WorldChefs Magazine 5

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Worldchefs Issue 05 Anno 2012 January - June

Official Magazine Of the WOrld assOciatiOn Of chefs sOcieties

competitions Best of the Best and Young Talents


Five continents in First Year


Congress Daejeon 2012


This time for Asia













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Looking Back and Looking ForWard dEar FriEnds and coLLEaguEs around thE WorLd, 2011 has certainly been eventful. I’ve been honored to travel the world representing WACS. I am very happy to see many of you have worked hard to help raise funds, gather food, and give a helping hand where needed through the World Chefs Without Borders. Kudos to our good friend Frank from Aviation Without Borders for his help. The education component of WACS has been blooming this year with our new Culinary Education Recognition Program. Thank you to the members of the Education Committee, especially John Clancy the chairman. With over 500 WACS Approved Judges from over 60 countries we are getting closer to our goal to have members of all our countries involved in judging, which is important to ensure global standards in culinary cuisine. gissur gudMundsson PresIDenT oF WACs

The WACS Endorsement of culinary competitions has been a great step taken to ensure that culinary competitions with the WACS approval seal are conducted fairly and according to the established rules. New international vegetable carving rules are in place, standardized cold table set up for the Culinary Olympics and a new way of drawing for the teams have been set in action. A new glazing seminar will be available next year and more historically experienced nations are connecting with the less experienced nations to share knowledge and training. This is possible because of the strong Culinary Competition Committee we have under the leadership of Robert Oppeneder. Global Chefs Challenge and Hans Bueschkens Young Chefs Challenge semi finals have been ongoing in various parts of the world, all leading up to the final at our congress. Without the strong support of our sponsors, host countries and their members and dedicated leadership from Rick Stephens, this would not have been possible. Juniors from around the world are now building a strong network under the leadership and vision of Andy Cuthbert and will be strongly represented at our congress next year It has been extremely exciting to work with the team preparing the upcoming World Chefs Congress in Daejeon City, South Korea. Under Charles Carroll’s leadership, we have a brand new and exciting program with speakers and leaders from around the world. The mayor of Daejeong City is also dedicated to have the largest culinary show happening in his city. Our office in Paris has been very busy with Ragnar Fridriksson working hard. I am extremely proud of the work our office has achieved. Our website has been flooding with regular news and updates, with more available in all four of our official languages and more will be coming up next year with Chinese, Russian and Arabic versions. I am also very glad to have on board with us a WACS Asia Office with Jenny Tan and Charles Lim supporting the Asian and Pacific part of our membership and opening up new doors for WACS. Our dream is to see another office opening in the near future in the Americas to ensure we are covering also that time zone. I lack the space here to thank everybody but without the voluntary support from you, WACS would not have moved an inch forward. You have made WACS what it has become and this board and its members are extremely grateful and look forward to working with you. With thanks to you all, Gissur Gudmundsson WACS President

04 World Association of Chefs societies

WorLd chEFs MagazinE puBLishEr WOrld assOciatiOn Of chefs sOcieties Wacs 52 avenue victOr hugO f-75116 Paris t. + 33 (0)6 64 22 33 21 f. +33 (0)1 70 44 84 18 WWW.WOrldchefs.Org

EditoriaL ragnar fridrikssOn Wacs Office Manager

Jenny tan Wacs asia Office

dEsign & Layout tOMas BOlli hafthOrssOn tOMasBOlli@gMail.cOM

covEr photo cOurtesy Of chef tOny khOO

do you Wish to advErtisE or puBLish articLEs in WorLd chEFs MagazinE? EMaiL: o

ExEcutivE coMMittEE prEsidEnt gissur gudMundssOn vicE-prEsidEnt hilMar B. JOnssOn sEcrEtary gEnEraL helgi einarssOn trEasurEr nOrBert schMidiger Board MEMBErs dr. Bill gallagher HonorArY lIFe PresIDenT

ferdinand e. Metz PAsT PresIDenT

lOuis PerrOtte ConTInenTAl DIreCTor AmerICAs

arnOld tanzer ConTInenTAl DIreCTor AFrICA/mIDDle eAsT

glenn austin ConTInenTAl DIreCTor PACIFIC regIon

rick stePhen ConTInenTAl DIreCTor AsIA

Brendan O’neill ConTInenTAl DIreCTor euroPe norTH

MirOslav kuBec ConTInenTAl DIreCTor euroPe CenTrAl

sreckO kOklic ConTInenTAl DIreCTor euroPe souTH


contEnts 04 WelCome BY THe PresIDenT oF WACs

Wacs and you 08 WACs neWs 10 gloBAl CHeFs CHAllenge 12 HAns BuesHkens Young CHeFs CHAllenge 14 WACs Congress DAeJeon koreA 20 THAIFex – WorlD oF FooD AsIA 2012 pauLino schEMBri mAlTA

sara harrEL usA


22 reAl CHAnge, reAl CHAnges 24 A BeTTer CHeF TomorroW 26 WACs reCognITIon oF QuAlITY CulInArY eDuCATIon sPAns FIve ConTInenTs In ITs FIrsT YeAr

Wacs rEgionaL rEport - this tiME For asia 32 THe JAPAnese DegusTATIon


34 THe voDkA oF THe eAsT raMandEEp singh InDIA

rick MoonEn usA

36 THe WAY oF THe PerAnAkAns 38 WHAT Do THe 5 Colors meAn In koreAn CuIsIne? 39 THe unexPloreD TIBeTAn CuIsIne

We invite external columnists to submit articles and express their views on issues related to the culinary industry. These articles are not the official view of the World Association of Chefs Societies. If you wish to express your point of view please contact us at Contributors to this issue: Francis Lo - Hong Kong Jasper Jek - Singapore Daniel Chia - Singapore Edwin Soon - Singapore Anna Kim - USA Rick Moonen - USA Paulino Schembri - UK Glenn Austin - Australia Sara Harrel - USA Ramandeep Anand - India speCial thanks to: City of Daejeon VEGA Export HUG AG Academy of Ice Carving and Design Chefs Hat Convotherm Custom Culinary Dick Knives Figgjo KDU College

40 An InTroDuCTIon To InDIAn CuIsIne 41 AsIAn CHeF AuTHors 42 AlsATIAn WIne BrunCH AT TIong BAHru mArkeT


in&out oF th E kitchEn 44 FAvourITe WInes For AsIAn FlAvours 48 mAnAgIng FooD Allergens 49 DIversIFYIng our DIeT AnD THe FuTure HeAlTH oF our oCeAns 50 reAl WorkPlACe sAFeTY 52 A “vegeTArIAn HAven” In ToronTo


54 moDernIsT CuIsIne THe ArT AnD sCIenCe oF CookIng 56 WACs evenTs CAlenDAr 58 WACs memBers

38 05

Wacs and you “Those who are one in food are one in life” – Malagasi saying

intErnationaL chEFs’ day

What is Wacs?

The World Association of Chefs Societies, first founded in October 1928 at the Sorbonne in Paris, is a global network of member nations; each represented by the countries’ most important and prestigious Chef Association or Federation. Today, this global body is made up of over 93 international member nations. It is managed by an elected Executive Committee consisting of the President, Vice-President, Secretary General and Treasurer – as well as a board consisting of the Honorary President, Past President and seven Continental Directors from Africa/Middle East, the Americas, Asia, North, Central and South Europe and the Pacific Region. In addition, special committees oversee all WACS projects: The Culinary Competitions Committee, the Education Committee and the Marketing and Communications Committee.

Mission statEMEnt

The World Association of Chefs Societies is a non-political professional organisation, dedicated to maintaining and improving the culinary standards of global cuisines. We accomplish these goals through education, training and professional development of our international membership. As an authority and opinion leader on food, WACS represents a global voice on all issues related to the culinary profession. 06 World Association of Chefs societies

Each year, on the 20th of October, members of the World Association of Chefs Societies (WACS) celebrate International Chefs Day. On this day, chefs around the world celebrate their profession and take the opportunity to not only promote the organization (WACS) but also goodwill and friendship amongst each other. It is also the time to help people who are less fortunate. It is also a day on which to assist the young chefs but, most importantly, the day when we recognize the very important role that chefs play in our societies, for we have a great responsibility not only to feed, but also to give nourishment. Chefs have the responsibility to lead the way when it comes to the use of ingredients in a sensible and responsible manner. Since the International Chef ’s Day inauguration in 2004, many events have taken place around the world to benefit charitable organizations and disadvantaged communities; this has highlighted that chefs are caring people and has worked to improve their image. For more information, visit

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WorlDCHeFs mAgAzIne – noW on IPAD! We have received so much positive feedback from chefs and friends from around the world since the first issue of the worldchefs

intErnationaL chEFs’ day cELEBrations! Chefs Associations from around the world reached out to the community in a myriad of ways during International Chefs’ Day! For example, President Toshi from All Japan Chefs Association and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Deputy Director-General had a great meeting about “How to Feed the Planet in the Future” in the afternoon, with hopes to work together in the near future. Over in India, chefs from various regions presented buffets on sustainable cuisine, tree planting and taking care of the underprivileged, served food to the poor, reaching out to more than 20,000 people. The South African Chefs Association hosted a party for mentally challenged adults, and the Myanmar Chefs came together again with LOG - Wings of Help to donate many Adidas original shoes to the Children of the River Families.

magazine was launched, that it is with great pride that we share that the WorldChefs magazine is now available on iPad!

Worldchefs Issue 05 Anno 2012 January - June

Official Magazine Of the WOrld assOciatiOn Of chefs sOcieties

competitions Education

For more updates, visit

Best of the Best

Five continents in First Year


Congress Daejeon 2012


This time for Asia

young chEF oF thE yEar 2011 Kristian Curtis, who works under Chef Patron Andreas Antona at Michelin Starred Simpsons Restaurant, Birmingham was recently crowned British Culinary Federation Young Chef of the Year 2011. Kristian commented: “I am in a bit of shock really, but I was pretty confident in what I did. It was a hard competition and a real honour to win,” The judges were Chef Eric Bruce, Chef Jerry Toth, Chef Glynn Purnell, Chef Colin Layfield and Chef Jason Eaves. As well as receiving The David Bache Trophy, presented by David’s daughter, Hannah Bache, Kristian was also presented with a cheque for £200, a trip to Luxembourg, a personalised chef ’s jacket, framed certificate and commemorative plate from Villeroy & Boch.

Wacs nEWs prEsidEnt oF aLL cooks FEdEration,yaLçin Manav, Wins tourisM oscar At the 13th edition of the Tourism Oscars, awards were given to deserving individuals by the Skål Istanbul Club. The President of Skål World, Enrique Quesada and board of directors of Skal World, Presidents of Skål Turkey and elite people from the tourism , business and art world attended this Award Ceremony and Gala Dinner. Yalçın Manav, President of the All Cooks Federation, a man who has done good work in many successful organizations for the Turkish Tourism and Turkish Cuisine for years, was the winner for the category of ‘’Person who Contribute to Introduce’’. Yalçın Manav, who is known for giving his efforts to The Turkish Gastronomy Culture, is still carrying out many successful projects and organizations. Yalçın Manav has been relentlessly working to introduce the Turkish Culinary Culture to the world with the National Culinary Teams of the five-star Chefs in Turkey. Congratulations to this stalwart chef! 08 World Association of Chefs societies

Wacs train thE trainEr coordinatEs visit By ExpErt chEF Students of the Berjaya University College of Hospitality in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia were treated to a special lesson and demonstrations by Chef Baranidharan P, Corporate Executive Chef for Griffith Laboratories, from Bangalore India. This was partly made possible through the WACS Train the Trainer Program which is sponsored by Custom Culinary™. Berjaya University College of Hospitality is one of the growing number of WACS recognized programs under the WACS Recognition of Quality Culinary Education program in Malaysia. Chef Barani is an expert chef in Indian cuisine, and has broad international connections through his position with Griffiths Laboratories and Custom Culinary™. He is a member of the Indian Federation of Chefs Associations (IFCA) and an active participant at WACS events and Congresses. Chef Barani spent the whole day sharing and demonstrating his passion for Indian cuisine to a captive audience of young culinary students, faculty and staff. Topics covered included the diversity of cuisines in modern day India addressing the different cultures that influenced Indian cuisine over the centuries, for example, the influences of the Mongolians in the northwest region; the Persians on the west coast; the Chinese and Arabs thanks to the development of early spice trade routes; the Portuguese who landed and colonized in Goa; the French in Pondicherry, and the English thanks to their large Indian holdings. These people easily adapted their native cuisines to India’s great agricultural diversity which includes a great amount of millet, rice, wheat, beans, green vegetables, eggplant, pineapple, sugar cane, chilies, chicken and game that was readily available. This was followed by a busy demonstration, including explanations of ancient Indian cooking techniques. Chef Barnai is planning a second trip to Malaysia in 2012 to visit another one of WACS recognized programs. KDU University College’s School of Hospitality, Tourism & Culinary Arts has welcomed Chef Barani and WACS Train the Trainer to their campus early next year.

south aFrica WithdraWs Wacs prEsidEntiaL Bid oPen leTTer From mArTIn koBAlD Dear Mr. President, friends and colleagues, During the last year I together with many committee members here in South Africa have been extremely busy planning, organizing and executing the World Chefs Tour Against Hunger of which many of you attended and contributed to its unbelievable success. Now that the event work load has subsided I have taken the opportunity to both reflect and review our South African Chefs Association’s Candidature for the WACS presidium 2012 – 2016, having this time has allowed me to consider all the important aspects of such a major decision. Together with my colleagues we would like to acknowledge the tremendous work and progress that the current presidium has achieved within its term of office so far and it is against this background that we have decided to withdraw our bid and support the current Presidium with a further 4 years to enable the wonderful progress made to continue. This as you can imagine has been a major decision on our behalf and taken in the light of what we feel is best for the World Association of Chefs Societies and its member countries. South Africa has a long and successful history within the World Association and it is our sincere desire to continue to add value and contribute in a meaningful way to the aims and ideals of WACS. We extend our commitment, total support and resources to President Gudmundsson and the board of Directors. I hope that you will join me in adding your vote of confidence to the Presidium at the WACS congress in South Korea voting for Iceland for the term of office 2012 – 2016. Yours in culinary friendship, Martin Kobald Honorary Past President South African Chefs Association 09

Wacs – gloBAl CHeFs CHAllenge

thE BEst oF th E BEst For the last year, chefs around the world have been competing at a national and continental level to battle for the title of the ‘global Chef ’. This may, only one will emerge the winner. Here is a focus of the up-and-coming talents.

10 World Association of Chefs societies

Wacs – ComPeTITIons

toBias MacdonaLd

LEung chi hang

guido panjEr

Francky godinho

daniEL EdWard

35, CAnADA

33, Hong kong

36, neTHerlAnDs

33, neW zeAlAnD

31, uAe

Winner, Global Chefs Challenge

Winner, Global Chefs Challenge,

Winner, Global Chefs Challenge,

Winner, Global Chefs Challenge,

Winner, Global Chefs Challenge,

Semi-Finals, Americas

Semi-Finals, Asia

Semi-Finals, Europe Cental

Semi Finals, Pacific

Semi-Finals, Africa/Middle East

prEsEnt position

prEsEnt position

prEsEnt position

prEsEnt position

prEsEnt position

Executive Chef, La Belle Auberge

Sous Chef, Hong Kong Disney-

Guido Panjer Culinair

Te Awa Winery Ltd, Hastings,

The Address Downtown Dubai,

Executive Chef

Dubai, Speciality Sous Chef

Restaurant, Delta British Colombia, Canada What Was thE Most chaLLEnging MoMEnt during thE coMpEtition? Once the competition started, the months of stress leading up to the show melted away. I just had a great day of cooking the food I love to serve. Time management is always the hardest for me to gauge but it all came together as planned.

land Hollywood Hotel What Was thE tELL us aBout your

Most chaLLEnging

What Was thE

What Was thE

Winning dish(Es).

MoMEnt during thE

Most chaLLEnging

Most chaLLEnging

For the halibut dish, we used the


MoMEnt during thE

MoMEnt during thE

roulade method. For the beef, we

Cooking for the WACS judges,



wanted to incorporate 2 styles of

who know all about the small

To keep main course plate hot and

The time when we started plating

cooking so there is contrast in

details and taste. That’s always

to serve food on time within the

the dishes within the time limits


been a dream of mine since I was

time frame given by the judges.

– it was a race against time!

a young boy. hoW do you FEEL

hoW do you FEEL

hoW do you FEEL

aBout Winning?

hoW do you FEEL

aBout Winning?

aBout Winning?

Very excited and happy.

aBout Winning?

There are not many words at

I feel very happy and proud.

I am very proud to be the repre-

this stage to explain but I’m

sentative for Europe, chosen by a

very proud of myself to win the

great jury of respected chefs.

competition. I am thankful for

hoW do you FEEL aBout Winning? I am truly honored to be the top chef of the Americas and can hardly wait to go head to head with the great chefs we have in

Chef Claire nickel for helping me to win this competition and also looking forward to represent pacific nations in the Global Chefs Challenge final and it’s an honor.

our world! Congratulations to all who won their respective regions.

the eurOPe sOuth selectiOn oF BoTH THe gloBAl CHeFs CHAllenge AnD HAns BuesHkens Young CHeF CHAllenge WIll TAke PlACe In lJuBlJAnA, slOvenia frOM 26 - 29 January 2012. the eurOPe nOrth selectiOns oF THe TWo ComPeTITIons WIll TAke PlACe In lonDon on feBruary 26. 2012 For MorE inForMation and updatEs, pLEasE visit 11

Wacs – HAns BuesCHkens Young CHeF CHAllenge

young taLEnts To have an idea how the young chefs of today will rule tomorrow, check out the junior chef talents who have done well in their continental selections at the Hans Bueshkens Young Chef Challenge.

