Word and Image – An Eternal Theme from a Designer’s Perspective Lecture Notes 7th of October 2015, Taipei, Taiwan Prof. Michael Renner, Visual Communication Institute The Basel School of Design HGK FHNW Basel, Switzerland michael.renner@fhnw.ch Manuscript not for print publication
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Prelude Introduction to Word and Image – The Missing Link A poster for the Swiss Architecture Museum (SAM) by Jiri Oplatek Drawing Processes and Image-Schema Figuration and Image-Schema Diagrammatic Images: Variations of the relationship of Word and Image The Spoken Word and Typography Conclusion
In the first part of this lecture I will give a short overview of key experiences that I consider to be responsible for my interest in the theme of Word and image. My experience in the practice of visual communication can be summarized in 4 phases.
Exploring Digital Tools
After finishing my Graphic Design education at the Basel School of Design where I studied with Armin Hofmann, Wolfgang Weingart and many other exceptional personalities, I went to San Francisco in 1986. It was the time when Apple Computer and Adobe worked on the first PostScript applications. This technological progress allowed the description of forms with Bezier Curves. I was hired by Apple Computer in Cupertino to experiment with an alpha version of what we know today as Illustrator, which was called Picasso at the time. It was my task to explore the visual possibilities that these new tools promised