World Bank Publications Catalog Jan - June 2011

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Publications Catalog January–June 2011

l i c a t i o n s

World Bank Publications

The reference of choice on development

ta b l e o f c o n t e n t s Annual Flagship Titles.......................................................................1 Featured Titles....................................................................................6 Electronic Products — Online Resources ....................................16 Electronic Products — Mobile Applications..................................18 Agriculture.........................................................................................20 Education . .......................................................................................20 Energy................................................................................................21 Environment......................................................................................22 Finance and Financial Sector Development ................................23 Gender................................................................................................24 Governance ......................................................................................25 Health, Nutrition, and Population...................................................26 International Economics and Trade . ...........................................26 Information and Communication Technologies .........................28

Infrastructure Economics And Finance ......................................28 Macroeconomics and Economic Growth ....................................29 Poverty Reduction ..........................................................................31 Private Sector Development .......................................................32 Public Sector Development ..........................................................32 Rural Development ........................................................................33 Social Protection and Labor .........................................................33 Urban Development .......................................................................33 Water Supply and Sanitation ..........................................................34 World Bank .....................................................................................34 Order Form........................................................................................35 Index...................................................................................................36 World Bank Publications Distributors............................................III

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A nn u al flagship T itles

World Development Report 2011 Conflict, Security, and Development The World Development Report 2011: Conflict, Security, and Development (WDR) looks at conflict as a challenge to economic development. It analyzes the nature, causes, and development consequences of modern violence and highlight lessons learned from efforts to prevent or recover from violence.

Preliminary Cover/ Previously Announced

In the developing world, between two thirds and three quarters of the children without access to school, infants dying, and mothers dying in childbirth live in countries that are at risk, affected by, or recently recovering from violence. There are strong links between local conflicts, national conflict, organized crime and trafficking, and gang activity, and several societies that have successfully addressed one form of violence have later seen other forms threaten their development progress. The key challenge is to build national institutional capacities, taking account of the balance between political realities and progress on social justice, and the need for carefullysequenced and paced reforms. Successful efforts to prevent violence have in general combined political, security, and developmental efforts in support of objectives of citizen security, economic hope, and inclusive and responsive governance. The ultimate goal of this WDR is to promote new ways of preventing or addressing violent conflict. It will not attempt to come up with a universal set of prescriptions. By drawing on insights and experiences from a host of past and present situations, it will identify promising national and regional initiatives as well as directions for change in international responses, and discuss how lessons can be applied in situations of vulnerability to violent conflict.

Table Of Contents Overview Part I 1: Repeated violence threatens development 2: Risks and causes of violence 3: From violence to resilience: Restoring confidence and transforming institutions Part II 4: Restoring confidence: Moving away from the brink 5: Institutional transformations to build capability and resilience Part III 6: International support to building confidence and transforming institutions 7: International action to mitigate external stresses 8: New directions for international support

Paperback. April 2011. 240 pages. Stock no. C18439 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8439-8). US$26.00 Hardcover. April 2011. 240 pages. Stock no. C18500 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8500-5). US$50.00


The Complete World Development Report Online All World Development Reports since 1978 in one convenient,cross-searchable website.

See page 16 for more information on this new, free resource from the World Bank.

January–June 2011

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A nn u al flagship T itles

World Development Indicators 2011 Preliminary Cover

Looking for accurate, up-to-date data on development issues? World Development Indicators (WDI) is the World Bank’s premier annual compilation of data about development. This indispensable statistical reference allows you to consult over 800 indicators for more than 150 economies and 14 country groups in more than 90 tables. It provides a current overview of the most recent data available as well as important regional data and income group analysis in six thematic sections: World View, People, Environment, Economy, States and Markets, and Global Links. WDI 2011 presents the most current and accurate development data on both a national level and aggregated globally. It allows you to monitor the progress made toward meeting the Millennium Development Goals endorsed by the United Nations and its member countries, the World Bank, and a host of partner organizations. These goals, which focus on development and the elimination of poverty, serve as the agenda for international development efforts.

Print Edition. April 2011. 488 pages. Stock no. C18709 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8709-2). US$75.00 CD-ROM. April 2011. Stock no. C18711 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8711-5). US$50.00 Print Edition plus CD-ROM. April 2011. 488 pages. Stock no. C18265 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8265-3). US$100.00

The WDI 2011 CD-ROM contains time series data for more than 200 economies from 1960-2009, single-year observations, and spreadsheets on many topics. It contains more than 1,000 country tables and the text from the WDI 2010 print edition. The Windows based format permits users to search for and retrieve data in spreadsheet form, create maps and charts, and fully download them into other popular software programs for study or presentation purposes.

WDI Now Available Free Online at! World Development Indicators, along with several other databases, is now available free of charge as part of the World Bank’s new Open Data Initiative. For more information, see page 17. To access the WDI database directly, please visit

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A nn u al flagship T itles

Global Development Finance 2011 External Debt of Developing Countries Global Development Finance 2011: External Debt of Developing Countries (GDF) is a continuation of the World Bank’s publications Global Development Finance, Volume II (1997 through 2009), and the World Debt Tables (1973 through 1996). As in previous years, GDF 2011 provides statistical tables showing the external debt of 128 developing countries that report public and publicly guaranteed external debt to the World Bank’s Debtor Reporting System (DRS). It also includes tables of key debt ratios for individual reporting countries and the composition of external debt stocks and flows for individual reporting countries and regional and income groups. GDF 2011 draws on a database maintained by the World Bank External Debt (WBXD) system.

Global Development Finance 2011 is unique in its coverage of the important trends and issues fundamental to the financing of the developing world. This report is an indispensible resource for governments, economists, investors, financial consultants, academics, bankers, and the entire development community.

Print Edition. December 2010. 320 pages. Stock no. C18673 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8673-6). US$75.00 CD-ROM. March 2011. Stock no. C18721 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8721-4). US$50.00 Print Edition plus CD-ROM. March 2011. 320 pages. Stock no. C18722 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8722-1). US$100.00

GDF Now Available Free Online at! Global Development Finance, along with several other databases, is now available free of charge as part of the World Bank’s new Open Data Initiative. The Global Development Finance database contains more than 200 time series indicators, covering the years 1970 to 2009 for most reporting countries, and pipeline data for scheduled debt service payments on existing commitments to 2017. For more information see page 17. To access the GDF database directly, please visit

January–June 2011

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A nn u al flagship T itles

Doing Business 2011 Making a Difference for Entrepreneurs Previously Announced

Eighth in a series of annual reports comparing business regulations in 183 economies, Doing Business 2011: Making a Difference for Entrepreneurs measures regulations affecting nine areas of everyday business activity: starting a business, dealing with construction permits, registering property, getting credit, protecting investors, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts, and closing a business. The report updates all nine sets of indicators, ranks countries on their overall ease of doing business and analyzes reforms to business regulation—identifying which countries are improving their business environment the most and which ones slipped. Doing Business 2011 includes annexes on employing workers and ongoing research in the area of “getting electricity”; these are not included in the ranking on ease of doing business.

November 2010. 185 pages. Stock no. C17960 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7960-8). US$35.00

Doing Business 2011 illustrates how reforms in business regulations can translate into better outcomes for domestic entrepreneurs and the wider economy. It also focuses on how women in particular are affected by complex business regulations.

“[Doing Business] has succeeded in putting the issue of business red tape on the international political agenda.”

— The Economist, 2010

“Countries battered by the financial crisis continued to make market-oriented changes in their business regulation, said a World Bank report, which also named Kazakhstan as the nation that had most improved its business rules.”

— The Wall Street Journal/Dow Jones by Bob Davis, 2010

“Singapore remains the best country in which to run a business, according to an annual report by the World Bank. The Asian nation has come top of the World Bank’s Doing Business 2011 study, which rates 183 countries on the ease in which they allow firms to operate.”

— BBC News, 2010

NEW! Doing Business at A Glance Mobile Application Doing Business at a Glance draws on the data and information from Doing Business, giving you portable access to the most recent rankings and data from 2010 and 2011, without the need for an Internet connection. For more information see page 19 or visit

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A nn u al flagship T itles

Preliminary Cover

Global Development Horizons 2011 As the second decade of the 21st century unfolds, the world economy is acclimating to shifting economic growth poles, evolving trade and finance paradigms, and new mechanisms of international policy coordination. While the large developed economies of today were undeniably the drivers of global growth over the past century, these polarities appear to be shifting.

Global Development Horizons—a new annual series from the World Bank—aims to stimulate fresh thinking and research on medium- and long-term emerging global economic trends. The first report looks at the multipolar global economy that is emerging and its implications for development, addressing the associated structural changes in growth dynamics, corporate investment, and international monetary and trade arrangements. April 2011. 168 pages. Stock no. C18692 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8692-7). US$35.00

Global Monitoring Report 2011 Preliminary Cover

Gaps and Challenges in the MDGs: Implications from the Complex Tapestry of Progress Global Monitoring Report provides a development perspective on the global economic crisis and assesses the impact on developing countries—their growth, poverty reduction, and other MDGs. Finally, it sets out priorities for policy responses, both by developing countries and by the international community. With less than five years remaining to achieve the MDGs, this year’s report looks at the prospects and challenges for reaching the goals. It also examines the great diversity of performance across indicators, countries, and categories of countries to determine the necessary policies to fill the remaining gaps.

The World Bank eAtlas of the Millennium Development Goals The new World Bank eAtlas of the Millennium Development Goals lets you map the indicators that measure progress on the eight MDGs. For more information see page 17 or visit

January–June 2011

April 2011. 168 pages. Stock no. C18700 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8700-9). US$29.95

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F eat u red T itles

Atlas of Global Development, Third Edition A Visual Guide to the World’s Greatest Challenges A co-publication with Harper Collins

“This is an excellent, up-to-date source book which will be invaluable for students of, and staff teaching, higher levels of geography .... a clear, concise, easily-accessible and wellillustrated volume.”

Now with an online interactive atlas B

— Geographical Association, United Kingdom

Preliminary Cover

This completely revised and updated third edition of the Atlas of Global Development vividly illustrates the most important development challenges facing our world today. Based upon authoritative data from the World Bank’s World Development Indicators, this attractive volume provides a wealth of information on critical global topics including poverty, environmental sustainability, communicable diseases, migration, corruption, and growing populations. For the first time, a state-of-the-art, interactive, and free online companion atlas—World Bank eAtlas of Global Development—is available that allows users to customize maps and graph statistical series. Features include worldwide mapping, timeline graphs, ranking tables, comparative mode, the ability to export and share graphics, and easy navigation. Engaging and informative, the Atlas of Global Development, is an essential resource for students and anyone interested in learning more about the state of our world.

April 2011. 144 pages. Stock no. C18583 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8583-8). US$29.95

For more information on the eAtlas of Global Development see page 17 or visit

Features include: n Easy-to-read,

full-color world maps, tables, graphs, text, and photographs; n Key social, economic, and environmental data for 208 countries and territories; n Detailed information about targets for the Millennium Development Goals;

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n Definitions,

sources, notes, and abbreviations of commonly used terms; n Country comparisons for key development indicators; and n A selection of related Internet links for each map spread.


F eat u red T itles

A Guide to the World Bank, Third Edition Preliminary Cover

“…an exceptionally good introductory reading for students in international business and researchers who require concise references about the management, structure and international operations of the World Bank Group…The book succeeds in meticulously presenting the outreach of this supranational organization”

June 2011. 280 pages. Stock no. C18545 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8545-6). US$24.95

— Global Business and Economics Review

This completely revised and updated third edition provides an accessible and straightforward overview of the World Bank Group’s history, organization, mission, and purpose. Additionally, for those wishing to delve further into subjects, the book guides readers to sources containing more detailed information, including annual reports, Web sites, publications, and e-mail addresses for various departments. It also provides information on how to work for or do business with the World Bank. A good introduction for anyone interested in understanding what the World Bank Group does and how it does it, this book shows readers who want to learn more where to begin. Coming soon! A new guide to the World Bank mobile app. For more information see page 19 or visit

Preliminary Cover/ Previously Announced

World Trade Indicators 2010 Trade Under Crisis The book highlights the main patterns in policy and performance revealed by the database, grouping countries by region or income, and the 20 best and 20 worst country rankings for a number of indicators are shown.

Country performance is benchmarked around five main pillars: n Border protection, such as tariffs and non-tariff barriers on imports of goods and services n Market access barriers in the rest of the world to exports of goods n Overall business and institutional environment n Trade facilitation n Trade outcomes, such as trade growth, integration, and diversification. The CD-ROM included with this book includes the World Bank’s World Trade Indicators (WTI) database, with more than 300 performance indicators measuring at-the-border and behind-the-border country trade policy, institutions, and outcomes from 1995 to 2008. Complementing the rich database are Trade Briefs for 142 developing countries summarizing insights from the data and the main findings of analytical work conducted by the Word Bank, the IMF, and the WTO for individual countries.