12 World Association of Chefs societies

Wacs – ComPeTITIons


caMEron WEtton

BEnjaMin koidi

sEan LiM xin hong

daniEL scott gorMan

24, luxemBourg

22, AusTrAlIA


20, sIngAPore

24, usA

Winner, Hans Bueshkens Young

Winner, Hans Bueschkens Young

Winner, Hans Bueschkens Young

Winner, Hans BUeshkens Young

Winner, Hans Bueshkens Young

Chefs Challenge, Semi-Finals,

Chefs Challenge Semi-Finals,

Chefs Challenge Semi-Finals,

Chefs Challenge, Semi-Finals,

Chefs Challenge, Semi-Finals,

Europe Cental

Pacific Rim




prEsEnt position

prEsEnt position

prEsEnt position

prEsEnt position

prEsEnt position

Junior chef, Restaurant “Gudde

Joondalup Resort Hotel, Western

Madinat Jumeirah, Dubai

Serving National Service. Was

Cherokee Town and Country


Australia, Chef de Partie

Demi chef de partie

previously trainee at Mandarin

Club Town, Atlanta, Georgia,

Oriental Singapore

USA, Sous Chef

What Was thE

What Was thE

What Was thE

Most chaLLEnging

Most chaLLEnging

Most chaLLEnging

hoW Was thE

What Was thE

MoMEnt during thE

MoMEnt during thE

MoMEnt during thE


Most chaLLEnging




ExpEriEncE For you?

MoMEnt during thE

To battle the rain to get to the

Service. Plating up 8 plates with

I was nervous before we started

The pressure was on my


competition was already a chal-

around 8 components on the plate

but my nerves faded the moment

shoulders, the eyes were set on

The most challenging part during

lenge, I am lucky to have good

was quite a feat to accomplish!

we reached the kitchen.

me. It was do or die, make or

the competition was and always

break. When the competition

for me is not rushing and keeping

colleagues and friends helping me. During the competition it’s

hoW do you FEEL

hoW do you FEEL

ended, I was relieved as I could

calm. Staying focused and cool is

always the biggest challenge to

aBout Winning?

aBout Winning?

dish out what I intended to on

what makes for a good program.

bring all the food on the plate

It was an amazing feeling to win

I am very happy that I was

time, at the right temperature(s),

Rushing and doing too much

at the right moment and at the

this competition as I had trained

able to win this competition,

the correct texture(s).

can always lead to problems or

best quality.

extremely hard to get to the level

the other chefs that I cooked

I am currently at.

against were from South Africa,

hoW has BEing part

hoW do you FEEL

Namibia and Egypt. Winning

oF this coMpEtition

hoW do you FEEL

aBout Winning?

this award is a great success and

hELpEd you as a chEF?

aBout Winning?

The most important is that I won

a milestone in my career. It has

It enabled me to affirm my

When I found out that I won I

a lot of friends and friendship,

also boosted my confidence

achievements to date. To know I

was completely blown away, and

which is what cooking is about. Of

and taught me that you should

can do what I said I could. It was

it feels so good knowing that

course, winning is a great feeling!

always aim high. I am really

a humbling experience, in a very

all of the practices had paid off.

excited about going to Korea

special way.

The first person I called was my

pointless mistakes.

for the final next year and have

mother. She was almost more

already started my training.

excited than me!

the eurOPe sOuth selectiOn oF BoTH THe gloBAl CHeFs CHAllenge AnD HAns BuesHkens Young CHeF CHAllenge WIll TAke PlACe In lJuBlJAnA, slOvenia frOM 26 - 29 January 2012. the eurOPe nOrth selectiOns oF THe TWo ComPeTITIons WIll TAke PlACe In lonDon on feBruary 26. 2012 For MorE inForMation and updatEs, pLEasE visit 13

neW look For THe WACs Congress WeBsITe With effect from 30 December 2011, a brand new look for the WACs Congress website was introduced. The reason: To introduce

Wacs congrEss prE-opEning korEan cooking cLass With guEst chEF!

more content and

What better way to kick-start the WACS Congress than to immerse yourself in the cuisine of the host country? For the first time ever, the WACS Congress will offer a cultural experience tailored for professional chefs and spouses prior to the opening. A hands-on cooking class taught by a Korean native chef at Woosong University, a well-respected Korean culinary institute, this educational and interactive session will round up with a communal feast comprising of the dishes you’ve cooked. Limited seats. Sign up fast!

for a look.

ease of use for interested chefs. visit

cost:USD$75 aLso incLudEs:F Dick Knife Kit, WACS Logo Apron, Transportation to and from school (5 minutes), Recipe Packet, 8X10 photo of class and instructors, WACS certificate of completion For more details, visit

rEgistration is ExcEEding ExpEctation The registration period to apply for 2012 International Food Fair(IFK) was finished on the 31th of December 2011. According to the statistical result, the number of applicants far exceeded the expected number. The expected number was 639 teams but the number of actual applicants was 852 teams, which is 133% registration rate. “WACS 2012 Daejeon Congress will be a great opportunity to promote the excellence of Korean food and its culture. Many foreign and domestic visitors will be satisfied with our various programs provided” said Han Jong Ho, Secretary General of WACS 2012 Daejeon Congress Organizing Committee. More information on

congrEss 2012 nEWs korEan tv cELEBrity chang Wook ji is proMotionaL aMBassador oF Wacs 2012 WACS 2012 Daejeon Congress Organizing Committee appointed Chang Wook Ji as the promotional ambassador of WACS 2012 Daejeon Congress on October 24. “I am thankful that Chang Wook Ji, one of the most famous Korean TV star accepted the role of promotional ambassador of WACS 2012 Daejeon Congress” said Hong Chul Yum, Chairman of WACS 2012 Daejeon Congress Organizing Committee at the appointment ceremony. Chang Wook Ji replied that “I am very glad that I have an opportunity to serve as the promotional ambassador of WACS 2012 Daejeon Congress and I will do my best for the success of the 35th WACS World Congress.” WACS World Congress, first held in 1928 in Paris, is the largest global event for chefs and culinary professionals from all around the world. 14 World Association of Chefs societies

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Wacs – Congress 2012

kEynotE spEakErs conFirMEd to datE

CHeF saM LEong

CHeF johann LaFEr

CHeF osaMa EL-sayEd

CHeF rick MoonEn





Sam Leong is no stranger to the media as 26 years of culinary expertise and innovation has honed him to be Singapore’s very own celebrity chef. A trend-setter in modern Chinese Cuisine, Sam has represented Singapore at some of the world’s prestigious culinary events, including the annual James Beard Foundation Awards (1999); Master of Food & Wine, Australia (2002); Annual St Moritz Gourmet Festival, Switzerland (2002); and the Flavours of Asia event at Napa Valley, California (2004). His list of accolades includes being named Best Asian Ethnic Chef of the Year at World Gourmet Summit Awards of Excellence in 2001, 2002 and 2004 and Executive Chef of the Year and Chef of the Year in 2005. He was also named Chef of the Year at the Hospitality Asia Platinum Award (HAPA) in 2006 and 2007. In 2008, Chef Leong was awarded the Five Star Diamond Award and was recognised as one of the finest chefs worldwide in the American Academy of Hospitality Sciences.

Johann Lafer is an Austrian culinary icon committed to “aligning the culinary arts to the natural lifestyle of people”. As a celebrity chef and respected culinary instructor, Johann believes in the best ingredients being passion and love and attributes his success to providing top quality, perfect service and having an eye for detail. As a mark of his success, Johann was named Culinary Ambassador to Styria in 2004 and ambassador of Rhineland-Palatinate for the FIFA Football World Cup in 2006.He opened two cookery schools in 2008 and 2009 and also o launched Studio Guldental, a production studio combining kitchen technology and state-ofthe-art design.

Chef Osama El-Sayed, C.E.C. can take his audience through a world of culinary delights in several easy steps. With an audience of over a million viewers and on several continents, it is no wonder that Chef Osama has learned how to take complex cooking techniques and recipes and simplify them for basic home cooks. He has also orchestrated banquet presentations for President William Clinton and for Vice President Al Gore. Since his arrival in the United States, Chef Osama has built up a solid reputation as a first-class chef capable of meeting strict demands and deadlines while producing exquisite food. His first cookbook, Bil Hanna Wa Shiffa, was published in 2001 and has been reprinted and is currently in its seventh edition. In 2007, he published his second cookbook, Maa Osama… Atyab, which is in its second edition.

Chef Rick Moonen has devoted his career to being the country’s top culinary advocate for sustainable seafood. He runs the multi-level restaurant Rick Moonen’s rm seafood at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. In 2008, Moonen accomplished a lifelong dream with the publication of his cookbook Fish Without a Doubt. In 2009 he made a memorable appearance as a contestant on Bravo’s hit TV series Top Chef Masters. Moonen can often be found throughout the country educating about ocean conservation and the dangers of over fishing. As an industry leader, he has testified for environmental and sustainability policy issues in Washington, DC and New York. He is a founding member of the Seafood Choices Alliances, as well as an active member of Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch and Seaweb. Moonen was also honored at the International Chefs Conference with The Community Award presented by

16 World Association of Chefs societies

Wacs – Congress 2012

CHeF anton MosiMann

CHeF BEnt stiansEn



Anton Mosimann is a Swiss chef and restaurateur who was Maitre Chef des Cuisines at The Dorchester Hotel for thirteen years, during which time its restaurant achieved a rating of two stars in the Michelin Guide. At that time, it was the first hotel restaurant outside of France to do so. After leaving The Dorchester Mosimann created a private dining club called Mosimann’s, a cookery school, and other enterprises in the hospitality industry. His business interests also include Mosimann’s Academy and Mosimann’s Party Service. Mosimann’s Limited holds a Royal Warrant as caterers to HRH The Prince of Wales. In 2011, he was chosen to cook for the 300 guests at the evening reception of the Wedding of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, and Catherine Middleton at Buckingham Palace. In 2004 Mosimann received the OBE, “For services to the Tourist and Food Industries”.

Bent Stiansen, a Norwegian chef, became the first Scandinavian gold medal winner of the Bocuse d’Or in 1993. With his Danish wife Anette, Stiansen established in 1994 the restaurant Statholdergaarden in Oslo, which they ran together until her death in May 2010. It is merited with one Michelin star,and its wine selection rated “Best of Award of Exellence” by Wine Spectator. In conjunction with the restaurant, located beneath there is also a more informal Danish inn, Statholderens Krostue, at the former Oslo lodgings of Tordenskjold.

1-5 May 2012 daEjon – south korEa 35th Wacs Wor Ld congrEss May I personally invite all the young chefs of the world to join us for the 10th anniversary of the Bill Gallagher Young Chefs Forum which will take place from 1 to 5 May 2012 in exciting South Korea. The organisers have put together a wonderful educational and social program giving the “chefs of the future” the ideal platform not only to gain new knowledge but also worldwide friendships. I´m looking forward to personally welcome you to Daejeon. Bill Gallagher Honorary President WACS 17

Wacs congrEss prograM tuEsday May 01st 2012 6:45 aM tO 5:30 PM Emile Perrin Competition Arena opens 8:30 aM tO 2:00 PM Restaurant of the Provinces

8:30 aM tO 9:00 aM Appointment of auditing committee

11:00 aM tO 3:00 PM Gourmet Team Challenge 8:15 aM tO 5:30 PM Hands on Korean cooking class (preregistered participants only, meet in lobby 8:15am) 12:00 PM tO 3:00 PM Welcome city tour of Daejong 4:00 PM tO 10:00 PM Registration 6:00 PM tO 7:30 PM Bill Gallagher Junior Forum welcome reception (Only BG Forum attending) 6:30 PM tO 7:30 PM Honorary Members Meeting (Only honorary members of WACS) 7:30 PM tO 10:30 PM Welcome reception, cocktails and hours d´oeuvers, Honorary Membership Award.

WEdnEsday May 02nd 2012 6:45 aM tO 5:30 PM Emile Perrin Competition Arena opens 8:30 am to 2:00 pm Restaurant of the Provinces 11:00 am to 3:00 pm Gourmet Team Challenge 7:00 aM tO 5:00 PM Registration 7:00 aM tO 8:00 aM Depart from congress hotel to the congress hall 7:00 aM tO 12:00 PM Bill Gallagher Junior Gastronomic Tour 7:30 aM tO 7:50 aM Morning coffee break with the president of WACS, opportunity to get up close and personal with the president of WACS. Theme of the day: WACS Business and opening ceremonies 8:00 aM tO 8:30 aM Welcome by the Chair of Congress Committee Chef Charles Carroll Opening address by president Nam Chun-Hwa Welcome address by president of WACS Quorum

18 World Association of Chefs societies

Approval of proxies and minutes from Chile congress

4:00 PM tO 5:00 PM Official Photograph and attempt for World Record of most gathering of Chefs in Uniform

9:00 aM tO 9:15 aM Introduction of new WACS member´s countries

7:30 PM tO 10:30 PM Ice breaker reception. Open air concert and show.

9:00 aM tO 12:30 PM Introduction to Educational Workshops and Culinary Demonstrations by John Clancy- Chair of WACS Educational Committee 9:00 aM tO 9:45 aM Michael Baskette - WACS Recognition of Quality Culinary Education program 10:00 aM tO 10:45 aM Presentation- Adam Franklin, Blue Wire Media 11:00 aM tO 11:45 aM Preparing For Culinary Olympic Competition- Gert Klotzke 12:00 PM tO 12:30 PM Presentation- Sarah Harrel, Veg Edge- Menu Planning 9:15 aM tO 10:00 aM By - laws and vote 10:00 aM tO 10:30 aM Morning coffee break 10:00 aM tO 5:00 PM Trade Show Opens 10:20 aM tO 10:50 aM Board Report 10:50 aM tO 11:00 aM Treasure Report 11:00 aM tO 11:10 aM Report back Audit Committee

thursday May 03rd 2012 7:00 aM tO 6:00 PM Emile Perrin Competition Arena opens 7:00 aM tO 1:30 PM Hans Bueschkens Competition 11:00 aM tO 3:00 PM Gourmet Team Challenge 7:00 aM tO 5:00 PM Registration 7:00 aM tO 8:00 aM Depart from congress hotel to the congress hall 7:30 aM tO 7:50 aM Morning coffee break with the Young Chef´s Ambassadors of WACS, opportunity to get up close and personal with the Young Chefs Ambassadors of WACS Theme of the day: We Are Culinary Stars 8:00 aM tO 5:00 PM Bill Gallagher Junior Forum 8:00 aM tO 5:00 PM Spouses and guest tour 8:00 aM tO 9:00 aM Chef Sanjeev Kapoor 9:00 aM tO 10:00 aM Keynote speaker- Chef Johann Lafer

11:10 aM tO 11:40 aM Educational Committee Report

10:00 aM tO 10:30 aM Morning coffee break, book signing by Johann Laufer

11:40 aM tO 12:00 PM Culinary Competition Committee Report

7:00 aM tO 1:30 PM Hans Bueschkens Competition

12:30 PM tO 1:45 PM Lunch

10:00 aM tO 5:00 PM Trade Show Opens

1:45 PM tO 1:55 PM Welcome by the First Lady of South Korea

10:30 aM tO 11:30 aM Cooking Demo- Sustainable Seafood Chef Rick Moonen

1:55 PM tO 2:30 PM Official opening of the congress.

10:30 aM tO 12:30 aM Educational Workshops and Culinary Demonstrations

2:30 PM tO 3:20 PM Keynote Speaker - Anton Mosimann

10:30 aM tO 11:15 aM Lino Schembri - Managing food allergens in food service environments

3:30 PM tO 4:00 PM Afternoon coffee break, book signing by Anton Mosimann

11:20 aM tO 11:55 PM Culinary Education (The Next Generation)

12:00 PM tO 12:30 PM John Clancy WACS Chef ’s Certification Program 12:00 aM tO 12:30 PM Presentation of candidate´s for Next Executive Board and CD´s 12:30 PM tO 1:45 PM Lunch 1:45 PM tO 3:30 PM Korean Cultural Performance and food demo 3:30 PM tO 4:00 PM Afternoon coffee break, book Signing with Chef Rick Moonen 4:00 PM tO 5:00 PM Wine and food demo- Chef Sam Leong 7:30 PM tO 10:30 PM Education and Humanatarian Award Evening and Dinner

Friday May 04th 2012 7:00 aM tO 6:00 PM Emile Perrin Competition Arena opens 7:00 aM tO 3:00 PM Global Chef Competition 11:00 aM tO 3:00 PM Gourmet Team Challenge 7:00 aM tO 5:00 PM Registration 7:00 aM tO 8:00 aM Depart from congress hotel to the congress hall 7:30 aM tO 7:50 aM Morning coffee with the Honorary president of WACS, opportunity to get up close and personal with the Honorary president of WACS. Theme of the day: How to feed the planet in the future 8:00 aM tO 5:00 PM Bill Gallagher Junior Forum 8:00 aM tO 5:00 PM Spouses and guest tour 8:00 aM tO 8:50 aM Keynote Speaker- Chef Bent Stiansen 9:00 aM tO 10:00 aM Cooking Demo by Chef Osama El Sayed from Egypt 10:00 aM tO 10:30 aM Morning coffee break 10:00 aM tO 5:00 PM Global Chef Challenge

10:00 aM tO 5:00 PM Trade Show Opens 10:30 aM tO 11:30 PM Round table discussion about How to Feed the Planet in the Future- John Folse to moderate

9:50 aM tO 10:30 aM Presentation- John Clancy & Lino Schembri, Becoming a WACS Master Chef 10:30 aM tO 11:30 PM Keynote speaker- Chef Akberali Halal presentation

11:30 aM tO 12:30 PM Cooking Demo- Chef Rick Tramonto

11:30 aM tO 12:30 PM Chef From El Bulli- Molecular Gastronomy

12:30 PM tO 1:45 PM Lunch

12:30 PM tO 1:45 PM Lunch

1:45 PM tO 3:00 PM Young Chefs Ambassadors Culinary Show

4:00 PM tO 5:00 PM Young Chefs Ambassadors Culinary Show

1:45 PM tO 3:00 PM Vote for next congress venue 2016 Vote for CD´s Vote for next Executive Board Closing speech President Gissur Gift´s to host country Update of the congress 2014 (Norway)

7:30 PM tO 10:30 PM Free night

3:00 PM tO 4:00 PM Afternoon coffee break- Norweigian surprise party

saturday May 05th 2012

4:00 PM tO 7:30 PM Free time

7:00 aM tO 6:00 PM Emile Perrin Competition Arena opens

7:30 PM tO 10:30 PM WACS President´s gala dinner

3:30 PM tO 4:00 PM Afternoon Coffee, Book signing Rick Tramonto

8:30 aM tO 2:00 PM Taste of Korea 11:00 aM tO 3:00 PM Gourmet Team Challenge

For more information please visit

7:00 aM tO 5:00 PM Registration 7:00 aM tO 8:00 aM Depart from congress hotel to the congress hall 7:30 aM tO 7:50 aM Morning coffee with the Continental Directors of WACS, opportunity to get up close and personal with the Continental Directors of WACS. Theme of the day: WACS Business and closing ceremonies 8:00 aM tO 12:00 PM Bill Gallagher Junior Gastronomic Tour 8:00 aM tO 9:00 aM Committee discussion and presentations World Chefs Without Borders presentation 9:00 aM tO 10:00 aM Cooking demo- Chef John Folse 9:00 aM tO 10:30 aM Educational Workshops and Culinary Demonstrations 9:00 aM tO 9:45 aM WACS Educational Programs Round table - Train the Trainer, WACS Education Programmes 19

Wacs – ADverTorIAl

thaiFEx – WorLd oF Food asia 2012 to sErvE up pLatt Er oF 13 tradE shoWs undEr onE rooF AsIA’s leADIng FooD AnD HosPITAlITY TrADe evenT seT To PresenT over 50,000 m2 WorTH oF gAsTronomIC ImmersIon.

