Voices of hope and mission

Fr. Livio Fanzaga
The past, present and future of Radio Maria
Vittorio Viccardi
Volunteering: the missionary miracle that knows no bounds
Alicia del Cid
Voice of peace, conciliation and hope
Sara Fornari
A voice that builds prayer bridges
Eufracio Abrego
A voice for the voiceless
Samaan Daoud
Voice among the people
Joseph Nassar
The voice that converts hearts
Fr. Toby Lees
Providence: Mariathon and the future of Radio Maria
Josè Manuel Quintanilla
The mission of Radio Maria
Roberta Zappa
New technologies at the service of the Queen of Peace
Tiziano Brusa
Radio Maria and the global educational challenges
Paolo Taffuri
Importance of spiritual formation for directors Fr. Karlo Tyberghien
From the heart of the Church for the Church
Daniele Trenca
All Radio Maria in the world
Father Livio Fanzaga Director of Radio Maria Italia and WFRM Directors’ Advisor
Dear friends, Radio Maria has established itself throughout the world, reaching the five continents with its strong identity. To fully understand and experience this identity, we must recognize its novelty, which stands out not only within the radio industry but also in the Catholic world in general.
The identity of Radio Maria
It is first and foremost a Catholic radio station that is at the service of the Church, faithful to the Magisterium and in particular to the Holy Father. It is the guardian of the extraordinary gift of two thousand years of Christianity, offering to the whole world the spiritual, cultural and religious richness that the Church has cultivated over the centuries. It’s not a radio that opposes other radios; it is a gift, a precious resource for anyone who wants to listen to it and be inspired.
A Marian radio
The name itself, “Radio Maria” speaks of its Marian identity. In fact, it was born as the result of the impulse felt through Mary’s presence in Medjugorje, where Our Lady, in 1987, gave a message to a group of pilgrims from Radio Maria: “Be heralds
of conversion of the messages of the Queen of Peace, bear witness with love”.
This Marian origin has given shape to the mission of the radio, which today is completely at the service of the universal Church, strengthened by the Nihil Obstat of the Holy See regarding the events at Medjugorje.
The pillars of Radio Maria
From the beginning, Radio Maria has placed prayer at the centre of its programming. A third of the broadcasts are dedicated to prayer, including the Holy Rosary, the Holy Mass, Marian devotions and the spiritual traditions of the different nations. As Saint Augustine said: “One believes what one prays”. Through prayer, listeners not only safeguard their faith but strengthen it daily.
Radio Maria is also a radio that evangelizes. It spreads the Word of God, makes known the Sacred Scripture, the lives of the saints and presents the great spiritual traditions of the Church. In an age of increasing spiritual drought, it offers the people of God direct access to the mystical, ascetic and spiritual riches of the Catholic faith.
Another fundamental pillar is conversion. Following the original message of Our Lady, Radio Maria invites everyone to a profound change of heart: “Be heralds of conversion”. This invitation applies first of all to us, directors and managers of the radio. We must be the first to convert, to bear witness with our lives to what we say on the microphone every day. The true joy of Radio Maria is

listening to listeners’ testimonies of conversion: it is in those moments that we can say that we are truly a radio at the service of Mary.
A radio of peace and unity
In a world often full of turmoil, confusion and division, Radio Maria is committed to being a witness of peace. Its mission is part of the broader vocation of the Church: to be a sign and instrument of unity for all humanity, in Christ Jesus and with Mary. We are called, dear friends, to bear witness to love, truth and unity in an age of hatred and conflict. This is our task: to bring the message of hope and salvation to a world that is at risk of self-destruction and where faith is threatened by indifference and dissolution.
The future of Radio Maria
The years ahead will be difficult. The global situation is precarious with regards to both peace and faith. In this context, Radio Maria must continue to be a voice that is alive and rooted in Christ and Mary, firmly united with the Church and the Pope. Thus, we can be instruments in the hands of Our Lady, helping her carry out her plan of salvation.
A journey of faith and communication that unites the world through technology and prayer.
Vittorio Viccardi WFRM President
Telling about the history of Radio Maria’s mission also means retracing the events that have changed the world and which have also partly affected the Catholic Church and the technological and media development of recent years.

The origins of Radio Maria
Born in a small parish in Erba, in the province of Como, Radio Maria developed in the context of one of the most industrious regions of Italy and Europe. It was born from the popular faith and love for Our Lady of a group of lay, religious and consecrated volunteers. Our current Director, Father Livio Fanzaga, and the first and never forgotten President, Emanuele Ferrario, have been the reference figures since the start of the Radio Maria Association’s work. The conviction of the leaders of Radio Maria in spreading the announcement of conversion has been one of the most important visions of the Church’s mission on social media in recent years.
The meeting with three great Popes
The history of Radio Maria’s ecclesial journey, in Italy and in the world, is also revealed through the meetings with three great Popes who recognized Radio Maria’s important pastoral role. In 2003, with John Paul II, the Holy Polish Pope, great master of communication, who, according to testimonies, was a listener of Radio Maria in Italy and particularly loved following the evening rosary for children and families. We remember with fondness the meeting of Father Livio and Emanuele Ferrario with St. John Paul II in the last years of his pontificate, for the second World Meeting of the World Family of Radio Maria.
A few years later it was Pope Benedict XVI, a great theologian and fervent supporter of recognizing the Christian roots of Europe as the heritage of the European Union. He met Father Livio and Emanuele Ferrario several times in 2006, 2009 and 2012. On every occasion, as we will see below in this publication, he spoke highly of Radio Maria, always exhorting its leaders to be untiring and faithful witnesses of the Gospel. Finally, in 2015, in a memorable private audience, Pope Francis, the first Latin American Pope in the history of the Church who became familiar with Radio Maria in Argentina, received all the presidents and directors of Radio Maria, urging them to continue to bring Christian hope to the peripheries of the world.
The World Family of Radio Maria: a global network of faith
Radio Maria has continued to expand in various countries around the world for more than 30 years through the creation of the World Family of Radio Maria, the association that includes all of the current over 130 Radio Marias, called for by Bishops, lay people and even Episcopal Conferences in all continents. It is no mystery, in fact, that Radio Maria, with its signal, manages to be on the front line everywhere, even in countries struck by conflict, bringing peace, brotherhood and social cohesion. Those who are fond of it call it “Mary’s miracle”.
More than 800 Dioceses are reached by the Radio Maria signal with programmes in almost 80 languages and with more than twenty liturgical rites being re-broadcast daily: a cultural and spiritual wealth at the service of the Church.
From Italy Radio Maria reached the Latin American countries, then developed amply in the Christian West, reached Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa and, in recent years, Asia, the Middle East and Oceania, the new borders of Christianity.
The role of technology in Radio Maria’s mission
Radio Maria has therefore lived through the years of a changing world since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the former Soviet Union which brought religious freedom back to Eastern Europe. It has brought hope
to poor and suffering countries and today it is present in countries afflicted by wars and social conflicts. In a world which continues to evolve also from a technological viewpoint, especially in the field of communication, in these last 38 years, inspired by the motto “wherever there is a soul, the signal of Radio Maria must reach” Radio Maria Italia has been the first among Italian broadcasters to transmit via satellite and, as we will read further on, it is always present and at the forefront of radio frequency transmission; medium and short waves, modulated frequencies, digital, audio streaming, archives and podcasts worthy of one of the richest audio libraries of religious teaching. With its presence on social media thanks to loyal followers, it is a reference point for issues of religious culture and human promotion with a remarkable feature: prayers broadcast live from places of great spirituality such as the peripheries, as desired by the present pontiff. There has never been a shortage of volunteers for the broadcast of Holy Masses in hospitals, prisons, nursing homes and even in the most complex time, that of the Covid-19 pandemic, Radio Maria’s live signal has always been present.
Today we can say that Radio Maria is taking up the challenge of the future of communication and is recognized as the most international broadcaster, so much so that the radio station with the largest audience is not in Italy, Europe, or America, rather in Africa, specifically in Tanzania and tomorrow perhaps it will be in the Democratic Republic of Congo. How is this possible?
Radio Maria’s future challenges
The challenges of the world and of mankind call and will always call the volunteers of Radio Maria to participate in Mary’s programming. Therefore, we will conclude this journey through history by thanking all the leaders of Radio Maria, all the volunteers who have given their lives for this exciting journey, all the supporters, people of faith who are not afraid of the transforming power of the Gospel, always accompanied by the rosary, perhaps recited using a mobile phone or a wifi radio… or whilst queuing in their car, which thus becomes the most modern sanctuary dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Alicia del Cid
The true heart that guides the mission of Radio Maria.
President of Radio Maria Guatemala and WFRM Vice President
Let us take an imaginary journey to the countries, cities, or towns around the world where Radio Maria operates. Despite the cultural, linguistic, and worldview diversity that shapes their historical, social, and economic identity, we encounter a constant reality that is developing and solidifying, with a distinct face: Volunteering. In this context, thousands of men and women have felt called to assist, support, and serve the poorest, the marginalized, and the victims of wars and social conflicts.
Certainly, this concept pertains to the social or humanitarian field, but from the perspective of ecclesial faith, it has a profound articulation. Volunteering is an essential part of the identity of Radio Maria, and with good reason, it has been established that the missionary miracle that knows no bounds is the true heart of Radio Maria’s mission.

