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The 6th

The executive review 2011 | 4 – 5 APRIL 2011 | 30 RABI-UTH THAANI & 1 JUMAADAL UWLA 1432 H | KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

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towards a halal economy: the power of values in global markets HOST












4 - 5 APRIL 2011











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the 6th

Th e E x e c u ti v e Rev iew 201 1

Contents Messages 03 World Halal Forum Charter 06 World Halal Forum Message 07 Message from the Host of the World Halal Forum, International Halal Integrity Alliance 53 World Halal Forum in the International Media

Profiles 08 International Halal Integrity Alliance 12 HSBC Amanah Malaysia 40 Penang International Halal Hub 54 KasehDia

Speakers Panellists 14 Hajjah Jumaatun Azmi 32 Leonard Ariff Bin Abdul Shatar 15 Abdalhamid Evans Daud Vicary Abdullah 16 Darhim Dali Hashim 34 Datin Maznah Mahbob 18 Rafe Haneef Datu Tahir Sinsuat Lidasan Jr Rushdi Siddiqui 36 Koen De Praetere 20 Jalel Aossey Dr. Tony Zohrab Zahed Amanullah 37 Tina Jamaluddin 22 Joohi Tahir Faisal Masood Mohamed El-Fatatry 24 Navid Akhtar Fazal Bahardeen 26 Rafi-uddin Shikoh Wang Jing 27 Dr. Fatima Ma Xiaoyun David Smith 28 Ustaz Zainal Abidin Jerome Giraud Fe Jazzareen Mor Japar Khan

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Media Partners 46 The Halal Journal Halalfocus.com Islamic Finance News Islamic Finance Asia 48 Thomson Reuters Oxford Business Group Zabihah.com DinarStandard™ 50 OIC Today Malaysia SME™ DagangHalal 51 Rezeki Amilin TV Milenia Muslim 52 H Media Halal Media Halal SME

3/29/11 12:27:34 PM

the 6th World Halal Forum

W or l d Hal al Forum C harter The Halal market has emerged as a global force. Halal transcends traditional industry-sector boundaries and definitions, and is fast becoming the new market paradigm with its own unique set of issues, challenges and opportunities. The World Halal Forum has been established to achieve the following:

To provide a focal point for the global Halal industry To gather Halal industry experts, leaders and specialists to share their views, knowledge and expertise To be an arena for discussion, networking and collaboration to stimulate the growth and development of the Halal market To facilitate the resolution of problems and issues of concern within the Halal industry To coordinate and assist subject-specific industry groups and technical committees to support excellence, innovation and improvement in the Halal market To develop and promote the concept of Halal to realise its full potential as a globallyrecognised symbol of quality and safety To assist and support the development of world-class Halal industry standards covering the entire value chain

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IHI Alliance’s Halal in a Box (HIAB) programme is designed to assist in setting up a well-structured Halal certification body (CB) that would be able to meet the requirements of accreditation. The main objective of the programme is to ensure that each country regardless whether it is Muslim or non-Muslim majority shall have at least one accredited Halal CB.

First HIAB held in Osaka, Japan in October 2010


Using the ICCI-IHI Alliance Halal Standard as a base, HIAB delivers the most comprehensive programme that will develop your organisation’s capacity on theoretical and practical aspects of Halal certification with an extensive compliance checklist and efficient monitoring techniques.

+603 2300 1344 info@ihialliance.org


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Halal Lead Auditor’s Training (HLAT) is a programme developed by IHI Alliance aimed to elevate the quality of Halal auditing in accordance to the guidelines set forth in the ICCI-IHI Alliance Halal Standard.

First HLAT held in Bangkok, Thailand in December 2009


HLAT course outlines adhere to the most stringent criteria in maintaining Halal integrity with emphasis on structured methodologies of Halal conformity assessment. Whether you are a new or experienced auditor, this programme will boost your competency in Shariah and technical knowledge, striking a balance between theoretical and practical skills in all phases of Halal auditing.

+603 2300 1344 info@ihialliance.org


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3/19/11 5:44:48 PM

the 6th World Halal Forum

T h e W or l d Hal al Forum Message Welcome to the 6th World Halal Forum

Towards a Halal Economy – the power of values in global markets The World Halal Forum (WHF) 2011 finds us at the start of a new decade, and in the midst of increasing global turmoil. For the WHF secretariat, we recognise that it is also time for a change, and the opening of a new chapter that we are calling Halal 2.0 We have spent the past five years learning, meeting, networking and promoting this emerging market paradigm based on Halal products and services. We have witnessed the Halal sector expand to include stakeholders that cover the entire supply chain, from farm-to-fork-to-finance. We have started to understand the trends and drivers in the Halal industry, and the ‘map’ of the diverse elements of the Halal market has become clearer as we have gone on this journey together…towards a Halal Economy. Now it is time to move into another gear, from promotion to solutions. We recognise many of the obstacles and roadblocks that are themselves the gateways to growth, and we hope that the WHF can become a catalyst to move the Halal industry to the next level. Now that the IHI Alliance (International Halal Integrity Alliance) has made significant progress with the technical issues relating to regulatory issues within the Halal market infrastructure, we felt 2011 was a good moment to open the lens and take a wider view of the Halal marketplace, and to try and provide a sense of where we will be heading over the coming years. Two major themes, the emerging accreditation infrastructure, and the convergence with Islamic Finance are taking centre stage this year, and we recognise these as two of the key developments that are likely to shape the Halal sector over the coming years. In addition, there is the recognition that as much as Halal is going mainstream, the mainstream is also going Halal. This has led us to explore some of the themes related to this shift, and to look at the issues and new areas that this ‘valuesdriven’ market is opening up for us. We have tried, this year, to bring in a diverse group of thought leaders to explore our theme, and we sincerely believe that by the end of our two-day gathering, from the main stage and from the diverse meetings over food and refreshments, we will come away with not just a clearer picture of where the Halal market is heading, but also with a stronger resolve to bring the vision of a Halal economy closer. In response to suggestions and feedback from our long-term supporters and delegates, we have decided to move the WHF into the non-profit sector, and have consequently repositioned the WHF under the IHI Alliance to give it international non-profit status. We recognise that the WHF has to become more than an event. We are frequently asked to make the WHF not just a place for Halal sector stakeholders to meet, but an arena in which decisions can be made that can improve the Halal market. In the months following WHF 2011, we will be exploring ways to make the WHF a self-sustaining entity based on membership, rather than delegate attendance. We will be asking for your suggestions and advice, and looking for strategic partnerships that can make the World Halal Forum a platform that can craft and implement an agenda to enable the Halal sector to reach its highest potential.

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the 6th World Halal Forum



The International Halal Integrity Alliance (IHI Alliance) is honoured to host the 6th World Halal Forum, the Halal industry’s most prestigious annual event for global Halal thought leadership and innovation. Since the inception of IHI Alliance in 2006, we have witnessed unabated growth of the Halal economy through transformational ideas and working consensus initiated at the World Halal Forum. The second World Halal Forum Europe in London last year marked a new dawn for the global Halal industry when a four-way agreement was signed between IHI Alliance and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the American Halal Association (AHA), and the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), to form an international network of Halal accreditation bodies. Accreditation will undoubtedly be imperative in charting a new route towards global harmonisation of Halal assurance systems to attain a higher degree of mutual recognition amongst certification bodies (CBs) around the world. To date, the IHI Alliance Accreditation programme is already being pursued by CBs hailing from Bosnia and Herzegovina, India, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Spain and United Kingdom, all having successfully passed the first stage of the preliminary review. This year, we are pleased to announce that three more published modules of the ICCI-IHI Alliance Halal Standard will be launched, namely Animal Feed; Laboratory Testing & Analysis; and Cosmetics & Personal Care, together with a new draft of the Muslim-Friendly Hospitality Services (MFHS) module. We are humbled and thankful for the unwavering commitment and cooperation received from all the stakeholders who played a critical role in every aspect of the development of these standards. As the Halal industry is shifting its gears towards meeting new challenges, IHI Alliance will continue to play an unyielding role in building a stronger industry coalition in pursuit of developing a more robust Halal industry for the benefit of all. In the spirit of inclusivity and cooperation, we look forward to all of your valuable input at the 6th World Halal Forum and we are ready to begin another decade of this exciting journey with you.

Board of Directors and Advisors International Halal Integrity Alliance Ltd

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3/29/11 9:54:07 AM

the 6th World Halal Forum

T he Ho s t of W H F 2 0 1 1 Int ern ation a l H a l a l In teg r i t y A l l i anc e

International Halal Integrity Alliance Ltd (IHI Alliance) is an international non-profit, non-governmental organisation created to uphold the integrity of the Halal market concept in global trade through recognition, collaboration and membership. IHI Alliance was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee in the international offshore Financial Centre of Labuan on 30 April 2007. The formation of IHI Alliance was the outcome of a resolution that was passed at the inaugural World Halal Forum (WHF) in May 2006 by international delegates representing all areas of the Halal industry value chain from approximately 30 countries, to form its own industry organisation.

STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP WITH ISLAMIC CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY (ICCI) During the 11th Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Islamic Summit held in Dakar, Senegal on 13 to 14 March 2008, a resolution was passed to formally recognise the Islamic Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ICCI) – an affiliated institution of the OIC – as the principal representative of the private sector in OIC member states as regards to values, Halal and quality control, and urged all Islamic governments to facilitate the procedures for activating its mechanism. A key component of this mandate is to establish a global Halal authority, which is envisioned to be IHI Alliance. ICCI formalised its partnership with IHI Alliance on 10 May 2008 for the latter to implement the mandate to ICCI given by the OIC at the Islamic Summit in Senegal. This position was reinforced at a Senior Officials Meeting of the OIC in May 2008 where there was almost unanimous support for the role of Malaysia and IHI Alliance, in particular, to establish an international Halal body under the OIC.