20 World Association of Chefs societies

Wacs – ADverTorIAl

THAIFEX – World of Food Asia, the premier sourcing platform for food and hospitality trade buyers, will be back next year from 23rd to 27th May 2012, with an expanded array of the latest products, services and technologies from food and beverage players across the globe. To be held at the IMPACT Exhibition Center in Bangkok, Thailand, THAIFEX – World of Food Asia will feature more than 1,000 exhibitors from over 25 countries.

of leaders in the food and beverage industry, THAIFEX – World of Food Asia has established itself as the premier marketplace for the world’s food and beverage buyers and sellers. We are delighted to join hands with the Department of International Trade Promotion, (DITP) and Thai Chamber of Commerce once again to showcase Asia’s food and beverage innovations to the world,” said Michael Dreyer, Vice President, Asia Pacific, Koelnmesse.

Organized into 13 focused segments covering the entire food and beverage industry value chain, the 9th edition of THAIFEX – World of Food Asia 2012 will continue to spotlight key trends and technologies in markets across the region.

THAIFEX – World of Food Asia 2012 is set to welcome over 23,000 visitors from key markets such as Brunei, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, and United States.

“Once again, Thailand is proud to host Asia’s most extensive food and beverage trade fair. Thailand is home to many excellent food manufacturers and producers and we look forward to welcoming leading food and beverage players from across the globe to our shores, to expand our business network and exchange ideas that will further contribute to the industry’s growth,“ said Mrs Nuntawan Sakuntanaga, Director-General, Department of International Trade Promotion, (DITP).

aBout thaiFEx – WorLd oF Food asia THAIFEX – World of Food Asia is organized annually by Koelnmesse Pte Ltd, Department of Promotion Thailand and Thai Chamber of Commerce. Thaifex – World of Food Asia will be held from 23 to 27 May 2012 at the IMPACT Exhibition Center, Bangkok, Thailand. The trade fair will be open to the public on 26 and 27 May. For more information on THAIFEX – World of Food Asia, please visit

coMBining cuLinary art and sciEncE According to Unilever Food Solutions’ 2011 World Menu Report, an estimated 500 million people in South East Asia dine out at least once a year. Together with over 1.3 million food outlets across South East Asia, the food service industry represents enormous sales potential for food service operators in this region, with restaurant concepts and management set to take the lead in 2012. Visitors at THAIFEX – World of Food Asia will be greeted by more than 1,000 suppliers in the food services industry, offering an extensive range of products for the food and beverage, food service, and catering industry in South East Asia. Further capturing the vibrant landscape of the food and beverage industry in Asia, THAIFEX – World of Food Asia will also feature events aimed at engaging Asia’s culinary talents. The annual Thailand Chefs Competition, as well as the Fruits and Vegetables Carving Competition will be back again, pitting the skills of industry-leading chefs from across the region. Endorsed for the first time by the World Association of Chefs Societies (WACS) - The Thailand Chefs Competition will raise its standard and quality of this culinary competition to a global level. This is a remarkable opportunity for over hundreds of talented chefs across the Indo china region to gather at this exciting culinary meeting place to challenge and showase their skills. Their commitment and devotion for their culinary skill will be critiqued by an impressive number of 20 judges, 10 of which are WACS approved International judges during the five days of culinary competition. We welcome chefs from all over Thailand and the neighboring Indochina region - Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam to submit their application. “THAIFEX – World of Food Asia is set to present a gastronomic experience to our visitors and participants. As the largest gathering 21

Wacs – Young CHeFs’ voICe

rEaL changE, rEaL changEs WHen THe olD BeComes THe neW. tExt By Francis Lo - CHAIrmAn AT Hong kong Young CHeFs CluB

22 World Association of Chefs societies

Wacs – Young CHeFs’ voICe

What I’d like to talk about this issue is real trends, real changes. I was looking back at an article from the Tattler in November 2010. In it, they interviewed a number of chefs in Hong Kong to see what they believed would be the trends of 2011. We’re approaching the end of 2011 so I thought it would be interesting to reminisce. soME oF th E th EMEs Brought out oF that articLE incLudEd thE FoLLoWing: Sustainability and carbon footprints Moving away from molecular cuisine and back to more natural foods Wine-friendly cuisine Savory/dessert crossovers Healthy foods Bear in mind that these were interviews with some of Hong Kong’s culinary elite, who don’t really cater to the local man on the street. What I’ve observed over the past few years is that local Chinese are incredibly fickle about new things. They’ll go with the flow for the first few months that a new product is out, madly chasing after that elusive new tidbit but after it’s lost its lustre they’ll always wind up going back to the comfort food of their youth in the end.

“every time we see the latest food innovation from Taiwan or Japan, young people flock to queue up.

One element which seems to have captured today’s Generation X and Baby Boomers attention is nostalgia. Let’s be honest here; the post 90’s generation hasn’t been alive long enough to get nostalgic about anything, except perhaps Teletubbies. When we’ve had enough of the ridiculously breakneck pace of Hong Kong life, we keep coming back to those things we grew up with. For most locals, it’s the simple things, like curried fishballs on a stick, macaroni with ham in soup, French toast with syrup, chicken legs stewed in soy sauce, egg waffles made over a charcoal fire, and yes, even stinky tofu. Is it just me or is everything I just mentioned except the tofu eerily fusion of East-meets-West? Ever noticed that? For many locals, these were the dishes they snuck out of school for. They’re in no danger of going out of style anytime soon. New things might be exciting, but that sense of thrill is fleeting. Every time we see the latest food innovation from Taiwan or Japan, young people flock to queue up. Then older, more established eateries begin to copy ideas when they realize their businesses can’t keep up. Finally, they start appearing in hotel buffets, by which time you know the fad is dying its miserable and drawn-out death.

Back in the 60’s, Hong Kong’s dining scene was all about the West. Whatever the foreigners liked, Hong Kong people would scream after. In the 70’s, it was convenience. Fast food first reared its hideous head in Hong Kong around this time, and new innovations such as microwave ovens started catching on. In the 80’s, it was all about extravagance. You had to show everyone you had money. Both Italian and Japanese cuisine became accessible to the mainstream in Hong Kong during this period. In the 90’s it was all about variety. You remember those days. Buffets with hundreds of distinct items? Set menus with choices for every course? Thai and Chinese restaurants offering sashimi?Then in the early 2000’s, it seemed to turn into benefits. Getting fed for the price of a meal wasn’t enough anymore. Customers wanted face, free parking, shopping discounts, and airmiles! I don’t know if it’s a trend of the industry, or rather an awakening of sorts. A lot of the newer Japanese restaurants opening in the most popular hotspots in Hong Kong specialize in only one or a few products. Could you imagine a Japanese restaurant opening in the 90’s which wasn’t complete with sushi/sashimi, tempura, noodles, bento, yakimono, and teppan? Now, more restaurants are electing to not offer the full spread, but rather focus on their strengths; eateries which only serve katsu pork cutlets or only ramen, but it’s good. Hopefully if this idea catches on we’ll see an overall improvement in the quality of food served in Hong Kong, rather than the widespread mediocrity we’ve seen of late. Perhaps this specialization is simply a result of the economic climate, paring down to essentials in order to survive. I tell my students that it’s the Americans who often create new ideas. Japanese perfect them. Then Chinese take them and make cheap knock offs.

Francis Lo

Lecturer at the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education and Chairman at Hong Kong Young Chefs Club. This article first appeared in Chaud/Froid, the bimonthly newsletter of the Hong Kong Chefs Association. 23

Wacs – Young CHeFs’ voICe

a BEttEr chEF toMorroW tExt By jaspEr jEk - sIngAPore

Singapore Junior Chefs Club (SJCC), the youth arm of the Singapore Chefs Association, has been in recent months planning for the new year 2012. Following the traditions, and its vision and mission of nurturing and inspiring young chefs in the right direction, SJCC has moved on to putting educating its young chefs as one of its top priorities.

it is a tool to impart culinary knowledge, news about the industry and to disseminate information of it activities to its members. “Almost everyone uses Facebook these days, especially the young ones”, say Belinda Ng, VP of SJCC. Members often find “tidbits” such as “Do you know?” (information related to culinary) and food quotes by famous chefs and people interesting and inspiring.

Let’s just say it takes around 4-5 years to become a Chef-de-partie. Our aim [in SJCC] is not to accelerate this process, making a chef-de partie in 2 years. What we want to do is to groom young chefs in their journey, so that when they become a chef-de partie in four years from now, they will be a better developed chef than they will be.

To further encourage self-learning, SJCC launched a new concept called “Homework” on its Facebook page, Singaporejuniorchefsclub. It is a concept whereby SJCC would posts topics, with regards to F&B or culinary, and members whom are interested in improving and increasing their knowledge would independently research on the given topics on their own through the internet, books and even consulting their chefs. No one will be asked to submit their homework neither will there be deadlines.

In the past year, SJCC has been actively engaging its members online through popular social media site Facebook, and has seen how useful 24 World Association of Chefs societies

Wacs – Young CHeFs’ voICe

Ideally, it is a non-obligatory way of learning, at one’s own speed and convenience. It also encourages young chefs to be curious and ask questions about their work. SJCC intends to ride on this movement using social media, over the coming year to bring its members further. Besides its usual educational fieldtrips to purveyors and food production facilities, it has found its annual Chefs Forum, which it names Town hall, to be beneficial to its members. The initiation of the forum in 2009, was inspired by Chef Charles M. Carroll’s Town Hall program in his book: Leadership lessons from a Chef, Finding time to be great” and also by the World Association of Chefs Societies’ (WACS) Congress and annual regional forums, which SJCC’s executive committee members have attended.

“As testified with the numerous competitions sJCC has won, the quality Chefs it has already produced who have made their way up the ladder, and its strong alumnus, sJCC has been moving in the right direction over the past years. With the learning curve moving steeper, we can expect sJCC’s quality of young chefs and great chefs of tomorrow to grow even higher.

In the Town Hall, members get the rare opportunity to meet renowned Chefs, who will speak or give demonstrations. Other workshops such as product knowledge workshops by industry related companies are also included into the forum. Thus far it has had talks on knives, butchering, combination ovens and equipment, cheeses and wine. SJCC also had talks and demonstration by local celebrity chefs Eric Teo and Sam Leong, established pastry chef Pang Kok Keong, Nestle Research and Development Chef Eric Low, wine specialist Edwin Soon and chefs from abroad, Edward Leonard, past president of American Culinary Federation, and Fedinand Metz, President Emeritus of Culinary Institute of America. In 2012, SJCC plans to break its annual Town Hall into small pieces; to be conducted quarterly instead of annually. “The smaller but more frequent forum allows more opportunities of learning, in a conducive environment, as compared to only once a year”, say Elvin Chew, President of SJCC. As testified with the numerous competitions SJCC has won, the quality Chefs it has already produced who have made their way up the ladder, and its strong alumnus, SJCC has been moving in the right direction over the past years. With the learning curve moving steeper, we can expect SJCC’s quality of young chefs and great chefs of tomorrow to grow even higher.

Jasper Jek

Has been working extensively with SJCC since its formation in 2004. He has held various appointments in its Executive Committee: Head of Activities (2004-2006), and President (2006-2011). He is currently still serving the club in Public Relations. He has staged in Restaurante Martin Berasategui, a 3 michelin star restaurant in Spain, and is currently working in Joel Robuchon Restaurant in Singapore. 25

Wacs – eDuCATIon

Wacs rEcognition oF QuaLity cuLinary Education spans FivE continEnts in its First yEar enTHusIAsTIC resPonse gloBAllY To THe WACs reCognITIon oF QuAlITY CulInArY eDuCATI on ProgrAm.

26 World Association of Chefs societies

Wacs – eDuCATIon

Since launching the WACS Recognition of Quality Culinary Education program in the Fall of 2010, over 52 educational institutes have begun the process of seeking WACS Recognition. So far 13 have been successful; representing educational institutes in eight countries and spanning five of the seven major continents. Applications come from a variety of schools, training institutes, educational companies and national chefs associations whose missions are to educate and train. Commenting on the recently awarded schools, Education Committee Chair John Clancy say’s “We are delighted with the response that we have received to date and especially pleased with the quality and calibre of the schools that have signed up to the WACS Recognition of Quality Culinary Education programme which recognises and promotes the quality of their culinary programmes as well as affording all schools the opportunity to be part of this unique culinary education and global network.” The newest recipients of WACS Recognition of Quality Culinary Education include 2 schools in Europe; 3 in South Africa, 2 in Singapore and 1 new program in Malaysia. Of these 8 new programs 4 were already recognized by City & Guilds of London; one of WACS partners in Education. Described here, in no particular order, are the new entrees into WACS growing community of recognized culinary institutes. To see the whole list or to watch the list grow visit the WACS web site under Education Programmes/ Recognition of Quality Culinary Education. Mutfak Sanatları Akademisi (MSA) in Istanbul, Turkey was the first program in Europe to be accepted into the WACS program. MSA’s culinary programs are approved by City & Guilds and combine innovation and creativity through its faculty of master chefs, industry professionals and international executive chefs from finest kitchens and Michelin-starred restaurants, who pass on their mastery and appreciation of culinary arts to students. With over 1.000 graduates every year, MSA offers professional cookery and professional pastry & bakery in its 4,000 square meter campus and its distinctive teaching methodology features extensive hands-on learning. In the context of MSA’s professional programs, leading international chefs are invited in order to offer the students a chance to meet and learn from the best in the world. These guest chefs’ visits to Istanbul involve professional workshops to current students or graduates and amateur workshops to kitchen enthusiasts. Previous visiting chefs to MSA include Alain Senderens, Tom Aikens, Angelo Sosa, Sergi Arola, Mickael Azouz, Jean-François Deguignet, Erez Komarovksy, Adam Melonas, Hiroki Takemura, Takuhi Tovmasyan, Carlo Cracco, Giovanni Terracciano, Antonio Lombardini, Emiliano Luggo, Matteo Berti, Fabio Brambilla, Christian Broglia. The Private Hotel School Bukaschool Ltd. in Most, Czech Republic was the second program in a European nation to gain WACS Recognition of Quality Culinary Education. The school is situated in a garden district in a quiet part of the city. The school is equipped at highest level operating a modern training kitchen to teach cooking and a specially furnished classroom to teach professional table service. The school’s facilities also feature a modern computer

classroom to enhance student learning. Studies at the Private Hotel School Bukaschool Ltd. are aimed at vocational training of professionals in the field of mid-level management of hotels, accommodation, gastronomical and other service-providing facilities. The educational strategy of the school deals with the continuous process of surveying and evaluating the educational needs of students and those of the industry they service in order to provide the best education possible. Programs offer education subjects including: cold cuisine, confectionery, bartending, sommelier and decorative carving. Within these courses, the students are familiarized with the latest trends in these fields. Students of Private Hotel School Bukaschool Ltd. also have the ability to work in some of Europe’s top-rated hotels in Italy, Greece, Crete, Cyprus, Germany, Switzerland, Portugal and Malta to apply their learning to real life situations. Three programs in South Africa has earned WACS Recognition of Quality Culinary Education, and all three are City & Guilds Approved programs: HTA School of Culinary Art South Africa in Johannesburg; 27