The heart of Radio Maria’s mission
From the very beginning of the project, it was pointed out that where one or more people embody the vision and mission of Radio Maria, even in conditions of technical precariousness, there is Radio Maria and that its seed, like the mustard seed, once sown, grows constantly and produces

fruits of encounter with God in his Church; namely, it prompts the conversion of thousands of people and fulfils the desire of the Immaculate Heart of our Mother: to make Christ present in all environments so that He may be known, loved and served.
An example of evangelization
In my country, Guatemala, which benefits from its multiethnic, multilingual and multicultural identity, we have reliable testimonies of hundreds of volunteers who have embodied the mentality and essential principles of Radio Maria’s evangelization project and who, with personal effort and sacrifices, are always on the move, infecting with their zeal a multitude of people who then follow their example. Thus, many get involved in this ap -
ostolate and, through it, they facilitate people’s encounter with God and help bring the salvation of the Lord to families.
Since the start of the project, volunteering has been the most reliable and profound indicator and guarantee of the consolidation of Radio Maria as a permanent and effective tool at the service of Catholic evangelization in the world.
Volunteering is an essential part of the identity of Radio Maria, and with good reason, it has been established that the missionary miracle that knows no bounds is the true heart of Radio Maria’s mission.
Radio Maria’s work in countries afflicted by war and persecution.
Sara Fornari WFRM Editorial Dept.
Listening to your mother’s voice instills peace and trust. Precisely for this reason, the mission of Radio Maria and its presence in countries afflicted by war and persecution is so important and fruitful. The voice of the Mother of the Word and of the Lamb can only be a proclamation of peace and reconciliation in all parts of the world: from the Middle East engulfed in conflict, to Eastern Europe where the Russian-Ukrainian war is ruining and claiming lives; from the African countries where extremist factions and groups intimidate villages and parishes, to the Latin American countries, oppressed by non-democratic governments, where instability and crime are growing. Even when such conflicts between Russia and Ukraine and in the Middle East were at their worst, our radio stations continued broadcasting nonstop, instilling hope in those who felt disoriented and frightened and sowing seeds of peace and reconciliation in their hearts.
A universal mission:
among conflicts and minorities
Radio Maria’s mission is transversal, be it in coun-
tries of Catholic tradition in which corruption, tyrannies and violence corrode society, as is the case of Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador or in small Christian communities afflicted by war or having to confront other religions. In such contexts there is an urgency to announce the Word of God, which, combined with catechesis and prayer, keeps desperation and resentment at bay.
Concrete hope supported by actual data
The tangible proof of this action that generates hope is in the data relating to donations: even in countries like Ukraine - affected by a war that has been going on for years - the donations collected locally cover nearly all expenses, while in Belarus (a country where Catholics are around 15% and where freedom of expression is reduced to a minimum) donations exceed expenditures: the numbers tell us how much listeners feel that they belong to the family of Radio Maria, a radio that accompanies people and gives hope.
Suffering for the closure in Nicaragua
Moving on to Latin America, the forced closure of Radio Maria in Nicaragua by the government is an open wound. Born in September 2001 - and now close to its twenty-fifth anniversary – it has stood firm in the midst of difficulties, but the worsening
of the situation for the Catholic Church locally, did not spare this radio station. Its closure has affected especially the poor and the lonely, who in Radio Maria found support and consolation, and caused suffering throughout the entire World Family, where all the Radio Marias support each other in the same great mission: to spread the Word of Life that makes us strong in adversity, to nourish daily the faith of the baptized and reach those who are far away by announcing the Gospel every day and opening people’s hearts to the action of God’s grace.
It is interesting to know that in Semitic languages, the word “voice” is also synonymous with “radio” (in Arabic ṣáwt, Hebrew qól). And so “the voice of Mary”, with its programmes focused on the announcement of the Gospel, wherever it reaches, gives comfort to those hearts overcome by grief.
Events like this manage to unite people in countries living through difficult situations and divided by insurmountable problems. Here is one image which truly expresses such reality: in the midst of an airstrike alarm in Israel, there were people who, thanks to the mobile application, were able to follow the live broadcast from Lebanon of the Rosary in Arabic, praying in a shelter among people of Jewish faith, who spoke Hebrew.
Waves that break down boundaries and fears
Uniting peoples in prayer: the World Rosary
With the strength of prayer and thanks to simple but effective tools, Radio Maria manages to break down tangible and invisible barriers. Speaking of small and big miracles, we cannot fail to mention the World Rosary broadcast for the first time by Radio Maria Lebanon, from the sanctuary of Harissa, on 7 October 2024: a symbolic date in itself.
The sky, to which those who live in war look up with apprehension in fear of what may come from the enemy front, becomes a place of reconciliation, whereby sound waves and words break down fear and resentment, uniting opposing realities in the one prayer. Thus, a prayer is achieved by which “the mysterious paths of the ether” bring “to the mind and heart of every person the joyful announcement of Christ, the Redeemer of man”.

