Sri Lankan President opens 29th APR and Sri Lanka Centenary Scout Jamboree ...story on page 7
President of Sri Lanka, Mahinda Rajapaksa shook hands with the participants of the 29th APR Scout Jamboree. (Photo Credit: Githendra Liyanage & Udaya Kumara Karthik)
Regional Scout Committee decides on conference-related issues
Scouting looks into young people with special needs
Japanese Rover Scout reaches Baden Powell Scout Peak
Recognition of adult leaders serving Hong Kong Scouting
Leaders of NSOs in Southeast Asia to support potential countries
President of Sri Lanka opens 29th APR Scout Jamboree
29th APR Scout Jamboree photos
WHAT WE DO BEST Scouts say no to drugs
Bangladesh conducts financial management workshop
Singapore President Tony Tan returns to Scouting
Aidan Jones, World Scout Bureau Chief Operating Officer
• Youth for Change International Workshop • Young Adult Members Group Nomination
OTHER SCOUTING STORIES Philippines supports safe Scouting
Regional Scout Committee decides on conference-related issues
EDITORIAL BOARD Mr Abdullah Rasheed Adviser Ms Luz Taray Editor
The Asia Pacific Regional Scout Committee met on 21-22 April 2012 in Dhaka, Bangladesh and finalized matters related to the forthcoming Regional Scout Conference to be held in Dhaka in November 2012. After the Chairman of the Host Organizing Committee (HOC) Habibul Alam presented the progress report, it was decided that the educational tour plan will not only be a “ train journey “ to the Sylhet region but as a memorable journey to see the real life situation of the sub continent. The committee also approved the final conference agenda and special guest package fee of US$125 per person for Scout leaders and guests who are coming for special events such as the APR Foundation Fellowship Gathering, ATAS/APES Gathering and the awarding ceremony.
Mr S Prassanna Shrivastava Mr Syd Castillo Mr Thian Hiong Boon Associate Editors Theresa E. Quine Managing Editor & Designer PO Box 4050, MCPO 1280 Makati City, Philippines e-mail: Subscription rate for one year: US$12.00 inclusive of postage
APR Inbox Monthly e-Newsletter of World Scout Bureau/APR.
The committee looked into the facilities of the conference venue – Bangladesh International Convention Centre and the APR Youth Forum will now be held at BRAC Centre for Development Management in Savar. Earlier, some committee members visited the Mouchak National Training Centre for the Leader Training Course where major renovations are underway and planned to be completed in September.
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With the conference registration being fixed on 31 July, the Committee urges all National Scout Organizations to complete their registration for the conference, the Youth Forum and Leader Training Course as early as possible. Conference registration has started since 1st February. Participants can register on line or download the registration form from the website and submit it electronically or by fax/mail with NSO endorsement. Details on conference registration and recommended hotels are available on the conference website.
Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Foundation
The committee also approved three discussion topics for the Youth Forum, chosen from responses in the on-line bulletin boards. An exciting full package for accompanying persons was endorsed by the committee to include visits to historical, cultural and development institutions.
Your contributions go a long way in funding more Scouts working directly with the community. For more details, email us at
Apart from the regular agenda, the
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committee took note of the Committee NSO Visit (CNV) annual progress report from Bharat Scouts and Guides, India which was presented by the National Commissioner Mr. L. M. Jain. The Committee also took note of the interim report of the 29th APR Jamboree held in Sri Lanka and the intention of both Korea and Thailand to bid for the Asia Pacific Regional Scout Conference in 2015. The committee also took note of eight nominations for the Regional Scout Committee election to be circulated to member countries shortly. At the meeting, President of Bangladesh Scouts Mohamed Abdul Karim welcomed the APR Scout Committee and expressed confidence that Bangladesh Scouts will do its best. In addition, National Chief Commissioner Mr Abdul Kalam Azad met and welcomed the RSC members. 1st Vice Chairman Dr. Mukhyuddin bin Sarwani chaired the meeting on behalf of Chairman Jejomar C Binay. World Scout Committee member Mr. Eric Khoo was also present. On 18th April, two days before the RSC meeting, members of the Host Organizing Committee and the regional team had a dry run of the educational tour to the Tea Estate Resort in Sylhet, including a cultural show of Scouts from Srimongol tribal areas. The HOC is planning and preparing to host around 600 participants, accompanying persons and special guests.
