, legal, and economic environments. These differences in their experiences and contexts have significant implications for their levels of economic empowerment, emphasizing the need for tailored program and policy design. Going beyond the examination of common obstacles to economic well-being, this report highlights gender-specific constraints that uniquely impact adolescent girls.

April 2024. 150 pages. Stock no. C212061 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2061-8). US$43.95


Drawing on rigorous analysis and a review of existing evidence, the report outlines evidence-based approaches to support adolescent girls, their households, and their broader environments, enabling girls to achieve their fullest potential. Furthermore, this report aims to analyze various segments of adolescent girls to identify strategies for maximizing the impact of programs and policies. Finally, the report offers practical guidance for policy makers to address existing challenges to adolescent girls’ empowerment and set them on a pathway to economic success.

www.worldbank.org/publications • books@worldbank.org



MIGRANTS, MARKETS, AND MAYORS Rising above the Employment Challenge in Africa’s Secondary Cities Edited by Luc Christiaensen and Nancy Lozano-Gracia

In our rapidly urbanizing world, mayors often see migrants as a burden to their cities’ labor markets and a threat to their development. Drawing on national household surveys and four secondary city case studies in Africa, this report finds that migrants—being younger, better educated, and complementary to the resident labor force—can strengthen the urban labor force. Labor market outcomes for migrants generally are at least as good as those for residents. Migrants also contribute increasingly less to urban population growth. Secondary cities and towns appear particularly well placed to leverage migration if they have good urban management that develops land and labor markets, prepares for growth, and benefits everyone, migrants as well as residents. Migrant-specific interventions are warranted when divisions between natives and migrants are deep. Strengthening the financial, technical, and planning capacity of towns and secondary cities to better integrate migrants is part and parcel of the good jobs agenda. ALSO AVAILABLE IN FRENCH

MIGRANTS, MARKETS, AND MAYORS Rising above the Employment Challenge in Africa’s Secondary Cities

AFRICA DEVELOPMENT FORUM January 2024. 224 pages. Stock no. C211903 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-1903-2). US$43.95

June 2024. 222 pages. Stock no. C212083 (ISBN: 9781464820830). US$49.50

THE LABOR MARKET IMPACT OF FORCED DISPLACEMENT Jobs in Host Communities in Colombia, Ethiopia, Jordan, and Uganda By Jan von der Goltz, Kirsten Schuettler, Julie Bousquet, and Tewodros Aragie Kebede

When refugees arrive, host communities often worry what will happen to their jobs. To inform effective policy, this study looks at four economies with different income levels and policies toward refugees: Colombia, Ethiopia, Jordan, and Uganda. Using data and methods for cross-country comparison, this study complements the existing literature on refugees and host communities. The study shows that, in a context of aid and government investment, the overall labor market effects of hosting refugees are modest or even positive across the four economies. Yet some host country workers can be adversely affected while others enjoy new opportunities. Policy makers should look to address the concerns of host workers who face losses, but equally, to help host communities and refugees seize important new opportunities. March 2024. 300 pages. Stock no. C212041 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2041-0). US$54.95


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PUBLIC SPENDING POLICIES IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN When Cyclicality Meets Rigidities By Daniel Riera-Crichton and Guillermo Vuletin

This report highlights structural differences in public spending policies between emerging markets and industrialized nations. Emerging markets commit to long-term (rigid) spending based on short-term (cyclical) economic conditions, leading to fiscal imbalances and prompting changes in public spending composition. The report analyzes the cyclical behavior of individual components beyond overall primary spending.

April 2024. 120 pages. Stock no. C212069 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2069-4). US$43.95

The authors identify three prevalent spending policy anomalies in emerging markets. First, public spending in emerging markets is semi-procyclical during economic upswings. In prosperous times, governments increase spending due to temporary economic growth and greater borrowing access. This spending involves downwardrigid commitments that persist during downturns. This approach not only heightens macroeconomic volatility but also diminishes the quality of public investment. Secondly, high levels of labor market informality in emerging markets render automatic stabilizers like unemployment insurance impractical. Instead, governments resort to public employment and social transfer programs during economic downturns. Ultimately, the downward rigidity of certain spending components and the need for fiscal sustainability necessitate adjustments, resulting in significant changes in spending composition. This, in turn, leads to biases against pension benefits and public investment as these categories offer flexibility and discretion.

COMPETITION AND PRODUCTIVITY IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN By Ekaterina Vostroknutova, James Sampi, Charl Joost, and Jorge Thompson Araujo

Competition is central to economic growth, but empirical evidence is limited on how competition affects productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean. This study fills this gap with state-of-the-art empirical research. It draws on firm surveys in the formal sector and domestic competition enforcement datasets in Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, and Uruguay. It also presents new methodologies to measure the impact on productivity from the enforcement of competition laws and import competition in manufacturing, services, and information and communication technology sectors.