Wacs – eDuCATIon

South African Chefs Training & Innovation Academy (CTIA) in Centurion, and Capsicum Culinary Studio (Pty) Ltd in Cape Town. HTA School of Culinary Art South Africa is one of South Africa’s premier chef schools, conveniently situated in Johannesburg’s northern suburbs. HTA offers a comprehensive course that equips young student chefs with the skills to build a career in the challenging and globally competitive world of cuisine. The HTA School of Culinary Art was established in 2003, and strive to offer a fundamental grounding course that will equip budding chefs with the skills to build a career in the challenging and globally competitive world of cuisine. Their promise is to produce young chefs with the practical skills needed to perform well and the theoretical knowledge and positive attitude expected by their superiors. The aim of the school is to be the preferred provider of chef and culinary arts training for the Hospitality and Catering Industry. South African Chefs Training & Innovation Academy (CTIA) operates in the Centurion Mall, Centurion, Pretoria, the Republic of South Africa, and delivers City & Guilds accredited Certificate, Diploma & Advanced Diploma in Culinary Arts and Diploma in Patisserie programmes. CTIA is already well known for their commitment to quality training, and their on-going passion to exceed in all expectations. Their dedication and commitment to presenting relevant, industry-ready training is one of their pivotal success factors and also their main inspiration to excellence. The facilities at CTIA are ideally equipped with modern equipment offering a unique venue unlike any other in South Africa. Their team is comprised of highly skilled and extremely passionate chefs who are committed to continuous improvement and quality education for all. Capsicum Culinary Studio (Pty) Ltd was the third program to earn WACS Recognition of Quality Culinary Education in South Africa. Founded by Cheryl Nesbitt, a qualified hotel manager and experienced member of the culinary industry in 2003, after seeing

a need for more qualified workers for the fast growing food service industry, Capsicum Culinary Studio has quickly grown as one of South Africa’s premier institutes. The professional programs offered at Capsicum Culinary Studio are internationally accredited allowing graduates entry into the market place anywhere in the world. They offer the highest standard in both culinary and hospitality education. Capsicum’s core business is professional education and training that contributes to a Culinary and Hospitality related vocation. All of their teaching is vocational and includes theory, practical learning, industry placements, frequent formative assessments and a summative assessment. The learning philosophy at Capsicum Culinary Studio is that through experimentation, playing with food, fun, and expression of creative individuality within a professional, structured learning environment, excellence is born. Capsicum’s credibility is further strengthened by its membership of the South African Chefs Association (SACA), Federation Hospitality Association of SA (FEDHASA), the Restaurant Association of SA (Rasa), Guest Accommodation Association & Solutions (BABASA) and the Chaine des Rotisseurs. Two programs in Singapore have also earned the WACS Recognition of Quality Culinary Education so far: At-Sunrice GlobalChef Academy and ICAS Training & Education College. 2004. At-Sunrice GlobalChef Academy was founded in 2001 by Mrs. Kuan Liu, with a vision to build the best academy for Asian cuisine in Singapore; by 2004 that vision expanded to embrace both Asian and Western cuisines. Today, the academy is EduTrust certified and recognized by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) as National CET Institute (NCI) administering nationallyrecognized diplomas, is partnered with America’s world class university Johnson & Wales University (JWU) and are members of the International Association of Culinary Professionals (IACP) and the American Culinary Federation (ACF). At-Sunrice GlobalChef Academy is an independent operation which operates at 28 Tai Seng Street. The academy delivers culinary arts education by applying skills and recipes from East & West, Herbs & Spices and Old World and New World cuisines, innovation and technology. The academy’s rigorous Study and Work pedagogy contributes annually, more than one million man-hours to the local F&B industry, empowering students with opportunities to augment their classroom learning with hands-on apprenticeships at the workplace. ICAS Training and Education College (ICASTEC) is located in Central Mall, Singapore; it is also a City & Guilds approved program. Established in 2005, ICASTEC is now one of the foremost organizations in the teaching of Food & Beverage and Western Culinary Skills in Singapore. The College is accredited by City & Guilds to offer qualification from Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Culinary Arts; Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Food and Beverage Service. The College has a low

28 World Association of Chefs societies

Wacs – eDuCATIon

teacher-student ratio of 1:22 and the average class size is 14 - 22. The College’s facilities incldues 3 classrooms, 3 kitchen labs and 1 Internship Preparatory Training Cafe. The College also offers academic counseling, accommodation support and career advice services to the students. ICASTEC is truly an international school with students coming from America, Mexico, Malaysia, India, Rwanda, Philippines, Nepal, Sri Lanka, China, Thailand, Vietnam and Portugal. Approximately 30% of its student body is local students that have been progressing well within the industry. ICASTEC has created paths for students to have the option to undertake their internship locally or proceed to countries in Europe for their overseas internship training through our partnering institutions. Joining the ranks of WACS Recognized School of Hospitality, Tourism and Culinary Arts KDU University College in Petaling Jaya, and Berjaya University College of Hospitality (BERJAYA UCH) in Kuala Lumpur is Cilantro Culinary Academy in Subang Jaya, Malaysia. Cilantro Culinary Academy operates under the auspices of City and Guilds.

Cilantro Culinary Academy has offered quality culinary education programs for more than 5 years. They are the largest private vocational Culinary Arts Academy in Malaysia providing education in professional skill development and vocational training. Cilantro Culinary Academy offers concentrations in Culinary Arts Foundation, Diploma and Advance Diploma levels. Cilantro Culinary Academy has a team of local and internationally experienced chefs from renowned hotels all over Malaysia to run their operations and classrooms. They provide 11 hotel-standard kitchens for real-life education and training, controlling the total number of students in each class to provide each student the personal attention and guidance they need to succeed.

For more information on these and other WACS Recognized programs please visit the WACS web site. If you are interested in applying to WACS Recognition of Quality Culinary Education program you will find all the information, polices and procedures on the WACS web site where the process is conducted solely through the internet and e-mail communications. 29

triuMph highEr Education group Colorado, USA

Wacs rEcognition oF QuaLity cuLinary Education WACS recently launched its newest educational initiative, the WACS Recognition of Quality Culinary Education program, in response to a growing need of its members and future members: to identify quality culinary education programs around the world and to establish international standards in culinary education. The WACS Education Committee established twelve Standards of Quality Culinary Education by which programs are now being measured. Educational companies, chef associations, schools and colleges which meet or exceed these standards can earn WACS Recognition. On the map above you can see the culinary institutions who have been awarded WACS Recognition of Quality Culinary Education.

30 World Association of Chefs societies

EscuELa dE ciEncias gastronoMicas u.E.E.s. Guayas, Ecuador

privatE hotEL schooL BukaschooL Ltd. Kmochova, Czech Republic

Msa MEsLEki EgitiM MErkEzi Istanbul, Turkey

intErnationaL cEntrE For cuLinary arts duBai Dubai, UAE

hospitaLity industry training and dEvELopMEnt cEntEr oF vtc Hong Kong

icas training & Education coLLEgE Singapore

at-sunricE gLoBaL chEF acadEMy Singapore

hta schooL oF cuLinary art Randburg, South Africa

kdu univErsity coLLEgE’s schooL oF hospitaLity,tourisM & cuLinary arts Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

ciLantro cuLinary acadEMy Subang Jaya, Malaysia

BErjaya univErsity coLLEgE oF hospitaLity Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

WEst coast acadEMy oF hospitaLity & tourisM Perth, Australia

south aFican chEFs training & innovation acadEMy Pretoria, South Africa 31

WACs AsIA ConTInenTAl DIreCTor APPoInTs TWo AssIsTAnTs

thE young chEF oF th E taiWan ForMosa chEFs association

Asia Continental Director, rick stephen, has appointed two assistants in the Asia region. The two selected assistants

The expansion of Taiwan Formosa Chef ’s Association was established in 2007, to raise Taiwan’s culinary arts to an international level by actively participating in domestic and catering activities. It mission is to promote Taiwanese Cuisine, heritage and the internationalization of Taiwanese cuisine. Following the success of the Taiwan Fomosa Chef ’s Associatin, The Young Chef of the Taiwan Formosa Chefs Association was finally established in 2011 with the aim to serve young chefs in Taiwan aged 18-25, both students and profession. thE task For thE young arMs arE: To learn more cooking skills and culinary exchange. Study and Develop the Tourism Associations. Promote Learning in International Culinary Exchange. Learn Planning Skills, in Domestic and International Hospitality & Conferences and other matters. Communication

are: ms. shang Haling who is the secretary general of the China Cuisine Association and will be help promote WACs in the northern regions of Asia. The West Asian representative will be Baranidharan, P, who works with Custom Culinary based in Bangalore, India.

chEF soundararajan conFErrrEd honoris causa aWard Chef P. Soundararajan was conferred the prestigious Honoris Causa Award (Degree of Doctor of Literature) by the Chancellor and the Members of the Board of Management of Vels University. The award was presented by His Excellency Honourable Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Former President of India, on 14th December 2011. Chef P. Soundararajan is serving as the General Secretary of the IFCA, and has served as a member of the WACS Education Committee. He also spearheaded the Biennal National Congress and was also instrumental in launching the Junior Chefs chapter under IFCA.

asian nEWs china cuisinE association visits cuBa chEFs association In November 10th, a delegation from Chinese Cuisine Association led by President Mrs. Yangliu visited Cuba for three days. The President of Cuba Chefs Association Mr. Eddy Femandez Monte and other Vice-Presidents arranged a meeting with the CCA deletation. The President Mr. Monte, on behalf of Cuba Chefs, extends a warm welcome to China, and did a brief introduction about current circumstances of Cuba Chefs and Cuba catering industry. They have invited European and Asian chefs over to Cuba for training programs in recent years, and he is willing to invite Chinese chefs to Cuba to organize skill exchange programs. The president Mrs. Yangliu indicated that CCA will provide free training to Cuba chefs and established hopes for closer relationships in the future. 32 World Association of Chefs societies

Wacs rEgionaL rEport – THIs TIme For AsIA

thE japanEsE dEgustation THe TrADITIonAl mulTI-Course JAPAnese DInner Is more THAn JusT HAuTe CuIsIne. IT Is A DeeP-seATeD PHIlosoPHY THAT exPresses ArTIsTrY AnD DAnCes WITH nATure. The term “kaiseki” in Kanji (traditional Japanese characters) means ‘hot stone in a kimono fold’. It is drawn from the belief that Zen priests would tuck hot stones wrapped in towels next to their stomach to cure their hunger pangs during their morning and afternoon prayers (the term “kai” means a fold in a kimono and “seki” means stone). This practice meant that only a small amount of kaiseki would be enough to ward off the hunger pangs. Originally, kaiseki was a simple, vegetarian meal served during the traditional tea ceremony. It was thought the tea would taste better if the guests were not so hungry. Today kaiseki is no longer a strictly vegetarian meal and may also include both meat and fish. kaisEiki, a syMphony oF FLavours One kaiseki dinner can consist of anywhere from 6 to 15 different kinds of food. Some examples include: shiizakana Appetizers served with Japanese sake

MukouzukE Sashimi - slices of raw fish kuchitori A small side dish suiMono A soup niMono Simmered vegetables aEMono Food dressed with sauce kounoMono Japanese pickles hassun Food from the mountains and the sea sunoMono Food marinated in vinegar yakiMono Grilled fish MushiMono Steamed food

The dishes in a kaiseiki meal changes according to the seasons and available ingredients in the market. In turn, it also depends on the region. For example, a kaiseki served in February in Kyushu would be different than a kaiseki served February in Tokyo. zEn cuisinE It is said that kaiseki is a meal at one with nature. In fact, guests will often find such things from nature as flowers and leaves garnishing the food. The ingredients are natural, of high quality and chosen according to the season. Most important of all, the ingredients are all freshly served. Each course is always served immediately after it is prepared so as to maintain the freshness of the ingredients. Even the presentation echoes nature, for example, it can be styled to echo the leaves in Fall. . Details such as contrast in color, texture, flavor, consistency are carefully thought through – not just in food, but also the tableware. The kaiseiki menu goes through cycles, starting in November when the year’s first tea is ready for grinding. 33

Wacs rEgionaL rEport – THIs TIme For AsIA

thE vodka oF th E East sHoCHu From JAPAn Is A sTAPle, everYDAY DrInk. DIsCover ITs orIgIn AnD FlAvours. What is honkaku shochu? Honkaku (Authentic) shochu are Japanese spirits that are made using a traditional manufacturing process. Unlike shochu’s counterparts, Scotch whisky and brandy, this high-grade distilled spirit can be enjoyed both before and after meals. Shochu is also suitable for drinking with a meal just like sake and wine. It is becoming very popular for its versatility. origin oF th E naME,”shochu” Shochu means “to burn” and “to concentrate.” The name refers to something that is concentrated by fire. Though the name is usually spelled as shochu, it is pronounced “show-choo.” BriEF history oF shochu Shochu originated in China and South East Asia in the 13~14th There were three major sources: Ryukyu (Okinawa) route, 2) Route of South China Sea countries, 3) Korean Peninsula Route. 34 World Association of Chefs societies

Japanese shochu production began around the 15th century, triggered by the introduction of distil- lation method from Thailand. As the wooden letter shown in this page, it was certain that shochu was already a part of people’s everyday life in the16th century. In the early stage of shochu production, rice shochu was the main- stream. It was in the Edo period in which other ingredients began to be used to create shochu. Since rice was very precious, and was used as annual tribute to the Tokugawa shogunate, farm- ers painstakingly created shochu made from other raw materials such as sweet potatoes and barley. These derivatives created the foun- dation of modern shochu. In the Meiji era (following edo period), shochu evolved a great deal, dividing into korui and otsurui (so-called, Honkaku) shochu, which has become the way it is today. tWo cLassiFications oF shochu Just like there is difference between grain whisky and malt whisky, there are actually two kinds of shochu: “Kohrui Shochu”, often called, “Japanese vodka”, is made by continuous distillation of polysac-

Wacs rEgionaL rEport – THIs TIme For AsIA

charidic materials, and “Otsurui Shochu”, also known as “Honkaku (Authentic) Shochu”, made by single distillation. In terms of distillation process, kohrui shochu is similar to grain whisky and otsurui to malt whisky. The former (kohrui shochu and grain whisky) needs continuous distillation whereas the latter (otsurui shochu and malt whisky) requires pot still. LikE MaLt Whisky“, honkaku shochu”has thrEE Major charactEristics: The flavor from raw materials remains due to single distillation. Made by multiple fermentation in parallel using malted rice. Carries a gentle taste and can be drunk straight without aging. hoW to Enjoy shochu The most distinctive feature of sake and shochu is that they accompany meals. Unlike other distilled spirits of the world, you can select shochu to go with any kind of meal. Unlike whisky or brandy, they don’t have to be served specifically before or after a meal. You can enjoy several kinds of shochu/sake during any part of the meal (or even after the meal until you pass out.) Since Japanese people have a low tolerance to alcohol, it has become common to take time to enjoy shochu and sake that contains relatively low percentages of alcohol. Shochu can be served at a variety of temperature and in different ways. It can be served with hot water, on the rocks, straight and poured into crushed ice. Shochu can also be mixed with different amounts of water to create “water cocktail.” There are no special containers defined for serving shochu. You can use any container, cup or glass of your choice regardless of their materials and shapes. The cups used in the Japanese tea ceremony are usually thick and have a wide mouth as tea is served with slightly tepid hot water. Like high-end green tea, shochu (ex. sweet potato shochu) brings out a sweet taste if being mixed with 70 degrees C (158 degrees F) hot water. Therefore, it makes a sense to drink shochu with tea ceremony cups. You can also enjoy a number of wonderful sake/shochu-based cocktails. Since shochu and sake have a variety of flavors and tastes, they mix well with fruit juices and liqueurs. Shochu is not just suitable for Japanese and Chinese food, but can also complement western cuisine. Shochu matches almost any cuisine in the world, regardless of the ingredients or cooking method. Shochu is even served at French and Italian restaurants in Japan. Shochu enhances the taste of ingredients in food and also softens the strong smell of meat and seafood. Therefore, like sake, it can be used for preparing and seasoning both Japanese and Western-style dishes.

This article is extracted from 35

Wacs rEgionaL rEport – THIs TIme For AsIA

thE Way oF thE pEranakans Peranakan cuisine has been around in Asia for a long time but has recently surged in popularity. Discover the complex flavours of this cuisine steeped in rich heritage.

What is pEranakan cuisinE? Peranakans are descendants of early Chinese migrants who settled in Penang, Malacca, Indonesia and Singapore, inter-marrying with local Malays. The old Malay word nonya (also spelled nyonya), a term of respect and affection for women of prominent social standing (part “madame” and part “auntie”), has come to refer to the cuisine of the Perakanans. Nonya cooking is the result of blending Chinese ingredients and wok cooking techniques with spices used by the Malay/Indonesian community. The food is tangy, aromatic, spicy and herbal. Main ingredients include coconut milk, galangal (a subtle, mustard-scented rhizome similar to ginger), candlenuts as both a flavoring and thickening agent, laksa leaf, pandan leaves, belachan, tamarind juice, lemongrass, torch ginger bud, jicama, fragrant kaffir lime leaf, rice or egg noodles and cincaluk - a powerfully flavored, sour and salty shrimp-based condiment that is typically mixed with lime juice, chillies and shallots and eaten with rice, fried fish and other side dishes. rEgionaL pEranakan cuisinE There are regional variations in Nonya cooking. For example, dishes from the island of Penang in the northern part of Peninsular Malaysia show Thai influences. You get more liberal use of tamarind and other sour ingredients. Singapore and Malacca Peranakan dishes show a greater Indonesian influence, such as the use of coconut milk. A good example is this: There are two versions of laksa (a spicy noodle soup), which comes in two 36 World Association of Chefs societies

variants: the sour asam laksa from Penang and the coconut milk-based laksa lemak from Singapore and the southern regions of Peninsular Malaysia. FaMous pEranakan dishEs The best Peranakan dishes are prepared at home and it is common knowledge that Peranakans are the greatest critics when it comes to food. Like the Italians, the best Peranakan dishes are always cooked at home. hErE arE soME oF th E WELL-LovEd, popuLar pEranakan dishEs: ayaM Buah kELuak: A staple and hot favourite with its robust flavour and taste. Made with chicken and sometimes pork, it is combined with the star ingredient, “keluak” nuts. Keluak is an atypical type of nut which comes with a tough shell exterior, with a piquant paste inside; it yields a unique flavour. It is a notoriously challenging dish to make: the rempah (pounded spices) alone is made of seven ingredients and takes half a day to fry until fragrant. Every nut has to be scrubbed and soaked in water for two days, before one end of the nut is chopped off and the black flesh inside is scraped out! Then the flesh has to be blended with more spices before you stuff the flesh back in. Finally, the stuffed nuts, chicken and rempah is simmered for another half a day until the sauce thickens. The dish is best eaten with a bowl of steamed rice, chincalok egg (fermented shrimp omelette). For some vegetables, it has to be the sambal kangkong (water spinach). chickEn kapitan: This curry is a pot of aromas and flavours using tamarind juice,

Wacs rEgionaL rEport – THIs TIme For AsIA

“nonya cooking is the result of blending Chinese ingredients and wok cooking techniques with spices used by the malay/Indonesian community.

candlenut, fresh turmeric root and belacan, a shrimp paste, among other ingredients. Best served with white rice. assaM Laksa: Thick rice noodles are served in a tangy fish soup/gravy. The soupy gravy is made with mackerel and lots of aromatic herbs and is surprisingly not at all fishy! It is garnished with a medley of fresh vegetables – shredded cucumber, lettuce, pineapple, onion and fragrant mint leaves. This version of laksa is from the ‘hawker food capital’ of Malaysia - Penang, famous for it’s Penang Laksa or Penang Assam Laksa. ayaM pongtEh: Chicken is cooked with preserved soy beans [Miso], dark soy sauce, sugar and other ingredients. This slightly sweet, chili-free dish is a dish that many Peranakans grew up with and is a household favourite.