ICCI-IHI ALLIANCE HALAL STANDARD At the Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers held in Uganda on 18 to 20 June 2008, resolution 7/35-E under Economic Affairs acknowledged the efforts of IHI Alliance in developing a global Halal standard. In the following year, IHI Alliance’s framework on the development of the standard was duly approved at the ICCI General Assembly held in Cairo, Egypt on 2 May 2009. The standard from the outset has been drafted to serve as the industry’s international benchmark guidelines, taking a holistic approach in addressing all activities in the supply chain to ensure Halal integrity. It was developed in accordance with guidelines adapted from ISO/IEC Guidelines for International Standards Development, while adhering to WTO-TBT (World Trade Organisation-Technical Barriers to Trade) Code of Good Practice for Standards Development. In developing the standard, IHI Alliance has been engaging key stakeholders ranging from world’s standards bodies, influential industry players, leading institutes of higher learning, religious scholars and scientists through series of technical meetings and discussions. For example, IHI Alliance’s bilateral engagement with institutions like Al-Azhar University and World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) resulted in collective endorsements that have proven critical to the overall development of the Animal Welfare module of the ICCI-IHI Alliance Halal Standard.

ICCI-IHI Alliance Halal Standard officially launched at the 5th World Halal Forum

At the WHF 2009, four modules of the global Halal standard were presented for the first time for public review. Speakers and panellists consisting of Shariah experts, scientists, and industry players discussed the four draft modules: Food Services, Logistics, Animal Welfare and Slaughtering & Processing before they were submitted to the IHI Alliance Shariah Board for final approval. At the 5th World Halal Forum in June 2010, the modules were officially launched as the ICCI-IHI Alliance Halal Standard in a historic ceremony witnessed by Y.A.B Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak, Prime Minister of

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the 6th World Halal Forum

Left: First Halal in a Box (HIAB) held in Osaka, Japan in October 2010 Right: First Halal Lead Auditor’s Training (HLAT) held in Bangkok, Thailand in December 2009

Malaysia, in Kuala Lumpur. All the four modules have since become the most sought after Halal guidelines amongst certification bodies, universities, industry players and individuals from all over the world. The 2011 edition of WHF will witness the release of three more published modules of the ICCI-IHI Alliance Halal Standard namely Animal Feed, Laboratory Testing & Analysis and Cosmetics & Personal Care. Also set to make a debut this year is the draft of the Muslim-Friendly Hospitality Services (MFHS) module, a guideline that will be of paramount importance in addressing the rising growth of travellers and tourists from Muslimmajority countries.

IHI ALLIANCE TRAINING PROGRAMMES Training is an integral part of IHI Alliance’s global Halal initiatives in creating a seamless network of Halal integrity that cuts across the entire supply chain. In December 2009, IHI Alliance rolled out its first Halal Lead Auditor’s Training (HLAT) programme in Bangkok, Thailand, aiming to elevate the quality of Halal auditing in accordance to the guidelines set forth in the ICCI-IHI Alliance Halal Standard. The HLAT course outlines adhere to the most stringent criteria in maintaining Halal integrity with emphasis on structured methodologies of Halal conformity assessment. Hosted by the Central Islamic Committee of Thailand (CICOT), the rigorous three-day programme drew participation all the way from Cambodia, India, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Last year in December, Japan Halal Association, a non-profit organisation based in Osaka, became the first Halal certification body (CB) to embark on IHI Alliance’s developmental programme, “Halal in a Box” (HIAB). Based on the ICCI-IHI Alliance Halal Standard, HIAB is a major part of IHI Alliance’s global Halal initiatives to ensure that each country of both Muslim- or non-Muslim-majority shall have at least one accredited Halal CB. 2010 also saw IHI Alliance collaborating with the German Society for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) and the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) to organise a series of Halal workshops and seminars at the regional and local level. From July until October, GTZ and IHI Alliance held four workshops on Halal poultry in the region of Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMPEAGA) to assist the region’s entrepreneurs in understanding international standards across the whole supply chain and the opportunities that lie within the industry. In Malaysia, IHI Alliance also collaborated with JAKIM to organise a series of Halal Restaurant Guide Seminars aiming to help local restaurateurs and food service operators to obtain JAKIM’s Halal certificate. This effort came in light of the upcoming amendment to the Halal Trade Description Act 1972 that will give JAKIM the full authority in issuance and monitoring of Halal certification in the country.

International Halal Integrity Alliance Ltd (LG05848) 16-2, Jalan 27/70A, Desa Sri Hartamas, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603 2300 1344 Fax: +603 2300 1312 Email: info@ihialliance.org A partner of the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) P.O. Box 430, Jeddah 21411, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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the 6th World Halal Forum

IHI Member’s meeting at the first World Halal Forum Europe in The Hague, Netherlands in October 2009

IHI ALLIANCE MEMBERSHIP PROGRAMME Since 2008, the IHI Alliance membership programme has become IHI Alliance’s inclusive approach in building a solid network for international Halal industry stakeholders from over 30 countries. It gathers the world’s foremost Halal industry players ranging from certification bodies (CB), non-government organisations (NGOs), universities, corporations and individuals. With members hailing all the way from Mexico to Philippines to Kenya, this initiative has become the world’s key platform for working towards mutual recognition and upholding Halal integrity at the global level. IHI Alliance membership is offered in two categories: • Associate Membership – this category is specifically designed for Halal certification bodies (CBs) to establish a robust Halal assurance system and streamline certification practices. • Ordinary Membership – this category is open to all organisations and individuals seeking to benefit from the Halal industry

NAVIGATING THE GLOBAL FORCE OF THE HALAL ECONOMY Being a global authority of the Halal industry, IHI Alliance has been consistently sending strong messages to business leaders and decision makers on the value proposition of Halal as the new global economic force. Since the inception of IHI Alliance in 2006, the world has witnessed sweeping changes in the Halal industry landscape with more Muslim and non-Muslim countries embarking on the quest to realise their true potential. In Pakistan, IHI Alliance’s involvement at the country’s first ever Halal industry event, “Global Halal Congress”, led to the birth of a “Halal movement”, resulting in the government embarking on some initiatives including the drafting of a new Halal bill and new incentives for Halal certification in Pakistan Trade Policy 2009-2010. Bosnia and Herzegovina now is on the fast track to build its Halal industry capacity through public and private initiatives that include Europe’s first Halal park, after hosting one of IHI Alliance’s technical meetings in August 2009. IHI Alliance first tabled the framework for Halal food regulation in 2009 at the inaugural World Halal Forum Europe in The Hague, Netherlands. Today, bills on Halal regulations and amendments of existing trade importation procedures have been enforced or drafted in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam and even in non-Muslim majority countries such as New Zealand and the Philippines. New Zealand in particular, with only a minority of one per cent of Muslim population, is leading the non-Muslim countries when it comes to domestic regulation of Halal. New Zealand is the world’s largest exporter of Halalslaughtered sheep meat. With all the positive momentum building in the industry, Halal has not been spared from countless negative attacks on issues such as stunning by activists who lack a thorough understanding of the process involved. In the UK, home to 2.8 million Muslims, controversies hit the headlines last year when Halal-slaughtered meat was found ubiquitously served in schools, hospitals and sporting venues, pressuring the local authority to impose unnecessary labelling laws. Stepping up to the issue, the 2nd World Halal Forum Europe in London hosted by IHI Alliance in November last year saw 148 delegates from over 28 countries unanimously rejecting the European Union (EU)’s “Amendment 205 – Labelling of meat slaughter without stunning” which meant that meat from non-stunned Kosher and Halal slaughter would be labelled as such; rendering a negative slur. The 6th World Halal Forum (WHF) 2011 will mark the beginning of an exciting new decade for Halal as IHI Alliance continues to build a stronghold of industry coalition in meeting new challenges. With more global initiatives to be unveiled this year, we seek to galvanise the collective efforts of our members and stakeholders in pursuit of developing a more robust Halal industry for the benefit of all.

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On 10 May 2008, IHI Alliance signed a strategic partnership agreement with the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) to develop a comprehensive Global Halal Programme, a key component of which is an international Halal Standard.

ICCI-IHI Alliance Halal Standard officially launched at the WHF 2010

The ICCI-IHI Alliance Halal Standard takes a holistic approach in addressing all activities in the Halal supply chain to ensure Halal integrity. It was developed in accordance with guidelines adapted from ISO/IEC Guidelines for International Standards Development, while adhering to WTO-TBT (World Trade OrganisationTechnical Barriers to Trade) Code of Good Practice for Standards Development. Launched in 2010 at the 5th World Halal Forum, four modules: Logistics, Food Services, Animal Welfare and Slaughtering & Processing have become the most sought after Halal guidelines amongst certification bodies, universities and industry players.


+603 2300 1344 info@ihialliance.org


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3/29/11 1:04:26 AM

the 6th World Halal Forum

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the 6th World Halal Forum


H a j j a h J u m a at u n A z m i KasehDia Sdn Bhd, Malaysia

A dynamic innovative lady representing a new breed of a modern progressive Muslim entrepreneur, combining good Islamic universal values with contemporary business approaches, Jumaatun Azmi has carved her name into history as the Founder and Managing Director of KasehDia Sdn Bhd. Under her vision, KasehDia, a niche communication and consultancy firm committed to the application and promotion of Islamic concepts in a contemporary manner, has created worldrenowned events, publications, and consulted governments on Halal matters. Jumaatun’s most notable contribution is World Halal Forum, which has changed the face of the global Halal industry from the peripheral to mainstream. Now, the World Halal Forum is the world’s premier Halal industry event that charts the course of the whole industry. Her other accomplishments are The Halal Journal – a trade publication on the Halal industry distributed globally; the award-winning Halal Food Guide series, which has covered eight countries; and the Muslim Tourist Guides. Recently, she foraged into film-making, with the first movie, HAQ, released in early 2011; and the next movie, ‘Dari Kerana Mata’, is due for release late 2011. Her prolific efforts in fortifying the fragmented Halal industry and spearheading a unique approach to creative communications, Jumaatun and KasehDia has been applauded in international media including Forbes, Guardian UK, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal Asia, International Herald Tribune, Time Magazine and The Economist to name a few. She’s been admitted as a Fellow of Asia 21, a network of tomorrow’s young leaders by Asia Society, the leading global and pan-Asian organisation that builds and fosters relationships between leaders in the US and Asia.

