WorldMUN Daily First Edition

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WORLDMUN DAILY MARCH 23, 2009 Volume 1


Chance of small hailstorm. Low 7c, high 8c. Strong wind.



Cloudy skies. Low 3C.

OUTSIDE WORLDMUN WALLS Man arrested over airliner bomb hoax LONDON, England (CNN) -A man was arrested Sunday on suspicion of involvement in a bomb hoax after an incident temporarily shut down London’s Gatwick airport, police said. Former opposition leader becomes Madagascar’s president (CNN) -- After two months of political turmoil, former opposition leader Andry Rajoelina was inaugurated in front of thousands of supporters Saturday as Madagascar’s president, eyewitnesses said. Iran sets terms for U.S. ties TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran has responded to U.S. President Barack Obama’s offer of better relations by demanding policy changes from Washington, but the Islamic state is not closing the door to a possible thaw in ties with its old foe. Pakistan chief justice back at work Pakistan (Al Jazeera) -The deposed senior of judge of Pakistan’s supreme court has resumed his duties 16 months after he was was removed from his post by Pervez Musharraf, the former president. Voting begins in Macedonia (Al Jazeera) Voting has started in Macedonia to elect local officials and a new president. The polls, which opened at 6:00 GMT on Sunday, are an important test for the Balkan country’s ability to hold fair and violence-free elections.

WorldMUN kicks off !! By Servaas van der Laan As editorin-chief of the Editorial Board, I proudly present the first ever edition of the WorldMUN! This week, The WorldMUN Daily will be the place for interesting articles, interviews, and of course for all the gossip. The editorial board consists of ten devoted journalists who all share one passion: the world of MUN’s. Our goal is to tell you what is going on in the World Forum. We will also be reporting about the social events. Journalism and international politics are highly related and have a long and interesting history. The United Nations named its annual training programme for journalists after Reham Al-Farra, the first female daily political columnist in Jordan, who was killed in a terrorist bombing in 2003. This naming is in recognition of all the

journalists who put their lives into danger every day.


nal Court of the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). Next week, the International Conference on Afghanistan will take place there. Both the Afghan president Hamid Karzai and UN Secretary General Ban KiMoon are expected to attend. “Countres do not

By Carolien Gerards Sunday, March 22, marked the start of the largest WorldMUN Conference ever. Around 2500 delegates gathered in the city hall, also known as the ‘Stork’s nest’. While tomorrow, committee sessions will start at the WorldForum, today delegates had the opportunity to wander around and attend several trainings. In order to participate, delegates registered in the Atrium. The construction of this building was by the American architect Richard Meier in 1986 and serves as the city hall. It also hosts the central library. The art exhibition called ‘Love! Art! Passion!’ was on display. Artistic couples, including Lee Krasner and Jackson Pollock, Wassily Kadinsky and Gabrielle Münter, revealed their artistic and personal relationships in which love, work and creativity intermingled. Could there be a better opening exhibition for WorldMUN 2009? There are several other tall buildings in this city that tower above the Atrium. After today, committee sessions will take place in the World Forum. The World Forum is also the location for The Hague International Model United Nations (THIMUN) and conferences from the International Criminal Court (ICC). The World Forum facilitates the International Crimi-

One of the original death-braving journalists was

Margaret Fuller (1810-1850), the first American female foreign and war correspondent. Fuller interviewed political leaders and covered current events from Europe. Her curiosity eventually became fatal- Fuller drowned with her newspapers while sailing back to America. Today the job of foreign correspondent is becoming more common, but it definitively isn’t becoming safer. Countries like Iraq and Mexico are dangerous grounds for journalists. International negotiation is one way through which these dangerous circumstances are improved. Yet it is important journalists brave dangerous regions. Journalists often put controversial topics on the international agenda by giving them a lot of attention in their newspapers and television shows. Clearly, journalism and

the United Nations can’t live without each other. But this newspaper is the first WordlMUN Daily in history. Us WorldMun Daily staffers hope that during this conference our lives will not be at risk. We are definitively going to keep the international spirit alive and we will try to give you all the information you need to be a good, well informed delegate. We need you to share all your interesting adventures during WorldMUN. Please send your gossip to editorialboard.worldmun@gmail. com. I wish you all a very pleasant stay in The Hague and I truly hope that the coming week will be both inspiring and enjoyable. On behalf of the complete Editorial Board I wish you all the best…and a lot of pleasure reading this newspaper.

pretty seriously and said that all world leaders should be female. “Women are smarter, look better and dress better.” Half of the men present were wearing white tennis socks. Stefan also explained

mon Islands, are proud of representing their country. “I am in DISEC and we do not even have a military. But just google our country and you will see how beautiful and peaceful everything is. Countries do not need military

need military forces” There are other important visitors this week: you! Participants from Lebanon already visited the Dutch parliament and were impressed by the building. “It looks ancient!” said Peter and Sara from Switzerland, who decided to visit the ICJ and the Special Court for Sierra Leone tomorrow. Two cases in this court have already been completed and the trial of the former Liberian president Charles Taylor is in its Prosecution phase right now. MUN trainer Stefan op de Woerd explained to delegates that content contributes for about 8% to the strength of a speech. Structure is the basic element that should be considered. Especially in a large committee, “you have to take the listener by the hand and walk around,” said Woerd. One delegate took this advice

that a lot of people are scared that there might be a moment during the conference when you do not know what to say. But when this happens, it might be best to just pause for a moment instead of ‘uhming around.’ Of course, there are smaller and bigger countries participating in this conference. Although this might mean a difference in power, most delegates do not feel scared. Participants from Germany, who represent the Solo-

“Women are smarter, look better and dress better” forces,” said the delegate from Germany. Let’s just wait and see if everyone can live up to their expectations tomorrow. Oh the anticipation!

2 Columns JOEP GEURTS According to my dictionary, a column is a frequent contribution to a paper or magazine (to make sure you do not get confused, a column is indeed also a part of an orchid). My encyclopedia adds that it is personality-driven and contains an explicit opinion or point of view. This sounds pretty serious, but in contrast to all the other editorial board members I am probably the only one not to be taken too seriously. I have got the doubtful quality to be very good at driveling.

To drivel is to speak without having something to say. Amaze the reader with a full page of words containing no real useful information. Often, long sentences are used with a lot of punctuation marks and without proper logical structure (with the author using brackets to comment on his words) just to hide the meaninglessness of his story. I would like to introduce a seminew word to you. As the verb to drivel already exist, the noun driveler can not be ignored. A driveler (male or female) would logically be a person who drivels. As I study

“Politicians have trouble meaning what they say.” mechanical engineering and am therefore not even close to being a certified author I am proud that I can write a column for you every day now. Many technicians have trouble saying what they mean (where politicians have trouble meaning what they say) but it gives me the outsider’s point of view which was one of the demands for a column. Although the other demand was that it should be personality-driven, I hope to meet a lot of interesting people this week to feed my inspiration.