BaBi chin: A stewed dish of pork, preserved soy beans [Miso] and soy sauce flavored with coriander. The key to this dish is the cut of meat pork belly is a must! cEndoL: A signature Peranakan dessert. Shavings of ice and scoops of diluted coconut milk with bits of cooked dough dyed green in colour known as ‘cendol’. It is made by pressing kneaded and coloured dough through a metal mould resembling a shredder into a bowl of water. These little noodle-like pieces of dough are then put into a pot of boiling water and cooked for a short until fully cooked. The usual condiments with a bowl of cendol are red beans and grass jelly. Depending on the location, it is not unusual to find glutinous rice, creamed corn and other types of jelly added into the dessert. It is then topped off with a generous drizzle of palm sugar to give it its signature sweetness. 37

Wacs rEgionaL rEport – THIs TIme For AsIA

What do thE 5 coLors MEan in korEan cuisinE? tExt By anna kiM - CHeF ConsulTAnT AnD In-CHArge oF InTernATIonAl CommunICATIons

as a Royal Cuisine Dish and is served as a a fancy course menu for special occasions. The Traditional style of the 5-coloured garnishes are: “Gomyeong” as yellow and white egg ribbons, green watercress skewers “Chodae”, beef tripe or shitake mushroom, red carrots stripes, pan fried fish fillet “Jeonyueo”. Hearty beef broth and seafood ingredients are precooked in the following days, assembled to look like a wheel of fortune. By adding extra garnishes like red jujube fruits, jade color gingko nuts, walnuts, meatballs, the garnishes are completed in perfect balance. The special brass vessel has a middlepart constructed to keep hot ambers to heat up the juices of the ingredients while serving the meals. If you never had one yet , there is chance to find more various Sinseollo presentations at the International food fair Korea in 35th WACS Congress May 2010. You are invited to have chance to find this special cooking utensils, competitor challenges, and may enjoy tasting one of them during your visit Korea.

The distinctive 5 natural colors, shaped in a harmonious circle in a special vessel caleld “Sinseollo”, including various flavorful ingredients from the ocean and land,c an make you feel like royalty. Sinseollo, the Korean royal casserole name by word of its vessel, is so delighteful in both visual presentation and savories. At the same time, it requires details and ingredient resources. In the past in Korea, it used to only be savoured by royal families who could afford the cost and labour needed, in particular the 25 premium ingredients. Even today, it is classified 38 World Association of Chefs societies

syMBoLic MEaning oF 5 coLors and MorE... For an interesting insight of Korean food styles, you may notice that there are many other Korean recipes have 5 coloured patterns like Bibimbab (various colorful vegetable mixed rice bowl ) , Gujeolpan ( 9 sectional ingredients and flour wraps ), Japchae ( vermicelli pasta with various color vegetables) , Domijjim ( steam snapper topped with various color garnishes ) , Jungol ( various vegetables and meat or seafood, or noodle hot pot ) , Jeon ( savory pancakes ) , Tteok ( sweet rice cakes ), and more Korean recipes. Application of these top garnishes is known as “Gomyeong” ( also “Utgi”or “Kkumi” )

in Korean and it is not only to improve its appearance and colors to stimulate appetites by presenting attractiveness, it also reflects the way of belief of people’s natural balance and harmony in life by following symbolic meanings in sight of colors. For example , the red color alludes to summer, fire, the heart, bitterness, pleasure and proprieties of receiving the light of the sun and represents ‘Yang’ as energy to promote vitality. It also believes that the power of abundant energy repulses bad spirits. The blue (as green in food) means ‘east direction’ and represents spring, tree, the liver, sourness, delight and benevolence. It possesses strong ‘Yang’ energy and harmony with red. For white, it signifies fall, gold, lungs, pungency, anger and righteousness as well. For the color of black garnishes like black mushrooms, sea kelp means North stands for winter, water, kidneys, a salty taste, sorrow, knowledge, and represents ‘Um ’energy. The center color of yellow denotes the spleen, soil, sweetness, greed and wisdom and regarded as the center of the universe, so yellow was the most honorable color and commonly found in food as egg yolk garnishes.” More five color cosmic elements are also easily found in traditional children’s dresses, and bride’s wedding garments of commoners, temple architectural paintings, and even gift wraps you may buy. Traditional faith in 5 colors may not appear nowadays as in the olden days but still remain as people’s hope for health, longevities, and appreciation of well-being in life. Find more information: 35th Congress May 2010 and International food affair Daejeon, Korea and KCA - Korea cooks association.

Wacs rEgionaL rEport – THIs TIme For AsIA

thE unExpLorEd tiBEtan cuisinE The cuisine of Tibet has been overshadowed by its many counterparts.

tExt By daniEL chia - leCTurer AnD Former sommelIer

For many years, when one mentioned Tibet, one tended to think of a faraway place with wide-open spaces inhabited by nomadic yak herders and monks. How things have changed. Today, it’s the political situation and economy that comes to mind.

An expatriate restaurant owner in Lhasa hit the spot when he said, “Tibetans can’t cook”… According to him, most of the cooks in eateries catering to foreign travellers tended to be Nepalese, whilst those catering to the Chinese, were obviously, Chinese…

There isn’t a lot written (in English) about Tibetan cuisine. There could be many reasons why – tourists are usually more overwhelmed by the sights instead of the food. And in the cuisine category, it is usually the Hot Yak Butter Tea that gets the limelight.

So, if Tibetans can’t cook, what then do Tibetans eat? Traditionally, Tibetan cuisine was based on a few basic ingredients that were available to them in their rather harsh, high altitude environment. The most important ingredients were, barley, yaks, salt, and tea.

For the tourist travelling with a tour group (the only way for a foreign tourist to even enter Tibet these days), meals arranged by the Tour Organiser would feature only one or two Tibetan dishes. Even my travel agent could not believe I wanted ALL my meals to be Tibetan. “Are you sure…?”, she asked, looking very concerned.

Yak herders would roam the vast Tibetan Plateau with their herds of yaks, and, as they roamed with their herds, they would gather salt from saltpans and pick various medicinal herbs along the way. They would then trade the gathered salt and medicinal herbs, along with their yak products in exchange for Roasted Barley Flour, which would be grown by the farmers, and for tea, brought in by traders.

When I insisted I was a tourist with an academic interest in all food and drink… I could see her shaking her head quite sadly and sigh as I was leaving her office. My tour guide was Tibetan, but had spent most of his life outside Tibet, leaving as a child refugee, and living mainly in Nepal, with a few years spent studying in Europe… He spoke fluent Tibetan, Nepali, Putonghua, English, and even Italian, but, when it came to food, he was not fluent at explaining what the Tibetan dishes were, and had a preference for Nepali dishes. He explained (quite sadly), “Tibetan food upsets my stomach.” Of course, the language barrier makes it difficult for outsiders to understand the dishes. Most tourist-friendly eateries have menus in English, where “Western” or “Fusion” items like Yak Burger, Yak Steak, and Cheese Momos (dumplings) can be found, in addition to Indian, Nepali and Chinese dishes. However, when it comes to the Tibetan section of the menu, the wait-staff usually cannot describe the dishes.

Roasted Barley Flour, or Tsampa, was, and still remains the main staple food of Tibetans. As this is already cooked, it can be eaten as it is, usually by the spoonful, and washed down with Hot Yak Butter Tea. Alternatively, the tsampa can be made into a ball of hard dough/bread called Pa, by mixing it, with what else but, Hot Yak Butter Tea. Yaks were their main source of movable food, providing not only yak milk, yak yoghurt, yak butter, yak cheese, but also yak meat, which was normally air-dried, and eaten raw. A typical Tibetan meal would consist of tsampa, washed down with lots of Hot Yak Butter Tea, some air-dried yak meat, and dessert would be yak yoghurt, perhaps with a bit of wild honey. When in Tibet, do as the Tibetans do, and you will have a deeper insight of the Tibetan life. This article was first published on 39

Wacs rEgionaL rEport – THIs TIme For AsIA

an introduction to indian cuisinE InDIAn FooD HAs BeCome PreTTY PoPulAr ACross THe gloBe. WITH ITs DIsTInCT FlAvours AnD unIQue use oF sPICes, IT’s noW one oF THe mosT sougHT AFTer CuIsInes WorlDWIDe. IF You’re lookIng To TrY someTHIng neW To ADD To Your CookIng skIlls, IT’s A greAT IDeA To TrY Your HAnD AT InDIAn FooD. You CoulD DrAW From THIs guIDe on some oF THe BAsIC FlAvours oF InDIAn FooD.

Most Indian curries are flavoured distinctly with a diverse blend of spices. Some common spices used are garam masala, turmeric, sesame, coriander, fenugreek, coconut, cardamom, saffron, ginger and garlic. Most of the dishes use a blend of spices as the essence of Indian cuisine. These are just some of the basic spices used in Indian cuisine, but I must tell you how uniquely they must be flavoured. There are many other types and varieties out there to choose from and it just comes down to personal preference after a while.

raMandEEp anand memBer oF THe InDIAn FeDerATI on oF CHeF AssoCIATIon.

Cottage cheese, ghee, curd (a form of cultured yogurt) and other forms of cooked milk are used often in Indian cuisine. Natural yogurt may be spiced and used as a side dish such as raita. They may also be used to make drinks and shakes such as lassi or butter milk, which is mostly a spiced yogurt drink. While most Indian religions, cultures and communities restrict eating meat, meat is still quite popular among some Indian communities and religions. Fish is largely a coastal delicacy and chicken is one of the most popular meats in Indian cuisine. Meat may be curried, stewed or barbequed. Rice is one of the staple foods in India. Many rice preparations are made throughout the country. Indian cuisine is famous for it’s rice specialities like biryanis and pulaos. Most of these rice specialities are made with basmati rice. This is a long grained rice, popular for its fragrance and delicate flavouring across the country. It is used mainly during special occasions and is mostly cultivated in the Punjab and Himalayan region. Lentils are one of the most commonly used pulses in India. Along with rice there are also breads of different kinds like naan, roti and chapattis that

40 World Association of Chefs societies

form popular main courses. Dosas, a very popular South Indian crepe or pancake like bread and is usually eaten for breakfast or light meal. There is also the fried bread called puri. Samosas and pappadams are mostly served as snacks or appetizers.

What is thE diFFErEncE BEtWEEn korMa and pasanda? HIsTorICAllY, kormA AnD PAsAnDA Are TWo ToTAllY DIFFerenT DIsHes. korMa is a pale yellow mutton curry. It has Yogurt, Cardamom Black-pepper Ginger and lots of saffron. Ground almonds are added to give it a smooth creamy texture. Sometimes dried fruits may be added. In essence Korma is a pale yellow creamy mild sauce made of yogurt and almonds. pasanda is a creamy white curry made with the sirloin cut of the leg. Sirloin was considered as the better cut or choice cut or Pasanda. It has yogurt and ground cashews and cardamoms. Cream may be added for added light texture. In essence Pasanda is a white creamy mild sauce made with yogurt, cream and cashews. Pasanda is milder than Korma.

Wacs rEgionaL rEport – Book revIeW

asian chEF authors TWo CHeFs In AsIA HAve lAunCHeD THeIr oWn selF-ProDuCeD CookBooks. tExt By jEnny tan - sIngAPore

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thE stainLEss stEEL kitchEn

to BE a chEF

AuTHor: richMond LiM

AuTHor: tony khoo

It took Executive Chef Richmond Lim of the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (the Centre) a year of hard work before he could launch his long envisioned revolutionary guidebook to banqueting – ‘The Stainless Steel Kitchen’.

To celebrate his journey of thirty-five years in the kitchen, Chef Tony Khoo has aptly taken on a personal project to chronicle the experiences and to pass on his knowledge. Titled To Be A Chef, the book plays on 2 meanings of Tony’s progress from cook to chef as well as advice to aspiring young chefs.

A detailed guide for professionals in the culinary industry, ‘The Stainless Steel Kitchen’ is a trove of innovative ideas and tips to tackle banqueting challenges encountered by chefs all over the world. With more than 28 years of experience in the food industry, Chef Richmond is an expert in banqueting and specialises in ‘today’s modern cuisine’- a heady mix of multi-cultural influences and the latest culinary trends. As the executive chef of a world-class convention centre, he helms a culinary kitchen and a brigade of 51 chefs and together they have prepared more than 5,000 plates for events and gatherings at the Centre. In ‘The Stainless Steel Kitchen’, Chef Richmond presents readers with cutting-edge solutions that have satisfied thousands of guests throughout his career. According to Chef Richmond, “The complex mix of people attending our events at the Centre demands a completely versatile approach to our cooking philosophy, and we deliver consistently.” In his book, the culinary maestro reveals his knowledge and the secrets to success behind his 5-star kitchen, emphasising the importance of “Speed – Time – Temperature,” and the need for banqueters to adapt to new technological advances. “I see a lot of potential in this industry and a lot of talented local chefs, and I am happy to share my cooking methods and knowledge with future generations,” he added. Available at leading bookstores in Malaysia.

As a representative of Singapore in numerous international competitions, his career has helped put the nation on the world map. Today, as Executive Chef of Marina Mandarin Hotel, Tony Khoo dedicates his time to grooming the younger generation of chefs, in particular the Singapore National Culinary Team. Last year, Chef Tony brought the national team to victory at both the Food & Hotel Asia as well as the Expogast Culinary World Cup. These national victories received enthusiastic media coverage in The Straits Times and Prime Time Morning. Earlier this year, Chef Tony was also one of the guest chefs at Singapore Day, held in Shanghai. He has also won a list of awards that include a list such as Platinum King of Kitchens 2011, Regional 2011 – 2013 and Best in Asia Chef of the year 2011, as awarded by Hospitality Asia Platinum Awards and the World Gourmet Summit Executive Chef of the year 2011. Other than showcasing competition-worthy dishes and recipes, Chef Tony’s motivation is to raise funds for charity with this project. For his charity gala dinner cookbook launch, Proudly Singapore: A Showcase of Singapore Chefs event , where he gathered top chef friends Chef Louis Tay, Leons Tan, Otto Weibel, Eric Teo and Willment Leong to cook a celebratory dinner, he raised $132,000 in support of the Community Chest. Sales of the cookbook at the dinner & dance dinner of the Singapore Chefs’ Association raised S$5,500 Thai Flood Recovery Donation, in the care of the Thai Chefs Association. 41

Wacs rEgionaL rEport – THIs TIme For AsIA

aLsatian WinE Brunch at tiong Bahru MarkEt AsIAn sTreeT FooD WITH WIne mAY Be An unlIkelY mATCH, BuT IT CAn Be A Fun exerCIse. DAnIel CHIA, A FooD & BeverAge leCTurer AnD Former CHeF sommlIer oF rAFFles HoTel sIngAPore sHAres HIs exPerIenCe WITH eTIenne Hugel From Huge & FIls, AlsACe.

tExt By daniEL chia - sIngAPore

Tiong Bahru Estate is a neighbourhood that I am very fond of. I spent a year living there in a rented 3rd floor walk-up apartment, just after returning from my work stint in Shanghai, China. Inspired by my stint in Shanghai, I often had friends over for dinner, after spending afternoons and evenings, or sometimes, even days, cooking up various culinary storms featuring the flavours of Shanghai and Sichuan, and these would invariably be washed down with wine pairings of all sorts… I now live in a different part of town, but do return occasionally, to soak up the old-world charm of the estate with its Art Deco accented pre-war colonial public housing architecture, and of course, the wonderful food that can be found at Tiong Bahru Market. Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to do something a little unusual. I had an “Alsatian Wine Brunch” at Tiong Bahru Market. Now, what is so unusual about having wines with a meal at Tiong Bahru Market? Haven’t people already been doing this for a number of years? The answer is a simple yes. People in Singapore have been matching their wines with their food at Hawker Centres since the idea was mooted by local wine personalities in the early 1990’s, but, they had invariably matched their wines with all-time favourites like Hainanese Chicken Rice, Dim Sum, BBQ Sambal Stingray, Chilli Crab and other serious dishes usually eaten during lunch or dinner. This little excursion, would be a little different, as we were going to attempt to match a couple of Alsatian wines with some traditional breakfast dishes, something that was quite unheard of, as most people in Singapore tend not to touch alcohol before the sun sets… Quite unintentionally, this little brunch also became a sampling of Singapore’s original Chinese immigrant cuisines, covering the Cantonese, Hokkien, and Teochew dialect groups, which make up the majority of Singapore’s Chinese population. Taking part in this little excursion were, Etienne HUGEL, who runs the venerable house of HUGEL & FILS in Alsace, France, Jenny TAN, a wine and food journalist who also runs FoodCult Pte Ltd, and 42 World Association of Chefs societies

myself, the random academic, who would bring the wine glasses… Etienne brought the wines, the 2007 Hugel Jubilee Riesling, an intense and racy wine with good ripeness, structure, minerality and palate weight. This went beautifully with a Raw Fish Salad (which accompanied a serving of Congee, a thick Cantonese style rice porridge), which was made from thin slices of raw Wolf Herring, seasoned with a squeeze of Calamansi Lime, sliced red chillies, finely shredded Spring Onions (Scallions), shreds of ginger, and a lashing of sesame oil, with the freshness of the wine complimenting the citrus of the Calamansi Lime and delicate flavours of the raw fish. Also well matched with the Jubilee Riesling, was the combination of Fried Fishcakes, especially when dipped in the tangy chilli dip. These included, You Tiao (deepfried dough sticks stuffed with fish forcemeat), Otah (spicy fish cakes), Fishcake and Fishballs. These, however, are technically not a traditional breakfast type food, but all day snacks…The second wine, the heavenly 2001 Hugel Classic Tokay Pinot Gris Vendange Tardives, was sweet, ripe, slightly voluptuous, yet very elegant, and exquisitely balanced. This was matched with Chwee Kueh, a Teochew breakfast snack, which can be described as bowl-shaped steamed rice flour cakes with a topping of finely chopped/diced salted preserved radishes that have been slow cooked in oil. This is usually served with a chilli sauce on the side, and in most cases, when the chilli sauce is combined with the radish topping, the sum becomes greater than the component parts… This paired beautifully with the Tokay Pinot Gris Vendange Tardives, with the sweetness of the wine foiling perfectly with the salty, spicy radish topping. We also tried the dry version of Hokkien Hae Mee, a dish of yellow egg noodles normally served in a rich prawn and pork broth originating in Fujian Province and brought to Singapore via Penang, Malaysia. The dry version was served with a robust chilli sauce, and topped with boiled pork ribs, a pair of whole medium-sized prawns, a few sprigs of water spinach (Kang Kong), deep-fried shallots, and a few small cubes of deep-fried lard. The robust spicy flavours of the noodle dish were very well handled by the Pinot Gris, which tempered the fire with its sweetness and its vitality.