Scouting looks into young people with special needs With great excitement, over 30 participants from Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka arrived in Perth, Western Australia for the APR Workshop on Scouting with Special Needs held from 6th to 9th April 2012to share knowledge, develop ideas, and commit to act. The participants and staff gathered in the first evening of the event not only to savor the marvelous meals prepared by a group of volunteers from WA Branch of Scouts Australia but also to enjoy the songs provided by Catch Music, a community of young people with special needs. That evening was their first gig ever. Participants and staff were a delightful audience who applauded with gusto. Abdullah Rasheed, the Regional Director, welcomed the participants and thanked them for taking part in the workshop and wishing them success. Peter Blatch, the Workshop Coordinator, also welcomed everyone, and highlighted the importance of the workshop and to have fun. The integration of young people with special needs in Scouting is not a new idea but it was the vision and wisdom of the Founder of Scouting Baden-Powell to give chance to these people to be active citizens and have fun using the Scouting programs, and help to make the world treat them better. Many sessions were delivered and ‘hard talk’ happened in small groups, which led all participants
to think about the purpose of the workshop and share in patrols their thoughts on program development for young people with special needs in Scouting. During group photo time, the participants simulated the experiences of a blind person. The participants paired up and one member of the pair donned blanked out goggles. Each ‘blind person’ was led by their partner across the car park, up a hill, across what might have been the busiest street in Perth, over the lawn, and to the gardens outside of Western Australia’s Parliament House. At the end of the workshop, thirteen recommendations came up under three areas: training, networking/resources and program activities. One of the recommendations was to organize a similar workshop in 2014. The workshop concluded well with the support of Reg Williams, the National Commissioner, Peter Blatch, John Clarck and Sheridan Bunney who was the Workshop Director, with Abdullah Rasheed and Farouk Boraoui from the Asia-Pacific Regional office.
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Japanese Rover Scout reaches Baden Powell Scout Peak Japanese Rover Masaki Nagashima was the first Scout
The villages dotting the trail remained
this year who successfully
pristine and untouched by modernity. The
reached the Baden Powell Scout
Baden Powell Scout Peak was named after
Peak, which is 5,890 meters
the Lord Baden Powell of Gilwell as Nepal
above sea level. The message
Scouts’ own way of commemorating the
was confirmed by team leader
100 years of World Scouting in 2007.
Naresh Maharjan directly from the base camp on 2nd March 2012. Nagashima, who was with another Japanese Rover, team leader Nepali Naresh Maharjan and three other sherpas, started their expedition on 23rd February with a send-off ceremony organized by Nepal Tourism in Bhadrakali which noted that this expedition was the first for 2012. In the past, 22 Scouts from Australia, Korea, Finland, Nepal, Singapore and Scouts of China have already reached the Baden Powell Scout Peak and were given “Baden Powell Scout Peak Climber Badge.” A total of 45 Scouts from Bangladesh, India, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Sri Lanka also took part and received a “Certificate of Participation.” Baden Powell Scout Peak is a mushroom shaped mountain situated in the Langtang region where the trail is located offthe-beaten-track, away from the usual trekking crowd.
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Japanese Rover Nagashima with his groupmates celebrating their victory.