WORLDMUN DAILY MARCH 23, 2009 Volume 1

Interview with Niki Frencken, president United Netherlands 2008/2009

“United Netherlands has been truly a lifechanging experience!” By Carolien Gerards Hard work is put into the organization of WorldMUN 2009. While most of their fellow students spend their free time on drinking beer and other social activities, the WorldMUN-board decided to dedicate a full year to the organization of this conference. But who is actually the organization behind this conference? And what other interesting activities does the host, United Netherlands, have to offer? For an answer to these questions we refer to Niki Frencken, this year’s president of United Netherlands. Could you introduce yourself and the board of United Netherlands? Let me first introduce the United Netherlands Board – or otherwise referred to as UNL Our Vice-president is Saskia ter Ellen; an economics students with a passion for rocking at concerts. Our Secretary is René van den Bosch; a future dentist with a talent for chess. Our Head Delegates, responsible for training the United Netherlands delegation to OxiMUN and HNMUN, are Mark Beumer and Thurid Bahr. Mark is just finishing up his MA in Logic and Thurid is about to graduate in International Relations. Another indispensable member of our team is Sanne Blauw, our MUN-trainer. Sanne lives in Rotterdam and is a true MUN crisis-expert. Mark, Thurid and Sanne will be the Expert Witnesses during WorldMUN. Lastly, my name is Niki Frencken and I am the President of United Netherlands. My study background is in conflict studies and I have an uncontrollable urge to go traveling and a passion for salsa music.

(RiMUN), the ‘Harvard Delegation’ and the Month of the United Nations (MoTUN) are most relevant to WorldMUN delegates. Centered around a theme, RiMUN is held in April of every year. With a series of preRiMUN trainings, the quality of debate at RiMUN is very high. ‘The Harvard Delegation’ is a national delegation that participates in the Harvard National Model United Nations (HNMUN). Every week for six months 30-34 selected (inter)national students receive lectures on international affairs and trainings in valuable skills such as public speaking, lobbying and negotiating. Along the way, the delegates visit prominent institutions such as permanent missions of certain countries to the UN. This preparatory track is unique in its kind and the quality is guaranteed by the 10 ECTS accreditation from the Radboud University. The Month of the United Nations (MoTUN) is an intensive four week course which gives students that study at a Dutch university an insight into the science of diplomatic relations. Lectures on international affairs and skills trainings are given twice a week. The course is concluded by a one-day MUN. Will RiMUN also take place this year? No, RiMUN as we know it will not take place this year due to the organization of WorldMUN. However, a unique RiMUN-characteristic has been incorporated into the WorldMUN schedule; namely the symposium. Are there any special plans for RiMUN 2010? With all that United Netherlands has learned, and will learn this week, RiMUN 2010 promis-

that will be encountered in only a handful of junior positions in professional companies. Moreover, the beauty is that these many educational moments are accompanied by a vast number of good and fun moments experienced together with a team. At the end of my board year (June 2009), I will most definitely look back at the past year with a big smile. I’ve had the opportunity to work with some truly inspiring people. Can WorldMUN participants become involved with United Netherlands? Yes, largely in three ways. Firstly, by becoming a United Netherlands board member. Although I personally do not yet feel ready to leave my board just yet, the application procedure for the board of 2009 – 2010 has already opened! A description of the vacancies and the application procedure can be found on the UNL website ( For obvious practical reasons, a requirement is that students live in The Netherlands. Secondly, I can highly recommend the United Netherlands Delegation. For all those WorldMUN participants who will be studying at a Dutch university next semester (September – February), the selection procedure for the United Netherlands delegation will start on March 30th. I was in the delegation of 2007 – 2008 and it has honestly been a life-changing experience. For more stories about the UNL delegation, just ask your ADs – the majority are UNL alumni. And thirdly of course, as mentioned earlier, by participating at RiMUN in April 2010. If you enjoy WorldMUN this week, be sure to keep an eye on for more information about the special plans for RiMUN 2010. RiMUN is open to all students from all areas in the world. If you have any questions, the United Netherlands board is more than willing to answer them for you. Just approach us and ask away!

Can you tell us something about the host organization of WorldMUN 2009? United Netherlands is an internationally-orientated foundation that organizes a number of annual programs. In order to still be able to organize these programs and simultaneously cater to the grand size of WorldMUN, United Netherlands created another team, lead by José Dominguez Alvarez, that has dedicated themselves to organize the conference that you are about to experience. What other programs does United Netherlands organize? United Netherlands organizes four programs, of which the Radboud international MUN

es to be a very interesting event. Special plans are currently being created though I’m unfortunately not able to reveal them just yet… All I can say is that RiMUN 2010 will be held in April 2010 in Nijmegen and will most definitely be a conference not to be missed!

Do you have any tips for the delegates of WorldMUN? Besides having a good look around the many events of conference and having fun, be sure to dress in orange on Thursday – it can be a sight you will never forget.

What is it like being a board member for United Netherlands? Wow, what a question! First of all, it has been a very exciting year with WorldMUN. Secondly, I can say that being part of the United Netherlands board is an unforgettable way to gain skills not acquired in many other student-led organizations. United Netherlands board positions offer chances and responsibilities

Thank you very much Niki!

Although my writings will not be too serious I hope you are going to enjoy them. All criticism, suggestions and ideas are welcome as I have only one goal this week: to enlighten you with a daily portion of very (un)interesting news of this WorldMUN. I can only hope it will ease your mind and clear your head a bit in this busy week. Although uncertified I hope this driveler can ensure some smiles at the start of every new and promising day.

F.l.t.r.; Sanne Blauw, Mark Beumer, Saskia ter Ellen, Niki Frencken, René van den Bosch, Thurid Bahr

For more information on United Netherlands, visit (More information about United Netherlands can also be found in the brochure in your conference bags and in your conference handbook).

WORLDMUN DAILY MARCH 23, 2009 Volume 1


The Republic of Belarus Government Presidential Republic President Alexander Lukashenko Capital Minsk Area Total 207,600 km2 Population 9.6 million Offical languages Russian and Belarusian Main religion Russian orthodox Christianity Currency Belarussian ruble

Interviews Impressions from registration By Allison Roy and Heleen Struyven Yesterday morning, the melting of students from all over the World began. At 11 a.m., head delegates and faculty advisors lined up inside the Atrium in anticipation of WorldMUN registration as their excited teammates mingled outside. Although the registration line moved along slowly, students were quick to introduce themselves to their new international colleagues. A cacophony of languages ascended from the crowd. Students from Lebanon introduced themselves to students from Germany as students from the UK shared their first impressions of the Hague with students from Venezuela “This is our first time here at WorldMUN,” said Michelle Kristy, a delegate from Gadjah Mada University in Indonesia. “This week we are hoping to deepen our knowledge of and skills in diplomacy, but we are really looking forward to making friends.” Kristy’s delegation will be offering samples of tradi-

Quotes from delegates By Paula Gil For the Colombian ladies representing Belarus, the most difficult task during this World MUN will actually be the “sovereignty issue” and Belarus’s position on humanitarian intervention. “Because we represent a different country and our views of the world and politics are so different, is always complicated to personify another position and view of the world, though it does give you an important overview of other ways of regarding it,” said one of the Colombian representatives. The name Belarus originates from the words White Rus, representing the Slavic population that first populated the area. The region was then named Belorussia in the days of Imperial Russia, when the tsar called himself the Tsar of all the Russians.