Print Edition plus CD-ROM: December 2010. 100 pages. Stock no. C18040 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8040-6). US$100.00

World Trade Indicators 2010 will be an invaluable asset to researchers and practitioners in the field, country policy makers, trade negotiators and their advisors, and business executives. January–June 2011

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F eat u red T itles

Rising Global Interest in Farmland Can It Yield Sustainable and Equitable Benefits? By Klaus Deininger and Derek Byerlee with Jonathan Lindsay, Andrew Norton, Harris Selod, and Mercedes Stickler

“The report…is the broadest study yet of the so-called ‘farmland grab.’”

— Financial Times

Rising Global Interest in Farmland provides key information needed for informed debate about large-scale land acquisition. It draws on the experience from past land expansions, discussing potential future demand, and providing empirical evidence of what is happening on the ground in the countries most affected by the recent increase in demand for land. It complements demand-side considerations with a detailed assessment of the amount of land, whether currently cultivated or not, that might potentially be available for agricultural cultivation at the global and country levels. It then describes the policies in place to manage land acquisition processes and analyzes how these policies may affect outcomes.

December 2010. 208 pages. Stock no. C18591 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8591-3). US$25.00

This book can help governments in land-abundant countries assess how to best integrate increased demand for land into their rural development strategies and provide opportunities and benefits to all involved, including existing smallholders. This is particularly important as many of these countries also have high yield gaps. It also highlights how, in cases where land acquisition by large investors makes sense from a social, economic, and environmental perspective, governments can create an environment to attract outside investment that contributes to broad-based growth and poverty reduction. The book draws on a variety of methodologies, such as country inventories of large land transfers from 2004-09 in 14 countries based on data officially available to in-country consultants, and an analysis of media reports on large investments in 2008-09. Also Available

Agricultural Land Redistribution Toward Greater Consensus June 2009. 464 pages. Stock no. C17627 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7627-0). US$40.00

Sustainable Land Management Sourcebook June 2008. 212 pages. Stock no. C17432 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7432-0). US$45.00

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Building Competitiveness in Africa’s Agriculture A Guide to Value Chain Concepts and Applications December 2009. 182 pages. Stock no. C17952 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7952-3). US$40.00

See page 20 for more information.


F eat u red T itles

Natural Hazards, UnNatural Disasters The Economics of Effective Prevention

Natural Hazards, UnNatural Disasters looks at disasters primarily through an economic lens. Economists emphasize self-interest to explain how people choose the amount of prevention, insurance, and coping. But lenses can distort as well as sharpen images, so the book also draws from other disciplines: psychology to examine how people may misperceive risks, political science to understand voting patterns, and nutrition science to see how stunting in children after a disaster impairs cognitive abilities and productivity as adults much later. It asks not only the tough questions, but some unexpected ones as well: Should all disasters be prevented? Do disasters increase or decrease conflict? Does foreign aid help or hinder prevention? The answers are not obvious. Peering into the future, it finds that growing cities and a changing climate will shape the disaster prevention landscape. While it is cautious about the future, it is not alarmist.

Previously Announced

Earthquakes, droughts, floods, and storms are natural hazards, but unnatural disasters are the deaths and damages that result from human acts of omission and commission. Every disaster is unique, but each exposes actions—by individuals and governments at different levels—that, had they been different, would have resulted in fewer deaths and less damage. Prevention is possible, and this book examines what it takes to do this cost-effectively.

November 2010. 276 pages. Stock no. C18050 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8050-5). US$39.95

Praise for the book “...[this report] provides a deep understanding of the relative roles of the market, government intervention, and social institutions in determining and improving both the prevention and the response to hazardous occurrences.”

— Kenneth J. Arrow, Nobel Prize in Economics, 1972

“I strongly recommend this book to non-economists as well as economists, and to government officials who must cope with floods, oil spills, earthquakes, and other disasters.”

“This report is a gem.…a model to be studied and emulated.…I don’t remember reading any other 248 pages on a deadly serious subject that were so informative and so easily digested.” — Thomas C. Schelling, Nobel Prize in Economics, 2005

“An excellent piece of work with really practical lessons that will influence the way disasters are handled—and indeed prevented…. [it] could make a gigantic difference to the lives of vulnerable people. I welcome it warmly.”

— Gary S. Becker, Nobel Prize in Economics, 1992

—Amartya Sen, Nobel Prize in Economics, 1998

Also Available

Safer Homes, Stronger Communities

Eco2 Cities

A Handbook for Reconstructing after Natural Disasters

Ecological Cities as Economic Cities

January 2010. 404 pages. Stock no. C18045 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8045-1). US$29.95

May 2010. 388 pages. Stock no. C18046 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8046-8). US$35.00

See page 34 for more information

January–June 2011

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F eat u red T itles

The Changing Wealth of Nations Measuring Sustainable Development in the New Millennium Previously Announced

This book is the latest report by the World Bank to estimate comprehensive wealth—including produced, natural, and human/ institutional assets—for over 100 countries. This ground-breaking report presents wealth accounts for 1995, 2000, and 2005, permitting the first longer-term assessment of global, regional, and country performance in building wealth. This overall assessment is complemented by chapters detailing individual components of wealth, as well as how countries and the World Bank are using comprehensive measures of wealth for policy analysis.

Highlights n Builds

on the bestselling book, Where is the Wealth of Nations? as part of a long-term program by the World Bank to estimate comprehensive wealth and its changes.

n Thoroughly

examines critical issues for wealth accounting, notably, climate change and wealth accounts, and the elements that make up intangible capital.

January 2011. 224 pages. Stock no. C18488 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8488-6). US$35.00

Praise for the book “This volume presents the first-ever direct estimates of changes in comprehensive national wealth, which can help identify policies for achieving sustained improvements in human will become more valuable with time...” — Jeffrey Vincent, Clarence F. Korstian Professor of Forest Economics and Management, Nicholas School, Division of Environmental Sciences and Policy, Duke University

“...If you are interested in national wealth, sustainability or even economic development in general, you MUST read this book.” — Geoffrey Heal, Garrett Professor of Public Policy & Corporate Responsibility, Columbia Business School, Columbia University

Also Available

Where Is the Wealth of Nations? Measuring Capital for the 21st Century

Strategic Environmental Assessment in Policy and Sector Reform

December 2005. 208 pages. Stock no. C16354 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-6354-6). US$29.95

Conceptual Model and Operational Guidance November 2010. 248 pages. Stock no. C18559 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8559-3). US$25.00

See page 22 for more information 10 •


F eat u red T itles

Migration and Remittances Factbook 2011 Second Edition Previously Announced

Migration and Remittances Factbook 2011 is the new edition of the popular 2008 volume. The factbook presents numbers and facts behind the stories of international migration and remittances, drawing on authoritative, publicly available data. It provides a comprehensive picture of emigration, skilled emigration, immigration, and remittance flows for 210 countries and 15 country groups. The Migration and Remittances Factbook 2011 is also available online with updates at migrationandremittances.

Highlights n Data

through 2009, including data at the country level, and aggregated regional-level and cross-regional comparisons

n Includes

country rankings for the following indicators: -Top immigration and emigration economies -Top migration corridors -Top destination economies -Top emigration economies of tertiary educated population -Top remittance receiving/sending

n Includes

the following indicators for each country -Stock of emigrants and immigrants -Emigration rate of tertiary-educated -Emigration of physicians -Females as percentage of immigrants -Refugees as percentage of immigrants -Inward/outward remittance flows

November 2010. 256 pages. Stock no. C18218 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8218-9). US$39.95

Also Available

Remittance Markets in Africa

Migration, Remittances, and Development in Africa

December 2010. 400 pages. Stock no. C18475 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8475-6). US$39.95

February 2011. 250 pages.Stock no. C18257 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8257-8). US$39.95

Migration and Poverty November 2010. 160 pages. Stock no. C18436 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8436-7). US$25.00

See page 29 for more information

January–June 2011

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F eat u red T itles

Preliminary Cover

Localizing Development Does Participation Work? By Ghazala Mansuri and Vijayendra Rao

The idea that fostering citizen participation is central to resolving problems of good governance and development is one that has acquired tremendous force in recent times. Community participation in the development process is expected to build demand for inclusive and effective local governance, empower poor and vulnerable groups, improve the delivery of public services, and increase access to resources and livelihood opportunities—particularly for the most marginalized. In line with this, both governments and donors have invested very substantial resources in programs and projects which use participatory approaches to build local institutions. This book examines the conceptual foundations of the participatory approach to local development, assesses the evidence of its efficacy, and draws key lessons for policy policy research report

March 2011. 200 pages. Stock no. C18256 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8256-1). US$35.00

Changing the Industrial Geography in Asia The Impact of China and India By Shahid Yusuf and Kaoru Nabeshima

A great burst of globalization brought the 20th century to a close, creating upheaval in the world economy from roughly 1995 to 2008. And now, with the new century barely commenced, a second upheaval is in the offing following the severe financial crisis that plunged the global economy into recession in 2008—09. The first upheaval witnessed a massive migration of manufacturing and certain business services that transformed Asia into the industrial heartland of the world. The second upheaval will likely consolidate Asia’s industrial preeminence and could result in a concentration of industrial activities in the two most populous and fastest-growing Asian economies— China and India. Previously Announced

As the two Asian giants become the industrial equals of the United States, Germany, and Japan, the ramifications will affect trade and growth worldwide, the future of development in China and India, and industrialization throughout Asia. Changing the Industrial Geography in Asia: The Impact of China and India examines these developments, focusing specifically on China and India. Its analysis and conclusions will be of particular interest to policy makers and academics, as well as anyone with an interest in how China and India are likely to reshape industry throughout Asia.

“[…] For those interested in understanding the prospects of post– financial crisis Asia, this book is a must read. It is a refreshing return to economic fundamentals, including the new problems of climate change and dwindling energy resources, and will remain the leading reference on Asian transformation for a long time to come.” — Rakesh Mohan, Professor in the Practice of International Economics and Finance, Yale School of Management; Senior Fellow, Jackson Institute of Global Affairs, Yale University; former Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India

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September 2010. 304 pages. Stock no. 18240 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8240-0). US$24.95


F eat u red T itles

Impact Evaluation in Practice By Paul J. Gertler, Sebastian Martinez, Patrick Premand, Laura B. Rawlings, and Christel M. J. Vermeersch

“…This book will become a much consulted and used guide and will affect policy making for years to come.” — Orazio Attanasio, Professor of Economics, University College London; Director, Centre for the Evaluation of Development Policies, Institute for Fiscal Studies, United Kingdom

This book is a practical guide to designing and implementing impact evaluations. Prospective impact evaluations are used to assess whether a program has achieved its intended results. It presents the basic tools needed to successfully carry out an impact evaluation. Print Edition. December 2010. 272 pages. Stock no. C18541 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8541-8). US$35.00 VitalBook Edition. January 2011. Stock no. C18594 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8594-4). US$26.25 Bundle. January 2011. Stock no. 32461. US$43.75

Also Available

Making Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Work A Capacity Development Toolkit March 2010. 520 pages. Stock no. C18186 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8186-1). US$49.95

Handbook on Impact Evaluation Quantitative Methods and Practices October 2009. 264 pages. Stock no. C18028 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8028-4). US$39.95

See page 33 for more information

International Financial Reporting Standards A Practical Guide, Sixth Edition By Hennie van Greuning, Darrel Scott, and Simonet Terblanche

“... a timely update on important developments in the IFRS framework. With the growing number of countries adopting IFRS, this practical guide provides a valuable aid to both the understanding and application of International Financial Reporting Standards…” — Kenneth Sullivan, Senior Financial Sector Expert (IMF)

Now in its sixth edition, this publication gives readers a broad and basic understanding of the key issues for each International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS). It summarizes each standard, providing a quick reference for managers and executives in the private and public sectors that may not have a strong background in accounting. This edition includes material of potential interest to the financial analyst. Most chapters also contain exercises which illustrate the practical application of key concepts in a particular standard. This provides the non-technical reader with the tools to participate in discussions on the appropriateness or application of a standard in a given situation. The reader can also evaluate the effect that applying a given standard will have on the financial results and position of a division or an entire enterprise. All of the accounting standards issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) through September 30, 2010, are included in this publication.

January–June 2011

Preliminary Cover

Print Edition. January 2011. 584 pages. Stock no. C18428 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8428-2). US$49.95 VitalBook Edition. Stock no. C18595. (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8595-X). US$37.50 Bundle. January 2011. 584 pages. Stock no. 32462. US$62.50

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F eat u red T itles

The Great Recession and Developing Countries Economic Impact and Growth Prospects Edited by Mustapha K. Nabli

The 2008–09 financial crisis, which originated in the United States and rapidly spread to the rest of world, resulting in the most severe and intense Great Recession since World War II, has posed new challenges for international policy coordination and the management of national economies. Questions are being raised about globalization, which has been a powerful engine of economic growth over the past three decades but exposes countries to more volatility and increases risk.

