World Bank Publications on
The Global Financial Crisis
Global Monitoring Report 2009 A Development Emergency Global Monitoring Report 2009: A Development Emergency analyzes the global financial crisis and assesses its impact on developing countries and progress toward the MDGs. Strong and urgent actions are needed to counter the impact of the global crisis on poor countries and help recover lost ground in progress toward the MDGs. The report sets out six priorities for action: n Ensure
adequate fiscal response to support economic growth and protect poor and vulnerable groups from the impact of the crisis n Shore up the private sector and improve the climate for recovery and growth in private investment n Redouble efforts toward the human development goals, including leveraging private sector role n Scale up aid to poor and vulnerable countries hit hard by the crisis n Maintain an open trade system—including quick action on Doha n Ensure that the multilateral system has the mandate, resources, and instruments to support an effective global response to the global crisis This year’s Global Monitoring Report argues that a global crisis must be met with a global response. It is essential reading to better understand the priorities and actions needed to overcome the current development emergency.
Global Economic Prospects 2009 Commodities at the Crossroads Global Economic Prospects 2009 analyzes the implications of the current worldwide financial crisis for low- and middle-income countries, including an in-depth look at long-term prospects for global commodity markets and the policies of both commodity producing and consuming nations. Jan 2009 | 200 pages | 978-0-8213-7799-4 Paperback $38
April 2009 | 298 pages | 978-0-8213-7859-5 | Paperback $29.95
International Financial Reporting Standards, Fifth Edition A Practical Guide By Hennie van Greuning
“Overall, this book gets very high marks for its comprehensive yet understandable and easy to read coverage of the field of international accounting and financial reporting. It should prove very useful to anyone seeking an understanding of International Financial Reporting Standards, their requirements, and their application.” – Global Business and Economics Review International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in a business situation can have a significant effect on the financial results and position of a division or an entire business enterprise. This guide gives private or public sector executives, managers, and financial analysts without a strong background in accounting the tools they need to participate in discussions and decisions on the appropriateness or application of IFRS. Apr 2009 | 320 pages | 978-0-8213-7727-7 | Paperback $49.95
Analyzing Banking Risk, Third Edition
Conditional Cash Transfers
A Framework for Assessing Corporate Governance and Financial Risk
By Ariel Fiszbein & Norbert R. Schady
By Hennie van Greuning & Sonja Brajovic-Bratanovic
The third edition of Analyzing Banking Risk provides a comprehensive overview of topics dealing with the assessment, analysis, and management of financial risks in banking. It focuses on risk-management principles and stresses that key players in the corporate governance process are accountable for managing the different dimensions of financial risk. Managing the risks associated with the banking industry today has become more difficult. The approach used in this publication provides a framework for identifying the key players in the risk-management process and discussing their accountability for the various dimensions of the financial and other risk management processes. Apr 2009 | 390 pages | 978-0-8213-7728-4 | Paperback $55
Reducing Present and Future Poverty “This book provides an up-to-date assessment of CCT programs based on impact evaluations studies from across the world.” – Michael R. Bloomberg, Mayor, New York City Conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs are one of the most popular interventions in the social sectors in developing countries. While the details of program design vary, all of these programs transfer resources to poor households conditional on them taking active measures to build up the human capital of their children (enrolling their children in school, taking them for regular health care visits). In almost every instance, transfers are made to women. CCT programs have two clear objectives. First, they seek to provide poor households with a minimum consumption floor. Second, in making transfers conditional, they seek to encourage the accumulation of human capital, and break a vicious cycle whereby poverty is transmitted across generations. This book provides an assessment, based on thorough research, of CCT programs as an instrument of social policy. Mar 2009 | 380 pages | 978-0-8213-7352-1 | Paperback $30
Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism A Comprehensive Training Guide Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism covers all aspects of AML/ CFT implementation and aims at providing a selfpaced and effective AML/ CFT training to all relevant staff in both the public and private sector. It has been developed by the Financial Market Integrity Unit of the World Bank to support the World Bank’s Capacity Enhancement Program on AML/CFT. The modules are comprised as follows: Effects on Economic Development and International Standards; Legal Requirements to meet International Standards; Regulatory and Institutional Requirements; Compliance Requirements for Financial Institutions; Building an Effective Financial Intelligence Unit; Domestic (interagency) and International Cooperation; Combating the Financing of Terrorism; and Investigating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing. The program offers countries the tools, skills and knowledge to build and strengthen their institutional, legal and regulatory frameworks for developing a robust AML/CFT regime. May 2009 | 774 pages | 978-0-8213-7569-3 | Paperback $75
Coming soon!
Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing A Practical Guide for Bank Supervisors By Pierre-Laurent Chatain et al Jul 2009 | 442 pages | 978-0-8213-7912-7 | Paperback $39.95
Reference Guide to Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism, Second Edition By Paul Allan Schott
This second edition is a comprehensive source of practical information on how countries can fight money laundering and terrorist financing. Aimed at helping countries understand the new international standards, it discusses the problems caused by these crimes, the specific actions countries need to take to address them, and the role international organizations play in the process. The Reference Guide is a valuable tool for establishing effective regimes to successfully prevent, detect, and prosecute money laundering and terrorist financing. 2006 | 288 pages | 978-0-8213-6513-7 | Paperback $39.95
Stolen Asset Recovery
Finance for All?
A Good Practices Guide for Non-Conviction Based Asset Forfeiture
Policies and Pitfalls in Expanding Access
By Theodore S. Greenberg et al
This book is a first-of-its-kind, practical guide for countries considering non-conviction based (NCB) forfeiture legislation as a tool for combating the development problem of corruption and recovering stolen assets. Recommended in the United Nations Convention Against Corruption, NCB forfeiture has emerged as a critical mechanism in cases where a corrupt official has died, fled the jurisdiction, or is immune from prosecution. This guide presents 36 key concepts – legal, operational and practical – that countries can use to develop NCB forfeiture legislation that will be effective in recovering stolen assets. April 2009 | 302 pages | 978-0-8213-7890-8 Paperback $39.95
Innovative Financing for Development Edited by Suhas Ketkar & Dilip Ratha
“This publication assembles several essays focusing on the new market-based ways of raising development finance, which is a crucial complement to public funding for creating jobs, alleviating poverty, and achieving other Millennium Development Goals by 2015. This book will help better our understanding of development finance. Policy makers and business leaders in the developing world, as well as students, will benefit from it immensely.” – Muhammad Yunus, 2006 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate The chapters in the book focus on the structures of the various innovative financing mechanisms, their track records and potential for tapping international capital markets, the constraints limiting their use, and policy measures that governments and international institutions can implement to alleviate these constraints. Oct 2008 | 216 pages | 978-0-8213-7685-0 Paperback $29.95
Banking the Poor Measuring Banking Access in 54 Economies How many people are using banking services in poor countries? What financial services are used? And how could access to banking services be expanded to include more people? Banking the Poor explores these questions, through responses to questions in surveys undertaken in 54 countries, mostly in Africa. The biggest contribution of this study is new data. Banking the Poor collects information from two sources: central banks and leading commercial banks in each surveyed country. It explores associations between countries’ banking policies and practices and their levels of financial access, measured in terms of the number of bank accounts per thousand adults.
Finance for All? documents the extent of financial exclusion around the world; addresses the importance of access to financial services for growth, equity and poverty reduction; and discusses policy interventions and institutional reforms that can improve access for underserved groups. The report is a broad ranging review of the work already completed or in progress, drawing on research utilizing data at the country, firm and household level. Jan 2008 | 300 pages | 978-0-8213-7291-3 | Paperback $30
Risk Analysis for Islamic Banks By Zamir Iqbal & Hennie van Greuning
Islamic finance is emerging as a rapidly growing part of the financial sector in the Islamic world and is not restricted to Islamic countries, but is spreading wherever there is a sizable Muslim community. This publication provides a comprehensive overview of topics related to the assessment, analysis, and management of various types of risks in the field of Islamic banking. It is an attempt to provide a high-level framework (aimed at nonspecialist executives) attuned to the current realities of changing economies and Islamic financial markets. Jan 2008 | 328 pages | 978-0-8213-7141-1 | Paperback $50
Building Bridges China’s Growing Role as Infrastructure Financier for Africa By Vivien Foster et al
By providing more solid estimates of the overall volume of finance, as well as an analysis of its composition, Building Bridges focuses on China’s new role in the development of Africa’s infrastructure and its implications for Africa’s development. Despite its importance, relatively little is known about the value of Chinese finance. The main purpose of this study is to quantify the magnitude of financial flows from China by collating public information from a wide range of Chinese language sources. On this basis, it becomes possible to document the geographic distribution of resources, the types of infrastructures involved, the size and financing terms of the projects, and the modalities through which finance is being provided. Apr 2009 | 104 pages | 978-0-8213-7554-9 Paperback $22.95
Nov 2008 | 150 pages | 978-0-8213-7754-3 Paperback $29.95
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