Mariathon - Mission in the world - ENG

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Hope and Suffering in Central America Middle East: Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria Eastern Europe calls on Radio Maria Africa: One Mission, All Languages The Voice of Radio Maria from the Mobile Studios 50,000 Handheld Radios for the Marginalized


This publication recounts the activities and projects of Radio Maria in the world. We live by Providence and the daily sacrifice of many people: volunteers, listeners, and benefactors. Mariathon is the missionary event that unites our stations, drawing hearts near to one another and helping in the neediest situations. Take part in this event to help build Radio Maria’s world Project. Thank you. Vittorio Viccardi, WFRM President


SUMMARY Providence and Spirituality: The Motivation of the World Project 4 Past and Present of Our Mission in the World 6 T H E A MERI CA S The world of poverty in Central America 9 EU RO PE Two Projects, One Mission 12 T H E MI D D LE EA ST Means of Mercy for Persecuted Christians 15 A F RI CA Radio Maria, Instrument of Evangelization and Hope 18 Radio Maria’s Mobile Studios: Hope on Four Wheels 21 Mother of Mercy Project 23 © 2017 World Family of Radio Maria

graphic project Paolo Marchetti



THE MOTIVATION OF THE WORLD PROJECT Radio Maria was born and develops in the light of its natural charism of drawing near to those most in need, the least, and the marginalized. Trust in the Lord and a profound Marian spirituality are the pillars of our missionary spirit throughout the world. Fr. Livio Fanzaga WFRM Directors’ Advisor and RM Italy Director


umming up Radio Maria after its almost 30 years of outreach is near impossible unless you consider its great missionary zeal. From its first foundational stages, it has been clear to us that, because of its nature, Radio Maria’s presence over the airwaves has to reach everywhere possible.

Fr. Livio Fanzaga

This inspiration to overcome the boundaries of what technology allowed many years ago is, today, more relevant than ever when we consider the communications revolution made possible by the Internet, satellites, and modern mobile phones, possibilities that were previously unknown. The work that we have entrusted with complete confidence to Divine Providence gives Radio Maria’s mission the atypical aspect of being in the world of communications while not abiding by its laws of commercialization. Instead, we follow the higher value of living God’s presence everyday as “the good Christian”, without advertising constraints. This is the only way to explain the sacrifices that our listeners and volunteers have made and continue to make to spread Radio Maria throughout the world and to faithfully maintain its mission, without compromises.


The Radio Maria World Mariathon was established during the Fifth World Convention of 2012. From this spirit of faithfulness, many priests and lay persons together were the motivation for the numerous new Radio Maria initiatives, bearing direct witness to all our listeners around the world. From that moment on, the Mariathon has become an expression of the joy and universal hope of all our listeners as well as a sharing in the need for the significant material assistance needed to help build the new Radio Marias throughout the world. Our missionary zeal makes Radio Maria a simple instrument of that Church of outreach that is so dear to our Pope Francis that it has thus been defined as the most significant aspect of our programming schedule: “[You] transmit hope, that true hope that derives from the salvation brought by the Lord Christ.” Today’s world is upset by much uncertainty

Greetings with Pope Francis (October 2015)

and many conflicts that unfortunately afflict thousands of innocent Christians, victims of so much violence. Materially helping the establishment of new stations around the world, especially when the call comes from these troubled lands, becomes a priority for us at Radio Maria. Radio Maria Italy Offices



OF OUR MISSION IN THE WORLD Interview with our renown World Family and Radio Maria Italy president, Emanuele Ferrario, on the story of the first steps of the Project in the world and its development up to Mariathon 2017. Vittorio Viccardi WFRM President


irst of all, we have to thank everyone who helped us with the last Mariathon. With the support of our listeners around the world, 77 Radio Marias (national stations as well as ones for linguistic minorities) have been established. Last year, the Kibeho, Rwanda project became a reality and work will be completed on it this year. Many have asked us how this great chain of global solidarity originated. Behind the scenes are the sacrifices and dedication of many “invisible” people. Radio Maria was born in 1987, an initiative of volunteers and priests in Italy, but the idea of taking it to the entire world seemed a madman’s dream. Today we are asking our dear co-founding president, Emanuele Ferrario, when the idea of Radio Maria in the world first emerged.