eTIenne Hugel AnD JennY TAn enJoYIng THeIr BrunCH AT TIong BAHrumArkeT WITH THe 2007 Hugel JuBIlee rIeslIng

Finally, we tried the pairing of a few Nyonya Kueh (Straits Chinese or Peranakan Pastries) with the Pinot Gris Vendange Tardives, and happily, the wine managed to compliment Kueh Bingka Ubi Kayu (or just Kueh Bingka), a “cake” made from baked grated Tapioca (Cassava), but was over-powered by the Ondeh Ondeh, glutinous rice balls filled with Gula Melaka (Palm Sugar) and coated with grated coconut. Etienne HUGEL who enjoyed the whole experience immensely, said: “I am posting this on my blog“, and he blogged about this experience of “Enjoying Singlish & Hawker Centre lifestyle”. Jenny TAN followed close behind, writing in her regular column on The Sunday Times, about our experience at Tiong Bahru with “Alsace meets Asia“, and along the way, recommending the 2004 Hugel Jubilee Riesling as well. And finally, the circle is now complete, with my perspectives of how the wines matched the food, as my little contribution to this very fun exercise…

Daniel Chia

is a full-time food & beverage lecturer with the Culinary & Catering Management Diploma at Temasek Polytechnic’s School of Business where he teaches post-secondary students about produce, cuisine, wines & spirits, and service skills. Prior to his teaching career, Daniel’s working experience included stints at hotels and restaurants where he held managerial positions at restaurants, bars, and looking after Wine & Beverage programs. He has also helped to open two independent restaurants, one in Singapore, and the other in Shanghai, China.

you just can‘t copy

Advanced Closed System the energy saving system 43

ToP resTAurAnT TrenDs In 2012 As we stare at the crystal ball for 2012, top chefs across the world have given their opinions on what will boom this year. The consensus across the board: Comfort food, sustainable cuisine and farm-to-table products. Here’s to a better 2012!

thE gourMand WorLd cookBook aWards to BE announcEd March 6, 2012 A total of 162 countries participating in the “Gourmand World Cookbook Awards”. The finalists come from 71 different countries. “Latin America is becoming a world leader for quality in the sector.The US and France still have a clear quality edge over other countries. China and Africa are progressing quicker than most realize. The quality in Australia is outstanding.” Says founder and manager Edouard Cointreau.

BLuEFin tuna soLd For $736,000 in rEcordsEtting auction At Tokyo’s Tsukiji market, Kiyoshi Kimura, president of Kiyomura Co., placed the winning bid of ¥56.49 million for a 593-pound bluefin tuna. The previous record for the most expensive tuna was ¥32.49 million paid in 2011. The extravagant price is due to the excitement of the first auction of the year and is used to drum up demand for the business and bluefin tuna. Kimura said he wanted to keep the fish, which was caught in Japan, to help “liven up Japan” that is still recovering from the tsunami. “Japan has been through a lot the last year due to the disaster,” he said.

in&out oF th E kitchEn singaporE supErMarkEt Bans shark Fins NTUC FairPrice, a co-operative run by Singapore’s national trades union, made the announcement that it will stop selling shark fin products from April. This took place after inflammatory comment by one of its suppliers, which made the comment ‘Screw the divers!’, triggered calls for a boycott from activists and the public. The comment created a hoo-ha online, with many asking for a boycott of the supplier. The chain’s statement stated that it was ceasing sales of shark fin products by the end of March. According to conservation group WWF, Singapore is the second largest shark fin trading centre after Hong Kong. WWF-Hong Kong says the consumption of shark fins is a driving factor behind the threat to shark populations, with more than 180 species considered threatened in 2010 compared with only 15 in 1996. 44 World Association of Chefs societies

Cooking unlimited ERFURT 19. - 22. 10. 2008 IKA – International

CULINARY EXHIBITION inoga – Trade Fair for the Hotel, Catering and Hospitality Sector

6th – 9th October 2012 Messe Erfurt |

e middle The WACS Arena in th esentation area of the competition – pr s for participating team

in&out oF th E kitchEn – WIne´s Cool

FavoritE WinEs For asian FLavors PAIrIng WIne WITH FooD mAY noT Be PArT oF AsIAn DInIng CulTure, BuT THIs TrenD Is QuICklY PICkIng uP ArounD THe gloBe. eDWIn soon, WIne sPeAker AnD AuTHor, sHAres ADvICe From HIs Book, PAIrIng WIne WITH AsIAn FooD.

WEighty WhitE WinEs For dishEs With sWEEt ovErtonEs Savory Asian dishes can have a predominant sweet taste. Choose dry wines with some weight and relatively higher alcohol such as Chardonnay, Fumé Blanc and Viognier for dishes from Shanghai, Indo- nesian Sudanese, South Viet- namese and Thai and Malaysian“lemak”or coconut-based curries. Hermitage Blanc (Marsanne-Roussanne blend) is another wine with weight and a gorgeous texture. With gindara teriyaki or grilled/ baked silver cod with teriyaki sauce the wine simply glides over the tongue to make its union with the dish. LightLy sWEEt vouvray dEMi- sEc For sour dishEs Savory and sour dishes fea- ture prominently in Asian cuisine. Examples include Thai salads and Malaysian tamarind-based curries. Mul- ligatawny is an Anglo– Indian soup meaning pepper water. It is reminiscent of the South Indian rasam, and was created by the servants for the British Raj. Although it has a savory taste of garlic, onions, curry to accompany red meats. It handles spices incredibly well, as well as herbs and aromatics. Consider banh mi, the Vietnamese sandwich. It has complex flavors and tex- tures—there’s vinegar, radish, sugar, onions, pork, liver pate, cucumber, chili, mayonnaise, and more. Wash it all down with a slurp of pink wine! oFF-dry riEsLing For coMpLEx FLavors Poh piah is the Singapore version of the Fujian spring roll, that features diverse ingredients including yam- bean, shallots, beansprouts beancurd, garlic, prawns, and lettuce—topped with peanuts, chili, and sweet dark sauce. 46 World Association of Chefs societies

Rieslings come in various versions – trocken (dry), spätlese (lightly sweet), ‘vendange tardive’ (sweet), and ‘selections grains nobles’ / auslese / beerenauslese / ice wine (syrupy sweet). Choose your wine according to how much sweet sauce you add to the Poh Piah. The sweeter the dish, the sweeter the wine should be. rEd Burgundy For MEaty and sWEEt spicy FLavors The mahogany-gold colored, powder, and vegetables, it’s predominantly tangy due to a healthy dose of tamarind or lemon juice, tempered by a dash of yogurt or cream. Vouvray demi sec—a lightly sweet wine with bubbles makes the match in many ways. The cold wine with bubbles makes a temperature and textural contrast to the hot soup. The wine’s sweetness and fruit contrast the soup’s sourness and spice. Opposites attract here. chaMpagnE and sparkLing WinEs For saLty dishEs Dry wines are right in sync with salty Asian flavors. Their penetrating acidity and clean fruit flavors sit well with soy and fish sauce. If the wine has bubbles, there is the additional cleansing action for any chili piquancy. Bubbles also add textural interest and contrast for crispy fried foods. It’s no wonder dry sparkling wines and Champagnes are the ideal wines for dishes ranging from crispy bee hoon and crab soup, spicy Thai steamed mus- sels and sambal ikan masin (spicy sour salted fish). Hong Kong roast squab is salty, sweet, gamey, five spice- scented, spicy with a hint of ginger and with vinegar-soy glazed crisp skin. It calls for a wine with seductive stone fruit aromas and earthy over- tones but with

ripe acids and fine tannins and a lingering finish—hence a Burgundy. oLoroso shErry For nutty FLavors With flavors of roasted nuts, vanilla, and warm caramel, with a slight sweetness, but with a creamy texture and hint of tangy fruit on the finish, Oloroso Sherry is the perfect mate for satay beef stir-fry. The wine mirrors the peanut and coconut-milk gravy of the stirfry, without being over come by the gar- lic, ginger, shrimp paste, and curry spices used. pinot grigio or pinot gris For dELicatE sEaFood and strongEr saucEs This wine has two faces depending on its alcohol content. One version is zippy, vibrant, with pleasant lemon freshness and crisp mineral acidity—the perfect foil for fried seafoods, tempura, sushi, sashimi and Chinese steamed fish. Choose from unoaked or mildly oak-influenced Pinot Gris or Pinot Grigio from Italy, California, Oregon, New Zealand (lower alcohol ones) and the German Rulander or Grauburgunder. The other style is Pinot Gris from Alsace (until recently called Tokay Pinot Gris) and includes some fuller-bodied higher alcohol versions from New Zealand and Australia. tEMpraniLLo With LoW tannin For strong FLavorEd and spicy dishEs What do Nonya dishes like Too Huwait Char Kuchai (chives with black pudding), Gulai Pak Lai (giblet curry), Perut Ikan (picked fish stomach curry) and the Thai dish of Sai Krok Isan (Thai issan sour fermented pork balls) have

in&out oF th E kitchEn – WIne´s Cool

in common? All these dishes have unusually pungent tastes. Spanish red wines made from Tempranillo, with fine tannins, and flavors reminiscent of cranberries and cherries, and a touch of vanilla-toast - are the answer Moscato, LightLy sWEEt For piQuant chiLi The more heat a dish packs, the lower the alcohol level should be in the wine. This is so that a balance can be achieved between the fiery chili element of the dish and the alcohol level of the accompanying wine. Pla Ra Bong is a north-eastern Thai dish made from fermented fish and ground roasted rice. Essentially a nam prik or chili paste dip of the Northeast. The extreme fire demands not only a low alcohol sweet wine but one that is sweet. So, Moscato is the wine of choice here. grünEr vELtLinEr For vEgEtaBLEs Few wines are friendly to vege- tables. Austria’s Grüner Veltliner is one such wine that fits the bill here. Its zippy acidity, lowish alcohol, clarity of flavors—white pepper, vegetables, citrus, pear, quince and apple, spicy green peppers—deem it a wine for vegetarian dishes, especially umami-rich dried salty vegeta- bles and other preserved Asian vegetables. Moreover, Grüner Veltliner is known to be good with “difficult” vegetables such as artichokes and asparagus. Some excellent matches of this wine are to be had with zaru soba (chilled soba), stir fried vegetables in oyster sauce, and sesameflavored salads. rosé WinE and MuLti- tExturEd dishEs Rosé wine is one of those flexible wines that take up with various food types and flavors. It’s at home with white meats and seafood and doesn’t complain when asked These wines are totally adept in handling the strong flavors of - sweet and sour; meat with hoisin sauce; Thai lemongrass dishes; Indian spiced dishes featuring coriander, cumin and ginger; and the sweet- soy-vinegar or the sesame-oil and rice wine seasonings in Shanghai dishes. The article is excerpted from “Pairing Wine with Asian Food” by Edwin Soon, which is available from and other leading bookstores worldwide.

Mind thEsE tips A common mistake when matching wine with food is that of resemblance. That a Gewurztraminer, because of its spicy characteristics, should accompany curry is a misunderstanding of flavor matching. The pungency of both may be equal in intensity but the opposing spice elements aggravate the incompatibility. Red wines such as Merlot, Nero d´Avola, or Zinfandel, with strong berry flavors, are unexpected matches as the bold fruit in the wines play up to the curry spices. German wine labels indicate the ripeness level when the grapes were picked and/or the residual sugar of the wine. “Spatlese” refers to wine made from grapes picked ripe / harvested late. Wines are correspondingly sweet. “Spatlese” wines can be designated “trocken” that means that wine has been fermented until little residual sugar remains, implying a dry wine. 47

in&out oF th E kitchEn – FooD sAFeTY

Managing Food aLLErgEns eAsY sTePs To mAnAge FooD Allergens WITHIn CATerIng oPerATI ons. tExt By pauLino schEMBri - memBer oF THe WACs eDuCATI on CommITTee

these are listed below all the other ingredients, or in an allergen alert note; however with loose food (non pre-packed) this might cause a difficulty especially when serving a client that has a food allergy. Normally the allergy sufferer will indicate to the staff of the catering operation that he/she cannot ingest a certain type of food. It is up to staff to know if a certain food contains the particular ingredient in question. If no one can be absolutely sure that the food does not present any food safety hazards to the client, than it is advisable to indicate this to the client, who will make an educated decision. When selling food that contains one or more food allergenic ingredients which can cause a problem, it is wise to list them on a card, label or menu and make sure that the information is accurate.

Food allergens are chemicals present in food that cause a reaction when ingested in a category of people. These may cause severe attacks sometimes even fatal; this might be instant or could take some hours to manifest itself. The world population at large is exposed to this food disorder. Nearly 1% of the world’s adult populations and 5% to 8% of children suffer from some sort of food allergy. These people are part of our community and as such deserve, like all other customers, safe food. They deserve to enjoy a meal in any eatery without the fear that they will end up sick and worst case, even fear for their life. Catering operations have to be able to provide safe food to all its patrons, regardless of the particular needs of the special clients. The knowledge of the staff in the operation should 48 World Association of Chefs societies

be to a level that providing safe food would be a natural and professional attribute of the kitchen brigade and also of the service staff. As mentioned earlier food allergies are chemical hazards, and as such should be treated as any other chemical that could present a food safety hazard in any catering operations. In a HACCP plan, these should be identified when the HACCP team would be analyzing the hazards and identifying the critical control points. It is of major importance for food handlers to be knowledgeable of the list of all the fourteen allergens that the E.U has named as dangerous for food allergy suffers. It is quite easy to check the labels of prepacked foods for any allergy ingredients as

Food allergens can also be hidden in products that can adulterate food. This is very common when preparing food and adding ingredients that are not listed as allergens but contain possible allergens. Such ingredients will still cause problems to allergen sufferers even at very low levels as sufferers can have different levels of tolerance to the allergen. A few examples of foods that contain these hidden allergens in food are, Worchester sauce which might contain nuts or barley, malt, gluten and another good example could be bread products that besides the obvious gluten can also have egg wash, thus one who is allergic to eggs might not know that the bread products are glazed by egg and this could have fatal consequences. Communicating information to staff and also food handlers, training and the use of HACCP through the food preparation operation will drastically decrease this ever increasing food safety issue to a safe level and also offer food allergy sufferers some peace of mind when deciding to dine out or eat loose food from our catering outlets.

in&out oF th E kitchEn – envIronmenT

divErsiFying our diEt and thE FuturE hEaLthoF our ocEans THe WorD susTAInABle Is THreATeneD AnD DesTIneD To Be DIluTeD To meAnIngless rHeTorIC IF BIg BusIness HAs ITs WAY In verY muCH THe sAme WAY orgAnIC HAs BeCome A sounD rATH er THAn A menTAlITY. noW Is THe TIme To go AFTer THe non-TArgeTeD eDIBle WIlD BIomAss In orDer To CreATe A BeTTer BAlAnCe In our oCeAns.

tExt By rick MoonEn - CHeF, resTAurATeur AnD AuTHor

The seafood the general population consumes and what we as chefs provide to our guests, on a daily basis, is very narrow. We target a minority of edible species and therefore place an unfair pressure upon their existence, causing dangerous futures of these exploited few. There are millions of seafood sources in the world, and U.S. consumers are comfortable choosing from only five main types of fish more or less because that’s what they are familiar eating and what the majority of restaurants offer them on menus. I understand these are broad categories, but here is the list of delicious ocean treats we can expect to be extinct by 2048, unless some serious changes are made. saLMon: the No. 1 selling finfish in the world. tuna: canned or fresh, the meat of the aquatic world, no question. cod: the reason that the Americas were established (see the book titled Cod).