With Mary: a spiritual pilgrimage that renews the world.
Eufracio Abrego
Editorial Assistant of Radio Maria Panama
Love for the Mother is one of the most important values of Radio Maria. This is why many people around the world listen to the radio every day and then donate their time as volunteers. This also translates into the identity of Radio Maria through a Marian spirituality. Listeners begin by listening
to the radio and then offer what they can, either through a donation or their time, to support the evangelizing work of Radio Maria. This means that those who love Radio Maria feel part of a big family by being listeners, donors or volunteers.
A call to spirituality
This characteristic of Radio Maria has made us realize that we can do even more, especially in regard to the spiritual life of every person who listens to the radio. This is precisely what the time

of the pandemic helped us to understand better. This situation has shown us that salvation will not come through science, technology or politics. Only God can lift us from the mire of selfishness, hatred, division, injustice and greed. The world can only be saved through His love.
A global spiritual pilgrimage
We have realized that we must return to God as a human family, and, for this reason, from the year 2021 onwards our wish has been to send a strong signal: not only for Christians, but for the whole world! We have been very surprised by the strength with which listeners have supported this idea: they are, in fact, the main protagonists of this initiative. Every soul that prays and fasts with us brings blessings to the world and helps achieve God’s victory.
Marian sanctuaries and the global presence of Radio Maria
With this global spiritual pilgrimage to the different sanctuaries of the world, we have come to realize that this was what Mary was asking of us and still asks of us today: a general project of conversion and prayer.
In Guadalupe, La Salette, Fatima, Medjugorje, and through Radio Maria, millions of people are responding to this project. This initiative has also enabled the realization of another project that has been on our mind for many years: Radio Maria would like to have offices near the main Marian sanctuaries of the world, and this has already become a reality in Medjugorje, Fatima, Guadalupe and Kibeho.
United in prayer for the world
Thanks to each of these initiatives, the monthly fast every first Friday of the month and the spiritual pilgrimage to Marian Sanctuaries around the world, in addition to the presence of radio stations around the world, it is now easier for Radio Maria to establish prayer bridges between continents: countries praying together all the time, in different languages, and listeners coming together to pray for the world.
Walking with Mary towards her Son
Every soul that prays and fasts with us brings blessings to the world and helps achieve God’s victory.
This is how “Your people on a journey” came about: a spiritual pilgrimage whereby the Holy Rosary is prayed from the most important Marian Sanctuaries in the world: Fatima, Medjugorje, Kibeho, Guadalupe, Loreto and many others. This has allowed all Radio Maria listeners around the world to meditate on the prayer of the Holy Rosary in more than ten languages.
In all these years the Virgin Mary has shown us the path towards her Son and through prayer we have learned the steps we must take to walk alongside Mary. We certainly have a long way to go and only by living like Mary can we say to the Lord: May your will be done in me!

From rubble to hope. Christ present in grief and rebirth.
Samaan Daoud
Responsible for Mobile studios and Promotion of Radio Mariam
In a world that advances at an increasingly frenetic pace, with artificial intelligence penetrating every aspect of life, it is essential to stop and reflect. Where do we stand in all of this? Does God exist? How can we recognize Him amid the chaos and conflicts that overwhelm us, especially in the devastated Middle East?
Radio Maria’s mission in the areas struck by devastation
Since 2016, the year of the Jubilee of Mercy, Radio Maria in Arabic has been working hard to reach those who suffer, who are victims of poverty, marginalization and wars, as in Syria and Iraq, or victims of forced emigration. The mission took us to the most devastated places, such as Aleppo and the Nineveh Plains.
Aleppo: rebirth among the rubble
The year after our birth, in the Cathedral of Aleppo, a symbol of Christianity destroyed by bombs, we broadcast the Christmas Mass. The rubble of the collapsed roof became a grotto for Baby Jesus. Those dramatic images, combined with the faith of the people gathered there, showed us that rebirth is possible: Christ was present in the midst of suffering. Since then, Radio Maria has become “the voice of the voiceless”.
The mission towards the poor
This voice emerged from the “existential peripheries”, where the Church manifested itself in unity. Clergy and faithful, gathered around that symbolic grotto, testified that without Christ, light and peace cannot be achieved. Our mission went towards the poor, considered by Pope Francis “the true missionaries”, who, despite the hardships endured, welcome the Gospel and instill hope. Even those who have only ever received bad news in life become bearers of the Good News, thus proving that death
Radio Maria is like a friend who never leaves you. It brings peace, prayer and hope to those who struggle every day because of war, poverty and difficult times. Keeping this mission alive is not always easy. However, through our listeners’ support and the commitment of many volunteers and collaborators, we can continue to share the love of God with all those who need it.
(Fr. Fadi Chaccour, Director of Radio Maria Lebanon)

does not have the final say.
In Aleppo, young people have taken on a central role in our mission. Despite poverty and difficulties, many of them have become volunteers, putting their enthusiasm at the service of the community. Among them, a young woman told us: “At first I believed that Radio Maria was like all the other radios, but over time I understood that it was truly ‘the voice of the voiceless’”. Radio Maria in Aleppo has become a focal point for groups of believers, scouts and confraternities, a place where one can share joys and find comfort in difficult times.
The faith of the Egyptian people
The mission has also extended to the south of Egypt, in poor areas such as Aswan and Luxor, where faith, despite persecution and poverty, remains solid as a rock. In these villages, many houses are simple dwellings made of clay, but the community is vibrant and welcoming. Here we prayed with adults, taught the rosary and involved children in Christian education. Radio Maria has become part of people’s daily life and is close to those most in need.
Radio Maria’s support to migrants
We did not stop, even when faced with the challenges of migration. We followed those who were forced to leave everything to escape war and per-
secution, accompanying them on their journey to Europe, often marked by suffering and loneliness. In Germany, where many Syrian and Iraqi refugees have settled, Radio Maria has entered their homes, offering a familiar presence and a safe place for prayer. A Syrian woman, who lost her husband in exile, confided to us: “Radio Maria was my consoler. Through the prayer of the rosary, it has become my second family.” Today this woman hosts a radio programme, thus bearing witness to the message of hope spread by our radio.
Another story comes to us from a mother who fled ISIS after losing two brothers in an attack. Forced to leave her adult daughter in Syria, she found refuge in Europe with her husband and youngest son. Her testimony reveals how Radio Maria helped her overcome pain and keep her faith alive even in the most difficult situations. Today she is an active participant in our prayer community and invites others in the diaspora to join us.
A message of universal peace
Every prayer that is shared, every encounter with those in need, every word of comfort spread through Radio Maria is a small step towards peace. From Aleppo to southern Egypt and to the homes of refugees in Germany, we have touched wounded hearts and rekindled hope in those who had lost it.
Radio Maria continues to be a light in the darkness, a bridge between people and God, and a symbol that life and peace are stronger than death and war. This is our message: Christ is with us, even among the rubble, and guides us towards true peace.
Our mission is confirmed by the words of Saint Augustine: “Peace is the simplicity of the spirit, the serenity of the mind, the tranquility of the soul, the bond of love”.
The importance of being present in the territory.
Joseph Nassar WFRM Continental Representative for Asia and Oceania
One of the common aims of all media, and particularly the radio, is to reach as many listeners as possible, especially in Third World countries. Radio Maria is no exception. In fact, Radio
Maria fully shares in the mission of the Church by following the mandate of Our Lord: “Go out to the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to the whole creation”. Radio Maria is called by the various episcopal conferences, especially in the most troubled countries, to spread the Christian message. Its mission is to address ordinary people, those who are far away and marginalized, who cannot be reached by other means, even by those institutions or entities which are most attentive to the human condition or with civic or political purposes.

