Worldchefs General Meeting Report 2020

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Global Partners

Corporate Partners


CONTENT 4 5 8 9 16 31 42 47 53 54 58







Austria Belgium Czech Republic Germany Hungary Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Luxembourg Moldova Netherlands Poland Romania Slovakia Switzerland Uzbekistan

Bulgaria Bosnia Herzegovina Croatia Cyprus France Greece Israel Italy Macedonia Malta Montenegro Portugal Serbia Slovenia Spain Turkey

Azerbaijan Belarus Denmark England Estonia Finland Georgia Iceland Ireland Latvia Lithuania Norway Russia Scotland Sweden Ukraine Wales











MEMBER COUNTRIES AFRICA/MIDDLE EAST Egypt Ghana Jordan Kenya Lebanon Liberia Mauritius Morroco Namibia Palestine Saudi Arabia South Africa Syria Togo Tunisia Qatar United Arab Emirates

AMERICAS Argentina Bahamas Bolivia Canada Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Domenican Ecuador Panama Peru Puerto Rico USA Venezuela



China Hong Kong Indonesia x 2 Korea Malaysia x 2 Myanmar Philippines Singapore Taiwan Vietnam

Britain Czech Republic Croatia Cyprus Germany Nordic (NKF) Russia Scotland Slovenia Sweden


AMERICAS 3 MIDDLE EAST / Canada AFRICA 5 Colombia Ecuador

Egypt Jordan Liberia South Africa U.A.E

PACIFIC 6 Australia x 5 Vanuatu



ASIA Cambodia China Hong Kong India Indonesia Japan D.R.P. Korea Macau Malaysia Maldives Mongolia Myanmar Nepal Pakistan Philippines Singapore Sir Lanka South Korea Taiwan Thailand Vietnam



MEMBER COUNTRIES PACIFIC RIM Australia Cook Island Fiji Guam New Zealand Papua New Guinea Samoa Tonga Vanuatu


Thomas A. Gugler

Martin Kobald

Dear Chefs, Colleagues and Friends from all around the world,

our Mother Planet Earth. We cannot go into consumer battles, cheaper prices, and lower qualities while so many millions of people are starving and dying of hunger. We have to re-think. We as the global feeding and hospitality industry leaders must lead by example. Prices must be fair for the producers, traders and consumers. Our world is the biggest treasure we have. We must value this asset as the most important goods on earth to assure and sustain the future for generations to come.


Vice President

Like always, it is a great pleasure in writing my review about the past 2 years. Lots of great things have happened, but I am personally very sad that 2020 began very badly with the entire world becoming destabilized, unbalanced and millions of people globally affected. Billions of people were affected as the entire world population went together into the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. We human beings are always saying that we are the most advanced and intelligent race on Mother Earth, which should now teach us a lesson. We did not take care of our environment, surroundings, communities, and the future for our families, friends and colleagues. Money has been our driving force, now we see the results of this false priority. This has been a big wake up call for all of us. Going forward, we must consider a “WE/US” approach and perspective by showing unity, respect, ethics, and a global support system.

Going back to Worldchefs, which I had the pleasure in leading for the past 4 years as your President. Many new initiatives have been implemented including Worldchefs Academy with the Worldchefs “Pre-Commis Chef Program” currently being translated into several languages, the Vegan Competition Seminar launched in Palermo, Italy, and further development of “How to Feed the Planet” with sustainability courses and learning platforms in multiple languages. We also launched the path for “World Cultural Culinary Heritage,” which will receive increased and well-deserved attention after the COVID-19 crisis.

Misleading and misinformation over time brought us into this situation, which no one expected to happen. Going forward, we need to apply a healthy and safe way of living for everyone on

We also encouraged transparency by circulating our monthly reports to all National Society Member Presidents to promote unity and open communication.




Cornelia Volino

Uwe Micheel

One of the saddest moments for me personally, and for millions of chefs around the world, was the cancellation of the 2020 Worldchefs Congress in Saint Petersburg, Russia. This decision was made to ensure all of our members and their families remain safe and healthy.

a stunning team, all for one and one for all, biggest thanks go to you, as you are all fantastic.

Secretary General

Assistant Vice President

To our teams from Paris and Hong Kong, which work with heart and passion for Worldchefs on a daily basis. All of you work much more that you are obligated to and it makes me so proud to have you as part of the Worldchefs team.

My personal thank you goes to Viktor Belyaev, President of the Russian National Culinary Association, in cooperation with Alexander Prokopovich the Vice President of the RCA. I would also like to thank our strategic partner, Formika under the leadership of Anton Atraschkin and his team who worked hand in hand for the past 3 1/2 years to coordinate the Russian Government side from Moscow and Saint Petersburg, the Ministry and Committee for Development of Tourism in Saint Petersburg and all the people in front and behind the scenes. A big thank you also goes to our Congress Chairman Andy Cuthbert, the entire Congress Organizing Committee, Past President Charles Carroll, all the Head Office team and our Managing Director Ragnar Fridriksson.

Everyone on the Committees, from the Chairs to the Members, all working for Worldchefs and giving their best, my sincere thanks and words of gratitude.Without all of you, we could not operate and be successful. You are all part of the Worldchefs success story and for me, as the Worldchefs President, it is simply a dream and outstanding to have so many fantastic, amazing and helpful people all around. This goes the same for my many Advisors, thank you all for your time, support and contributions as well. One of our parade examples of humanitarian aspects is the World Chefs Without Borders Committee under the leadership of Chairman Willment Leong. A heartfelt thank you goes to the Chairman and all the Committee Members, Ambassadors and volunteers involved. Postponing the WCWB Chef Social Responsibility event in Siem Reap, Cambodia due

To the Board of Directors, I want to say thank you for all your efforts, dedication, time involvement and your never-ending voluntary commitment to grow Worldchefs to its best. You are all amazing. For the entire Executive Committee goes the same,



EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Now coming to all our partners and sponsors, without all of you we would not be able to operate as we do and we would not be where we are today.You are our industry backbone and every individual partner, sponsor and supporter is our strength and helps to make Worldchefs what we are, the global leaders of our industry. Many events will come in the future and we are always open for new volunteers, supporters and helpers to grow further and further. Until the last possible moment, I travelled all around the world supporting our chefs and members, and then 2 days after my last trip, we had a total shut down in Saudi Arabia. Since then, the entire Worldchefs team started to work even harder by changing activity platforms to modern technology applications, developing webinars and online boosts, motivating our members with Skype calls and internet speeches, as well starting to develop new concepts for our industry. In closing, I would like to offer all Chefs, colleagues and friends a few personal last words…

Yau Kok Kheong Special Advisor

I have seen people suffering, crying and shaking over fear of health, business and the future but I can tell you, I have also seen thousands of people dying of hunger and starvation.

to the global pandemic caused by COVID-19 was the second hardest decision we made this year.

We have not always given 100% effort towards helping humanity. I went with my friend, Oliver E. Soe Thet, President of the Myanmar Chefs Association to Somalia into the war zone and distributed 50,000 kg food for dying people and I know what it means to see death and the faces of people giving up on hope.

We in Worldchefs have had to already face quite a few challenges in 2020 but nevertheless, we all believe in the “POWER OF THE WHITE JACKET” and as previously mentioned, health and life for all must come first. I am personally confident that all the missed opportunities will reoccur and we will have many stunning and mind-blowing events to come.

Dear Chefs, let’s all work together to change the world we live in and make it a better place for all human beings, animals, the vegetation flora and fauna, all under one credo: Regardless of color, race, beliefs, gender and community position, we will manage it! Join us and believe in the “POWER OF THE WHITE JACKET”!

Aside from all the hard times we faced this year, we also had some highlights, one was the IKA Culinary Olympics in February 2020 in Stuttgart. A fantastic event with super organization, a stunning and amazing atmosphere, a “Worldchefs Village Stand” which busted out of its size due to thousands of visitors. A special thank you goes firstly to the VKD (Verband der Koeche Deutschlands), President Rickard Beck and his entire team for all their hard work and efforts.

This is my wish and I am counting on all of you to be part of this change. Your friend and colleague, Thomas A. Gugler Worldchefs President

I would also like to extend a personal huge applause and thank you to Team “Let’s go Magic” under Karlheinz Haase who gave all the chefs, friends and colleagues from all around the world a meeting point where delicious food and drinks were offered on their personal sponsorship.



BOARD OF DIRECTORS – PAST PRESIDENT I hope all of our friends around the world are safe and healthy. Sending you all heartfelt prayers to you and your families. By now we are all tired of hearing about the COVID virus and ready to get back to normalcy. Yes, the world seems to be in a reset. It is a good reminder that we need to take care of our planet, which takes care of us. All reports are showing how the planet can heal itself when we don’t abuse it. The air quality is better, beaches are improving, animals are roaming freer and healthier. Families have had a chance to reconnect and take a breath. It also goes to show that Worldchefs has been on the right track over the past eight years by promoting and practicing “How To Feed The Planet.” If nothing else, we now can see how the planet will flourish if we don’t abuse it. Congratulations to the Board of Directors, our Worldchefs office and chairman Chris Koetke on leading the charge. I also would like to congratulate President Thomas Gugler on his leadership during this difficult time. He has been very active keeping the board and members engaged and educated. There have been many meetings and schedules that span around the globe to make this happen.

Chef Charles Carroll Past President

Canceling the congress was heartbreaking, but an obvious decision. Nobody wants to travel during these times, and even if we did, it would not be possible. Also, dangers of being quarantined on both ends of the trip would not have been efficient. The pressure from our work places to stay home and take care of business after long layoffs and financial pressures, also encouraged the cancellation I can’t say enough about all the work that our Russian colleagues have dedicated towards this effort. Also, hats off to Andy Cuthbert and our office for all the thousands of hours that went into this planning. I hope everyone realizes all the stress, constant and long phone calls, and reviewing documents that goes into these events. Again, I have much appreciation to all of those who have worked so hard. Lastly, I want to give kudos to the head office, Managing Director Ragnar and the entire team. To think we came right out of the gate with webinars and now a worldwide podcast is amazing. I am proud to say that Worldchefs is not sitting on their hands during this time. We are going to bring the congress to you, so be sure to stay engaged and take advantage of all these resources. Wishing you all well, sending blessing and be safe. Charles M. Carroll Past President




Dear Worldchefs members, Warm greetings from the Americas: a continent that is constantly growing, and seeking to strengthen its culture and regional cuisine. As continental director, it has been an honor to work together with the countries of America to achieve a united continent. We have shared the experience of understanding our cultural roots with the “ORIGINS” project that allowed us to generate great friendship and cooperation between all of Worldchefs’ member countries. The sudden appearance of the coronavirus has made us rethink the way we see the kitchen and the industry. It has also given us the opportunity to come together to develop the “COCINA SEGURA” program, which is a project that supports the HORECA sector. Providing food safety protocols to hundreds of chefs across the continent,“COCINA SEGURA” contributes to the conservation of culinary knowledge seeking sustainability in compliance with food handling standards based on the new post-Covid-19 sanitary regulations. We are all dismayed at the tragedy that this virus has caused in the world, and that caused the decision to cancel our Congress in Russia. The Congress was of interest to all countries as it would have been a meeting space and the opportunity to learn and sharing knowledge. The cancellation of the event was a very tough, but necessary decision under the circumstances that the Covid-19 presented worldwide.

Mauricio Armendariz Continental Director

We hope to meet soon to share and reflect on the experiences lived in this new stage that the world has been forced to live. Mauricio Armendariz C. Continental Director - Americas




Dear Worldchefs members, As we all know COVID – 19 has hit our industry the hardest and none more than the Pacific Region, with the only true source of income from tourism the Pacific Island Nations and our Chefs have been doing it tough this year. However, prior to 2020 we have seen some great work from our members in the Pacific; Australia continues to work with Nestle Professional hosting the Golden Chefs Hat now in its 55th year, the ACF also ran two National Culinary Competition last year and many social and educational events it is a strong Association with deep roots in every Australian State. New Zealand has introduced a new program FORAGE/FOOD/ FUTRUE an online video teaching Chefs about foraging for food, this is on trend and a good value add in this current climate. Kiwi kids can cook is also another great venture for NZChefs and has been running for many years and a lines its self with International Chefs Day, Nestle Healthy Kids Program. Cook Islands is a very small Island Nation and has done some great work of late bring back its National Salon Culinaire and communicates a lot on social media to its members.

Neil Abrahams

Last October I attended Fiji’s National Culinary Competition with over 200 entries a great event and is used as a fantastic training opportunity for local Chefs. We have seen a new President elected in Vanuatu and we are looking forward to future activity, recently Vanuatu Chefs relaunched its popular Culinary Competition with great success.

Continental Director

I have been unable to visit Guam due to work commitments and current travel bands, however the Micronesian Chef Association has strong ties to the local Hospitality Industry and does some great work in the community. Our Associate members Tonga and Samoa have been a little quiet over the past 18 months and are re-building their associations, I am hoping to assist them once we are able to travel again freely. Papua New Guinea our newest member in the Pacific are moving forward with some great social events held last year and educational workshops planned for later this year, they have also embraced the WorldChefs Academy with many members graduating. I pray everyone stays safe and look forward to the next time we are able meet. Neil Abrahams CD Pacific Rim, WorldChefs



BOARD OF DIRECTORS EUROPE CENTRAL CONTINENTAL DIRECTOR always have the same vision. But together we decided that one of our major focuses has to be the future, the future of the gastronomy, young chefs, pastry chefs, waiters and sommeliers. If we don’t help to valorise our passion, we will have less young people wanting to work in the industry. We should not forget the great work of the 25th IKA/Culinary Olympics organisation team. Around 1800 participants, including 110 teams and roughly 800 individual exhibitors, from 67 countries were responsible for creating a magical Olympic atmosphere in Stuttgart. The trend at this year’s Culinary Olympics has moved away from unusual and expensive products. Instead the teams have managed to create a unique and outstanding flavours from simple and regional products from their own country. It was not easy for the organisation team as during the competition we were entering a period of uncertainty because of the global pandemic. Our industry has been hit hard, but it showed again the way that the gastronomic family fights together if needed. I believe that the next few months will not be easy for our industry and that many questions remain open and will only be answered with time. It’s important that, as Worldchefs, we show our support and that we reinvent our approach to reach young chefs, which could be done online and through digital platforms such as podcasts.

Alain Hostert

Continental Director

Dear Worldchefs Members,

I also would like to say thanks to the entire board of Worldchefs as I think the board is united like a family in this difficult time. There is flexibility and a lot of understanding for different circumstances. With an effective leadership of Thomas and the office team directed by Ragnar, the association was able to overcome the first difficulty of the global pandemic situation, which was the cancellation of the World Congress in Saint Petersburg. It is a big loss for Worldchefs and our visibility for Sponsors and partners.

For a few years, I have been honoured to represent Europe Central as Worldchefs Continental Director. I totally enjoy the contact with the members and the culinary presidents of all the associations. The networking and the friendship I received, helped me to advance my projects of valorisation of young chefs all over the world. Europe Central is known for organising great competitions like IKA or Expogast, but there are also smaller events like young chefs unplugged in Austria where each year more than 400 young chefs from the German speaking parts of Europe come together for networking and cooking experience. We can’t wait to open this event for all young chefs to create a great atmosphere for fresh creativeness in Europe.

Last but not least a huge thanks to the colleagues of the other Central European countries, it’s good to have friends like you. It makes my work as Continental Director complete. It is unique to work together with you all. Alain Hostert Continental Director, Europe Central

When I made my presentation to become a Continental Director, I wanted to give Central Europe a stronger voice, but I realised that it is more important to try and get Europe united again with other European continental directors, and above all to show the world that we hold together even if we do not




It’s extremely important we look for positives in every situation, including now, and moving forward we need to reconsider how we cook and what ingredients we use. If covid-19 has taught us anything it’s the importance of health, and we need to focus on that through our cooking as we move forward. Domenico Maggi Continental Director, Europe South


Domenico Maggi Continental Director

Dear Worldchefs Members, A warm welcome from Italy, I hope you are all well and keeping safe during this very difficult period. Having to cancel the congress was an extremely difficult decision and one that wasn’t taken lightly, however I’m sure we can all agree that health and well being needs to be put before anything else.