December 2010. 664 pages. Stock no. C18513 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8513-5). US$35.00

The Great Recession and Developing Countries delves into 10 country case studies that explore growth during the pre-crisis boom, the effects of the crisis, policy responses, and recovery. Looking beyond the crisis, the volume undertakes projections of medium-term growth and explores the possible impact of the global crisis. The case studies illustrate a broad range of experiences in the wake of the Great Recession—covering Brazil, China, Ethiopia, India, Malaysia, Mexico, the Philippines, Poland, Turkey, and Vietnam—and give insights on how developing countries can best prepare and respond to such crises. A synthesis chapter establishes the overall framework, provides a summary of the global crisis and its effects on the countries studied, and draws lessons from the 10 country studies. This book will be of particular interest to development practitioners, policy makers, and academics.

Previously Announced

The Day After Tomorrow A Handbook on the Future of Economic Policy in the Developing World Edited by Otaviano Canuto and Marcelo M. Giugale

The 2008-09 global financial crisis shook the ground under the conventional wisdom that had guided mainstream development economics. Much of what had been held as true for decades is now open to reexamination—from what the role of governments should be in markets to which countries will be the engines of the world’s economy, from what people need to leave poverty to what businesses need to stay competitive. The Day after Tomorrow brings together the visions of some 40 development economists, who report what they see on the horizon of their technical disciplines and of their geographic areas of specialization. While some regions will do better than others, and some technical areas will be clearer than others, there is no question that the horizon of economic policy for developing countries is promising. The rebalancing of global growth toward, at the very least, a multiplicity of engines, will give the developing world a new relevance.

Highlights n Developing countries will become a growth engine for the world. Faster technological learning and more South-South integration will fuel that engine. n Governments in developing countries will be better—they may even begin to earn the trust of their people. n A new, smarter generation of social policy will bring the end of poverty within reach, but the attainment of equality is another matter. n Many regions of the developing world will break out of their “developing” status and will graduate into something akin to “newly developed.” 14 •

September 2010. 464 pages. Stock no. C18498 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8498-5). US$35.00

Also Available

Global Value Chains in a Postcrisis World A Development Perspective September 2010. 408 pages. Stock no. C18499 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8499-2). US$45.00


F eat u red T itles

Sovereign Debt and the Financial Crisis Will This Time Be Different? Previously Announced

Edited by Carlos A. Primo Braga, and Gallina A. Vincelette

“This is a first-rate book on the economics of debt.” — ELIANA CARDOSO, Professor of Economics, Getulio Vargas Foundation, São Paulo, Brazil

In the wake of the financial crisis of 2008, governments worldwide undertook massive fiscal interventions to stave off what might otherwise have been a system-wide financial and economic meltdown. These policy responses engendered significant shifts in the growth trajectories and debt sustainability outlooks of both developed and developing economies. Major concerns emerge from the magnitude of public liabilities and the uncertainty surrounding the exit from the unprecedented fiscal stimulus. Will the current stringent financial conditions lead to a wave of sovereign debt problems around the world? Or, will countries, given their stronger fundamentals compared with previous episodes, successfully muddle through the crisis? November 2010. 528 pages. Stock no. C18483 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8483-1). US$49.95

Sovereign Debt and the Financial Crisis presents policy-relevant research on the current debt challenges facing countries around the globe. The book’s value is in its integrated approach, drawing on theoretical research and evidence from practitioners’ experiences in developing, emerging market, and developed economies.

Postcrisis Growth and Development A Development Agenda for the G-20 Edited by Shahrokh Fardoust, Yongbeom Kim, and Claudia Paz Sepúlveda

Previously Announced

Postcrisis Growth and Development lays the groundwork for setting development priorities and advances the discussion among the G20, and non-G20 countries on development policy in infrastructure, trade, food security, financial inclusion, and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), as they relate to strong, sustainable, and balanced global growth. The topics covered in the volume include both broad themes and specific sectors, including the emergence of multipolar growth in the post-crisis period; the impact of the global crisis on achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015; promoting aid for trade; supporting infrastructure and sustainable development; ensuring agriculture and food security; and advancing inclusive finance. The volume makes a strong case for integrating development into the G20 agenda, and the need to bring non-G20 developing countries on board to ensure their participation in the global recovery and sustained growth, and to enhance the legitimacy and credibility of the G20 process.

“ Postcrisis Growth and Development should be in the hands of every G-20 minister at the Seoul Summit” —BENNO NDULU, Governor of the Bank of Tanzania

January–June 2011

November 2010. 390 pages. Stock no. C18518 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8518-0). US$39.95

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E lectr o nic P r o d u cts — O N L I N E R E S OU R C E S

World Bank eLibrary New Platform! New Features! The World Bank eLibrary is the World Bank’s full-text collection of more than 6,000 books, reports, journals and other documents on social and economic development. Fully searchable by subject, region, keyword, title, author, abstract, series, or year of publication, the new and improved eLibrary platform makes finding World Bank publications easier then ever.

Highlights n Search-within-search

Now available: Print and Electronic Archives! For subscription information, please contact us at

options plus browsing by content type, topic, keyword, series, and other metadata n Chapter-level abstracts and individual chapter downloads for a growing number of books n One-click social bookmarking icons for sharing content pages, abstracts, and search and browse results n Individual user accounts for saving, exporting, and sharing n More COUNTER compliant usage statistics including usage by content type n Athens and Shibboleth authentication n New content email alerts and RSS feeds based on your content preferences n e-book purchase options for non-subscribers n Free preview at

The Complete World Development Report Online


New Free Resource! Since 1978, the World Development Report has served as one of the principal and most widely read vehicles for encapsulating the World Bank’s knowledge of and policy recommendations for key global development issues—from agriculture, the environment, and climate change, to poverty, population growth, and infrastructure. The Complete World Development Report Online is an essential research tool that provides all WDRs since 1978 all in one place.

Highlights n Search

and browse across and within all 30+ WDRs at once save, and share your own Custom e-books from WDR chapters n Access the critical WDR background papers for reports since 2005 n Quickly save and bookmark content and searches using “My WDR” accounts n Links to the data behind the reports n Quickly see how development thinking has changed over the years n Create,

Try this new FREE resource today at For more information, contact

16 •


E lectr o nic P r o d u cts — O N L I N E R E S OU R C E S


World Bank Open Data “Statistics tell the story of people in developing and emerging countries and can play an important part in helping to overcome poverty.” - Robert B. Zoellick, president, World Bank Group

Available in English, Arabic, French, and Spanish!

Recognizing that transparency and accountability are essential to development, the World Bank Group now offers free, open, and easy access to its comprehensive set of data on living standards and international development indicators.

Available datasets at World Development Indicators (WDI) Global Development Finance (GDF) Africa Development Indicators (ADI) Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Doing Business (DB) Education Statistics (EdStats) plus tables

Gender Statistics (GenderStats) Health Nutrition and Population Statistics (HNPStats) Health Nutrition Population (HNP) At-a-Glance Tables Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Goals tables Plus more than 40 others!

The World Bank eAtlases


These new websites offer thematically focused eAtlases that let you map and graph key indicators that measure development progress.

With each World Bank eAtlas, you can … n Map

indicators by latest available data (per country) or a given year, with panning and zooming capabilities n Compare maps or graphs of two indicators side-by-side n Read descriptions of the thematic groups of indicators n Find indicators by word search or through related themes n Create time-series graphs for specific countries n View data in a ranking order table or bar graph n Alter map colors, intervals, and more n Bookmark, export as images or data files, import, and share

New! The World Bank eAtlas of Global Development This forthcoming eAtlas organizes 179 indicators from the World Bank’s development database into 25 key themes, such as How Poor is Poor?, Children at Work, People on the Move, and Energy Security and Climate Change. Available in April 2011. Visit for more details.

New! The World Bank eAtlas of the Millennium Development Goals This new eAtlas lets you map the indicators that measure progress on the eight MDGs. Derived from the World Bank’s premier data source, World Development Indicators, the eAtlas contains data for more than 150 economies, with 60+ indicators used to monitor 18 targets for the 8 major goals established by the U.N. Millennium Declaration. Available at January–June 2011

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E lectr o nic P r o d u cts — M o bile A pplicati o ns

All Free!

New! The World Bank InfoFinder The free World Bank InfoFinder app makes finding information about the World Bank and its new Access to Information Policy simple and easy! It provides… n The

complete Access to Information Policy in seven languages n How and where to find World Bank information and publications n Live feeds of new documents for six regions (covering 180 developing countries) n GIS maps of Depository Libraries and Public Information Centers (PICs) around the world

Available for iPad™ and iPhone™. (or search for “World Bank” in the iTunes apps store)

New! World Bank DataFinder The free World Bank DataFinder app lets you access 50 years of World Bank data on global economic indicators, chart and visualize that data, and share those charts for use in your presentations, research, and projects. The DataFinder is perfect for students, professors, economists, researchers, and anyone looking to quickly access global economic indicators and trends. In addition, you can…

Highlights n Display

charts with multiple countries and indicators switch between table, line and bar charts n Save reports to your Favorites n Share reports via email and CSV files n Easily

Available for iPad and iPhone. Visit for more information or download the app at

18 •


E lectr o nic P r o d u cts — M o bile A pplicati o ns

New! Doing Business at a Glance Doing Business at a Glance draws on the data and information from the World Bank’s popular flagship Doing Business which measures the ease of doing business according to business regulations in 183 economies. Once downloaded, this new free app offers portable access to the most recent rankings and data from 2010 and 2011 – without the need for an Internet connection.

Doing Business at a Glance lets you: n View

the 2010 and 2011 rankings and indicators, along with business reform summaries for each economy n Compare 2010 and 2011 rankings and indicators from economy to economy or economy to region n Sort economies by their “ease of doing business” ranking or any of the other rankings and indicators n Read the complete published Doing Business 2010 and Doing Business 2011 reports

Available for iPhone.

Keep current with what’s going mobile at! Stayed tuned for more great mobile applications from the World Bank! Debuting in early 2011 is a new mobile application about World Bank IDA and IBRD Results, that focuses on the Bank’s impact on poverty reduction and economic development. Another new mobile application providing a pocket guide to the World Bank will be available in 2011. Visit to keep current with new app and mobile product releases, and link directly to the App stores once new applications are launched.

January–June 2011

World Bank Results

Going Mobile

Your Pocket Guide to

The World Bank

Going Mobile!

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A G R I C U L T U R E • E d u cati o n



National Assessments of Educational Achievement Volume 3

Biofuels in Africa Opportunities, Prospects, and Challenges

Implementing a National Assessment of Educational Achievement

By Donald Mitchell

This book examines the potential for biofuels production, consumption and trade in the Africa region and recommends a policy development strategy. Policy makers in African countries, the development community, investors—as well as other developing countries facing similar issues—will find this volume to be both useful and thought provoking.

Edited by Vincent Greaney and Thomas Kellaghan

This book focuses on the practical tasks involved in running a largescale national assessment program. Part I gives an overview, Part II a methodology to select a representative student sample, Part III how to clean and manage data, and Part IV useful pre-analysis steps such estimates, survey weights, and similar.

April 2011. 312 pages. Stock no. C18589 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8589-0). US$30.00

Challenges for African Agriculture By Jean-Claude Deveze

This book focuses squarely on the future of SubSaharan African agriculture and agriculture’s role in the subcontinent’s development. It reveals the scope of the demographic, economic and environmental—as well as social, cultural, and political—challenges at hand.

Preliminary Cover

Previously Announced

November 2010. 210 pages. Stock no. C18516 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8516-6). US$30.00

April 2011. 400 pages. Stock no. C18626 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8626-2). US$35.00

Also Available

Rising Global Interest in Farmland Can It Yield Sustainable and Equitable Benefits? December 2010. 208 pages. Stock no. C18591 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8591-3). US$25.00

Edited by Donald Bundy

Directions in Development

February 2011. 304 pages. Stock no. C17907 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7907-3). US$25.00 Preliminary Cover

Preliminary Cover

Trusting Trade and the Private Sector for Food Security in Southeast Asia

Directions in Development

A Key Component of Education for All Achieving education for all requires that all children, especially poor children and girls, are healthy enough both to attend school and to learn while there. This book describes how schools have been used as a platform for delivering safe and simple health and nutrition programs to even hard-to-reach children in lowincome countries.

October 2010. 292 pages. Stock no. C18481 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8481-7). US$35.00

This book examines private sector participation in rice and maize markets in five ASEAN countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam, with the objective of identifying the potential role that it could play to provide greater regional food security.

