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$363 Million to Improve Water Supply to 2 million Rural Households in Karnataka

The World Bank has approved a $363 million loan to the southern Indian state of Karnataka to provide clean drinking water supply to 2 million rural households in the state through a piped water connection in their homes.

The Karnataka Sustainable Rural Water Supply Program will support the Government of Karnataka’s ambition to provide functioning tap water connections to every rural household in the state. This will include the construction of the drinking water distribution network and the installation of water meters in rural households.


Will benefit around 10 million people across all 31 districts in the state.

"Gender parity is at the heart of our support to India’s target to get piped water to all rural households. Importantly the Program will enhance the capacity of rural local governments to manage water supply services efficiently which will directly benefit women especially, as they bear the biggest burden of fetching water. They will now have better health and have more time to pursue opportunities for education and formal jobs."

Auguste Tano Kouame, World Bank’s Country Director for India.

The Bank’s Program will support the state government to introduce policies and result-based initiatives that are expected to improve the overall operational efficiency in the delivery of rural water supply services. Also under the Program. districts

Around 500 rural water reservoirs in 7 water-stressed districts will be revived to help increase water storage capacity and groundwater recharge .

The $363 million loan from the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), uses the Program-forResults (PforR) financing instrument that links the disbursement of funds directly to the achievement of specific program results. The loan has a maturity of 13.5 years including a grace period of 2 years.

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