Neil Thomson

Despite this extremely challenging time, I have seen some amazing work and initiatives being carried out, something for which I must thank all the national presidents as it humbles me and makes me extremely proud to represent you as Europe South Continental Director. Although we haven’t been able to ‘go’ to work it hasn’t stopped us from working together online, pushing forward great initiatives such as “Feed The Planet.” It’s been extremely important to not feel alone, especially in our sector, and through Worldchefs we have worked together extremely closely and well, and in many ways, these testing times have brought us closer together and reinforced the main ethos of Worldchefs.

Dear Worldchefs Members,


Continental Director

It was an honour and a privilege to be elected at the Congress in Kuala Lumpur to represent Europe North as Worldchefs Continental Director. I am very proud of and grateful for the trust that has been bestowed upon me. Europe North is one of the most vibrant and active regions within Worldchefs, and it has been a pleasure to meet so many National Presidents and members over the last 2 years. These are the people that make Worldchefs such an amazing global organisation.The opportunity to visit countries and witness the



fantastic work that is being done is without question one of the most enjoyable aspects of my role as Continental Director. I congratulate all the National Presidents for their achievements When I was elected I made a pledge that I would do my best to keep everyone well informed and to represent their views at Board Meetings. Although there have been challenges, it is important that National Associations have a voice at the Board and that communication within Europe North is responsive. I wish to thank everyone for the part they have played in keeping me informed of any concerns. This year has, for all of us, been one that has presented our greatest ever test; we are entering a period of uncertainty in our industry, which has been particularly affected by the escalation of the global pandemic. It was unfortunate that we were not able to hold the European Meeting in Scotland in April. However, I am very much looking forward to welcoming Presidents and Young Chefs to Troon in Scotland in 2021. Of course, the cancellation of the Congress in St. Petersburg was a major disappointment to everyone as The Russian Culinary Association had worked so hard over the last 4 years to present a wonderful Congress Programme, but I am sure we all wish them well and I hope we will have another opportunity in the future to visit the wonderful city of St Petersburg.

Andy Cuthbert

I do, however, believe we have every reason to remain very optimistic for the future. Worldchefs is in a unique position through their many exciting projects and humanitarian initiatives, which help to make a difference in the lives of chefs from all over the world. We are fortunate to have strong National Associations who can support all of these programmes and can promote and develop our chefs of the future.

Continental Director

Dear Worldchefs Members, Membership stands at 19 counties, which for our region is not many and a point for all to work on. Additions have been Iran and reengaging with countries. The President of Ghana is pushing for additional African countries to become involved, such as Senegal, Congo and Nigeria. We are awaiting feedback from all three.

The work of a Continental Director could not be done without the tremendous support that we receive from the Head Office and I wish to thank everyone for the support and assistance they have provided. Finally, to all the countries in Europe North, thank you for your support. Your friendship is something I value greatly, and which makes my tasks so much easier. It is a pleasure to represent you in Worldchefs.

The region held the Global Chef Semi-Finals in South Africa. We owe thanks to the SACA for putting this on with three candidates from South Africa going through to the finals. We see great initiatives of associations from around the region helping people in these troubled times, and we know that the industry is suffering greatly from the current situation.

Neil Thomson Continental Director, Europe North

The region was preparing for the Congress and was planning to have good representation. Unfortunately, now that this is cancelled we will need to see when and where we will regroup for a continental meeting.




We will be waiting to see how many food exhibitions will push through in the last 4 months of the year. Sial Abu Dhabi is planned for September, but we are not confident this will happen for the UAE. Also, with Expo 2020 being postponed for one year the climate is not healthy for larger events for the rest of 2020.

COMPETITIONS Competitions happened around the region, Westfest in Ghana ran for the second time, HORECA through the Middle East, in Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon along with Egypt, SACA UAE competitions and Qatar. UAE had a good showing at the IKA Olympics with Young Chefs and Artists returning home with medals.

CONGRESS 2022 Work is in progress for the Congress in 2022, but details will be clearer after meetings with the UAE government after summer, and once the local partner is aligned with the convention bureau. The existing global situation places much on hold.

DR. BILL GALLAGHER TOUR The 2019 Dr. Bill Gallagher Tour was supported by SACA and Duane from BG Company. The two young chefs from Australia and Malaysia had an incredible time and shared all on social media. Huge thank you to SACA and all those involved.

Dr. Rick Stephen Continental Director

FUTURE Whilst we still try to reach out to countries, communication remains a major challenge. We remain optimistic that we will continue to reach new members. We also pray for a bright future and fast recovery for everyone in the industry.

60% of the World’s Populatuion live in Asia, the two largest populated countries are based in Asia been China & India. Worldchefs is well represented throughout our regions, but we are still looking at new members and building relationships with our current members.

Andy Cuthbert Continental Director, Africa & Middle East

The ‘Back to Basic’ idea of training is currently paramount in a number of countries who are just coming to terms with Western style food and the taste profiles.

ASIAN PRESIDENTS FORUM Each 2 years we hold the Asian Presidents Forum APF. In 2019, the Thailand Chefs Association hosted us and the main part of the APF took part at the Bangkok Grand Four Wing Hotel. At the 2019 forum, we had 136 delegates from all our regions. We were very fortunate to receive sponsorship from Electrolux, Stanbroke Meat, Q Industries, Kaluga Queen Caviar, MLA, Dilmah tea, Snorre Food, Chunao Oil, and Atlantic Knives. This sponsorship allows our presidents to attend the Forum at no cost for hotels, and the various dinners, as well as the forum.



BOARD OF DIRECTORS We currently also have a number of schools presently going through the Worldchefs system to be granted their won RQCE certificates.

The entire Forum was hosted at a Thai Michelin star restaurant, thank you also to one of our presenters Chef R. Haan.

THE VISION FOR ASIA There are many facets to education, which is not always in text books, but actually working with groups and individuals to ensure the future of the White Jacket is in place for the future Other formats of Education have been food forums and culture exchange.

Until recent WHO activiities with the Coronavirus, Asia had a great vision that was shared amoungst all our countries, it is simply CHEF. Cuisines Hospitality Education and of course Food- CHEF Asia is consistently about hospitality and sharing, sharing new ideas, our food philosophies and our friendship. We would like to share this with the world in 2024 at the Worldchefs Congress, but naturally we need the support of you to make this happen.

I had the opportunity to be in Beijing to present such a program, which was extremely well received, and many have a thirst for knowledge and to learn other cultures and traditions.



In a normal year, Asia has an extensive competition calendar, this calendar shows to all of Asia where the competitions are, the month, the contact, and etc.

One of the strongest groups in Worldchefs who do it for love, no money, no jingle – jangle or bling, but to give back to the community.

Also, it highlights the standard of the competition and whether it is endorsed by Worldchefs or not. In Asia, it is an honour to compete in a Worldchefs competition, and we move swiftly to eliminate any show that may be cross-referencing to Worldchefs.

The world embraces these dedicated chefs and supporters and at times we all need to give and support these guys. It is a pity it took a Pandemic to halt the proposed event that was to take place in Cambodia, but in a true test of strength, this is only a postponement.

As part of competitions, we host a number of seminars; 1. Judges Education Seminars

As the Continental Director for Asia, I am extremely proud of our region, the support I receive and the support Worldchefs receives from Asia, I do not think it can be matched, but then again I am biased to Asia.

2. Competitors seminars on how to compete in the hot kitchen 3. Gelatine glazing seminars


Dr Rick Stephen Continental Director, Asia

Asia had many teams and individuals compete in February 2020 in Stuttgart, I believe we set new bars for all, and not so much in the culinary field, although our teams did extremely well, but in the preparation of the team to travel due to COVID-19. Each team, actually got clearance letters from the doctors, plus team members were having their temperature taken every 6 hours to ensure that not only were their team members healthy, but also the food that they were preparing for the world to tasted was virus free. A lot of extra pressure was placed upon ALL of Asia and we would like to thank the German Chefs Association VKD for their strong support towards all the teams.

EDUCATION A major focal point in Asia is education. We currently have 29 RQCE colleges and Hospitality Schools throughout our region. This will continue to grow, as there is a thirst for knowledge in the Asian Region.



WORLDCHEFS COMMITTEES BY-LAWS COMMITTEE Dear Worldchefs family, The reason for having the By-Laws Committee is to ensure that if changes are requested by any National Society Member, the committee can review and deliberate the need for the requested change. This shows impartiality in any recommendations for change it puts forward to the Board of Directors and its National Society Members. At the 2016 World Congress in Greece, the proposed amendments to statutes and standing rules were presented, voted and were passed unanimously in Thessaloniki. In the past 4 years, there have been no recommendations submitted by the National Society Members to the By-Laws Committee. In this fast paced world, we face many demands and challenges in each of our lives. The Worldchefs is no different as it faces new challenges and it would need to rise to meet such challenges.

Rainer Werchner Chairman

The Worldchefs Board of Directors, have asked that these statutes and standing rules be subject to a comprehensive revision, in content, grammar and purpose to meet the requirements of a global organisation. The proposed statutes amendments and standing rules amendments will be sent to the By-Law Committee for review and recommendations.

OUR MISSION To be responsible for updating and maintaining Worldchefs Statutes and Standing Rules. Those comprise the fundamental rules that define our organization and outline our basic governance rules, roles and responsibilities. The by law committee evaluates any proposed changes to the by laws and makes recommendations the board.

Upon completing the review, recommendations by the By-Law Committee, will be forwarded to the Board of Directors for consideration. Upon their approval, the proposed amendments will then be disseminated to the National Society Members. As Chairman of the By-Laws Committee, I highly recommend that all voting members read the proposed amendments to the statutes and standing rules. Your vote is important, please read carefully.

BY-LAWS COMMITTEE Chairman Vice-Chairman Member Member Member

Rainer Werchner Brith Bakken Brian Cotterill David Sosson Karl Guggenmoos

Austria Norway England Qatar USA

In closing, I would like to say that the By-Laws Committee is relying on your cooperation. As voting members of Worldchefs, you have the right to submit proposals to the By-Laws Committee to amend and/or revise the by-laws. Your proposals will be included in the review process and submitted to the Board of Directors for final decision. I thank you for your kind attention, wishing you good health and I look forward to seeing you at the next Worldchefs events. Rainer Werchner Chairman, By-Laws Committee



WORLDCHEFS COMMITTEES EDUCATION COMMITTEE Dear Worldchefs Members, Brief on current situation and ideas on how to overcome Covid-19 in culinary education In this difficult time of the year; overcoming COVID-19 and its related issues; innovation and collaboration / communication is taking the world by storm. The cancelation of face-to face classes has taken its toll, which covers 60% related to practical work in most of our modulebased learning outcome training. Culinary Schools are under a new wave of delivering course materials whereby online teaching for the theoretical part can be completed within the outlined course duration. Innovation is the key point due to the cancelation of face-to-face teaching; addressing the conversion of written assessments to assignments, project works and reflections via Moodle, MS Team based online platforms etc.

» Co-sharing teaching is another alternative whereby partner schools are able to share teaching materials in specific subjects to students.

Andreas Muller

» The usage of AI,VR are another alternative to make use of the latest gadgets which could enhance the learning experience.


» Implement/establishment of a “Workplace Learning Assessment” scheme; which enables a more integrated approach to learning and teaching benefiting trainees, trainers and employers in combination of an interactive web-based system which supports the assessment of student learning at workplaces.

OUR MISSION To identify, review, enhance, support, implement and give mentorship to individual schools. We hope to support and attain; maintain; enhance and embrace lifelong learning pathways in regards to articulation pathways.We aim to also maintain and enhance culinary as well as hospitality skills and competency aspects and standards.

» Fostering a valued partnership with industry representatives as to align and enhance disciplinary collaboration is the perfect pathway to ensure a healthy industry and guaranteeing graduates for a job placement.

EDUCATION COMMITTEE Chairman Andreas Muller Vice-Chairman Manisha Bhasin Member Ahmad Shafiq Member Alen Chien Member Alexander Prokopovich Member Baranidharan Pacha Member Clinton Zhu Member Flemming Overgaard Member Glenn Fulcher Member Graham Crump Member Kyle Richardson Member Marcus Iten Member Marcus Hallgren Member Lino Schembri Member Ryan Marshall Member Yannakis Agapiou Special Advisor KK Yau Special Advisor Jose Manuel Iglesias


» Enhancing programme provisions for up-skilling and re-skilling of working adults in a more accessible, bite-sized and convenient learning mode.

Hong Kong India Pakistan Taiwan Russia India China Denmark New Zealand England United States Egypt Sweden Malta New Zealand Cyprus Malaysia Spain

» Focusing on emerging skills for future economies with flexible delivery modes (block approach, stackable modules etc.) via a mobile platform. What we don’t want to see towards students is the shortening of the practical work; their assessments and reduction of attendance as it would be difficult to justify the professionalism, skills competency achieved standards, further employment and further education pathways. Andreas Muller Chairman, Education Committee


WORLDCHEFS COMMITTEES CULINARY COMPETITION COMMITTEE Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor

Sally Owens Jeff Wu Vaselina Slavcheva Cornelia Volino Simon Smotkowicz Ulrich Frehde Rene Marquis Rick Stephen Hans Peter Tuschla

Wales Taiwan Bulgaria Canada Canada Sweden USA Singapore Germany


» Food waste and reusable plastic packaging and containers have been implemented in the rules and seminars. » Culinary Arts program is in the process of being replaced by Chef´s Table for Seniors and Contemporary Buffet for Juniors. » Luxembourg implemented Contemporary Buffet and Stuttgart Chef´s Table. Both with success and much appreciated by the teams.

Gert Klötzke Chairman

» Observer Judges appointed to check compliance with rules and guidelines at competitions endorsed by Worldchefs. » Judging at Global and International competitions has gone digital and is now using iPads.

OUR MISSION To ensure that culinary competitions are fair to all competitors. Our role is to realize and apply international regulations adapting these, where necessary, according to circumstances and conditions. No alterations, as they relate to the rules, can be made without the written approval of the Culinary Competition Committee and the Worldchefs Board.

» Rules for vegetable carving were developed, approved, and the first seminar has been conducted. » Renewal of judging license every five years; the procedure has been simplified and the seminar leader can extend his or her license.

» Code of Conduct for judges has been updated as well as routines for organizers for signing off before competition. Guidelines for the handling of complaints from competitors have been implemented. Also, rules for cancellation with short notice and no-show.

CULINARY COMPETITION COMMITTEE Chairman Vice-Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor

Gert Klotzke Judson W Simpson Adrian Bader Carlo Sauber Frank Widman Gilles Renusson Jasmine Sor Kuan Rudy Muller Otto Weibel Domenico Maggi Graham Hawkes Steve Jilleba Tarek Ibrahim Kenny Kong


Sweden Canada Switzerland Luxembourg Germany USA Australia Hong Kong Singapore Italy New Zealand USA Egypt Hong Kong

» A handbook for endorsement of competitions has been developed.

» Chef Cornelia Volino has developed vegan rules and seminars, and the first seminar was conducted. FUTURE GOALS The teams have been asked to give their view on Chef´s Table and Contemporary Buffet for improvements for Culinary World Cup 2022. This will be evaluated during 2020 and included in the seminars 2H/20.


WORLDCHEFS COMMITTEES » To fine-tune the rules, guidelines and judging for Chef´s Table and Contemporary Buffet.