The first thoughts were born of spontaneous contacts that occurred in 1991. The Church— that is, in some of its Eastern European priests and bishops who

Emanuele Ferrario


were looking at the first glimmers of freedom after the fall of the Wall—was the first recognize Radio Maria’s originality. I remember contacts with Poland, Slovakia, and the Archdiocese of Toledo, Spain, asking for information and help, even though they had decided to establish a local radio. In 1992, we brought Radio Maria Italy to the United States, but only for Italian-language listeners. At the end of 1993, Radio Maria Burkina Faso was started, thanks to an agreement with the Archdiocese of Ouagadougou. That experience in Africa, however, was still at the beginnings of the Project. I can say that the first true Radio Maria outside of Italy that was established according to a well-defined plan was the one born in Peru on 13 May 1995. I say that because, for that occasion, our listeners, who are always informed of every development, had wanted to shoulder the economic burden of the project as Peru was a very poor country at the time. From that moment on, Radio Marias are continually being established.

Vittorio Viccardi

You spoke of the “Radio Maria Project” because people wanted to help set up, first a radio in Italy, and then many other “faraway” stations.


Some things cannot be understood unless you know the story of our very beginnings. Our listeners worried about Radio Maria Italy’s growth because—since there were no satellite connections at the time—the line had to follow a channel of bridges and frequencies from north to south. They cheered and prayed for the Radio’s arrival in Rome, then Naples, then all the other regions in Italy. Then, in 1995, this passionate interest was turned toward the new calls coming from around the world: we needed prayers not just for Naples, but for Kampala, Bogota, Zagreb… and people kept count of the countries where we had arrived. They were becoming geography experts!


Radio Maria has thousands of volunteers in Italy, in Europe, and around the world. Did anyone foresee such involvement from so many and such a diversity of people? And how can listeners participate and help projects that are so far away?


Radio Maria is a missionary operation. Italy and Europe have a long missionary history, which has certainly helped, particularly at the beginning of the world Project. Actually, the volunteer spirit is the same around the world regardless of the vast cultural and social differences that exist. (In Latin America, for example, the missionary care for Africa is not as strong.) Even today, a listener’s prayers and generous help are those “five loaves and two fish”, which Providence then multiplies with miraculous abundance.


PROJECTS ACCOMPLISHED 8 new national radios 8 new sites or substations 34 new frequencies 1 Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) network 2 HD frequencies 15,000 handheld radios sent to prisons and refugee camps

Over these years, you have certainly been the true protagonist of Radio Maria’s missionary motivation in the world, travelling to over 120 countries. Will you tell us of an experience that particularly touched you and showed you the value of this mission?


There are endless touching testimonies but I would just like to mention how I started down this path. It came from a true “calling” to be a missionary, not as a religious but as a lay man, fished from a small Italian region known for its industriousness. I think my experience was balanced by the fact that I never gave up, certain and confident that this Project held the very reason of its existence in its call.

Behind every new Radio Maria, therefore, lies the story of a “call”. All the new Mariathon 2017 projects are important, but which do you think is the most urgent?


I could say that just the thought of Radio Maria in Cuba a year ago would have been quite unthinkable, but today there’s a strong hope: “nothing is impossible” to God and Our Lady will inspire us regarding how and whom to help. Surely we need prayer that moves mountains and the widow’s mite. It is so beautiful to support a mission on the airwaves that bears Her name and is dedicated to Her all day, every day.

In conclusion, what does Radio Maria need to be able to respond to all these requests from the Church around the world?


A perfect organization would be the death of the Project. The answer comes straight from Jesus, that the vineyard is always thriving and bears good fruit. We have the task of pruning, to renew and maintain a style of serene confidence. We have to learn the art of acting with humility, a sense of responsibility and joy. The Divine Providence we have trusted in from day one will always help us.



THE WORLD OF POVERTY IN CENTRAL AMERICA Support in Latin America is needed for the expansion and development of Radio Maria in Haiti, Cuba, and Puerto Rico.

