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The premier global halal industry event


executive review 17 - 18 november 2009

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the hague



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17 - 18 november 2009




the hague




halal market potential - A regional focus w ww.worl dh al alforum.org info@worldhal alforum.org


E v e nt Spon sor

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tel: +6 03 6203 1025


fax: +6 03 6203 4072

Sup p orte d By

Me dia Pa rtne r

E vent Pa rtne r

11/6/09 8:18:11 AM

W o r l d H a l a l F o r u m EUROPE 2 0 0 9


04 World Halal Forum Charter 05 World Halal Forum Message 06 The Halal Market In Europe

S p e a k e rs a n d Pa n e l i s t s 15 H.E. Dato’ Seri Sheikh Saleh Abdullah Kamel 16 Hajjah Jumaatun Azmi 17 Dr. Mustafa Ceric 19 Mr. Bahri Ouzariah Mrs. Carola Reintjes 20 Dr. Cedomir Nestorovic Mr. Darhim Hashim 21 Dato’ Frits Van Dijk Dato’ Dr. Mohd Hashim Ahmad Tajudin 23 Dr. Jochen P. Zoller Dr. Joe Regenstein 24 Drs. Irfan Sungkar Mr. Syed Rasheeduddin Ahmed Hajj Abdalhamid Evans 26 Dr. Michael Appleby Dr. S. Abdul Rahman (co author to Dr. Michael Appleby) 27 Ir. Marco Tieman Mr. Rafaiq Bakri Zakaria

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11/6/09 5:41:25 AM


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11/4/09 12:05:21 AM

GLOBAL HALAL UNITY IHI Alliance is an international non-profit organisation created to uphold the integrity of the Halal market concept in global trade through recognition, collaboration and membership. Our mission is to propagate the benefits of Halal and elevate it as the standard of choice. Through our strategic partnership with the Islamic Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ICCI), we seek to assemble world class experts, leading industry figures and stakeholders across the whole industry supply chain to harmonise the global Halal industry. We invite companies, organisations and individuals to join as IHI Alliance members and be a part of an initiative to build a stronger and robust global Halal industry. For membership details including benefits, categories and fees, please log on to



or email info@ihialliance.org



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W o r l d H a l a l F o r u m E URO P E 2 0 0 9

World Halal Forum Charter

The Halal market has emerged as a global force. Halal transcends traditional industry-sector boundaries and definitions, and is fast becoming the new market paradigm with its own unique set of issues, challenges and opportunities. The World Halal Forum has been established to achieve the following:

To provide a focal point for the global Halal industry To gather Halal industry experts, leaders and specialists To share their views, knowledge and expertise To be an arena for discussion, networking and collaboration to stimulate the growth and development of the Halal market To facilitate the resolution of problems and issues of concern within the Halal industry To coordinate and assist subject-specific industry groups and technical committees to support excellence, innovation and improvement in the Halal market To develop and promote the concept of Halal to realise its full potential as a globally recognised symbol of quality and safety To assist and support the development of world-class Halal industry standards covering the entire value chain


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11/6/09 5:41:58 AM

W o r l d H a l a l F o r u m E URO P E 2 0 0 9

World Halal Forum Message

Assalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh Welcome to the first ever regional World Halal Forum.

In May this year, at the World Halal Forum (WHF) 2009, now an annual event in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, themed ‘Achieving Global Halal Integrity’, 1,200 participants ranging from government leaders, ambassadors, trade counsellors, industry experts, academicians, scholars and delegates from over 60 countries gathered, deliberated and voted to resolve some crucial issues. The Kuala Lumpur meet marked two very important milestones in the history of the World Halal Forum. For the very first time, WHF held two separate streams – the main stream and the IHI Alliance standards stream – this enabled detailed focused attention and discussion among delegates who were able to choose the subject matters that were most close to their heart. Secondly, the draft global halal standards were unveiled for public and industry review and deliberation by the host of the event (also the host for this regional World Halal Forum -Europe), the International Halal Integrity Alliance (IHI Alliance). Among the resolutions passed at the 4th World Halal Forum, one was to extend the prestigious WHF to areas outside Malaysia to continue the deliberations and make it more inclusive. For a start, we are now holding this event in Europe this year. Keen interest has been expressed and advance planning and negotiations are already under way to hold similar regional WHF in North America, South America, Middle East, Africa, and Australia. The global halal food industry was worth over EUR455 billion in 2009. It is an industry dominated historically by non-Muslim countries that have, over many years, had a clear and distinct advantage through their superior marketing and distribution channels as well as production efficiency. Halal is a global brand that has gone mainstream. This means that the Muslim consumer base is expanding rapidly to include increasingly non-Muslims. Halal is now an open market with a potential consumer reach of more than 730 million people today in Europe alone, and 900 million people in ten years. In response to this demand and market potential that has not really been fully tapped, we are here today at the World Forum Convention Centre, The Hague, with the theme ‘Halal Potential – A Regional Focus’. It is a perfect platform to conduct business networking between speakers, panellists and participants of the event to harness the trade opportunities in this industry. We are confident that together we can realise this industry’s full potential and expand its market through deliberations and discussions held over the next two days, Insya Allah. We extend a very warm welcome to all to the World Halal Forum Europe 2009. JazakAllah Khair