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the 6th World Halal Forum


A b d a l h a m i d E va n s World Halal Forum

 Abdalhamid Evans was appointed as the Director for the World Halal Forum in January 2011. He is the Senior Analyst at Imarat Consultants, a niche UK consulting agency that specialises in the Halal sector, and is also the founder of HalalFocus.com, a leading online news service for the Halal market. Abdalhamid worked with KasehDia Sdn Bhd from 2004 to 2007, during which time he participated in the development of The Halal Journal magazine and the World Halal Forum. He also provided consulting services during this period for the Malaysian government in their efforts to position Halal as an engine of growth for the national economy, and collaborated in drafting the Halal chapter of Malaysia’s Third Industrial Master Plan in 2006. From 2008 to 2010, he worked with the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources of Brunei Darussalam to assist in the development of their Halal agenda as well as their International Halal Market Conference and SME workshop programmes. He is also a founding member of the American Halal Association where he is working with Halal sector stakeholders to develop an accreditation infrastructure for the US Halal industry. Abdalhamid is a seasoned writer and a regular contributor at Halal industry events around the world, and is widely regarded as a thought leader in the global Halal movement. He has long been an advocate for the development of Halal as catalyst for a new commercial paradigm, and has lobbied for greater involvement from the Islamic Financial sector for many years.

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the 6th World Halal Forum


Darhim Dali Hashim International Halal Integrity Alliance, Malaysia

Darhim Dali Hashim is the Chief Executive Officer of International Halal Integrity Alliance Ltd (IHI Alliance), an international non-governmental organisation created to uphold the integrity of the Halal market concept in global trade through recognition, collaboration and membership. Darhim brings to IHI Alliance a wealth of corporate and Halal industry experience. Previously, he worked in various senior management positions including leading a diversification strategy for a conglomerate into the agricultural sector. This led to an opportunity to head up an integrated livestock and Halal meat operations where he gained real hands-on experience from the cattle yards to the slaughter floor. He was invited to share his knowledge and experience on The Halal Journal TV, Pakistan’s ATV and Business Plus channels, and was also interviewed for The New York Times, and Time and Forbes magazines. Darhim introduced Halal for the first time at the CIES International Food Safety Conference held in Barcelona, Spain, and was a speaker at World Bank’s first East Asia Pacific (EAP) Regional Agribusiness Trade & Investment Conference in Singapore. Darhim has also been invited to give presentations on the Halal industry at various international events namely World Halal Forum Industry Dialogues in South Africa, China, the Netherlands and Indonesia as well as at the “TUSKON Turkey-Asia Pacific Foreign Trade Bridge” conference in Istanbul, the Halal World Expo in Abu Dhabi and The World Food Market in London. In 2010, Darhim also presented a paper at The European Food Law Association (EFLA)’s 18th International EFLA Congress Private Food Law in Amsterdam and the 17th Meat Industry Association (MIA) of New Zealand Annual Conference in Christchurch. In the early part of his career, he was an audit manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers after having completed his Chartered Accountancy qualification with Kingston Smith in London. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in Economics from the University of Bristol in England.

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JOIN A GLOBAL HALAL NETWORK THAT GATHERS INDUSTRY STAKEHOLDERS FROM OVER 30 COUNTRIES Since 2008, the IHI Alliance membership programme has become our inclusive approach in building a solid network for international Halal industry stakeholders. With members hailing all the way from Mexico to Philippines to Kenya, this initiative has become the world’s key platform for working towards mutual recognition and upholding Halal integrity at the global level. IHI Alliance membership is offered in two categories: IHI Member’s meeting at the first WHF Europe in The Hague, Netherlands on 18 October 2009


• Associate Membership - this category is specifically designed for Halal certification bodies (CB) to establish a robust Halal assurance system and streamline certification practices • Ordinary Membership - this category is open to all organisations and individuals seeking to benefit from the Halal industry

+603 2300 1344 info@ihialliance.org


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Rafe Haneef is currently the CEO of HSBC Amanah Malaysia and is also responsible for HSBC Amanah Global Markets in Asia Pacific. He has played a leadership role in developing Sukuk and Islamic structured and project finance since 1999 at HSBC, ABN AMRO and Citigroup. He was previously the Head of Islamic Banking for Citigroup Asia based in Kuala Lumpur. He was responsible for developing Malaysia as a regional Islamic finance hub for Citigroup and spread its Islamic business footprint across the region. Prior to joining Citigroup, he established the Global Islamic Finance Department at ABN AMRO based in Dubai and was in charge of the Islamic wholesale and retail businesses for the group. Prior to that, he was with HSBC Amanah in London and Dubai focusing on Islamicallystructured cross-border transactions and the Sukuk market. He was also a managing director at Fajr Capital, a Dubai-based Islamic investment company, looking at principal investments in the Islamic financial sector. Rafe Haneef read law and Shariah at the International Islamic University in Malaysia. He was admitted to the Malaysian Bar and was practicing law in Malaysia specialising in Islamic finance. He then pursued his Master of Laws at Harvard Law School and subsequently qualified to the New York Bar.


Rushdi Siddiqui is the Global Head of Islamic Finance and OIC Countries at Thomson Reuters (TR). In this role, he works closely with Islamic finance and banking professionals, including Shariah scholars, fund managers, treasury, financial hubs, regulators, stock exchanges, central banks, Takaful (insurance) entities, Halal industry, and intra-OIC (57 Muslim countries), to further strengthen Thomson Reuters’ business. Recently, Rushdi led the Islamic finance team at TR in the successful global launch of the Islamic Finance (IF) Gateway, the world’s first platform that addresses the work flow in IF across multiple asset classes. Rushdi joined Thomson Reuters from Dow Jones, where he was global director for their Islamic Market Indices. Over his 10 years there, he led the entry and expansion of the Dow Jones Indexes into Islamic finance, resulting in numerous awards from leading finance organisations and media outlets. Rushdi Siddiqui has considerable experience in the financial markets, having worked at a Wall Street investment bank and commercial bank in the 1990s. He holds a JD from Albany Law School of Union University, an MBA in international business from Baruch College, and a Bachelor of Science in Management and Marketing from New York University.

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Jalel Aossey is a Director at Midamar Corporation, located in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, a family-owned business that has pioneered the Halal food industry in North America since 1974. Prior to joining Midamar, Jalel worked with Prudential Financial Services. Currently, Jalel consults and speaks to organisations throughout North America and overseas on topics including, “Understanding and Marketing to the Halal Food Industry,” and “Muslim Marketing.” Jalel’s main goal at Midamar is to further develop the strength and diversity of the Midamar brand in the global market. Over the years with Midamar, Jalel has been quoted in numerous media stories including features in the “Wall Street Journal”, “Los Angeles Times”, and several overseas publications. In 2007, Jalel was asked to speak before US government bodies on the topic of the Halal and Muslim markets. Jalel is an active participant (and North American representative) at the World Halal Forum – established in 2006 and held annually in Malaysia. He is currently serving on the boards of directors for MYCA (Muslim Youth Camps of America), the Islamic Center of Cedar Rapids, and is a charter member of Rotary International in Cedar Rapids. In addition, he is an involved member in the ISNA (Islamic Society of Northern America), CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations), and MAS (Muslim American Society). Jalel is a graduate of Cornell College where he majored in International Business.


Zahed Amanullah is a Director at American Halal, the Stamford, CT-based creator of the Saffron Road brand of all natural Halal-certified meals. He is also Managing Director of Halalfire, a media and consulting company based in the US and Britain, where he also serves as Executive Editor of altmuslim.com – an online newsmagazine dealing with issues related to Muslims in the West. He is a founding member of AMILA (American Muslims Intent on Learning and Activism) and a board member of CEDAR, a network of European Muslim professionals. He has been involved with a number of American Muslim organisations including the Islamic Center of Southern California and the Muslim Public Affairs Council before relocating to London, England in 2003. He has been featured in a number of media outlets, including BBC TV and radio, the Guardian (UK), CNN International and many others. Zahed has also served as an advisor to a variety of organisations including Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet & Society, and the US State Department on matters dealing with extremism, integration, technology, and media. Born and raised in Southern California, he is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley.

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Joohi Tahir was born and spent her early childhood in London, England. After immigrating to the USA with her family in 1980, she settled and was educated in Boston. Graduating with an Honours degree in Business from Boston University, Joohi pursued extensive coursework concentrating in Marketing. She was the recipient of the esteemed Alfred Baumburg Memorial Scholarship Award and played an active leading role in the founding chapter of the National Business Fraternity, Delta Sigma Pi. Over the span of her 17 year career, Joohi has worked in various marketing fields, some of which include retail buying, strategic market planning and research, catalogue brand management, sales and sales training, as well as customer loyalty and retention. Over the past six and a half years, Joohi’s passion for working with the community led her to work for companies serving the growing market opportunity we now know as the Halal Industry. She has worked with Al-Safa Halal (Food) and Guidance Residential, LLC (Islamic Finance). She is currently serving as VP Marketing and Sales for Crescent Foods, Chicago, where she is playing a vital role in the vision and mission of the company to take Halal to mainstream America. She lives in Naperville with her husband and three daughters.


At 16, Mohamed became the youngest higher-education instructor in the United Arab Emirates by creating and teaching the web development course at the Emirates Institute of Technology. By 21, he founded Muxlim Inc., the world’s largest Muslim lifestyle network reaching millions in 190 countries. During his work at Muxlim, he became the first immigrant to receive the President of Finland’s Internationalisation award in its 45-year history. From a Computer Science background, Mohamed has been called the “Linus Torvalds” of the Muslim world in Finland and has been named the “Egyptian Technology Figure of the Year”. He was among 200 business leaders recognised by President Obama at his “Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship”, and was named by Georgetown University and the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Center among the world’s “500 Most Influential Muslims” two years in a row. Recently, Mohamed became the youngest business leader named amongst Chief Executive Magazine’s “Leaders of Tomorrow”. He is a regular speaker at events and conferences such as the Global Islamic Branding & Marketing Forum (UK), New Media Event (UAE), as well as an expert contributor to United Nations, and Nobel Peace Forum, amongst others. Mohamed has written the digital chapter of a Financial Times book titled “Islamic Marketing Handbook”.