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Recognition of adult leaders serving Hong Kong Scouting In the WOSM Policy of “Adults in Scouting”, it is stated that “each adult must receive direct support – technical, educational, material, moral or personal – whenever required…..they need to be encouraged, listened to, guided and supported.” In Hong Kong, adult leaders are fortunate to receive good support in their Scouting life. The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) has provided a wide range of resources to encourage individuals and organizations in carrying out volunteer work. Hong Kong has a long history of volunteer services with wide coverage and indepth penetration. Volunteers receive encouragements in various schemes of the HKSAR Government, including the “Hong Kong Volunteer Award” and the “Secretary for Home Affairs’ Commendation Scheme”. The Social Welfare Department of the HKSAR Government set up a central office for Volunteer in September 1997 to encourage volunteer service in a more coordinated manner. The “Volunteer Movement” was formally launched in 1998, with a variety of encouraging schemes. For instance, the “Hong Kong Volunteer Award” will be awarded to volunteers, according
to their accumulated number of service hours annually. The Volunteer Movement Participating Organizations could nominate individual volunteer or family volunteer teams for the Bronze, Silver or Gold certificates in accordance with their service hours, i.e., 200 service hours for Gold Award, 100 service hours for Silver Award and 50 service hours for Bronze Award. Organizations will also be awarded certificate according to the service hours accumulated by their members. In 2010, more than 22 million service
hours of volunteer service were recorded in Hong Kong. During that year, Scout Association of Hong Kong alone contributed 3.4 million services hours, with 3,067 Gold, 1,312 Silver, and 1,415 Bronze Award recipients. The Secretary for Home Affairs’ Commendation Scheme was established in 2002 and aims to commend Hong Kong citizens for their long term dedication towards training and development of youths in uniformed groups, distinguished community services, or support to the promotion of culture and sports. Each year, around ten adult leaders are awarded the Secretary for Home Affairs’ Commendation in recognition their valuable contributions in the development of young people and their selfless dedication. With around 40 Commendation recipients annually from the eleven uniform groups, the Scout Association of Hong Kong has been granted a remarkable recognition. -- Scout Association of Hong Kong
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Leaders of NSOs in Southeast Asia to support potential countries National Scout Organizations in southeast Asia had a two-day gathering in Chiangmai, Thailand on 12th April 2012 for the 3rd Conference of the ASEAN Scout Associations for Regional Co-operation (ASARC). The ASARC was established in 2007 at the initial meeting in Malaysia for the purpose of sharing resources and jointly organizing Scouting activities and programmes. The meeting was chaired by outgoing Chairman Dr. Azrul Azwar and the conference was declared open by the Senator and Chairman of the Senate Standing Committee on Education Honourable Mr. Siriwat Kraisin, accompanied by the Vice Governor of Chiang Mai Province. Senator and 2nd Vice Chairperson of Senate Committee Dr. Nareewan Chintakanond gave the keynote speech highlighting the readiness of Thailand to enter the ASARC community. Reports of the 3rd ASEAN Jamboree and the 2nd ASARC conference held in Indonesia in 2008 were presented. Second Vice Chairman of the Regional Scout Committee Prakorb Mukura and
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Regional Director Abdullah Rasheed briefed on the ways ASARC, as a sub regional group, could support the development of Scouting in non-member countries. Key Scout leaders of all seven ASARC member countries were present led by Chief Commissioners including the Chief Scout of Malaysia Dato Dr. Shafie Salleh. In addition, Vietnam was represented by the key leaders of the two scouting groups, which are currently operating in Vietnam. The leaders agreed to support establishing Scouting in Laos with the help of Cambodia and Thailand will support Vietnam. Efforts of Scouts Australia in supporting Timor Leste was highlighted. The key leaders also agreed to organize within the next two years more youth activities among the ASARC countries, youth roundtable gatherings, Rover Moot and COMDECA. They also agreed to hold another Leader Training Course following the first course held in Indonesia last November. Another resolution was to organize a workshop
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Thailand Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra together with the key leaders of National Scout Organizations in southeast Asia.
on the concept and working model of school-based Scouting to be hosted by Malaysia and the development of Scout properties to be hosted by the Philippines. For the next three years, the conference endorsed the nomination of the Chief Commissioner of Malaysia Dato Shahrum as the new Chairman of ASARC with Mr Sutham Phanthusak as the Treasurer. The conference also adopted its logo, its membership badge and agreed that all members of the ASARC to wear the badge on their Scout uniform. The conference also agreed to hold the next ASARC conference in the Philippines in 2015.
