Tunarli improved stakeholder management at aliaga ship recycling yards, turkey

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Improved Stakeholder Management at Aliaga Ship Recycling Yards, Turkey International Conference on Ship Recycling SHIPREC 2013 7 – 9 April Volkan Tunarli / MSc. Student – Project Management Supervisor: Prof. Annik Magerholm Fet Agenda •  Strengths and Success Drivers •  Weaknesses – Areas for Improvement •  Future Growth Potential


Aliaga, Turkey o  Fifth largest ship recycling country / OECD member o  25 plots owned by private companies o  Annual capacity more than 900.000 LDT

Nordstrand at Aliaga


Strengths and Success Drivers •  Establishment of Waste Management Center –  –  –  –  –

Identify the binding regulations Develop internal standards Control the commitment of the yard companies Impose effective penalties Provide support for the things that companies cannot do better for themselves

•  Advantages of the Location –  Infrastructure services and efficient logistics –  Close distance to disposal facilities and steel factories

•  Precise inspections on HAZMAT before acceptance


Weaknesses – Areas for Improvement Problem: Slipway Dismantling – Oil and waste spills to the sea Solution: Building drydocks Problem: Fatal accidents Solution: WMC to be authorized for trainings and standardization of activities, limited use of subcontractors, addressing all the pending problems Problem: Ships enter into Aliaga with excessive HAZMAT inside Solution: More effective intergovernmental solutions


Future Growth Potential of Ship Recyling in Turkey •  Importance of scrap steel from dismantled ships for the steel industry •  More ship recycling can help reducing the gap in the trade deficit of Turkey •  Aliaga is almost in the utmost limits – no possibility for growth •  Difficulties related with dedicating other coastal areas for ship recycling


Thank you.

Volkan Tunarli Volkan Tunarli tunarli@stud.ntnu.no

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