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Navid Akhtar is the Managing Director of Gazelle Media Limited. Established in 2006, Gazelle Media is a regular supplier of content to the BBC in the UK, Al Jazeera, Al Arabiaya, BBC Arabic, ATV Turkey, ARY Pakistan, TVONE Indonesia, and NTV Bangladesh. Current work includes a six-part series ‘The Best Of British Islam’, which has been sold internationally. Navid began his career working in independent television in the 1990s for Channel Four before joining the BBC. He went on to work at the BBC’s History Unit, on documentaries about ‘The Shah of Iran’, ‘The Conquest of Everest’ and ‘Japanese Swords’. In 2001, he organised the first BBC management seminar on Muslim audiences and was appointed the Development Producer of the BBC’s acclaimed ‘Islam UK Season’. He worked on ‘The Journey of a Lifetime’ that followed UK Muslims to Mecca on the Hajj. In the same year, he was specialist adviser to BBC Radio 5, after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. In 2003, he was a producer on Channel 4’s ‘Hajj: Trip of a Lifetime’, and has received several awards including the Al Bruni award for Media – Muslim News Awards for Excellence. In 2007, Navid was selected for the steering group of His Highness The Prince of Wales – Mosaic Media Mentoring Network. In 2008, he was asked to accompany the British Foreign Secretary, David Milliband, on a visit to Pakistan to debate at Islamabad Islamic University, on the issue of ‘Islam In The West’. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA), a board member of CCE – Creativity, Culture and Education, and a Forum member of the Christian Muslim Forum.


Fazal is the CEO of Crescentrating Pte Ltd, which set up the world’s first travel portal dedicated to the Halal-conscious travellers, and “Crescentrating” of the travel and tourism services for their Halalfriendliness. Prior to this, he was with Alcatel-Lucent where he held senior management roles based in Europe and Asia. Fazal completed the Executive Programme from Stanford University and National University of Singapore, Strategic Leadership Development Programme from Ashridge Management School, and International Management in Telecoms Industry from London Business School. He has an International Masters in Management from Management School of Lyon, in addition to the Masters Degree in Computer Applications and Bachelors Degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications. Fazal also has a Diploma in Islamic Banking and Finance from the International Islamic University of Malaysia.

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Rafi-uddin Shikoh is passionate about empowering businesses to become global brands with socially responsible impact. He is the Founder and CEO of DinarStandard™, a specialised market research, media, and advisory firm, focused on the Emerging Muslim Markets. He has 15 years of marketing strategy, e-business strategy, and technology management experience with small to Fortune 500-sized companies. Rafi-uddin is a frequent speaker on innovation, marketing, social business, and Muslim customer strategies. He has presented at prestigious industry conferences at Oxford University, Harvard University, IIUM Malaysia, and others. As an emerging expert on Muslim markets, he has been interviewed in various media such as The Economist, Forbes, LA Times, BrandChannel, Arab News (Saudi Arabia), Khaleej Times, Sabah (Turkey), Star (Malaysia), Geo TV (Pakistan), and many more. Prior to DinarStandard™, Rafi-uddin had been a Vice President with Marsh Inc, a global risk-brokerage firm, where he led and successfully delivered multimillion dollar knowledge management and marketing technology related initiatives. He had previously served as a Senior e-Business Consultant at a Boston based firm. In addition, he has also served as a Marketing Director for a communications training and sports media consulting company. Rafiuddin has an MBA from UNC-Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, and a BSc. in Marketing from Southwest State University, Minnesota, USA. He was born in Pakistan and spent 14 years of his early schooling in the Sultanate of Oman.


Wang Jing is currently the Director General of Investment Promotion Bureau of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (provincial level), China. Wang obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in Mining from China University of Mining and Technology in 1986. He also has a Diploma in Leadership from Party School of the Central Committee of CPC. In the following seven years after his graduation from university, he worked as an expert and consultant in a state mining enterprise in Ningxia. He was appointed the Deputy Director General of Ningxia Youth League in 1993 and started his administrative career ever since. For three years, he was the Deputy Mayor of the second largest city in Ningxia and was in charge of economic affairs of the city. In 2004, he was appointed the Director General of Investment Promotion Bureau of Ningxia, responsible for affairs of investment promotion of the region.

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Dr. Fatima Ma is currently an Associate Professor in the University of Ningxia. She is also a Deputy Head of the Panel of Experts of Ningxia Fahim Halal Food Co., Ltd., China. She obtained her Ph.D. in National Economy from School of Economics, the University of Shandong, China, in 2009. She received her Master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Lanzhou in 1999, and then she went on studying at the University of Fudan as a visiting scholar. She made a great contribution to Brand Economic Theory with her supervisor. She did substantial researches in projects in relation to Halal Brand and Halal Industry in China. Currently, she is working on several researches on Halal industry in Ningxia by cooperating with the local government.


A futurologist, and Chief Executive of Global Futures and Foresight (GFF) – a strategic futures research organisation, David’s 30 year diverse business career has made him recognisable as one of the world’s leading futurists. GFF has prepared views of the future for the Middle East Travel and Tourism industry, the world insurance markets, and visions of the future for the food, real estate, information technology, and communications industries. Since founding GFF, David has worked with many of the world’s largest organisations as well as academic institutions and industry associations. Their insights have led many organisations to embrace change and prepare innovative strategies to renew themselves and generate new growth. GFF has developed proprietary methods to help their clients prepare themselves for the future and by so doing reduce their risk and better enable them to adapt to the fast changing world. His clients number some of the largest and most prestigious firms around the world and he is a regular international conference speaker and writer and a passionate believer that we are not victims of what the future might hold if we prepare ourselves in advance. David is married with four sons and is a keen weekend sailor and photographer.

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Tuan Haji Zainal Abidin Bin Jaffar joined the Islamic Religious Affairs Office in the Shariah Law Unit, Islamic Research Centre for Religion Division under the Prime Minister’s Office in 1982 where he served for two years. He then served in the Consultation/ Shariah Research Unit of the Islamic Research Centre until 1986. He was assigned to the Religious Attaché in Jakarta, Indonesia from 1986 until 1992 as acting Senior Officer of Islamic Affairs. Throughout his career, he has served different divisions in the Prime Minister’s Office and JAKIM (Department of Islamic Development Malaysia). In 2004, he was promoted to Assistant Director and assigned to JAKIM’s KESUMA Division from January to May 2004 before switching to the Islam Hadhari Section for Da’wah JAKIM where he became the Acting Director assigned to the Coordination, Law and Enforcement Division from January to July 2005. He then moved to the JAKIM Training Division until 2007 and was promoted to Director of the JAKIM Halal Hub Division where he served until 2009. He was later transferred to the Federal Territory Islamic Religious Department as Deputy Director of Operations until December 2010 before he was transferred back to the Halal Hub Division where he is serving now as a Director.


As Principal Consultant for KasehDia Research & Consulting (KDRC), Fe now focuses on offering KasehDia expertise, insights and skills in developing solutions for clients’ needs in leveraging off Halal opportunities in the global business environment. Fe has established working relationship with industry players; her client base ranging from the food and foodservice industries, FMCG, agribusiness, oil and gas, to high-technology companies. Fe is spearheading KDRC’s efforts to educate and inform Halal industry players in getting their businesses ready and fine-tuned to meet growing demands that is currently not well addressed. Fe graduated with an Honours Degree in Applied Sciences majoring in Chemistry from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, under scholarship from Unilever (M) Holdings Sdn. Bhd. Having served Unilever Malaysia in food product development, manufacturing and quality assurance, the FMCG experience exposed her to vital Continuous Improvement and Supplier Quality Development programmes. Following on, she spent three years in the foodservice industry within management capacity handling café, bakery and catering operations. Fe subsequently served Yakin IT for one year as Food Industry Consultant where she gained valuable perspectives on the application of Information Technology in Halal. An active participant in the Halal industry, she contributes in producing Halal industry reference and publication materials and has been involved in government-level initiatives including a feasibility study on the application of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology in the Malaysian Halal certification process.


Jerome Giraud, 36 years old and with 15 years of experience in international trade, is now head of business development within the Port of Marseille Fos Authority in France. After a Bachelor in Business Administration at the Newcastle Business School, UK, and a Master in International Business and Finance from the Marseille University, Jerome spent a few years in the trading activity before he joined the Port of Marseille Fos in 2000. Firstly in charge of trade development with Asia and the Americas for four years, he then took the responsibility of the commercial department for five years as head of business development in 2010. His main challenge and ambition for the next few years is to enhance the role of the Port of Marseille Fos as a consolidation hub for the Euro-Mediterranean markets, notably through the set up of new projects and facilities dedicated to emerging activities in the region such as Halal products distribution or vegetable oil refining. Executiv e Re v i e w 2 0 1 1

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KasehDia is a communication and research company. It has an exceptional mix of pioneering media brands, world-class events and a track record of high-level consultancies. Its speciality is delivery of Islamic values in a strategic, universal and contemporary manner for across the board audiences. Due to their cutting edge and prolific work, KasehDia has been featured in various international mainstream media including The New York Times, The Economist, TIME magazine, Asia Wall Street Journal, International Herald Tribune and Bloomberg.