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W o r l d H a l a l F o r u m E URO P E 2 0 0 9


The global industry has always been hungry for accurate and reliable data. Nowhere is this better illustrated than the halal industry. In any consumer products related industry, assessment of market size, knowledge of customers and their requirements, as well as the growth factors are important fundamental elements. For the global halal industry, the lack of accurate and easily accessible data is one of the major factors hampering its growth potential.


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W o r l d H a l a l F o r u m E URO P E 2 0 0 9

The Importance of the European Halal Market Islam is the world’s largest religion in terms of practitioners with an average growth rate of about 1.80 per cent per annum (average nonMuslim growth is 1.12 per cent per annum). While the exact number of Muslims worldwide is anyone’s guess, KasehDia’s research indicates that the total number of Muslims worldwide reached 1.83 billion in 2009. In 2009, Europe has a Muslim population of about 51.2 million – a growth of 140 per cent since the last decade, and continues to outpace that of the non-Muslims’ growth. Consequently, this pool of Muslims in Europe plays a major role in the global halal market for various reasons: • Europe has the third largest concentration of Muslims after Asia and the African countries; larger compared to North America, Australia/ the Pacific countries, and Latin America. European Muslims possess higher purchasing power, meaning the market potential is huge. • The demographic structure of Muslims in Europe is skewed towards a younger/ educated generation. • Dominated by migration from Turkey, North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and others), the Middle East, and some Asian countries, these communities have faster population growth and higher household size. The average Muslim household size is between 4.0 and 4.5 persons while the same for the whole EU-27 is only 1.8 persons; • Halal food and products are getting mainstream now and equally attractive to non-Muslims as well. Halal products are universal, destined for the non-Muslims, known as the “cross-over market”.

Muslims and the Size of the Halal Food Market in Europe There is no reliable population data that categorises religious affiliation in European countries because generally European governments do not collect ethnic and/ or religious statistics. While incomplete and disperse official statistics may be available, these are often biased. The Halal Journal and WHF Secretariat has completed an extensive two-year research assignment to determine a reasonable projection of Muslim population and size of the halal market based on the best proxies, comparison of various estimates, and field research with the aim to develop a closest reliable projection.


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The Halal Food Market Report series for European & Global market

is out now!


European Halal Food Market Report : EUR250 Global Halal Food Market Report : EUR365 (hardcopy & softcopy)

To order please contact us at +6 03 6203 1025 or email us at info@halaljournal.com

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Halal Food Market Report


10/31/09 9:20:08 AM

11/3/09 3:52:58 AM

W o r l d H a l a l F o r u m E URO P E 2 0 0 9

Based on this research, the projected number of Muslims in the whole of Europe, EU-15, and several major European countries is as shown in Table 1:

Table 1: Projection of Muslims in Europe & Selected Countries, 2005-2010 No. Country 1 2 3 4 5 6

Europe EU-15 (western/ northern) - France - Germany - United Kingdom - The Netherlands

Muslim Population (‘000) 2005 2010 51,200 19,750 5,866 3,450 1,720 940

54,700 25,230 6,780 4,160 2,180 1,050

Source: The Halal Journal and World Halal Forum (WHF) Secretariat

In Europe, Muslim population is expected to reach 54.7 million in 2010, an increase from 51.2 million in 2005. In most cases, these are migrants from Muslim-majority countries such as Turkey, parts of Asia, North Africa, as well as the other African states. The Russian Federation has the largest Muslim population, followed by France, Germany, United Kingdom and The Netherlands in that order. In EU-15 (Western/ Northern Europe) countries, the number of Muslims was close to 20 million in 2005, projected to continue increasing to 25.23 million by 2010. Although Muslims in Europe are often criticised for seeing themselves as a distinct group, in reality they are far from this homogenous characteristic, especially after taking into account dietary, lifestyle and other socio-economic backgrounds. The Turkish Muslims, representing almost 70 per cent of Muslims in Europe, have little in common with the predominantly Algerian and Moroccan Muslims in France who are in turn very different with Asian and Suriname-origin Muslims in The Netherlands. Despite these distinctions, some striking phenomena are observed: Muslims require halal food and will put in great effort to obtain it. Secondly, Muslims are fast being integrated with the global economy.