“..after all, we are here to work.” The country is landlocked, relatively flat, has several lakes and streams, and is surrounded by Latvia and Russia on the North, Lithuania on the Northwest, Poland on the Wes, and Ukraine on the South. Although a small country, Belarus’s natural resources include peat deposits, small quantities of oil, and natural gas. Economically, the country relies on manufacturing, especially tractors and heavy machinery, agricultural products, and energy products. Western Countries have described Belarus under Lukaschenko as a dictatorship, but the government has accused the same western powers of trying to overthrow Lukashenko. According to a Belarus representative, the population is small but proud of their sovereignty, and living happy under the rule of a stable government. “But we are quite sure we will love the simulation, and after all we are here to work,” said the Colombian representative.

“Madeline and Caroline of the University of Bern (Switserland): “ This WorldMUN is better organized than the last one in Mexico.” “We want to participate very actively in the committee sessions and at the social events as well. We won’t sleep! Our hotel will just be a place to store our clothes and to get changed!” Yannick, Daan and Sebastiaan of the MUN Society Belgium (different universities):

Expert speakers introduction Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC) Richard William Butler, served as an Australian diplomat, an United Nations weapons inspector and as Governor of Tasmania. Social, Cultural, and Humanitarian Committee (SOCHUM)

tional Indonesian food at the Global Village. A couple of newly arrived American students and WorldMUN veterans perched themselves on their luggage in the sun as they waited to be registered. “We’ve been in Europe for a week,” said Jane Sun, a junior at Rotgers University in New Jersey. Her and her fellow delegates arrived in Paris a week ago and toured through France, Switzerland, Germany and Amsterdam and arrived in the Hague just in time for registration. “So far everyone has been so friendly,” she said. An eruption of laughter echoed from a group of students from Pakistan. Arriving from the Lums Lahore University of Management Sciences, the three-year award winning team is divided between first-timers and conference veterans. “We are very, very nervous,” said Saira Rahim, a senior member of the delegation. “We feel the pressure to live up to the past standards.” Rahim admits that even though her and her teammates are preoccupied with fastidious preparation, they are incredibly excited for this week’s social events.

“We did a pre-conference trip to Geneva to meet some officials to be as much prepared as we can. So we had to wake up at 4.30 a.m. to get here.” “We don’t mind waiting in the line, because it’s a wonderful first occasion to chat with the amazing people participating this week!”

ment and health and Since 1992 she has acted as an adviser to WHO, UNDP, the Dutch Ministry of Development Co-operation, NGO’s and local governments/ municipal health initiatives. Prof. Stefan Uhlenbrook works at UnescoIHE and is Professor of Hydrology and Head of the Core Hydrology and Water Resources in the Department of Water Engineering at UNESCO-IHE. UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC)

Ngawang Choephel is President of the Tibetan UN Advocary (TUNA) and a former UN officer at Tibet Bureau in Geneva. He is also a Tibettan fugitive.

Prof. Thea Hillhorst is Professor of Humanitarian assistance and reconstruction at Wageningen University.

Dr. Ineke van Kessel works at the Centre for African Studies in Leiden as an Historian focusing mainly on contemporary issues in South Africa. Legal Dr. S. Trifunovska-Milojevic is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law of Radboud University. Prof. Nico Schrijver is Professor of International Law at Leiden University. World Health Organization (WHO) Francoise Barten works at the Nijmegen Institute for International Health at Radboud University as Co-ordinator of an inter-faculty working-group on urban poverty, environ-

This is a first experience for students from the Lebanese American University. Proudly carrying the Lebanese flag, the students excitedly intermingled among themselves and with students from Germany and exchanged hopes and expectations for the week. “[WorldMUN] is a very beneficial experience,” said Talal Al Samarraie, a senior member of the delegation. Ï’m looking forward to the intellectual exchange. It will be nice to meet people from all over the world.” Jet-lagged and travel-worn, the head delegates of Savannah State University in the United States waited in the slow-moving registration line. Having just arrived from the airport that morning, the delegates planned to register and promptly return to their hotel to catch up on some much needed sleep. It seems, overall, that the diverse attendees of WorldMUN find common ground in their excitement about the stimulating debate, unique social events and new friendships this week promises.

stopped to help us spontaneously. In the end, we just followed the orange bags.” “We have a Dutch delegate, a French, an American, a Slovenian, a Nicaraguan and many more nationalities in our delegation.”

Claire, Bertrand and Xavier of the University of Panthéon Assas (Paris): “We wish to say “chapeau” to the entire organization.” Per and Kristin of the University Aarhus (Denmark): “We got lost on our way to the registration hall and without asking, some people

Prof. Cees Groenendijk is connected to the Radboud University in Nijmegen as Chairman of the Centre for Migration Law and as Professor of Sociology of Law.

Special, Political, and Decolonization Committee (SPECPOL)


Arjan Hamburger is Ambassador of Human Rights under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

UN Development Programme (UNDP) Leo Spaans is director of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) in Brussels he also served as resident director for NDI’s political party program in Mozambique, and for parliamentary and civil society programs in Malawi Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) Prof. Corien Prins is Professor of Law and Informatization at Tilburg University

UN Environmental Programme (UNEP) Maj. Gen. Kees Homan works at the Clingendael Institute at research projects including Afghanistan, NATO’s new strategic concept and the effect of climate change on security. He also is the former Director of Netherlands Defence College. North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO) Jamie Shea is Director of Policy Planning in the Private Office of the Secretary General at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Ho Nieh works as Communication Adviser at the IAEA. Ewoud Verhoef is Deputy Director of the Central Organisation for Radioactive Waste. (COVRA) Security Council (SC) Bibi van Ginkel is senior research fellow at Clingendael Security and Conflict Programma. Before this she lectured international law at Utrecht University. She is also a member of the Peace and Security Committee of the Advisory Council of International Affairs. Leonard Suransky is head of the Department of International Relations of Webster University in Leiden.

Dr. Wybe Douma works at Asser Institute as Senior research fellow and head of the European Law section at the T.M.C.

Non Governmental Organizations (NGO’s)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

Linda Polman is Writer (oa With friends like these) and freelance journalist, specializing in international military and humanitarian interventions.

Arthur den Hartog works as the Director of Asia and Oceanic area of Foreign Affairs.