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• W W W.H A L A L J O U R N A L.CO M • W W W.W O R L D H A L A L F O R U M.O R G • W W W.H A L A LG U I D E S.CO M • M - 2 - 2 0 , P L A Z A D A M A S , 6 0 , J A L A N S R I H A R TA M A S 1 , S R I H A R TA M A S , 5 0 4 8 0 K UA L A LU M P U R , M A L AY S I A + 603 6203 1025 F + 603 6203 4072 E info @ halaljournal . com W www . halaljournal . com

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World Halal Forum Europe 2010


21-22 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


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10-11 November 2010, London, United Kingdom

17-18 November 2009, The Hague, The Netherlands


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4-5 May 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


12-13 May 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


7-8 May 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


8-10 May 2006, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Leonard Ariff was appointed the Chief Executive Officer of CCM Duopharma Biotech Berhad cum Director of CCM Pharmaceuticals Division on 1 January 2008. Since 1988, he has worked in various capacities in the legal profession before joining the CCM Group in 1990 where his main responsibilities were in business development at CCM Chemicals Sdn Bhd. In 2000, he assumed the position of Managing Director of Usaha Pharma (M) Sdn Bhd (formerly known as Prima Health Pharmacy (Retail) Sdn Bhd), which is CCM’s pharmaceuticals retail arm. He then became General Manager of ICI Paints Malaysia Sdn Bhd in 2003, and subsequently as Managing Director before taking on his current appointment. He also holds directorship on the Board of several companies within the CCM Group. He also acts in an advisory capacity at Monash Business School, Universiti Sains Malaysia, International Medical University, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, and as a committee member of Good Governance for Medicines (GGM) in the Ministry of Health, Malaysia, which addressed to the President of the Malaysian Organisation of Pharmaceutical Industries (MOPI).


Daud is the Global Leader of Deloitte’s Islamic Finance Group. He has been in the Finance and Consulting industries for more than 35 years, with experience in Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. Daud started his career with Lloyds Bank, followed by Chemical Bank and Midland Bank. He spent seven years as a Partner/ Director with Deloitte Consulting where he was responsible for setting up the Firm’s Global Centre of Excellence for Islamic Finance based in Malaysia. Daud was the first Managing Director of Hong Leong Islamic Bank; under his guidance, the Group successfully transformed an Islamic Banking Window into a fullfledged Islamic Banking subsidiary. At Hong Leong, he was also closely involved in the planning for and launch of Hong Leong Tokio Marine Takaful, where he was a Board member. Subsequently, he became the Chief Operating Officer at Asian Finance Bank, a new Islamic Bank, where he was responsible for establishing the infrastructure to support the business lines, as well as opening new branches and establishing a representative office in Jakarta. Daud holds an Economic and Social History Honours degree from the University of Bristol, England, is a distinguished fellow of the Islamic Banking and Finance Institute of Malaysia (IBFIM), and a former Board member (2003 to 2007) of the Accounting & Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI). He is also the co-author of the book, “Islamic Finance: Why It Makes Sense”, published by Marshall Cavendish.

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Datin Maznah Mahbob, Chief Executive Officer of the Funds Management Division (FMD) of AmInvestment Bank Group, is responsible for business strategy and management of the Division. FMD comprises of AmInvestment Management, AmIslamic Funds Management, AmInvestment Services, and the funds management businesses under AmCapital (Brunei). FMD has been awarded the “Triple A (Asset Asian Awards) 2010 Asset Management Company of the Year” award, primarily for innovation, industry leadership and investment performance. FMD has managed funds for over 30 years. Funds under management in total are close to USD8.24 billion (RM25 billion) in equities and fixed income for both institutional and retail clients, for Malaysian as well as foreign clients. The company has also been recognised by the Edge-Lipper for the “Best Fund Group (Bond)”. In the Islamic space, AmIslamic Funds Management has been awarded: • The Triple A (Asset Asian Awards) 2010 Islamic Asset Management House of The Year for Asia Pacific by The Asset magazine, primarily for innovative investment solutions tailored to client requirements. • The 2010 Islamic Fund House of the Year by Asia Asset Management (Hong Kong).


Datu Tahir Sinsuat Lidasan Jr., recently appointed by the President of the Philippines to a rank in the Career Service, has been in-charge of developing and promoting the Philippine Halal Industry since 2002. He has held many positions in the government service and is currently a bureau director of the newly-created National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF). A member of a royal family in Maguindanao, a province located in the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao, Director Lidasan has attended various Halal forums, trainings, and seminars in Malaysia, Indonesia, and the United States of America. He went to the University of the Philippines College of Law, and joined the government of President Arroyo during his senior year. He also enrolled for Masters in Business Administration at the Ateneo de Manila in Rockwell, Makati City, Philippines. He also chairs and supervises three Halal Global Conferences in the Philippines participated by the different Halal stakeholders in the government, corporate, diplomatic and private sectors.

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After publishing on climate control in animal houses, Koen De Praetere joined Vandemoortele, a major European oils and fats producer. He held various European management positions in operations, quality and business re-engineering. Prior to moving into the poultry business, he took responsibility for business expansion in Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia. Currently, Koen is the General Manager at Volys Star, a Belgium based pioneer of innovative, value-added poultry products. Under his lead, Volys Star has transformed from a local player to a more regionally diversified company, producing for the European market, as well as for the Middle Eastern and Asian markets. Engaging in various Halal seminars and Working Groups, Koen acquired and shared in-depth knowledge of Halal food manufacturing, allowing Volys Star to further penetrate into Halal markets worldwide. Awarded the Armand Blanc prize of the International Commission of Agricultural Engineering, Koen holds a Master’s degree in Agricultural and Food Sciences, and a Master in Business Administration.


Tony Zohrab is the Director of Market Access, and works within the Standards Branch of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), New Zealand. He has previously held the Chief Meat Veterinary Officer and Director of Animal Products positions within MAF and the New Zealand Food Safety Authority (NZFSA) respectively. Tony was seconded to the New Zealand Meat Board and worked there as its Research and Development Manager from 1989 to 1990. He was also posted from 1994 to 1997 to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mission to the European Communities in Brussels as the New Zealand Counsellor (Veterinary Services).

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Tina Mazni Jamaluddin graduated from Hawaii Pacific University in 2001 with a BA, majoring in International Business. She is currently the Head of Business Development for PAP Marketing Malaysia Sdn Bhd. In late 2001, Tina joined Prima Agri-Products Sdn Bhd, a Malaysian company that was just venturing into the processing of Halal meat and meat-based products. Over the years, Tina has worked closely with several international QSR brand owners like YUM! International, Subway and Burger King to develop product brand standards aimed at the Halal market and upgrading of the product quality accordingly. Tina has also been instrumental in dealing with the various government agencies, on development of incentives and grants for Malaysian SMEs, as well as attending international trade shows and buying missions worldwide.


Faisal Masood is the founder of the American Muslim Consumer Conference (AMCC). The AMCC vision is to highlight and promote awareness of the American Muslim consumer, their buying power, the advertising industry, and influence companies to develop products and services meeting the needs of Muslims. Faisal is also co-founder of MLink, a networking platform for connecting Muslim professionals, businesses, and communities. Faisal has more than 20 years of management consulting, business management, entrepreneurship and sales management experience. He graduated from the University of Illinois, Chicago, with a M.S. Degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in 1996. Faisal was one of the founders of pcWonders. com, which was sold to Buyitnow.com in 2000. PcWonders.com was primarily engaged in the sales of technology and electronics products to small businesses and consumers, and had an annual sale of approximately USD80 million. He is active in the community and has organised many fund-raising events to support relief and humanitarian activities of Islamic Relief. MLink was awarded the 2010 Partnership Award by Islamic Relief as a major fundraising partner. Faisal was also an adjunct professor at the School of Business, Rutgers University, New Jersey, from 2002 to 2008. Currently, he works for a major financial company in New York.

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the Magazine for The Global halal experience Be in the know with The Halal Journal The Halal Journal is the only dedicated magazine focusing on all things Halal - from food, logistics, certification and finance, to tourism, leisure and entertainment - in Asia and the rest of the world. Global awareness of Halal products and services is growing at an unprecedented rate – not only in the Muslim world and are now common features in all corners of the world. The Halal Journal - keeps you in the loop: • Provides dedicated coverage of Halal issues and markets. • In-depth analyses on key Halal sectors. • Premier advertising medium for Halal industry movers and shakers. • Coverage on international Halal trade shows, conferences and lifestyle exhibitions. • 4 informative issues annually. Get them delivered to your desk!

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the 6th World Halal Forum


Since its inception merely two years ago, Penang International Halal Hub (PIHH) or “Halal Penang” – the Halal facilitation agency of the State Government of Penang – has been striving its way earnestly in gaining global recognition to position itself in the Halal market. Spearheading the organisation’s bold initiative is Haji Abdul Malik Kassim, State Minister for Religious Affairs, Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs. Although fairly a ‘new kid on the block’, Penang has taken the lead from more recognised Halal hubs in Malaysia. While other states are concentrating on promoting their parks, Penang adopted a holistic approach that markets the industrial park as a service-oriented concept. Leveraging on Penang’s strength of more than 35 years of manufacturing excellence, Halal Penang provides a business-friendly environment for investors – an environment with world-class R&D, necessary support services, a fully-traceable Halal supply chain and excellent infrastructure as well as amenities to facilitate a world-standard Halal hub. The continuous effort by the State government to position itself as an international Halal hub was duly rewarded, when Halal Penang was awarded ‘Best Halal Facility Provider’ in an excellence award presentation held in conjunction with the International Islamic Tourism and Halal Week (IISTHAL) 2009. Halal Penang is also the proud recipient of the prestigious HALMAS Status, an acclaimed and privileged status given to Halal Park Operators that have successfully complied with the guidelines stipulated by the Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC) of Malaysia, which significantly represents a huge leap for Halal Penang in terms of domestic and international recognition. The momentum of Halal Penang was proven to be on the right track when they were approached by foreign countries such as Yemen, UK and Pakistan for advice and consultancy to set up Halal Parks, thus replicating Halal Penang’s model in their countries. Additionally, Halal Penang has, thus far, developed strong linkages with countries in Asia (i.e. Japan, China, Thailand, Indonesia and Pakistan) as well as the Middle East and Europe for the growth of Penang and the global Halal industry. The Penang Halal Industrial Park, which incorporates 100 acres within the high-tech Penang Science Park, has drawn more than RM250 million in investment values, taking up nearly 50 acres of industrial land. With the first phase of ready land targeted for investors involved in niche, high value-added manufacturing industries, the second phase of the park is conceptualised to provide an incubation system, shared facilities, test labs, warehousing, cold chain services as well as networking infrastructure. The State boasts advantages by possessing a natural and strategic seaport location and trading hub. Penang is also the centre of the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT), enabling it to reap bountiful opportunities through bilateral collaborations with Northern Sumatera and Southern Thailand in developing the regional Halal industry. From ground zero to hero, Penang – well known today as one of the world’s top ‘Silicon Valley’ – would not halt, for any doubt, from taking its stride as an international Halal leader, towards realising its vision of becoming a Global Halal Centre. In the move towards establishing Penang as a Global Halal Centre, Halal Penang capitalises on Penang’s strategic location and competitive advantages to promote Halal industries as the emerging engine of growth and generate sustainable economic values for the state and region. PIHH is focused on promoting, enhancing and driving the growth of nine clusters that makes up a holistic and integrated Halal supply chain: (1) Industries, (2) Logistics, (3) Agro-based, (4) Life Sciences, (5) R&D, (6) Finance, (7) Hospitality and Tourism, (8) Human Capital, and (9) Marketing and Promotion. PIHH takes pride in understanding the needs of investors and businesses; linking them with the most integrated supply chain solutions whilst maintaining the most conducive investment environment.