School Health

Skills for the Labor Market in Indonesia Trends in Demand, Gaps, and Supply By Emanuela di Gropello, Aurelien Kruse, and Prateek Tandon

This book investigates trends in skills demand and supply over the past two decades for insights into ways to build and use the critical skills needed to sustain competitiveness of the Indonesian economy. Directions in Development

March 2011. 416 pages. Stock no. C18614 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8614-9). US$35.00

See page 8 for more information

A g r ic u l t u r e


Agribusiness and Innovation Systems in Africa

Building Competitiveness in Africa’s Agriculture

Edited by Kurt Larsen, Ronald Kim, and Florian Theus This book examines how agricultural innovation arises in four African countries—Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda—through the lens of agribusiness, public policies, and specific value chains for food staples, high value products, and livestock.

A Guide to Value Chain Concepts and Applications

Agriculture and Rural Development Series

June 2009. 472 pages. Stock no. C17944 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7944-8). US$35.00

By C. Martin Webber and Patrick Labaste Illustrated with 40 cases and examples, this guide provides the userarmer or trade organizations, and others who are engaged in agro-enterprise and agribusiness development. These readers will learn how to use value chain approaches in ways that can contribute to sound operational decisions, improved market linkage, and better results for enterprise and industry development. Agriculture and Rural Development Series

December 2009. 182 pages. Stock no. C17952 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7952-3). US$40.00

20 •


Previously Announced

E d u cati o n • E nerg y Higher Education, Skills and Innovation in East Asia

E d u cation

The Challenge of Establishing World Class Universities

Edited by Emanuela Di Gropello

This title explores higher education, skills, and training in East Asia. Its three main focuses are on how to make higher education more responsive to the needs of the labor market, contribute to improving the innovation agenda, and become more inclusive.

By Jamil Salmi This report, produced with the help of Madagascar’s national education team in 2006-2007, is designed to contribute to ongoing education reform discussions. It analyzes the constraints to system expansion and presents possible next steps for an appropriate course of action.

June 2011. 352 pages. Stock no. C18490 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8490-9). US$39.95

Directions in Development

Skills, not just Diplomas

February 2009. 132 pages. Stock no. C17865 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7865-6). US$22.00

The Path for Education Reforms in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

The Promise of Early Childhood Development in Latin America and the Caribbean

By Mamta Murthi and Lars Sondergaard

This title addresses the skills gap in Europe and Central Asia and recommends greater focus on the quality of education and measuring what students actually learn. It also recomends more emphasis on incentives to produce better learning results.

By Emiliana Vegas and Lucrecia Santibáñez This book takes stock of early childhood development indicators in the region and explores access to early childhood development services for children of different backgrounds. It presents policy options to develop national early childhood development policies and programs

April 2011. 352 pages. Stock no. C18096 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8096-3). US$35.00

Latin American Development Forum

No Small Matter

Preliminary Cover


December 2009. 168 pages. Stock no. C17759 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7759-8). US$40.00

The Impact of Shocks and Human Capital Investments in Early Childhood Development


The volume follows the WBRO symposium approach, including topics such as ‘economic crises and young children’, ‘fragility and young children’, ‘the economic gradient of cognitive impairment’, ‘the convergence of equity and efficiency in ECD programs’, ‘home based versus center based approaches for under 3’, etc. Most of the chapters are authored by Bank staff and are based on research produced over recent years.

Previously Announced

Edited by Harold H. Alderman

The Lao People’s Democratic Republic and the Story of Nam Theun 2 Edited by Ian C. Porter and Jayasankar Shivakumar

In the wake of an acrimonious debate on big dams, the World Bank brokered a global agreement on financing as well as on the sharing of the rewards and risks of the controversial Nam Theun 2 hydroelectric project in Lao PDR. Through this process, it prepared the project for the country and the country for the project. This book describes how careful management, effective communications, and technical expertise helped to reach consensus and nurtured private-public partnerships, engaged stakeholders, strengthened the country’s development framework and poverty reduction efforts, and addressed the project’s environmental and social impacts

Human development Perspectives

February 2011. 288 pages. Stock no. C18677 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8677-4). US$35.00

Making Schools Work New Evidence on Accountability Reforms By Barbara Bruns, Deon Filmer, and Harry Anthony Patrinos

This book summarizes the lessons from impact evaluations of a range of reforms focused on enhancing school accountability for results (school based management, provision of information, teacher incentives, contract teachers), using the World Development Report 2004 as a conceptual framework.

Doing A Dam Better

Preliminary Cover

December 2010. 216 pages. Stock no. C16985 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-6985-2). US$25.00

Human development Perspectives

February 2011. 294 pages. Stock no. C18679 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8679-8). US$35.00

Opportunities in Dam Planning and Management A Communication Practitioner’s Handbook for Large Water Infrastructure By Lawrence J.M. Haas, Leonardo Mazzei, and Donal T. O’Lea

Science, Technology and Innovation in Uganda Recommendation for Policy and Action By Sukhdeep Brar, Sara E. Farley, Robert Hawkins, and Caroline S. Wagner World Bank Studies

December 2010. 128 pages. Stock no. C18672 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8672-9). US$20.00

This Handbook offers “how to” ideas to help infrastructure practitioners identify good practice improvements in communication, starting with the World Bank’s own expanding portfolio of dam projects. In-depth case studies prepared for this Handbook show the considerable scope, value added, and many practical reasons to link governance, sustainability, and communication aspects at all stages of the project cycle.

March 2011. 160 pages. Stock no. C18216 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8216-5). US$25.00

January–June 2011

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Climate Impacts on Energy Systems Key Issues for Energy Sector Adaptation By Jane Ebinger, Walter Vergara, and Irene Leino World Bank Studies

January 2011. 225 pages. Stock no. C18697 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8697-2). US$25.00

Sustainable Production of Commercial Wood Fuel Lessons and Guidance from Two Strategies By Rogerio Carneiro de Miranda, Steve Sepp, Eliane Ceccon, Stefan Mann, and Bipulendu Singh World Bank Working Papers

June 2011. 64 pages. Stock no. C18565 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8565-4). US$15.00

Preliminary Cover/ Previously Announced

E nerg y • E n v ir o n m ent Clean Development Mechanism in China Five Years of Experience, 2004 to 2009 Edited by Jostein Nygard, Carter J. Brandon, and Hongwei Yang

This publication reviews the application of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in China, elaborates upon the attractiveness of various sectors for CDM and estimates China’s share in the international carbon market.

March 2011. 144 pages. Stock no. C16320 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-6320-1). US$25.00

Assessment of the Risk of Amazon Dieback By Walter Vergara and Sebastian M. Scholz World Bank Studies

E ne r g y


Bioenergy Development

Issues and Impacts for Poverty and Natural Resource Management

By Elizabeth Cushion, Adrian Whiteman, and Gerhard Dieterle This book gives an overview of bioenergy developments and examines the main issues and possible socioeconomic implications of these developments and their potential impacts on land use and the environment, especially with respect to forests. It presents an introduction to bioenergy, provides a background and overview of solid biomass and liquid biofuels, and examines opportunities and challenges at the regional and country level.

November 2010. 160 pages. Stock no. C18621 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8621-7). US$25.00

Carbon Footprints and Food Systems Do Current Accounting Methodologies Disadvantage Developing Countries? By Paul Brenton, Gareth Edwards-Jones, and Michael Friis Jensen World Bank Studies

September 2010. 84 pages. Stock no. C18539 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8539-5). US$15.00

A Financing Facility for Low-Carbon Development in Developing Countries By Christophe de Gouvello, Ivan Zelenko, and Philippe Ambrosi

Agriculture and Rural Development Series

World Bank Working Papers

December 2009. 232 pages. Stock no. C17629 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7629-4). US$35.00

September 2010. 52 pages. Stock no. C18521 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8521-0). US$20.00

Public Procurement of Energy Efficiency Services Lessons from International Experience

By Jas Singh, Dilip R. Limaye, Brian Henderson, and Xiaoyu Shi Energy efficiency is rapidly becoming a critical policy tools to meet the substantial growth in energy demand. This book synthesizes lessons from a review of international case studies of Energy Savings Performance Contracts in the public sector. It summarizes experience and outlines the effectiveness of different business and procurement models.

Mainstreaming Building Energy Efficiency Codes in Developing Countries Global Experiences and Lessons from Early Adopters By Liu Feng, Anke S. Meyer, and John F. Hogan World Bank Working Papers

October 2010. 224 pages. Stock no. C18534 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8534-0). US$25.00

Also Available

Directions in Development

The Changing Wealth of Nations

December 2009. 256 pages. Stock no. C18062 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8062-8). US$30.00

Measuring Sustainable Development in the New Millennium December 2010. 224 pages. Stock no. C18488 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8488-6). US$35.00

See page 10 for more information


Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean

Strategic Environmental Assessment in Policy and Sector Reform

By Jakob Kronik and Dorte Verner June 2010. 200 pages. Stock no. C18237 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8237-0). US$35.00

Rated “Essential” by Choice Magazine, December 2010

Conceptual Model and Operational Guidance This book refines a conceptual model and develops guidance for applying strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in policy and sector reform. It shows that SEA can contribute to improving development policy by calling attention to environmental priorities, strengthening environmental constituencies, and promoting social accountability.

Environment and Development

November 2010. 248 pages. Stock no. C18559 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8559-3). US$25.00 22 •


E nvi r onment

Preliminary Cover

E n v ir o n m ent • F I N A N C E A N D F I N A N C I A L S E C T O R D E V E L O P M E N T

B E S T S E LL E r s

Social Dimensions of Climate Change Equity and Vulnerability in a Warming World

By Jean-Pierre Brun, Larissa Gray, Clive Scott, and Kevin Stephenson

January 2011. 232 pages. Stock no. C18634 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8634-7). US$30.00 Preliminary Cover

New Frontiers of Social Policy

December 2009. 344 pages. Stock no. C17887 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7887-8). US$30.00

Convenient Solutions to an Inconvenient Truth

Barriers to Asset Recovery An Analysis of the Key Barriers and Recommendations for Action By Kevin Stephenson, Larissa Gray, and Ric Power

Despite international commitments, significant barriers remain in the process of recovering the proceeds of corruption from foreign jurisdictions. This volume identifies and analyzes the impact of these obstacles and proposes recommendations for overcoming them.

Ecosystem-Based Approaches to Climate Change This book sets out a compelling argument for including ecosystem-based approaches to mitigation and adaptation as a third essential pillar in national strategies to address climate change. Such ecosystembased strategies can offer cost-effective, proven and sustainable solutions contributing to, and complementing, other adaptation strategies.

February 2011. 246 pages. Stock no. C18660 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8660-6). US$30.00

Governance and Investment of Public Pension Assets

Environment and Development

November 2009. 128 pages. Stock no. C18126 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8126-7). US$22.95

Practitioners’ Perspectives

Low-Carbon Development

Edited Sudhir Rajkumar and Mark C. Dorfman

Latin American Responses to Climate Change

The global financial crisis has had a profound impact on public and private pension funds worldwide and its effects will likely last years. This book presents the experiences and views of a remarkable group of financial experts and public pension fund practitioners on the prognosis and strategies going forward.

By Augusto de la Torre, Pablo Fajnzylber, and John Nash This book examines the unique perspective of the Latin American and Caribbean region in combating climate change: problems the region will face, its potential contributions toward combating global warming, and how to maximize this potential while continuing to maintain growth and reduce poverty.

November 2010. 320 pages. Stock no. C18470 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8470-1). US$35.00

Latin America and Caribbean Studies

Protecting Mobile Money against Financial Crime

October 2009. 232 pages. Stock no. C18054 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8054-3). US$35.00

Global Policy Challenges and Solutions


By Pierre-Laurent Chatain, Andrew Zerzan, Wameek Noor, Najah Dannaoui, and Louis de Koker

This title provides practical guidance on how to draft regulations and guidelines to comply with Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) standards while allowing flexibility for mobile money to thrive.

A Banker’s Compliance Guide to Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

Directions in Development

February 2011. 208 pages. Stock no. C18669 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8669-9). US$30.00

By Heba Shams and Mark Butler

This manual is designed to train the staff and officers of financial institutions in all aspects of Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) internal control. It draws on the expertise of AML/CFT specialists from across the spectrum.

Preliminary Cover

Preliminary Cover

A Guide for Practitioners This handbook is designed as a ‘how-to’ manual that guides practitioners as they grapple with the strategic, organizational, investigative, and legal challenges of recovering assets that have been stolen by corrupt leaders and hidden abroad.

Edited by Robin Mearns and Andrew Norton While major strides have been made in the scientific understanding of climate change, much less understood is how these dynamics in the physical enviornment interact with socioeconomic systems. This book brings together the latest knowledge on the consequences of climate change for society and how best to address them.