Names aside, there are plenty of fish that fit the same flavor and texture profiles that many find so appealing about the Big Five. And it’s time to give those five a break -- now! -- as we are in danger of losing them forever. Many consumers are confused and intimidated by seafood, yet realize the need to consume more seafood for their health, and this is where chefs can help educate them by offering them a variety of species that are lower on the food chain...naturally more abundant, reproduce quickly, and lower health concerns based on contamination. If you take nothing else away from this article please familiarize yourself with the Seafood Watch, Monterey Bay Aquarium’s running list which is a great source of information about what should be pulled from the ocean and served. Start small; offer a catch of the day from this list and educate your service staff how to sell something that is unfamiliar. As your guests grow to love these fish they never heard of, enhance your menus. It’s now or never for our oceans – do your part in keeping them bountiful for our children’s children and beyond.

snappEr: a broad category and completely confused. Bass: the blanket name that all else is swept under, around and through. If these fish don’t appear under the seafood options at restaurants, many consumers will simply move onto another section of the menu, but this is where a strong service staff can help. One of the major problems with obscure fish consumption at my restaurants lies within the names of some tasty species that suffer from bad names. One of the options we frequently offer on our seasonal menu is Wreckfish from Florida, but unfortunately, it doesn’t sound attractive when considering what to eat for dinner. Yet this fish presents a delicious protein profile, and in the right hands it really makes for an amazing dish on the plate. Sea Cats. Wolf fish. Drumfish. Wrasse. Cobia. Tautog. Wahoo sounds more like a shot at a college bar than something to eat for dinner. 49

in&out oF th E kitchEn – CHeFs Corner

rEaL WorkpLacE saFEty WHAT Is THe reAl reCIPe For WorkPlACe sAFeTY? noT CounTless meeTIngs AnD grouP Hugs, sAYs glenn AusTIn.

tExt By gLEnn austin - AusTrAlIA

The catch cry today in the industry is “work safety”. If you think about it, our employers and governors want us to be safe at work and work in a safe and secure environment. There are so many meetings, focus groups and discussions that are happening on work safety currently that it is mind blowing. Are we going to be the safest country in the world at work? The trouble is that it pretty much comes back to this - a talk and meeting festival with very little reality, especially when it comes to the kitchen. I am all for being safe at work; one of the most dangerous places to work is a kitchen. You think about it – gas flames, boiling water, boiling oil, hot steel, slippery wet and greasy surfaces, electrical leads, knives pretty much are all the evil you can think of placed in one area called “the kitchen”. Match that with inadequate basic and ongoing

training, lack of incentive to work due to pay and conditions….it sounds like a time bomb waiting to go off. Now the upside to this is for those of us who have spent our lives in this environment, we love it and it is our home (for some twisted reason). We adapt and learn our own law on how to survive, for hundreds of years kitchens have survived and we have done ok without the interference of pen pushers telling us how we need to operate to be safer, with additional ‘help’ such as the OHS committee and human resource department. I just love their visits and their group hug approach to the world. Let me give you the heads up on what really makes things safer and better for the kitchen. Put in place a realistic repairs and maintenance budget and allow the chef to control it. Put in place a realistic replacement budget for small wares and major capital expenditure and have the chef control it. You know the best ovens in the world wear out and need replacing. There is one other thing that you can do that in my opinion is equally as important and maybe even more important – the consistent rostering and use of the kitchen attendant. This position is paramount to the survival of your brigade, kitchen equipment and the operation over all. With a dirty kitchen you will end up with a health issue, be it from the consumer or the local council. Chefs rely so much on the kitchen hand. They provide us with clean work utensils, they provide us with a clean and safe work environment, they perform at some point in their day almost everything the Chef does. They are the life line of the kitchen. If you really think that a chef is going to prepare food all day, then work through service, before spending hours effectively cleaning a kitchen you are wrong. Yet as trade slows down, the first person to go is the kitchen attendant and this is so wrong. I see that we can roster one bar man instead of two, roster one less receptionist but never is any other area wiped out until we discuss kitchen hands. It is just not acceptable when chefs have to do this part of the work. The kitchen hand is the lifeline to the business and should be treated well accordingly. This is my recipe for kitchen safety and I am happy to report that to date, it has worked fine.

50 World Association of Chefs societies

PREMIER WACS / OUR BRILLIANTS elegant and functional

Antibacterial non-stick coating with a precious handle in mother-of-pearl optics Coating on the blade: prohibits the food to stick on it and is easy to clean You will glide easily through the cutting materials

knives . ancillary items . sharpening steels . grinding machines

in&out oF th E kitchEn – THe veg eDge™

a “vEgEtarian havEn” in toronto tExt By chEF sara harrEL - oWner oF THe veg ComPAnY

a chef, you must learn about and cook all foods regardless of your personal religious or philosophical beliefs. And usually that means copious amounts of meat, fish, dairy and eggs. But what if you won’t? Mentoring and apprenticeship, a cornerstone of chef training becomes even more essential for those following a different path. So with initiative, passion and gusto, Jillian took her initial training and marched right into Vegetarian Haven restaurant seeking just that. Turns out these are qualities she shares with manager and part owner Ms. Shing Tong. About 25 years ago, Ms. Tong began a life-changing journey after meeting with a Taoist master seeking the guidance we have all sought at one time or another – what do I want to do with my life? The Taoist master shared the philosophy that if one wanted to help one must not kill – and that included a vegetarian diet. Like others, making the decision to become vegetarian was easy; figuring out what to eat was not! So Ms. Tong frequented a local vegetarian restaurant to get food to eat. This inspired her to open her own vegetarian restaurant, to become a ‘haven’ for those who desired to become vegetarian and for those who already were. It has also become a haven for those wishing to pursue a culinary vegetarian career. Accomplished Executive Chef Jack Li gives aspiring vegetarian chefs an opportunity and gentle guidance. Jack is the unassuming driving force behind the culinary creations that have made the “Special of the Day” become the restaurant’s best seller as guests even place advance orders without knowing what it is! Such is the confidence Vegetarian Haven has instilled with its customers that other chefs and restaurants only dream of. For others, Vegetarian Haven incorporates the practice of visually showing diners what’s on the menu by physically plating up the ‘special of the day’.

Recently, during one of the vegetarian courses I teach at the George Brown Centre for Hospitality and Culinary Arts in Toronto, a student of mine, Jillian Leo excitedly approached me and said she was interviewing for a job at the renowned Vegetarian Haven restaurant. I’m not sure who was more excited – and proud – when she got the job! Another aspiring vegetarian chef was well on her way. Training for vegetarian chefs is a challenge in many countries where there is a deeply entrenched doctrine that if one wishes to become 52 World Association of Chefs societies

The regular menu is enticing to both vegetarians and carnivores alike by offering familiar dishes with meat and seafood substitutes. When creating a dish or during culinary competitions, most chefs first ask ‘what’s the protein’? At Vegetarian Haven, that includes tempeh, seitan, soy, ‘salmon and prawn’ made with soya and konnyaku root flour and tofu cheese. It does not include any animal products like meat, fish, eggs and dairy. It also follows the Buddhist philosophy of omitting garlic, onions and other alums including onions. The result? Clean, vibrant flavours, enticing and satisfying dishes. Voted two years in a row as the city’s best vegetarian restaurant on! Find out why by trying one of Chef Li’s dishes, kindly shared with us.

in&out oF th E kitchEn – THe veg eDge™

“Training for vegetarian chefs is a challenge in many countries where there is a deeply entrenched doctrine that if one wishes to become a chef, you must learn about and cook all foods regardless of your personal religious or philosophical beliefs. ”

vEgEtarian havEn Buddha’s dELight (4 - 6 servIngs) The legend: Eighteen arhats (spiritual practitioner, destroyer of enemies, enlightened being) were gathering to attend the Buddha’s birthday celebration. They could not come to a consensus on what gift to bring. After a long discussion, they decided to each pick an ingredient and cook a dish for the Buddha. The Buddha was delighted. Traditionally, this dish calls for 18 ingredients. dry ingrEdiEnts Glass Noodles (mung bean noodle, dry)1/2 cup Bean Curd Stick (dry) 2 sticks Lily Flower (dry) 10 pcs Shiitake Mushroom (dry) 8 pcs Wood Ear (dry black fungus) 6 pcs Cloud Fungus (dry) 6 pcs Red Dates (dry) 4 pcs Black Moss (dry) 1/4 cup vEgEtaBLE ingrEdiEnts Vegetable Oil Fresh Ginger Seasoned Puffy Seitan* Water Chestnut (fresh/can) Ginko Nuts (fresh/can) Baby Carrots Bamboo Shoots (fresh/can) Bok Choy Nappa Cabbage Straw Mushroom (can) Snow Peas

1 tbsp (minced) 1 cup (chunks) 1/4 cup 1/4 cup 1/4 cup 1/4 cup 6 pcs 6 pcs 6 pcs (cut in half) 10 pcs

sEasonings Vegetable Stock Sunflower Oil Dark Soya Sauce Light Soya Sauce Soya Paste Sesame Seed Oil Fresh Ginger Organic Sugar

2 cups 3 tbsp 3 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbsp 1 tbsp (minced) a pinch (optional)

cooking MEthod Dry Ingredients: Place glass noodles in one bowl and remaining Dry Ingredients in another. Cover with water and rehydrate until soft, about 30 minutes. Drain. Cut shiitake mushroom and red dates in half; cut bean curd sticks into 2-inch strips. Slice glass noodles into 2-inch pieces. Vegetable Ingredients: Sauté minced ginger and shiitake mushrooms in oil in large pot/wok over medium heat for 2 minutes. Add remaining Vegetable Ingredients (except snow peas) and rehydrated Dry Ingredients (except glass noodles) and cook for another minute. Seasonings: Stir in all Seasonings cover the pot, reduce heat simmer, stirring occasionally until sauce thickens. Add glass noodles and snow peas. * You can substitute tofu for seitan. Even better, use tofu that has been frozen, defrosted and squeezed dry of excess moisture. Frozen tofu when thawed has a sponge like yet al dente texture that will absorb more flavour. Vegetarian Haven Restaurant 17 Baldwin St, Toronto, ON, Canada M5T 1L1 53

in&out oF th E kitchEn – Book revIeW

ModErnist cuisinE thE art and sciEncE oF cooking Cutting-edge techniques used by the world’s best chefs. A revolution is underway in the art of cooking. Just as French Impressionists upended centuries of tradition, Modernist cuisine has in recent years blown through the boundaries of the culinary arts. Borrowing techniques from the laboratory, pioneering chefs at world-renowned restaurants such as elBulli, The Fat Duck, Alinea, and wd~50 have incorporated a deeper understanding of science and advances in cooking technology into their culinary art. The authors and their 20-person team at The Cooking Lab—scientists, inventors, and accomplished cooks in their own right—have achieved astounding new flavors and textures by using tools such as water baths, homogenizers, and centrifuges, and ingredients such as hydrocolloids, emulsifiers, and enzymes. Modernist Cuisine is a work destined to reinvent cooking. How do you make an omelet light and tender on the outside, but rich and creamy inside? Or French fries with a light and fluffy interior and a delicate, crisp crust that doesn’t go soggy? Imagine being able to encase a mussel in a gelled sphere of its own sweet and briny juice. Or to create a silky-smooth pistachio cream made from nothing more than the nuts themselves. Modernist Cuisine offers step-by-step, illustrated instructions, as well as clear explanations of how these techniques work.Through thousands of original photographs and diagrams, the lavishly illustrated books make the science and technology of the culinary arts clear and engaging. Stunning new photographic techniques take the reader inside the food to see cooking in action all the way from microscopic meat fibers to an entire Weber grill in cross-section. You will view cooking—and eating—in a whole new light. voLuME 1 voLuME 2 voLuME 3 voLuME 4 voLuME 5 voLuME 6

History and Fundamentals Techniques and Equipment Animals and Plants Ingredients and Preparations Plated-Dish Recipes Kitchen Manual with example recipes and extensive reference tables

54 World Association of Chefs societies

i LikE to BELiEvE, iF it WaLks LikE a chEF, and taLks LikE a chEF; it is a chEF” Claude Buzon, owner of Chef’s hat InC.

i rEaLizE that thE journEy to BEcoME a chEF takEs tiME, hard Work, knoWLEdgE and ExpEriEncE. it is nEcEssary that WE start our journEy on thE right Foot and carEFuLLy prEparE oursELvEs For succEss. thErE arE Many tooLs nEcEssary in thE cuLinary FiELd. Most notaBLy, a good Work Ethic, staMina, rEsEarchEd rEcipEs and a sharp sEt oF knivEs. MastEry oF cookEry tEchniQuEs and a sound knoWLEdgE BasE arE iMportant coMponEnts aLso But “Looking thE part”, WEaring thE uniForM corrEctLy and With pridE, is What sEparatEs thE proFEssionaL FroM th E novicE. WE do, hoWEvEr, undErstand soME ModErn chEFs’ nEEds to BE MorE ExprEssivE. For this WE do oFFEr various options in our LinE But thE Basic dEsign oF thE uniForM stays traditionaL, coMFortaBLE and practicaL. in thE End, though, thE Majority oF chEFs WiLL agrEE that a cLEan-prEssEd douBLE-BrEastEd WhitE uniForM, a knottEd nEcktiE, a FuLL LEngth apron, chEckEd pants and oF coursE thE unMistakaBLE toQuE BLanchE arE EssEntiaL to th E rEcognizEd and proFEssionaL iMagE oF thE chEF. at chEF’s hat, WE arE pLEasEd to hELp proMotE this iMagE.

P r o u D s P o n s o r o F WAC s chEF’s hat inc.-La toQuE dEMagny 14536-115 Avenue nW eDmonTon, AlBerTA T5 m 3B9 - CAnADA Toll Free 1-866-CHeF HAT (243-3428) PHone +1 (780) 420 6700 FAx +1 (780) 420 6722 InFo@CHeFs-HAT.Com WWW.CHeFs-HAT.Com

WACS Events Calendar 2011-2012 WACS competitions

WACS Events

26 – 29 January 2012 Global Chefs Challenge and Hans Bueschkens Junior Chefs Challenge – Europe South – Ljubljana, Solvenia

21-22 February 2012 Judging Seminar – Ljubljana, Slovenia

8 – 10 February 2012 Bali Salon Culinaire – FHT Bal 11 – 15 February 2012 Inter Gastra National Competition, Intergastra, – Stuttgart, Germany 14 – 16 February 2012 Battle for the Dragon – Wales 19 – 22 February 2012 Emirates Salon Culinary – UAE 26 – 29 February 2012 Global Chefs Challenge and Hans Bueschkens Junior Chefs Challenge – Europe North – London, England 10-12 March 2012 1st Students Contest of Culinary Art – Villahermosa, Mexico 17 – 20 April 2012 FHA 2012 Culinary Challenge – Singapore 1 – 5 May 2012 International Food Fair – S Korea 23 – 27 May 2012 Thai Chefs Competition – Thailand 24 – 25 July 2012 The American Culinary Classic - Gaylord Texan, Dallas Texas September (exact date to be confirmed) Europe Presidents Forum – Lago di Garda, Italy 5 – 10 October 2012 IKA Culinary Olympics – Erfurt, Germany

56 World Association of Chefs Societies

27-18 Feb 2012 Judging Seminar – London, England April (exact date to be confirmed) Asia Presidents Forum, Africa & Middle East – Mauritius 16 April 2012 Asian Presidents’ Forum – Resorts World Sentosa 1 May 2012 Americas Presidents Forum – Daejeon, S Korea 1 – 5 May 2012 WACS 35th World Congress – Daejeon, S Korea 13 – 17 July Judging Seminar – Orlando, Florida

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10:30 57

Wacs nationaL chEFs associations

austraLia AusTrAlIAn CulInArY FeDerATI on Mr. Peter Wright Tel: +61 3 98169859 ACFnATIonAloFFICe@AusTCulInArY.Com.Au austria verBAnD Der köCHe ösTerreICHs Mr. JOsef fankhauser Tel: 0043 1 3676162 InFo@vko.AT azErBaijan rEpuBLic THe AzerBAIJAn nATIonAl CulInArY AssoCIATIon Mr. takhir idris Oglu aMi-raslanOv Tel: 99421/ 93 30 43 BahaMas BAHAmAs CulInArY AssoCIATIon, HAAC chairMan: edWin W. JOhnsOn haac Tel: (242) 3276200 exT.6470 eJoHnson@WYnDHAm.Com

czEch rEpuBLic AssoCIATIon oF CHeFs AnD ConFeCTIoners oF CzeCH rePuBlIC (AkC Cr) Mr. MirOslav kuBec Tel: 420 274 812 324 sekreTArIAT@AkC.Cz dEnMark køkkenCHeFernes ForenIng, DAnmArk Mr. uffe nielsen Tel: 98999059 InFo@resTAurAnT-svAnelunDen.Dk WWW.kFDk.Dk d.p.r. korEa koreA CHeFs AssoCIATIon Mr. MMe Pak MyOng sOn kCAC@sTAr-Co.neT.kP Ecuador AsoCIACIon De CHeFs Del eCuADor Mr. MauriciO Tel: 593 2466975 InFo@AsoCHeFseCuADor.neT WWW.AsoCHeFseCuADor.neT

Bosnia-hErzEgovina AssoCIATIon oF CHeFs In BosnIA AnD HerzegovInA Mr. nihad MaMeledziJa Tel: 00387 33 200 412 InFo@uku.BA WWW.uku.BA

Egypt egYPTIAn CHeFs AssoCIATIon Mr. Markus J. iten Tel: (02) 3748-3958 egYPTCHeFs@lInk.neT WWW.egYPTCHeFs.Com

BraziL AssoCIAçâo BrAsIlIero DA AlTA gAsTronomIA Mr. JOãO leMe Tel: 55 11/ 3032 99 47 ABAgA@ABAgA.Com.Br WWW.ABAgA.Com.Br

EngLand BrITIsH CulInArY FeDerATI on hOnOrary Brian cOtterill Tel: 44 (0) 1789 491218 WWW.BrITIsHCulInArYFeDerATI

BuLgaria BulgArIAn AssoCIATIon oF ProFessIonAl CHeFs (BAPC) Mr. andre tOkev Tel: + 359 (0)897 854 720 krAsImIrA.slAvkovA@BAPC-Bg.Com WWW.BAPC-Bg.Com