May 2024. 150 pages. Stock no. C212081 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2081-6). US$43.50


The report finds that enforcing domestic competition increases firm productivity in Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, and Uruguay, while removing local barriers to entry increases firm productivity in Peru. But few firms in Chile are able to respond to a sharp rise in imports from China by increasing productivity or innovation, highlighting the need for complementary policies during trade liberalization. Ensuring market contestability is key for preparing firms to weather such shocks and emerge as more productive markets. Complementary policies are also needed to increase the effectiveness of competition, including innovation policies that strengthen managerial capabilities and policies that help mitigate the impact of trade shocks.

www.worldbank.org/publications • books@worldbank.org




Mobility is influenced significantly by gender and by social, economic, and cultural factors. The fact that mobility is not gender neutral has been supported by a large body of systematic empirical evidence gathered worldwide in the context of industrialized as well as emerging and lower-income economies. One’s gender identity as a man, woman, or nonbinary person alongside other intersecting identities of age, education, work status, sexuality, ability, and caregiving status as well as geographic location (in a rural, urban, suburban, or peri-urban community in an industrialized, low-income economy, for example) may significantly affect one’s ability to access and afford reliable and safe public or private transportation. This report aims to analyze the travel practices, spatial accessibility to economic opportunities, barriers, and needs of women in the Middle East and North Africa region. The book also provides evidence on women’s mobility barriers and their impact on women’s employment outcomes.

MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA DEVELOPMENT REPORT March 2024. 150 pages Stock no. C212084 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2084-7). US$43.95

SERVICES UNBOUND Technological Change and Policy Reform in East Asia and Pacific By the World Bank

Services will be central to transition East Asia and Pacific to a high-income region. Finance, communication, transportation, retail, health, and education already generate more than half the output and employment in the region’s economies. But a region that has thrived through openness to trade and investment in manufacturing still maintains innovation-inhibiting barriers to entry and competition in key services sectors. New evidence reveals the transformative impact of the dramatic diffusion of digital technologies and partial reform of policies. The result is higher productivity in services, as well as in the manufacturing sectors that use these services. The new technologies are also creating increased demand for sophisticated skills. At the same time, the improved access to education, health, and finance made possible by reforms and digitalization is equipping people to take advantage of these new opportunities. The report argues that deeper reforms could unleash a virtuous cycle of increasing economic opportunity and enhanced human capacity that would power development in the region. May 2024. 90 pages. Stock no. C212082 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2082-3). US$43.95


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INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN FOCUS The International Development in Focus series comprises original, well-developed studies that highlight current development issues and are intended to influence programs and policy. These books result from research and analysis carried out as part of the World Bank’s operational work around the world.

BRACED FOR IMPACT Reforming Kazakhstan’s National Financial Holding for Development Effectiveness and Market Creation By Martin Melecky, Pasquale Di Benedetta, Ismael Ahmad Fontan, Ganbaatar Jambal, and Michel Noel

This book offers a toolkit for assessing the readiness of national development finance institutions (DFIs) for delivering credible development impact and creating markets. It applies this toolkit to Baiterek—the National Financial Holding of DFIs in Kazakhstan—to derive policy options and practical recommendations in the given country context. INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN FOCUS

December 2023. 122 pages. Stock no. C212016 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2016-8). US$41.95

ESSAYS ON EQUITY, HEALTH, AND EDUCATION IN SIERRA LEONE Selected Challenges and Benefits Edited by Alejandro de la Fuente, Elizabeth Foster, and Quentin Wodon

This book examines the evolution of poverty and human development outcomes since the end of the 10-year civil war in 2001 and asks if the foundations for creating shared prosperity and addressing persistent poverty in Sierra Leone have been laid down through key policies in these sectors. INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN FOCUS

February 2024. 116 pages. Stock no. C212075 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2075-5). US$41.95

INVESTING IN REPRODUCTIVE, MATERNAL, NEWBORN, CHILD, AND ADOLESCENT HEALTH IN UGANDA What Have We Learned, and Where Do We Go From Here? Edited by Julia Mensah, Stephen Kisembe Kiirya, Elizabeth Asege Ekochu, Rogers Ayiko, Brendan Michael Hayes, Collins Chansa, Richard Crabbe, and Marc DeFrancis

This compendium presents the results of a three-year program instituted in Uganda to assess the status of reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health services and to propose recommendations to improve their delivery and uptake. INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN FOCUS


BRACED FOR IMPACT Reforming Kazakhstan’s National Financial Holding for Development Effectiveness and Market Creation INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN FOCUS

December 2023. 142 pages. Stock no. C212046 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2046-5). US$41.95

ENHANCING SKILLS IN SRI LANKA FOR INCLUSION, RECOVERY, AND RESILIENCE By Shobhana Sosale, Seo Yeon Hong, Shalika Subasinghe, and Hiran Herat

Sri Lanka is at a crossroads. There is an urgent need to enhance skills in Sri Lanka to increase inclusion, support recovery, and build resilience. This report addresses these issues and provides recommendations for strengthening skills and improving education.