People often do not have their own means of transport in Papua New Guinea. So, sometimes, the only way to reach some communities is through Radio Maria. In some cases, if people want to go to Mass, they have to walk, sometimes for a whole day, sometimes even for much longer. In some places they don’t have the opportunity to celebrate Mass at all, or listen to the parish priest or follow a bit of catechism. Radio Maria plays a fundamental role in this context. It is a strong Catholic reality in Papua New Guinea.
(Fr. Joseph Emmanuvel Amith, Director of RM Papua New Guinea)
The Experience in South Sudan
A concrete example of missionary commitment is that of South Sudan, where Radio Maria was among the first to meet refugees from neighboring countries in the camps set up for them. Radio Maria has brought moral and spiritual support and has become a humane and fraternal presence in a context of great suffering. A local radio station has also been set up that broadcasts in the language of the refugees, understands their suffering and shares their hopes. Programmes are broadcast by local communities through mobile studios, and then broadcast across the country through the headquarters. In such a difficult context, Radio Maria has distributed hundreds of thousands of small radios, free of charge, designed to be accessible to all. Some are in the shape of Mary carrying Baby Jesus, equipped with solar panels for those who do not have access to electricity, or with spare batteries for those who have no other option. These radios – including a model made specifically for prisoners, without the antenna – allow Radio Maria to be close to people and to give them hope.
In some remote areas of Africa, Radio Maria is the only voice that is heard. In these communities, Radio Maria is often the only station available, and it is through this radio that people feel connected to the rest of the world. It broadcasts cultural and educational programmes, prayer, catechism and news, thus helping the Church to reach those who are far away.
The Mission in Asia and the Pacific
Even in vast areas of Asia and in the islands of the
Pacific, which are more difficult to access because of their location, Radio Maria is called to bring the Word of God. In Papua New Guinea, for example, the tribes live isolated from the rest of the world due to the absence of transport infrastructures. Radio Maria was called by the Episcopal Conference to also serve these distant places, where local transmitters bring prayers and messages of hope to isolated populations.
The first president of Radio Maria left us with a very touching motto: “Where there is even one a soul, there Radio Maria must reach”. There are no barriers nor distances that can halt this fraternal call to conversion and to unity among peoples. Radio Maria’s mission is to bring the Word of God and the presence of Mary everywhere, tirelessly overcoming social, cultural, political, geographical and economic difficulties.
Today, Radio Maria is present in more than half of the countries of the world, following in Saint Paul’s footsteps, and eyeing those countries that are yet to be reached, where people are waiting to hear the Good News. Much has been done in recent years, but more needs to be done. It is not geographical distances that divide hearts, but often human barriers. Yet, it is the grace of the Spirit that makes the Voice of the Word, the Son of God, reach every heart through the ether, overcoming all obstacles.
Where there is a soul, there Radio Maria must reach: witness of global faith.
Fr. Toby Lees Director of Radio Maria England
Faced with the difficulties of the modern world, we often find ourselves reflecting on stories that expose the fragility of the human soul. One of these is the story of a young singer, who tragically died after falling from a balcony in Buenos Aires. This artist had attended a Christian school in England, St Peter’s Collegiate Academy, described as an institution rooted in Christian values, open to all those seeking an education based on faith. This young man had every temptation and false promise of happiness that the world could offer: fame, money, success. The reality of it became so unbearable to him that he turned to drugs and alcohol as props for his day-to-day living. His sad story helps us reflect on how fragile the human heart is when exposed to a culture that glorifies success but often neglects the deeper needs of the soul.
A testimony of hope
In contrast, here is a story of hope that shows the power of faith. This is from a letter I recently received from an ex-convict, who found in Radio Maria a faithful companion in the most difficult of times: “I am a recently released prisoner. As we were coming out of Covid lockdown, but still highly restricted in terms of time out of our cell, someone
mentioned I could tune in to your station. It was then, and still is now, my companion; through difficult times in prison and now as I get used to life outside once more.
The structure of prayer has held me in good stead, I continue to pray the Office with the Dominicans daily as I listen on Radio Maria. Thank you! I don’t think you realize the impact you are having on prisoners on a daily basis!”.
This testimony reminds us that, even in the darkest places, there is room for the light of faith. Through Radio Maria, this man found words that set free, that speak of the love of Christ and the unstinting intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
A heart saving message
The young singer’s death made me wonder what was going through his mind in his final moments.
My mind turned to the temptation of Jesus:
“And setting him on the pinnacle of the temple, he said, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down from here; for it is written: ‘He will give his angels charge of you, to guard you,’ and ‘On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.’” And Jesus answered him, “It is said, ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God’.”
I wonder what voices the young man heard in his head in his final hours. I wish that amongst them were those our former prisoner found whilst in jail and still hears now. I wish he had known of his

Guardian Angel to whom he could turn in trial and temptation. I wish he had known all these prayers and so many other words of hope and consolation that are heard on Radio Maria each day. This radio station represents a beacon for those who are lost, an anchor for those overwhelmed by the difficulties in their lives.
The challenge of contemporary culture
The transition from an education based on Christian values to the desperation on that balcony in Argentina poses a disturbing question: what is happening to our culture? We are immersed in a socie-
ty that often deprives young people of genuine role models, pushing them towards an existential crisis.
In this context, the mission of Radio Maria is fundamental. Its voice is a response to those seeking hope and comfort, a guide towards the light of the Gospel. Never has it been more essential to offer restless hearts a message of salvation and unconditional love, to counteract a culture that leaves young people without answers.
Radio Maria is not just a voice, but a constant invitation to rediscover oneself, to rediscover the beauty of faith and the joy of being children loved by God.

Between fragility and faith: a message of salvation that speaks to troubled hearts.
Josè Manuel Quintanilla President of Radio Maria Spain
Although each national Radio Maria has its own identity and autonomy, we never lose sight of the universal and missionary dimension of the great Radio Maria family in the world. Sustained by the family spirit that is characteristic of the Radio Maria project, all the radio stations that make up the World Family of Radio Maria support with great commitment all initiatives launched to ensure that Radio Maria reaches the greatest possible number of listeners anywhere in the world.
The Mariathon: missionary celebration of evangelization
The expansion and implementation of the Radio Maria projects on the five continents are made possible by the Mariathon. The Mariathon is identified as the missionary celebration of evangelization. During the Mariathon the programming of all Radio Marias takes on a special Marian and missionary tone; the usual campaign of prayers, testi-
monies and donations is strengthened, and appeals are launched for the Church in those places that Radio Maria has not yet reached, in those countries where the mission needs to be expanded or where there are more needs.
The aim of Radio Maria is to collaborate with the Church in bringing the Good News of salvation to every person; to help everyone find the meaning of life, happiness and find eternal salvation in the Gospel of Jesus Christ announced by the Catholic Church. “Convert and believe in the Gospel”: on Radio Maria the evangelical call to conversion resonates so that all people may walk in the light of faith and live in peace, joy and hope as children of God and of the Virgin Mary.
reaching out to give hope
Radio Maria is a hand that reaches out to all men and women of good will, to encourage them in times of difficulty to look to the future with confidence. It is a means of spreading the hope that comes from the salvation brought to us by Christ. His word spreads quickly and, through Radio Maria, reaches the hearts of listeners all over the world and urges them to become his disciples. The Mariathon is a miracle that, through Divine
Providence and the generosity of listeners, enables Radio Maria to continue to be a privileged means of evangelization and to be close to those who suffer in body and spirit. Thanks to the Mariathon, Radio Maria is able to fulfil its ongoing commitment to reaching the whole world. In places where suffering and persecution reign, pastoral tools and resources are needed. However, a daily presence that gives hope is also necessary, and that is what Radio Maria offers.
Thanks to the Mariathon projects, Radio Maria is able to fulfill its mission, as well as carry out the necessary maintenance of its current infrastructure. Without the appeal for solidarity and the missionary spirit of our listeners, the presence of Radio Maria in countries such as Portugal, Austral-
ia, Lebanon, India and many others would not have become a reality. There would be no mobile studios making it possible to pray rosaries from major Marian shrines around the world, nor would there be broadcasts in Arabic or Mandarin Chinese, for example.
The generosity of the listeners at the heart of the Mariathon
At the heart of the Mariathon are the small sacrifices and prayers of our listeners and their response, through generous donations, to the call of Radio Maria. Thanks to everyone’s support, many other places in the world will soon be able to listen to Radio Maria as is currently the case in 85 countries spread across the five continents.