President of Sri Lanka opens 29th APR and Sri Lanka Centenary Scout Jamboree The 29th Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Jamboree was held from 1-6 April 2012 at the historic city of Dambulla in a festive mood with colorful cultural dances. The very lively Jamboree song was performed live by Bhathiya and Santhush, two young persons who are among the biggest names among the Sri Lankan music lovers. The Jamboree, organized by the Sri Lanka Scouts Association in cooperation with the Asia-Pacific Region of the World Organization of the Scout movement, was the major activity to celebrate the 100 years of Scouting in Sri Lanka. Also, it was the first-ever international Jamboree with such a large foreign contingent to be held in the country. Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapaksa opened the Jamboree. The Chief Commissioner of Sri Lanka Scouts Association, who was the Camp Chief, gave the welcome address and introduced the countries participated: Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Scouts of China, Hong Kong, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kiribati, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Thailand, Macau, Maldives Girl Guides Association, Libya, Saudi Arabia, UK and local Scouts representing the 36 districts.
also called upon National Scout Organizations to make use of the Messenger of Peace Initiative to promote peace. Key leaders from the region present during the occasion were Eric Khoo, member World Scout Committee; and sub-committee representatives Janaprith Fernando, Jose Eduardo Delgado, Shinya Mizuta, Rajalingam Ramasamy, Col. Shah Ali, members of the APR Management Sub-Committee and Members of the Programme Sub-Committee in addition to large groups of
ATAS and APES members. The Chief Commissioners of Korea and Maldives together with the International Commissioners of Singapore and Maldives were among the key leaders. The President released a commemorative centenary coin in the presence of the Governor of Central Bank which will be issued as a circulating coin. The first day cover for the centenary of Scouting was also released in the presence of the Post Master General of Sri Lanka. In 1912 Francis George Stevenson, a prominent planter, introduced Scouting in Sri Lanka. A Scout group was established in Christ Church College in Matale. Founder of Scouting, Baden Powell, visited Sri Lanka twice. -- Photos by Githendra Liyanage & Udaya Kumara Karthik
The Chairman of the Asia-Pacific Region, represented by Dr Mohammed Mukhyuddin Bin Sarwani, gave inspiration to more than 7,000 young people from 23 countries and World Scout Committee Chairperson Simon Rhee congratulated the Sri Lankan Scouts for organizing this major event and urged the progress of Scouting in Sri Lanka and in the region. He said that the Asia-Pacific Region is an important part of world Scouting that has great potential for growth, and the diversity of the region is its greatest strength. He
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Scouts say
Gerakan Pramuka Indonesia teamed up with the Drug-Free World Foundation to provide education to young people not to fall into drug abuse. The partnership was made during the Drug-Free Training of Trainers at the National Training Centre in Jakarta from 3rd to 4th March 2012 where 57 Scout leaders were equipped to coach and spread a variety of information about the dangers of drug abuse to their Scout units. GP had a Memorandum of Understanding with the national narcotics agency to assist young people who are recovering from drug abuse in rehabilitation centers or are still serving their sentences in correctional institutions. Foundation representative Gary Bromwell said that this was the first time the foundation was partnering with a Scout association and was happy about it. Bromwell
added that the foundation enjoyed its cooperation with GP since it was an educational movement that has the biggest Scout population in the world. In his remarks, GP Vice Chairman Prof. Jana Anggadiredja, said “GP as an educational movement contributes in building positive character through its programme” and highlighted that in Indonesia, the issue on drug abuse has already reached a critical point and GP was taking this challenge to partner with the agency that works for a drug-free community. -- Berthold Sinaulan, APR Honorary Correspondent, Indonesia
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Bangladesh conducts financial management workshop The first national workshop on Building
who said that the workshop was a
Financial Management organized
good opportunity to assist leaders
by Bangladesh Scouts gathered 48
in exploring new avenues to build
participants from different districts across
financial capabilities and managing
the country from 3rd to 5th February
2012. The main goal of the workshop was to equip leaders with skills on
National Commissioner (CD) Mr.
financial management.