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PENANG HALAL INDUSTRIAL PARK The Penang Halal Industrial Park was officially launched in 2008. Nestled in the south of the greater Bukit Minyak Industrial Park and the Penang Science Park, the 100-acre Halal Industrial Park is a key growth node in the development of Penang as an International Halal Hub. Strategically located along the North-South Highway, the Penang State targets investors involved in niche, high-value added manufacturing and processing. Future phases of the Halal Park will provide an incubation system, shared facilities, test labs, warehousing and cold chain services. PIHH Development Sdn. Bhd (“Halal Penang”), an agency of the Penang State, manages the Park, which offers investors tremendous potential to tap the increasing local and international demand for Halal products.

Features of the Penang Halal Industrial Park i.

Abundant supply of Halal raw material that can be assessed locally and internationally within the IMT-GT region ii. Fast-tracked approval for Halal certification by the Penang State Islamic Affairs Department iii. Halal Penang acts as a one-stop centre to assist investors on Halal certification, local authority approval, customs, and promotion. iv. Excellent accessibility to the North-South highway and strategically located within close proximity to Penang Halal Port and the Penang International Airport. v. All basic infrastructure such as service roads, telecommunications, water, broadband, sanitary sewerage and electricity are in place. Land at the Penang Halal Industrial Park is available for purchase at RM18 per sqf for a lease period of 60 years. The Penang State welcomes investments of strategic, niche and high-technology industries. Current tenants of the Park include producers of frozen seafood products, herbal extracts, food additives and confectionery. PIHH Development Sdn. Bhd (829043-W) Level 44, KOMTAR, 10503, Penang, MALAYSIA. Tel : +604-262 5444 Fax : +604 – 263 5444 Website : www.halalpenang.com Email : secretariat@halalpenang.com

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WINNERS OF THE HALAL JOURNAL AWARDS 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007 and 2006 THE HALAL JOURNAL AWARDS 2010 • Best Product: SimplySiti Sdn Bhd, Malaysia • Best Islamic Financial Service or Product: FORAS International Investment Company, Saudi Arabia • Best Community & Environmental Development: Colgate-Palmolive (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Malaysia • Travel & Hospitality: Cresentrating Pte Ltd, Singapore • Best Service Provider: Al-Jazeera English • Best Innovation: ImHalal.com, the Netherlands • Outstanding Personal Achievement: Dr. Naif Al-Mutawa, Kuwait THE HALAL JOURNAL AWARDS 2009 • Best Halal Product: AYS Sdn Bhd, Malaysia • Most Creative Marketing Campaign: Saaf International, United Kingdom • Best Islamic Financial Service or Product: Khazanah Nasional Berhad, Malaysia • Best Corporate Social Responsibility Project: Chemical Company of Malaysia (CCM) Bhd, Malaysia • Travel & Hospitality: Al Jawhara, United Arab Emirates • Best Halal Related Service Provider: Astro Oasis, Malaysia • Outstanding Personal Achievement in the Halal Industry: Dr. Hani Mansour Al-Mazeedi, Kuwait THE HALAL JOURNAL AWARDS 2008 • Best Halal Product: Nitta Casings Inc., USA • Best Creative Marketing Campaign: Marhaba Halal Food B.V, the Netherlands • Best Islamic Financial Service or Product: Kuwait Finance House (Malaysia) Berhad (KFHMB) • Best Corporate Social Responsibility: Carrefour Malaysia • Travel & Hospitality: Zabihah.com, USA • Best Halal Related Service Provider: CIMB Private Equity and Venture Capital Malaysia • Best Innovation in the Halal Industry: - Darabif Meat Company, Malaysia - Comgroup Prima, Malaysia • Outstanding Personal Achievement in the Halal Industry: Dr Habib M’Nasria, Quality Assurance of McDonald’s Middle East THE HALAL JOURNAL AWARDS 2007 • Best Halal Product: Crescent Foods Inc., USA • Best Creative Marketing Campaign: Maple Lodge Farms, Canada • Best Islamic Financial Service or Product: International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF), Malaysia • Best Corporate Social Responsibility: Nestle (Malaysia) Berhad • Travel & Hospitality: Tabung Haji Travel & Services Sdn Bhd, Malaysia • Best Halal Related Service Provider: - The Islamic Food & Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA), USA - MISC Integrated Logistics Sdn Bhd, Malaysia • Best Innovation in the Halal Industry: Novel Molecular Kit for the Detection of Slaughtered or Killed Meat by Associate Professor Dr. Adl-El Aziem Farouk Gad, IIUM, Malaysia • Outstanding Personal Achievement in the Halal Industry: Dato’ Hj. Mustafa Abdul Rahman, Director General of JAKIM (2007), Malaysia THE HALAL JOURNAL AWARDS 2006 • Best Halal Product: Midamar Corporation, USA • Best Creative Marketing Campaign: Al Islami Foods, Dubai • Best Islamic Financial Service or Product: Microlink Systems Sdn Bhd, Malaysia • Best Corporate Social Responsibility: Johor Corporation, Malaysia • Travel & Hospitality: LSG Skychefs-Brahim’s, Malaysia • Best Halal Related Service Provider: Malaysia International Halal Showcase (MIHAS) • Best Innovation in the Halal Industry: Halal Science Centre, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand • Outstanding Personal Achievement in the Halal Industry: Dato’ Jamaluddin Abdul Kadir, Founder and CEO of Prima Agri-Products Sdn Bhd, Malaysia


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Recognising Excellence

The Halal Journal Awards celebrate and honour success, innovation and achievement in this exciting emergent market

The Halal Journal Awards categories are: • Best Product • Most Creative Marketing Campaign • Best Islamic Financial Service or Product • Community & Environmental Development • Travel & Hospitality • Best Service Provider • Best Innovation in Halal Industry • Outstanding Personal Achievement

Join us in celebrating outstanding achievements and inspirations. T h e s e p r e s t i g i o u s a w a r d s w i l l b e p r e s e n t e d a t t h e Wo r l d H a l a l Fo r u m T h e H a l a l Jo u r n a l A w a r d s G a l a D i n n e r on Monday 4th April 2011, 7.30pm at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur

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3/28/11 11:35:50 AM

Everywhere you go, may the Guidance be with you

KASEHDIA HALAL GUIDES SERIES guide for halal food + drinks + muslim travellers KasehDia Sdn Bhd M - 2 - 2 0 , P LA Z A DAMAS , 6 0 , J ALAN SRI HARTAMAS 1 , SRI HARTAMAS , 5 0 4 8 0 KUALA LUM P UR , MALAY SIA T + 603 6203 1025 F + 603 6203 4072 E in f o@k ase h d ia.com w w w.k a s e h d i a.co m

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the 6th World Halal Forum



THE HALAL JOURNAL Business, Lifestyle, Trends The Halal Journal magazine is a publication for the global Halal industry – one that we believe will be the greatest market forces in the coming decades. As the realm of Halal extends beyond the obvious references to food and touches on all matters that relate to human life, The Halal Journal focuses on all topics of interest and concern to decision makers (both private and governments) that affects trade and businesses; as well as lifestyle trends. It is currently distributed worldwide through individual and corporate subscriptions along with partner events.


HALALFOCUS.COM HalalFocus.com is a major news resource for the global Halal industry providing news updates, commentary and analyses on the developments within the Halal market. With daily updates, HalalFocus has a growing database of 2,500 articles sorted into over 60 categories from farm to fork to finance. HalalFocus.com is a free service provided by Imarat Consultants, specialists in Halal market intelligence.


ISLAMIC FINANCE NEWS Islamic Finance News is the industry’s leading capital markets-focused e-newsletter bringing you unrivalled editorial coverage of the global Islamic financing market. This weekly newsletter provides insightful and intelligent editorial coverage from around the world helping you keep ahead. Industry professionals and leading academics contribute via non-biased, educational and up-to-date country and sector reports, giving you a firsthand knowledge and understanding of the Islamic finance markets and instruments from an experts’ point of view. For a trial subscription, please contact Musfaizal Mustafa at +603 2162 7804 or email musfaizal.mustafa@redmoneygroup.com.

ISLAMIC FINANCE ASIA Islamic Finance Asia is a comprehensive bi-monthly, hard copy magazine published by REDmoney Group. Islamic Finance Asia covers every step of the ever growing Asian Islamic financial markets, charting the growth, product innovation, moves, launches and issues. Until now, no publication has focused specifically on the Asian Islamic financial markets. To get your copy of Islamic Finance Asia, register at www.islamicfinanceasia.com.

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the 6th World Halal Forum



THOMSON REUTERS Thomson Reuters is the world’s leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals. We combine industry expertise with innovative technology to deliver critical information to leading decision makers in the financial, legal, tax and accounting, healthcare and science, and media markets, powered by the world’s most trusted news organisation. With headquarters in New York and major operations in London and Eagan, Minnesota, Thomson Reuters employs 55,000 people and operates in over 100 countries. For more information, go to www.thomsonreuters.com.