Dear Worldchefs Members,

» Observer judges’ function needs to be managed and agreed

Additional Language Launches are Coming Soon! If you have not already visited or downloaded the Worldchefs Academy mobile app from the App Store, why not do it today?

timing for reports must be respected.

» The category carving is scattered and we need a new take on how to organize seminars for this group.

Throughout the past 2 years, we have been working on further development, enhanced functionality and new languages!

» To market the seminars on how to compete in culinary competitions and how to avoid mistakes.

» To promote and activate vegan competitions.


» To emphasize the importance of food waste and efficient

Spanish Arabic Portuguese Italian Mandarin

use of ingredients.

COMMENTS As there will be a change in chairmanship of the CCC, and some of the members of the committee will also step down, it is important that the new leadership will have the opportunity to evaluate and form the future in line

Summer 2020 Summer 2020 Fall 2020 Fall 2020 Fall 2020

On behalf of Worldchefs Academy, I would like to thank all those who helped us develop and provide the Pre-Commis Chef Course in these additional languages to share the opportunity of starting a lifetime journey in Culinary Arts.

Gert Klötzke Chairman, Culinary Competition Committee

This time we have united our profession through language. Throughout the world, the common thread will not only be our passion for cooking, but also the languages we speak, read and understand. Worldchefs Academy is working with Volunteer Chefs within Worldchefs to help translate and review all content material to ensure translation accuracy and appropriateness. By working together with our Worldchefs Academy Language Partners, we will help those with a common language anywhere in the world, learn the basics of cooking.


Now, within our multi-cultural community,Worldchefs Academy will provide the free online Pre-Commis Chef Course in multiple languages via desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile app for everyone to share. We will be adding new courses, specialized modules and resources to expand the learning opportunity and user experience. Participants will also be invited to join Hosco and become part of our online community for even more education, networking and job opportunities. If you would like to help Worldchefs Academy and the PreCommis Chef Course become available in your language and be accessible around the world, please contact me anytime at … and Let’s Get Started! Cornelia Volino Chairman, Worldchefs Academy

Cornelia Volino Chairman



WORLDCHEFS COMMITTEES INTERNATIONAL CHEFS DAY COMMITTEE Dear Worldchefs Members, On behalf of the International Chefs day Committee, I am very happy to report the following numbers for International Chefs Day 2019. NESTLÉ WORLDCHEFS 18,708 Children.

54,249 Children

245 Chefs.

1604 Chefs

44 Events

239 Events

18 Countries

34 Countries

We were all excited to see the hashtag #internationalchefsday #Nestlepro posted on Facebook 61 times! Worldchefs’ continued dedication and support to children around the world is immeasurable. 2019 had a surplus of Chefs interested in participating. I believe the partnership with Nestlé Professional and the support from our Head Office assisted in making the 2019 campaign a great success. A huge presence in our International Chefs Day was the fun facts, character email blasts, and newsfeed that Clare and Oliva assisted me with for weeks leading up to October 20th. Getting our campaign out there weekly was a helpful reminder to Chefs that we need their support for the children that need them.

Vanessa Marquis Chariman

OUR MISSION To enable Worldchefs and its members to cele-brate their profession on the 20th of October each year, while using the opportunity to make a positive change within a Chef’s vocation, their local communities and to make a difference in a young person’s life.

For International Chefs Day 2020, we are excited to be featuring plant-based (vegan) recipes developed by our Worldchefs Members from around the world featuring their traditional and authentic cuisine, flavours, and products. This year’s “Healthy Food for the Future” campaign will introduce the nutritional value of plant-based foods and provide delicious plant-based (vegan) recipes that can be prepared with children. The International Chefs Day Committee is here to help you prepare for this year’s International Chefs Day on October 20, 2020. The initial goal of the International Chefs Day Committee is to reach 100,000 children in 2020. Though these are uncertain times, I have faith that we will be creative and continue to have another successful year.

INTERNATIONAL CHEFS DAY COMMITTEE Chairman Vanessa Marquis Member Joanna Ochniak Member Tony Chang Member Ann Brown Member David Kier Member Ines Maria D´Amico Member Adelina Sisti-deBlasis Member Kim-Haavard Larsen Member Mathew Shropshall Member Venessa Barnes Presidium Liaison Thomas Gugler


USA Poland Taiwan Scotland South Africa Ecuador Canada Norway England Australia Saudi Arabia

The Committee will continue to encourage Chefs from around the world to prepare and take a day to spend some time and share their culinary passion with children. With this year’s theme focused on current global trends, I am confident the International Chefs Day Committee and the Chefs from around the world, will be excited to participate in the campaign.




» Encouraging local Chefs Associations around the world to participate.

To grow the participation of military teams in competitions and to educate the militaries on the benefits of Worldchefs. We aim to get more military chefs to become members and for them to get educated and certified through Worldchefs.

» Support from Continental Directors encouraging Member countries in their regions.

» Committee members supporting Member countries and reaching out to k-12 schools.


» Encouraging Young Chefs to get involved. » Informing High School Culinary Programs. » Reaching out to underprivileged communities. » Informing foster care housing and orphanages. » Requesting Nestle Professional to encourage all Regional

Chairman Member Member

Rene Marquis Brian Steel Shaun Collins Lindsay

USA Australia UK

Dear Worldchefs Members,

Managers and their Chefs around the world to participate.

» Continued support from the Worldchefs Head Office.

We currently have three Committee Members working on the missions, objectives and goals of the Military Committee, and we are looking for more to join us!

By working together, Worldchefs and Nestlé Professional will make International Chefs Day on October 20, 2020 another exciting success and positive influence for children featuring “Healthy Food for the Future”.

Through our efforts, we saw seven teams compete at the IKA Culinary Olympics 2020, five in the Military Category and two in the Community Catering Kitchen Category. The Winner of the Military Category was the Swiss Armed Forces Culinary Team receiving the 1st Worldchefs Military Team trophy.

Vanessa Marquis Chairman, International Chefs Day Committee

We anticipate potential challenges regarding available kitchen space in Luxembourg for the 2022 World Cup, however we hope this can be overcome and additional space will be made available to showcase our international military culinary teams.


Military Committee members attending IKA were able to meet with members of the military teams to discuss this importance and how we can move forward to establish a stronger presence.

WHAT’S UP NEXT? The Military Committee would like to collaborate and find ways to reach out to more countries to get involved, not only with competition, but also through membership and the available Worldchefs certification and educational opportunities. We have already established targets, and now we have to try to attain them. We must network and continue to communicate effectively. We would like to solicit help in the near future by possibly establishing a link on the Worldchefs website that could connect to our committees and members to expand our reach and encourage participation throughout and beyond our global membership base.

Rene Marquis

Rene Marquis Chairman, Military Committee




WORLDCHEFS COMMITTEES GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT OF YOUNG CHEFS COMMITTEE Member Member Member Amb. Mentor Amb. Mentor Amb. Mentor Amb. Mentor Amb. Mentor Amb. Mentor Amb. Mentor

Miroslav Kubec Czech Rep. Stafford DeCambra USA Martin Kobald South Africa Adrian Vigus Brown South Africa Cherrie Uy Tan Philippines Elwin Chew Singapore Mohamad Arieffudin Abdul Khalid Malaysia Roselyn Ediger Canada T.y. Lueng Hong Kong Tiger Chen Taiwan

Twelve short months ago we were all enjoying the extraordinary hospitality in KL Malaysia and can I say from the Young Chefs point of view this was an extremely successful BGF. At thus BGF we had the right mix of activities and mix in with the main congress. The feedback has been very positive indeed and with this we look forward to future opportunities.


Young Chef Club numbers have remained healthy and steady over the year. There were a few clubs that were lost, but there were also some that restarted.


Young Chef Club numbers: ASIA: 12 National Assoc. (some clubs have multiple chapters) Pacific: 1 National Assoc. (Australia has multiple chapters) MEA: 3 National Assoc. Europe North: 6 National Assoc. Europe South: 3 National Assoc. Americas: 2 National Assoc. (Canada has multiple chapters)


To drive and encourage the development of Young Chefs Clubs to our members around the world while mentoring and leading our Global Young Chef Ambassadors to develop and deliver initiatives such as the Young Chef Culinary Culture Exchange program and the Billy Gallagher Young Chefs Forum. Through our four pillars of Friendship, Education, Cuisine and Culture we provide mentoring support to our global network of Young Chefs Clubs and deliver a world class educational mentoring forum. We also engage and promote friendship among the Young Chefs Clubs empowering culinary excellence through fostering a culture, lifelong learning and leadership while underscoring the importance of Cultural understanding and Humanitarianism.

In terms of building our YCC footprint I am very pleased to report to you that we have overcome a long standing in pass in that existed in the KCA and its refusal to support the Korea Young Chefs Federation. Through a great deal of conversations and several attempts and through building trust, I am happy to welcome to the WorldChef Young Chefs Club family the Young Chefs Federation of Korea and further that I have invited Chef Jake Kim to join our committee to be our voice in Korea.

GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT OF YOUNG CHEFS COMMITTEE Chairman Vice-Chairman Member Member Member Member

Alan Orreal Jasper Jek Dale Lyman Don Gyurkovits Jodi-Ann Pearton Marcus Hallgren


Secondly the Indian Culinary Federation has begun some initial dialog with us and we are asking how we can get further connection with their considerable network of young Chefs. Further we have been approached and are currently assisting Macau to form a YCC. In Pakistan a YCC has formed but is yet to be recognized by the member country association yet we monitor and offer advice as requested but have not added them to our official listings.

China Singapore Australia Canada South Africa Sweden


WORLDCHEFS COMMITTEES will find our April report for classes that were conducted here in Shanghai where we reached 700,000 views. This coming May we will do a large Masterclass with 6-8 Chefs all cooking together to create a celebration BBQ menu.

There are more in North and West Africa that we are beginning to look into to help support. In short our family is growing slowly yet surely and we are supporting where we can. We would strongly encourage all Continental Directors to speak to their National Associations members who have not formed a Young Chefs Club to contact us at alan.orreal@ to form one.

FACEBOOK AND ONLINE SOCIAL MEDIA The report titled Young Chefs report Just touched upon the FB pages of the most active YCC BF Users. These clubs and a healthy online presence and contribute to sharing news as it happens within their clubs. The links to all of the YCC pages can be found on the young chefs Blogspot page http://

YOUNG CHEFS WITHOUT BORDERS (YCWB) In 2019, we started the YCWB project to be more involved with “World Chefs Without Borders” in caring for our communities and societies. Our initial projection of feeding 10,000 meals through a collective effort by Young Chef Clubs around the world was met with great success. We hit a total of 31,116 meals.

In closing I would like to reaffirm my committee’s commitment to growing and building a sustainable Young Chefs Club family building the leaders of the future for Worldchefs. It’s our pleasure to submit this report to the board and we look forward to your feedback and advice that we can further improve and serve the Worldchefs board and members effectively.

COMMITTEE MEETING AND MONTHLY CALLS The Global Development of Young Chefs committee, consisting the senior advisors,Young Chefs Ambassadors and Ambassador Mentors met in December during FHC Shanghai. Half a day was spent meeting and discussing YCCs, projects and committee productivity. The committee also has its monthly conference call, to update each other on progress of projects they are working on.

Alan Orreal Global Development of Young Chefs committee

In November of last year I was able to invite 12 Young Chef teams to Shanghai for FHC and that that event we also assembled whole YCDT committee. We had most senior members Mentors and Ambassadors there and this gave us the unique ability to spend a half day working session together to set forth a strategy roadmap for the next two years. Some of the outcomes of that meeting were that we have to set up more feedback opportunities and conversation forums for young chefs to reach out to peers for understanding and support. Many YCC need deeper mentoring and we are trying to address this.


YOUNG CHEFS WEBPAGE Vice-Chairman, Jasper Jek has met with Clare Pettersson, Communications Manger to discuss a revamp of the webpage and brainstorm ideas for the various social platforms. This will be followed up.

ONLINE E-LEARNING MASTERCLASS? During the COVID 19 Period we have all learnt to do this in isolation but reach a new audience and keep in touch is more important than ever. Many of the senior committee and the YCCs themselves have been posting on FB and going live with cooking classes and just offering and posting articles of learning and inspirational. In the attached PPT Mastercalss you


Brendan O Neill Chairman


WORLDCHEFS COMMITTEES OUR MISSION My special thanks to president Thomas Gugler for his trust. This program has the ability to bring thousands of chefs with disabilities under the wing of Worldchefs.

This committee has been established with the purpose of identifying and recognizing the role that centers play in offering specific training and life skills for people with special needs, who will be able to demonstrate with confidence their ability to carry out cookery skills and competencies in industrial kitchens and competition settings.

Brendan O Neill Chairman, Culinary Ability Committee


Brendan O’Neil Chris Sandford Mona leone Tom Atle Steffensen

Ireland Ireland Germany Finland


Dear Worldchefs Members, This committee shall be set up to recognise training centre’s for people with special needs to train and have the ability to cook in industry kitchens. To be able to help set certain targets for those with special ability’s to possibly compete in regional culinary competitions with local chef organisations. To adhere to the rules of Worldchefs and show that we are an inclusive organisation. It is important that all member countries put forward a training center in their area so their members are aware of the way Worldchefs is moving to assist people with special needs and helping them in the industry.

Andy Cuthbert

Having spoken to some of the training organisations, they want their trainees to be judged in competition with the same rules as regular competitors so the only culinary pressure is to set up the style of competition for these trainees.


OUR MISSION To provide the association a sustainable framework for the Congress for the future, building on past experience and changing needs of the membership. To give members an enjoyable, educational and fun Congress to be remembered.

Trained persons with disabilities can be a great help to the catering industry given the proper guidance and support, which world chefs is setting out to do. To get this program started in conjunction with the panel of chefs of Ireland and Roslyn park Training Center and the National Learning Network of Ireland, we will be running a competition for trainees with special needs on February 17th at the Chef Ireland National Cookery Competitions. This will be video taped and posted for all in Worldchefs to see.

CONGRESS COMMITTEE Chairman Andy Cuthbert UAE Member Charles Carroll USA Member Kristina Hartviksen Norway Special Advisor 2018 Congress KK Yau Malaysia Special Advisor 2020 Congress Victor Belyaev Russia

I look forward to developing this project and making it work, as this is a wonderful opportunity for the committee and the board.



WORLDCHEFS COMMITTEES FEED THE PLANET COMMITTEE The Feed the Planet Committee, together with partners at Electrolux Food Foundation and AIESEC, have been hard at work addressing issues of global sustainability. Our chef community continues to step up and consciously make decisions to get involved and make a difference around the world. The year 2019 marked the rise of Food Heroes Challenge, our UNICEF supported initiative to educate children aged 8 – 12 on sustainable eating habits. Through the 70-minute workshops lead by chefs, Electrolux employees, and AIESEC volunteers, over 30,249 children are now aware of Sustainable Development Goals and ignite changes in their own families. Our culinary employment program, Like A Chef, continues to expand to new locations. There are now eight active training centers (Sao Carlos - Brazil, Sao Paulo - Brazil, Curitiba - Brazil, Stockholm - Sweden, Olzstyn - Poland, Kyiv - Ukraine, Moscow - Russia, Cairo - Egypt) that teach our curriculum and help the world’s disenfranchised to find employment in the foodservice sector. Since 2017, we have witnessed 235 students from all around the world graduate from the program, 60.5% of which are now employed in Brazil.

Chris Koetke Chairman

The limited success of Food Waste Challenge does not discourage us from promoting waste reduction at food services. All of our resources and support are still available for restaurateurs and caterers who are ready to take on the 3-month challenge.

OUR MISSION To inspire sustainable food consumption among communities and professionals, and to support people in need through emergency relief, food poverty alleviation, and education. The committee is supported by an international network of chefs passionate about creating better food, better lives and better futures across the globe.