4 Articles A new way forward By Paula Gil Since its beginning the United Nations Organization has always been devoted to the ideal of Human Rights and nondiscrimination of the people looking forward to the construction of a more peaceful tomorrow than the one that urged its idea to exist. The end of the Second World War, the millions of people killed, the disruption of borders shall “never [be seen] again” they said. We weren’t prepared for the world of today though, with its internal wars, the states and the people of a country fighting among them, often in an immoral way and against all the principles stated in the UN Charter. Situations as seen in Rwanda, Sudan, East Timor and several others are pointed as moments when the UN was impotent to stop the violence due to “internal affairs” of its own politics. Even though

Harvard WorldMUN By Allison Roy This week, over 2,450 students from all over the world will come together in the International City of Peace and Justice: Den Haag. This annual pilgrimage of dedicated students to a globally itinerant location has been a tradition for the past 19 years. Founded in 1991, the Harvard World Model United Nations conference is the only traveling conference in existence. The conference is run by a team of internationally-minded undergraduates with the purpose of providing university students world-wide with a forum for international debate. Making its debut in Poland in 1992, WorldMUN has grown from a fledgling simulation of 10 committees composed of students from 30 different countries to an internationally lauded conference of 21 committees that attracts students from over 50 countries. In almost two decades, WorldMUN has left its footprint in a number of countries. Past locations include Mexico, Switzerland, Egypt, Brazil, China and Greece. The Harvard Secretariat and a team of directors joins forces with a transglobal host team each year to plan a week of informed and lively debate, unique social events and a pervasive conference spirit. This year, Harvard has partnered up with the United Netherlands team from Radboud University in Nijmegen to create an unforgettable 2009 conference. “WorldMUN is a culmination of great minds, the vibrancy of youth, interesting topics of debate, an array of cultures and nationalities and awesome social events,” said University of Nottingham student, Subha Bhattacharya. “Every aspect of it brings with it something new, be it someone new to meet, somewhere new to go or something new to know.” Bhattacharya will be serving as a representative of Africare in the NGO programme at this year’s WorldMUN conference.

Thinking Outside-the-Suit By Allison Roy This week, everyone’s agenda will be filled with plans of politicking, debating, sight-seeing, and socializing, so while the in-committee dress will be Western business attire, delegates are already planning their outfits beyond the arena of diplomacy. Several of the delegates have noticed the shift in fashion trends in their home country to those in the Netherlands. “The dress here is much different from home,” said Saira Rahim, a senior student at Lums Lahore University of Management Sciences in Pakistan. “Girls wear many more boots, jeans and scarves here, but it never gets cold enough at home.” Rahim ex-

WORLDMUN DAILY MARCH 23, 2009 Volume 1

the progress with regard the International Humanitarian Law has received more and more importance during the last few years, honours like the ones given to the principle of Sovereignty, the inviolability of borders, the veto right and the (in) visible power offered to certain States in the Security Council (in opposition to its formal equality within the General Assembly) are an incongruence of nowadays. The Iraq War is the perfect example of the increased visibility of this situation, another step of the so called “anus horribilis” by former General Secretary Kofi Annan. The acceptance of a resolution by the Security Council to recognize the occupation of Iraq represented another stab on the already fragile position of the Secretariat and non-permanent members of the SC and, on a wider picture, of the remaining members of the General Assembly and the United Nations alone. In the end, due to the pressure of certain European States, the

compromise was the acceptance of American troops in Iraq and the incorporation of a political unit of power-transference to hasten this passage. And then we get to the Peacekeeping operations... Some of the success of the UN military operations in the last decade in Kosovo 1999 developed by the NATO, the Eastern Timor intervention, the British mission in Sierra Leone are “voluntary coalitions” and, actually, non-led by the UN. In reality, the UN doesn’t have the sufficient staff to perform the tasks necessary to the management of its operations and thus the developing countries are the responsible for this maintenance. Another striking question regarding the security of the populations was the proof of the involvement of UN peacekeepers on the occurrence of sexual crimes in DR Congo and Liberia, the grant of the Libyan presidency in the United Nations Human Rights’ Commission of another three years

Story of a bag


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plained that the popular dress for women in Pakistan is the traditional shalwar kameez, a colorful combination of long skirts and short-sleeved blouses. She also noted that color trends in the Netherlands appear to be darker than those of her home country, attributing the abundance of black, dark brown, gray, and navy to the colder weather. Ann Lin Forbord, a junior from the University of Oslo commented that the popular dress of the Netherlands was much more “cutting-edge,” than the casual, easy-going style of Norway. “People in Norway tend to wear more jeans and Converse shoes, but I see a lot of girls here wearing heels,” said Forbord. Although the tulips are blooming and life is returning to the Netherlands in

of mandate to Sudan during the attacks on its population. The future of the UN passes through the people! The people that suffer with the violations of their Human Rights, the people in their countries creating support movements for the different causes, the movements lobbying the governments... The approximation of international institutions to the common citizen, providing them with worldwide citizenship able to pressure and change behaviours, is the way to create strong, committed actions with improvements in international peace and stability. The empowerment of the citizen in a worldwide chain of citizens completes thus the circle of the UN: the power created to protect the people is himself protected by people supporting its actions, providing them with the legitimacy to overcome borders.

these first few days of spring, fashion trends here are slowly undergoing a pre-seasonal transition. From the popular combination of black tights and flat black riding boots, Dutch women seem to have graduated their winter footwear to chestnut-colored flat leather boots, previewing the Spring 2009 surge of leather featured on the runways. Netherlands-based multi-national manufacturing company, Stahl Holdings, just recently released a booklet detailing their Leather and Technology Forecast for Spring and Summer 2009. A world-wide supplier of industrial colorants, dyes and resins, Stahl predicts eye-catching and evocative colors to be supported by the world-wide leather industry. Most popular of these colors featured in Spring 2009

By Danae Mercer Bright orange and overflowing from boxes, 28,000 bags waited for delegates to arrive Sunday morning. “I am excited to get one,” said Reihan Nadarajan, a member of the Harvard host team. “They look fabulous.” The bags are stuffed with a variety of items, including a delegate handbook and information on studying in the Netherlands. “There’s also a completely ridiculous, silly looking hat,” said Nadarjan. “We had a lot of fun with the hats when we packed the bags.” Don’t stop exploring at the hat. Digging deeper into the bag reveals an exciting bottle of crystal fresh water, a CD of the Netherlands provided by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a bus and tram guide, a glossy notepad, and various informational fliers on studying abroad. Packing the bags was a “heck of a job,” said Inka Kreutzberger, Harvard student. “There was loads of space. All these boxes, wall to wall. We walked by 28,000 hundred times all day.” Then the bags had to be moved. “It was very difficult to get them here,” Cristina Ortiz, a Harvard student, said. “We had to take several van loads, get all the bags into carts, go up and down the elevators… It was a huge process.” For the most part, the very orange wonders have received positive reception. “When Bob, one of the Assistant Directors, picked us up at the airport he was wearing one,” said Nadarajan. “Everyone was like, ‘nice.’ So clearly it’s going to be the envy.” “They have hats!” Said Lauren Fulton, Harvard student. “This is so cool! We can identify delegates all around.” Casra Labelle, a Harvard student, wasn’t quite as excited. “I think it’s a nice idea and that they’re interesting, but I wouldn’t wear it.” He laughed. “Who designed them?”

fashion trends include bright blues, deep purples, and rustic light pinks and beiges. These color trends already seem to be poking their heads out around the streets of Amsterdam and the Hague. “I’ve never seen so many colorful boots,” said Anton-Josef Hagen, a senior at the Université Paris II - Panthéon-Assas. Hagen noted that the new colorful fashion themes hitting the streets of Amsterdam and the Hague are pleasantly conspicuous in comparison to the trends of his home country. Yet, although fashion forecasts across the world expect this cascade of opulent colors, there exists only one it-color for the week: WorldMUN orange.