Be worthy witnesses, tireless workers, enthusiastic about this extraordinary mission.
Roberta Zappa Head of Editorial Dept. of Radio Maria Italia

Ih ad this immense gift, this amazing grace of witnessing the birth, the creation and then the growth of Radio Maria many years ago and then watching it become a huge tree full of buds, of flowers, that continues to grow ever more rapidly. One day this young warrior called Father Livio arrived: a true soldier of God, a true apostle of the Queen of Peace on a global level, who has brought Radio Maria where it is today.
Today, Radio Maria is fundamental in our world, which is de-Christianized, atheist, angry and
without peace, because it has rejected God; it has once again disowned Jesus Christ, Our Lady, the supernatural. However, Italian listeners of Radio Maria, with their constant and extraordinary help, such as with the Mariathons – important times of the year, in which listeners help in a special way all the Radio Marias across the world, truly making many sacrifices to allow Radio Maria to continue its mission in Italy and around the world. They join every initiative with so much enthusiasm for God. They particularly love to help with our “missionary hourglasses” that are frequent, and they are aimed to support Radio Maria in difficult territories: Italians are very sensitive.
They like to experience first-hand, they want to live concretely the missionary nature of Radio Maria, which is to bring the Gospel, the word of the Lord and the love of the Most Holy Mary, Queen of Peace, to every heart in every corner of the world. Our task is this: to bring the heart of each man and woman closer to God who is the Father of all.
Technology and spirituality: the combination for a project that knows no bounds.
Tiziano Brusa WFRM Radio Frequency Dept.
Since its beginnings in the 1980s, Radio Maria has been able to adapt to new technologies aimed at spreading its message of peace and spirituality
novations such as apps, web platforms and satellite communications, we can listen to radio programmes wherever we are, making our experience of faith even more accessible and engaging. We are able listen to the message of the Queen of Peace wherever we are.
Local web pages: providing global access
Each Radio Maria station has created its own web

easily listen to the radio live and follow the programmes live from the various locations in real time. All this is particularly important for those who want to stay up-to-date on daily broadcasts and actively participate in the life of the radio wherever they are, simply by browsing on their PC, tablet or smartphone. The radio website provides a detailed schedule that allows listeners to know the programmes in advance, so they do not miss their favourite ones. Another key feature is access to podcasts. Radios offer a library of recorded broadcasts, thus allowing users to listen to programmes whenever they wish. This is particularly useful for delving deeper into specific topics, or for recovering important content that deserves to be listened to again. Finally, the contact section provides useful information for communicating directly with the local radio station. Whether it is sharing one’s experience of faith, requesting information or making donations, these platforms facilitate interaction between the radio and its audience. Thus, every website of every Radio Maria in the world is transformed into a real community space, where listeners can feel part of a larger project by sharing their experiences and deepening their faith.
The Radio Maria App: a bridge towards the world
Apps are a fundamental tool for every Radio Maria. Designed to serve millions of faithful around the world, each of them not only facilitates access to the content of each radio, but also represents an important step in unifying and boosting the programme schedule. With a modern and intuitive interface, listeners can easily explore a wide range of content, especially in the case of radio stations that do not have a frequency in their country, but only broadcast on the Web. Technology thus becomes a means to strengthen bonds between the faithful and to spread the Marian message throughout the world.
Satellites: reaching every corner of the planet
One of the most fascinating aspects of technolog-
ical innovation is the use of satellites for the transmission of radio signals. Thanks to this technology, Radio Maria can reach even the most remote areas of the world. The opportunity to listen to religious programmes in real time, even in places with limited infrastructure, is a great gift that allows us to feel part of a global community, which aims to bring the word of God to everyone. The satellites are not only used to bring the Radio Maria signal directly to the listeners’ homes, but also to connect studios with the transmission sites scattered across the related territories, which in turn then broadcast to listeners via the AM/FM/DAB+ signals. In a world where technology may seem distant from spirituality, Radio Maria proves that technology can actually be used to build paths that lead to peace.
Currently it is possible to listen to the following Radio Marias directly from the satellite using your satellite decoder:
Paolo Taffuri
A beacon of faith and solidarity: an answer to global challenges.
WFRM Africa Coordinator
In the current global context, characterized by significant educational challenges, Radio Maria stands out as an important reality promoting programmes on education in faith, peace and solidarity, especially in developing countries.
In these countries Radio Maria is committed to spreading messages of hope and human promotion through diversified and inclusive programming.
Religious education: a message of hope
One of the most relevant aspects of Radio Maria’s mission is its commitment to religious education. Programmes dedicated to spiritual formation offer the faithful opportunities to deepen their knowledge of the Christian faith, developing a greater awareness of the evangelical message, there where the population is most “thirsty” for Hope and Peace. By following catechesis, testimonies and biblical reflections, listeners not only learn about the tenets of their religion but are also encouraged to live the Christian values in their daily lives as they face the social and moral challenges of the context in which they find themselves.
Promotion of the whole person
In developing countries, where educational opportunities are limited, Radio Maria promotes programmes that encourage the training and education of young people and adults. Through broadcasts that deal with topics such as health, family, human rights, civic education, Radio Maria contributes to bridging the educational gap and providing useful tools for tackling daily problems. In an environment where access to education can be uncertain, the radio becomes a precious means of educational support.
Tanzania and Malawi: two successful educational projects
In some countries such as Tanzania, the project created by Radio Maria together with social services, to educate children to recognize and prevent child abuse, as well as helping adults to avoid it, was very successful. In Malawi, Radio Maria has been broadcasting for years a legal education programme for listeners who live in villages and therefore have limited access to legal services.
Health education: a pillar of programming
Health remains one of the main themes in Radio Maria’s social programming: collaborating with universities and health centres helps spread the
knowledge needed to prevent diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, hypertension, diabetes etc. and to improve nutrition.
Peace education: rebuilding relationships in contexts of conflict
In countries that have experienced war in the past, peace education represents another pillar for Radio Maria. The spreading of messages encouraging dialogue, understanding and reconciliation is particularly important in contexts characterized by conflict and social divisions.
Through talk shows, discussions and theatrical works, Radio Maria promotes a culture of peace, getting listeners involved in weaving a more cohesive and supportive social fabric. Radio Maria
promotes Christian values as well as social justice, encouraging everyone to promote change in their communities.
Faith as a driver of change
Finally, Radio Maria is proving to be a fundamental player in promoting education in the faith, peace and solidarity, addressing global educational challenges with an inclusive and responsible approach. Its ability to reach large audiences in developing countries represents a unique opportunity to spread universal values and build a more just and shared future. Through its programming, Radio Maria continues to inspire hope and solidarity, transforming words into action and faith into a driver of positive change.