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W o r l d H a l a l F o r u m E URO P E 2 0 0 9

Based on the projected Muslim population in Europe, the potential size of the halal food market can be calculated. However, in the interest of reliability and comparability, the average annual per capita food consumption has to take into account the purchasing power parity in European countries. The size of the global and European halal food market is as shown in Table 2:

Table 2: Estimated Size of the Global & European Halal Food Market, 2009-2010 (USD Billion) Global Halal Food Market Size 2009 2010 Projected (USD Billion) 634.6 661.6 1. Africa



2. Middle East/ Asia - GCC Countries - Indonesia - Malaysia

400.1 43.8 77.6 8.2

418.1 46.0 80.7 8.6

66.6 17.4 21.1 4.1

69.3 18.2 21.9 4.3

4. Australasia



5. Americas - USA - Canada

16.1 12.9 1.8

16.7 13.4 1.9

3. Europe - France (EU) - Russian Federation (non EU) - United Kingdom (EU)

Source: Summarised based on data from World Bank IDC, UN Population Database, other Muslim Population database, and internal WHF research in Europe, the Middle East and South East Asia in 2008/2009

As shown in Table 2, the current European halal food market size is projected to reach USD66.6 billion this year and rise to USD69.3 billion in 2010. This figure is slightly higher than the initial projection made in the first quarter of 2009.


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11/5/09 11:29:40 PM

gain perspective

market intelligence research & analysis project development training & workshops

The Halal Market Specialists KasehDia Sdn Bhd, 31-2 Plaza Crystalville, Jalan 22a/70a Desa Sri Hartamas, 50480 Kuala Lumpur Tel +603 6203 1025 • Fax +603 6203 4072 • info@kasehdia.com • www.kasehdia.com

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4/26/09 12:13:08 AM

11/3/09 4:13:28 AM

W o r l d H a l a l F o r u m E URO P E 2 0 0 9

The Russian Federation has a larger number of Muslims than France (20-25 million), but the per capita halal food consumption is relatively smaller. With higher income and purchasing power, France (with less than 7 million Muslims) has a market size of USD17.4 billion. About half of this market is in areas surrounding Paris (Ile-de-France/ IDF), and accounts for approximately 40 per cent of the total.

Market Development and Trends Demographic Trends Europe is facing unprecedented demographic changes that will impact society and the economy. These changes have huge implications for goods and services demand. Further, a number of long-term trends are continuing and intensifying – some dramatically will affect the way Europeans think, live, and shop. Once these trends and related products are in motion, they cannot be stopped, irrespective of origin. Migrations have become a key source of population growth in Europe without which the European population (specifically those EU member countries), would have already declined. Migrants tend to have higher fertility rates than local population, and hence, faster organic population growth. On the reverse, European population is ageing generally. The population structure is changing as a consequence of demographic trends. People are living longer and are healthier. Lifestyle Changes As demographic changes takes place, important lifestyle changes that increasingly impacts the type of products and services that people buy is developing. Lifestyle changes include: adapting a more flexible lifestyle; rising incomes and increased middle class segments and more women at work, which translate into rising disposable income within households and higher affordability of goods and services. Time and Demand for Convenience Increase in desire for convenience includes demand for ready-made meals and convenient food. Time is important, particularly for younger people. People are prepared to pay for products and services that will save time.


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Multicultural Market Consequence of migration, EU consumers have become more accepting of other international lifestyle. This is reflected in new types of food available. Supermarkets and restaurants have responded to this multicultural consumer demand and started to cater for such consumers’ tastes for exotic foods.

Conclusion Since Muslims and halal products are among the fastest growing consumer segment in Europe, companies that are not seriously considering how to service these needs will miss an excellent and significant opportunity to increase their revenue stream. With traditional consumer segments already reaching a saturation point, opportunity brought by Muslim consumers in the demand for halal products is the source of future growth. In order to do this, understanding on the market for halal products in Europe is imperative, and this is the primary objective and philosophy of the World Halal Forum Europe – to acquaint ourselves with this new dawn.

© Copyright The Halal Journal and KasehDia Research and Consultancy. Additional information can be found in two key reports published by The Halal Journal in collaboration with KasehDia Research and Consultancy. These are the Global Halal Food Market Report and European Halal Food Market Report. Please refer to information on page 08.


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11/6/09 5:57:10 AM

t h e M ag a z i n e f o r T h e G lo ba l h a l a l e x p e r i e n c e

www.halaljournal.com Be in the know with The Halal Journal The Halal Journal is the only dedicated business magazine focusing on Halal industries in Asia and the rest of the world. Global awareness of Halal products and services is growing at an unprecedented rate – not only in the Muslim world. Halal product logos and Islamic financial services are now common features in all corners of the world. The Halal Journal - keeps you in the loop. • Provides dedicated coverage of Halal issues and markets. • In-depth analyses on key Halal sectors. • Premier advertising medium for Halal industry movers and shakers. • Coverage on international Halal trade shows and conferences. • 6 informative issues annually. Get them delivered to your desk.