Over 800 culinary students and professional chefs have completed Worldchefs Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals via recognized culinary courses and workshops around the world.The curriculum has also been converted into a shorter and webinar format, which is available free of charge for national associations and culinary schools. A 7-day webinar was organized from 17 – 23 April 2020, attracting nearly 1200 registrations, over 600 of which has completed all 7 days and showed a 43.2% increase in performance between pre and post webinar test.

FEED THE PLANET COMMITTEE Chairman Vice-Chairman Member Member Member Member Special Advisor Special Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor

Chris Koetke Shonah Chalmers Arwyn Watkins Hilmar Bragi Jonsson Ian Minnis Leons Tan Frank Fol Rosa Maria Moraes Dilhan Fernando Michel Escoffier Peter Rehn Thomas Gugler


USA Canada Wales Iceland Russia Singapore Belgium Brazil Sri Lanka USA Sweden Saudi Arabia

We invite all members of Worldchefs to share in celebrating these results. It is only through the sum of our individual activities that we can make a difference. Every effort, no matter how big or small, to make our world and our profession more sustainable is a step in the right direction. Chris Koetke Chairman, Feed the Planet Committee


WORLDCHEFS COMMITTEES HISTORICAL COMMITTEE 2018 WORLDCHEFS CONGRESS IN MALAYSIA Distributed Souvenir Booklet to delegates “Celebrating 90 years of Gastronomy Excellence” 500 copies, no cost to Worldchefs, printing sponsored by Chewy Cinnamon. Sri Lanka Information from 35 members countries. Brief presentation by Alan Palmer to delegates

8TH NOVEMBER 2019 1) Mailing list of Worldchefs members from head office Paris in alphabetical order. 2) Results of the Worldchefs survey regarding membership.

18TH JANUARY 2020 Circulated new questionnaire to member countries using Worldchefs mailing list, Cc to Martin Kobald to make sure that the Worldchefs Executive Board and Continental Directors receive and can follow-up directly in their region.

21ST JANUARY 2020 Chairman

Deb Foreman from Australia has resent questionnaire to all countries in Pacific Rim region, only received replies from Australia and Papua New Guinea. Deadline 31st March 2020. Results: 10 countries email rejected / 11 countries replied.



As we are approaching the 92th anniversary of the foundation of our Society in October 1928 and the appointment of the Doyen of Chefs, Auguste Escoffier as the first Honorary President of the Society, it is paramount for our committee to ensure that the historical significance of our craft is preserved and recorded. The sole mission therefore is to provide a platform for all of our various chefs’ societies to be able to contribute their historically significant events to this documentation.

Consolidation of Worldchefs Survey and updated replies from questionnaire compiled.

Otto Weibel

CULINARY OLYMPICS STUTTGART 2020 Brief update with Otto, Martin Alan and Michael over the past few months.

APRIL/MAY 2020 Start to consolidate information received from 2018 booklet, Results of Worldchefs Survey and replies from questionnaire for preparation of final document.

HISTORICAL COMMITTEE Chairman Vice-Chairman Member Secretary Member

Otto Weibel Alan Palmer Margaret Turner Michael Strautmanis Norbert Schmidiger

Singapore Sri Lanka Canada Australia Switzerland

To date, information received from 59 countries from 107 members, 55% of Worldchefs Membership (as per Worldchefs website 3rd April, 2020). Europe North 11/16, Europe South 5/16, Europe Central 10/14, Americas 3/13, Middle East & Africa 10/18, Pacific Rim 4/9. and Asia 16/21. Please note that Yamuna Nagalmullage from Colombo office of Maldives Exhibition & Conference Services (Worldchefs Corporate Member) has coordinated this activity since 2017. Alan Palmer Vice Chairman, Historical Committee



WORLDCHEFS COMMITTEES HONORARY LIFE MEMBER COMMITTEE Members of Worldchefs on behalf of the Honorary Life Members Committee we wish to extend our sincere best wishes to you and all your families during this unprecedented time in the world to fight this global C-19 virus and hope that you all keep safe and stay well. Before the Honorary Life Members Committee start with our report I wish to thank everyone who had anything to do with the hosting of the congress in St. Petersburg, Russia. Our hearts go out to you all with the devastating news that the congress had to be cancelled. I feel certain that many chefs groups around the world will sympathize with the Russian Chefs Association. The HLM Committee received a rush of applications prior to the deadline cutoff date and some were received well after this date and where be considered. (Although they could submit for the next Congress in 2022) The HLM Committee is pleased to advise that we will be recommending 6 new Honorary Life Members to be awarded the title. I am not at liberty to advise who these new HLM members are until such times as the Worldchefs Board of Directors ratifies the nominations at their next Board meeting.

Murray Dick Chairman


The HLM Committee wishes to advise any country wishing to submit new nominations that once the criteria is adjusted to suit the next congress dates then nominations can be received any time over approximately an 14 month period rather than all rush to put in a nomination close to the cut off date.

To ensure that we review and give due credit to members who have contributed extensively to Worldchefs, and are worthy of the title. To apply, you can visit

The HLM Committee will take a strong stance for future nominations and will not accept any nominations after the close off date. Further more all nominations must have all the accompanying paperwork, no follow up from the committee to chase any paperwork not submitted will be done.


Murray Dick Heinz Brunner Anton Mosimann Norbert Schmidiger

New Zealand South Africa England Switzerland

So it is imperative to plan your process well in advance and accumulate ALL the criteria information and send off as one application- you can talk to your Continental Director for advice and support. We look forward to meeting as many of you as possible when we gather at some stage in the future at another Worldchefs Congress. Murray Dick Chairman, Honorary Life Member Committee



WORLDCHEFS COMMITTEES WORLD CHEFS WITHOUT BORDERS COMMITTEE NOV AND DEC 2018 - INDONESIA Palu Sulawesi Indonesia Tsunami Relief Efforts led by Chef Stefu raised 6250 Euros / 6000 Food Packs for relief effort and US$2,500 for rebuilding school. MARCH 2019 - USA WCWB AMERICAS IN AID 2019 Host ACF Tampa Bay Chapter. Cooked 250 meals for homeless and raised US$40,000 for WCWB global fund. MARCH 2019 - MYANMAR WCWB Myanmar on Medical Relief Effort by Chef Oliver Soe Thet involving hundreds of patients. APRIL 2019 - MYANMAR Rakhine - Chef Shwe Ngwe Oo gave 3000 healthy rich bread daily for several weeks to children who ran away from their homes due to unrest. JUNE 2019 - MYANMAR Yangon – Chef Oliver Soe Thuet - 400 portions and 600 CSR Cook off for orphanage.

Willment Leong Chairman

AUGUST 2019 – ITALY WCWB Emergency Task Force Member Roberto Rosati and FIC for the newly install WCWB van of the FIC Solidarity Emergencies Department.

WORLD CHEFS WITHOUT BORDERS COMMITTEE Chairman Member Member Presidium Liaison Member Member Member Member Member Member Member

Willment Leong Thomas Gugler Yau Kok Kheong Cornelia Volino Árni Þór Arnórsson Ray MacCue Oliver Soe Thet Tony Khoo Jozef Oseli Mak Kam Kui Chih-teng Chang, Tony

Thailand Saudi Arabia Malaysia Canada Iceland USA Myanmar Singapore Slovenia Hong Kong Taiwan

AUGUST 2019 – MYANMAR WCWB Chef Oliver and team on the move performing Chefs Social Responsibility for flood relief effort in various locations in Myanmar. SEPTEMBER 2019 – MYANMAR WCWB Myanmar, MCA 30 volunteer Chefs bring Flood Aid, Hot Meals, Rice, Healthy Bread, Clothing Mon State South Myanmar. SEPTEMBER 2019 – PHILIPPINES Volunteer members the LTB Philippines Chefs Association (LTB) together with volunteers from the Philippine Young Chefs Club (PYCC) organized a feeding mission at the Aetas community in Sapang Bato, Porac, Pampanga in support of the Philippine Coast Guard Medical Support Squadron who provided medical services to the Aetas feeding over 600 children and their families. In addition to this initiative, they also supplied 100 papaya and 1280 red hot chili seedlings, courtesy of Jeff Rodriguez of East West Seeds, to start a sustainability program for the community.

WORLD CHEFS WITHOUT BORDERS EMERGENCY TASK FORCE Chairman Vice-Chairman Member Member Member Member Member

KK Yau Christos Gkotsis Mauricio Armendaris Roberto Rosati Augustin Buitron Baca Sebastian Gibrand Leons Tan


Malaysia Greece Ecuador Italy Peru Sweden Singapore


WORLDCHEFS COMMITTEES OCTOBER 2019 - SLOVAKIA Milos Lachkovic for WCWB in Slovakia was involved in Slovakia Harvest Festival and collected money for children allowance for school meals.

are unable to work outside the house or cannot find a job because of the need for them to be home and look after their children. It’s a project where the mother will be taught baking skills and how to start a small baking business from home.

18 – 21 OCT 2019 - VIETNAM Under WCWB CSR for Vietnam program, WCWB and Saigon Professional Chefs Guilds 20 international chefs inclusive of WCWB committee members travelled at own expense to Ho Chi Minh to “share” their “money, knowledge and time” to 600 children and 280 kind passionate guests. 600 meals served for 600 children’s renovated children’s library, renovated school kitchen, repaint and touch up kitchen, purchased school kitchen equipment, purchased 5 desk top computer, 280 guest fund raise gala dinner and supported 10 female students for one year under “room to read” organization through New World Saigon Hotel CSR program.

11- 14 JAN 2020 - CAMBODIA WCWB Chefs Social Responsibility for Siem Reap Cambodia 26-30 April 2020 Site inspection 11-14 Jan 2020 (A total of 4 trip had been visited for the past 1 year) JANUARY 2020 – MYANMAR WCWB team in Monywa cooked nutritious meals for 250 patients, doctors and nurses of the German-Myanmar Interplast Doctors Mission that provided free operations of cleft lips and pallets, burns and soft tissue at Monywa General Hospital. FEBRUARY 2020 - GHANA President of KF DANMARK Uffe Nielsen and Chana Fru Hansens Plan took part in cooking and baking together with local volunteers and children sharing chef hats, balloons, red noses. FruHansensPlan is a small Danish NGO, founded by Lisbet Hansen. Danish NGO Liberian camp is in Buduburam, outside the capital of Ghana, Accra. The 20.000 people who live here are refugees from the civil war in Liberia 1989-2003.

NOVEMBER 2019 - ICELAND Students of Hospitality and Culinary School of Iceland created a festive dinner for members of the MND Association of Iceland and their families. The aim was to transform traditional food into a variety of puréed dishes suitable for MND patients as the disease manifests itself in the loss of function and paralysis of the arms, legs, mouth, neck, etc. and finally culminating in total paralysis.

FEBRUARY 2020 – ITALY Italian Emergency Department of the Federazione italiana Cuochi: The Emergency Food Contest held in Riva del Garda from February 2-5. Compete team had to go inside an emergency tent where they found a set of unknown ingredients (could be meat/fish/beans, vegetables, pasta, potatoes.. ) and in just half an hour they had to design a menu for a complete nutritional meal (without dessert) and prepare and serve it for 200 people.

NOVEMBER 2019 - CAMBODIA WCWB Chairman had official meeting with His Excellence Dr. Thong Khon Minister of Tourism Kingdom of Cambodia. Explaining who we are and the overall view summary of what WCWB will be doing in our CSR event next year in Siem Reap Cambodia. NOVEMBER 2019 – MYANMAR MCA Bagan Pastry Alliance - U Win Aung & Oliver baking 6000 Chocolate Danish for Hospital patients in Magway. CSR Myanmar for the Interplast German Drs - Peter Sieg team patients for cleft lips, pallets and burns

17 FEB 2020 – THAILAND Thailand CSR / TV program Channel One31 Top Chef Thailand 4 Judges, Host and Chef competitors from Season 1, 2 and 3 performed their CSR at Kanchanaburi Province in Thailand. (Primary School located 210km away from Bangkok) 200 portion of happy lunch was prepared and served in a stainless steel 3 tier meal box for 200 students with additional cash donation for water filter. Objective: Minimize use of plastic through educating the students and sharing our happiness to the future of Thailand.

DECEMBER 2020 - MYANMAR MCA - WCWB Chef’s City Mandalay delivered to 550 Bed Child Ward Mandalay 450 Danish 450 water, 6000 Raisin Chocolate Danish and Croissants were delivered to mainly children and all patients of 5 major Hospitals in 5 big Myanmar regions at same time.- Nyaung Hospital - Bagan, Nay Pyi Taw 1000 Bed State Hospital, Monywa University Hospital, Nyaungshwe General Hospital.

11-20 MAY 2020 – THAILAND CHEFHUG , endorsed by WCWB was a cook off event held from 11 – 20 May 2020, 40,000 hot meals were prepared in the period of 10 days and delivered to 50 districts in Bangkok. Each day 4,000 portions of Rice boxes were delivered to 5 districts/ communities. The goal of CHEFHUG was to provide hot meals

JANUARY 2020 - MALAYSIA KK Yau and his team assisted “Baked with Hope”, a project under Vocational Service to help deserving single mothers who




and create short term income for people that were affected causing low or no income due to the COVID-19 lockdown. By hiring the cooks, packing team, distribution team and taxi drivers, temporary income was created and supported the small wet market seller and small food service suppliers. Each day 20 cooks, 20 packing staff, 20 taxi drivers and 20 distribution staff, totaling 600 food industry staff and 250 taxi drivers were hired by CHEFHUG to perform the entire operation with the supervision from THAILAND CHEFS ASSOCIATION AND THAILAND CULINARY ACADEMY.

PENDING PROJECT Postponed - Cambodia CSR April 26-30, 2020 in conjunction with Cambodia Government. Tentative New date: 20 – 24 Oct 2020 100 chefs from 32 countries had confirmed participation

APPRECIATION FROM WCWB CHAIRMAN Special appreciation to Singapore Chefs Association by donating 7000 SGD through their annual member gathering and Chef Tony Khoo (WCWB Committee Member Singapore) 3000 SGD towards Cambodia CSR Event Oct 2020. A job well-done to Chef Oliver Soe Thet (WCWB Committee Member Myanmar) for endlessly preform multiple CSR in Myanmar.

Manjit Gill

Great effort to Chef Arni Arnorsson (WCWB Committee Member Iceland), Chef Leons Tan (WCWB Ambassador Singapore) for communicating to all 100 chefs that participating in our CSR for Siem Reap Cambodia for the past 6 months.



To recognize heritage status to traditional ingredients, culinary techniques and inventions to protect outstanding examples of our global food heritage, worthy of preservation to boost national pride and international renown. We trace etymology of traditional/classic dishes, create platforms that encourage the sharing and exchange of traditional culinary philosophy, science and art as well as Initiate/improve nationwide programs to protect heritage produce, encourage growers and the natural environment.

Grateful to Chef Tony Chang (WCWB Committee Member Taiwan) for recommending and communicating with 20 passionate chefs’ participant in our CSR Siem Reap Cambodia. Thankful to Chef Cornelia Volino (Worldchefs President Liaison and WCWB Committee Member) for tirelessly keeping track of WCWB work and ensure smooth operations. Willment Leong Chairman,World Chefs Without Borders

WORLD CULTURAL CULINARY HERITAGE COMMITTEE Chairman Vice Chairman Member Member Member Member Member



Manjit Gill Karlheinz Haase Sanet Van Wyk Prinsloo Majed Al Sabagh Iztok Legat Emrah Köksal Sezgín Iulia Dragut

India Germany Namibia UAE Slovenia Turkey Romania




ACTIVITY REPORT NETWORKING & EVENTS – connecting hospitality professionals around the globe and representing our members through communication channels, our online community platform, endorsed events, Worldchefs Village, and the landmark biennial Worldchefs Congress & Expo. As the whole hospitality industry is severely hit by the Coronavirus pandemic, Worldchefs is adapting and increasing online media presence with information, inspiration and learning opportunities for its membership. These crises that touch every layer of our society are hitting some more than others. Therefore it is more important now than ever that we support each other and our communities. Once the pandemic is behind us we must be forward thinking and reinvent an industry that protects the environment and invests in its employees. Professional development and education will remain the key to build a sustainable model for the hospitality industry.

