World Impact Brand Identity & Style Guide

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Brand Identity & Style Guide

TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 Logo Correct Usage Incorrect Usage 6 Colors & Terminology 7 Typography 8 Language and Tone 9 Additional Branding Empower Urban Leaders Logo Graphic Elements & More Social Media 12 Resources Print Setting Up an Event Table Presentations Approval for Print


Correct Usage Full Color Logo This is our logo; it is made up of three elements. Stormy Blue on “World” and the top element of the icon and Urban Green on “Impact” and the bottom element of the icon, including the tagline. Use the full color version as much as possible. Black Use the black logo when only one color is allowed or available. Grayscale Use the two-toned grayscale logo when printing in black and white. All versions of the logo can be found on the Intranet: Main Menu > Graphic Identity > Download logo for PRINT or Download logo for WEB. Spacing Leave plenty of breathing room around the logo to maximize visual impact. Nothing should intrude into the logo or crowd its perimeter. 4




Incorrect Usage 1. Do not use our old logo anymore. The new logo has been in effect since October 2014, so all printed and digital materials with the old logo should be archived or replaced. 3.

2. Do not use the icon alone unless absolutely necessary. However, the icon is appropriate for social media profile photos – use the icon with the gray background. It can be found on the Intranet: Graphic Identity > Digital Elements > Social Media Profile Icon.


3. Do not remove the tagline from our logo. Transforming Communities Together is part of our logo and brand as a whole. 5.


4. Do not change the logo’s orientation. 5. Do not place the color logo on a background other than white, black, or Gritty Gray. 6. Do not scale the logo disproportionately. This leads to distortion, stretching, or squeezing. 5


Urban Green CMYK: C 33 / M 20 / Y 99 / K 1 RGB: R 180 / G 177 / B 53 Web Hex: B4B135 Pantone: 397 U

Terminology to remember: CMYK is a color model in which colors are described as a mixture of Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black. It is the standard color model used in printing for full-color documents. For all printed material, use the CMYK graphics provided.

Stormy Blue CMYK: C 78 / M 60 / Y 43 / K 15 RGB: R 72 / G 93 / B 112 Web Hex: 485D70 Pantone: 2965 U Gritty Gray CMYK: C 72 / M 67 / Y 65 / K 78 RGB: R 27 / G 27 / B 27 Web Hex: 1B1B1B

RGB refers to a system for representing the colors used on a computer or device display. Red, Green, and Blue are combined in various proportions to obtain any color on the visible spectrum. For all digital material, use the RGB graphics provided.

Sunset Coral CMYK: C 9 / M 65 / Y 76 / K 1 RGB: R 221 / G 117 / B 77 Web Hex: dd754d

Hex is a numbering system used to define colors on web pages. Pantone is a collection of standard colors used by professional printers that enables them to exactly produce a specific color. Some printers may request this in the files you send. It can also be referred to as “spot color.�

Light Gray CMYK: C 0 / M 0 / Y 0 / K 50 RGB: R 147 / G 149 / B 152 Web Hex: 939598




Myriad Pro should be used for body copy and large sections of text. Use bold italic to help call attention to important words or phrases, but remember to use it sparingly or it loses impact. This font can also be used in subheaders in all caps, bold, or italic.

Myriad Pro ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 (!@#$%^&*)


The Avenir font family is diverse with a range from thin to thick weights. Avenir Black in all caps can be used for headers. Avenir Oblique can be used for pull quotes. This font file is available for download on the Intranet: Main Menu > Graphic Identity > Digital Elements > Avenir.

Avenir ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQURSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 (!@#$%^&*) 7

LANGUAGE & TONE Mission Statement World Impact empowers urban leaders and partners with local churches to reach their cities with the Gospel. Five Programs • Urban Church Planting • Church-Based Seminary • Prison Ministry • Trauma Healing • Retreats

Utilize these words and phrases

Avoid these words and phrases

formerly incarcerated, reentering society, recently released from jail/ prison, rehabilitated

ex-con, convict, felon, criminal

the urban poor, marginalized, disenfranchised, under-privileged

destitute, needy, “these” people

community, neighborhood, block

the hood, the ghetto

immigrant, refugee, country of origin (e.g. Congolese, Cuban)


the church behind bars/on the inside, incarcerated, inmate 8

Our dream is for a healthy church in every community of poverty. By 2023, we will have actively served 700 partners, empowering 50,000 workers in communities of poverty. Tone We strive to respect and empower urban leaders, not exploit them – and our language should reflect that. We want to make sure we affirm the dignity and humanity of those we work with. The words in the left/green column help set the tone for us as a ministry. Please avoid the words in the right/red column unless they come from a direct quote. This is not an exhaustive list, so please use your discretion.