To adv ertise Download The Halal Journal Media Booking Form at www.halaljournal.com or email us at info@halaljournal.com F or a ssi stance and info r mat io n Contact Francisca Shaik, Manager – Client Services at francisca@kasehdia.com

The Halal Journal is created and published bi-monthly by

K a s e h D i a Sd n B h d 3 1 - 2 P l a z a C r y s ta lv i l l e , J a l a n 2 2 A / 7 0 A , D e s a S r i H a r ta m a s , 5 0 4 8 0 K u a l a L u m p u r , M a l ay s i a t +6 03 6203 1025 f +6 03 6203 4072 e info@kasehdia.com w w w w. k a s e h d i a . c o m

W o r l d H a l a l F o r u m E URO P E 2 0 0 9

H.E. Dato’ Seri Sheikh Saleh Abdullah Kamel Chairman, World Halal Forum

Dato’ Seri Sheikh Saleh Kamel is a successful businessman and a passionate activist for the Islamic economy. He is Chairman of the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (ICCI-OIC), International Halal Integrity (IHI) Alliance, and the General Council for Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions. He is also the Founder and Chairman of the Dallah Al Baraka Group, and established the Islamic Economics Research Centre in King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and the Saleh Abdullah Kamel Centre for Islamic and Commercial Research and Studies in Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. As a pioneer and major player of Islamic finance and banking, he has written many articles and conducts lectures on the topic. He plans to take the Al Baraka Banking Group public to create the world’s largest Islamic bank. In the regional media landscape, he became the first Arab producer of television series in the private sector 30 years ago as the mastermind behind the MBC (Middle East Broadcasting Centre) and ART (Arab Radio and Television) broadcasting networks. His breadth of experience spans the real estate sector as well, with property developments in Tunisia and Saudi Arabia. In recognition of remarkable achievements, he has been decorated with many awards such as the Jordanian Independence Decoration (First Order, 1986); Islamic Banker Award (Islamic Development Bank, 1995); Honorary Doctorate, Lake Hurst University (USA, 2003); and the Lifetime Achievement Award (Ernst & Young, 1996 and 2005), to name a few.


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W o r l d H a l a l F o r u m E URO P E 2 0 0 9

Hajjah Jumaatun Azmi World Halal Forum

Hajjah Jumaatun Azmi is the founder of the World Halal Forum and Managing Director of KasehDia Sdn Bhd, a niche communication and consultancy firm focused on the application of Islamic concepts. Under Hajjah Jumaatun’s leadership, the company has created world renowned events, publications, productions and consulted the government on halal matters. Hajjah Jumaatun is the Editor of The Halal Journal, a trade publication on the halal industry currently distributed in over 35 countries. She also founded the award winning Halal Food Guide series which has covered eight countries, to date. The productions to date include two seasons (13 episodes each) of Halal Journal TV, a show on the business and lifestyle of ‘halal’, and documentaries including ‘Conversations with Muslims in Bangkok’, ‘Global Halal Market’ and ‘Muslims in Bosnia’. Hajjah Jumaatun has also ventured into radio via the Halal Journal (HJ) Radio platform which is a half hour talk show discussing current issues and trends in the Islamic business world featuring industry leaders, academics and halal product and service innovators. Other accomplishments include lobbying the OIC (Organisation of the Islamic Conference) in pressing the global halal agenda via the World Halal Forum platform and getting the various interest groups to work together for the common good and advising the Ministry of International Trade and Industry Malaysia in their development of the halal section of the Third Industrial Master Plan, as well as the Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC) to establish strategic direction for their Halal Industry Master Plan.


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Dr. Mustafa Ceric

Raisu-L-Ulama of Islamic Community Grand Mufti of Bosnia And Herzegovina

Dr. Mustafa Ceric is the Raisu-l-Ulama of Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Grand Mufti of Bosnia since 1993. He is also the Grand Mufti of Sanjak, Croatia and Slovenia. In 1987, he received his PhD in Islamic studies from the University of Chicago, where he studied under the late Dr. Fazlur Rahman. He served as an Imam and Professor in Bosnia, Malaysia, and the United States. He is the co-recipient of the 2003 UNESCO Felix Houphoet Boigny Peace Prize for Contribution to World Peace, and recipient of the International Council of Christians and Jews Annual Sir Sternberg Award for exceptional contribution to interfaith understanding. He is co-signatory of an open letter by Muslim personalities, meant as a reply to the Regesburg speech by Pope Benedict XVI. Dr. Mustafa was the recipient of the 2007 Lifetime Achievement Award from AMSS UK. Dr. Mustafa is a member of several local and international scientific organisations and societies, including the Council of 100 Leaders of the World Economic Forum. He has delivered numerous lectures and led several workshops on inter-religion and interfaith issues at local and international conferences. He has authored several books including ‘European Muslim Declaration’.