Ragnar Fridriksson Managing Director

FINANCIAL SITUATION AND OUTLOOK As the table below shows, Worldchefs has maintained a strong growth with efficient cost control over the last 10 years. This has allowed us to build a solid organisation structure to develop and deliver new activities and provide enhanced member services. While sponsorships still represent 65% of revenues, we have successfully created new revenue streams through our own activities, such as the Global Education Network and Global Hospitality Certification.

FOREWORD Over the past 10 years Worldchefs has seen a stable growth and development. During this period, we have designed several programs and activities that are in continuous development and contributing to reaching our strategic goals and objectives. In parallel we have put a dedicated organisation structure in place to achieve those objectives. The Worldchefs office team, together with approximately 200 committee and board members, drive our different activities. To maintain focus on priorities we are guided by the four strategic pillars as defined to fulfil Worldchefs’ mission.


Income Expenses

Thousands €

EDUCATION – offering support for education and professional development through our globally reaching education network, the world’s first Global Culinary Certification, Worldchefs Academy online learning platform, and the “Like a Chef” Culinary Employment program.

1200 1000 800 600 400

COMPETITIONS – setting global standards for competition rules, organising competition seminars and developing our own prestigious Global Chefs Challenge.



HUMANITARIAN & RESPONSIBILITY – relieving poverty, delivering crisis support, and promoting sustainability across the globe through our Feed the Planet and Worldchefs Without Borders programs.














The years 2018 and 2019 reflect steady income and efficient costs control with income of €1.182.307 and €1.102.038 respectively.

Managing Director Ragnar Fridriksson

Director Operations & Projects Connie Lau

The revenues from the year 2018 were marked positively by successful fundraising for Worldchefs Congress in Kuala Lumpur. Equally, year 2019 saw continuous strong revenues, while also improving efficiency and cost control to generate positive net profits of €140.580. The year 2019 also delivered improved liquidity of 40% with €808.102 in cash in bank seeing total equity rising by 18% in the period to €1.092.465 by year end 2019.



Diff. %

€ 1.102.038

€ 1.182.307



€ 961.457

€ 1.179.350


Net profit or loss

€ 140.580

€ 2 .957




Account receivables

€ 188.806

€ 173.006


Cash and cash equivalents

€ 808.102

€ 575.246


Total Equity

€ 1.092.465

€ 898.795



Prof Margin

Office Admin Andreea Mocanu

Sub total Worldchefs

Graphic Designer Tomas Hafthorsson (Freelance)

SPONSORSHIP Sponsorship represents a majority of Worldchefs revenues. A large number of our sponsors have been loyal partners over a long period of 5 to 10 years or more in some cases.These are our core partners with whom we work on a continuous basis, delivering them value by networking and exposure through our communication channels. We also propose punctual shortterm program sponsorships, such as Global Chefs, Worldchefs Village and the Worldchefs Congress & Expo, to give us more legs to stand on.


€ 779.647

Asia PR & Editor Jenny Tan (Contractor)

Further, Worldchefs counts 22 Associate and Corporate members. The Corporate Member category has been revised to increase benefits and attractivity for members. The annual fee has been raised from €1000 to €5000 and includes additional benefits such as a company presentation page and communication opportunities as well as discounts to participate in key Worldchefs events such as the Worldchefs Congress & Expo and Worldchefs Village.

Due to global pandemic and general lock down, most events including Worldchefs Congress have been either postponed or cancelled. The budget previsions for 2020 have been revised to reflect this unprecedented situation. We have made provisions to face potential revenue loss and undergone cost cutting measures to face off reduced activity and business risk.

€ 792.100

Communication Manager Clare Pettersson

Worldchefs now counts 102 National Member associations and 6 Affiliate Member associations.Worldchefs welcomed two new National Members and 4 Affiliate Members since Congress 2018. Newly joined National Members are El Salvador, Ghana, Albania and Kuwait, and new Affiliate Members are Tongo, Papua New Guinea and Mexico. Affiliate membership is seen as a waiting room for new national associations to help them get on their feet while they get established and find stability before joining the full voting national membership.



Digital & Web Project Manager Anand Kumar Shukla


Balance sheet


Event and Project Coordinator Linh To

Education Director John Clancy (Contractor)

€ 12.453

ORGANISATION STRUCTURE In order to maintain and attract sponsorship, Worldchefs is continuously inventing new ways in which we deliver sponsor value. We have been successful in creating new programs to drive value to sponsors such as Feed the Planet and Art &

Worldchefs office team is composed of a dedicated 6 full time employees, 1 internee and 3 part time freelancers.Worldchefs is supported by an army of approximately 200 volunteers serving on our Board of Directors and in 14 dedicated Committees.



ACTIVITY REPORT Science seminars with Electrolux or the International Chefs Day with Nestlé Professional Healthy Kids. In addition, we are increasingly developing online social media presence to provide them increased exposure. Notably with our webinars, online video resources and podcast.

The HOSCO platform already hosts about a half a million job offers in hospitality from around the world. They have about 600 thousand users including the alumni of over 400 hospitality schools. In addition, the platform provides members with online learning opportunities and career advice all of which is free of charge to our members.



Worldchefs has been investing heavily in its online communication channels. This is now being accelerated further in the light of confinement and lock down of restaurants and hospitality outlets globally.

Worldchefs Magazine is celebrating its 10th year of existence with a total of 25 published editions. It comes out twice a year plus an additional edition each congress and attracts around 30 000 online readers annually.

Our different media includes Worldchefs main website, several mini websites and social media platforms. We are using those channels to launch webinars and provide learning and resources to our members online. In addition we have now added the Worldchefs Podcast channel “World on a Plate” to bring the voice of Worldchefs out to chefs worldwide.



Worldchefs participated in several trade shows around the world with a booth or a pavilion. The objective is to increase exposure and engagement with new audience as well existing members. Key communication objectives are to promote Worldchefs Congress and Global Hospitality Certification, and to incite members to create their free Worldchefs account on our community platform. Worldchefs App on iOS & Android Worldchefs Magazine (online reader) Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Worldchefs on Hosco, Podcast

Over the last two years Worldchefs were present with a booth FHC Shanghai, HOFEX Hong Kong, FHA Singapore, Chefs World Summit Monaco, Global Chefs Challenge Rimini and Thaifax Bangkok.

WORLDCHEFS COMMUNITY PLATFORM During the year 2019 we re-launched theWorldchefs community website in collaboration with HOSCO, the hospitality network, replacing the previously existing myChefspace. Not only does the new community platform allow chefs to sign up and post their CV’s, but also enables them to receive targeted job opportunities, connect with each other and follow our member associations’ activities. In parallel our member associations can manage their own profile page, create following and recruit new members to who they can promote events and activities. Similarly, our Education Partners can manage their own page and engage with their own students and alumni.






+95K 44%


Powered by



20K 4K



+284K +4.7M



6.4K +1M





Stats from 2020


63.4K 6.9%


14.3K 51.6%

2.9K 14.6%













ACTIVITY REPORT More so we organised the Worldchefs Village at two key events, the Culinary World Cup in Luxembourg 2018 and the Culinary Olympics in Stuttgart 2020. Worldchefs Village is a 100m2 large pavilion with an inbuilt Electrolux Kitchen where we organise daily cooking demos and get-togethers. Worldchefs Village allows our sponsors, Education Partners and member association to showcase their products by organising product tastings and cooking demos. Both Worldchefs Villages were an immense success setting the standard for future branding and marketing of Worldchefs, bringing together chefs of all origins for networking and friendship. It also allowed our sponsors and co-exhibitors to reach a captive audience at a prime location at key culinary events. The success of Worldchefs Village presents an opportunity that could be duplicated at other events around the world.

WORLDCHEFS CONGRESS & EXPO 2018 Worldchefs Congress & Expo 2018 in Kuala Lumpur was a great success in every aspect. We received a total of 1126 delegates over the 4 days of Congress. Amongst them where 114 young chefs participating to the largest Billy Gallagher Young Chefs Forum to date, generously sponsored by NestlĂŠ Professional. Worldchefs Expo featured near 100 exhibitors and received some 8000 visitors. The exhibition also hosted The Global Chefs Challenge finals where the 40 finalists competed for the prestigious title in 3 categories: 20 Global Chefs, 10 Pastry Chefs and 10 Young Chefs.



ACTIVITY REPORT At year end 2019, a total of 2.317 individuals had received Worldchefs Global Culinary Certification. Over 90 % of those certified are at Commis-Chef or Chef de Parti level. Other large segments are 100 Executive Chefs, 23 Master Chefs and 19 Culinary Educators. Total income in years 2018 and 2019 were €64.000 and €50.000 respectively with a net profit margin of 78% in 2019 or a sum of €39.118

WORLDCHEFS GLOBAL EDUCATION NETWORK Worldchefs Education Network was launched in 2019 as an extension of the RQCE recognition program that started 10 years ago. The Education Network is a community of more than 100 culinary schools from around the world, all united by a shared commitment to empower the next generation of industry leaders.

CULINARY EDUCATION PROGRAMS GLOBAL HOSPITALITY CERTIFICATION Together with our longstanding partner City & Guides we launched version 2.0 of Global Certification for the hospitality industry.The first of its kind in the world, the Global Hospitality Certification sets out a benchmark to help hospitality businesses around the world to identify the unique skills of their staff, and helps employees gain professional recognition.

The Network helps to foster community among culinary schools by offering a platform to engage with industry professionals, students, staff, and alumni globally. The platform is powered by our partners HOSCO, the world’s leading hospitality social network.

Building on the success of the global certification for chefs, the Certification has been extended to cover all four areas in hospitality: culinary, food & beverage service, reception and housekeeping.

We actively incite the members of our network to participate in Worldchefs educational programs such as the Global Hospitality Certification, Sustainability Education seminars, the ‘Like a Chef’ Culinary Employment program and Worldchefs Academy.

Another novelty with the new version is the transition to an improved IT platform that allows qualified Education Partners and employers to issue their own co-branded badges. These digital badges use the latest technology and innovation in skills development. They contain rich data about an individual’s professional experience, making their skills visible and providing a clearer career path post graduation. It is also a marketing tool for the issuer and allows them to measure brand exposure through social media reach.

Worldchefs Education Network has been consistently growing by word of mouth since its launch. 18 new schools joined in year 2019. Revenues grew by 25% from €74.500 to €104.500 in the period 2018 to 2019 with net operation profits of €77.825

Already over 20 schools have been awarded a fast track towards the Global Culinary Certification. Out of those, so far 2 schools have been accredited with the new standards of version 2.0 enabling them to issue a co-branded Worldchefs certification in the form of a digital badge. Several corporate agreements have been made where internal training programs were mapped towards Worldchefs standards, notably at Galvin Restaurant London, Pullman Liverpool, Hilton International, Alshaya Group Middle East, Disneyland Resort Shanghai as well as on government level with the City of Liverpool and Ireland’s educational authorities.



ACTIVITY REPORT WORLDCHEFS ACADEMY – WITH NESTLÉ PROFESSIONAL Worldchefs Academy is an online culinary learning platform for Pre-Commis Chef theory learning. Free and accessible directly on the web or via a downloadable app, Worldchefs Academy provides a starting point for individuals interested in a career in culinary arts. The platform can also be used as support for existing culinary education programs. So far almost 7.000 individuals have registered to the platform. Launched in 2018, the platform is currently being translated to also be launched in Spanish, Arabic, Italian, Portuguese and Mandarin. Additional language selection is directly realated to market need and sponsor support.

ART & SCIENCE SEMINARS – WITH ELECTROLUX PROFESSIONAL We are now entering into the 7th year of collaboration with Electrolux Professional under the theme Art & Science. introducing the new SkyLine Cook and Chill solutions for better results and cost control in various food service contexts i.e. banqueting, bakery, tandoori, nose to tail, BBQ, street food etc. In the period 2018-2019, some 30 events were organised in 10 countries involving approximately 400 chefs. A further exposure was achieved with video production and increased social media activities such as Instagram takeovers that allowed us to reach over 200.000 persons in each year.

CULINARY COMPETITIONS GLOBAL CHEFS CHALLENGE The Global Chefs Challenge Finals were held at the Worldchefs Congress & Expo in Kuala Lumpur in 2018. The competition is organised in three categories: Global Chefs was won by Sweden, Pastry Chefs was won by Singapore and Young Chefs was won by Finland. Full results can be found on A new rule was introduced in 2016 with an increase in number of competitors from 10 to 20 teams in the Global Chefs Category. This allows for more nations to be represented making the competition all the more exciting. Another change is the selection of candidates was based not only on regional semi-finals, but also the top teams qualifying through the Culinary Olympics or Culinary World Cup in subsequent years. Next round of regional selections to win a spot at 2020 finals were held in each continent in 2019. The qualifiers have been preparing for the finals that were supposed to take place at Worldchefs Congress 2020. Due to cancellation of the congress the Finals will be postponed until early 2021 at a location yet to be determined.




ENDORSEMENTS The Culinary Competition Committee oversees the culinary rules and continuously develops them to keep up with new trends and to ensure consistent quality around the globe. A total of 35 events were endorsed by Worldchefs around the globe in 2018 and 37 in year 2019 generating revenues of €21.000 in 2018 and €37.000 in 2019. Endorsements saw a strong growth in 2019 and returned profits of €33.123.

In addition to the existing “Introduction to Competitions” seminar and the “Competition Seminars” for judges and competitors in Hot Kitchen, Carving and Pastry, we have now introduced 2 new Competition Seminars, in Community Catering and Vegan categories. A total of 20 seminars for 444 chefs were organised in 2019. Currently Worldchefs holds a list of approximately 500 certified judges in the different categories.


Criteria for becoming a judge have been made stricter to ensure quality and consistency around the globe. The application process is now available online – faster and more secure.

FEED THE PLANET – WITH ELECTROLUX FOOD FOUNDATION AND AIESEC Feed the Planet was founded by Worldchefs in 2012 as a way to empower and mobilize our global chefs’ network passionate about leading positive sustainability change. Since that time, Feed the Planet has grown into a dynamic collaboration with partners Electrolux Food Foundation and AIESEC.

Competition Ceminars generated a total revenue of €60.300 in 2018 and 27.000 in 2019 with net profits of €14.347.


Electrolux has given promise to be a force for good in local communities, in keeping with its sustainability framework, and will initiate and drive Feed the Planet projects by engaging its business units and 60.000 employees. The projects will be backed by funding through the Electrolux Food Foundation, established in 2016.

The competition management system has been further improved and integrated to an online platform. It recently received positive feedback at the HOFEX Hong Kong, The Culinary World Cup in Luxembourg, The Culinary Olympics in Stuttgart, The Global Chefs Challenge Semi Finals Europe in Rimini and at The Battle of the Lion in Singapore.

AIESEC is an international, apolitical, independent and notfor-profit organization, entirely run by students and graduates eager to build positive social change.

The electronic system offers organizers and competitors the benefits from increased efficiency, security and transparency. Use of the app can save a large amount of loose paper, reduce administrative work and reduce the risk of errors while providing full transparency, efficiency and security for both organizers and competitors.

With the support of Worldchefs and the power of the “white jacket” the three partners have designed actionable programs for a measurable social impact.