February 2011. 232 pages. Stock no. C18264 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8264-6). US$39.95

Asset Recovery Handbook

Annuities and Other Retirement Products Designing the Payout Phase By Roberto Rocha, Dimitri Vittas, and Heinz P. Rudolph

In the 1990s many emerging economies in Central Europe and Latin America initiated their pension reforms. While most analysis to date has focused on the accumulation phase, this book shares a number of lessons on the retirement options from a public policy perspective. Directions in Development

January 2011. 352 pages. Stock no. C18573 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8573-9). US$40.00 January–June 2011

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F I N A N C E A N D F I N A N C I A L S E C T O R D E V E L O P M E N T • G ender Risk and Performance Measurement in a Treasury Environment

The Korean Financial Crisis of 1997

By Hector Sierra

Onset, Turnaround, and Thereafter

This book will serves as a resource guide for risk professionals in public institutions, and is useful to anyone working in the area of fixed income. While its focus is on fixed income, many of the ideas can be applied to other asset classes. Many exercises and examples illustrate the techniques covered in the book. Readers can download the spreadsheets included in the adjoining CD and use them standalone, or adapt and integrate them with their own applications.

By Kyu-Sung Lee

June 2011. 384 pages. Stock no. C18210 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8210-3). US$40.00

Written by a former Korean Finance Minister, this book provides an unparalleled insider’s look at the factors leading up to the 1997-98 financial crisis in South Korea and how the crisis unfolded over the next two years.

January 2011. 448 pages. Stock no. C18239 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8239-4). US$39.95

Nonprofit Organizations and the Combatting of Terrorism Financing A Proportionate Response By Emile van der Does de Willebois World Bank Working Papers

November 2010. 48 pages. Stock no. C18547 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8547-0). US$15.00

F I N A N C E A N D F I N A N C I A L S E C T O R D E V E L O P M E N T B E S T S E LL E r s

Analyzing Banking Risk

Microfinance Handbook

A Framework for Assessing Corporate Governance and Risk Management

An Institutional and Financial Perspective

By Hennie van Greuning and Sonja Brajovic-Bratanovic The third edition of Analyzing Banking Risk provides a comprehensive overview of topics dealing with the assessment, analysis, and management of financial risks in banking. April 2009. 440 pages. Stock no. C17728 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8213-7728-4). US$55.00

Managing Risk and Creating Value with Microfinance

By Joanna Ledgerwood This long best selling title brings together in a single source the guiding principles and tools that will promote sustainable microfinance and create viable institutions. The Handbook takes a global perspective, drawing on lessons learned from the experiences of microfinance practitioners, donors, and others throughout the world. It covers extensively matters pertaining to the regulatory and policy framework and the essential components of institutional capacity building, such as product design, performance measuring and monitoring, and management of microfinance institutions. December 1998. 302 pages. Stock no. C14306 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-4306-7). US$39.95

By Mike Goldberg and Eric Palladini This book brings together the results of an eightpart series of presentations by leading experts and microfinance practitioners on issues related to microfinance institutional sustainability. It is intended for microfinance institution board members, managers, and staff, and government regulators and supervisors. April 2010. 144 pages. Stock no. C18228 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8228-8). US$29.95

Transforming Microfinance Institutions Providing Full Financial Services to the Poor By Joanna Ledgerwood and Victoria White Given the immense need for access to all financial services by low-income people, this book provides a practical guide for practitioners, regulators, donors, investors, and academics involved with credit-focused MFIs contemplating becoming licensed as regulated deposit-taking financial intermediaries. August 2006. 566 pages. Stock no. C16615 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-6615-8). US$50.00


Gender and Macroeconomic Policy By Raj Nallari and Breda Griffith

Gender-Sensitive Approaches for the Extractive Industry in Peru

Large amounts of development assistance are annually made available to communities across Peru due the presence of extractive industry (EI) companies. This report challenges the “development industry” to work more closely with local government and companies, sharing its knowledge on thematic issues such as gender and on programs to achieve what the NGOs, civil society and local government have within their mandates to deliver, and what the EI sector seeks.

Directions in Development

Directions in Development

November 2010. 168 pages. Stock no. C18208 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8208-0). US$20.00

January 2011. 184 pages. Stock no. C17434 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7434-4). US$30.00

24 •

Improving the Impact on Women in Poverty and Their Families By Bernie Ward with contribution from John Strongman

Extractive Industry companies in Peru could substantially improve their social development outcomes by taking a few simple steps to improve their impact on the more disadvantaged women in their neighboring communities.


Gender Equality in Latin America and the Caribbean By Laura Chioda and Roberto Garcia Verdú

This book focuses on explaining the apparent paradox observed in the Latin America and the Caribbean region of a closing gender gap in some important access indicators. The evidence points to the importance of family formation in explaining the labor force participation trends and differences in occupational mobility between men and women. Directions in Development

May 2011. 160 pages. Stock no. C18485 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8485-5). US$25.00

G ende r


Gender and Governance in Rural Services

This volume synthesizes the most recent policyrelated insights about the interaction between the specific political economy contexts and institutional mechanisms in the natural resource sector in the five African countries of Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Niger, and Nigeria. Building on the lens of the natural resource management value chain, it brings a problemoriented, micro political economy focus to the governance and institutional challenges surrounding natural resource management for sustainable development.


Lessons from Social Accountability Initiatives in Africa Edited by Mary McNeil and Carmen Malena This volume makes a contribution towards filling a gap in the literature by describing and analyzing a selection of social accountability initiatives from seven Sub-Saharan countries.

January 2010. 376 pages. Stock no. C17658 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7658-4). US$35.00


June 2010. 264 pages. Stock no. C18380 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8380-3). US$25.00

Accountability through Public Opinion

Preliminary Cover

Edited by Le Tuan Minh

Demanding Good Governance

Agriculture and Rural Development Series

The Many Faces of Corruption Tracking Vulnerabilities at the Sector Level

From Inertia to Public Action Edited by Sina Odugbemi and Taeku Lee

This books analyses the role of public opinion for generating genuine citizen demand for accountability, providing case studies from around the world to illustrate how public opinion forces governments to be accountable.

February 2011. 536 pages. Stock no. C18505 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8505-0). US$45.00

Citizenship, Governance, and Social Policy in the Developing World

Preliminary Cover

Governing Extractive Industries for Sustainable Development


This book provides policy-relevant knowledge on strategies to improve agricultural and rural service delivery with a focus on providing more equitable access to these services, especially for women.

Edited by Anis A. Dani and Ashutosh Varshney

This book demonstrates the relevance of concepts of citizenship to the discourse on governance. It uses comparative analysis and case studies to examine how developing countries are addressing three key characteristics of governance—treatment of social diversity, state capacity, and democratic accountability.

March 2011. 250 pages. Stock no. C17885 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7885-4). US$30.00

The Political Economy of the Natural Resource Paradox in Africa

May 2011. 425 pages. Stock no. C18477 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8477-0). US$39.95

Insights from India, Ghana, and Ethiopia

New Frontiers of Social Policy

Preliminary Cover/ Previously Announced

Preliminary Cover/ Previously Announced

G ender • G OV E R N A N C E

Edited by J. Edgardo Campos and Sanjay Pradhan Corruption is a multidimensional phenomenon that rears its head in many places. For this reason, it is difficult and challenging to assess how well a country is doing in addressing it. This title provides guidance to practitioners and policymakers in the design of anticorruption reforms. April 2007. 480 pages. Stock no. C16725 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-6725-4). US$45.00

Public Sentinel

News Media and Governance Reform

Edited by Pippa Norris The purpose of this book is to inform governance advisors about the vital role of the news media for governance reform. It approaches the issue of news media and governance with three broad questions: What ideal roles should media systems play to strengthen democratic governance and thus bolster human development? Under what conditions do media systems actually succeed or fail to fulfill these objectives? What policy interventions work most effectively to close the substantial gap that exists between the democratic promise and performance of the news media as an institution? November 2009. 442 pages. Stock no. C18200 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8200-4). US$40.00

Trends in Corruption and Regulatory Burden in Eastern Europe and Central Asia World Bank Studies

January 2011. 105 pages. Stock no. C18671 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8671-2). US$15.00

January–June 2011

phone 703.661.1580 • in the U.S. phone 1.800.645.7247 • fax 703.661.1501


H ealth • I nternati o nal E c o n o m ics and T rade

H E A L T H , N U T R I T I O N , and P O P U L AT I O N

H E A L T H , N U T R I T I O N , and P O P UL A T I O N B E S T S E LL E R

Global Marketplace for Private Health Insurance

Preliminary Cover

Meeting the Challenges of Health Transition in the Middle East and North Africa

Strength in Numbers

This book identifies the major drivers for change in the health sector in the region, assesses the readiness of the health sector in the different countries to meet these new challenges, and proposes policy options for action.

Edited by Alexander S. Preker, Peter Zweifel, and Onno P. Schellekens Rich or poor, countries around the globe are struggling to find a way to pay for health care. The authors of this book present a compelling analysis that shows private health insurance can play a role in providing more affordable access to health care to more people, no matter what their economic status.

Directions in Development

November 2009. 526 pages. Stock no. C17507 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7507-5). US$49.95

By Akiko Maeda

April 2011. 80 pages. Stock no. C18466 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8466-4). US$30.00

I nternati o nal E c o n o m ics and T rade

Preliminary Cover

Financing Health Care in the East Asia Pacific Region Best Practices and Remaining Challenges

Border Management Modernization

By John C. Langenbrunner and Aparnaa Somanathan

Edited by Gerard McLinden, Enrique Fanta, David Widdowson, and Tom Doyle

This basic premise of this book is that health systems need to generate sustainable and adequate financing for health to ensure that health outcomes are optimized and financial protection is guaranteed. Many countries in the East Asia and Pacific region are searching for best practices and options in health financing. This book reviews best practices and remaining challenges with regard to each of the functions of health financing—collecting and pooling of revenues, and purchasing of services—across East Asian countries

April 2011. 288 pages. Stock no. C18682 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8682-8). US$35.00 Preliminary Cover

Engaging the Private Sector to Improve Health in Africa

November 2010. 400 pages. Stock no. C18596 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8596-8). US$39.95 Previously Announced

Directions in Development

This book provides a practical guide to assist policy makers, administrators, and border management professionals with information and advice on how to improve border management systems, procedures, and institutions.

This book aims to help the policymaker and development community in general to understand the nature of the problems and policy dilemmas that landlocked countries face to trade with the rest of the World.

This report presents newly collected data on how and how effectively each country in the Africa region is engaging the respective private health sectors; and how the engagement compares across the region.

Directions in Development

February 2011. 280 pages. Stock no. C18416 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8416-9). US$35.00

By Christophe Lemiere, Christopher Herbst, Negda Jahanshahi, Ellen Smith, and Agnes Soucat World Bank Working Papers

December 2010. 56 pages. Stock no. C18599 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8599-9). US$15.00

Preliminary Cover

April 2011. 352 pages. Stock no. C18472 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8472-5). US$30.00

A Labor Market Prospective on What Works, What Does Not, and Why

Trade Corridors in the 21st Century By Jean-Francois Arvis, Graham Smith, and Robin Carruthers

Healthy Partnerships

Reducing Geographical Imbalances of Health Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa

Connecting Landlocked Developing Countries to Markets

Special Economic Zones in Africa Comparing Performance and Learning from Global Experiences By Thomas Farole

This book provides the first systematic and comprehensive analysis of Special Economi Zones (SEZ) in Sub-Saharan Africa, offering a quantitative evidence of factors contributing to SEZ performance and a comprehensive guide to the key policy questions that confront governments in establishing such programs. Directions in Development

January 2011. 320 pages. Stock no. C18638 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8638-5). US$35.00

26 •


Previously Announced

I nternati o nal E c o n o m ics and T rade World Investment and Political Risk 2010

Also Available

By Daniel Villar, Stephan Dreyhaupt, Persephone Economou, Caroline Lambert, Gero Verheyen, and Emanuel Salinas

Trade Under Crisis

World Trade Indicators 2010

World Investment and Political Risk 2010 offers a snapshot of political risk perceptions of multinational enterprises and perspectives of the political risk insurance industry in the emerging post-crisis investment landscape, focusing on conflictaffected and fragile economies.