Moh’d Tauhidul Islam directed the workshop, assisted by Deputy
Bangladesh Scouts Chief National
national commissioner Mr Mohammad
Commissioner Mr. Md. Abul Kalam Azad
Abdul Wazed. Other topics covered
presented the overview of Bangladesh
were accounting and audit system
Scouts financial management policy
and budget format of a voluntary organization.
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Singapore President Tony Tan returns to Scouting
Singapore Scouting welcomed President Tony Tan Keng Yam as the new Chief Scout in a special gathering on 25th February 2012 at the east coast of Singapore. The ceremony called “Adiji (Welcome) Chief Scout” was attended by 5,000 Scouts across the country to greet and welcome President Tan as Singapore’s 7th Chief Scout. By tradition, the Head of State of Singapore is invited to be the Chief Scout. Chief Commissioner Tan Cheng Kiong said “President Tan is no stranger to Scouting. He was an active Scout in his student days in this school at St. Patrick School and then in University of Malaya. Therefore, we will be celebrating not only his appointment as our new Chief Scout, but also his homecoming to Scouting.” Mr Ong Teong Wa, a member of the University Rover Crew at the same time as President Tan, shared “The President was an active Rover in 1958 and 1959. He rarely missed an activity. We were a closely knit group from different faculties and countries, enjoying the worldwide brotherhood of Scouting together.” Mr Ong is currently serving the movement as a member of the Scout Council and is a Life Member of the Scout Guild. The event also featured a display of core Scouting skills such as camp craft, pioneering and outdoor cooking in addition to games and competitions enjoyed by the participants. -- Caleb Cheah, APR Honorary Correspondent, Singapore
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Aidan Jones,World Scout
Bureau Chief Operating Officer Aidan Jones has been appointed as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) for the World Scout Bureau Central Office. Aidan began his Scouting 40 years ago as a Cub Scout in the UK and has been actively involved ever since. In the winter of 1989/90, Aidan joined the volunteer team at Kandersteg International Scout Centre, before becoming the Assistant Director for 2 years and the Director for 4 years. Aidan then spent the whole of 1997 in New Zealand before returning to Europe to take on the role of Director of Administration and Finance in the European Scout Office. In 1999, Aidan joined the UK Scout Association as Assistant Director, Programme and Development and in 2003, Aidan was appointed as the Executive Director for the 21st World Scout Jamboree held in 2007 to celebrate the Centenary of Scouting. In October 2008, Aidan joined WorldSkills London 2011 and as its Chief Executive he was responsible for the successful delivery of the largest ever international showcase of vocational and practical skills.
World Scout Committee Meeting
Members of the World Scout Committee had its meeting under snowy environment at the Kandersteg International Scout Centre in Switzerland from 9th to 11th March 2012. The agenda included the report of the Secretary General, in which he reported on his recent visits to a number of NSOs and Regions; reports from the Finance, Audit and Constitutions Committees and the Membership Task Force; approval of terms of reference for the Human Rights Task Force and a Digital Strategy Task Force; and reports on progress made in the Communications and External Relations area and on the World Scout Shop. The WSC also received the final report on the 22nd World Scout Jamboree in Sweden, and progress reports from the Host Organizations of forthcoming world events
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Youth for Change International Workshop 14- 16 September 2012, Thailand
Youth for Change is one of the four priorities set by the World Scout Committee for the triennium 20112014. Youth for Change defines the scope of Youth Involvement widely to include youth empowerment and participation/engagement, active citizenship, inter-generational dialogue, advocacy and life skills. The intent is to assist young people to gain the ability and authority to participate in decision-making processes and to effect change in their society. The World Scout Bureau, in collaboration with the National Scout Organization of Thailand (NSOT) and the Asia-Pacific Regional Office, is organising a global workshop on Youth for Change in Bangkok, Thailand on 14- 16 September 2012. The aim of the workshop is to
offer the participants an opportunity to explore the key topics included in the Youth for Change concept, and the resources, knowledge and skills needed to enhance effective Youth Involvement within NSO and WOSM structures. The participants are expected to arrive on 13 September and to depart on 17 September 2012. The maximum number of participants is 40. Eligible participants include volunteers or professional staff working at National or Regional level on Youth for Change related issues (Youth Programme, Youth Involvement, Youth Work, Community Action).