‘LIKE A CHEF’ CULINARY EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM The ‘Like a Chef’ Culinary Employment Program supports those in need of economic opportunity by providing a completely free, 2-month training module to give students the skills they need to enter the foodservice world. We have already trained over 200 people in culinary skills, providing a new livelihood and access to employment opportunities. Implemented in Brazil, Russia, Poland, Sweden, and Egypt, ‘Like a Chef’ can be duplicated in any kitchen facilities with spare capacity. Coupled with partnerships with regional employers in restaurants and hotels, ‘Like a Chef’ has true potential to make an impact in people’s lives.



ACTIVITY REPORT SUSTAINABILITY EDUCATION FOR CULINARY PROFESSIONALS Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals is a free curriculum available to Worldchefs members and Education Partners, designed to teach chefs how to act sustainably for both the planet and improved profitably. 30 approved culinary schools around the world are already using the curriculum. Offered in English and Spanish, it will soon be available in Russian and Arabic as well. The curriculum can be used as a whole, in part, or adapted to meet specific needs or local concerns. Our experts connect with and train the school staff to be sure that the curriculum is set up to best serve their students.

WORLDCHEFS WITHOUT BORDERS With strong leadership and a dedicated team, the Worldchefs Without Borders has been organising events and raising funds for various charities on a continuous basis. Much of the work is done on local level though our members and task groups around the world. Donations can be made online to Worldchefs Without Borders to support their important projects.

In view of the Covid-19 pandemic the Sustainability Education seminar has been offered in form of a webinar with a certification in the form of a digital badge at the end for those who pass the exam. Approximately 1.000 people signed up and 600 persons completed the full 7-day seminar that was held in spring 2020.

FOOD HEROES The Food Heroes Challenge is a chef-driven education project for kids. Using a toolkit developed through the UNICEF sustainability initiative World’s Largest Lesson and our friends at Electrolux Food Foundation and AIESEC, chefs teach a classroom in their local community sustainable eating habits and help inspire the next generation to eat sustainably. The ready-to-use lesson plan for a 70-minute workshop is designed to captivate children age 8-12 using activities, videos, workbook materials and a Food Hero award. In 2019 over 30.249 children were included in the lesson and are now aware of the Sustainable Development Goals so that they can ignite changes in their own families.



ACTIVITY REPORT INTERNATIONAL CHEFS DAY – WITH NESTLÉ FOR HEALTHY KIDS Each year on October 20th we celebrate International Chefs Day. Since its creation by esteemed chef Dr. Bill Gallagher in 2004, Worldchefs has committed to using International Chefs Day to celebrate our noble profession, always remembering that it is our duty to pass on our knowledge and culinary skills to the next generation of chefs with a sense of pride and commitment to the future. Over the past 5 years, Worldchefs has partnered with Nestlé Professional to teach kids around the globe about the importance of healthy eating by hosting fun-filled workshops worldwide. In 2019, a record number of near 73.000 kids where reached in 52 countries through 291 separate events. We aim even higher in 2020 with the “Healthy food for the Future” campaign focusing on plant based and vegan recipes for our young audience.




Ragnar Fridriksson

Connie Lau

Nationality: Icelandic Languages: Icelandic, English ,French, Spanish, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish

Nationality: Hong Kong Languages: English, Cantonese, Mandarin Chinese, French

Managing Director of Worldchefs since 2009, Ragnar has acquired almost 30 years of hospitality industry experience in restaurant operations, communication and consulting.

Joined Worldchefs in 2016. Connie graduated from prestigious culinary school Ferrandi Paris, following her career change from the engineering industry where she has worked for 10 years.

Founder of Passionfood, he is a published author of “Chefs & Champagne- à la carte” and “Champagne Tasting Notes”. Also a food photographer, a sommelier and previously a restaurant manager at one of Norways top Restaurants Jans mat og Vinhus.

She worked in the nuclear industry for 5 years in Switzerland and she has experience to manage huge projects and diverse teams. From 2010, she organised catering services and events in Switzerland for few hundreds people and in 2014 she founded a charity,, where she also taught cooking classes with the goal to collect donations for the orphans around the world.

Managing Director, Worldchefs Paris Office

Director of Operations and Projects, Worldchefs Paris Office

Ragnar holds an MBA degree from Bradford University, UK and a second Masters degree in Gastronomy Science Studies from “Les Hautes Etudes de Goût- HEG” in Champagne, France. He is previously a Bachelor graduate from Norwegian School of Hotel & Tourism Management in Stavanger and has diploma for Iceland School of Hospitality.


In 2015, following her passion for cooking, she moved from Switzerland to Paris, to study culinary art at Ferrandi Paris school. Following her studies at Ferrandi she gained important work experience at renowned restaurants such as Saline Ceviche Bar in Biarritz and l’Atelier de Joel Robuchon in Paris. She joined Worldchefs as a senior project manager at September 2016 and was promoted to Directors of Operations and Project Directors in 2018. Beside the culinary art diploma, Connie gained a master degree in Physics, certificated Chartered Engineer and Project Manager.



John Clancy

Jenny Tan

Nationality: Irish Languages: English

Nationality: Singaporean Languages: English, Mandarin

Education Director for Worldchefs since 2015, John has been instrumental in overseeing the development of many educational initiatives including the Worldchefs Recognised Schools and the Global Culinary Certification programmes. John has over 50 years of experience in both hospitality Industry and Education, he is a Senior Professor of Culinary Arts and Gastronomy at the School of Culinary Arts and Food Technology, in Dublin Ireland.

Trained as a F&B journalist, Tan has deep roots in the F&B industry for more than a decade. Based in Singapore, she was formerly the wine columnist for the national paper, The Straits Times and contributing editor of regional gourmet publication Epicure. She has also produced “To Be a Chef”, a cookbook that came in first runner up at the World Gourmand Cookbook Awards in Paris. Today, she runs FoodCult Pte Ltd, a F&B focused marketing, communications and concepts agency.

He works as a professional educational and culinary consultant developing and delivering a wide range of very successful training Programmes, He has a Master of Science Degree and a Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Education and Technology.

She is also on the committee of the Singapore Chefs’ Association and Bocuse d’Or Singapore Academy. She has been working with the Worldchefs team for 8 years, working on various projects including the Worldchefs magazine.

Education Director

PR and Editor, Worldchefs Asia Office

He is Past National President of the Panel of Chefs of Ireland and was Congress Director for the Worldchefs World Congress which took place in Dublin in 2004. He has been recognised with numerous honorary membership awards and titles Including Worldchefs Honorary membership and other International Chef Associations which include India, South Africa, Turkey, Luxembourg, and Canada. He loves to sing and entertain when he gets the chance!




Andreea Mocanu

Clare Pettersson

Nationality: Romanian Languages: Romanian, English, French, Spanish

Nationality: USA Languages: English, French,

Born in Romania but adopted by Paris in 2010. She has decided to study abroad and chose the beautiful city of Paris where she has moved after her studies. In 2014 she has joined the Worldchefs family as an Admin Assistant.

After deviating from a PhD path in food anthropology to join a chef-focused hospitality startup, Clare found herself years later with a career immersed in a passion for gastronomy and empowering chefs’ stories. A creative communications and marketing specialist, she has ideated and driven creative marketing programs with international brands including Brooklyn Brewery, KraftHeinz, Timberland, and Cholula, and with media players like First We Feast, Paste Magazine, and Phaidon. With extensive hands-on experience in partnerships, project management, large scale international event production and experiential marketing, she has an appetite for building a community of support for big ideas.

Office Administrator, Worldchefs Paris Office

Communications Manager, Worldchefs Paris Office

Clare is elated to contribute to the many meaningful efforts of Worldchefs, and sincerely looks forward to making an ethical difference alongside the members of our inspiring Worldchefs global community. Outside the office, Clare can be found strolling antique markets with her Swedish South African husband, visiting one of Paris’ many art museums, carving linoleum blocks, or planning her next meal.




Linh To

Anand Kumar Shukla

Nationality: Vietnamese Languages: English, French, Vietnamese

Nationality: India Language: Hindi, English, French

After her Bachelor in Business Administration & Financial Management at Hanoi University, Vietnam, Linh continued her studied at IAE-IGR Rennes, University Rennes 1, France and earned a Master Degree in Marketing. Joined Worldchefs since 2018, she has proven her capabilities as a junior project manager through her contribution to the success of Worldchefs events, Worldchefs Village and Feed The Planet operations around the world.

Hailing from Rajasthan, India, Anand moved to Paris this year and started his Masters Studies in Entrepreneurship. Anand comes with an extensive experience in Website Development, Business Development, Inside Sales and Key Account Management, He is keen about building great product which are user friendly and intuitive.

Event & Project Coordinator, Worldchefs Paris Office

Web and Digital Product Manager, Worldchefs Paris Office

His biggest passion is to solve problems and add value to organizations by taking on multiple responsibilities while working with multicultural teams. Outside the office, Anand can be found in the streets of Paris taking pictures of the monuments and historical places or having a traditional meal at a traditional restaurant. He is happy to have recently started his adventure with Worldchefs as an intern!




Olivia Ruszczyk

Tomas Bolli Hafthorsson

Nationality: USA Languages: English, French,

Nationality: Icelandic Languages: Icelandic, English, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish

After pursuing her Bachelor’s degree in U.S, Olivia took the leap and moved to the city of her dreams, Paris, to pursue a Master in Communication, Media, and Creative Industries. With her combined experiences working in marketing, public relations, and communications, Olivia has become an enthusiastic and creative professional. She is passionate for coming up with creative strategies and solutions with her fellow team members.

Tomas has over 20 years experience in the creative industry. He is founder and owner of G2Media and has published his own shopinng guides for Reykjavik – Guide2Reykjavik along with his own commercial magazine for the City Centre of Reykjavik – Hundred+1.

Communications Coordinator, Worldchefs Paris Office

Graphic Design - Branding

Tomas has Postgraduate Diploma in Digital Marketing from the Institute of Direct and Digital Marketing in London, Postgraduate Diploma in Photography from British Academy of Photograpy and Bachelor´s Degree in Hotel Management from University of Stavanger.

Outside the office, Olivia can be found planning her next trip, taking pictures of people and landscapes, or picnicking in one of the many beautiful parks in Paris. She is eager to start this new chapter and to help learn and grow alongside the talented Worldchefs team.


Today, he lives in Windsor - UK and runs his company specializing in design, branding and production management for print and digital media. Tomas also has years´ experience in still life and commercial photography. He has been working with the Worldchefs team for 10 years, working on various projects from rebranding to creating the Worldchefs magazine.




Global Partners

Corporate Partners



WORLDCHEFS PARTNERS Electrolux Professional

Nestlé Professional

At Electrolux Professional, we understand the positive difference the right tools and instruments can make to your life. We pride ourselves on being one of the main global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional, leading in innovation and design. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries It is our mission to make work-life easier, more profitable and truly sustainable for you every day. Electrolux Professional’s A- and B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit

We are as passionate about food and beverages as you are! Sharing trends, insights, tips and news about the F&B industry, striving to make more possible for you.

“ Worldchefs and Nestlé Professional have been partnered for over a decade, part of that is through International Chefs Day, Worldchefs Academy, Young Chefs Initiative, and many other projects that bring us credibility and trust within the chef community around the world. That is why Nestlé Professional is proud and honored to be one of Worldchefs’ main partners, and also to be able to help and bring our knowledge to this valuable chefs community and association. So see you soon for a great International Chefs Day campaign and on the new launched podcast by Worldchefs, sponsored by Nestlé Professional! - Emmanuel Lorieux

“ We have been partnering with Worldchefs since 2014 and are proud to have together lead the education of thousands of chefs around the globe on sustainable cooking processes through our Art&Science Partnership, where the beauty of the culinary arts meets the breakthrough in technology, innovation and design. Thanks to Worldchefs for this incredible path together and for the future ones! - Nicoletta Drigo

Sterling White Halibut


Sterling White Halibut AS is a fully integrated aquaculture company farming Atlantic Halibut (Hippoglossus Hippoglossus). Sterling White Halibut AS offers premium halibut products under its brand SterlingTM and with the following message:. “SterlingTM White Halibut is bred and raised in cold, clear water in the deep fjords in Ryfylke on the Western part of Norway. The fish need tending for four to five years before it is ready for eating. The SterlingTM brand is your guarantee of premium quality fish. It means you can rest assured that the fish you eat has been raised and handled with the utmost care. SterlingTM White Halibut – “It’s a Gourmet fish for Special Occasions”

HUG is a Swiss bakery with more than 140 years of history, and today the world’s leading brand for sweet and savoury tartelettes. HUG Swiss premium tartelettes are the first choice for the most creative and delicious snack or dessert creations. Chefs and patissiers around the world appreciate the modern and elegant design for cold and warm applications. The company is a leader in sustainable and responsible use of resources. The family promise of “natural and honest” signed by Andreas and Anna Hug, the fifth generation of the Hug family, stands as a guarantee to this commitment. To learn more about HUG, please visit

Our relationship between Sterling and Worldchefs is very strong,and we have had a very good cooperation for many years, Worldchefs has open many new possibilities for us all over the world and they are a very professional organization that always support us as a sponsor. We are proud to be a part of Worldchefs org and we look forward to support eachother for many years to come. - Thomas Torstensen

A cosmopolitan attitude and the promotion of international networks is virtually in the DNA of a traditional Swiss company like HUG. This is why we support the WORLDCHEFS organization as a partner. We appreciate the diverse commitment with which WORLDCHEFS supports, promotes and brings together chefs in all parts of the world. - Pascal Steiner


” 48



Sri Lankan family tea company Dilmah, was established by Merrill J. Fernando to bring quality, Single Origin Ceylon Tea, garden fresh and unblended, to tea drinkers around the world. His Dilmah Tea brand was the first genuinely ethical tea brand, bringing a smile to the faces of the underprivileged in Sri Lanka, whilst giving consumers quality, authenticity and natural goodness in their cup of tea.

“THE WORLD’S BEST PAN” according to VKD - Developed in close cooperation with the German National Culinary Team Cook like the professionals!

Custom Culinary® From our humble beginnings almost 70 years ago, Custom Culinary® has focused on a singular mission: to provide foodservice and food processing professionals with true, real and authentic flavor solutions. And today, this passion could not be more relevant, as culinary expectations have shifted dramatically. People’s fascination for how food is experienced, how it is celebrated, and most importantly, how it is created has fundamentally changed forever. Virtually everyone has become a foodie and we couldn’t be happier about it. Because at Custom Culinary®, we understand this new reality while recognizing that staying true to the authenticity of flavor and the integrity of ingredients is in our DNA. We are a culinarycentric organization with a mission to help you create offerings that stand out and stand up to the exacting standards of today’s guests. And we enthusiastically embrace the importance of global and regional influences, local sourcing, and cleaner ingredient statements. We believe that true, real and authentic is the only option for delivering unsurpassed flavor. And we are unwavering in our commitment to deliver incredible taste, texture and other sensory qualities in our bases, sauces, gravies, soups and flavoring systems. While our roots remain true to the culinary ideals and expectations of our founders, we aspire to helping you take your offerings to remarkable new heights. And, above all, we believe in being true to the food.

VanDrie Group The Dutch family owned VanDrie Group world market leader in veal. With more than 25 companies, the group is the largest integrated veal producer. Monitored by Safety Guard, a unique integral chain management system, approximately 1.5 million calves are processed each year, more than 95% of which are exported all around the world.