At the school of the holy Curé d’Ars, Saint Jean-Marie Vianney.
Fr. Karlo Tyberghien Director of Radio Maria Belgium
‘‘Apriest is not for himself, he is for you” said the holy Curé d’Ars. You are never a priest for yourself. In the image of Christ, the person of the priest must give himself to others. Not occasionally, but always. However, this is not always easy. Like every life, that of a priest is not without difficulties, even if he has been entrusted with the mission of supervising the entire spiritual and editorial part of a radio station.
The director of Radio Maria: a special vocation
In following Christ as a priest, the director of Radio Maria has received a particular vocation, in that he has been called by the Virgin Mary to ensure that the radio of the Mother of God continues to be the voice of evangelization that the Church needs.
Ongoing formation: essential for the priest
With the help of the Virgin Mary, the priest therefore has the duty to continue his formation throughout his life. Otherwise, the priest will end up being satis-
fied only with his mission, without worrying about positively developing his thinking, spiritually deepening his faith and forming a vibrant community. For this reason, the director of Radio Maria will ensure that the three areas of a fully missionary and priestly life are kept alive.
Intellectual life: to read and learn more
Firstly, his intellectual life: a priest cannot be satisfied only with the formation received and the studies completed a long time ago. Through reading and in-depth study, it is important to keep one’s intellectual mind sharp. This task will be even more necessary if the priest has the mission of preaching on the radio so that everyone – believers and non-believers – may receive the content of our faith. It is through knowledge of the faith, explained firmly and at the same time with simplicity, that listeners can receive firstly the foundations needed to know Jesus, and then also the Deposit of the Faith of the Church which helps them to experience a true encounter with Christ. Permanent intellectual formation will therefore be very important for the evolution of Radio Maria.
Spiritual life: testimony and prayer
Secondly, the priest will ensure that he maintains and witnesses a profound spiritual life, which he will

bear witness to also through the knowledge transmitted in the catechesis given on the radio. Naturally, like every person, he will have a personal spiritual life linked to his own devotion and sensitivities. However, the Virgin Mary will have a privileged place in his spirituality. A director of Radio Maria is aware that he has been called by the Mother of the Saviour, and therefore will reflect the maternal love that a mother has for all her children. “The Priesthood is the love of the heart of Jesus”, Saint Jean-Marie Vianney rightly said. Hence, the priest director will not hesitate to pray intensely to the united hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Community life: collaborators and listeners
Finally, the priest is not alone, even if he cannot actually see the audience. Community life is an important dimension in the life of a priest. The director forms a real community with the rest of the radio staff: collaborators and volunteers. In addition to these di-
rect collaborators, the community is enriched by the multitude of listeners. Well, this community will only bear fruit if it maintains the spirit of intellectual and spiritual unity.
The heart of the priestly mission: serving others
As priest, the director of Radio Maria will thus take care of all the souls entrusted to him. The priest cannot see all these souls, but they are still present in his heart, as they are already in the hearts of Jesus and Mary. Let us therefore repeat that beautiful phrase of the holy Curé d’Ars, who is the patron saint of all priests: “A priest is not for himself, he is for you”
Faithfulness and mission: Radio Maria at the service of the Successor of Peter.
Daniele Trenca
WFRM Editorial Dept.
Radio Maria has always recognized that its mission is an integral part of the great evangelizing work of the Church by remaining faithful to the ministry of Peter and his role as universal

I greet the participants of the conference of the Associations of Radio Maria and I encourage them to continue in their commitment to spread, through the airwaves, the inexhaustible message of Christ’s salvation.
(Pope Benedict XVI, General Audience 4.10.2006)
guide for the faithful. Being close to the Pope is, for every Radio Maria in the world, an essential element of its identity and mission, which is fulfilled by serving the Church with obedience and love.
Loyalty that spans across several pontificates
Since its foundation, Radio Maria has found a reliable spiritual guide in Peter’s successors. Paul II repeatedly expressed appreciation for Radio Maria’s commitment to spreading the Gospel, en-
couraging the radio not to stop when faced with challenges. Benedict XVI, with his doctrinal depth, urged Radio Maria to maintain a close connection with the Church and its teachings. Finally, Pope Francis, with his attention to the peripheries, has pushed us to increasingly be a radio station that ”goes out”, that welcomes, accompanies and supports those who are most in need.
The private audience with Pope Francis
In 2015, the World Family of Radio Maria had the privilege of meeting Pope Francis in a private audience in the Clementine Hall. This meeting was a tangible sign of the special relationship between Radio Maria and the successor of Peter. The Holy Father stressed the importance of remaining faithful to the evangelizing mission of the Church and of living firsthand what we announce every day on our microphones.
United around the Successor of Peter
Since 2000, every three years, the World Family of Radio Maria has gathered for a World Conference
General Audience 2003
General Audience 2006
and since 2003 we have a dedicated day in which we participate in the General Audience with the Pope in St. Peter’s Square. These events represent real acts of faith where each radio renews its loyalty to the Petrine ministry. For Radio Maria, being welcomed by the Holy Father is a confirmation of
I greet the participants of the World Conference of Radio Maria, coming from different countries and urge them to spread the values of fraternity and solidarity, echoing life and the Church.
Pope Francis General Audience 16.10.2024

So I encourage you to cultivate always the “interior garden” of prayer, listening to the Word of God, and to make use of good readings to deepen your faith; in other words, by doing yourselves what you propose to others with your programmes. Moreover, always keep in mind that you are giving something great and unique: Christian hope, which is much more than simple spiritual consolation, because it is founded on the power of the Resurrection, witnessed with faith and works of charity.
(Pope Francis, Private Audience 29.10.2015)
its vocation: to serve the Church and its universal shepherd with dedication and faithfulness.
Loyalty to the Pope: an essential pillar
Loyalty to the Pope is not just an abstract principle for Radio Maria, but a concrete commitment that permeates every aspect of its activity. Every programme, every catechesis and every broadcast reflects adherence to the Pontifical Magisterium and
the desire to bring Peter’s message to the peripheries of the world. In an era characterized by division and confusion, Radio Maria remains a clear and coherent voice, firmly anchored to the leadership of the Successor of Peter. For Radio Maria, being faithful to the Pope means being faithful to Christ and His Church. This faithfulness, if lived with humility and dedication, is a sign of the love that Mary, Mother of the Church, has for her children.
Private Audience 2015
Stations (Broadcasting studios)
34 of which are substations in the local language
Programming in 83 languages
Almost 30,000 volunteers serving the Radio Maria project worldwide
Around 640 mobile studios at the service of the Radio Maria project in approximately 5,600 parishes and local communities
Over 730,000,000 people and 1,021 dioceses worldwide are reached by the Radio Maria radio frequency signal including 53 native African languages + 3 new countries under development in the next two years




Rua 11 de Novembro, Município de Viana, 7614156, Angola +244 936 681 158 radiomariaangola89.6@gmail.com radiomaria.co.ao


BP 51, Koupela, Burkina Faso +226 247 000 10 info.bur@radiomaria.org radiomariaburkinafaso.org