WORLDMUN DAILY MARCH 23, 2009 Volume 1


Ruud Lubbers

Sebastian Kortmann


he conference WorldMUN 2009 is just one year after sixty years Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The history of that Declaration is closely connected to the Charter of the United Nations. Two generations ago the world ended colonialism and overcame fascism. The Human Rights tradition and the United Nations itself started with the famous Four Freedoms: the freedom of speech, the freedom of religion, the freedom from fear, and the freedom from want. This is the history of the fortress of last century. Yes, we did overcome colonialism; and last year we pledged to continue the go for human rights all over the world. In the year 2000, the U.N. agreed on the Millennium Declaration and from there on the Millennium Goals. Last year, at the occasion of sixty years Universal Declaration of Human Rights the initiative was taken to publish “Inspiration for Global Governance”. This publication is dedicated to the strength and potencies of combining the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the Earth Charter. The Earth Charter entered history after the end of the Cold War, now twenty years ago, when market-economy became the way forward all over the world.

However, already in 1992 – the year of the U.N. Conference on Environment and Development; the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro – we, the people, civil society, NGO’s, indigenous people from all over the world urged that ecology is at least as important as economy. As a follow-up to our Common Future (15 years earlier) the Earth Charter movement developed, and civil society brought us in 2000 the Earth Charter.

The publication “Inspiration for Global Governance” clarifies why it is so important to add the Earth Charter to the UDHR. Firstly, we, the people, became aware that the world is more than United Nations; more than just Nations. “To move forward we must recognize that in the midst of a magnificent diversity of cultures and life forms, we are one human family and one Earth community with a common destiny”. Secondly, we became aware that we should not exhaust, destroy and deplete nature; that instead we should go for sustainable development. Go for protecting bio-diversity and respond to Climate Change. This is inter-generational solidarity. Thirdly, belonging to a human family we have to practise Cultural Diversity. Cultural Diversity within countries and between peoples should not be seen as threatening our own nation, our own tradition, our own culture, but as a source for creativity. Fourthly, in this new era we

“We should not exhaust, destroy and deplete nature.” became aware that governance, the capacity for change in order to serve the “common cause”, requires partnership. “The partnership of government, civil society and business is essential for effective governance”. And finally there is spirituality. Spirituality is on the move forward. It is remarkable to consider the extent of which spiritual thinking is embodied in the Earth Charter. Spirituality is key for the celebration of life. I will address the participants of WorldMUN 2009 and inspire them to make each of them personally aware that they, each of them, can “make the difference”. It is all about your participation. To move really forward gives further shape and substance to the UDHR and acts in line with the Earth Charter; not to dream but act and be connected. “Let ours be a time remembered for the awakening of a new reverence for life, the firm resolve to achieve sustainability, the quickening of the struggle for justice and peace, and the joyful celebration of life”.


Inspiration for Global Governance For sale at the MUN shop. Normal price: € 19,95 at WorldMUN: € 5,ISBN 9789013063059

The Universal declaration of Human Rights and the Earth Charter. Ruud Lubbers, Willem van Geneugten, Tineke Lambooy


Interview with Jozias van Aartsen Jozias van Aartsen wishes you all the very best in the International City of Peace and Justice. 1. Have you heard of the concept of MUN before? What do you think of it? Yes, of course. Our paths have crossed many times, especially when I was Minister of Foreign Affairs. It’s a fantastic opportunity for young people to find out more about international politics and the complexity of conflicts in the world. And naturally a big chance to make friends with students from all over the world.

Sebastion Kortmann, a Dean from Radboud University who spoke during WMUN’s Opening Ceremonies Sunday night, encouraged students to participate in international debate. Kortmann graduated from the University of Groningen in 1973 and was awarded a PhD in 1977. He wrote his thesis on the effect of exemption clauses on third parties. From 1973 to 1977, Kortmann worked at the Radboud University and worked as a solicitor in Nijmegen. After a brief absence, Kortmann returned to Radboud as a professor and went on to serve as Dean of the Faculty of Law. He chaired the Law’s Faculty Civil Law Section, the Board of Business, the Law research Centre and the Board of the Centre for Post-Academic Education. Kortmann has more than 250 scientific publications in the fields of civil law and insolvency law to his credit.


n behalf of Radboud University Nijmegen and our students in the United Netherlands Team, who have worked so hard over the past year to organise this conference, I would like to welcome you all at WorldMUN 2009. The Harvard WorldMUN is an outstanding opportunity for talented young people to get to know other cultures and different world views. In the days ahead, you will tackle real world problems in a realistic simulation. I’m convinced that you will come to understand and respect those differing perspectives and cultures. At Radboud University Nijmegen, we see it as our mission to offer students top-quality training and to send them into the world as capable, responsible people who will contribute to the quality of society. Several factors make it increasingly easy for foreign students to work and study in Nijmegen: top-quality master programmes taught in English, the English library, and state-of-the art computer facilities. Radboud University is a welcoming, forward-looking, research-based centre of learning that covers the full range of academic disciplines. Students, like you who have travelled a long way to debate issues with one another and to work together to find solutions to the problems that governments and diplomats wrestle with every day ... you are the world leaders and diplomats of tomorrow. Students like you are our future and our hope. Students like you are more than welcome in Nijmegen. I trust you will have an unforgettable and enlightening experience. I wish you a fantastic WorldMUN 2009. Prof. mr. Sebastian Kortmann Rector magnificus Radboud University Nijmegen

2. Why does the city of The Hague support World MUN 2009? The Hague is the international city of peace and justice. The legal agencies of the United Nations have in fact turned The Hague into the second UN city, after New York. So our city has an obligation to live up to its name and, consequently, do a very great deal when it comes to the Model United Nations. This in turn enhances the academic climate in our city. The Hague is also home to numerous academic institutes in the fields of peace, justice and security for example Clingendael, the Netherlands Institute of International Relations. Moreover we are very proud that we recently became the official second campus of Leiden University. When it comes to studies in the domain of international issues The Hague is the place to be. 3. What is the best thing people can or should learn from each other at World MUN? The best thing people can and should learn from each other at World MUN is that the answer is in diplomacy. 4. How do you hope World MUN 2009 will be looked back upon by The Hague? As a fantastic event where more than 2000 students from all over the world have discovered The Hague as a beautiful, hospitable and bustling city. And of course as an international legal centre. A city that anyone who wants to become someone in the world of international relations just has to have on their CV. 5. Finally, would you like to say something to the delegates? All the very best of luck during the World MUN 2009. Enjoy our beautiful city and above all make sure you come back! Advertisement