January 2024. 446 pages. Stock no. C211993 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-1993-3). US$57.50

MINI GRID SOLUTIONS FOR UNDERSERVED CUSTOMERS Emerging Lessons from India and Nigeria By Bernard Tenenbaum, Chris Greacen, and Ashish Shrestha

Mini grids are serving communities with existing but unreliable main grid connections by providing dependable electricity when the main grid fails. The success of mini grids hinges on commercial, technical, and regulatory frameworks designed to achieve win-win-win outcomes for consumers, distribution companies, and private developers. INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN FOCUS

February 2024. 280 pages. Stock no. C212055 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2055-7). US$47.50


December 2023. 192 pages. Stock no. C212008 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2008-3). US$41.95


www.worldbank.org/publications • books@worldbank.org



WATER MANAGEMENT IN OIL AND GAS OPERATIONS Industry Practice and Policy Guidelines for Developing Countries By Einar Bandlien, Sander De Kruijf, Eilen Arctander Vik, Johan Bernhard Siqueland Knudsen, Geoffrey Dyce, Silvana Tordo, and Francois Bertone

This report discusses the challenges and opportunities associated with the freshwater needs in oil and gas operations and the beneficial uses of the produced water. Practical solutions are offered to support evidence-based policy making for an integrated and sustainable approach to water management. INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN FOCUS

January 2024. 230 pages. Stock no. C212047 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2047-2). US$47.50

WHAT MATTERS FOR LEARNING IN MALAWI? Evidence from the Malawi Longitudinal School Survey By Salman Asim and Ravinder Casley Gera

Employing data from a nationally representative longitudinal survey of primary schools, teachers, and students in Malawi, this book presents a comprehensive picture of conditions, practices, and learning outcomes in a low-income country. INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN FOCUS

February 2024. 114 pages. Stock no. C212052 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2052-6). US$41.95

WORKING TODAY FOR A BETTER TOMORROW IN ETHIOPIA Jobs for Poor and Vulnerable Households Edited by Emily Weedon Chapman and Margaux Vinez

This book explores Ethiopia’s complex job market and challenges. It advocates for targeted measures to boost worker productivity, promote self-employment, and create inclusive job opportunities; highlights the role of social safety nets; and offers insights for policy makers and researchers. INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN FOCUS

January 2024. 238 pages. Stock no. C212020 (ISBN: 978-1-4648-2020-5). US$47.50


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Boosting Africa’s Growth Potential............................... 10

Migrants, Markets, and Mayors....................................23

Braced for Impact.........................................................26

Mini Grid Solutions for Underserved Customers...........26

Braced for Impact (Russian Edition)..............................26

Positioning Africa to Claim the Post-COVID 21st Century....................................................................9

Building Bridges to Economic Success.........................22 Business Ready 2024..................................................... 3 Change Cannot Wait.....................................................20 Competition and Productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean...............................................................24

Public Spending Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean...............................................................24 Purchasing Power Parities and the Size of World Economies......................................................................5 Revenue Administration Handbook...............................21

Digital Progress and Trends Report 2023......................14

Services Unbound.........................................................25

Economic Impacts of Women’s Mobility in the Middle East and North Africa Region............................25

Silver Opportunity Case Studies...................................20

Enhancing Skills in Sri Lanka for Inclusion, Recovery, and Resilience..............................................................26

The Business of the State............................................... 7 The Changing Wealth of Nations 2024......................... 15

Essays on Equity, Health, and Education in Sierra Leone.................................................................26

The Evolving Geography of Productivity and Employment...................................................................12

Falling Long-Term Growth Prospects............................ 19

The Government Analytics Handbook...........................21

Fixing the Foundation.................................................... 11

The Labor Market Impact of Forced Displacement.......23

Global Economic Prospects, January 2024....................2

The Path to 5G in the Developing World........................17

Green Digital Transformation........................................ 16

The State of Economic Inclusion Report 2024.............. 15

Harnessing Cloud Infrastructure Solutions for Government...................................................................17

Trade and Climate Change............................................18

International Debt Report 2023.....................................14 Investing in Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health in Uganda................................26

Unleashing Productivity through Firm Financing.......... 19 Water for Shared Prosperity......................................... 16 Water Management in Oil and Gas Operations............. 27

Jobs for Development....................................................6

What Matters for Learning in Malawi?.......................... 27

Land Matters (French Edition)........................................13

Within Reach...................................................................8

Land Policies for Resilient and Equitable Growth in Africa............................................................................22

Women, Business and the Law 2024.............................. 4

Leveraging Trade for More and Better Jobs in Developing Countries....................................................18 28

www.worldbank.org/publications • books@worldbank.org

Working Today for a Better Tomorrow in Ethiopia......... 27 World Development Report 2024....................................1 WORLD BANK PUBLICATIONS


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