420,000 euros Fr. Francisco Palacios WFRM Editorial Area

Alicia Del Cid RM Guatemala President

Cuba Haiti

Puerto Rico



The boundaries of the world’s “peripheries” that Pope Francis described are constantly developing, in the Americas as well. Radio Maria is increasingly committed to this mission of evangelization.

distribution of christianity cuba 8,600,000 of around 11 million inhabitants

haiti 8,000,000 of around 10 million inhabitants

puerto rico 2,700,000 of around 3,800,000 inhabitants

Pope Francis has infused the Church’s task in the world today with an extraordinary energy based on the New Evangelization. He has extended a strong invitation for a Church that “goes out to the existential peripheries” located in those places considered missionary lands. The Caribbean, therefore, is a goal of the Radio Maria project that needs to be addressed today. Cuba is one of the Caribbean countries that has suffered the scourge of doctrinal atheism for decades. That has not, however, extinguished the fire of faith. Love for the “Virgin of El Cobre” and the Catholic faith expressed in daily life are elements that Radio Maria’s presence can effectively support. Cuba has 11 million inhabitants, 80% of whom are Christians and would thus be able to confirm their identity and to constitute a global development of society for the benefit of all.

May your radio (…), the projects for your future, and all your listeners be placed under Mary’s protective mantle. I bless each of you and your work. Cuba is in continual development despite harsh social conditions and poverty.

Pope Francis, Vatican City, 29 October 2015



For the Radio Maria Project, the Caribbean region is a goal that we have to address today. We know that Radio Maria is an effective instrument in proclaiming the Good News, which is the Church’s universal mission. The Gospel transforms men and women’s minds and hearts, even when faced with job insecurity, the precariousness of health care and education, and all the other problematic situations of life and growth. Haiti is no exception. It is another country whose poverty is seen on the faces of the hundreds of thousands of its inhabitants. It is a nation struck not only by natural calamities, but also characterized by a socio-political climate that causes pain, marginalization, and neglect. In this perspective, we also look to Puerto Rico, which will join the countries of the “Marian” continent that already live as brothers and sisters through the presence of Radio Maria.

The elderly are among Radio Maria’s first listeners



CUBA €20.000

This work of the Blessed Virgin, Mother of Mercy, seeks to answer Pope Francis, to “go out” toward these new “peripheries” that have always been reached by the World Family, animated by the Spirit who urges on Mary’s missionary project toward many nations. Let us go, therefore, to the peripheries of the Caribbean!

> production costs €20,000

HAITI €280.000

> studio and audio frequency: €110,000 > radio frequency: €40,000 > site restructuring: €90,000 > production costs: €40,000

PUERTO RICO €120.000 > studio and audio frequency: €100,000 > site restructuring: €20,000



In the Old World, the request for Radio Maria comes mainly from East European countries: projects for Radio Maria Belarus and Radio Maria Slovakia.

150,000 euros Bernhard Mitterrutzner WFRM Continental European Representative

Belarus Slovakia



Here below are the witness of two priests who are carrying out our projects in Belarus and Slovakia, nations sharing a common history and united by the desire to receive the gift of Radio Maria.

over 5 million



Catholics in Belarus

Radio Maria, a radio that accompanies listeners in their lives and in their faith! His Excellency Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz, Archbishop of Minsk, Belarus Dear Fr. Aleksander Ulas, can you tell us briefly about your country and how Radio Maria is developing with great such great enthusiasm?


By now, Radio Maria Belarus is very close to being born. For a long time, we tried to obtain documents and authorization to register our association, but we kept getting negative answers. Our hope, however, never waned and now, with God’s help, we are close to the inauguration of a web radio. Four our country this is a true miracle. For many years, under the Soviet regime, people were unable to freely listen to the Word of God. In many nations, it is normal to be able to profess one’s religion, but you can imagine what Radio Maria represents for all Belarusians: at home or in the car, to be able to pray, listen to the Mass, talk with radio hosts… It is an overwhelming joy, a profound emotion. Today, we are the only Catholic station in Belarus that speaks of God to the people. We are grateful to all our benefactors from other countries who have contributed to the beginning of this project that is already so beloved.

Technical tests for setting up the studios in Belarus



Radio Maria Slovakia is a wonderful opportunity for awakening faith, for promoting hope, for helping the needy, and for spreading the joy of the Gospel.