6 Today’s Schedule Discovering The Hague at night

Monday, March 23 08.30am - 12.00pm 09.00am - 12.00pm 09.00am - 12.15pm 09.00am - 12.30pm 12.30pm - 02.30pm 12.45pm - 02.15pm 12.45pm - 02.15pm 01.00pm - 02.00pm 02.30pm - 05.30pm 05.45pm - 06.30pm 08.00pm - 09.30pm 08.30pm - 09.30pm 09.00pm - 01.30am

Late Registration Committee Session I (Group A) Committee Session I (Group B) Committee Session I (Group C) Lunch In-conference visits to: • International Criminal Court for the former Yugoslavia WorldMAP Social Venture Challenge UN Youth Representative Session Committee Session II Head Delegate/Faculty Advisor Meeting Buses leave for Global Village Global Village Set-up Global Village

Tuesday, March 24 09.00am - 11.45am 09.00am - 12.00pm 09.00am - 12.15pm 12.15pm - 02.00pm 12.30pm - 01.15pm 12.30pm - 05.30pm

WORLDMUN DAILY MARCH 23, 2009 Volume 1

12.45pm - 01.45pm 02.00pm - 04.00pm 02.00pm - 04.00pm 04.30pm - 06.00pm 05.00pm - 07.00pm 07.00pm - 09.00pm 09.00pm - 01.30am

Committee Session III (Group C) Committee Session III (Group A) Committee Session III (Group B) Lunch Head Delegate/Faculty Advisor Meeting In-conference visits to: • International Criminal Court for the former Yugoslavia • The Special Court for Sierra Leone • The International Court of Justice WorldMAP Career Panel Symposium on International Criminal Law Netherlands Court of Audit Workshop Workshop on International Negotiation Drinks for Diplomacy Committee Dinners Rock Your WorldMUN - Club Night

Lunch time entertainment By Jochem van der Veen You won’t have to be bored during lunch. Today there will be excursions to the International Criminal Court for the former Yugoslavia, if you registered. If you didn’t, you can make your vote count in the Resolution Social Venture Challenge. There will be an opportunity to talk to UN Youth Representatives. The Social Venture Challenge is your opportunity to get funding, advice and an energetic community to support your project. Whether you want to fight climate change or promote educational opportunities, this is your chance to make a tangible difference in the lives and communities who need it most.

Global Village By Danae Mercer Delegates will get to eat, drink and socialize their way through dozens of cultures Monday night at the annual Global Village social event. “I am very excited. Interacting with people before the committee session is the best way to get to know someone… and seeing people dressed up in all the global attire is amazing,” said Shruti Ojha, representative of Trinidad and Tobago. The Global Village, which runs from 20-23:00, allows delegates to showcase their countries in a variety of creative ways. Often delegates offer local food or

By Heleen Struyven You might be very tired after hours of negotiations and discussions in your committee. But after transpiration comes relaxation! The WorldMUN team is very excited to invite you to the multiple social events they organized where you can meet your fellow delegates in a relaxed atmosphere. As you might know, tickets for these events are limited. Here are some alternatives you might consider: - If you like jazz music, you can go to Murphy’s Law (Dr Kuyperstraat 7). Every Monday at 21:00, you can enjoy a live jazz concert, followed by a jam session. Furthermore, you can sit back and relax there every evening with a good glass of wine, a special beer, whiskey or fresh orange juice. - If you like going to the movies, you can go to ‘Filmhuis Den Haag’ (Spui 191), an alternative cinema, with mostly European and non-Western movies, in original version, subtitled in English. If you go there on Tuesday with your WMUN badge, it will only cost you 5,50€ to see an interesting movie of you choice. Find more information at

- Besides that, the Filmhuis is having a “Bulgarian week”, to celebrate the 100 years anniversary of diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and the Netherlands. Every day, a Bulgarian movie will be played and again, as a WMUN delegate, 5,50€ will be sufficient to have a wonderful night. - Saturday, you can attend “The Big Mo English Spoken Show”, an all English-spoken improvisational show, with both native speakers and Dutch actors. WMUN’ers will definitely enjoy the show as it’s the perfect way to have a funny look at the Netherlands. The show is at ‘Theater aan de Haven’ in Scheveningen (Westduinweg 230) at 20:00. You can book tickets at in pre-sale for 12,50€ or for 15€ at the door. - If you like beach parties, you can go to the opening of the Beachclub ‘Wij’ (Strandweg 1) in Scheveningen on Sunday. For only 15€ you will be able to enjoy the vibes of DJs ARshad, Fedor Limjoco, Noelle, Richard, MK, and many more. It’s the perfect last event to attend if you leave on Monday, because the party will only be from 18:00 till midnight. If you have any suggestions for events you would like to share with your fellow delegates, you can always send an e-mail to and we will pass the word!

From 12:45 till 2:15 all eligible submissions will be invited to showcase their proposals to WorldMUN delegates, faculty advisors and judges at the Social Venture. WorldMUN delegates will determine who continues to the grand finale on Wednesday. For those of you who have the ambition to become a UN Youth Representative, if you’re just curious about what they do, there will be a session with Dutch Youth Representative and a former Youth Representative from Thailand. During this session UN Youth Representatives will talk about what you have to do to be the next representative from your country and what tasks are involved. Afterwards you will be able to ask them questions.

drink. Small country-specific trinkets are also popular. Many delegations choose to decorate their tables with flags, artwork, or the colors of their country. “I like all the varieties of sugar,” said Eric Ruchensky, head delegate from Creighton University. “In alcohol, pastry and desert. Any form. I like the sugar and the dancing.” Manuel Rosas, representative of Angola, was also very excited for Global Village. “I like the party. It’s really multicultural. You have all these countries that are actually continents apart, right next to each other.”

“You get a little bit of the world in one night. I think it’s great,” said Rosas. Delegates new to Harvard MUN, like Enno Henrich, grinned when discussing the Global Village. “I’m really looking forward to seeing the exotic countries,” said Henrich. “Of course I plan on going.” The Global Village allows delegates to socialize before getting knee-deep in conference issues and accompanying stress. “It’s so good to have a big party at the beginning so that everyone gets to know each other,” said Imke Rueben, representative of Sierra Leone. It’s truly an event worth attending.

Global Village information • • • •

When: 20:00 – 23:00 Where: Duindigt Dress: If you have a chance, go ahead and change from business professional to fun and casual. No time? No worries. What: Large party where delegates showcase their countries via decorated tables. Most offer food and/or drink.