December 2010. 108 pages. Stock no. C18478 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8478-7). US$28.00

December 2010. 100 pages. Stock no. C18040 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8040-6). US$100.00

See page 7 for more information

Changing the Industrial Geography in Asia The Impact of China and India September 2010. 280 pages. Stock no. C18240 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8240-0). US$24.95

See page 12 for more information

Preliminary Cover

Managing Openness Trade and Outward-Oriented Growth after the Crisis Edited by Mona Haddad and Ben Shepherd

This book contributes to the important and ongoing policy debate on the trade collapse, its causes and consequences, and the broader trade policy agenda in the post-crisis environment. It addresses critical policy issues revolving around the topic of outward-oriented growth strategy, including policy instruments that help manage risks associated with outwardorientation, lessons learned from the crisis for particular countries and regions, and how emerging trade policy issues such as climate change, commodities, global production networking, and migration affect the prospects for recovery and outward-oriented growth. Trade and Development

February 2011. 412 pages. Stock no. C18631 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8631-6). US$49.95

I nte r nationa l E conomics and T r ade B E S T S E LL E R S

China’s and India’s Challenge to Latin America Opportunity or Threat? Edited by Daniel Lederman, Marcelo Olarreaga, and Guillermo E. Perry What effect does the growth of these Asian economies have on the Latin American and Caribbean region? Certain manufacturing and service industries have been negatively affected but there are positive aggregate effects for LAC economies associated with China’s and India’s greater presence in world exports, financial flows, and innovation. Latin American Development Forum

October 2008. 360 pages. Stock no. C17308 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7308-8). US$35.00

Preliminary Cover

Preferential Trade Agreement Policies for Development

Distortions to Agricultural Incentives

A Handbook

A Global Perspective, 1955-2007

Edited by Jean-Pierre Chauffour and Jean-Christophe Maur

This book offers an introduction to the key elements of Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs), addressing the practical economic and legal aspects of the regulatory policies in PTAs. Trade and Development

April 2011. 7 pages. Stock no. C18643 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8643-9). US$49.95

Logistics in Lagging Regions Overcoming Local Barriers to Global Connectivity

Edited by Kym Anderson This book brings together a set of estimates of the changing extent of agricultural distortions over the past half-century. Further on it provides analytical narratives of the evolution of farm versus non-farm policies in each of dozens of countries, covering in aggregate around 90 percent of agricultural output and 95 percent of the world economy. Such comprehensive coverage exposes also the different degrees to which the key agricultural product markets have been and still are distorted Trade and Development

October 2009. 680 pages. Stock no. C17665 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7665-2). US$39.95

By Charles Kunaka World Bank Studies

December 2010. 96 pages. Stock no. C18649 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8649-1). US$15.00

Making the Cut? Low-Income Countries and the Global Clothing Value Chain in a Post-Quota and Post-Crisis World By Cornelia Staritz World Bank Studies

January 2011. 304 pages. Stock no. C18636 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8636-1). US$29.95

January–June 2011

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ICT • INFRASTRUCTURE Infrastructure and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa


By Quentin Wodon and Antonio Estache

The book provides evidence on the role of infrastructure in accelerating growth and progress toward the Millennium Development Goals, and on the financing needs for the sector to play this role. It also provides quantitative data and analysis on the performance of various sub-sectors in terms of access rates, affordability, quality, and costs. Finally it discusses the impact of the main institutional, contractual, and regulatory reforms implemented in the sector so far and the way forward.

Telecommunications Regulation Handbook Tenth Anniversary Edition By Colin Blackman and Lara Srivastava

This title reflects modern developments in the information and communications technology sector and analyzes the regulatory challenges ahead. Designed to be pragmatic, the Handbook provides a clear analysis of the issues and identifies the best regulatory implementation strategies based on global experience.

B estse l l e r s

Information and Communications for Development 2009

June 2011. 160 pages. Stock no. C16902 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-6902-9). US$28.00

Innovation Policy A Guide for Developing Countries

Preliminary Cover/ Previously Announced

May 2009. 340 pages. Stock no. C17605 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7605-8). US$40.00

This volume offers a detailed conceptual framework for understanding and learning about technology innovation policies and programs, and their implementation in the context of different countries.

I N F R A S T R U C T U R E E C O N OM I C S AND FINANCE Preliminary Cover

How to Engage with the Private Sector in PublicPrivate Partnerships in Emerging Markets

Africa’s Water and Sanitation Infrastructure Access, Affordability, and Alternatives By Sudeshna Ghosh Banerjee and Elvira Morella

This title is the most up-to-date and comprehensive diagnostic of state of water and sanitation sectors in Africa. It will be of interest to water sector practitioners and policymakers, private sector infrastructure investors, and academics.

February 2011. 432 pages. Stock no. C18457 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8457-2). US$30.00

Africa’s Transport Infrastructure Mainstreaming Maintenance and Management By Ken Gwilliam

This book describes the nature, extent, and condition of the Sub-Saharan African road, rail, air, maritime, and waterway transport networks. Based on a comprehensive new collection of physical and financial data collected under the Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostics program. Directions in Development

January 2011. 440 pages. Stock no. C18456 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8456-5). US$35.00

Africa’s Power Infrastructure

Previously Announced

By Edward Farquharson, Clemencia Torres de Mästle, and E.R. Yescombe

The purpose of this guide is to enhance the chances of effective partnerships being developed between the public and the private-sector by addressing one of the main obstacles to effective PPP project delivery: having the right information on the right projects for the right partners at the right time.

This volume charts the history of the information and communication technologies (ICT) revolution in Africa and discusses how telecommunications has been transformed from a luxury enjoyed by the few to a part of everyday life across the region.

Directions in Development

Preliminary Cover/ Previously Announced

May 2010. 432 pages. Stock no. C18269 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8269-1). US$35.00

Edited by Mark Williams

April 2011. 250 pages. Stock no. C18454 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8454-1). US$30.00

Extending Reach and Increasing Impact Assessing what has worked, what hasn’t, and why, this semi-annual report is an invaluable guide for understandinghow to capture the benefits of information and communication technology around the world.

Africa’s ICT Infrastructure

Preliminary Cover/ Previously Announced

February 2011. 256 pages. Stock no. C18668 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8668-2). US$35.00

Directions in Development

Improving Investment, Connectivity, Reliability, and Efficiencies By Anton Eberhard, Orvika Rosnes, Maria Shkaratan, and Haakon Vennemo

January 2011. 192 pages. Stock no. C17863 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7863-2). US$25.00

This book looks at policies and investment strategies that renew efforts to reform state-owned utilities, build on the lessons of private participation in infrastructure projects, retarget electrification strategies, expand regional power trade, and mobilize new funding resources. Directions in Development

March 2011. 320 pages. Stock no. C18455 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8455-8). US$30.00 28 •


Harnessing Quality for Competitiveness in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Edited by Jean-Louis Racine

This book describes how Eastern Europe and Central Asia national quality systems are underdeveloped and increase trade costs, hinder firms’ competitiveness, and weaken export performance. It recommends that governments invest strategically, pooling services with neighboring countries, stimulating local awareness and demand for quality, and in some cases improving governance.

Preliminary Cover/ Previously Announced

I N F R A S T R U C T U R E • M A C R O E C O N OM I C S A N D E C O N OM I C G R O W T H Remittance Markets in Africa Edited by Sanket Mohapatra and Dilip Ratha

This book presents findings of surveys of remittance service providers conducted in eight Sub-Saharan African countries and in three key destination countries. It looks at issues relating to costs, competition, innovation and regulation, and discusses policy options for leveraging remittances for development in Africa. Directions in Development

February 2011. 420 pages. Stock no. C18475 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8475-6). US$39.95 Preliminary Cover/ Previously Announced

January 2011. 364 pages. Stock no. C18509 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8509-8). US$30.00

Integration of Revenue Administration A Comparative Study of International Experience World Bank Studies

September 2010. 56 pages. Stock no. C18524 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8524-1). US$15.00


Africa’s Infrastructure A Time for Transformation

This book consolidates research and evidence on how diaspora of developing countries can be a potent force for development through remittances, trade, investment, knowledge, and technology transfers.

February 2011. 290 pages. Stock no. C18258 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8258-5). US$35.00

From Reconstruction to Reform The overall objective of this comprehensive report is to consider Rwanda’s budget support in the context of its overall public expenditure and resources.

December 2009. 384 pages. Stock no. C18041 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8041-3). US$39.95

October 2010. 304 pages. Stock no. C18558 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8558-6). US$35.00

Industrial Clusters and Micro and Small Enterprises in Africa


From Survival to Growth

Migration and Poverty Towards Better Opportunities for the Poor Edited by Edmundo Murrugarra, Jennica Larrison, and Marcin Sasin

This volume summarizes some of the most interesting recent studies about international migration from World Bank research to demonstrate how diverse the global migration experience is, how important it is for the world’s poorest, and how its substantial poverty reduction potential is currently underutilized.

November 2010. 160 pages. Stock no. C18436 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8436-7). US$25.00

By Sonia Plaza and Dilip Ratha

Budgeting for Effectiveness in Rwanda

This volume is the culmination of an unprecedented effort to document, analyze, and interpret the full extent of the challenge in developing Sub-Saharan Africa’s infrastructure sectors. It represents the most comprehensive reference currently available on infrastructure in the region. The book covers the five main economic infrastructure sectors-information and communication technology, irrigation, power, transport, and water and sanitation.

Directions in Development

Diaspora for Development

This title focuses on how naturally formed industrial clusters could potentially mitigate those constraints and enhance their business performance. It further lays out the advantages and challenges to clusters and the firms they house and presents the promising results of managerial training to cluster-based entrepreneurs. Directions in Development

December 2010. 190 pages. Stock no. C18627 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8627-9). US$25.00

Breeding Latin American Tigers Operational Principles for Rehabilitating Industrial Policies in the Region By Robert Devlin and Graciela Moguillansky

Migration, Remittances, and Development in Africa This publication seeks to harness migration, remittances, and other diaspora resources for the development of Sub-Saharan Africa.

May 2011. 210 pages. Stock no. C18257 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8257-8). US$39.95

This book defines generic First Principles for the use, design, and execution of modern industrial policies, and then examines the experiences of nine Latin American and Caribbean governments against these First Principles. The authors identify large gaps in the organizational and operational effectiveness of their public sectors, and suggest ways to close these gaps. Latin American Development Forum

May 2011. 216 pages. Stock no. C18688 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8688-0). US$30.00

January–June 2011

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M A C R O E C O N OM I C S A N D E C O N OM I C G R O W T H Understanding Growth and Poverty Theory, Policy, and Empirics Edited by Raj Nallari and Breda Griffith

Also Available

The Day After Tomorrow A Handbook on the Future of Economic Policy in the Developing World

This volume is a nontechnical introduction to the theories and policies that affect economic growth and poverty. It will be of interest to policy makers, development practitioners, civil society organizations, and students of economic development.

September 2010. 464 pages. Stock no. C18498 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8498-5). US$35.00

Directions in Development

November 2010. 528 pages. Stock no. C18483 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8483-1). US$49.95

February 2011. 496 pages. Stock no. C16953 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-6953-1). US$25.00 Previously Announced

Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 2010, Global

See page 14 for more information

Sovereign Debt and the Financial Crisis Will This Time Be Different? See page 15 for more information

Migration and Remittances Factbook 2011 Second Edition November 2010. 256 pages. Stock no. C18218 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8218-9). US$39.95

See page 11 for more information

Lessons from East Asia and the Global Financial Crisis Edited by Justin Yifu Lin and Boris Pleskovic

This title presents papers from a global gathering of the world’s leading development scholars and practitioners held June 22-24, 2009 in Seoul, Republic of Korea. Paper themes include: Industrial Policy and Development; Social Capital, Institutions, and Development; Financial Crisis and Regulation; Innovation and Competition.

December 2010. 392 pages. Stock no. C18060 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8060-4). US$35.00

The Market for Remittance Services in the Czech Republic Outcomes of a Survey among Migrants By Marco Nicoli and Carlo Corazza World Bank Studies

October 2010. 88 pages. Stock no. C18585 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8585-2). US$20.00

Mongolia Economic Retrospective: 2008-2010 World Bank Studies

October 2010. 60 pages. Stock no. C18540 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8540-1). US$15.00

Uganda’s Remittance Corridors from United Kingdom, United States and South Africa Challenges to Linking Remittances to the Use of Formal Services By Isaku Endo, Jane Namaaji, and Anoma Kulathunga World Bank Working Papers

November 2010. pages. Stock no. C18430 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8430-5). US$20.00


Africa Development Indicators 2010 Silent and Lethal—How Quiet Corruption Undermines Africa’s Development Efforts Africa Development Indicators 2010 (ADI) provides the most detailed collection of data on Africa available. It puts together data from different sources, and is an essential tool for policy makers, researchers, and other people interested in Africa. April 2010. 214 pages. Stock no. C18202 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8202-8). US$100.00

Debt Relief and Beyond Lessons Learned and Challenges Ahead Edited by Carlos A. Primo Braga, and Dörte Dömeland This book assesses the implications of debt relief for low-income countries after 12 years of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative and discusses how the benefits from debt relief can be maintained. October 2009. 480 pages. Stock no. C17874 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7874-8). US$29.95

Development Economics through the Decades A Critical Look at Thirty Years of the World Development Report By Shahid Yusuf “This book not only offers an invaluable retrospective of the World Bank’s best thinking on development but also has the analytical caliber and policy insights to become an indispensable source for those dealing with the present and future growth and equity challenges faced by the developing countries.” — Ernesto Zedillo December 2008. 218 pages. Stock no. C17255 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7255-5). US$26.00

30 •



P OV E R T Y R E D U C T I O N Preliminary Cover


Two Dragon Heads Contrasting Development Paths for Beijing and Shanghai By Shahid Yusuf and Kaoru Nabeshima This book explores the contrasting development options available to Beijing and Shanghai and proposes strategies for these cities based on their current and acquired capabilities, experience of other world cities, the emerging demand in the national market, and likely trends in global trade.