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Supporting documents may be submitted in a format of your choice, that being (a) Hard Copy, (b) in CDs, or (c) via Email. Please include in your submission the following: $PNQBOZ CSJFG JODMVEJOH CBDLHSPVOE EBUF PG JODPSQPSBUJPO OVNCFS PG FNQMPZFFT FUD 0OF QBHF XSJUF VQ PVUMJOJOH SFBTPOT GPS EFTFSWJOH OPNJOBUJPOT 5FTUJNPOJBMT GSPN DVTUPNFST DMJFOUT XIFSF BWBJMBCMF 3FDFOU QSFTT DPWFSBHF JG BWBJMBCMF #SPDIVSFT TBNQMFT JG BQQMJDBCMF Website address "OZ PUIFS TVQQPSUJOH NBUFSJBMT PS EPDVNFOUT UIBU ZPV EFFN รถU Please submit to: Panel of Judges The Halal Journal Awards 2010 c/o KasehDia Sdn Bhd 31-2, Plaza Crystalville Jalan 22A/70A, Desa Sri Hartamas 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia T: +603 6203 1025 F: +603 6203 4072 E: info@halaljournal.com W: www.halaljournal.com Submission Conditions t %FDJTJPOT NBEF CZ 1BOFM PG +VEHFT BSF รถOBM BOE OP DPSSFTQPOEFODFT XJMM CF FOUFSUBJOFE t .BUFSJBMT BOE JOGPSNBUJPO TVQQMJFE XJMM CF USFBUFE DPOรถEFOUJBMMZ BOE XJMM OPU CF SFUVSOFE t "MM FOUSJFT NVTU CF SFDFJWFE CFGPSF UIF DMPTJOH EBUF PG UI .BZ t 4VDDFTTGVM OPNJOBUJPOT XJMM CF EVMZ OPUJรถFE

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10/28/09 7:56:03 AM

11/4/09 4:38:48 PM

W o r l d H a l a l F o r u m E URO P E 2 0 0 9

Mrs. Carola Reintjes COPADE (Comercio para el Desarrollo - Trade for Development)

Presently working at COPADE, Trade for Development, Spain. • Member of the Food Supplement group of the Global Reporting Initiative • Member of the Board of Directors of the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) • President of the European branch of WFTO • More than 20 years dedicated to Fair Trade and solidarity-based economy, with expertise gained working in the field with small producers and working in European-based Fair Trade Organizations. CE of a Spanish Fair Trade Organization for a decade. • Founding member of several national and international Fair Trade and solidarity-based networks. • Editor of articles, researches and studies on Fair Trade. Most recent publication is a research published as a book on Fair Trade certification • M.A. in Political Science and in Philology, Cologne University • M.A. in Environmental Management, ISEC Málaga

Bahri Ouzariah is the Vice Chief Executive Officer of Oriental Viandes Group, France – a company dealing in the manufacturing and sale of processed halal food (such as halal ready-to-cook meals, ready-toeat dishes, and halal delicatessen). Bahri has successfully developed and implemented the company’s commercial and marketing strategy in France and export markets. He also serves as a Board Member of Oriental Viandes Group. Prior to his contribution to Oriental Viandes, Bahri was an International Sales Director and a Board Member of Idena Firme-Services, a French feed technical services and premixes company. His work with them include engineering in animal nutrition, research and development, know-how transfer, feed formulation norms and optimisation, manufacturing and selling of premixes and innovative additives to feed manufacturers, poultry integrations, cooperatives, home-mixers and distributors based in and outside France to over 30 countries, with three subsidiaries in Canada, Ukraine and Algeria.

Mr. Bahri Ouzariah

Oriental Viandes Group


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Dr. Cedomir Nestorovic is an associate professor at ESSEC Business School, Paris. His forte revolves around International Marketing, with specific emphasis on perfumes and cosmetics in addition to Islamic products and services. He understands and meanders his marketing and academic approaches with specific attention to geopolitics, intercultural marketing (religion and marketing), and marketing in an Islamic environment for ESSEC MBA. A PhD holder in Political Science from the Paris Institute of Political Science, Dr. Cedomir has published a large collection of books and articles, which include ‘Marketing in an Islamic Environment’ and ‘Le Marketing En Europe Centrale’. His articles now serve as a reference for the undergraduate students. Recently he served as Visiting Fellow in University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Mr. Darhim Hashim International Halal Integrity Alliance Ltd