Young Adult Members Group Nomination Asia-Pacific Region is currently inviting National Scout Organizations to
Members of the current YAMG
nominate a young person for the Young Adult Members Group (YAMG)
will complete their term at the
for 2012-2015. The nominee should be under 23 years old at the time
forthcoming 7th APR Youth Forum in
of election to fulfill the age limit of 26 at the succeeding Youth Forum.
November 2012. Six young people will be elected at the forum, out of which, the Chairman will be elected and becomes an ex-officio member of the Regional Scout Committee. The other five will serve in the five sub-committees. Deadline for nominations is on 15 August 2012. For details, see regional circular at under resource centre 2012 circulars.
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Photo credit: 22nd World Scout Jamboree Sweden 2011’s photostream
Photo credit: 22nd World Scout Jamboree Sweden 2011’s photostream
Philippines supports safe Scouting True to its commitment to safe Scouting, the Boy Scouts of the Philippines organized its 1st Risk and Safety Management Workshop in Davao City, Philippines from 21st to 24th February 2012, participated by 120 Scout leaders from different parts of the country. The group of participants who came was a good blend of professional Scout executives and volunteers working directly in the areas of programme and training who actually tried the high adventure-based activities of the 5th National Scout Venture, an event coinciding with the workshop to have an actual risk identification by themselves. At the end of the workshop, participants understood how a risk management policy is an integral part of the National Scout Organization’s culture, practices and processes. The Guideline on Risk Management Policy created at the regional level was shared during the workshop as
a reference document. Regional and national leaders present at the workshop were APR Membership Growth Sub-Committee member and BSP Senior Vice-President Wendel Avisado, APR Programme Sub-Committee ViceChairman Mr Rajalingam Ramasamy and BSP Secretary General Mr JR Pangilinan who delivered the message on behalf of Regional Scout Committee Chairman and BSP National President Jejomar C Binay. Field Operations Director Rogelio S Villa, Jr. was the Workshop Director, assisted by Program and Adult Resources Development Executive Yasser F Sarona and other BSP’s top leader trainers. Major topics covered were young people’s rights, child protection, keeping Scouts safe from harm and risk management process. BSP plans to hold the similar workshop in other parts of the country in April and May before finalizing BSP national risk management policy in Scouting second quarter of this year.
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APR Specialist Panel This concept paper is about forming the ì APR Specialists Panel,î a team of experts who are prepared to provide services/ support in the areas of Youth Programme, Adults in Scouting, Communication and Marketing, IT, Fundraising experts, Governance and Strategy, Management, Event management, Consulting and need analysis etc. Members of this panel have the competencies, knowledge, skills and experience to provide formal consultancy service to NSOs at national and regional level.
Concept for NSOs services The APR Management SubCommittee has developed a concept paper on Services from National Scout Organizations emphasizing the services provided by NSOs to its members in the context of today’s customer-oriented world. The paper is prepared as a ready reference for NSOs in understanding their customers and strengthening their services.
Scouting in the Asia-Pacific Region This audio-video production is a 10-minute video showcasing the Scouting in the Asia-Pacific Region.
Guideline on Risk Management Policy Using this handbook as a guide, NSOs will be able to learn how to develop a National Risk Management Policy, a reference document for the Volunteers and Staff of the National Scout Organizations that will define their objectives and commitment on risk management.
Guidelines on Fundraising Fundraising guidelines is designed as a practical tool to develop the capacity of National Scout Organizations to raise funds effectively.
Membership Growth Guidelines Membership Growth Guidelines is a tool to develop a membership growth plan, which includes strategies to guide National Scout Organizations through the process of developing strategies that affect them.
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Volume 44
Asia-Pacific Scouting
Volume 38 • No. 5