Poverty and Social Exclusion in India This book presents evidence on how three groups that have traditionally faced exclusion in India—the Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes, and women— fared over a period of rapid growth in the country. It combines rigorous quantitative research with a discussion on the underlying processes that result in the exclusion of these groups. Equity and development

April 2011. 192 pages. Stock no. C18690 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8690-3). US$25.00 Preliminary Cover

January 2010. 224 pages. Stock no. C18048 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8048-2). US$19.95

The Growth Report Strategies for Sustained Growth and Inclusive Development By Commission on Growth and Development

Perspectives on Poverty in India Stylized Facts from Survey Data

This is the result of two years work by 19 experienced policymakers and two Nobel prize-winning economists, The Growth Report is the most complete analysis to date of the ingredients which, if used in the right countryspecific recipe, can deliver grow

This book provides fresh insights into the evolution and determinants of poverty in India in recent decades. It focuses urbanization, as a source of both urban and rural-based growth; expansion of the rural non-farm sector; and tackling social exclusion.

July 2008. 196 pages. Stock no. C17491 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7491-7). US$26.00

Equity and development

April 2011. 248 pages. Stock no. C18689 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8689-7). US$30.00 Preliminary Cover

Post-Crisis Growth in Developing Countries A Special Report of the Commission on Growth and Development on the Implications of the 2008 Financial Crisis By Commission on Growth and Development This report assesses the 2008 financial crisis’ longer term impact on developing countries, explains how developing countries can make themselves more resilient in the face of such blows, and examines what international institutions and forums can do to help.

Confronting Poverty in Iraq Main Findings This report provides the most comprehensive and rigorous analysis of Iraqi poverty and living standards in several decades.

January 2011. 104 pages. Stock no. C18562 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8562-3). US$20.00

January 2010. 96 pages. Stock no. C18165 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8165-6). US$15.00

Globalization and Growth


Implications for a Post-Crisis World Edited Michael Spence and Danny Leipziger This book evaluates the prospects for economic growth in developing countries in the wake of the world financial and economic crises of 2008-2009. It considers a range of questions, particularly with regard to the future of globalization and the policy implications of the crisis. It considers the important issues pertaining to short-term, medium-term, and long-term growth and puts forward the latest policy ideas for fostering sustained economic

Handbook on Poverty + Inequality By Jonathan Haughton and Shahidur R. Khandker For anyone wanting to learn, in practical terms, how to measure, describe, monitor, evaluate, and analyze poverty, this Handbook is the place to start. March 2009. 448 pages. Stock no. C17613 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7613-3). US$39.95

April 2010. 384 pages. Stock no. C18220 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8220-2). US$40.00

Moving Out of Poverty

Leadership and Growth By David Brady and Michael Spence This volume brings together and evaluates the state of knowledge on the issues of leadership and growth. January 2010. 304 pages. Stock no. C18100 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8100-7). US$40.00

Rising from the Ashes of Conflict By Deepa Narayan and Patti Petesch A part of the Moving Out of Poverty series, this book uncovers the links between violent conflict, poor people’s mobility and the economic, political and social factors which support rapid recovery and poverty reduction at the local level. December 2009. 576 pages. Stock no. C17631 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7631-7). US$40.00

January–June 2011

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P ri v ate S E C T O R D E V E L O P M E N T • P U B L I C S E C T O R D E V E L O P M E N T

P R I VAT e S E CTO R D E V E LO P M E N T Previously Announced

Entrepreneurship Snapshots 2010 Measuring the Impact of the Financial Crisis on New Business Registration The 2010 World Bank Entrepreneurship Snapshots (WBGES) provide a unique indicator of business creation around the world and facilitate the investigation of the impact of the financial crisis on new firm creation.

November 2010. 40 pages. Stock no. C18476 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8476-3). US$19.95


Business Regulation and Economic Performance Edited by Norman V. Loayza and Luis Servén This book documents the regulatory obstacles faced by firms in developing countries and assesses implications for firm renewal and macroeconomic performance. In tracing links between microeconomic policies and distortions, and aggregate performance, this book derives relevant lessons for development policy.

An Introduction By Siobhan McInerney-Lankford and Hans-Otto Sano World Bank Studies

October 2010. 92 pages. Stock no. C18604 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8604-0). US$20.00

Also Available

Impact Evaluation in Practice Print Edition. December 2010. 272 pages. Stock no. C18541 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8541-8). US$35.00

See page 13 for more information


Innocent Bystanders Developing Countries and the War on Drugs

January 2010. 280 pages. Stock no. C17407 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7407-8). US$40.00

By Philip Keefer and Norman Loayza The drug policies of wealthy consuming countries emphasize criminalization, interdiction, and eradication. Such extreme responses to social challenges risk unintended, costly consequences. This book reviews the evidence on the benefits and costs of current policies, and offers an alternative, emphasizing lower-cost policies and more conscientious and better-funded efforts to assess the benefits of all policies.

Also Available

March 2010. 388 pages. Stock no. C18034 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8034-5). US$52.50

Doing Business 2011 Making a Difference for Entrepreneurs November 2010. 185 pages. Stock no. C17960 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7960-8). US$35.00

See page 4 for more information


Poor Places, Thriving People

Previously Announced

Human Rights Indicators in Development

How the Middle East and North Africa Can Rise Above Spatial Disparities This book explores how the Middle East and North Africa can reduce spatial disparities without compromising economic growth. It explores how governments of the Middle East and North Africa can raise living standards in lagging areas.

December 2010. 388 pages. Stock no. C18321 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8321-6). US$35.00

Influencing Change Evaluation and Capacity Building By Ray C. Rist, Marie-Helene Boily, and Frederic Martin

Ten Steps to a Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation System A Handbook for Development Practitioners By Jody Zall Kusek and Ray C. Rist This handbook provides a comprehensive ten-step model to help guide development practitioners through the process of designing and building a results-based monitoring and evaluation system. It describes each step in detail, the task needed to complete each one, and the tools available to help along the way. June 2004. 264 pages. Stock no. C15823 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-5823-8). US$39.95

The Road to Results Designing and Conducting Effective Development Evaluations By Linda G. Morra Imas and Ray C. Rist This title presents concepts and procedures for evaluation in a development context. It provides procedures and examples on how to set up a monitoring and evaluation system, how to conduct participatory evaluations and do social mapping, and how to construct a “rigorous” quasi-experimental design to answer an impact question. This comprehensive text is an essential tool for those involved in development evaluation. Print Edition. June 2009. 604 pages. Stock no. C17891 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-7891-5). US$49.95 VitalBook Edition. September 2009. Stock no. C18080. (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8080-2). US$37.50 Bundle. September 2009. 604 pages. Stock no. C32273. US$62.50

This book: (i) reviews how evaluation can lead the change process in policy and institutional development; (ii) presents a variety of good practices and lessons learned in building up evaluation capacities; and (iii) introduces new perspectives on evaluation capacity building.

March 2011. 248 pages. Stock no. C18403 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8403-9). US$30.00

32 •




Is Latin America Ready? Latin America and the Caribbean will soon face the challenges of an aging population. This book provides an introduction to the concepts and techniques at the intersection of demography and economics. It summarizes the policy debate about potential reforms needed to make population aging an opportunity for development.

Making Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Work A Capacity Development Toolkit By Marelize Göergens and Jody Zall Kusek After more than a decade of development investments in monitoring and evaluation few countries are able to regularly report on how effective their policies and programs are in achieving the results they desire. It is not through lack of good monitoring and evaluation design, nor political mandates to support the effort, but from a lack of sustained management and delivery of effective monitoring and evaluation programs within established organizations. Building sustainable monitoring and evaluation systems will help improve the capacity of any organization committed to measure, monitor and manage development results.

Directions in Development

December 2010. 352 pages. Stock no. C18487 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8487-9). US$35.00

The Elderly and Old Age Support in Rural China By John Giles, Dewen Wang, and Philip O’Keefe

Print Edition. March 2010. 520 pages. Stock no. C18186 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8186-1). US$49.95 VitalBook Edition. May 2010. Stock no. C18242. (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8241-7). US$37.50 Bundle. May 2010. 520 pages. Stock no. C32364. US$62.50

This book provides empirical analysis of the welfare and living conditions of the rural elderly in China since the early 1990s, and finds a solid case for greater public intervention. It then examines the evolution of the rural pension system over the past two decades, examining the implementation experience and options for strengthening old age protection.

Handbook on Impact Evaluation Quantitative Methods and Practices

Directions in Development

By Shahidur R. Khandker, Gayatri B. Koolwal, and Hussain A. Samad This book reviews quantitative methods and models of impact evaluation. It begins by reviewing the basic issues pertaining to an evaluation of an intervention to reach certain targets and goals. It then focuses on the experimental design of an impact evaluation, highlighting its strengths and shortcomings, followed by discussions on various nonexperimental methods.

June 2011. 160 pages. Stock no. C18685 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8685-9). US$25.00

Preliminary Cover/ Previously Announced


Print Edition. October 2009. 264 pages. Stock no. C18028 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8028-4). US$39.95 VitalBook Edition. May 2010. Stock no. C18283. (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8283-7). US$29.95 Bundle. May 2010. 264 pages. Stock no. C32361. US$49.95

RURAL DEVELOPMENT Innovations in Land Rights Recognition, Administration, and Governance Edited by Klaus Deininger, Clarissa Augustinus, Stig Enemark, and Paul Munro-Faure World Bank Studies

October 2010. 380 pages. Stock no. C18580 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8580-7). US$40.00

Responding to an Urgent Agenda By Daniel Hoornweg, Mila Freire, Marcus J. Lee, Perinaz Bhada-Tata, and Belinda Yuen

This volume comprises a collection of papers prepared and presented at the World Bank’s Fifth Urban Research Symposium. The selected papers included in this book combine robust analytical pieces and theoretical insights with best practices from around the world. Specific case studies include New Orleans in the context of a fragile environment, a framework to include poverty aspects in the cities and climate change discussion, a contribution to measure the impact of cities and their GHG emissions. Urban Development Series

Also Available

March 2011. 264 pages. Stock no. C18493 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8493-0). US$30.00

Rising Global Interest in Farmland

Preliminary Cover/ Previously Announced

Can It Yield Sustainable and Equitable Benefits?

December 2010. 208 pages. Stock no. C18591 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8591-3). US$25.00

See page 8 for more information

Systems of Cities Harnessing Urbanization for Growth and Poverty Alleviation

This report recommends an overall strategy and specific policy measures to eliminate absolute poverty, reduce inequality in opportunities, and contain inequality in development outcomes.

Urbanization is a defining phenomenon of this century and the developing world is where this demographic transformation is taking place. Over 90 percent of urban growth is now occurring in the developing world and nearly two billion people will become urban residents in the next twenty years. This reality makes the World Bank’s Urban and Local Government Strategy presented in this book both relevant and compelling. The new strategy, structured around five thematic areas, suggests ways for developing countries to maximize the benefits of urbanization while avoiding the congestion costs. It delves into new programmatic approaches to urban poverty while embracing the challenge of the climate change agenda.

Directions in Development

Urban Development Series


Cities and Climate Change

Reducing Inequality for Shared Growth in China Strategy and Policy Options for Guangdong Province

December 2010. 392 pages. Stock no. C18484 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8484-8). US$35.00 January–June 2011

April 2011. 200 pages. Stock no. C18494 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8494-7). US$30.00 phone 703.661.1580 • in the U.S. phone 1.800.645.7247 • fax 703.661.1501



Preliminary Cover

From Farm to Firm Rural-Urban Transition in Developing Countries


The IBNET Water Supply and Sanitation Performance Blue Book

By Nora Dudwick, Katy Hull, Roy Katayama, Forhad Shilpi, and Kenneth Simler

This book investigates the rural-urban transformation underway in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, emphasizing the importance of country conditions and policies for minimizing disparities and for ensuring that the benefits of urbanization are shared by all. Directions in Development

March 2011. 232 pages. Stock no. C18623 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8623-1). US$30.00


The International Benchmarking Network of Water and Sanitation Utilities Databook By Caroline van den Berg and Alexander Danilenko

The International Benchmarking Network (IBNET) provides a unique fact-based information and analysis covering the performance of water and sanitation utilities throughout the world.