Dr. Cedomir Nestorovic

ESSEC Business School

Mr. Darhim Hashim is the Chief Executive Officer of International Halal Integrity Alliance Ltd (IHI Alliance). With an extensive background in the services and halal sector, Darhim brings to IHI Alliance a vast corporate and halal industry experience. Mr. Darhim was previously the Head of Capacity Development at the Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC) and an Executive Director of MLC Industries Sdn Bhd (MLC) where he was in charge of the overall operations and trading of halal meat. A sound corporate and financial background coupled with halal industry experience topped off by ingrained diplomacy skills, Darhim has been invited to give presentations on the halal industry at various international events. Some of which include the World Halal Forum Industry Dialogues in South Africa, China, Netherlands and Indonesia, the TUSKON Turkey-Asia Pacific Foreign Trade Bridge conference in Istanbul, the Halal World Expo in Abu Dhabi and the World Food Market in London.


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W o r l d H a l a l F o r u m E URO P E 2 0 0 9

Experience 2005 Executive Vice President, Nestlé S.A. Zone Director for Asia, Oceania, Africa and the Middle East 2003 Executive Vice President, Nestlé S.A. 2002 Deputy Executive Vice President, Nestlé S.A. 2000 Chairman and CEO of Nestlé Waters (formerly, Perrier Vittel S.A.) 1995 Market Head, Nestlé Japan 1988 Market Head, Nestlé Malaysia 1987 Chief Operating Officer, Nestlé Malaysia 1985 Marketing Director, Nestlé Philippines 1982 Marketing Manager, Nestlé Sri Lanka 1979 Marketing Beverage Division (Vevey) 1975 Product Manager (milks), Nestlé Philippines 1972 Assistant to Managing Director, Nestlé India 1970 Sales representative, Nestlé UK

Dato’ Frits Van Dijk Nestlé S.A.

Board memberships Member of the Supervisory Board, Cereal Partners Worldwide Board member, Nestlé Central and West Africa Ltd Board member, Nestlé (China) Ltd Board member, Nestlé (Malaysia) Bhd Board member, Nestlé Pakistan Ltd Board member, Osem Investments Ltd President Commissioner, P.T. Nestlé Indonesia President Commissioner, P.T. Nestlé Indofood Citarasa Indonesia Board member, Quality Coffee Products Ltd

Dato’ Dr. Mohd Hashim Ahmad Tajudin Chemical Company of Malaysia

Dato’ Dr. Mohd. Hashim Tajudin, Group Managing Director of Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad (CCM), holds a PhD in Soil Fertility and Management from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). Prior to his appointment in CCM, he was a Senior Director in the Oils and Fats Division of Golden Hope Plantations Berhad. The various positions he held during his 26 years career in Golden Hope included being a Director in Research and Development and Executive Director of Golden Hope Research and Golden Hope Agrotech Consultancy. He is a Board member of UPM and Malaysian Agriculture Research Development Institute (MARDI); Committee Member of the Cluster Working Group, Biotechnology and Bioindustry; Chairman of the Sub-Cluster Working Group Industrial Biotechnology; Vice Chairman of Sub-Cluster Working Group Healthcare Biotechnology; Member of the Cluster Working Group Agribusiness; Chairman of the Planters Editorial Committee for the Incorporated Society of Planters; Council Member of Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers; Chairman of Branding and Intellectual Property Committee; Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers; and Council Member of Outward Bound School Trust. EXECUTIVE REVIEW - 21

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Dr. Jochen Zoller is the President of the new food service division of Intertek. He has a PhD in chemistry from the Technical University, Munich, and has studied and worked at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, and Oxford University, England. Before joining Intertek, Dr. Zoller was the CEO of Genetic ID/ Cert ID, a testing, inspection and certification company in the field of traceability of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms). He was the founding Managing Director of TÜV Vitacert, established in 1999 as an initiative of TÜV Süd AG to provide certification, inspection and testing services for food and animal feed producers. In addition to Dr. Zoller’s expertise in food surveillance and the development of structures and markets for new and expanding companies, he has a strong scientific background in the field of chemistry with respect to renewable resources. He has made numerous contributions to various academic textbooks published in leading chemistry journals.

Dr. Joe Regenstein Cornell University

Dr. Jochen P. Zoller

Intertek Food Services

Dr. Joe Regenstein is a Professor of Food Science in the Department of Food Science, Cornell University. Dr. Regenstein heads the Cornell Kosher and Halal Food Initiative and his research work includes focus on flesh foods, particularly fish and poultry, with an emphasis on meat protein functionality; shelf-life extension of fresh and frozen fish; and by-product recovery (edible and non-edible products) from poultry and fish processing wastes. He has written numerous books, such as ‘Food Protein Chemistry, An Introduction for Food Scientists’, was an editor for Drs. Riaz and Chaudry’s book on ‘Halal Food Production’, and published numerous scientific articles as well as materials in trade literature. Dr. Regenstein was the keynote speaker at the 5th International Halal Food Conference in Chicago, and has been invited to speak at prominent international events, including the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore, in 2005, and was a guest of the Muslim Council of Britain. Dr. Regenstein’s recent work includes working with Spirit of Humane to design low-cost halal/ humane slaughter equipment, and with Saratoga Cheese Corporation to bring the first dedicated Kosher and halal cheese plant to North America.