BP 2106, Bujumbura, Burundi +257 222 398 79 info.bdi@radiomaria.org radiomaria.bi


c/o conférence Episcopale Nat, 1963, Yaoundé, Cameroon +237 677 300 972 radiomariacmr@gmail.com radiomaria.cm



n°4012 - Kitambo – Kinshasa, DR Congo +243 892 445 237 info.cod@radiomaria.org radiomaria.cd


106 Malabo, Banapa, Eq. Guinea +240 222 244 742 radiomariaguineaecuatorial@gmail.com radiomaria.gq

Ilha de Sao Vicente, Mindelo, Cape Verde +238 583 21 16 associacaormcv@gmail.com radiomaria.cv

BP, Bangui - Bimbo, 2722, Central African Republic +236 720 271 71 info.caf@radiomaria.org radiomariacentrafrique.org

derriere hopital, Oyem, 19, 1359, Gabon +241 019 862 62 info.gab@radiomaria.org radiomariagabon.org

P.O. Box 112, Cape Coast, Centralt Ghana

BP 1555, Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast +225 058 235 36 info.civ@radiomaria.org radiomaria.ci

St Peter clevers Catholic Church, 36724-00200 Nairobi, Kenya +254 740 478 011 administration.ken@radiomaria.org radiomaria.co.ke

P.O. Box 2393, Pitso ground, Maseru, 102, Lesotho +266 594 155 17 radiomarialesotho3@gmail.com radiomaria.co.ls

Ashum Street - P.O. BOX 2078, Monrovia, Liberia +231 886 676 397 info.lbr@radiomaria.org radiomaria.com.lr

306, Andrefatsena, Ambositra, B.P 172, Madagascar +261 342 010 502 director.mdg@radiomaria.org radiomaria.mg

P.O. BOX 408, Mangochi, Malawi +265 159 961 7 info.mlw@radiomaria.org radiomaria.mw

Praça da OMM, Rua de França 1398, casa Nr 31, Maputo, Mozambique +258 823 004 793 info.moz@radiomaria.org radiomaria.org.mz


51 mambolo Street wuse zone 2, Abuja, Nigeria +234 07052903668 radiomariaabuja@gmail.com radiomaria.ng

Avenue Charles de Gaules dans l’enceinte de la Paroisse Saint Pierre Apôtre, Diocèse de Pointe-Noire, 659, Rep. of Congo +242 055 355 095 radiomariacongo@yahoo.fr radiomaria.cg


Gitarama Muhanga, P.O Box. 52, Rwanda +250 784 870 045 radiomariarwanda@gmail.com radiomaria.rw

4th Floor,, Freetown, Sierra Leone +232 799 009 07 info.sle@radiomaria.org radiomaria.sl



P.O. Box 2831 - Matoto Immeuble Sylla - 5eme étage, Conakry, Rep. of Guinea
+224 657 471 097 info.gab@radiovoixdelapaix.org radiovoixdelapaix.org

work in progress project 10 Edison Rd, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700, Sudafrica

Hospital Road, Juba, South Sudan

plot 125 Mkocheni, Industrial Area, Dar Es Salaam, Box 34573, Tanzania +255 222 773 837 info.tan@radiomaria.org radiomaria.co.tz

ASSOCIATION RADIO MARIA TOGO n° 155 de la Rue 158 Hedzranawoe, Lomé, 03 B.P. 30162 - Lomé 03, Togo +228 222 635 00 promotion.tog@radiomaria.org radiomaria.tg

Mutungo Blina Hill, P.O. BOX 7748, Kampala, Uganda +256 393 001 037 info.uga@radiomaria.org radiomaria.ug

c/o Chipata Diocese Box 510124, Zambia +260 216 221 655 coordinator.zam@radiomaria.org radiomaria.co.zm


Avenida Vélez Sarsfield 51 1 Piso - Oficina 6, Ciudad de Cordoba , 5000, Argentina +54 810 777 777 7 contacto@radiomaria.org.ar radiomaria.org.ar

Calle Teodomiro Beltran N 888, entre Eufronio Viscarra y Fray Domingo de SantoTomas, Cochabamba, Bolivia +591 445 20313 info@radiomaria.org.bo radiomaria.org.bo

Rua 20, número 36, Qd 44. Lt 06/08, Centro, CEP 74020 170, Goiânia- GO, 74020, Brazil +55 62 997 020 478 radiomariabrazil@gmail.com radiomaria.org.br


Monseñor Miller 74 Providencia, Santiago, 7500827, Chile +56 229 451 200 contacto@radiomaria.cl radiomaria.cl

4 Director Court, Unit 105 Woodbridge, Ontario L4L 3Z5, Canada +1 416 245 711 7 info@radiomaria.ca radiomaria.ca
4 Director Court, Unit 105 Woodbridge, Ontario L4L 3Z5, Canada +1 416 245 711 7 info@radiomaria.ca radiomaria.ca

4 Director Court, Unit 105 Woodbridge, Ontario L4L 3Z5, Canada +1 416 245 711 7 info@radiomaria.ca radiomaria.ca ARGENTINA



Carrera 21A, Bogotà, 151-23, Colombia +57 174 600 67 info.col@radiomaria.org radiomariacol.org

San José, 75 metros al sur de la Escuela Pilar Jiménez, Guadalupe de Goicoechea, 1869- 2100, Costa Rica +506 4000-1007 coordinacion@radiomaria.cr radiomaria.cr


Plaza Gerónimo, 4to. Nivel Calle Sillón de la Viuda No.5, Altos de Cancino, Santo Domingo Este, R.D. Detrás de Mega Centro. +1 849 205 2370 info.dom@radiomaria.org radiomaria.org.do


Baquerizo Moreno E9-116 Y Leonidas Plaza, Quito, 170523, Ecuador +593 22565401 info@radiomariaecuador.org radiomariaecuador.org


Colonia Alfa – Pasaje California km. 2 ½ carretera Los Planes de renderos, San Salvador, El Salvador +503 213 212 12 program.sal@radiomaria.org radiomaria.org.sv

10a. Calle 6-86 Zona 2, Ciudad de Guatemala, 01002, Guatemala +502 224 538 00 administration.gua@radiomaria.org radiomaria.org.gt

Entre primera calle y calle Real Centenario 7 avenida Nor este, Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras +504 266 261 16 radiomariahonduras2020@gmail.com radiomaria.hn

Bernardo de Balbuena 360 Col Santa Teresita, Guadalajara, 44600, Mexico +52 333 367 100 0 program.mex@radiomaria.org radiomaria.mx

Headquarters currently in the process of being transferred radiomarianicaragua.org

Urbanización Los Ángeles corregimiento de Betania, Ave. Los Periodistas, Panama, Casa D- 5, Panama +507 260 300 0 directo@radiomaria.pa radiomaria.pa

General Caballero 183 entre Cerro Corá y 14 de mayo, San Lorenzo, Código Postal 2160, Paraguay +595 215 766 00 info.par@radiomaria.org radiomaria.org.py

Av Gral. Garzón, distrito de Jesús María, Lima, Perú +51 204 870 0 coordinador@radiomariaperu.net radiomariaperu.org