Fiji THe FIJI CHeFs AssoCIATIon Mr. MOhaMMed faruk Tel: 6 79 6750 777 PresIDenTFIJICHeFs@gmAIl.Com

canada CAnADIAn CulInArY FeDerATI on Mr. JudsOn W. siMPsOn Tel: 613 733 5678 seCreTArY@CCFCC.CA WWW.CCFCC.CA chiLE AssoCIACIon CIlenA De gAsTronomIA ACHIgA Mr. frenandO de la fuente Tel: (56 2) 203 63 63 ACHIgA@ACHIgA.Cl WWW.ACHIgA.Cl china CHInA CuIsIne AssoCIATIon Mr. su Qiuchen Tel: 86 10 6609 4185 (86) WWW.CCAs.Com.Cn coLoMBia AsoCIACIon ColomBIAnA De CHeFs Mr. alfOnsO venegas urBina Tel: 2117660 costa rica AsoCIATIon nAIonAl De CHeF CosTA rICA Mrs. carOlina cOrOnadO h. c.e.c. c.i.c. Tel: (506) 2222-2116 AnCHeF@ICe.Co.Cr WWW.AsoCHeF.Com croatia HrvATskI kuHArskI sAvez Mr. daMir crleni Tel: +385 42 200 351 Hks@kuHAr.Hr WWW.kuHAr.Hr cuBa AsoCIACIón CulInArIA De lA rePúBlICA Mr. eddy fernades MOnte Tel: 537/ 204-0575 CuBACHeF@CenIAI.InF.Cu cyprus CYPrus CHeF’s AssoCIATIon Mr.yiannakis agaPiOu Tel: 357 26 82 22 13 gm@enoTIsgrouP.Com

FinLand FInnIsH CHeF AssoCIATIon Mrs. ulla liukkOnen Tel: 358 50 66347 ullA.lIukkonen@HoTmAIl.Com WWW.CHeFs.FI FrancE soCIéTé muTuAlIsTe Des CuIsInIers De FrAnCe Mr. christian Millet Tel: + 33 (0)1 42 61 52 75 muTuelle.CuIsInIers@WAnADoo.Fr WWW.CuIsInIersDeFrAnCe.Fr gErMany verBAnD Der köCHe DeuTsCHlAnDs Mr. rOBert OPPeneder Tel: +49/ 69 63 00 06 - 01 koeCHe@vkD.Com WWW.vkD.Com grEEcE HellenIC CHeF Mr. MiltOs karOuBas Tel: 30 210 8251401 guaM mICronesIAn CHeFs AssoCIATIon Mr. Peter duenas Tel: ComIng soon! mCAguAm@gmAIl.Com guatEMaLa AsoCIATIon guATemAlTeCA Del ArTe CulInArIo AguAC Mr. eduardO tOBar c.e.c. Tel: 502 23 336 486 eeToBAr@HoTmAIl.Com honduras AsoCIACIon gAsTronomICA Y Del ArTe CulInArIo De HonDurAs (AgAsACH) Mrs. Jeannette ayestas Tel: (504) 263 88 72 hong kong Hong kong CHeFs AssoCIATIon Mr. andreas J W Muller Tel: 852/ 25827180 ToQuenWok888@Hongkong-CHeFs.Com WWW.Hongkong-CHeFs.Com

58 World Association of Chefs societies

hungary HungArIAn nATIonAl gAsTronomIC AssoCIATIon Mrs. Béla PrOhÁszka Tel: 00-36/70-97-70-111 mngsz@exTerneT.Hu WWW.mngsz.Com icELand ICelAnDIC CHeFs AssoCIATIon Mr. haflidi halldOrssOn Tel: 354 696 4443 HAFlIDI@gArrI.Is WWW.CHeF.Is india InDIAn FeDerATIon oF CulInArY AssoCIATIons Mr. ManJit singh gill Tel: 00 91 0 98400 86444 mAnJIT.gIll@ITCWelComgrouP.In WWW.IFCA.InFo indonEsia BAlI CulInArY ProFessIonAls Mr. i Made Putra Tel: 62 361 284095 korAWATI @InDosAT.neT.ID WWW.BAlICHeFs.Com irELand PAnel oF CHeFs oF IrelAnD Mr. Myles MOOdy Tel: 353 087 6799 408 PATrICk.BrADY@eu.eFFem.Com israEL IsrAelI CHeFs AssoCIATIon Mr. hai schWartz Tel: +972523724724 rInATHAI@neTvIsIon.neT.Il itaLy FeDerAzIone ITAlIAnA CuoCHI PrOfessOre PaOlO caldana Tel: 39/06 4402178 InFo@FIC.IT WWW.FIC.IT japan All JAPAn CHeFs AssoCIATIon Mr. tOshi utsunOMiya Tel: +81-3-5473-7275 HeAD@AJCA.JP WWW.AJCA.JP kazakhstan AssoCIATIon oF CulInArY sPeCIAlIsTs oF kAzAkHsTAn Mr.yelena Mashchinskaya Tel: +7 7162/ 251345 Lithuania AssoCIATIon oF lITHuAnIAn resTAurAnT CHeFs AnD ConFeCTIoners Mr.valius cePanOnis Tel: 370 5 272 33 InFo@lrvvk.lT WWW.lrvvk.lT LuxEMBourg vATel CluB luxemBourg Mr. arMand steinMetz Tel: 352-802453 Macau mACAu CulInArY AssoCIATIon Mr. raiMund PichlMaier Tel: 853 66659302 MacEdonia nAme oF rePresenTATIve AssoCIATIon Mr. deJan BOskOvski BoskovskIDeJAn@YAHoo.Com MaLaysia CHeFs AssoCIATIon oF mAlAYsIA Mr. chern chee hOOng Tel: +603-9274 0217 WWW.mAlAYsIACHeFs.Com MaLdivEs nAme oF rePresenTATIve AssoCIATIon nAme oF PresIDenT Tel: ComIng soon! MaLta mAlTA CHeFs soCIeTY chairMan: Mr. guidO deBOnO Tel: 356 21 523667 guIDoDeBono@HoTmAIl.Com

Mauritius mAurITIAn CHeFs AssoCIATIon Mr. alan Payen Tel: (230) 465 3856 WWW.mAurITIusCHeFs.Com MExico AssoCIATIon CulInArY De mexICo A.C. Mrs. Margarita rendOn de vin Tel: 52 998 884 24 66 MongoLia mongolIAn Cooks AssoCIATIon Mr. OktyaBri Janchiv Tel: 976-99182318 MontEnEgro CHeFs AssoCIATIon oF monTenegro Mr.vuksan MitrOviæ Tel: 86 468 246 MyanMar mYAnmAr CHeF’s AssoCIATIon Mr. Oliver e. sOe thet Tel: 95 1 501123 naMiBia nAmIBIAn CHeFs AssoCIATIon Mr. tOM Mutavdzic Tel: 264 61 304102 nAmCHeFs@IWAY.nA nEpaL CHeF’s AssoCIATIon oF nePAl Mr. Janak raJ Bharati Tel: 97716217667 InFo@CHeFsnePAl.Com.nP WWW.CHeFsnePAl.Com nEthErLands koksgIlDe neDerlAnD Mr. Paul fagel Tel: 33 318 643 093 nEW zEaLand neW zeAlAnD CHeFs AssoCIATIon InC. Mrs. anita sarginsOn Tel: 64 9 6222 748 (InT) norWay THe norWegIAn CHeFs AssoCIATIon Mrs. kristine h. hartviksen Tel: 47 51 47 46 pakistan CHeF’s AssoCIATIon oF PAkIsTAn secretary general: ahMed shafiQ Tel: +92-42 111-113-114 (uAn) sHAFIQ@CoTHm.eDu.Pk HTTP://WWW.CAP.neT.Pk pEru AssoCIATIon PeruAnA De CHeF CoCIneros Y AFInes, APCCA Mr. augustin BuitrOn B Tel: 511-7856524 HTTP:// phiLippinEs les ToQues BlAnCHes Mr. OthMar frei Tel: 632 844 2787 oFreI@WerDenBerg.Com WWW.lTBCHeFs-PHIls.Com/ poLand PolIsH oF kITCHen & PAsTrY CHeFs AssoCIATIon Mr. dariusz zachOraski Tel: 48 697 076 545 DArIusz.zAHorAnskI@WP.Pl portugaL AssoCIAção De CozInHeIros ProFIssIonAIs De PorTugAl Mr. faustO airOldi Tel: +351 213 622 705 ACPP@ACPP.PT WWW.ACPP.PT rEpuBLic oF BELarus BelArusIAn CulInArY AssoCIATIon Mr.viktOr radevich Tel: +375 173 34 75 18 BelkulInAr@TuT.BY

roMania AsoCIATIA nATIonAlA A BuCATArIlor sI CoFeTArIlor DIn TurIsm Mr. stefan Bercea Tel: 0040 268 455285 AnBCT.romAnIA@YAHoo.Com russia russIAn InTerregIonAl CulInArY AssoCIATIon Mr. Belyaev viktOr Tel: 7-495-650-37-56 saudi araBia sAuDI ArABIAn CHeFs AssoCIATIon Mr.yasser B. Jad Tel: +966 2 6846266/6267 YJAD@sAuDIAIrlInes.Com WWW.sArCA.surge8.Com scotLand FeDerATI on oF CHeFs sCoTlAnD Mr. kevin Mcgillivray Tel: +44 01698 232603 WWW.sCoTTIsHCHeFs.Com sErBia CulInArY FeDerATIon oF serBIA Mr. nOvak fidanOvic Tel: 381 11 2681 857 singaporE sIngAPore CHeFs AssoCIATIon Mr. eric teO Tel: 65 6885 3074 erICT@moHg.Com WWW.sIngAPoreCHeFs.Com sLovakia slovAk unIon oF CHeFs AnD ConFeCTIoners Mr. frantisek Janata Tel: 421 / 2 5443 4883 sLovEnia slovenIAn CHeFs AssoCIATIon Mr. tOMaz vOzelJ Tel: 386 1 58 98 226 sreCko.koklIC@kuHArJIslovenIJe.sI WWW.kuHArJIslovenIJe.sI south aFrica souTH AFrICAn CHeFs AssoCIATIon Mr. stePhen BillinghaM Tel: 27 11 482 7250 InFo@sACA.Co.zA WWW.sACA.Co.zA south korEa koreA Cooks AssoCIATIon Mr. chun hWa naM Tel: 82-2-734-1545 spain FeDerACIon De AsoCIACIones De CoCIneros Y rePosTeros De esPAñA Mr. salvadOr gallegO JiM?nez Tel: 609255767 CenADor@InFonegoCIo.Com HTTP://WWW.FACYre.Com sri Lanka CHeFs guIlD oF lAnkA Mr. haleesha Weerasinghe Tel: 94 11 2728434 sWEdEn svenskA koCkArs FörenIng – sWeDIsH CHeFs AssoCIATIon Mr. cOnny anderssOn Tel: 46 733 648010 sWitzErLand soCIéTé suIsse Des CuIsInIers Mr. Peter Walliser Tel: 41/ 41 418 22 22 norBerT.sCHmIDIger@unIon-koCHverBAnD.CH WWW.koCHverBAnD.CH thaiLand THAI CHeFs AssoCIATIon Mr. JaMnOng nirungsan Tel: +66 84 5589292 kHunCHeF@YAHoo.Com

turkEy TAF All Cooks FeDerATI on Mr.y.yalcin Manav Tel: 90 (212) 272 46 40 (gmT+2)

russia PIr grouP general directOr: Mrs. elena MerkulOva +7 495 637 94 40

roMania CulTurAl AssoCIATIon euro eAsT AlTernATIve cOntact: dr. iulia dragut 0731.34.22.74 IulIA.DrAguT@gmAIl.Com

ukrainE AssoCIATIon oF CulInArY Workers oF ukrAIne Mr. MikhailO Peresighnyi Tel: 38044 513 74 18 FrH@knTeu.kIev.uA

singaporE CHeF n servICe directOr: krishna 65 6296 0866 krIsHnAn@CHeFnservICe.Com WWW. CHeFnservICe.Com

south tyroL süDTIroler köCHeverBAnD +39 0473 211383

u.s.a AmerICAn CulInArY FeDerATIon, InC. Mr. Michael ty, cec, aac Tel: 1 904 824 4468 ACF@ACFCHeFs.neT unitEd araB EMiratEs emIrATes CulInArY guIlD Mr. uWe Micheel Tel: +9714 3403128 uWe.mICHeel@rADIssonBlu.Com WWW.emIrATesCulInArYguIlD.neT uzBEkistan AssoCIATIon oF Cooks oF uzBekIsTAn Mr. uMarOv akBar haMdaMOvich Tel: +99871 265 2771 vanuatu vAnuATAu CHeFs AnD FooDHAnDlers AssoCIATIon Mr. grant JOhnstOn Tel: 27 293 vEnEzuELa AsoCIACIon De CHeF De venezelA Mrs. elia nOra rOdriguez Tel: 58 241 8 255064 AsovenezuelACHeF@gmAIl.Com

singaporE sIngAPore exHIBITIon servICes PTe lTD +65 7386776 WWW.sesAllWorlD.Com sWitzErLand CH messe BAsel Ag Mr. WalO dalhäuser sWitzErLand DCT InTernATIonAl HoTel+BusIness mAnAgemenT sCHool chairMan: Mr. Walter sPaltenstein ADmIn@DCT.CH WWW.CulInArYsCHool.CH usa AlBerT usTer ImPorTs InC cOntact: Mr. PhiliPP Braun usa CulInArY InsTITuTe lenôTre cOntact: Jean luc hauviller JeAn-luC@CulInArYInsTITuTe.eDu WWW.CulInArYInsTITuTe.eDu usa CulInArY InsTITuTe oF AmerICA cOntact: Mr. tiM ryan usa JoHnson & WAles unIversITY

viEtnaM THe sAIgon ProFessIonAl CHeFs’ guIlD (sPC) chairMan: Mr. ly sanh Tel: +84-8-38244767 sAIgonProCHeFs@gmAIl.Com WWW.vIeTnAmCHeFs.Com

usa le CorDon Bleu, InC. cOntact: Margaret Warren 201.809.2530 mWArren@CorDonBleu.eDu WWW.CorDonBleu.eDu

WaLEs THe WelsH CulInArY AssoCIATIon natiOnal chairMan: Mr. Peter JacksOn Tel: 00441766 780200 PTrJCk@Aol.Com

usa THe CHeFs ACADemY cOntact: BrandOn haMiltOn BrAnDon.HAmIlTon@THeCHeFsACADemY.Com WWW.THeCHeFsACADemY.Com

corporatE MEMBErs

associatE MEMBErs

austraLia meAT & lIvesToCk AusTrAlIA lTD. cOntact: Mrs. MaJella fernandO

argEntina InsTITuTo InTernACIonAl De ArTes CulInArIAs mAusI seBess cOntact: Mariana seBess (54-11)4791- 4355 /3156/9132/3280 mArIAnA@mAusIWeB.Com WWW.mAusIWeB.Com

gErMany DelIkATessen-mAnuFAkTur cOntact: rudOlf achenBach gErMany mArrIoTT HoTel HolDIng gmBH cOntact: siMOn c. BeauMOnt +49 (0) 6196 496 117 sImon.BeAumonT@mArrIoTTHoTels.Com WWW.mArrIoTT.Com MaLaysia kDu College sCHool oF HosPITAlITY, TourIsm AnD CulInArY ArTs cOntact: kitty lee 603-79536700 kITTY@kDu.eDu.mY WWW.kDu.eDu.mY MExico InsTITuTo CulInArIo De mexICo cOntact: giOvanna Medina Bruzaferri poLand THe ACADemY oF HoTel mAnAgemenT AnD CATerIng InDusTrY In PoznAn cOntact: Mr dr rOMan daWid tauBer, rectOr sekreTArIAT@WsHIg.PoznAn.Pl WWW. WsHIg.PoznAn.Pl russia CArvIng ACADemY ceO: alla Mishina +74956866271 WWW.CArvIng-ACADemY.Com

usa soCIéTé CulInAIre PHIlAnTroPIQue unitEd kingdoM ImCo, InTernATIonAl mIlITArY CulInArY orgAnIsATIon cOntact: Mr. gOeffrey acOtt

young chEFs cLuB austraLia WA CulInArY You TH CluB WWW.FACeBook.Com/WA-CulInArY-YouTH-CluB canada CCFCC WWW.CAnADIAnJunIorCHeFs.CA/ china sHAngHAI JunIor CHeFs CluB Tel: +86 21 33135647 sHJunIorCHeFs@gmAIl.Com hong kong Hong kong Young CHeFs CluB cOntact: Mr. kevin WOng WWW.HkYCC.Hk/ indonEsia YCCI Young CHeFs CluB InDonesIA WWW.FACeBook.Com/YCCIYoungCHeFsCluB indonEsia YCCI BAlI CulInArY ProFessIonAls Jr CHeFs BAlI CHAPTer WWW.BAlICHeFs.Com MaLaysia YouTH CHeFs CluB mAlAYsIA WWW.FACeBook.Com/CAmYouTHCHeFs MaLaysia PJCC PenAng JunIor CHeFs CluB WWW.PenAngCHeFs.Com Mauritius mAurITIus CHeFs AssoCIATIon Young CHeFs CluB cOntact: Mr. JasOn sangahOOPie Tel: (230) 465 3856 WWW.mAurITIusCHeFs.Com sErBia serBIAn JunIor CHeFs CluB

austria kluB Der köCHe kärnTen CArInTHIAn CHeFs AssoCIATIon cOntact: President günter Walder oFFICe@kkk.AT

singaporE sIngAPore JunIor CHeFs CluB chairMan: ignatius leOng sJCC_ConTACTs@YAHoo.Com WWW.sIngAPoreJunIorCHeFsCluB.BlogsPoT.Com

FrancE A.I.s.F.l (AssoCIATIon InTernATIonAle De sCulPTure sur FruITs eT légumes) chairMan: laurent hartMann +33 6 63 68 40 91 ConTACT@AIsFl.neT WWW.AIsFl.neT hungary CHeF CluB ‘ 99 cOntact: Mr.MartOn karOly CHeFCluB@HunguesTHoTels.Hu

sLovEnia Young CHeFs CluB slovenIA

itaLy verBAnD Der kãCHe ã–sTerreICHs/sekTIon TIrol cOntact: JOsef fankhauser

sri Lanka srI lAnkAn JunIor CHeFs CluB cOntact: uditha ganeWathiha slJCHeF@gmAIl.Com WWW.slJCHeF.BlogsPoT.Com/ viEtnaM JunIor CHeFs CluB vIeTnAm cOntact: nguyen tin truOng duy WWW.vIeTnAmCHeFs.Com

roMania AsProgAsT President: Mr. niculae neJlOveanu 0241 639 622 AsProgAsT@gmAIl.Com 59

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