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World Bank Publications
The World Bank is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. Our mission is to fight poverty for lasting results. To support its mission, the World Bank publishes and disseminates a large selection of knowledge products. Our publications cover a broad range of economic and social issues, including development policy, finance, health, education, environment, trade, poverty, climate change, and globalization.


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Diego Parra

Art Drayton

Curtis Tamkin

Niall Hayes

Yubin Shrestha

Danielle Mills

Jose Luis Matilla

Milica Miskovic


Bears' & Company

Ahmed Abbas

Seong Uk Hong

Sunday McKay

Shahid Ali

Maria-Laura Patino

Tushar Kanti Das

Leo Vavassori

Philip Johnson

Alberto Eyzaguirre

Pavlo Denysenko

Amartugs Ts

Public Affairs Centre

Elisa Bonazzi

Eugene Makarov

Annibale Ferrini

Achim Munz

Nikos Loukeris

Ana Afonso

Yvonne Sall

Omer Shah

Kate Kilpatrick

Brie Knox

Namrata Mukherjee

jo selu

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Tayyiba Kallan

Nizam Wahab


Ronald Edwards

Kostas Georgioy

nikolaos bessis

Ibrahim Alkendy

World Bank Turkey Office

wim berghmans

Antonio Massari

Katja Kandolin