Urbanización Jardines de Montellanos CII, Cayey, Puerto Rico 00738

+1 787-469-3997 radiomariapr@gmail.com radiomariapr.org

18 DE Julio 1220 Apto.402, Montevideo, Uruguay +598 2903 0094 radiomariauruguay@gmail.com radiomaria.org.uy

601 Washington St. - Alexandria, Louisiana, 71301, USA

+1 888 408 0201 info.eng@radiomaria.us radiomaria.us

70-05 Fresh Pond Road Ridgewood NY 11385-5901 USA +1 718 417 055 0 info.nyi.@radiomaria.us nyi.radiomaria.us

7115 W Tidwell Rd Ste k-105 Houston, TX 77092 USA

+1 888 301 579 8 info.esp@radiomaria.us radiomariasp.org

Av Andrés Bello . 3ra Transversal Gucaipuro Norte . Quinta Mirla Caracas ,1050 , Venezuela . +58 212 577 387 0 info.ven@radiomaria.org radiomaria.org.ve


Ghorghanyan - Str. Gyumri, Shirak Region, 83, Armenia +374-93723332 info@radiomariam.am radiomariam.am





Nuhra Steet, Irbil, Iraq +964 751 803 198 8 info.iraq@radiomaria.org radiomariam.iq


5-7 Clifton Grove, Preston VIC 3072, Melbourne, Australia +61 3 9124 9805 info@radiomaria.org.au radiomaria.org.au

Via Rusticucci 13, 00193 Rome, Italy +39 06 640 057 02 info.man@radiomaria.org radiomaria.cn

Animation Centre, Aroor, Kerala, Pin-688534, India +91 999 516 958 4 info.ind@radiomaria.org radiomaria.org.in
work in progress project

Radio Maria Building, Near Vijaya mary School, Carmel Nagar, Gunadala, Vijayawada, 520004 India

Katolik Center Lantai V Jl. Mataram, Medan Sumut, No 21, Indonesia +62 614 151 562 radiomaria.indonesia@yahoo.com radiomaria.co.id

Lebanon ,Mount Lebanon ,Maten Zalka Highway, Tchamitchian Building third Floor +961-1881515
info@radiomaria.org.lb radiomaria.org.lb

Rua Da Barra No. 22-22F,Edif. Hoi On, AC/V, Macao +853 2896 7779 macaumariacentre@gmail.com radiomaria.mo

THE VOICE OF MARY FROM NAZARETH P.O.Box 50643 Nazareth, 1616401 zip code, Israel +972 460 019 96 info.nzr@radiomaria.org radiomariam.org.il

Sunrise Subdivision-Maliwalo 2300, Tarlac City, 2300, Philippines +63 459 821 792 info.phi@radiomaria.org radiomaria.ph

P.O. Box, Boroko, 8719, Papua New Guinea +675 325 1195 studios.png@radiomaria.org radiomariapng.org

Via Rusticucci 13, 00193 Rome, Italy +39 06 640 057 02 info.arab@radiomaria.org radiomariam.org
ITALY - The Mother Radio



Via Milano, 12, 22036 Erba (Como), Italy +39 031 610 600 info.ita@radiomaria.it radiomaria.it


Kameniti stol 11, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia +385 123 270 00 info@radiomarija.hr radiomarija.hr


Rruga Papa Gjon Pali II Nr. 4, Fushë - Kërçik, Babrru Tiranë, 1047, Albania +355 692 069073 iplazraj@gmail.com radiomaria.al

Pottendorfer Straße 21, 1120 Wien, Austria +43 171 070 72 kontakt@radiomaria.at radiomaria.at


Daumana str. 13b, 220002 Minsk, Belarus +375 293 062 265 info@radiomaria.by radiomaria.by

Sint Reneldisplein 23, Leuven, 3001, Belgium +32 016 414 747 info@radiomaria.be radiomaria.be

Zagrebačka 18, Sarajevo, 71000, Bosnia-Herzegovina +387 332 630 55 info@radiomarija.ba radiomarija.ba





Blackfriars Hall, St Dominic’s Priory Hall, Southampton Road, London, NW5 4LB, England +44 300 302 125 1 info@radiomariaengland.uk radiomariaengland.uk

230 Rue Marc Delage - Les Eglantines, La Garde, 83130, France +33 494 203 088 accueil@radiomaria.fr radiomaria.fr

Dorf 6, Balderschwang, D-87538, Germany +49 083 289 211 10 info@horeb.org horeb.org

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St Anthony’s Business Park, Ballymount Road, Dublin D22 R7W2, Ireland +353 141 234 56 info@radiomaria.ie radiomaria.ie

Bahnhofstraße 28, Brixen, 39042, Italy +39 0472 831 515 info@radiomaria.bz.it radiomaria.bz.it

St. Filip Shiroka, Catholic Church, ,,Shën Ndou’’, Ulpianë, Prishtina, 10000, Kosovo +381 038 748 777 info.rks@radiomaria.org radiomariakosove.org

Ojāra Vācieša 6, Rīga, LV-1004, Latvia +371 679 691 28 info@rml.lv rml.lv

Vilniaus g. 5, Kaunas, 44282, Lithuania +370 837 428 408 redakcija@marijosradijas.lt marijosradijas.lt

ul. Kliment Ohridski 236, Strumica, 2400, Macedonia +389 765 192 72 radiomarijablagovest@gmail.com radiomarija.mk

40, Triq San Vincenz Ferreri Rabat, RBT 2503, Malta +356 214 531 05 info.mal@radiomaria.org radjumarija.org

Estrada da Portela, n. 73 - Piso 1 - Esc. 9/10, Carnaxide, 2790-124, Portugal +351 210 730 000 info@radiomaria.pt radiomaria.pt


Str. Gheorghe Doja 83 D, Oradea, Romania +40 359 191 291 contact@radiomaria.ro radiomaria.ro


Str. Barsei, Nr. 18, jud. Bihor, Oradea, 410466, Romania +40 359 420 777 mariaradio@mariaradio.ro mariaradio.ro

Kazanskaya ul., 33/5, liter A, kv. 93, Sankt-Peterbourg, 190031, Russia +7 812 438 119 2 coordinator@radiomaria.ru radiomaria.ru

Matije Gupca 8-10, 24000 Subotica, Serbia +381 024 600 099 radiomarija.srbija@yahoo.com radiomarija.rs

Matije Gupca 8-10, 24000 Subotica, Serbia +381 024 692 255 mariaradionkert@gmail.com mariaradio.rs

Mlynské Nivy 73, Bratislava, 82105, Slovakia +421 919 233 529 info.slo@radiomaria.org radiomaria.sk
MÁRIA RÁDIO MIRJAM, občianske združenie

Jókaiho č. 6, Komárno, 945 01, Slovakia +421 357 789 416 info@mariaradio.sk mariaradio.sk

Paseo de Lanceros nº 2, 28024, Madrid, Spain +34 918 228 010 radiomaria@radiomaria.es radiomaria.es





Adliswil, CH-8134, Switzerland +41 435 012 233 info@radiomaria.ch radiomaria.ch

Chemin de Beau-Rivage 6, Lausanne, 1006, Switzerland +41 213 134 390 info@radiomaria-sr.ch radiomaria-sr.ch

Postbus 5045, 5201 GA ‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands +31 736 872 000 info@radiomaria.nl radiomaria.nl

Sribnokilska Str. 9, Ap.394, Kiev, 02095, Ukraine +380 445 722 929 info@radiomaria.org.ua radiomaria.org.ua

info.wf@radiomaria.org www.radiomaria.org