Slovakia needs Radio Maria. It is a radio that offers programming about how to find God and live with Him all 24 hours of the day! His Excellency Stanislav Zvolenský, Archbishop of Bratislava, Slovakia

Dear Fr. Martin Jarabek, why are people looking forward to Radio Maria in Slovak so much? Our workers’ concrete presence beside those most in need



BELARUS €30,000

> studio and audio frequency: €30,000

SLOVAKIA €120,000

> studio and audio frequency: €80,000 > radio frequency: €40,000


For 40 years in Slovakia, religious teaching could only be carried out clandestinely, with little training and the fear of even being jailed, if caught. Even today, many men and women do not know Christianity’s basic tenets. And yet, faith continues to beat in our hearts. The project of Radio Maria Slovakia, which is also blessed by His Excellency Stanislav Zvolenský, Archbishop of Bratislava, is a great opportunity to reawaken the faith, to promote hope, to help those most in need, and to spread the joy of the Gospel through the means of the radio. Like a large family, we can reach souls that no longer go to church, we can educate children, and we can comfort those with health problems such as the sick and elderly. Adults can share, in their own language, moments of prayer and spiritual consolation as well as catechism programs, so as to fully live their faith every day. There is so much to do and there are countless costs, but Providence continues to accompany this project that we hope will become a reality in the next few months.



Support in this region is needed to continue Radio Maria in Arabic and to develop the following projects: setting up a studio in Erbil, Iraq; editing capabilities in Syria, Jordan, and Egypt; establishing Radio Mariam via satellite.

686,000 euros Daniele Trenca WFRM Editorial Area

Syria Iraq Egypt




On 8 December 2015, the Radio Maria family was enriched by a new star, a station in Arabic for Christians who are persecuted in this world.


number of Christians estimated in Iraq (before the war there were 1,500,000)

Since then, there have been many steps forward. Where are we with this project?


The Christian faith has always been widespread in the Middle East

We are a web-radio and are also present on satellite radio. Our mobile studies are active in Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and will soon be in Egypt and the Holy Land. We are in daily contact with the Middle East to broadcast Masses, prayer, and local church news. Our hope is to be able to start a national radio with editing capabilities to support the mobile studios that are already in the region and which allow us to transmit even in difficult areas such as Aleppo, Damascus, and other war-torn cities.

In addition to the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, that day also marked the opening of the Holy Year of Mercy. From that gift of grace, Radio Maria began to serve Arabic Christians who are persecuted in the world, bringing them the comfort of the Word of God. Joseph Nassar, WFRM Middle East-Asia-Oceania Representative



We are in daily contact with the Middle East to broadcast Masses, prayer, and local church news.

Is a Radio Maria studio in the Middle East a possibility?

number of arabic christians in the various Middle Eastern countries jordan 120,000 out of 6,500,000 inhabitants

egypt 14,000,000 out of 82 million inhabitants

lebanon 1,300,000 out of 4,500,000 inhabitants

syria 843,000 out of 23 million inhabitants

israel/palestine 140,000 out of 8 million inhabitants



We are working on it, on establishing a Radio Maria in Erbil, Kurdistan Iraq, which is currently a safer zone than the others. There are many Christians there who have fled other areas affected by the war. It will broadcast in Surat—a descendent of Aramaic, which is spoken by the Christians in that area. We have scouted out places and made the request for the use of a frequency. Of course, it is a difficult region because it is close to ISIS occupied areas, but the various ecclesial authorities are encouraging us to continue forward. We will be doing the same shortly in Damascus, Syria.


IRAQ (Erbil) €200,000

> studio and audio frequency: €70,000 > site restructuring: €50,000 > production costs: €80,000

RADIO MARIAM €186,000 > radio frequency: €36,000 > production costs: €150,000

SYRIA–JORDAN–EGYPT €300,000 > studio and audio frequency: €180,000 > site restructuring: €60,000 > production costs: €60,000



RADIO MARIA, INSTRUMENT OF EVANGELIZATION AND HOPE Radio Maria’s mission in Sub-Saharan Africa continues. Projects under development are: Kenya, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, and Zambia.

1,500,000 euros Raffaele Galati WFRM HR and Training Department







20 stations

Interview with Continental Director Jean Paul Kayihura about the projects in Kenya, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, and Zambia for bringing a voice of peace and solidarity to the people of Africa.

130 million Africans reached by Radio Maria


Dear Jean Paul, Radio Maria in Africa is constantly growing. Radio Maria is present in 21 countries but our projects are continually expanding, especially in the sub-Saharan region, which has the highest density of Christians.