OXFORD BUSINESS GROUP Oxford Business Group (OBG), a global publishing, research and consultancy firm, publishes economic and political intelligence on the markets of Eastern Europe, North and South Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. OBG offers comprehensive analysis of political, macroeconomic and sectoral developments, including banking, capital markets, energy, infrastructure, industry and insurance. OBG’s acclaimed economic, political and business reports are the leading source of local and regional intelligence, while OBG’s online economic briefings provide up-to-date in-depth analyses. OBG’s consultancy arm offers tailor-made market intelligence and advice to firms operating in these markets and those looking to enter them.

ZABIHAH.COM Since 1998, Zabihah.com has grown from a regional guide to Halal food in California’s Silicon Valley to the world’s largest guide to Halal restaurants and products, and is an established leader in the global Halal revolution. With over 10,000 reviewed restaurants and markets worldwide, Zabihah.com has helped promote the expansion of the Halal restaurant industry in the West and is credited by many restaurants for making the provision of Halal meals economically viable. Currently, up to 20 per cent of Zabihah.com’s 10 million annual users access restaurant listings and reviews through mobile devices such as the iPhone, which alone has had 100,000 application downloads since its launch. Over a decade of precise market data from its global user base has provided Zabihah.com with unprecedented consumer demographic information and marketing opportunities that will benefit the worldwide Halal industry as it continues to develop.

DINARSTANDARD™ DinarStandard™ is a specialised research, advisory and business media firm empowering Emerging Muslim Markets for growth and global impact. Through its Research & Advisory services, DinarStandard™ helps companies shape their growth strategy – delivering market expansion analyses, meaningful customer insights, actionable marketing plans, and big-thinking innovations.

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3/29/11 12:27:59 PM

Inspirasi Kejayaan

Inspirasi Kejayaa


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januari + februari 2011

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Rezeki is a new KasehDia offering which promotes good philosophy, business and work ethics. Rezeki is dedicated to enriching lives and nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit in all Malaysians. It is a framework designed to empower and inspire Malaysians to maximise returns and prosper from various opportunities and incentives. Rezeki’s entrepreneurial, creative and inspirational approach functions with the belief that anyone is capable of achieving success. Rezeki does not alienate, as success and wealth belongs to all. Rezeki is created and published bimonthly by

K a s e h D i a Sd n B h d M - 2 - 2 0 , P L A Z A D A M A S , 6 0 , J A L A N S R I H A R TA M A S 1 , S R I H A R TA M A S , 5 0 4 8 0 K U A L A L U M P U R , M A L AY S I A t +6 03 6203 1025 f +6 03 6203 4072 e info@kasehdia.com w w w w. k a s e h d i a . c o m

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3/26/11 3:27:03 PM

the 6th World Halal Forum


OIC TODAY OIC Today Magazine is an exclusive business and investment magazine under the flagship of the OIC International Business Centre with focus on Islamic Economy as well as featuring Muslim Business Leaders and Muslim Nation Leaders in their capacity to grow the Islamic Economy into major developments. OIC Today Magazine acts as the gateway in providing business and investment opportunities, news, views and analyses of the Islamic world. OIC Today Magazine was also selected to be the official media partner for many local and international events namely the World Halal Forum (WHF), World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF), Muslim World BIZ (MWB), Global Islamic Finance Forum (GIFF), Penang International Halal Expo and Conference (PIHEC), OIC Infrastructure Conference, OIC Summit Putrajaya 2003, OIC Summit Dakar 2008, Europe Halal Showcase, and many others.

MALAYSIA SME™ THE SME PAPER MALAYSIA SME™ THE SME PAPER is the first and only paper serving the SME (small and medium enterprise) community in Malaysia. Dedicated to SMEs, this fortnightly newspaper covers news, updates, developments and events that are relevant to SMEs. The paper has been designed to provide SMEs with better access to markets, new technologies, networking and an improved business environment. With such a paper, readers can now savour the insights, analysis and in-depth interviews and coverage of various SME developments, activities and initiatives. A total of 50,000 complimentary audited copies are circulated fortnightly to SMEs, Government Ministries and Agencies, Associations and Chambers of Trade and Commerce, MNCs, GLCs and PLCs. The paper is also available for sale at bookstores and newsstands nationwide. MALAYSIA SME™ The SME Paper is part of MSME Inc. This media group’s products are available in the print, electronic, online, on air and mobile media. It is, therefore, the most complete SME media organisation in the country.

DAGANGHALAL In general, DagangHalal means “Halal Trading”. DagangHalal.com is the world’s No. 1 Halal business portal featuring Halal-certified products and services from all over the world. DagangHalal.com provides online tools for the worldwide users to source quality Halal products and service providers. As such, it is also an online platform for qualified merchants to promote Halal products and services to the global Muslim market. Currently, DagangHalal is working closely with local and international Halal certification authorities and business partners to promote Halal businesses. As opposed to the huge amounts of money and time spent in identifying new markets and new clients, DagangHalal.com can ensure marketing effectiveness through little investments. DagangHalal simplifies buyers’ tasks through providing a cost effective way to connect with global suppliers. For suppliers, DagangHalal helps to generate new leads and create brand awareness in the global Halal market. If you are aiming the worldwide Muslim market of 1.8 billion consumers and is worth USD2.1 trillion, DagangHalal.com is surely your best tool for your Halal business development.

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3/29/11 10:00:57 AM

the 6th World Halal Forum


REZEKI Rezeki is a magazine in Bahasa Malaysia that aims to promote its philosophy of fusing business and work as a lifestyle. The magazine delivers content that is fresh, inspiring and creative. Staying true to its values in creating opportunities for all, Rezeki is the first business magazine within the market that provides content that is friendly to both common ordinary people and social elites alike. Rezeki’s Bahasa Malaysia content is real, original and inspirational; its appeal transcends ethnicities, cultures, gender and age. It is a magazine for all Malaysians and is focused in bringing out their entrepreneurial spirit and ignites the flame within to realise their full potential. Although the magazine is focused on business, ultimately it is for anyone and everyone who is determined to succeed in whatever they do. With its tagline “Inspirasi Kejayaan”, Rezeki magazine is determined to be the readers’ inspiration for success.

AMILIN TV Amilin TV is a global news and media company, which provides Islamic Finance News pertaining to the Islamic Financial market. It is the first mover for Islamic Finance news TV via the internet. With the emergence of the Islamic Financial market, the world at large has begun to realise the need for this type of business media as an alternative source for Islamic Finance news to keep them abreast with the latest in this ever growing industry. At present, Islamic Finance is not getting its due recognition, and receives little attention in the sense that there is no specific coverage given by any media house consistently. To date, hits for its web TV has a viewership coming from over 40 countries. Amilin TV has been appointed by TV Al Hijrah as the news provider for Islamic Finance news. With this collaboration, Amilin TV will provide a platform to promote the Malaysian Islamic Finance industry to the public.

MILENIA MUSLIM Milenia Muslim is an Islamic magazine that is targeted more to the affluent readers with its progressive issues. An award-winning magazine for the past two years running (2008 and 2009) – Anugerah Kewartawanan Malaysia MPI-Petronas, Milenia Muslim invites the Malay and other communities to glorify Allah (swt). Additionally, it displays the greatness of Islam through the stories of exemplary Prophets, Caliphs, scholars and Muslim leaders. Milenia Muslim Magazine aims to raise awareness of Muslims about their role as caliphs (leader) on earth and the role of the Sunnah Wal Jamaah (followers of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.). Milenia Muslim also reveals issues that occur in the Muslim community for all to know and learn from.

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3/29/11 10:01:25 AM

the 6th World Halal Forum


H MEDIA H Media is a niche media house dedicated to realising the global Halal market’s fullest potential. Get your messages across correctly to the global Halal consumers. From PR and publications to websites and mobile, H Media’s range of niche media solutions will attract targeted Halal audience to your business. H Media provides real, tangible benefits to all stakeholders within the global Halal supply chain through Halal Media – Your Halal Community Portal, Halal SME – Your Halal Business Portal, and The International Halal SME Report Directory – the definitive platform for the global Halal industry. Because Halal isn’t just your typical market. www.hmedia.my

HALAL MEDIA – YOUR HALAL COMMUNITY PORTAL Halal Media is a premier business and lifestyle portal for the industry and consumer providing daily market news, commentaries and analysis on the latest developments within the global Halal economy. A niche Halal community portal, Halal Media is designed to bridge the gap between the industry and consumers by providing a practical communication platform that acts as a one-stop resource centre for Halal knowledge and its applicability. It covers not just how the food was prepared, but also the environment it was prepared in, the funds used to finance the overall production as well as other activities that would enhance the overall Halal experience. By promoting the understanding and awareness of Halal and its inherent benefits, Halal Media have set out on a long journey to facilitate the adoption of pure and wholesome throughout our daily lives, and help inspire mankind in their constant pursuit for distinction. www.halalmedia.my

HALAL SME – YOUR HALAL BUSINESS PORTAL Halal SME is an exclusive promotional and networking platform for the Small & Medium-sized Entreprises (SMEs) of the global Halal industry. With such a huge Halal market ready to be served, Halal SME is a multi-dimensional platform that provides local Halal businesses access to the global Halal market audience. Positioned to be the definitive industry resource centre, members can expect:• Increased presence within the global Muslim communities worldwide; • Greater networking opportunities with Halal industry captains; • Increased standings and reputation within the global Halal industry; • Substantial and tangible added value attached to your Halal logo; and • Distinctive edge in Halal branding over competitors. www.halalsme.com

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3/29/11 10:01:39 AM

the 6th World Halal Forum

WORLD HALAL FORUM I N THE I N TERN ATION AL MEDI A The World Halal Forum has been featured in over 242 media globally, ranging from newsprint, TV, Radio, online, as well as periodicals and journals. “At the World Halal Forum in Kuala Lumpur, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak alluded to the thought leadership distinguishing Malaysia’s drive towards expanding and systematising what might be termed Halal-consciousness from a purely domestic concern to a truly global scale. Najib urged participants at the forum to act in concert on this altruistic endeavour” New Straits Times – Editor’s Comment Page