WORLDMUN DAILY MARCH 23, 2009 Volume 1



Meet the editorial board! Servaas was born on the 9th of July in a small town near Rotterdam. His interests are international politics, diplomacy, sports and journalism, but his real passion is Italy. Servaas is currently studying in Groningen, but in 2008 Servaas spent a half year in Verona, Italy. This 24 year old WorldMUN journalist is always into meeting interesting people from over the world. If you feel like random chatting or telling your biggest secrets, Servaas is your guy. Nothing you tell Servaas will ever be repeated.

Carolien Gerards

Servaas van der Laan Allison Roy is a third year International Relations and Journalism student at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska in the United States. Hailing from Scottsdale, Arizona, She aims to pursue a career in public relations and currently interns at an an internationally-recognized, non-profit art gallery in Omaha. Allison enjoys theatre, yoga and Latin American literature, and is afraid of heights, swans and the words “some assembly required.”

Allison Roy

Heleen Struyven Danae Mercer is a student at Creighton University from Omaha, Nebraska, where she studies Political Science and Journalism. In her free time, Danae enjoys walking on the beach, looking for a playful date that makes her laugh, and doing yoga. Unfortunately, Danae does not have much free time, and thus very few playful dates. Next year, Danae will be studying at Cambridge.

Danae Mercer

Heleen is a 20-year-old Belgian student, happy to come back to her Dutch roots here in The Hague. At the moment, she is studying law in Namur in the French speaking part of Belgium and loves everything that involves public speaking, theater and drama. In her spare time, she loves to travel wherever her feet, a train, car or airplane can get her. As a proud member of the MUN Society Belgium, she is very exciting to report you all on her very first WorldMUN experience. Her ears surprisingly seem to adore listening with great attention to gossip, so if you have some fancy stories or juicy scoops, do not hesitate to a have a chat with her. She might be tall, but she definitely won’t bite! Paula Gil has a degree in International Relations from the University of Coimbra, Portugal, and is now finishing her MA in the Peace Studies Department at the University of Bradford, UK. She always worked closely in simulations and other events of the same kind, either organizing or participating, and at the same time working closely with several NGO’s and other political institutions. Hand in hand with this work, she has always in connection with journalism, participating with several articles in a few newspapers.

Paula Gil Peter Jaap is a strange duck in the bite, because he is studying Business Administration at the University of Groningen. Although some people may find this larry cook, Peter Jaap holds fast to this position. It is me what, those stubbern Dutchies. Especially the ones from the North, where Peter Jaap is originally from. It is not for nothing that he is here in The Hague but he does always get his sin. Furthermore, spring is in the air, although Servaas doesn’t know why.

Peter Jaap Blaakmeer

Martin Vlachynsky Jochem is born in the city of Leiden on March 15, 1985 in the Netherlands. Now 24 years old he is studying Journalism in Zwolle, but lives in Groningen as that is a more vivid city. His interests lie in the field of media in its greatest possible way. You will find him wandering around the world forum and walking in and out your sessions to report on them, stand out and make it to the WorldMUN daily. Obviously Jochem won’t miss out on the parties either, where everybody will get another shot at standing out.

Jochem van der Veen

Carolien was born in Brunssum, a town in the south east of the Netherlands, where as a three year old she tried to convince her parents that she could read (while holding the book upside down). When she was ten, she started her own newspaper together with her best friend in which she scared off her classmates by writing about euthanasia. Today, she still works with the same friend but the magazine developed into a more subtle one ( Carolien is also looking for a room in Strasbourg (France) where she will be doing her masters in International Law next year.

Joep Geurts

Hello, I am Borat! Well, not exactly - my name is Martin, I am 24 and coming from a small town in Slovakia, but since this is my first MUN, I feel a bit like a villager coming to the Big World :) This year I am finishing my economic policy degree on Masaryk University, Brno (Czech Republic). I got to know the idea of MUN just some month ago and I realized I shouldn’t miss such opportunity while there is time, so - here I am. I am interested in economy, politics and history of 20th century (and I love writing about it!), in the evening, fed up with all these, we can speak about old movies, books, travelling, surrealism, bikes, rafting, martial arts, hiking...(and whatever else comes to your minds).

8 Gossip HOROSCOPE By Danae Mercer

Aries: Independent, generous, optimistic, and courageous, you’re going to have a great first day. You’re also known to be moody and short tempered, so you should try to avoid bar fights or heated debates. Your lack of patience for boredom will keep you active today. Taurus: On good days, you’re dependent, loyal, patient and generous. You’re also stubborn, possessive and self-indulgent. You will probably enjoy too much delicious Dutch food and loyally wait for your confused friends to find their way to the restaurant. Gemini: Witty and adaptable, you’re great for new situations and meeting new people. Yet your indecisive nature may make things hard when trying to choose between going out with friends or staying in to draft a resolution (we’ve got a clear answer for

HOW TO WIN AN OSCAR IN SEVEN DAYS By Heleen Struyven Dearest delegates, international negotiation is drama! Today you all have the honor to be the actors of a movie that’s predicted to be a huge hit, entitled: The Hague WorldMUN 2009. According to our reliable sources, filming starts this morning. The script is blank. It is your turn to make the storyline work. With these seven special tips, you will be able to make this movie a box-office sensation! 1) Make sure you impress the casting-director. Since the roles aren’t distributed yet, you have to make all the efforts

DUTCH MANNERS By Servaas van der Laan The WorldMUN delegates, staff and board are well known for their good manners. People speak politely, men hold doors for women and during dinner, the conference participants don’t put their elbows on the table, they don’t talk with food in their mouth and they switch off their mobile phones. This is off course within the World Forum building. When you leave your council you will realise that WorldMUN is a sacred place of well mannered gentlemen and ladies protected by the walls of education. Outside this fortress of civilization lies a wild forest full of Dutch rudeness and vulgarity. Make sure that you won’t end up as a helpless prey in the middle of the arena surrounded by the wild Dutch animals. Read

WORLDMUN DAILY MARCH 23, 2009 Volume 1 you, Gemini. Guess.) Cancer: Try not to be oversensitive and selfabsorbed, as is part of a Cancer’s nature. Use your adaptable skills, responsiveness, and caring nature to woo a special someone. Perhaps today you will meet the love of your life... or maybe just your week.

Libra: Diplomatic, graceful and idealistic, you tend towards the hopeful positive. Remember to keep yourself grounded in reality during day one of conference. You inspire people to make changes and groups tend to respond to you. Use these skills!

Capricorn: Although you can be dictatorial and distrusting, you are a strong friend with many positive characteristics. Your powerful ambition will help motivate you to write new resolutions. Try not to let your need for control get in the way. Sometimes you can’t organize everything... and that’s ok.

Leo: Confident, ambitious, loyal and encouraging, Leo’s pack a strong positive punch. As long as you keep your vain, melodramatic and domineering tendencies in check, you’re sure start off strong with positive and life-changing resolutions.