December 2010. 224 pages. Stock no. C18582 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8582-1). US$30.00


Eco2 Cities Ecological Cities as Economic Cities By Hiroaki Suzuki, Arish Dastur, Sebastian Moffatt, Nanae Yabuki, and Hinako Maruyama The Eco2 Cities approach is a point of departure for cities that would like to reap the many benefits of ecological and economic sustainability. It provides an analytical and operational framework that offers strategic guidance to cities on sustainable and integrated urban development. At the same time case studies are used throughout the book to provide a matter-offact and ground-level perspective. The Eco2 framework is flexible and easily customized to the context of each country or city. Based on the particular circumstances and the development priorities of a city—the application of the framework can contribute to the development of a unique action plan or roadmap in each case. Print Edition. May 2010. 388 pages. Stock no. C18046 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8046-8). US$35.00 VitalBook Edition. June 2010. Stock no. C18286. (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8286-8). US$25.00 Bundle. June 2010. 388 pages. Stock no. C32365. US$43.75

Energy Efficient Cities Assessment Tools and Benchmarking Practices By Ranjan K. Bose These papers, presented during ESMAP’s sponsored sessions at the Fifth Urban Research Symposium in Marseille, France, put into perspective ESMAP’s prioritization of city-wide and sector specific urban energy initiatives to make cities energy efficient, providing analytical tools, policy insights, and good practices. April 2010. 246 pages. Stock no. C18104 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8104-5). US$29.95

Safer Homes, Stronger Communities A Handbook for Reconstructing after Natural Disasters

Peru Country Program Evaluation for the World Bank Group, 2003-2009 Independent Evaluation Group Studies

January 2011. 184 pages. Stock no. C18572 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8572-2). US$25.00

The World Bank Group in the West Bank and Gaza, 2001-2009 Evaluation of the World Bank Program Independent Evaluation Group Studies

January 2011. pages. Stock no. C18658 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8658-3). US$25.00

Results and Performance 2010 The World Bank Group Independent Evaluation Group Studies

February 2011. 152 pages. Stock no. C18577 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8577-7). US$25.00

The World Bank Group’s Response to the Global Economic Crisis Phase I Independent Evaluation Group Studies

March 2011. 190 pages. Stock no. C18665 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8665-1). US$25.00

Climate Change and the World Bank Group Phase II - The Challenge of Low-Carbon Development Independent Evaluation Group Studies

January 2011. 132 pages. Stock no. C18653 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8653-8). US$20.00

By Abhas K. Jha with Jennifer Duyne Barenstein, Priscilla M. Phelps, Daniel Pittet, and Stephen Sena This handbook gives policy makers and project managers the information they need to plan and carry out housing and community reconstruction projects that empower the community affected by the disaster, and reduce the risk of them suffering from a future disaster. It includes more than one hundred short case studies collected from global experts with recent experience in housing reconstruction, that illustrate how the policies and practical ideas have been used on the ground. It also includes links to extensive technical information on the topics covered by the handbook. Print Edition. January 2010. 404 pages. Stock no. C18045 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8045-1). US$29.95 VitalBook Edition. April 2010. Stock no. C18285. (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8285-1). US$22.50 Bundle. April 2010. 404 pages. Stock no. C32363. US$37.50

34 •




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I nde x A Banker’s Compliance Guide to Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing...................23 Accountability through Public Opinion..................................25 A Financing Facility for Low-Carbon Development in Developing Countries....................................................22 Africa Development Indicators 2010.....................................30 Africa’s ICT Infrastructure......................................................28 Africa’s Infrastructure.............................................................29 Africa’s Power Infrastructure.................................................28 Africa’s Transport Infrastructure...........................................28 Africa’s Water and Sanitation Infrastructure.......................28 Agribusiness and Innovation Systems in Africa..................20 Agricultural Land Redistribution.............................................8 A Guide to the World Bank, Third Edition...............................7 Analyzing Banking Risk..........................................................24 Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 2010, Global............................30 Annuities and Other Retirement Products...........................23 Assessment of the Risk of Amazon Dieback.......................22 Asset Recovery Handbook......................................................23 Atlas of Global Development, Third Edition............................6 Barriers to Asset Recovery.....................................................23 Bioenergy Development..........................................................22 Biofuels in Africa......................................................................20 Border Management Modernization.....................................26 Breeding Latin American Tigers...........................................29 Budgeting for Effectiveness in Rwanda .............................29 Building Competitiveness in Africa’s Agriculture................20 Business Regulation and Economic Performance.............32 Carbon Footprints and Food Systems..................................22 Challenges for African Agriculture........................................20 Changing the Industrial Geography in Asia ........................12 China’s and India’s Challenge to Latin America..................27 Cities and Climate Change.....................................................33 Citizenship, Governance, and Social Policy in the Developing World....................................................25 Clean Development Mechanism in China............................22 Climate Change and the World Bank Group.......................34 Climate Impacts on Energy Systems....................................22 Confronting Poverty in Iraq.....................................................31 Connecting Landlocked Developing Countries to Markets....26 Convenient Solutions to an Inconvenient Truth...................23 Debt Relief and Beyond..........................................................30 Demanding Good Governance...............................................25 Development Economics through the Decades..................30 Diaspora for Development......................................................29 Distortions to Agricultural Incentives...................................27 Doing A Dam Better................................................................21 Doing Business 2011.................................................................4 Doing Business at a Glance ..................................................19 Eco2 Cities................................................................................34 Energy Efficient Cities.............................................................34 Engaging the Private Sector to Improve Health in Africa...................................................26 Entrepreneurship Snapshots 2010........................................32 Financing Health Care in the East Asia Pacific Region......26 From Farm to Firm.................................................................34 Gender and Governance in Rural Services..........................25 Gender and Macroeconomic Policy......................................24 Gender Equality in Latin America and the Caribbean........25 Gender-Sensitive Approaches for the Extractive Industry in Peru...................................24 Global Development Finance 2011..........................................3 Global Development Horizons 2011........................................5 Globalization and Growth........................................................31


Global Marketplace for Private Health Insurance...............26 Global Monitoring Report 2011................................................5 Global Value Chains in a Postcrisis World...........................14 Governance and Investment of Public Pension Assets......23 Handbook on Impact Evaluation............................................33 Handbook on Poverty + Inequality.........................................31 Harnessing Quality for Competitiveness in Eastern Europe and Central Asia................................29 Higher Education, Skills and Innovation in East Asia ........21 How to Engage with the Private Sector in Public Partnerships in Emerging PPP Markets........................28 Human Rights Indicators in Development...........................32 Impact Evaluation in Practice................................................13 Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean...............................22 Industrial Clusters and Micro and Small Enterprises in Africa..............................................29 Influencing Change.................................................................32 Information and Communications for Development 2009.......................................................28 Infrastructure and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa..............28 Innocent Bystanders...............................................................32 Innovation Policy......................................................................28 Innovations in Land Rights Recognition, Administration, and Governance.....................................33 Integration of Revenue Administration.................................29 International Financial Reporting Standards.......................13 Leadership and Growth..........................................................31 Localizing Development..........................................................12 Logistics in Lagging Regions.................................................27 Low-Carbon Development.....................................................23 Mainstreaming Building Energy Efficiency Codes in Developing Countries . .................................................22 Making Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Work.............33 Making Schools Work.............................................................21 Making the Cut?.......................................................................27 Managing Openness................................................................27 Managing Risk and Creating Value with Microfinance.......24 Meeting the Challenges of Health Transition in the Middle East and North Africa................................26 Microfinance Handbook..........................................................24 Migration and Poverty.............................................................29 Migration and Remittances Factbook 2011.........................11 Migration, Remittances, and Development in Africa..........29 Mongolia Economic Retrospective: 2008-2010....................30 Moving Out of Poverty.............................................................31 National Assessments of Educational Achievement Volume 3......................................................20 Natural Hazards, UnNatural Disasters..................................9 Nonprofit Organizations and the Combatting of Terrorism Financing......................................................24 No Small Matter......................................................................21 Opportunities in Dam Planning and Management.............21 Perspectives on Poverty in India............................................31 Peru...........................................................................................34 Poor Places, Thriving People.................................................32 Population Aging......................................................................33 Postcrisis Growth and Development.....................................15 Post-Crisis Growth in Developing Countries.......................31 Poverty and Social Exclusion in India....................................31 Preferential Trade Agreement Policies for Development...27 Protecting Mobile Money against Financial Crime.............23 Public Procurement of Energy Efficiency Services.............22 Public Sentinel.........................................................................25 Reducing Geographical Imbalances of Health Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa..........................26 •

Reducing Inequality for Shared Growth in China................33 Remittance Markets in Africa................................................29 Results and Performance 2010.............................................34 Rising Global Interest in Farmland.........................................8 Risk and Performance Measurement in a Treasury Environment...............................................24 Safer Homes, Stronger Communities..................................34 School Health...........................................................................20 Science, Technology and Innovation in Uganda...................21 Skills for the Labor Market in Indonesia..............................20 Skills, not just Diplomas.........................................................21 Social Dimensions of Climate Change.................................23 Sovereign Debt and the Financial Crisis..............................15 Special Economic Zones in Africa.........................................26 Strategic Environmental Assessment in Policy and Sector Reform.................................................22 Sustainable Land Management Sourcebook.........................8 Sustainable Production of Commercial Wood Fuel............22 Systems of Cities.....................................................................33 Telecommunications Regulation Handbook........................28 Ten Steps to a Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation System......................................................32 The Challenge of Establishing World Class Universities...21 The Changing Wealth of Nations...........................................10 The Complete World Development Report Online . ...........16 The Day After Tomorrow.........................................................14 The Elderly and Old Age Support in Rural China . .............33 The Great Recession and Developing Countries.................14 The Growth Report..................................................................31 The IBNET Water Supply and Sanitation Performance Blue Book...................................................34 The Korean Financial Crisis of 1997.....................................24 The Many Faces of Corruption...............................................25 The Market for Remittance Services in the Czech Republic .................................................................30 The Political Economy of the Natural Resource Paradox in Africa................................25 The Promise of Early Childhood Development in Latin America and the Caribbean...............................21 The Road to Results................................................................32 The World Bank eAtlas of Global Development..................17 The World Bank eAtlas of the Millennium Development Goals .....................................17 The World Bank Group in the West Bank and Gaza, 2001-2009.........................................................34 The World Bank Group’s Response to the Global Economic Crisis.....................................................34 The World Bank InfoFinder....................................................18 Transforming Microfinance Institutions................................24 Trends in Corruption and Regulatory Burden in Eastern Europe and Central Asia....................................25 Trusting Trade and the Private Sector for Food Security in Southeast Asia......................................20 Two Dragon Heads..................................................................31 Uganda’s Remittance Corridors from United Kingdom, United States and South Africa.........30 Understanding Growth and Poverty......................................30 Where Is the Wealth of Nations?...........................................10 World Bank DataFinder..........................................................18 World Bank eLibrary...............................................................16 World Bank Open Data...........................................................17 World Development Indicators 2011 ......................................2 World Development Report 2011.............................................1 World Investment and Political Risk 2010............................27 World Trade Indicators 2010....................................................7


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New Informative Titles Inside World Development Indicators 2011 See page 2 for more information


Print Edition. April 2011. 488 pages. Stock no. C18709 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8709-2). US$75.00


CD-ROM. April 2011. Stock no. C18711 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8711-5). US$50.00

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Print Edition plus CD-ROM. April 2011. 488 pages. Stock no. C18265 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8265-3). US$100.00


Global Development Finance 2011


See page 3 for more information

External Debt of Developing Countries


Print Edition. December 2010. 320 pages. Stock no. C18673 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8673-6). US$75.00 CD-ROM. March 2011. Stock no. C18721 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8721-4). US$50.00 Print Edition plus CD-ROM. March 2011. 320 pages. Stock no. C18722 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8722-1). US$100.00


Global Development Horizons 2011


c a t i o n s

Stock no. 32539

See page 5 for more information

April 2011. 168 pages. Stock no. C18692 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8692-7). US$35.00

Atlas of Global Development, Third Edition A Visual Guide to the World’s Greatest Challenges See page 6 for more information

April 2011. 144 pages. Stock no. C18583 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8583-8). US$29.95

The Changing Wealth of Nations Measuring Sustainable Development in the New Millennium See page 10 for more information

December 2010. 224 pages. Stock no. C18488 (ISBN: 978-0-8213-8488-6). US$35.00

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