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Drs. Irfan Sungkar is an Industry Advisor at KasehDia. His main interests and expertise are on agri-food, the halal food industry, market intelligence, and international trade. He studied extensively and is involved in numerous researches and consulting projects in more than 20 countries in the world, including research projects on halal food market in South East Asia, the Middle East, North Africa and Europe. Drs. Irfan is a member of the Malaysian Economic Association, the International Association of Registered Financial Consultant, and the International Agribusiness Management Association (IAMA) of the USA. As an economist and one of the halal food industry’s experts, he has been invited to speak at some of the major institutions and forums in the world such as the World Bank, National Bureau of Foreign Trade, Taiwan, R.O.C, and the World Halal Forum, Malaysia.

Drs. Irfan Sungkar KasehDia Sdn Bhd

Syed Rasheeduddin Ahmed is the Founder and President of Muslim Consumer Group (MCG) For Food Products USA. He has over 27 years of food industry experience including product development, quality assurance, nutritional analysis and hands on experience in food plants. MCG educates Muslims on halal food ingredients and products and has been providing service in halal food certification since 1993. Syed Rasheeduddin is presently working on his eighth book edition ‘A Comprehensive List of Halal Food Products in US Supermarkets’. With his extensive experience on halal food, particularly within the USA, he has been invited to present in Malaysia on the role of the US food industry experience in halal food education and halal certification; and in Iowa, USA, on food protection of halal foods. He established the non-profit MCG organisation, and has developed 18 new retail food products for supermarkets for various food companies such as Kraft Foods and Nabisco, as well as products for non-supermarkets such as Starbucks coffee.

Mr. Syed Rasheeduddin Ahmed

Muslim Consumer Group

Hajj Abdalhamid David Evans is a senior analyst for Imarat Consultants, which runs the specialist news portal www.halalfocus.com, providing free halal market news and commentary for halal sector stakeholders. His current clients include the Government of Brunei Darussalam and the American Halal Association. A seasoned researcher, writer and consultant over the last thirty years, Hajj Abdalhamid has participated in a wide variety of projects in the fields of psychology, health, education, social welfare and political economy.

Hajj Abdalhamid Evans Imarat Consultants


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KasehDia is a communication and research company. It has an exceptional mix of pioneering media brands, world-class events and a track record of high-level consultancies. Its speciality is delivery of Islamic values in a strategic, universal and contemporary manner for across the board audiences. Due to their cutting edge and prolific work, KasehDia has been featured in various international mainstream media including The New York Times, The Economist, TIME magazine, Asia Wall Street Journal, International Herald Tribune and Bloomberg.


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Dr. Michael Appleby is Chief Scientific Advisor with The World Society for the Protection of Animals, based in London, UK. At the Poultry Research Centre and the University of Edinburgh, UK, he carried out research for 20 years on behaviour and welfare of farm animals, before a period with The Humane Society of the United States in Washington, DC. His publications include the books ‘Poultry Behaviour and Welfare’ (with Mench & Hughes, 2004) and ‘Long Distance Transport and Welfare of Farm Animals’ (edited with others, 2008). Dr. Appleby is a member of the Farm Animal Welfare Council and a Visiting Professor at the University of Plymouth and the Scottish Agricultural College. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Zoology, and a PhD in Animal Behaviour.

Dr. Michael Appleby

The World Society for the Protection of Animals

Dr. S. Abdul Rahman The World Society for the Protection of Animals

Dr. Abdul Rahman has a joint collaboration between Commonwealth Veterinary Association (CVA) and The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) to conceptualise the Concepts of Animal Welfare to be included as part of the veterinary curriculum in India. He is actively promoting Animal Welfare in Islamic countries by raising issues of stunning prior to slaughter and long distance of transport, especially in the Middle East. He has written two papers on behalf of WSPA on ‘Long Distance Transport of Animals in Indian Subcontinent and in the Middle East’. Dr. Abdul is a member of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) Working Group on Animal Welfare, and a Consultant to WSPA. He has published more than 100 scientific papers, and has authored a book on Veterinary Parasitology. He served as Secretary and Vice President of the Indian Veterinary Association for 16 years, as the Council Member of India to the CVA and Permanent Member representing India at the World Veterinary Association and Federation of Association of Veterinarians of Asia.