“ Our collaboration VanDrie Group – World Chefs goes back to the year 2000, the first time we saw the chefs from all over the world together in the Netherlands and were allowed to present ourselves. Since then, we have followed the developments of the World Chefs and have been a Premium Partner for a number of years. It’s great to be able to experience how the organisation is committed worldwide. It is rightly an organisation for chefs without borders. Who you are, what you do, how you do it, what vision you have, the World Chefs embrace you and take you along in their mission to improve the culinary standards in world cuisine.They build a global network every day, providing a platform for chefs to challenge each other during competitions and lift each other to a higher platform. Highly appreciative of their pioneering work to develop culinary education programs with global culinary certification. As a Premium Partner we feel highly valued and the organization is constantly looking for connections, opportunities and exposure for the company and the product. - Patricia van Krieken

“ Partnering with Worldchefs on Feed the Planet™ enables us to equip more chefs around the world with the knowledge and tools to take better care of the worlds food supply. As chefs we not only have the responsibility to be respectful towards the ingredients we work with, but also the credibility and reach to influence our communities to be more sustainable. It is the “Power of the white jacket”. Custom Culinary™, part of the Griffith foods family is collaborating with Worldchefs to educate and empower chefs in the industry to think and act more sustainable every day. - Rochelle Schaetzl




Q Industries

Friedr. Dick is the only manufacturer worldwide who offers a complete range of knives, sharpening steels, ancillary items for chefs and butchers as well as grinding machines. The longstanding tradition and experience of manufacturing products for chefs and butchers allow a continuous development of innovative products. Input from customers, especially end-users and our own ideas are converted into high-quality products.

Q Industries is your one-stop destination for integrated hospitality solutions. We take care of all your procurement needs, collaborating with you to devise the most innovative and costeffective solution that works best for your business. Our extensive range of products can be found in some of the most reputable hospitality establishments all over the world. Our products come in a multitude of styles, designs and price points that cater to the unique requirements of our clients in different sectors of the hospitality and food service industries. Our integrated services are designed to simplify your procurement decisions, starting from your first enquiry with us, to the time the complete solution arrives at your doorstep.

“ Since many years Friedr. Dick supports Worldchefs and is happy to pursue a common goal of connecting the world of chefs regardless of their level of expertise. With our sponsoring and partnership we support Worldchefs in their aim to establish qualified and certified culinary skills, worldwide. Knowing about the importance of young chefs we appreciate Worldchefs organisation as an exchange and a relationship platform, bringing chefs and the industry together. - Steffen Uebele

Quantum Pro The Quantum Pro range is Developed by Chefs for Chefs. All Quantum Pro products have been subjected to real heavy duty use and abuse by our Chef brand ambassadors in their own professional kitchens before being made available to you. A fully comprehensive range of kitchen OS&E to outfit any professional kitchens from A to Z. Quantum Pro will be your one stop shop for all your kitchen utensils needs.

Les vergers Boiron For over 75 years, Les vergers Boiron concentrated all its energy and experience into developing fruit solutions that unleash the creative talent of chefs and mixologists around the world. In 1976, Les vergers Boiron launched the first frozen fruit puree with a unique know how: strict selection of the best varieties in the best terroirs, mastery of the art of blending guaranteeing a consistency season after season, preservation of organoleptic qualities with a specific process to each fruit. The company´s founding values and expertise continue to guide its independently owned and operated family business, currently managed by the 3rd generation under Alain Boiron. With its network of distributors and importers operating in 80 countries, Les vergers Boiron has a turnover of 80 million Euros and over 130 employees.

It is an honour and privilege to be part of the Worldchefs organisation as a global sponsor. I believe that the synergies between my company and the Chefs worldwide can be limitless. The organisation brings about valuable relationships internationally to us. - Huilin Quek

” Upfield We are the largest plant-based consumer product company in the world. Since 1871, we have been the authority in the spreads category, which gives us unmatched experience, know-how and inspiration to deliver on our mission to create “a Better Plant-Based Future.” We are the #1 producer of plant-based spreads globally, with iconic brands Flora, Rama, Blue Band, Proactiv, Becel and Country Crock. Upfield believes in the power of plant-based diets because they tend to be rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals that help lower blood pressure and LDL (bad) cholesterol. With our extensive knowledge, we are leading in this new era focused on more natural ingredients and processes that deliver healthier products that are great tasting and have superior quality.

“ Worldchefs is a great network of enthusiasts. Together, we share the same passion for gastronomy and fruit. It is a real pleasure to see the creations that chefs can make from our fruit purées during competitions and we are happy to help them during their training. It is also a source of exchange around our jobs and the passion that drives us.




Bon Vivant

VITO AG is a multiple awarded company and the world’s leading brand for in-tank frying oil filtration - the VITO oil filter system. VITO AG is based in southwest Germany, and specialized in cleaning oil to prolong its lifetime! The mission of VITO oil filter systems is to save time and cost for the HoReCa sector. VITO protects the environment by avoidance of oil waste while keeping a high-quality standard of the fried food. Used daily, the oil filters remove food particles and carbon from the frying oil. The oil is cleaned in less than 5 minutes without any supervision! The filtered oil will result in a better looking and optimal tasting fried product. The oil costs will be cut by up to 50% and there will be less workload due to less changes of oil and less cleaning efforts. VITO AG exports its products to over 150 countries. They have been awarded by the German Gastro Innovation Preis, Taste 13, Sial Innovation, Smart Label and two times with the Gulfood award to mention only a few. In many countries,VITO is also able to offer a live demonstration in the kitchen of the customer.

Bon Vivant is 100% Nordic owned, founded by Norwegian masterchef and product inventor, Miss Silje Merethe Fossnes. Located in the southern part of Norway, Kristiansand, our quality products are proudly Norwegian, with “Culinary Craft of Norway” in our name and identity. We believe that artistic professions must promote the individual, nourish creativity, cultivate a chef’s own identity and style, and provide opportunities for both personal and professional growth. High quality and good design play a key role in everything we do. We value the classic and traditional, but at the same time step out of the box to create unique products. The first of its kind, Bon Vivant`s antibacterial knife sheath is manufactured and designed to ensure HSEQ and production hygiene. It was created to give chefs complete control over sharp knives in a hectic and potentially dangerous environment.

“ Bon Vivant AS is a Norwegian SMB-company, and we are proud to be a part of the Worldchefs business team. Our CEO, Silje Merethe Fossnes (master chef) is a member as an individual chef via the Norwegian Association of Chefs Societies. The strength that Worldchefs organization is providing for both for businesses and individual chefs is unique. As far as I can see, there are no other organizations and/ or groups that have managed to collect such value of knowledge and experience gathered in one group. It is an excellent arena to grow your network and nourish your knowledge and passion for food!

Koppert Cress Koppert Cress is on a never-ending quest to find natural, innovative ingredients that chefs can use to intensify the taste, scent or presentation of their dishes. A huge international network of biologists, plant experts and gastronomists support a steady stream of products, that meet the ever-higher culinary demands of restaurants around the world.

The relationship with the Worldchefs Association means to me to be part of a family and having friends around the world. Sharing knowledge and experience all over the world is the most outstanding option you can get. - Marc Bonsmann

Alshaya Group Alshaya Group is a dynamic multinational business and familyowned enterprise with a consistent record of growth and innovation. For 35 years, Alshaya has been a pioneering force in brand franchising. As a leading international franchise operator, with 90 of the world’s most recognized brands in its portfolio, Alshaya Group brings great shopping, dining, leisure, and hospitality experiences to millions of customers across the Middle East & North Africa, Russia, Turkey, Europe and beyond. Our portfolio of well-loved international brands H&M, includes Starbucks, Mothercare, Debenhams, American Eagle Outfitters, P.F. Chang’s, The Cheesecake Factory, The Body Shop, M.A.C, Victoria’s Secret, Boots, Pottery Barn, KidZania and, coming soon, Hampton by Hilton. A diverse, skilled team of 60,000 people from over 120 nationalities support more than 4,300 stores, cafes, restaurants, leisure destinations and a commitment to delivering great customer experiences.

” Credly Credly empowers organizations to officially recognize individuals for demonstrated competencies and skills. Our mission is to connect people to opportunity based on their talent and capabilities. We believe in making meaningful achievements visible and unlocking access to a more diverse and qualified population. Credly and its partners are building the currency for the global marketplace of knowledge and skills.





Informa Markets produces more than 550 international B2B events and brands each year. Our food & hospitality portfolio offers platforms for customers, partners and communities to engage, trade and grow through b2b events, online marketplace, world-class competitions and educational seminars.

A chaque étape de la chaîne de valeur, nous cherchons le meilleur aux côtés de nos fournisseurs, collaborateurs et clients. En tant que partenaire expert, nous avons l’ambition de faire progresser le monde du chocolat avec tous ses acteurs. Ensemble, imaginons le meilleur du chocolat.

City & Guilds Our purpose is to enable people and organisations to develop their skills for personal and economic growth. It’s about tapping individual potential to help people develop the skills they need to succeed – the skills that help them progress into a job, on the job, and onto the next job.

On a personal level I have had the pleasure of working with Worldchefs for the last 20 years, through the many trade shows and Salon Culinaire’s that we organise across Asia. The commitment and dedication of the judges to their profession is beyond equal, as they constantly strive to improve the culinary skills of all participants. I am hugely grateful to the many friends from Worldchefs who have supported our events in one way or another for the last 40 years. At Informa Markets we look forward to working with Worldchefs to continue to strengthen and support the entire food and hospitality community through the trade shows that we organise. - Ian Roberts

Birra Morena Birra Morena is an Italian brewery belonging to Tarricone family. It is the winning combination of a love history with raw materials and an uncontaminated territory. It is Lucania a region of southern Italy that is capable of producing high quality beers, internationally awarded. Birra Morena has received over 50 awards in numerous competitions around the world that have rewarded the characteristics of his own beers, so much so that twice the “Celtica Sweet Stout” beer was the world winner in the “Sweet Stout” category at the World Beer Awards in London. The Brewery has a production capacity of around 200,000 hectoliters, producing both low and high fermentation beers. The production process is constantly controlled by highly specialized workers who respect scrupulous operational rules to guarantee their consumers various types of natural, authentic and high quality beers made in Italy. Birra Morena produces Lager, Double Malt, Craft Beer, Organic and Vegan beers. Its aims is to amalgamate the correct combination of beer with food even on bottle labels, sponsoring meetings and seminars. It is also the official exclusive Partner of the Italian National Chefs.

” Andy Mannhart Head-quartered in Switzerland, but spread across the globe through direct and indirect distribution channels, Andy Mannhart AG has is a leading international “one-stop-centre” for the sourcing and supply of kitchen equipment and utensils as well as table top ranges to the professional trade.

“ Andy Mannhart is very proud to be a Corporate Partner with Worldchefs since 2016. We have proudly sponsored the Worldchefs Congress in Thessaloniki in 2016 and Kuala Lumpur in 2018 with our kitchen utensils for the different country teams. Furthermore we enjoy the fantastic network through Worldchefs and the closeness to the Chefs globally - a great win-win experience, which we highly appreciate. - Daniel Sutter

“ Birra Morena in partnership with Worldchefs, leading the culture of Italian beer to the most prestigious restaurants in over 110 different countries. Millions of chefs combine the beer with cuisines of different styles and traditions. Thank you so very much Worldchefs, you’re in our hearts. - Signor Fabrizio






World Association of Chef Societies total consolidated turnover in year 2018 reached a historical amount of € 1.182.307. Year 2019 saw a 7% decrease in turnover of €1.102.038.

€1.092.465 TOTAL ASSETS IN 2019


In the same period total expenses were reduced by 21% from €1.179.350 in year 2018 to €961.498 in year 2019. Net Results brought forward where respectively €2.957 in year 2018 at near break-even and €140.580 in year 2019 with a net profit margin of 13%


It is to be noted that year 2018 net profit margins were amputated with a €21.000 correction related to year 2017 financial performance due to a purchase order cancellation. For reference year 2017 generated €92.918 in net profits.






Diff. %

Account receivables

€ 188.806

€ 173.006


Cash and cash equivalents

€ 808.102

€ 575.246


Total Equity

€ 1.092.465

€ 898.795


Diff. %

€ 1.102.038

€ 1.182.307



€ 961.457

€ 1.179.350


Net profit or loss

€ 140.580

€ 2 .957



Prof Margin






Profit or loss

Thousands 1.200




€140. 580




€1.102. 038




€1.179 .350


€1.182. 308




PERFORMANCE OVER 10 YEARS FROM 2010-2019 BALANCE SHEET Total Assets increased another 18% between years reaching €1092.465 in year 2019 from €989.79 in the previous year.

Worldchefs has grown steadily over the last 10 years, tripling its turnover in the period between years 2010 and 2019 from €378.00 to €1.102.000.

Notably the cash and cash equivalents soured 40% in the period resulting with a total cash in bank of €808.102 by year end 2019.

This growth has been achieved while keeping expenses under control and ensuring a healthy balance sheet with a constant growth in liquid assets to ensure stability and continuity.

Received donations that have not been redistributed amount to €117.671. Thereof €27.977 have been allocated to Worldchefs Academy and €89.694 to World Chefs Without Borders donations.

Sponsorship has been a determining factor for growth, tripling over the same period. A key success has been our capacity to maintain loyalty and strong relationships with key sponsors as well as developing new partner programs.






Profit or loss

Sponsorship funds


Cash in bank




25 %

1.000 800 600


400 200 0 -200










congress years in 2017 and 2019. Sponsorship represented 43% of revenues in 2019 compared to 65% in 2018.


Memberships represents the second largest revenue source, generating €92.850 from National Society Membership and €29.000 from Associate and Corporate Membership. Combined those add up to total membership revenues of €121.850 in year 2019.

Another key element for success is our dedicated and motivated office team and numerous volunteers who give their time freely to support our activities. Since the first employee was recruited in 2009, the organisation has now grown to employing 6 full time employees and 1 internee in 2020.


The additional professional resources have allowed us to increase our activities and improve service levels over the years.

The tables show the profit contribution of key activities (profit centres) that contribute to Worldchefs internal growth i.e. non sponsored activities. Together, those activities that are comprised of Education Partners, Global Hospitality Certification, Endorsements and Competition Seminars, generated total revenue worth €218.029 representing with an operation profit margin of 75%. This amount represents 20% of total revenues and contributing the sum of €164.412 to operation profits.

REVENUES Total consolidated revenues in year 2018 reached € 1.182.307. Year 2019 saw a 7% decrease in turnover of €1.102.038. The main explanation of this fluctuation between years 2018 and 2019 is due to reduced income and activities typically during a non-congress year. Worldchefs Congress in Kuala Lumpur generated a record sponsor income of €767 856. A figure that represents an increase of 60% compared to non-

Out of Worldchefs programs that do not rely on sponsorships, Education Partnerships represent the largest contribution to both turnover as well as net profits. Education Partners include the RQCE that is celebrating its 10th year of existence and now counts over 100 schools, generating revenues of €104.121 in year 2019, up 25% from previous year 2018 revenues of €74.000. It returned net profits of €77.825 in year 2019 with a profit margin of 75%.


€ 36.766

Global Certification generated revenues of €49.955 in year 2019. With net operation profits of €39.118 and a net profit margin of 78%.


72 %

Worldchefs endorsed 37 events around the globe in year 2019 generating endorsement revenues of €36.766, up 72% from year 2018. Endorsements saw a strong growth in 2019 and returned net profits of €33.123 and a profit margin of 89%.




NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS 22 Competition seminars for judges and competitors generated a total income of €27.036 in year 2019 down 55% from €60.343 in year 2018.While similar number of seminars where organised in both years, Worldchefs office directly organised more seminars in 2018 as opposed to selling out licencing to host countries. Competition seminars returned a net profit of €14.347 with a profit margins of 53% in year 2019.


DONATIONS RECEIVED Donations for World Chefs Without Borders amounted to €63.077 in year 2018 and €100.697 in year 2019. At year end 2019 a remaining balance after redistribution of €89.694 has been put into provisions for redistribution in its totality as per World Chefs Without Borders SOP’s. Worldchefs retains neither commission nor fees of donations received. Worldchefs received the remaining donation of €98.320 towards Worldchefs Academy in order to develop and maintain the platform. By year end 2019 the fund had remaining €27.892 that will be allocated to maintenance and translations into other languages in the course of year 2020.