Scorpio: Known for accomplishing anything you put your mind to, it’s doubtless that today you will play an important role... if you want to! Don’t be too obsessive or manipulative (although a little persuasion never hurt anyone). Also try to work in groups. I know you like your independence, Scorpio, but the UN calls for teams.

Virgo: You should use your analytical and precise nature to research topics for your committee, since that will make you the important know-it-all during conference. Try not to let your skeptical and inflexible nature get in the way. Also watch out that your natural independence doesn’t keep you from being a team player.

Sagittarius: You crave adventure, excitement and change. Freedom matters a lot to you. So pack up your bags during free time and wander the beautiful city! Conversational and friendly, fellow delegates will respond well to you. Let luck take you in its pretty arms and hop on to the next mystery. Also, you are the best sign. I am this sign.

possible to have a leading role. Keep your shoulders straight and speak up clearly so that your message passes. Don’t be afraid to stand up for your rights. But if you don’t know your lines, you might consider being a simple extra, only involved in the ending credits under the name ‘signatories of the resolution’. 2) Dress to impress. As clothes make the man, no historical drama amazes without the right costume. In this movie, it’s better to over-dress than to underdress, if you wish to be noticed by the crew. 3) Your director is the director of the movie. Try to have an objective relation with him/her by keeping distance. Don’t try to use your charisma and sex-appeal.

An innocent flirt might lead you to disaster and STD… 4) Now it’s time to choose your style. Do you prefer method acting, by feeling truly the vibes of your country? Or do you prefer to fake it, as faking can be a natural ability and effortless way of acting for some of you. 5) The art of overacting is another issue of great importance. You will be playing in scenes with at least 192 characters, so if you want to stand out, you might consider exaggerating to make you point. And even if you have nothing to say, just amuse the plebs. At some moments of the film, they will be happy to applaud every single joke you make.

6) If the discussions got stuck, you might consider doing the unexpected: do a Hillary! How? Just do a speech, respond to a question and burst pathetically into tears. The crowd will love you and applaud your competence and humanity. 7) After a few days of filming, the basic storyline is set: the audience knows the characters and is waiting for the twist… Will there be a happy ending, with handshakes and kisses? Or will it rather become an action movie, with fights and sweating bodies. Or will it be a complete horror experience, with tears and – ooo my God – no resolution in the end?

the following carefully and you will learn how to fight the rude Cloggies like a wellmannered gladiator in the Colosseum of the Netherlanders. When being introduced to someone for the first time your Dutch enemy will mumble his name followed by barely audible “aangenaam” which means “pleasant”. He will not ask you how you’re doing, but he will shake your hand, make sure that your hand won’t get strangled and that the expression on your face remains bored and indifferent. When you meet a longer-term friend three kisses on the cheek are appropriate (except for male to male). The problem is that there aren’t any rules for this procedure. As nobody knows on which cheek to give the first kiss often people get seriously injured by bumping their nose

against somebody’s forehead. To avoid this kind of awkward situations just grab the Lowlander by his head and give him a long and passionate kiss on his mouth. He will appreciate it, believe me. When invited for a dinner in a restaurant, don’t expect that your host will pay it for you. Make sure to be on time if you want to be invited again. Behave well during dinner! Netherlanders may be rude, but they do have table manners. Be polite and decent whilst eating, but shout, yell and throw beers (the so called “strepen”) when you go to ‘de kroeg’ (the bar) afterwards. When you are really good at something don’t expect to receive any regards for it. Dike-landers don’t like people that don’t fit in the common profile. When Pope John Paul II visited Holland in 1985 he was welcomed by street riots, demonstrations

and protests. Prime Minister Lubbers explained; “The Pope came here as a man higher than others. That is not the Dutch way.” So don’t offend a Lowlander by being really talented or by having a lot of money. Just live you’re normal life, drive the same car as your neighbour and wear the same suit as you’re father in law. Just don’t be special because you will die from loneliness surrounded by a wall of turned backs. The best way to handle, my dear well educated WorldMUN gentlemen and ladies, is to avoid any contact with any of those hunting wild men from outside of this castle. If you unfortunately happen to meet one, act as I told you, or just run away, this in a very elegant way off course. Good night….and good luck…

A DIPLOMAT’S 1-2-3 GUIDE TO INNER PEACE By Allison Roy & Danae Mercer Every Model UN devotee knows how stressful a day of politick-

Aquarius: The sign of visionaries, you tend to pave your own way. You like to think. Use these skills and research some important topics. Get the know. This will help you stave off boredom, which you have little patience for. Go learn something and become important! Pisces: Compassionate and adaptable, you feel strongly for humanitarian issues. You don’t take well to leadership positions due to your sensitive nature. Try acting as a secretary or assisting someone on a document. Your love of poetry and music may give an interesting spin to after-hours caucusing.

Are you ready? Action!

ing can be. Between waving placards frantically, racing to write a resolution before your rival and wooing a special certain delegate on the dance floor, intense Model UNing can leave muscles tied up in knots, shoulders hunched and spirits drained of charisma.

right leg behind you and settle into a deep lunge. Stretch your arms away from your shoulders and parallel to the floor, palms down. Hold pose for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side. Warrior II pose stretches legs and core, improves stamina and promotes the feeling of strength.

Try these three simple yoga stretches in the early in the morning and before bed to help keep you alert, composed, fit and stress-free during the week:

3. Ardha Kurmasana (Half Tortoise Pose) – Sit kneeling, feet tucked comfortably underneath. Raise and straighten your arms overhead, placing palms together,. Reach your arms up as high as you can and inhale fully. On the exhale bend forward slowly until your fingertips and forehead touch the floor. Keep your hips down on your heels and your eyes open. Half Tortoise is a restorative pose that increases life span and relaxes the mind. Bikram Choudhury founder of the famous practice of “hot yoga,” says that 30 minutes in this posture can provide the same benefits to the body as sleeping for a full eight hours.

1. Vrksasana (Tree Pose) – Standing straight on the left leg, bend the right leg and place the right foot high on the left thigh. Hold your hands in prayer position at your chest as you balance. Repeat pose two to three times on both legs. Tree Pose strengthens the calves, thighs, ankles and back and improves balance and concentration. 2. Virabhadrasana (Warrior II Pose) – Standing with feet about 1.5 meters apart, bend your left knee directly over your left toes, extend your

So here you have the Model UNer’s 1-2-3 guide to a week of stress-free, sharp and successful diplomacy. Good luck and keep those chakras strong!

COLOPHON Editor in chief Servaas van der Laan (University of Groningen)

Editors Danae Mercer (Creighton University)

Allison Roy (Creighton University)

Heleen Struyven (MUN Society Belgium)

Joep Geurts

(University of Eindhoven)

Paula Gil

(Bradford University)

Jochem van der Veen (University of Groningen)

Martin Vlachynsky (Masaryk University)

Eelke Boezeman (Radboud University)

Carolien Gerards (Radboud University)

Design Peter Jaap Blaakmeer

(University of Groningen)

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