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Ir. Marco Tieman is the Founder of LBB International, a logistics advisory and research firm with offices in Asia and Europe, specialising in Halal Logistics. LBB International holds the Secretariat of the International Halal Logistics Standard (IHI AS 01), where Ir. Tieman has been actively involved. Ir. Tieman is presently pursuing his PhD in Halal Logistics at the Universiti Teknologi Mara (Malaysia). He is the architect of the Halal SuperHighway and HalalStorage.com. He has published articles in The Halal Journal, Air Cargo World, and various supply chain management magazines. Ir. Tieman is the Chairman of the Logistics Committee under the EU-Malaysian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – a Logistics Think Tank in Malaysia. Before establishing LBB International in 2002, he was a Senior Researcher with TNO Inro in the Netherlands, a leading European research firm in agro-logistics.

Ir. Marco Tieman LBB International

Rafaiq Zakaria is the Director of Strategic Management Division in Standards Malaysia, at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Malaysia. He is an executive management professional with extensive experience in strategic planning, project management, business assessment, and technical and financial analysis combined with legal, venture capital and start-up experience in evaluating technology and commercial potential.

Mr. Rafaiq Bakri Zakaria Standards Malaysia

Halal related involvement: • Malaysia Halal Development Committee • ASEAN Working Group on Halal Food (AWGHF), August 2009 • Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) Working Group on Halal Products and Services, Thailand, July 2009 • International Halal Integrity Alliance’s Advisory Committee, OIC • Standardisation Expert Group on development of OIC halal food standards (Also appointed Chairman of the Sub-committee on OIC Halal Standard ‘General Guidelines on Halal Food’), May and October 2009 • Trade and Investment Mission to West Asia (Saudi Arabia) with MITI (Ministry of International Trade and Industry Malaysia), in cooperation with Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organisation (SASO), October 2009


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IN INTERNATIONAL MEDIA “Juma’atun Azmi, organizer of the first World Halal Forum in Malaysia in May this year, didn’t want to host yet another scholarly debate among Islamic clerics about what the Qur’an does or doesn’t allow Muslims to eat. So instead of the mullahs, she invited McDonald’s Corp., Nestle SA, Rotterdam Port and Tesco Plc, the British retailer, to the conference” Bloomberg reproduced in International Herald tribune and the Edge “World Halal Forum will become an annual gathering, whose clout will be left wherever there are Muslim consumers” Radio Free Europe ”The recently-held World Halal Forum in Kuala Lumpur paves the way for Malaysia in becoming a “Centre Of Halal Excellence” Business Times “Making a bid to become a Muslim world lead proponent of Halal” Asian Wall Street Journal “Malaysia hosted the World Halal Forum in Kuala Lumpur, a conference designed to bring together companies involved in making Halal food” AP-foodtechnology.com “The world’s first conference on Halal business – the World Halal Forum” Star The global Halal industry, if it can be called one, is fast getting up to speed at the World Halal Forum a convention and trade show of religious zeal dressed in the smart suits of regulator and interprenuers” New Straits Times “The World Halal Forum in Kuala Lumpur was a chance for the Malaysian government to promote itself as a future hub for Halal products. But it was also a forum for industry leader to give stern warnings to their colleagues about the need for proper certification procedures” The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC Connect Asia) “Nestle Malaysia, Britain’s biggest retailer Tesco and fast food giant McDonalds also joined experts and regulatory bodies at the forum to discuss the Halal food and promote the booming business in Halal food” The New Nation “At the World Halal Forum, the first major gathering of the global Halal industry, the talk is about ethics, values, lifestyles and branding. The Qur’anic injunctions on which foods are permissible and prohibited now form only one part of the discussion; the need for a global standard of Halal certification in being pushed forward by a market-driven industry that wants more” guardian.co.uk “The World Halal Forum (WHF) has formally requested the International Development Bank (IDB) to set up a specific fund to help develop the Halal industry in Organisation of Islamic Conference member nations and in non-Muslim countries with Muslim minorities” Bernama “Going beyond the usual academic and religious discussions, participants in the World Halal Forum, currently hosted by Kuala Lumpur, are looking at the sector in commercial terms, discussing how to regulate and promote the booming industry” Islamonline “For the first time ever, the World Halal Forum will see leaders of the global Halal industry converge to discuss the issues of business trade” The Halal Journal The World Halal Forum is featured in different media globally, including news print, TV, Radio, online and periodicals and journals.

KasehDia Sdn Bhd : 31-2 Plaza Crystalville, Jalan 22a/70a, Desa Sri Hartamas, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia T +603 6203 1025 • F +603 6203 4072 • www.kasehdia.com • www.worldhalalforum.org • www.halaljournal.com

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The 5th

World Halal Forum


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