“World Halal Forum will become an annual gathering, whose clout will be left wherever there are Muslim consumers” Radio Free Europe

“Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak urged Muslim nations to think beyond industries and move into the larger realm of a Halal economy. Speaking at the opening of the World Halal Forum 2010 at the KL Convention Centre, Najib said the Halal economy is a value-based economy rooted in trust, integrity, and fairness.” The Sun

“Making a bid to become a Muslim world lead proponent of Halal” The Wall Street Journal Asia

“Not many producers realise the importance of logistic activities and there is a lack of the existence or use of Halal-compliant logistic services. Hopefully this scenario will change soon. This was discussed at the 5th World Halal Forum 2010 held in Kuala Lumpur.” The Star “About 900 participants, including local and international industry players, policy makers as well as academicians, have gathered at the WHF platform to exchange ideas as well as solutions to any predicament faced in the industry.” Muxlim.com “The fifth WHF this year carries the theme State of The Industry International Trade and Market Access which aims to evaluate the initiatives that were undertaken across the globe to strengthen and address the challenges faced by Halal industry. The forum hopes to take a more bold and critical stand to address some lethargic issues that have slowed the progress of the industry.” New Straits Times “The Prime Minister said Malaysia sought to highlight and extend the gift of Halal awareness to the world through events like the World Halal Forum and Malaysian International Halal Showcase (MIHAS)” The Malay Mail “The Prime Minister, Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak urged the Islamic world to unite towards the formation of a new Economy so as to strengthen the economic models in all participating countries…. He said this at the opening ceremony of the World Halal Forum 2010 with the theme “State of the Industry: International Trade and Market Access”” Utusan Malaysia “The Prime Minister of Malaysia said that ‘Halal Malaysia Week’ which is a series of three Halal industry events – World Halal Forum, MIHAS and World Halal Research Summit will showcase Malaysia as exemplary in the progress of the Halal industry worldwide and serves to highlight our commitment to be known internationally as a Halal Hub.” Berita Harian “Jumaatun Azmi, organiser of the first World Halal Forum in Malaysia this year, didn’t want to host yet another scholarly debate among Islamic clerics about what the Qur’an does or doesn’t allow Muslims to eat. So instead of the mullahs, she invited McDonald’s Corp., Nestlé SA, Rotterdam Port and Tesco Plc, the British retailer, to the conference” Bloomberg reproduced in International Herald Tribune and The Edge

“The recently-held World Halal Forum in Kuala Lumpur paves the way for Malaysia in becoming a “Centre of Halal Excellence”” Business Times

“Malaysia hosted the World Halal Forum in Kuala Lumpur, a conference designed to bring together companies involved in making Halal food” AP-foodtechnology.com “The world’s first conference on Halal business – the World Halal Forum” The Star “The global Halal industry, if it can be called one, is fast getting up to speed at the World Halal Forum – a convention and trade show of religious zeal dressed in the smart suits of regulators and entrepreneurs” New Straits Times “The World Halal Forum in Kuala Lumpur was a chance for the Malaysian government to promote itself as a future hub for Halal products. But it was also a forum for industry leaders to give stern warnings to their colleagues about the need for proper certification procedures” The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC Connect Asia) “Nestlé Malaysia, Britain’s biggest retailer Tesco, and fast-food giant McDonald’s also joined experts and regulatory bodies at the forum to discuss Halal food and promote the booming business in Halal food” The New Nation “At the World Halal Forum, the first major gathering of the global Halal industry, the talk is about ethics, values, lifestyles and branding. The Qur’anic injunctions on which foods are permissible and prohibited now form only one part of the discussion; the need for a global standard of Halal certification is being pushed forward by a market-driven industry that wants more” guardian.co.uk “The World Halal Forum (WHF) has formally requested the International Development Bank (IDB) to set up a specific fund to help develop the Halal industry in Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) member nations and in non-Muslim countries with Muslim minorities” Bernama “Going beyond the usual academic and religious discussions, participants in the World Halal Forum, currently hosted in Kuala Lumpur, are looking at the sector in commercial terms, discussing how to regulate and promote the booming industry” Islamonline “The forum helps prepare the government and private sector for the growing Muslim market worldwide. It is our philosophy to not only promote the Halal concept across in a universal way but also see a huge market potential” Malaysia SME

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the 6th World Halal Forum

W or ld Hal al Forum S ecreta ri at Ka s e h di a S dN Bhd

KasehDia Sdn Bhd was incorporated in 1999 to be a niche communications and consulting company with a strong commitment in promoting Universal Islamic and good values in a contemporary manner worldwide. KasehDia does this through a range of strategic programmes that serve to disseminate and retrieve information through events, communications and research arms. KasehDia has a strong forte in publications, events, branding and consultancy, with a recent venture into film-making and now making a move to lifestyle items based on universally accepted Islamic designs. KasehDia is most noted as a gravitational force within the global Halal industry. The systematic gathering of data and intelligence on the global Halal market covering thousands of Halal restaurants, certification agencies, governments and industries since 2002 has made the company a beacon of knowledge to industry players, politicians, governments, and scholars alike. Its inspired, inventive, universal ideas are all-inclusive and has the ability to transcend economic, cultural, socio-political, ethnic and religious borders, and shape international agendas. KasehDia takes immense pride in creating some of the world’s firsts in the Halal industry: the World Halal Forum, The Halal Journal, and the Halal Food Guide series, which are not just merely its flagships, but the nation’s as well. Armed with these brands, the company continues to push the frontiers of knowledge within the Halal sector. KasehDia Research & Consultancy was involved in the drafting of the Halal Chapter of Malaysia’s Third Industrial Master Plan on behalf of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) in 2006, as well as developing the initial framework of the Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC) for the Malaysian Prime Minister’s Office. These initial assignments resulted in many other organisations seeking its assistance to unravel the intricacies of the Halal Market; some of them being Malaysian Palm Oil Council, Sushi King and Sime Darby Plantations. EXPERTISE KasehDia’s strength lies in its innovative approach, building brand awareness for clients and geo-targeting promotions to targeted international decision-makers. The company’s business portfolio includes content development, integrated marketing solutions, publishing, production, research, training and events. BRANDS The Halal Journal It was the first of its kind in the world when The Halal Journal magazine was launched in 2004, and covers topics related to the Halal and Muslim markets worldwide including manufacturing, trade, regulations, finance and lifestyle. The Halal Journal magazine is now distributed in over 35 countries. Apart from publication, the brand also exists in other media platforms such as TV, radio, online and social media networks. World Halal Forum KasehDia is the creator and organiser of the annual World Halal Forum (WHF) which is the first Halal-related forum in the world to focus on the business aspect of Halal and is the biggest of its kind. The WHF programme includes the WHF Industry Dialogues that takes place in eight countries around the world throughout the year. Due to its immense importance in the global Halal industry, WHF has grown into a formidable brand of its own and now functions independently as a Not-for-Profit entity in affiliation with the International Halal Integrity Alliance, the global Halal authority. Halal Guides The International Halal Food Guide Series, which was launched in 2003, include reviews of Halal restaurants in Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Australia, Dubai, Canada, New Zealand, and London. Touted as “….the world’s best series of Halal food restaurant guides” by The Wall Street Journal Asia, this was the company’s first venture and the reviews were overwhelming. The Australian issue was awarded the “Best Guides in the World” – winner at the prestigious Gourmand World. More recently, the Halal Guides series has expanded its content beyond food to include the bigger realm of travel, with the first publication of “A Muslim Traveller’s Guide to Australia” which was produced in collaboration with Tourism Australia. KasehDia Research and Consultancy KasehDia’s Research and Consultancy division was created to assist organisations based on the experience and market intelligence gathered over the years through qualitative and quantitative market research. Equipped with this rare insight, KasehDia uses its valuable knowledge and expansive understanding of the market to consult, train and lobby on an international level. KasehDia Pictures The latest addition to KasehDia’s succession of brands is motion pictures. The company has produced TV shows such as The Halal Journal TV shown on Malaysian terrestrial TV, documentaries such as “Conversations with Muslims in Bangkok”, and “Global Halal Market”. KasehDia’s first movie, “HAQ”, a revolutionary feature film on love, courage, faith and sacrifice amidst the supernatural was released in January 2011, and the company is now in the midst of releasing its second movie “Dari Kerana Mata’ due for release in 2011. FOUNDER Jumaatun Azmi is the Founder and Managing Director of KasehDia Sdn Bhd. Under Jumaatun’s visionary leadership, the company has created world-renowned events and publications and consulted the government on various Halal matters. Jumaatun is the Editor of The Halal Journal, a trade publication on the Halal industry currently distributed in over 35 countries. She also founded the award-winning Halal Food Guide series, which has covered eight countries to date. Jumaatun’s other accomplishments in the Halal industry include the creation of the World Halal Forum, The Halal Journal TV, The Halal Journal Awards, Halal Restaurant Awards and The Halal Journal Workshop Series. Due to her prolific efforts in fortifying this fragmented industry and for spearheading a unique approach to creative communications, Jumaatun together with the company has been applauded in both the local and international media including Forbes, Guardian UK, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal Asia, International Herald Tribune, Time Magazine and The Economist to name a few. Her latest venture is in the film-making industry where she is in the midst of releasing her second movie as Executive Producer. She holds a degree in Communication (Honours) from the University of Hartford, Connecticut, USA.

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the 6th World Halal Forum

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No matter what you need to know about the Halal industry we got all that you need - all the tools, all the experiences and all the services - customised to your marketing needs.

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• Market Data • Advisory Services • Technical Support Programs • Competency Building Programs • Customised Research • Training & Workshops • Brand Development & Strategy

KASEHDIA SDN BHD M - 2 - 20, P l a z a D a m a s 60, J a l a n S r i H a r ta m a s 1 S r i H a r ta m a s 50480 K ua l a Lu m p u r M ALAYSIA t +603 6203 1025 f +603 6203 4072 e info@kasehdia.com W www. k a s e h d i a . c o m

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The 6th

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3/19/11 6:15:24 PM

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3/29/11 10:10:31 AM

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