Exactly! In Africa, Radio Maria reaches almost 130,000,000 people—all potential listeners—and new projects are taking shape. Recently, on 26 March 2017 to be precise, His Eminence John Cardinal Njue, Archbishop of Nairobi, presided over the placing of the first stone for the new national site of Radio Maria Kenya. We are fervently working in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) on expanding in the Archdioceses of Lubumbashi and Kisangani as amplifying the network in the Diocese of Matadi, where Kikongo is spoken. Radio Maria will then cover all four national languages of the DRC: Lingala in Kinshasa, Tshiluba in Kananga, Swahili in Bukavu, and Goma as well as Kikongo in Matadi. His Eminence Laurent Cardinal Monsengwo Pasinya of Kinshasa and the ecclesial authorities are encouraging us to carry the Radio Maria project forward in this Catholic country.

Dialogue and discussion with five Bishops regarding development in Zambia

In Ghana, we are working to set up operations in the Archdiocese of Cape Coast, where European missionaries built the first Catholic church at the beginning of the 19th century. Obtaining a frequency takes about 10 years: we have this opportunity now but we must act on it by November of 2017, a deadline set by the civil authorities. We need a lot of help and much prayer to make it happen. Finally, in Zambia, we have to organize our headquarters in Lusaka, the capital, where over 1 million listeners live. There are also four frequencies that have to be reconfirmed in order not to lose a good coverage of villages and towns.

christians in sub-saharan africa












Radio Maria is not just about prayer, but provides humanitarian and social outreach as well. Can you give us some concrete examples of that?

Spirituality and evangelization, however remain the great value of each Radio Maria, made real through concrete actions supporting the good of individuals and communities.




Over the past years, we have broadcast programs of humanitarian support, preventative health care, agriculture, literacy, education, and professional formation in various countries such as Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Togo, and Uganda.

Supporting our stations in Africa means helping millions of suffering children, poor families, and elderly. What would you like to share about this situation with our listeners around the world? Every day we stand side-by-side with the poor, the least among us, the marginalized. We work in countries where war, poverty, and injustice dominate at the expense of peace, sharing, and equality.

In the Year of the Jubilee of Mercy, Radio Maria was very close to the sick, the elderly, and detainees. Helping Radio Maria generously, also with your prayers, is a gesture of fraternal charity and mercy that can truly change the world and people’s hearts.

Radio Maria is an instrument of evangelization bringing God closer to people across Africa.

In Sierra Leone, in particular, we have made a highly appreciated contribution in the fight against Ebola. Spirituality and evangelization, however remain the great value of each Radio Maria, made real through concrete actions supporting the good of individuals and communities.


His Eminence, John Cardinal Njue, Archbishop of Nairobi (Kenya)


DRC €390,000

ZAMBIA €220,000

GHANA €276,000

KENYA €650,000

> studio and audio frequency: €105,000 > site restructuring: €120,000 > radio frequency: €135,000 > production costs: €30,000 > studio and audio frequency: €176,000 > site restructuring: €40,000 > radio frequency: €40,000 > production costs: €20,000

> studio and audio frequency: €10,000 > site restructuring: €160,000 > radio frequency: €25,000 > production costs: €25,000 > construction of new national headquarters and organization of activities for the entire continent: €650,000 20

RADIO MARIA’S MOBILE STUDIOS: HOPE ON FOUR WHEELS With our mobile studios, volunteers cover hundreds of miles in every country. Thanks to their unfailing commitment, we can weave a prayer network “on board” an extraordinary vehicle of ecclesial communion and closeness to those who are suffering most.

500,000 euros Stefano Chiappalone RM Italy Collaborator

Children and young persons animate our stations’ programs


From the beginning, one of Radio Maria’s distinctive features has been its “closeness”, often touted by Pope Francis, which is also evident in our mobile studios available in various areas of each country. In Italy, there is more than one mobile studio in each region, transmitting from different places two Masses on weekdays and three on holidays, just like in many other nations. Sometimes the mobile studio is maintained by a community from which it broadcasts for an entire week. Thanks to our group of volunteers, listeners at home can pray along with the liturgy and with

the entire Church in its breadth and diversity: we have links from prisons, nursing homes, hospital chapels, and even from places recently struck by earthquakes, allowing us to give voice to the suffering, whose prayer is precious in God’s eyes. This is not to mention the crucial role of Radio Mariam links, which keep alive the hope of Arabic Christians in the Middle East or around the world for those who are fleeing or in exile. Each mobile studio is like a corner of Mary’s mantle, comforting us as she bends to dry tears, to save souls, or to bring back joy to our lives.

