1 minute read

Capacity-Building for the Next Generation

The Chefs Association of Nepal (CAN) was established in1996 as the umbrella organization for Nepalese culinary professionals across the country. It was created as a platform for sharing and building on the knowledge and skills of these professionals to foster the growth, diversification, and sustainability of the industry. As part of a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative, CAN has been conducting a capacity-building program for young chefs. In association with the Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) and Hotel Association Nepal (HAN), the Association has held trainings in seven provinces of Nepal so far this year under the leadership of CAN Chairman Mr. Shyam Bahadur Lama.

The one-week advanced course covers hygiene and sanitation, inventory management, waste management, recipe development, food preparation, and menu budgeting. It also focuses on the preparation of ethnic cuisines with modern techniques, adapted to the cultural practices of the provinces to help develop tourism. Young chefs from restaurants and hotels in Newari, Thakali,

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