Diff. %

Worldchefs Academy

€ 98.320


Global Chefs Challenge

€ 10.000



€ 477.988

€ 767.856


Promotion /advertising

€ 52.710

€ 42.371


Competition seminars

€ 27.036

€ 60.343



€ 36.767

€ 21.377


Global Certification Programm

€ 49.955

€ 38.436


Education Network

€ 104.121

€ 74.540


Membership Fee

€ 92.850

€ 74.020


Corporate /Associate Members

€ 29.000

€ 37.200


Humanitarian donations

€ 100.697

€ 63.077


Other income

€ 22.610

€ 2.187


€ 1.102.053

€ 1.182.308


Total operation income






3% 8% 43%


9% 5% 3% 2%

Worldchefs Academy Global Chefs Challenge Sponsoring Promotion/Advertising Competition Seminars Endorsement Global Certification Program Education Membership Fee Corporate/Associate Memb. Humanitarian Donations Other Income




120 100 80 60 40 20


Education Partners

Global Hospitality Certification


Competition Seminars




Education Network Global Hospitality Certification Endorsement Competition Seminars 48%




Profit or loss

120 100 80 60 40



Education Partners



Global Hospitality Certification


Competition Seminars

NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS EXPENSES Total expenses were reduced by 21% between the years 2018 and 2019 from €1.208.147 to €961458. The biggest factor being the additional cost and activities related to organising the Worldchefs bi-annual congress in Kuala Lumpur 2018.



1% 1% 2%

4% 5% 42%

Salary cost is the largest expense post. Total salary cost was reduced by 10% between the two years to €411.184, representing 42% of total expenses. Worldchefs employs 6 full time employees and 1 internee. Worldchefs also engages freelancers on a fix retainer for graphic design, education consulting and editorial services that represent €42.000 euros annually and are included in the total sum.




Total salary cost Admin/Diverse Travel cost Rent Accounting Legal Finance IT development Promotion /Marketing Subcontracting Services Equipment & stationaries Donations Depreciation and write off


Travel related expenses were reduced by 39% between 2018 and 2019 to the sum of €107.618 representing 10% of turnover. Principal factor being increased travel cost due to congress organisation in 2018.


For the same reason, promotion and marketing expenditure dropped 65% from €100.157 in year 2018 to €34.813 in year 2019 due to less exhibition participation and other expenses related to promoting and organising Worldchefs congress in 2018.

39% BETWEEN 2018 AND 2019

Worldchefs allocated €40.137 to IT development and maintenance of different websites and platforms operated by the organisation. Accounting, audit, legal, insurances, diverse financial services and local taxes represent 6% of turnover with a total of €49.677 in year 2019, down 23% from year 2018.




Diff. %

€ 1.102.053

€ 1.182.308


Total salary cost

€ 411.184

€ 459.354


Travel cost

€ 107.618

€ 176.422


IT development

€ 40.139

€ 48.396


Subcontracting Services

€ 33.025

€ 25.784


Accounting Legal Finance

€ 49.677

€ 64.820


Promotion /Marketing

€ 34.813

€ 100.157



€ 61.121

€ 27.654


Equipment & stationaries

€ 15.196

€ 32.285



€ 6.665

€ 74.966


Depreciation and write off

€ 6.516

€ 7.313


€ 179.549

€ 273.276




€ 96.1458 EXPENSES IN 2019




Admin / diverse


PROFIT & LOSS ACCOUNT – CONSOLIDATED 2019 SERVICES AND PRODUCTS SALES Worldchefs Academy Worldchefs plaque Global Chefs Challenge Website Sponsoring Promotion/advertisement Competition Seminars Endorsement Congress Global Hospitality Certification Education Patners Membership fee Corporate / Associate Members Humanitarian donations

TOTAL OPERATING INCOME Small equipments Studies and services Administrative fournitures Subcontracting services Electicity Website maintenance Other maintenance Rent Insurance premiums Consulting fees Accounting and audit fees Sponsorship fees Congress Services fees Legal fees Advertisment and insertions Fairs and exhibitions Printing and stationnery Gifts and medals Charitable contributions donated Travelling expenses Accomodation Expenses Reception Post costs Phone expenses Bank services Bank services HKD Other bank services Paypal bank services Taxes Wages and salaries Social security charges Depreciation




Other income Expense reimbursement



10.000,00 477.988,10 52.709,60 27.036,00 36.766,64 49.955,05 104.120,89 92.850,00 29.000,00 100.697,00 22.610,16

1.102.053,44 7.733,40 2.078,53 33.025,45 1.065,05 40.139,39 5.384,08 61.120,58 2.959,35 154.606,85 28.434,00 13.710,00 68.217,42 180,43 207,37 10.550,40 17.085,16 6.664,80 71.509,29 33.081,29 3.027,30 6.970,49 3.167,80 3.846,78 5.435,46 4.314,00 3.514,60 192.127,20 64.450,16 4.890,75


767.856,36 42.370,64 60.343,42 21.376,90 38.436,33 74.540,00 74.020,00 37.200,00 63.077,00 2.187,10 1.182.307,75 17.727,58

Diff N/N-1

Diff N/N-1 %

98.320,00 -900,00 10.000,00

100% -100% 0%

-289.868,26 10.338,96 -33.307,42 15.389,74 11.518,72 29.580,89 18.830,00 -8.200,00 37.620,00

-38% 24% -55% 72%







-2.268,39 7.241,30 -256,92 -8.256,12 -4.826,15 33.466,82 1.259,07 -51.958,32 -12.805,57

28% 0% -17% -47% 121% 74% -25% -31%

-172.497,71 68.217,42

-93% 0%

-15.136,36 -24.918,02 -15.349,30


-68.300,99 -52.547,27 1.065,56 -17.322,50 -9.940,10 20,71 -6.887,43 3.120,38

-91% -42% 3% -85% -59% 1% -64%

40% 25% -22% 60%

4.346,92 25.784,15 1.321,97 48.395,51 10.210,23 27.653,76 1.700,28 206.565,17 41.239,57 186.207,71 15.343,73 35.468,42 32.434,46


74.965,79 124.056,56 32.015,73 20.349,80 16.910,59 3.147,09 10.734,21 2.315,08 3.634,68 5.196,27 193.117,74 59.670,96 6.617,69

679,32 -1.681,67 -990,54 4.779,20 -1.726,94

-32% -1% 8% -26%


EUR 2018

Diff N/N-1

Diff N/N-1 %

695,12 320,61 1.208.147,38

66.799,96 930,02 14.080,45










-810,55 29.159,72 -29.159,72 29.159,72 -29.159,72


2019 Dedicated fund (donations) Bad debts written off Other expenses TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING RESULT

Foreign exchange earnings Other financial expenses Loss on exchange FINANCIAL RESULT Other extr income Other extr expenses

94.776,97 1.625,14 14.385,55 960.285,04 141.753,32 -1.172,95 -1.172,95






-25.839,63 557,06 -919,46 -362,40








2019 ASSETS Concessions, Patents, Licences, Trade mark Other tangible fixed assets Other investements Other Financial assets

29.338,00 12.608,00 1,00 28.604,00

29.338,00 15.709,00 1,00 28.604,00

188.806,00 19.437,00 9.341,00 804.330,00

173.006,00 69.881,00 9.341,00 572.915,00



519.851,00 242.348,00 140.580,00

519.851,00 239.391,00 2.958,00

Trade debtors and related accounts Other debtors Stocks and Shares Banks and financial accounts Prepayments

TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Share capital Profit or loss brought forward Net result of the exercise Bank borrowings Other loans and similar debts Trade creditors and related accounts Tax and social secirity creditors Donations not allocated - Other liabilities Deferred income TOTAL LIABILITIES



5.569,00 19.437,00 13.623,00 33.385,00 117.671,00 1.092.464,00


Diff N/N-1


15.800,00 -50.444,00

% 0% -20% 0% 0%


9% -72% 0% 40%



2.957,00 165.599,00

0% 1% 5598%

7.010,00 56.880,00 20.954,00 28.857,00 22.894,00

-1.441,00 -37.443,00 -7.331,00 4.528,00 66.800,00

-66% -35% 16% 292%





Diff N/N-1 %

98.320,00 -900,00

0% -100%

145.000,00 380,00 -1.020,00

116% 0% 0%

18.830,00 -8.200,00 37.620,00

25% -22% 60%



304.168,00 302.258,00 4.155,19 -4.107,40 4.346,92 -2.268,39 1.321,97 -256,92 10.210,23 -4.826,15 27.653,76 33.466,82 1.700,28 1.259,07 2.540,40 -1.282,93 13.529,30 -5.795,30


2019 SERVICES AND PRODUCTS SALES Worldchefs Academy Worldchefs plaque Global Chefs Challenge Website Sponsoring Promotion/advertisement Competition Seminars Endorsement Congress Global Hospitality Certification Education Patners Membership fees Corporate / Associate Members Humanitarian donations




270.000,00 2.080,00

125.000,00 1.700,00 1.020,00

92.850,00 29.000,00 100.697,00

74.020,00 37.200,00 63.077,00



Other income Expense reimbursement



Small equipments Studies and services Administrative fournitures Subcontracting services Electicity Website maintenance Other maintenance Rent Insurance premiums Consulting fees Accounting and audit fees Sponsorship fees Congress Services fees Legal fees Advertisment and insertions Fairs and exhibitions Printing and stationnery Gifts and medals Charitable contributions donated Travelling expenses Accomodation Expenses Reception Post costs Phone expenses Bank services Bank services HKD Other bank services Paypal bank services Taxes Wages and salaries Social security charges Depreciation






5.384,08 61.120,58 2.959,35 1.257,47 7.734,00

68.217,42 180,43

-99% -52% 0% -47% 121% 74% -51% -43%

68.217,42 180,43




74.965,79 5.203,58 1.242,69 2.490,08 3.965,10 2.709,47 1.496,98


162,26 2.854,59 1.854,19

-1.129,43 -68.300,99 -5.203,58 15.718,12 -2.490,08 -3.802,84 145,12 357,21

-60% -91% -100% 1265% -100% -96% 5% 24%

98,19 -1.193,49 -990,54 4.779,20 -133,58

9% -25% -1% 8% -11%

1.233,84 3.514,60 192.127,20 64.450,16 1.075,05


1.135,65 4.708,09 193.117,74 59.670,96 1.208,63

PROFIT & LOSS ACCOUNT – WORLDCHEFS ASSOCIATION 2019 Dedicated fund (donations) Bad debts written off Other expenses







Diff N/N-1

Diff N/N-1 %













Foreign exchange earnings Other financial expenses Loss on exchange

FINANCIAL RESULT Other extr income Other extr expenses













BALANCE SHEET – WORLDCHEFS ASSOCIATION 2019 ASSETS Concessions, Patents, Licences, Trade mark Other tangible fixed assets Other investements Other Financial assets

Trade debtors and related accounts Other debtors Stocks and Shares Banks and financial accounts Prepayments

Diff N/N-1


29.338,00 4.077,00 1,00 18.604,00

29.338,00 3.362,00 1,00 18.604,00

83.317,00 19.437,00

23.448,00 69.881,00




% 0% 21% 0% 0%

59.869,00 -50.444,00

255% -72%





-86.242,00 169.778,00

0% 30% -197%

-14.873,00 4.528,00 66.800,00

0% -94% 16% 292%





519.850,00 -375.391,00 55.560,00

519.850,00 -289.149,00 -86.241,00

TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Share capital Profit or loss brought forward Net result of the exercise


Bank borrowings Other loans and similar debts Trade creditors and related accounts Tax and social secirity creditors Donations not allocated - Other liabilities Deferred income TOTAL LIABILITIES


906,00 33.385,00 117.671,00

15.779,00 28.857,00 22.894,00




PROFIT & LOSS ACCOUNT – WORLDCHEFS LTD 2019 SERVICES AND PRODUCTS SALES Worldchefs Academy Worldchefs plaque Global Chefs Challenge Website Sponsoring Promotion/advertisement Competition Seminars Endorsement Congress Global Hospitality Certification Education Patners Membership fee Corporate / Associate Members Humanitarian donations Other income Expense reimbursement

Diff N/N-1


Diff N/N-1 %


207.988,10 50.629,60 27.036,00 36.766,64

49.955,05 104.120,89


10.000,00 642.856,36 -434.868,26 40.670,64 9.958,96 59.323,42 -32.287,42 21.376,90 15.389,74 38.436,33 11.518,72 74.540,00 29.580,89


-68% 24% -54% 72% 30% 40%



878.139,75- 382.512,31 13.572,39 -5.886,78




Small equipments Studies and services Administrative fournitures Subcontracting services Electicity Website maintenance Other maintenance Rent Insurance premiums Consulting fees Accounting and audit fees Sponsorship fees Congress Services fees Legal fees Advertisment and insertions Fairs and exhibitions Printing and stationnery Gifts and medals Charitable contributions donated Travelling expenses Accomodation Expenses Reception Post costs Phone expenses Bank services Bank services HKD Other bank services Paypal bank services Taxes Wages and salaries Social security charges Depreciation











-50.675,39 -7.010,27 186.207,71 -172.497,71

-25% -25%



153.349,38 20.700,00 13.710,00

207,37 10.550,40 16.338,87

15.343,73 35.468,42 30.558,74

-15.136,36 -24.918,02 -14.219,87


-40% -48% -83%


71.509,29 16.120,48 3.027,30 6.808,23 313,21 1.992,59 5.435,46

118.852,98 30.773,04 17.859,72 12.945,49 437,62 9.237,23 2.315,08

-47.343,69 -14.652,56 -14.832,42 -6.137,26 -124,41 -7.244,64 3.120,38

2.499,03 488,18

581,13 -488,18





204.024,77 27.710,27




-28% -78% 135%

PROFIT & LOSS ACCOUNT – WORLDCHEFS LTD Dedicated fund (donations) Bad debts written off Other expenses






Diff N/N-1

Diff N/N-1 %







788.578,24 89.561,51






-100% 28%

Foreign exchange earnings Other financial expenses Loss on exchange




-253,49 - -810,55





Other extr income Other extr expenses EXTRAORDINARY RESULT Tax NET PROFIT OR LOSS







BALANCE SHEET – WORLDCHEFS LTD ASSETS Concessions, Patents, Licences, Trade mark Other tangible fixed assets Other investements Other Financial assets Trade debtors and related accounts Other debtors Stocks and Shares Banks and financial accounts Prepayments






Diff N/N-1






105.489,00 9.341,00 607.122,00


0% -44.069,00


-29% 0% 0% 20%



89.199,00 -4.179,00

0% 17% -5%

-1.441,00 -37.443,00 7.542,00




9.341,00 505.559,00


LIABILITIES Share capital Profit or loss brought forward Net result of the exercise



1,00 617.739,00 85.020,00

1,00 528.540,00 89.199,00

5.569,00 19.437,00 12.717,00

7.010,00 56.880,00 5.175,00

Bank borrowings Other loans and similar debts Trade creditors and related accounts Tax and social secirity creditors Other liabilities Deferred income TOTAL LIABILITIES



AUDITORS WORLDCHEFS LTD Lawrence Chan & Co CPA Suite 601A, Fourseas Building, 208-212 Nathan Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong. AUDITORS WORLDCHEFS ASSOCIATION Accomplys 17 Rue Galilée 75110 Paris, France ACCOUNTANTS WORLDCHEFS LTD AND WORLDCHEFS ASSOCIATION Groupe Extend 13 Rue Washington 75008 Paris, France




15 Rue Tiquetonne 75002 Paris FRANCE T: +33 (0) 1 80 06 58 30 E: SKYPE: worldchefs_skype

W W W.W O R L D C H E F S . O R G

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