What is a mobile studio? It is equipment comprised of a mixer and other portable instruments that allow for on-the-spot Radio Maria broadcasts, especially prayer links. Each mobile studio is entrusted to a team of 2–4 volunteers. They take care of contacting parishes (or also religious communities, prison and hospital chapels, etc.) to arrange broadcasts within the specific region assigned to the mobile studio’s team.

In Italy


mobile studios

804 prayer links



MOBILE STUDIOS €500,000 > 200 new mobile studios


MOTHER OF MERCY PROJECT Care for the incarcerated, the sick, and the poor has always been at the heart of Radio Maria. Beginning in Italy, and then from many other nations as well, this commitment has been made real in concrete programs and actions, with volunteers offering a comforting presence to those who are often forgotten by the world.

500,000 euros Giò Carrozza RM Italy volunteer


Radio Maria can easily and intimately reach all areas of persons’ lives thanks to its widespread presence and the simplicity of the radio format. Prisons are a special place of listening, reflection, consolation, and conversion. Our handheld radios are specifically designed for use in prisons, respecting strict security regulations. They also have the shape of the Madonna…a physical symbol of Radio Maria.

ministry, distributing the handheld radios as well as rosaries and prayer books and organizing live programs from detention centers (broadcasting Mass is a profound event awaited with great participation).

Many inmates follow our programs and their letters show us how much good our service can do, bringing words of peace even to such problematic places where there is a great hunger for freedom and salvation. Radio Maria also assists prison chaplains with their

By now, our handheld radios are present throughout the world in many nursing homes, hospitals, longterm wards, and homes of bed-ridden patients. Many parishes, humanitarian associations, and people of good will have chosen to give this little instrument for Christmas or Easter as a gesture of solidarity. Today, we are unable to keep up with the countless requests that come to us from prisons and hospitals around the world. We trust in our listeners’ kind and generous support to be able to bring that comfort and that voice of hope that is so needed today.



HANDHELD RADIOS €500,000 > 50,000 handheld radios

Our radio does not stop at walls or gates but opens the “heart’s doors”, allowing those who have been excluded to pray together with their families and to feel close to the Church, to others, and to society.

“Every day I thank God for the strength and inner peace that He gives me through Radio Maria. Thank you for doing something for this flock of lost sheep!” Gianfranco, from prison in Avellino (Italy)




500 million people reached by our signal

1,866 thanks to

AM, FM, and DAB Radio repeaters 28 Radio stations 204 mobile studios 21 languages of transmission 1,033 repeaters 6 Radio stations 22 mobile studios 7 languages of transmission 13 repeaters

5 Radio stations 16 mobile studios 3 languages of transmission 22 repeaters 17 Radio stations 95 mobile studios 4 languages of transmission 426 repeaters


21 Radio stations 85 mobile studios 30 languages of transmission 82 repeaters


programs in over


Radio Maria


422 mobile studios around the world


hours of broadcasts abroad



thanks to YOUR support, the MARIATHON, over 4 years, has been able to create: ˃ 8 new national radio stations

in Ireland, Latvia, Guinea, Madagascar, Liberia, Cameroon, India, and Macao.

˃ 8 new sites or substations

in Mostar, Bosnia; Miami, USA; Bata, Equatorial Guinea; Man, Ivory Coast; Moroto and Kabale, Uganda; Goma, DRC; and Nyeri, Kenya.

˃ 34 new frequencies

in Kosovo, Latvia (3), Bosnia (5), Zambia (3), Congo (4), Burundi (2), Kenya, Guinea, Madagascar, Liberia, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Ivory Coast, and Papua New Guinea.

˃ 1 digital radio network (DAB) ˃ 2 HD frequencies ˃ 15,000 handheld radios for prisons and refugee camps 26

look for YOUR Radio Maria and support our projects in the world! FOR MORE INFO:


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