Light Transforming Communities

Empower Urban Leaders Logo Conductor: Urban Leaders A conductor is any material that allows electricity to pass through it. In the city, urban leaders act as conductors by allowing the Holy Spirit to work through them to plant churches, preach the Gospel, disciple others and be obedient to their unique calling.

Bulb Urban Church

Conductor Urban Leaders

Bulb: Urban Church A bulb is a containment unit, usually made of glass, that houses the components that bring light. The urban church houses community change agents, the community of believers who go into their neighborhoods and enact transformation. Light: Transforming Communities Light makes things visible. Light brings hope. When communities change with Kingdom purpose there is hope, and what was once done in the dark has no place to hide. When World Impact programs team up with the local church, we bring about intentional and visible light. 9

This description is intended for internal use only.

ADDITIONAL BRANDING Photography We utilize closeup images of colorful graffiti for backgrounds, pops of color, and for texture. These images are available upon request or can very easily be taken using your phone’s camera. We also use images from our ministry staff on the ground. The best photos are action shots and of folks smiling.


SOCIAL MEDIA Social media is an important way we can connect with donors, supporters, partners, and potential relationships. If your region is going to utilize social media, it is very important that the pages are maintained and kept up to date. This means sharing or making at least one post a week. If a potential supporter finds an out-of-date page on Facebook, it is unlikely they will like the page or investigate World Impact further.

Social Links

Our Hashtag #WorldImpactInc - Please use this or tag World Impact on the above social media platforms for any picture or post related to what World Impact’s ministries are doing.


• We use Facebook to tell stories from our partners on the ground and share photos from our missionaries. • We use Twitter to share our blogs, urban ministry articles, and social justice resources. • We use Instagram to share high quality, interesting photos of the people and cities we work with. • We use YouTube to share our urban leader podcast and to give viewers an in-depth look at our ministries, partners, and their stories.


All of these promotional print materials can be ordered through our print house’s specialized portal site: Banners and Posters Office poster, large retractable banner, and a tabletop retractable banner Templates Personalize your own business cards, envelopes, and letterhead. Flyers and Rip Cards Informational promo pieces about Evangel and our Five Programs. Postcards Cards that can be used for promotional purposes at events and churches. Thank You Cards Perfect for making a touch with donors. You can handwrite your own message on the inside and mail how many you’d like.


RESOURCES Print, Continued

Bulletin Extras The World Impact Bulletin is produced bi-monthly and the themes are laid out annually. The Marketing Team always orders 1,000 extras of each Bulletin to have on hand for conferences and related ministry gatherings. If you are interested in obtaining Bulletins for your ministry or city, just contact the Marketing Team to request extras.



Setting up a table space All booths or tables for any event are required to have: • World Impact retractable banner • Black, floor-length tablecloth • World Impact table runner The files can be found on the Intranet: Graphic Identity > Resources > Retractable Banner or Table Runner Logo, along with a document (Office and Booth Resources) listing the best places to order each of these materials.


To add color and interest to your table, here are other suggestions, depending on what kind of event you’re at: • Bulletins (current, topical) • Promo postcards • Stickers • Books (TUMI Curriculum, City Prayers, Effective Urban Church Planting, etc.) • Rack cards • Tabletop retractable banner • Mints/Candy


RESOURCES Presentations

When giving a presentation while representing World Impact, use preapproved slides with the appropriate branding. Include an introduction and closing slide with the World Impact logo. Main presentation slides have a white background with two stripes of our color. You can use the Urban Green for headers, but black text should be used for the body text. The PowerPoint file with these resources can be found on the Intranet: Graphic Identity > Digital Elements > World Impact Slides.


RESOURCES Approval for Print The Marketing Team is not looking to be Big Brother when it comes to print media. So here is a checklist of what needs approval from the Team and what does not. Even if a piece doesn’t need approval, it should still follow brand standards set in this book. Approval from your City Director is also needed.

Approval for Print Media Local

Regional National









Community Mailing Supporter / Donor Mailing











Any mailing that is going to donors and supporters must be approved by the National Marketing Team and the Accounting Department. This process should begin two months before the direct mail piece needs to be sent.


Why is approval important? • Legal: The Marketing Team will thoroughly explore trademark and copyright issues when needed. The Marketing Team will make sure World Impact is within the boundaries of legal compliance. • Branding: We want every point of contact to be a great interaction with the WI brand – and our tone, language, layout and content all reflect that. • Connect Resources: The Marketing Team will connect you to the policies and resources you might not know about. We will connect you with the proper person in accounting for appeal codes, we will give you a list of our favorite online printers, and we will assist in any other way we can. Please note that although approval is not necessary for printed material for local events, the Marketing Team does want to know about them. We love to know what is going on in our cities.

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